Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

2014-02-17 Thread shaun everiss

I agree tom.
In the early days I had a lot of stuff I did not buy.
Most of that has been replaced with free or low cost stuff.
I hardly buy anything, games etc I may buy once a year if that 
because of the price.

One of my pet peevs are that prices for some things have been a bit high.
The apple system solves that.
The big issue is getting in.
To get in at least  in new zealand, its 4-6000 for a mac at least in 
one of the computer places I checked out, granted its fully loaded 
but who has that much unless you do.

its at least 1000 or more for an iphone or something.
Now if you can afford the initial headake every so often to keep your 
devices supported, software including the os really is quite small.

1-10 dollars in general for apps some are more.
30 or so dollars for a mac system os upgrade on a computer and 
nothing for the phones.
On the other end of the scale, pcs can be got for as little as 400 
straight up, ofcause its about 700-1000 for a good or reasonable 
laptop, and true you don't get all the power of a mac, but still its cheaper.

Prices for pc apps can get up there though.

At 08:17 PM 2/16/2014, you wrote:

Hi Valiant,

Well, I certainly do think the fact that the Draconis titles are being
released for a new market does have some effect on sales. After all,
it is easier to make a lot of money when there aren't several other
companies to compete with in the same target market. However, I don't
believe that is the one and only factor why Draconis's sales are so
high on Mac.

Another very prominent reason is basic security. As Josh and others
have stated time and time again the Apple Store is a very good way to
secure a developer's work from being pirated/stolen. That is more
people on Mac is likely to be an honest customer than on Windows.
Windows software on the other hand has a much more likely risk of
being pirated, cracked, and stolen obviously bringing sales down.

Last but not least, I think the cost has a lot to do with it. Ever
since releasing Change Reaction 2 and Silver Dollar Draconis has been
bringing the price of their games down to something like $9.99. Lower
costs generally means more sales from honest customers who can afford
the software. Even I have plans to buy both as soon as finances will
allow. However, my point is that if a company sets a price that most
people can and will pay then sales will usually go up.


On 2/15/14, valiant8086 wrote:
 Have you taken into account the possibility that your numbers are as
 they are because your windows releases are on a platform that's been
 getting games, while not as many as we'd all like, for a long time, and
 your releases on mac are dropping into a big gaping black hole of people
 who have been clamoring for games for all this time? Of course we see
 the gravitation toward thinking of iOS as a good gaming platform also as
 you've said if I'm not mistaken affects all this, but that's not really
 in line with my thoughts right now. By that I don't mean I disagree with
 that too I'm just thinking about windows sales vs.mac exclusively here.
 Thinking about myself, I wanted to buy your mac games for my 2010 mac
 book air, which I don't use for much more than trying to stay familiar
 with mac so I know in my own mind how they compare and can try to help
 friends out with mac questions on occasion. I heard about your mac
 releases and I wanted to go buy them just to say thank you for giving us
 something to play besides RSGames on mac OS. I haven't done this yet,
 but I haven't bought any games in quite a while except a couple of 1
 dollar games on iOS.

 but my thinking is, you have people excited to be able to play on mac,
 and curious how well you guys made it work. Could that have inflated
 your sales a bit?

 Granted, it doesn't really change the point, the fact would still be
 that you're selling more games on MAC and the people you're selling to
 on that platform are more involved, I think that's what you mean about
 the demographics anyway. Just something I wondered about.

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Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

2014-02-17 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Shaun,

Well, I won't deny the initial upfront costs for Mac's are rather
expensive no matter where you live, but in the long run a user does
save money on software upgrades. VoiceOver comes with the OS meaning
there are no $1,000 more upfront fees for a screen reader, no
expensive SMAs to pay, and Mac OS upgrades are rather affordable
provided you have the hardware. There are a lot of free and open
source apps that have been ported to Mac OS which means in terms of
apps Mac can be a rather affordable solution from a software angle.

Of course, right now there is not a great deal of accessible games for
Mac, but that is more due to a lack of developers than decent
technologies. I know that OpenAL, from experience, is every bit as
good as DirectSound and XAudio2, and is available on Mac. As a result
high quality FPS games could be developed with state-of-the-art 5.1
surround sound.  SFML is an awesome game programming API, and SDL is
reasonable as well for basic game development. There is the Java game
APIs such as Jinput, Joal, Jogl, etc which means that there are plenty
of Java APIs for developing games on Mac. Point being, the
technologies for Mac are out there all we need is more developers like
Draconis to develop games for Mac.

One thing I do agree with is Draconis's marketing strategy regarding
Mac OS. They could have probably really soaked the blind Mac community
with games that cost $20 or more, but didn't. On the contrary they
brought the cost of their games like Silver Dollar and Change Reaction
down to under $10 which means more people would be willing to buy
them, and as a result they have flooded the blind Mac user community
with low cost and affordable games. Simple games to be sure, but they
are high quality and affordable on anyone's budget.

Moreover they have put the time and effort into developing a game
engine which should make developing future titles for Mac a breeze.
They will help keep the costs down while making turn around times for
development of new and old titles fairly quick. So I expect to see
great things from Josh and others on the Mac front in the not too
distant future.

I think that one thing that will help Mac in terms of games is future
compatibility. ?What I mean by that is a lot of games for Windows are
for various reasons nearing the end of life in terms of technical
support because the languages and APIs they use are seriously out of
date. Most of the Draconis titles, for example, are inherited from
James North who wrote them in VB 6, using DirectX 8, for an entirely
different era of computers running Win 95, 98, and XP. Now that Josh
is rewriting them from scratch in C++ they will be more compatible
with Mac OS without any of the issues of compatibility plaguing their
VB 6 titles for Windows. The same will hold true for any other
developer who chooses to follow their example and start over with a
clean slate so to speak. It may take some time for us to see the
number of games for Mac currently available for Windows, but in the
end they will likely be more stable and more compatible than those we
see on the Windows side of the equation.


On 2/16/14, shaun everiss wrote:
 I agree tom.
 In the early days I had a lot of stuff I did not buy.
 Most of that has been replaced with free or low cost stuff.
 I hardly buy anything, games etc I may buy once a year if that
 because of the price.
 One of my pet peevs are that prices for some things have been a bit high.
 The apple system solves that.
 The big issue is getting in.
 To get in at least  in new zealand, its 4-6000 for a mac at least in
 one of the computer places I checked out, granted its fully loaded
 but who has that much unless you do.
 its at least 1000 or more for an iphone or something.
 Now if you can afford the initial headake every so often to keep your
 devices supported, software including the os really is quite small.
 1-10 dollars in general for apps some are more.
 30 or so dollars for a mac system os upgrade on a computer and
 nothing for the phones.
 On the other end of the scale, pcs can be got for as little as 400
 straight up, ofcause its about 700-1000 for a good or reasonable
 laptop, and true you don't get all the power of a mac, but still its
 Prices for pc apps can get up there though.

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Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

2014-02-16 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Shaun,

Yes and no. Accessibility on Windows 8.1 varies from screen reader to
screen reader and I am not all that happy with the way Jaws in
particular handles certain things. I am more happy with the
accessibility of Windows 8.1 with NVDA 2013.3 and Window-Eyes 8.4.

I'm mainly just pointing this out that a lot of users may complain
about access issues such as Valiant pointing out that some dialog
boxes don't read correctly, but many of those issues are specific to
screen reader and screen reader version. Switching to an alternative
screen reader usually renders different results in the same situation.
So access varies depending on what you are using.


On 2/16/14, shaun everiss wrote:
 hmmm sounds like a lot of work.
 good I have 7, there is probably an easier tway to handle it.

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Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

2014-02-15 Thread valiant8086

Have you taken into account the possibility that your numbers are as 
they are because your windows releases are on a platform that's been 
getting games, while not as many as we'd all like, for a long time, and 
your releases on mac are dropping into a big gaping black hole of people 
who have been clamoring for games for all this time? Of course we see 
the gravitation toward thinking of iOS as a good gaming platform also as 
you've said if I'm not mistaken affects all this, but that's not really 
in line with my thoughts right now. By that I don't mean I disagree with 
that too I'm just thinking about windows sales vs.mac exclusively here. 
Thinking about myself, I wanted to buy your mac games for my 2010 mac 
book air, which I don't use for much more than trying to stay familiar 
with mac so I know in my own mind how they compare and can try to help 
friends out with mac questions on occasion. I heard about your mac 
releases and I wanted to go buy them just to say thank you for giving us 
something to play besides RSGames on mac OS. I haven't done this yet, 
but I haven't bought any games in quite a while except a couple of 1 
dollar games on iOS.

but my thinking is, you have people excited to be able to play on mac, 
and curious how well you guys made it work. Could that have inflated 
your sales a bit?

Granted, it doesn't really change the point, the fact would still be 
that you're selling more games on MAC and the people you're selling to 
on that platform are more involved, I think that's what you mean about 
the demographics anyway. Just something I wondered about.

Cheers, Sent with thunderbird 17.0.8 portable
On 12/13/2013 11:05 AM, Draconis wrote:

Chiming in on these cross-platform topics seems to be a common theme for me. LOL

I have three points I’d like to make.

First, ignoring Mac as a viable platform for blind gamers is a poor strategy. 
One year on, and Mac sales are still far exceeding Windows sales, even in 
comparison to back in the hay day of audio games, some 10 years ago or so. It 
isn’t just about raw user numbers, it is about demographics and the quality of 
those users.

Which leads me to my second point.

There is an old saying: “Lies, damn lies, and statistics.”

This could not apply to anything as well as it does to the statement that 
Android is more popular than iOS overall. It is technically true that Android 
is used in more devices, but that is because many of those devices are not, 
strictly speaking, Android devices. That is to say, they are not being used as 
portable computing devices like iOS devices are. Kindles, Nooks, many models of 
feature phones, and countless other gadgets, all get lumped into the Android 
user numbers, even though many of those devices are so limited in scope that 
users don’t even know Android was used in their development.

This is why, in the areas that matters, iOS’s numbers are so much better than 
Android’s, despite the marketshare numbers that the media likes to quote. iOS 
consistently has over 80% of web usage from mobile devices, for example. iOS 
users are for more likely to pay for apps, too. iOS users also spend more time 
on their devices, showing greater engagement with the platform. And those kinds 
of numbers go on and on.

It is the same kind of trick as companies like Samsung use that create 
headlines in the news like: “Samsung sells 10 million Galaxy blah blah”. In 
reality, they shipped that number to resellers and warehouses. Shipped, but not 
necessarily sold to end users. Samsung never actually releases specific sales 
numbers. They only ever announce numbers of units shipped. It sounds better 
that way.

Apple, conversely, only ever announces sales to end users, and never the number 
of units shipped.

All of this, before you even start taking into account the fragmentation of 
Android, which is a disaster that Google is continuing to scramble to get a 
hold on with nothing to show for it. Less than 2% of Android devices are 
running the latest version of the OS, compared with over 70% of iOS devices. 
Android is a support nightmare for developers, much as Windows is.

Granted, that 2% number may be slightly skewed, given Google’s continued desire 
to artificially inflate the usage numbers of Android, but it is still a huge 
problem for the platform.

My final point is a technical one.

We explored a number of options for developing the Draconis Engine, including 
experimenting with various languages, techniques, and technologies. We have now 
shipped multiple titles on three platforms in the space of eleven months. Three 
Mac releases, three Windows releases, and one iOS release. (This assumes you 
count the Show Cases for Mac/Windows.)

The Draconis Engine was created with C++ primarily, with very tiny portions 
written in Objective-C to cover OS X and iOS GUI, and small portions in C# for 

While C++, like any language, has advantages and disadvantages, if you are 
interested in 

Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

2014-02-15 Thread Josh
I really like windows7 personally. I had linux for a month or two and 
went back to windows for the games and all the voices it offers and 
screen reader choices, too.

using windows7 laptop

On 2/15/2014 7:03 PM, valiant8086 wrote:

Have you taken into account the possibility that your numbers are as 
they are because your windows releases are on a platform that's been 
getting games, while not as many as we'd all like, for a long time, 
and your releases on mac are dropping into a big gaping black hole of 
people who have been clamoring for games for all this time? Of course 
we see the gravitation toward thinking of iOS as a good gaming 
platform also as you've said if I'm not mistaken affects all this, but 
that's not really in line with my thoughts right now. By that I don't 
mean I disagree with that too I'm just thinking about windows sales 
vs.mac exclusively here. Thinking about myself, I wanted to buy your 
mac games for my 2010 mac book air, which I don't use for much more 
than trying to stay familiar with mac so I know in my own mind how 
they compare and can try to help friends out with mac questions on 
occasion. I heard about your mac releases and I wanted to go buy them 
just to say thank you for giving us something to play besides RSGames 
on mac OS. I haven't done this yet, but I haven't bought any games in 
quite a while except a couple of 1 dollar games on iOS.

but my thinking is, you have people excited to be able to play on mac, 
and curious how well you guys made it work. Could that have inflated 
your sales a bit?

Granted, it doesn't really change the point, the fact would still be 
that you're selling more games on MAC and the people you're selling to 
on that platform are more involved, I think that's what you mean about 
the demographics anyway. Just something I wondered about.

Cheers, Sent with thunderbird 17.0.8 portable
On 12/13/2013 11:05 AM, Draconis wrote:
Chiming in on these cross-platform topics seems to be a common theme 
for me. LOL

I have three points I’d like to make.

First, ignoring Mac as a viable platform for blind gamers is a poor 
strategy. One year on, and Mac sales are still far exceeding Windows 
sales, even in comparison to back in the hay day of audio games, some 
10 years ago or so. It isn’t just about raw user numbers, it is about 
demographics and the quality of those users.

Which leads me to my second point.

There is an old saying: “Lies, damn lies, and statistics.”

This could not apply to anything as well as it does to the statement 
that Android is more popular than iOS overall. It is technically true 
that Android is used in more devices, but that is because many of 
those devices are not, strictly speaking, Android devices. That is to 
say, they are not being used as portable computing devices like iOS 
devices are. Kindles, Nooks, many models of feature phones, and 
countless other gadgets, all get lumped into the Android user 
numbers, even though many of those devices are so limited in scope 
that users don’t even know Android was used in their development.

This is why, in the areas that matters, iOS’s numbers are so much 
better than Android’s, despite the marketshare numbers that the media 
likes to quote. iOS consistently has over 80% of web usage from 
mobile devices, for example. iOS users are for more likely to pay for 
apps, too. iOS users also spend more time on their devices, showing 
greater engagement with the platform. And those kinds of numbers go 
on and on.

It is the same kind of trick as companies like Samsung use that 
create headlines in the news like: “Samsung sells 10 million Galaxy 
blah blah”. In reality, they shipped that number to resellers and 
warehouses. Shipped, but not necessarily sold to end users. Samsung 
never actually releases specific sales numbers. They only ever 
announce numbers of units shipped. It sounds better that way.

Apple, conversely, only ever announces sales to end users, and never 
the number of units shipped.

All of this, before you even start taking into account the 
fragmentation of Android, which is a disaster that Google is 
continuing to scramble to get a hold on with nothing to show for it. 
Less than 2% of Android devices are running the latest version of the 
OS, compared with over 70% of iOS devices. Android is a support 
nightmare for developers, much as Windows is.

Granted, that 2% number may be slightly skewed, given Google’s 
continued desire to artificially inflate the usage numbers of 
Android, but it is still a huge problem for the platform.

My final point is a technical one.

We explored a number of options for developing the Draconis Engine, 
including experimenting with various languages, techniques, and 
technologies. We have now shipped multiple titles on three platforms 
in the space of eleven months. Three Mac releases, three Windows 
releases, and one iOS release. (This assumes you count the Show Cases 
for Mac/Windows.)

The Draconis Engine 

Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

2014-02-15 Thread valiant8086

I'm doing ok with windows 8.1. I don't bother with the start screen 
much, I just use the desktop, the start screen search box and pretty 
much everything else. I don't run any metro apps hardly, when I do I 
have to mess around with my screen settings since I like to keep my 
computer outputting to a projector that isn't there to save energy. 
Result being that the apps won't run until I fix my resolution, so I 
have to switch back to my touch screen output. At first you think it's 
less accessible because, if you're using JAWS anyway, you'll notice 
things that the JAWS cursor won't read on 8.1 that it reads just fine on 
the same window in windows 7. third party applications like live drive 
desktop is what I'm talking about, not built in windows 8.1 applications 
that would be designed different possibly. Take the same version of live 
drive desktop and read the status window using the JAWS cursor on 
windows 7, now take same version of exact same app and install that on 
8.1 and try to read the status window with JAWS cursor again, same 
version of jaws of course. You'll just be able to read the title of the 
status window and nothing else. You think ug this sucks why did they 
break it! But if you switch to the touch cursor in JAWS you can read it 
just fine, and if you touch the screen if you have a touch screen it 
works fine that way too. I encounter this in quite a few places, but the 
touch cursor always works well enough, sometimes it's nicer than doing 
it with the JAWS cursor.

One of my friends was talking to me, saying he was not liking something 
about 8.1, when you copy files into some place that already has existing 
files there, the dialogue asking if you want to overwrite etc isn't 
accessible. Won't read with the jaws cursor and you can't tab through 
the options. They were going to downgrade from 8.1 to windows 7 on a 
brand new computer. I got on my netbook at the time my only 8.1 
computer, I installed a demo of 8.1 using Winstaller on that old netbook 
so I'd be learning about it. Anyway, I booted up my old netbook into my 
demo windows 8.1 and tried that, and discovered that you can't read it 
with the jaws cursor. You can, however, read them with the touch cursor 
and, even better, you can leave it on pc cursor and just arrow between 
the choices, tab doesn't work, but arrow keys do just fine and the 
wording of the choices is really an improvement.

So you see things like that happen a lot. People just need a couple of 
big problems and that ruins it for them. But the way around this is to 
approach this in the kind of manner of, this is ok in windows 7, how 
about I just assume they didn't completely break this and try for a 
while to really find a solution. I'll just do anything I can think of. 
There's got to be a way to make this work. And that has helped me find 
solutions for me and my friends quite a few times, especially now that 
my primary laptop is a Lenovo Yoga 2 pro that came with windows 8.1.

Folks complain about the start screen. Not me, I didn't use the start 
menu in 7 unless I had to anyway. That search box is great, only 
downside to how that is in 8.1 over 7 is it searches for a lot more 
stuff by default and it's slower at coming up with search results. I  
solved that problem by installing classic shell and just selecting to 
use classic start menu, not classic explorer and classic IE I like how 
those work in 8.1, don't need any modifications there. Then I noticed 
that classic start menu's search box is sort of lousy it doesn't come up 
with the same search results you'd expect from the 7 start menu, so if 
it fails on me I just hit windows+q and type into that search box what I 
want and that usually works fine.

That reminds me of another thing. Another friend was really disappointed 
that he couldn't adjust his detail view settings in 8.1's file browser 
(8.1's name for windows explorer). It took a while, but I figured out 
that in the ribbon if you hit alt v to get to the view tab, then use 
your tab key to find the views button dropdown grid, don't ask me what 
that actually means, and hit said button, it exposes other options that 
you can now tab through like add columns and such that gives you the 
same abilities you expect in the view menu of explorer on windows 7. 
Same goes for folder options, we knew we could go to folder options in 
control panel, but in 8.1 you can't seem to find folder options in the 
file manager, something you need to do if you want to modify folder 
options, namely going in there to hit apply to all folders of this type 
for making sure all music folders display the way the one you're 
currently in is set to display for instance. Instead of just complaining 
about it not being there, I went on a hunt for it, and finally managed 
to find it, took a while but I got it. It's in the views tab of the 
ribbon, it says something about options, gives a description for what 
the whole group is for, then it says 

Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

2014-02-15 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Valiant,

Well, I certainly do think the fact that the Draconis titles are being
released for a new market does have some effect on sales. After all,
it is easier to make a lot of money when there aren't several other
companies to compete with in the same target market. However, I don't
believe that is the one and only factor why Draconis's sales are so
high on Mac.

Another very prominent reason is basic security. As Josh and others
have stated time and time again the Apple Store is a very good way to
secure a developer's work from being pirated/stolen. That is more
people on Mac is likely to be an honest customer than on Windows.
Windows software on the other hand has a much more likely risk of
being pirated, cracked, and stolen obviously bringing sales down.

Last but not least, I think the cost has a lot to do with it. Ever
since releasing Change Reaction 2 and Silver Dollar Draconis has been
bringing the price of their games down to something like $9.99. Lower
costs generally means more sales from honest customers who can afford
the software. Even I have plans to buy both as soon as finances will
allow. However, my point is that if a company sets a price that most
people can and will pay then sales will usually go up.


On 2/15/14, valiant8086 wrote:
 Have you taken into account the possibility that your numbers are as
 they are because your windows releases are on a platform that's been
 getting games, while not as many as we'd all like, for a long time, and
 your releases on mac are dropping into a big gaping black hole of people
 who have been clamoring for games for all this time? Of course we see
 the gravitation toward thinking of iOS as a good gaming platform also as
 you've said if I'm not mistaken affects all this, but that's not really
 in line with my thoughts right now. By that I don't mean I disagree with
 that too I'm just thinking about windows sales vs.mac exclusively here.
 Thinking about myself, I wanted to buy your mac games for my 2010 mac
 book air, which I don't use for much more than trying to stay familiar
 with mac so I know in my own mind how they compare and can try to help
 friends out with mac questions on occasion. I heard about your mac
 releases and I wanted to go buy them just to say thank you for giving us
 something to play besides RSGames on mac OS. I haven't done this yet,
 but I haven't bought any games in quite a while except a couple of 1
 dollar games on iOS.

 but my thinking is, you have people excited to be able to play on mac,
 and curious how well you guys made it work. Could that have inflated
 your sales a bit?

 Granted, it doesn't really change the point, the fact would still be
 that you're selling more games on MAC and the people you're selling to
 on that platform are more involved, I think that's what you mean about
 the demographics anyway. Just something I wondered about.

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Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

2014-02-15 Thread shaun everiss

hmmm sounds like a lot of work.
good I have 7, there is probably an easier tway to handle it.

At 02:19 PM 2/16/2014, you wrote:

I'm doing ok with windows 8.1. I don't bother with the start screen 
much, I just use the desktop, the start screen search box and pretty 
much everything else. I don't run any metro apps hardly, when I do I 
have to mess around with my screen settings since I like to keep my 
computer outputting to a projector that isn't there to save energy. 
Result being that the apps won't run until I fix my resolution, so I 
have to switch back to my touch screen output. At first you think 
it's less accessible because, if you're using JAWS anyway, you'll 
notice things that the JAWS cursor won't read on 8.1 that it reads 
just fine on the same window in windows 7. third party applications 
like live drive desktop is what I'm talking about, not built in 
windows 8.1 applications that would be designed different possibly. 
Take the same version of live drive desktop and read the status 
window using the JAWS cursor on windows 7, now take same version of 
exact same app and install that on 8.1 and try to read the status 
window with JAWS cursor again, same version of jaws of course. 
You'll just be able to read the title of the status window and 
nothing else. You think ug this sucks why did they break it! But if 
you switch to the touch cursor in JAWS you can read it just fine, 
and if you touch the screen if you have a touch screen it works fine 
that way too. I encounter this in quite a few places, but the touch 
cursor always works well enough, sometimes it's nicer than doing it 
with the JAWS cursor.

One of my friends was talking to me, saying he was not liking 
something about 8.1, when you copy files into some place that 
already has existing files there, the dialogue asking if you want to 
overwrite etc isn't accessible. Won't read with the jaws cursor and 
you can't tab through the options. They were going to downgrade from 
8.1 to windows 7 on a brand new computer. I got on my netbook at the 
time my only 8.1 computer, I installed a demo of 8.1 using 
Winstaller on that old netbook so I'd be learning about it. Anyway, 
I booted up my old netbook into my demo windows 8.1 and tried that, 
and discovered that you can't read it with the jaws cursor. You can, 
however, read them with the touch cursor and, even better, you can 
leave it on pc cursor and just arrow between the choices, tab 
doesn't work, but arrow keys do just fine and the wording of the 
choices is really an improvement.

So you see things like that happen a lot. People just need a couple 
of big problems and that ruins it for them. But the way around this 
is to approach this in the kind of manner of, this is ok in windows 
7, how about I just assume they didn't completely break this and try 
for a while to really find a solution. I'll just do anything I can 
think of. There's got to be a way to make this work. And that has 
helped me find solutions for me and my friends quite a few times, 
especially now that my primary laptop is a Lenovo Yoga 2 pro that 
came with windows 8.1.

Folks complain about the start screen. Not me, I didn't use the 
start menu in 7 unless I had to anyway. That search box is great, 
only downside to how that is in 8.1 over 7 is it searches for a lot 
more stuff by default and it's slower at coming up with search results. I
solved that problem by installing classic shell and just selecting 
to use classic start menu, not classic explorer and classic IE I 
like how those work in 8.1, don't need any modifications there. Then 
I noticed that classic start menu's search box is sort of lousy it 
doesn't come up with the same search results you'd expect from the 7 
start menu, so if it fails on me I just hit windows+q and type into 
that search box what I want and that usually works fine.

That reminds me of another thing. Another friend was really 
disappointed that he couldn't adjust his detail view settings in 
8.1's file browser (8.1's name for windows explorer). It took a 
while, but I figured out that in the ribbon if you hit alt v to get 
to the view tab, then use your tab key to find the views button 
dropdown grid, don't ask me what that actually means, and hit said 
button, it exposes other options that you can now tab through like 
add columns and such that gives you the same abilities you expect in 
the view menu of explorer on windows 7. Same goes for folder 
options, we knew we could go to folder options in control panel, but 
in 8.1 you can't seem to find folder options in the file manager, 
something you need to do if you want to modify folder options, 
namely going in there to hit apply to all folders of this type for 
making sure all music folders display the way the one you're 
currently in is set to display for instance. Instead of just 
complaining about it not being there, I went on a hunt for it, and 
finally managed to find it, took a while but I got it. It's in the 

Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

2013-12-18 Thread shaun everiss

Yeah I guessed that it would be.
I am going through the processes of finding out from the authors of 
the implimentation of the lib I am using, and the main programmer on 
my team, well the team I am in.
Aparently the issue is always there, but there are probably ways to 
get round that.

At 09:37 AM 12/18/2013, you wrote:

Hi Shaun,

If using OpenAL the sounds have to be in mono not stereo.

As far as the issues with echo etc sounds like an issue with FSL. As
Cara pointed out OpenAL itself does not do that, and it could be the
implementation at fault here.


On 12/16/13, shaun everiss wrote:
 Well one thing I have found with fsl the open al library that the
 group I am in uses, is its powerfull more so than standard direct
 sound, however there are instances where doors beakons and other
 effects like lifts echo to much.
 If you save some sounds in mono instead of stereo or it may be the
 other way round the lib will not use them.
 It takes a bit to get used to but its powerfull.
 Someone on the test team had issues with things so it can be a little

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Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

2013-12-17 Thread shaun everiss

thanks for this tom.
At 01:23 PM 12/17/2013, you wrote:

Hi Shaun,

Absolutely. There is a free implementation of the .NET Framework
called Mono which comes with free Visual Basic and C# command line
compilers. There is also a free IDE called Monodevelop for Mono which
is a front end for Mono. There are a number of other IDEs around that
can be setup to work with Mono as well. So there is no need to use
Visual Studio 2010, Visual Studio 2012, etc if you want a
cross-platform .NET IDE and compilers.


On 12/15/13, shaun everiss wrote:
 well after all that the programmer realised that he was not setting
 something right.
 The major turn off for dotnet at least for 2010 up is the ide, some
 have genuine trouble with it.
 I am not sure how to solve this.
 Is there something else rather than the microsoft bog standard ides.

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Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

2013-12-17 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Shaun,

If using OpenAL the sounds have to be in mono not stereo.

As far as the issues with echo etc sounds like an issue with FSL. As
Cara pointed out OpenAL itself does not do that, and it could be the
implementation at fault here.


On 12/16/13, shaun everiss wrote:
 Well one thing I have found with fsl the open al library that the
 group I am in uses, is its powerfull more so than standard direct
 sound, however there are instances where doors beakons and other
 effects like lifts echo to much.
 If you save some sounds in mono instead of stereo or it may be the
 other way round the lib will not use them.
 It takes a bit to get used to but its powerfull.
 Someone on the test team had issues with things so it can be a little

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Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

2013-12-17 Thread shaun everiss
Well one thing I have found with fsl the open al library that the 
group I am in uses, is its powerfull more so than standard direct 
sound, however there are instances where doors beakons and other 
effects like lifts echo to much.
If you save some sounds in mono instead of stereo or it may be the 
other way round the lib will not use them.

It takes a bit to get used to but its powerfull.
Someone on the test team had issues with things so it can be a little annoying.

At 01:18 PM 12/17/2013, you wrote:

Hi Shaun,

Yes, OpenAL is an awesome audio library. As I mentioned in a previous
post to the list I am strongly looking into adopting it as part of the
Evolution Engine once I have time to put the work into it. From a 3d
point of view Directsound etc can not hold a candle to it. I don't
have any personal experience with Free SL ore Pure Basic, but sounds


On 12/15/13, shaun everiss wrote:
 well tom the team I work with use free sl with purebasic and it uses open
 Compaired  to direct sound it just blows things away.
 Complete 3d environmentals for effects and such.
 It does mean fully using non 3d devices for 3d things.
 However as is found with sfml, the panning does not work the same as
 direct sound.
 the sound gets louder and louder and then is in front with a good
 load more echo than it really should have at times.
 Now, don't get me wrong what I have seen really makes me happy to
 design stuff in it or at least the sounds.
 arian who is on the audiogames forum is theguy that made it.
 I think he is the same guy that was in light tech or it could be another.
 I'd prefur the panns as they were but still.
 One thing we found is that the sounds need to be overloud in volume
 before they will work well.
 However once done they work anywhere.
 Also a lot of sounds will have a stationary position where they are
 at their loudest and will echo round the place to.
 Sounds must be in  stereo for conversion to the new lib effects else
 they just won't work in the library.
 Still for a free lib I am not complaining.

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Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

2013-12-16 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hi Ian,

Pardon the long time it has taken me to reply to your question. With the 3d 
audio in DirectSound, there were two reasons why I didn't implement it in 
BGT. Firstly because I heard that it doesn't work well at all on Vista and 
above, and secondly because I didn't think it sounded good even on xP. I was 
mostly interested in testing the simulation in stereo headphone mode as I 
figured that that is what most of my users would have, and the sound was not 
particularly impressive. This is subjective of course, but since then I have 
heard several hrtf simulations that blew my mind. So if I ever add 3d audio 
to BGT it has to be a real hrtf model, not DirectSound 3d.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: Support

To:; Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, December 14, 2013 3:33 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

Hi Phillip,

It was very educational to hear the problems you hit with XAudio2.
Could you expound on the issues you had with DirectSound 3D as well?

Ian Reed 

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Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

2013-12-16 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hi Phil,

Sorry about the late reply. I did consider such a possibility, but I don't 
think it will be a viable solution. For one thing, when you enumerate audio 
devices you could potentially get two entirely different lists, and it is 
not certain that BGT can automatically open the same device for both 
subsystems. Even if it does, some devices do not handle that particularly 
well (e.g. cheap internal cards don't like it when you open two entirely 
different audio subsystems that both fight for control of the device). On 
top of that, the API for the end user would be a bit of a mess. You would 
constantly have to decide which subsystem to output to, provided that both 
of them initialized properly which is far from guaranteed. For this reason, 
if I do ever switch sound systems in BGT it has to be a complete change 
rather than a crossover so to speak.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: Phil Vlasak

To:; Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, December 14, 2013 3:04 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

Hi Philip,
Would you consider having two ways to play sounds in BGT?
I could see the possibility of using XAudio2  on moving creatures and some
other system for everything else.

- Original Message - 
From: Philip Bennefall

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, December 14, 2013 8:44 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

Hi Davy,

Initially when I started writing BGT, I figured that it would be best to
begin with simple stereo and then go from there. But then I found out that
DirectSound 3d is rather broken, and decided to go for XAudio2 instead.
You know the rest of that story. So for this reason, BGT will not have 3d
audio as long as it uses DirectSound and it doesn't seem viable to switch
to XAudio2 at this point considering the issues I encountered. If I do
switch to another sound system, I am not opposed to adding 3d audio as an
option if people want to use it. Personally I prefer stereo, but of course
this depends entirely on the types of games you want to make and other
personal preferences.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall

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Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

2013-12-16 Thread shaun everiss

well tom the team I work with use free sl with purebasic and it uses open al.
Compaired  to direct sound it just blows things away.
Complete 3d environmentals for effects and such.
It does mean fully using non 3d devices for 3d things.
However as is found with sfml, the panning does not work the same as 
direct sound.
the sound gets louder and louder and then is in front with a good 
load more echo than it really should have at times.
Now, don't get me wrong what I have seen really makes me happy to 
design stuff in it or at least the sounds.

arian who is on the audiogames forum is theguy that made it.
I think he is the same guy that was in light tech or it could be another.
I'd prefur the panns as they were but still.
One thing we found is that the sounds need to be overloud in volume 
before they will work well.

However once done they work anywhere.
Also a lot of sounds will have a stationary position where they are 
at their loudest and will echo round the place to.
Sounds must be in  stereo for conversion to the new lib effects else 
they just won't work in the library.

Still for a free lib I am not complaining.

At 01:18 AM 12/15/2013, you wrote:

Hi Davy,

Well, the problem with XAudio2 is that a number of developers have
reported it is buggy. Philip was working on a version of BGT that uses
XAudio2, and found out it caused some instabilities in BGT and removed
XAudio2 support for the time  being. So that is why BGT does not
presently support XAudio2.

However, I agree for a multi-platform game there is no better option
than OpenAL. You can use Joal for Java or write your own custom
wrapper for the library for a decent cross-platform audio library that
works on Mac, Linux, and Windows. Truth be told I am looking at using
OpenAL as a replacement for DirectSound on Windows anyway just because
the 3d audio is broken big time on DirectSound in Windows 7, Windows
8, and Windows 8.1. Clearly I need something else other than
DirectSound, and XAudio2 is rather up in the air at this point.

As far as license agreement stopping someone from reverse engineering
code I just can not go with that option. To me that is like someone
intentionally leaving their front door unlocked and than hanging a
sign outside saying do not enter. A person who respects you as a
developer, has some decency, obviously won't reverse your code or
pirate your software. However, sad to say a lot of people will not and
it never hurts to add a few extra layers of security to keep the
amateur wannabe crackers out of your code.

At the same time I am no fan boy of a lot of the security methods used
out there to secure and license software. As you say anything can be
cracked, stolen, etc by the right person so adding an insane amount of
security won't work. What I feel is that there has to be a fair
balance between reasonable security to keep amateur wannabe crackers
out while not being intrusive to legitimate customers.

As you yourself said you should stop trying to create a false sense of
security as nothing you try or do is perfect. The only thing you or I
can do as developers is make a game good enough that people will want
to buy it to own it, offer content only available to legitimate
customers, and keep the cost reasonable so you make a decent income
from it but not so high that people will want to turn to pirating to
get it.


On 12/13/13, Davy Kager wrote:

 Yes, it definitely seems that some language coupled with OpenAL 
is the way

 to go.  For a Windows-only game I'd use XAudio2 (which BGT doesn't do
 either), but for a multi-platform game OpenAL has a lot to offer inspite of
 its quirks.  It makes transitioning to iOS easier as well, unless 
you go and
 use the Papa Engine for full binaural audio in your iOS 
games.  But the Papa
 Engine and BGT aren't free, which I appreciate can be a bit of a 
problem for

 developers just starting out.  If you pay those $100 for BGT or your Apple
 iOS developer account you practically have to come up with something that
 sells well in order to make it, as you say, financially viable.

 The cross-platform applications I have developed so far worked reasonably
 well on Mac, although I never made a serious effort to make the Mac version
 as streamlined as the Windows version since demand was low.  This seems to
 be rapidly changing now.
 So yes, coding your own engine in Java or C++ is a lot more work than
 licensing BGT and using that, but I feel the benefits justify that decision
 (provided you have the time and resources to take on such a project).

 Java's lack of security certainly stings.  It's understandable if you look
 at Java's history and intended use, but still...  On the other hand, the
 license agreement should legally stop any legitimate user from prying.  Of
 course enforcing a license agreement is a bit of a toughy for indie
 developers.  But even so, if you have an awesome online back-end to your
 game, i.e. the bazaar in Entombed, users 

Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

2013-12-16 Thread shaun everiss
well after all that the programmer realised that he was not setting 
something right.
The major turn off for dotnet at least for 2010 up is the ide, some 
have genuine trouble with it.

I am not sure how to solve this.
Is there something else rather than the microsoft bog standard ides.

At 01:55 AM 12/15/2013, you wrote:


It really saddens me to hear that. Using Visual Basic 6 in this day
and age is really a step in the wrong direction in my opinion. Danny
would have been better off going with Visual Basic .NET or C# .NET
than going to Visual Basic 6. Not trying to criticize here, but
developers need to think ahead of what is best for Windows 7, Windows
8, and Windows 8.1 as that is current reality, and it is not that hard
to put together a great game in VB .NET using SlimDX that is x64
compatible etc.

I don't really know what issues you guys encountered in BGT that would
require a drastic rewrite, but it is entirely possible they could be
addressed. The engine seems rather capable from what I have seen of it
in action and from experimentation, and I don't know how much skill
Danny has as a programmer. I would really like more information on
what precisely BGT could not do that say Visual Basic 6 could do.


On 12/11/13, shaun everiss wrote:
 Well davie, when danny and I were working on the
 deathmatch series danny found out we all did that
 there were limitations with bgt.
 Sertain things need to be written a sertain way.
 And the way  we were expanding the deathmatch
 series was just really going outside of bgt's limits.
 deathmatch1 is not finnished to what it was going to be.
 There are so many issues with bgt and its limits
 and we came on them with saving, arrays and a lot
 of other things that we have exhausted the language.
 It was never meant for really large games at least we think so.
 The engine is good but there is a limit how much you can really do with it.
 Deathmatch1 was planned to have 10 missions or as many as we could put on.
 however by mission 3 danny was running out of
 ideas and as it was there were so many issues by this time.
 I can tell you we were going to have 4 missions
 but after all the issues danny has lost interest
 in that game and decided to end it as quickly  as possible.
 Deathmatch2 started in pure basic but there are
 some issues to and so its visual basic 6.
 If you know c++ davie and can code with it then I
 suggest you stay with it if you can.
 I think danny and some others would like to learn
 but its a lot of work writing everything from scratch.
 However if you do use it on a daily basis I'd
 stay with that then I would stay with it.
 As for jawa, I do have java loaded.
 I've never had much fun with games based on it though.
 On the subject with sounds, music, etc.
 There is a way to do this, A lot of games that
 are comercial that have come lately depending on
 what additions you get, and how much you pay do
 include soundtracks as actual files as bonus content.

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Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

2013-12-16 Thread Ian Reed

Hi Philip,

Thanks for your response.  It's nice to understand why other developers 
make the choices they do so I can learn from them.

Ian Reed

On 12/16/2013 9:59 AM, Philip Bennefall wrote:

Hi Ian,

Pardon the long time it has taken me to reply to your question. With 
the 3d audio in DirectSound, there were two reasons why I didn't 
implement it in BGT. Firstly because I heard that it doesn't work well 
at all on Vista and above, and secondly because I didn't think it 
sounded good even on xP. I was mostly interested in testing the 
simulation in stereo headphone mode as I figured that that is what 
most of my users would have, and the sound was not particularly 
impressive. This is subjective of course, but since then I have heard 
several hrtf simulations that blew my mind. So if I ever add 3d audio 
to BGT it has to be a real hrtf model, not DirectSound 3d.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - From: Support

To:; Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, December 14, 2013 3:33 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

Hi Phillip,

It was very educational to hear the problems you hit with XAudio2.
Could you expound on the issues you had with DirectSound 3D as well?

Ian Reed

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Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

2013-12-16 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Shaun,

Yes, OpenAL is an awesome audio library. As I mentioned in a previous
post to the list I am strongly looking into adopting it as part of the
Evolution Engine once I have time to put the work into it. From a 3d
point of view Directsound etc can not hold a candle to it. I don't
have any personal experience with Free SL ore Pure Basic, but sounds


On 12/15/13, shaun everiss wrote:
 well tom the team I work with use free sl with purebasic and it uses open
 Compaired  to direct sound it just blows things away.
 Complete 3d environmentals for effects and such.
 It does mean fully using non 3d devices for 3d things.
 However as is found with sfml, the panning does not work the same as
 direct sound.
 the sound gets louder and louder and then is in front with a good
 load more echo than it really should have at times.
 Now, don't get me wrong what I have seen really makes me happy to
 design stuff in it or at least the sounds.
 arian who is on the audiogames forum is theguy that made it.
 I think he is the same guy that was in light tech or it could be another.
 I'd prefur the panns as they were but still.
 One thing we found is that the sounds need to be overloud in volume
 before they will work well.
 However once done they work anywhere.
 Also a lot of sounds will have a stationary position where they are
 at their loudest and will echo round the place to.
 Sounds must be in  stereo for conversion to the new lib effects else
 they just won't work in the library.
 Still for a free lib I am not complaining.

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Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

2013-12-16 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Shaun,

Absolutely. There is a free implementation of the .NET Framework
called Mono which comes with free Visual Basic and C# command line
compilers. There is also a free IDE called Monodevelop for Mono which
is a front end for Mono. There are a number of other IDEs around that
can be setup to work with Mono as well. So there is no need to use
Visual Studio 2010, Visual Studio 2012, etc if you want a
cross-platform .NET IDE and compilers.


On 12/15/13, shaun everiss wrote:
 well after all that the programmer realised that he was not setting
 something right.
 The major turn off for dotnet at least for 2010 up is the ide, some
 have genuine trouble with it.
 I am not sure how to solve this.
 Is there something else rather than the microsoft bog standard ides.

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Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

2013-12-15 Thread Cara Quinn

Corona, as with other cross platform SDKs can also break accessibility. Just 
something to be aware of.


Cara :)
iOS design and development -
View my Online Portfolio at:

Follow me on Twitter!

On Dec 14, 2013, at 4:42 AM, Davy Kager wrote:

There is always this too:
Of course the disadvantage is that you don't learn about the native platform in 
the way you would when going Objective-C.  You may also not get the same 
low-level access (i.e. Accelerated framework, Audio Units) that you get using 

-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of Cara Quinn
Sent: Saturday, December 14, 2013 03:57
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

Hi Josh,

Yes, you do need a Mac. Not sure if you're offering commentary on my note but 
if you are, davy mentioned purchasing a Mac and then the big money for the dev 
account so I was wondering if there might be some confusion here.

If you have any other questions on Mac / iOS development, please don't hesitate 
to ask. :) -Happy to answer them…

Have an awesome night!

Cara :)
iOS design and development -
View my Online Portfolio at:

Follow me on Twitter!

On Dec 13, 2013, at 4:37 PM, Josh wrote:

you do need a mac to develop for IOS, right?

using windows7 laptop

On 12/13/2013 7:13 PM, Cara Quinn wrote:
 Hi Davy,
 A question and a comment;
 When you say big bucks for a developer account, you are aware that this is 
 $99 per year, not per month, yes?
 This translates to less than $8 per month, -less than $2 per week.
 Not sure of your budget but just want to make sure we're all on the 
 same page here. :)
 To your point about not needing XCode when using C++, you do still need XCode 
 to build for iOS / Mac, regardless of whether you use C++ or not.
 Hope this helps and hope you and yours are having a most lovely holiday 
 Cara :)
 iOS design and development -
 View my Online Portfolio at:
 Follow me on Twitter!
 On Dec 13, 2013, at 8:30 AM, Davy Kager wrote:
 All very interesting points you made.
 I tend to agree that C++ is awesome (in an IDE that isn't vendor-specific, 
 with an opensource toolchain).  I'd love to automate my build process on 
 Linux and do nightlies for beta testers.  My main reason for using Java is 
 that I can't avoid using it in the future, on projects where I don't get to 
 decide what language to use.  I am interested in iOS development in the long 
 run.  I thought of concentrating on Windows for now, using OpenAL or XAudio2 
 with C++, and then combining a Mac and iOS project since both use Objective-C 
 and OpenAL.  The most prominent reason for not doing that is that I'm not 
 comfortable buying a MacBook and spending big money on a developer account 
 just yet, and XCode is really the way to go for Objective-C.  Doing something 
 in C++ would mostly remove the requirement for XCode, which is a good thing 
 to me as I'd like to unify the development process as much as possible.
 Still, right now I'm leaning towards using Java since I already have a 
 skeleton engine set up in that language and because it's so easy to debug 
 code on the JVM.  My only problem is with the ease of decompiling.  There are 
 solutions, most notably ahead-of-time compiling, but then you lose not only 
 some advantages of the JVM, but also a huge heap of money.  :) But then, I 
 also remember how Thomas struggled to find the right language for MOTA and 
 lost valuable time (I'm told there's still no final version 1 for that 
 game?).  Clearly you need to bite that bullet some day or be obscured in the 
 fog of indecisiveness.
 -Original Message-
 From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of 
 Sent: Friday, December 13, 2013 17:06
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More
 Chiming in on these cross-platform topics seems to be a common theme 
 for me. LOL
 I have three points I’d like to make.
 First, ignoring Mac as a viable platform for blind gamers is a poor strategy. 
 One year on, and Mac sales are still far exceeding Windows sales, even in 
 comparison to back in the hay day of audio games, some 10 years ago or so. It 
 isn’t just about raw user numbers, it is about demographics and the quality 
 of those users.
 Which leads me to my second point.
 There is an old saying: “Lies, damn lies, and statistics.”
 This could not apply to anything as well as it does to the statement that 
 Android is more popular than iOS overall. It is technically true that Android

Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

2013-12-15 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Cara,

good point. One reason I chose to write my own game engine was for
precisely that reason. I found a lot of game engines, toolkits, etc
that were cross-platform but they always seemed to be inaccessible in
one way or another. I can't speak for Corona specifically, but I do
know accessibility features are often lacking in such things.


On 12/14/13, Cara Quinn wrote:

 Corona, as with other cross platform SDKs can also break accessibility. Just
 something to be aware of.


 Cara :)

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Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

2013-12-15 Thread Davy Kager

I don't doubt it.  I don't have personal experience with that toolkit, I just 
heard LWorks used it.  The only cross-platform tools I have experience with 
revolve around Java, and I can say that providing an accessible GUI on Mac and 
Windows from one code-base isn't too hard.  Now to see about audio and input!
As for Corona, I thought it was an interesting concept.  It's good to know 
about accessibility issues with such projects.  I'd imagine low-latency can 
also be a problem since they are higher-level than native code.


-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of Cara Quinn
Sent: Sunday, December 15, 2013 03:29
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More


Corona, as with other cross platform SDKs can also break accessibility. Just 
something to be aware of.


Cara :)
iOS design and development -
View my Online Portfolio at:

Follow me on Twitter!

On Dec 14, 2013, at 4:42 AM, Davy Kager wrote:

There is always this too: Of course the disadvantage is 
that you don't learn about the native platform in the way you would when going 
Objective-C.  You may also not get the same low-level access (i.e. Accelerated 
framework, Audio Units) that you get using Objective-C.

-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of Cara Quinn
Sent: Saturday, December 14, 2013 03:57
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

Hi Josh,

Yes, you do need a Mac. Not sure if you're offering commentary on my note but 
if you are, davy mentioned purchasing a Mac and then the big money for the dev 
account so I was wondering if there might be some confusion here.

If you have any other questions on Mac / iOS development, please don't hesitate 
to ask. :) -Happy to answer them…

Have an awesome night!

Cara :)
iOS design and development -
View my Online Portfolio at:

Follow me on Twitter!

On Dec 13, 2013, at 4:37 PM, Josh wrote:

you do need a mac to develop for IOS, right?

using windows7 laptop

On 12/13/2013 7:13 PM, Cara Quinn wrote:
 Hi Davy,
 A question and a comment;
 When you say big bucks for a developer account, you are aware that this is 
 $99 per year, not per month, yes?
 This translates to less than $8 per month, -less than $2 per week.
 Not sure of your budget but just want to make sure we're all on the 
 same page here. :)
 To your point about not needing XCode when using C++, you do still need XCode 
 to build for iOS / Mac, regardless of whether you use C++ or not.
 Hope this helps and hope you and yours are having a most lovely holiday 
 Cara :)
 iOS design and development -
 View my Online Portfolio at:
 Follow me on Twitter!
 On Dec 13, 2013, at 8:30 AM, Davy Kager wrote:
 All very interesting points you made.
 I tend to agree that C++ is awesome (in an IDE that isn't vendor-specific, 
 with an opensource toolchain).  I'd love to automate my build process on 
 Linux and do nightlies for beta testers.  My main reason for using Java is 
 that I can't avoid using it in the future, on projects where I don't get to 
 decide what language to use.  I am interested in iOS development in the long 
 run.  I thought of concentrating on Windows for now, using OpenAL or XAudio2 
 with C++, and then combining a Mac and iOS project since both use Objective-C 
 and OpenAL.  The most prominent reason for not doing that is that I'm not 
 comfortable buying a MacBook and spending big money on a developer account 
 just yet, and XCode is really the way to go for Objective-C.  Doing something 
 in C++ would mostly remove the requirement for XCode, which is a good thing 
 to me as I'd like to unify the development process as much as possible.
 Still, right now I'm leaning towards using Java since I already have a 
 skeleton engine set up in that language and because it's so easy to debug 
 code on the JVM.  My only problem is with the ease of decompiling.  There are 
 solutions, most notably ahead-of-time compiling, but then you lose not only 
 some advantages of the JVM, but also a huge heap of money.  :) But then, I 
 also remember how Thomas struggled to find the right language for MOTA and 
 lost valuable time (I'm told there's still no final version 1 for that 
 game?).  Clearly you need to bite that bullet some day or be obscured in the 
 fog of indecisiveness.
 -Original Message-
 From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of 
 Sent: Friday, December 13, 2013 17:06
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Subject: Re

Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

2013-12-14 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Davy,

Well, the problem with XAudio2 is that a number of developers have
reported it is buggy. Philip was working on a version of BGT that uses
XAudio2, and found out it caused some instabilities in BGT and removed
XAudio2 support for the time  being. So that is why BGT does not
presently support XAudio2.

However, I agree for a multi-platform game there is no better option
than OpenAL. You can use Joal for Java or write your own custom
wrapper for the library for a decent cross-platform audio library that
works on Mac, Linux, and Windows. Truth be told I am looking at using
OpenAL as a replacement for DirectSound on Windows anyway just because
the 3d audio is broken big time on DirectSound in Windows 7, Windows
8, and Windows 8.1. Clearly I need something else other than
DirectSound, and XAudio2 is rather up in the air at this point.

As far as license agreement stopping someone from reverse engineering
code I just can not go with that option. To me that is like someone
intentionally leaving their front door unlocked and than hanging a
sign outside saying do not enter. A person who respects you as a
developer, has some decency, obviously won't reverse your code or
pirate your software. However, sad to say a lot of people will not and
it never hurts to add a few extra layers of security to keep the
amateur wannabe crackers out of your code.

At the same time I am no fan boy of a lot of the security methods used
out there to secure and license software. As you say anything can be
cracked, stolen, etc by the right person so adding an insane amount of
security won't work. What I feel is that there has to be a fair
balance between reasonable security to keep amateur wannabe crackers
out while not being intrusive to legitimate customers.

As you yourself said you should stop trying to create a false sense of
security as nothing you try or do is perfect. The only thing you or I
can do as developers is make a game good enough that people will want
to buy it to own it, offer content only available to legitimate
customers, and keep the cost reasonable so you make a decent income
from it but not so high that people will want to turn to pirating to
get it.


On 12/13/13, Davy Kager wrote:

 Yes, it definitely seems that some language coupled with OpenAL is the way
 to go.  For a Windows-only game I'd use XAudio2 (which BGT doesn't do
 either), but for a multi-platform game OpenAL has a lot to offer inspite of
 its quirks.  It makes transitioning to iOS easier as well, unless you go and
 use the Papa Engine for full binaural audio in your iOS games.  But the Papa
 Engine and BGT aren't free, which I appreciate can be a bit of a problem for
 developers just starting out.  If you pay those $100 for BGT or your Apple
 iOS developer account you practically have to come up with something that
 sells well in order to make it, as you say, financially viable.

 The cross-platform applications I have developed so far worked reasonably
 well on Mac, although I never made a serious effort to make the Mac version
 as streamlined as the Windows version since demand was low.  This seems to
 be rapidly changing now.
 So yes, coding your own engine in Java or C++ is a lot more work than
 licensing BGT and using that, but I feel the benefits justify that decision
 (provided you have the time and resources to take on such a project).

 Java's lack of security certainly stings.  It's understandable if you look
 at Java's history and intended use, but still...  On the other hand, the
 license agreement should legally stop any legitimate user from prying.  Of
 course enforcing a license agreement is a bit of a toughy for indie
 developers.  But even so, if you have an awesome online back-end to your
 game, i.e. the bazaar in Entombed, users would still have a good reason to
 buy the real thing.  Not to mention the whole gratitude bit: I took the time
 to develop for a niche market, so saying thanks by pirating isn't very nice.
  The harsh truth is that any software can be pirated if the right people get
 their hands on it.
 I'm especially concerned about my game's audio being stolen, partly because
 I want my audio to be at least somewhat unique and partly because it might
 get me into a legal corner if some kid steals my audio and puts it up
 somewhere.  But then again, no encryption is going to be perfect.  Java is
 the extreme example.  You can't properly hide your decryption key in code,
 and externalizing it makes it even easier for someone to do the decryption
 themselves.  You could definitely store the key on a remote server and
 download it everytime the game is started, but then your players can't use
 the game while offline.  You could also code your own implementation of AES
 and push your class files through an obfuscator.  That'd probably stop most
 people, but it's very ugly indeed.  So Java is really bad.  Except that
 memory dumping a BGT game also spills a lot of interesting data.  So 

Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

2013-12-14 Thread Thomas Ward

Correct. You have to own a Mac with XCode to develop software for iOS.
There isn't any way right now for a Windows or a Linux developer to
design software for iOS at this time. Unless they write it, and then
find a friend with a Mac to build it with XCode on their Mac.


On 12/13/13, Josh wrote:
 you do need a mac to develop for IOS, right?

 using windows7 laptop

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Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

2013-12-14 Thread Thomas Ward

Thanks for that statement. That really clears up a lot of questions,
and now we all know where you stand.


On 12/13/13, Philip Bennefall wrote:
 Hi Davy and others,

 I wanted to stop by and briefly explain my current intentions for BGT. When
 I started developing it in late 2009, I had absolutely no idea how it would
 do financially. Now, 4 years down the line I can say that while sales have
 been reasonable considering the number of potential developers in the blind
 community, BGT is not and has never been something that I am going to get
 rich from. I never figured I would, either, but the truth is that it simply
 would not make sense for me to spend the amount of time and effort that
 would be involved porting it to a new platform. I am certainly not
 discounting Mac OS X/IOS as viable distribution channels. They are growing
 every day and I target them in all the mainstream projects that I am
 involved in at present. These other projects were written with cross
 platform support in mind from the get-go, while BGT was written exclusively
 for Windows. This means that BGT would require a major overhaul to be
 portable to other platforms, and I do not feel that an investment on such a
 scale would be viable at this point considering my current schedule.

 Had I decided to create an audio game engine at this time, it would
 certainly have been written with cross platform compatibility in mind from
 the start. This is not the case with BGT, however, and I cannot spend much
 more time and money developing it considering the sales figures it has been
 generating thus far. This certainly does not mean that BGT is going to be
 abandoned. Far from it. I still enjoy making games as a hobby from time to
 time, and for that, it works very well for my needs. But I will not be
 working on it full time as I did a year ago. So for those of you who have
 been hoping for a cross platform BGT release, I am sorry I can't bring more
 positive news. However I felt it was better to clearly announce my
 intentions as opposed to staying silent and leaving users to wonder and

 Kind regards,

 Philip Bennefall

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Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

2013-12-14 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Davy,

Actually, the lack of a 1.0 release of MOTA has more to do with my
personal life than indecisiveness. I have decided upon a language,
game ideas, level outlines, etc long ago. The problem is my personal
life has been a des aster this year, more than I am willing to get
into on list, and there has been no time at all to work on the game
even though I know what I want to do and how.

As for Java I think it will serve you well. Especially if you look at
using JInput for input, and Joal for the audio back-end. I would
probably do the same myself except for the fact I now have a game
engine written in C++ that does everything I need to do and is really
stable. I am not going to go down the indecisive road again by looking
at another language and alternative APIs.


On 12/13/13, Davy Kager wrote:

 All very interesting points you made.
 I tend to agree that C++ is awesome (in an IDE that isn't vendor-specific,
 with an opensource toolchain).  I'd love to automate my build process on
 Linux and do nightlies for beta testers.  My main reason for using Java is
 that I can't avoid using it in the future, on projects where I don't get to
 decide what language to use.  I am interested in iOS development in the long
 run.  I thought of concentrating on Windows for now, using OpenAL or XAudio2
 with C++, and then combining a Mac and iOS project since both use
 Objective-C and OpenAL.  The most prominent reason for not doing that is
 that I'm not comfortable buying a MacBook and spending big money on a
 developer account just yet, and XCode is really the way to go for
 Objective-C.  Doing something in C++ would mostly remove the requirement for
 XCode, which is a good thing to me as I'd like to unify the development
 process as much as possible.
 Still, right now I'm leaning towards using Java since I already have a
 skeleton engine set up in that language and because it's so easy to debug
 code on the JVM.  My only problem is with the ease of decompiling.  There
 are solutions, most notably ahead-of-time compiling, but then you lose not
 only some advantages of the JVM, but also a huge heap of money.  :)
 But then, I also remember how Thomas struggled to find the right language
 for MOTA and lost valuable time (I'm told there's still no final version 1
 for that game?).  Clearly you need to bite that bullet some day or be
 obscured in the fog of indecisiveness.


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Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

2013-12-14 Thread Thomas Ward

It really saddens me to hear that. Using Visual Basic 6 in this day
and age is really a step in the wrong direction in my opinion. Danny
would have been better off going with Visual Basic .NET or C# .NET
than going to Visual Basic 6. Not trying to criticize here, but
developers need to think ahead of what is best for Windows 7, Windows
8, and Windows 8.1 as that is current reality, and it is not that hard
to put together a great game in VB .NET using SlimDX that is x64
compatible etc.

I don't really know what issues you guys encountered in BGT that would
require a drastic rewrite, but it is entirely possible they could be
addressed. The engine seems rather capable from what I have seen of it
in action and from experimentation, and I don't know how much skill
Danny has as a programmer. I would really like more information on
what precisely BGT could not do that say Visual Basic 6 could do.


On 12/11/13, shaun everiss wrote:
 Well davie, when danny and I were working on the
 deathmatch series danny found out we all did that
 there were limitations with bgt.
 Sertain things need to be written a sertain way.
 And the way  we were expanding the deathmatch
 series was just really going outside of bgt's limits.
 deathmatch1 is not finnished to what it was going to be.
 There are so many issues with bgt and its limits
 and we came on them with saving, arrays and a lot
 of other things that we have exhausted the language.
 It was never meant for really large games at least we think so.
 The engine is good but there is a limit how much you can really do with it.
 Deathmatch1 was planned to have 10 missions or as many as we could put on.
 however by mission 3 danny was running out of
 ideas and as it was there were so many issues by this time.
 I can tell you we were going to have 4 missions
 but after all the issues danny has lost interest
 in that game and decided to end it as quickly  as possible.
 Deathmatch2 started in pure basic but there are
 some issues to and so its visual basic 6.
 If you know c++ davie and can code with it then I
 suggest you stay with it if you can.
 I think danny and some others would like to learn
 but its a lot of work writing everything from scratch.
 However if you do use it on a daily basis I'd
 stay with that then I would stay with it.
 As for jawa, I do have java loaded.
 I've never had much fun with games based on it though.
 On the subject with sounds, music, etc.
 There is a way to do this, A lot of games that
 are comercial that have come lately depending on
 what additions you get, and how much you pay do
 include soundtracks as actual files as bonus content.

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Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

2013-12-14 Thread Davy Kager
Hi Thomas,

I have had no trouble with XAudio2.  That coupled with very low-level input 
handling using the Win32 API made for some awesome times.  Still, the 
disadvantage to such low-level work (I count XAudio2 as relatively low-level 
too), is that it takes more work to get things done - including more evaluation 
of your code to make sure it won't crash at run-time.  And the difference inr 
esponsiveness isn't too big anyway.  We're talking milliseconds here.  The one 
thing I did like about those components is that it was mostly event-driven.  
I'm not a big fan of polling for input.
Unfortunately, I've read that Microsoft dropped XNA, so I wouldn't be surprised 
if XAudio2 is going too.  That's two abandoned audio systems in five years.

And really, OpenAL isn't so bad.  There are devices with hardware support 
(though I'm disabling that to ensure a uniform user experience).  And with the 
rise of Steam, being able to target Linux is a good thing.  Then there is the 
iOS thing, they use OpenAL too.  Joal is a great option for Java developers.  
For iOS there is the excellent Object-AL.
Sadly Joal seems to have some issues acquiring the soundcard at times, but 
that's probably partly the fault of Windows and its drivers.  It's also a bit 
of a resource hog, it does a lot of memory copying that more low-level APIs 
avoid.  But hey, it does save you some resource managing.

DirectSound was great, and it's cool that it still works on modern systems, but 
just like with VB6 I'd strongly suggest new developers skip it altogether.  As 
you said the 3D part is very much broken unless you do your own tweaking (and 
even then), and to be fair the API really isn't that easy to use compared to 
XAudio2 or OpenAL.  The one nice thing is that you can easily script against 
it, but that's not too important for serious game developers.


-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of Thomas Ward
Sent: Saturday, December 14, 2013 13:18
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

Hi Davy,

Well, the problem with XAudio2 is that a number of developers have reported it 
is buggy. Philip was working on a version of BGT that uses XAudio2, and found 
out it caused some instabilities in BGT and removed
XAudio2 support for the time  being. So that is why BGT does not presently 
support XAudio2.

However, I agree for a multi-platform game there is no better option than 
OpenAL. You can use Joal for Java or write your own custom wrapper for the 
library for a decent cross-platform audio library that works on Mac, Linux, and 
Windows. Truth be told I am looking at using OpenAL as a replacement for 
DirectSound on Windows anyway just because the 3d audio is broken big time on 
DirectSound in Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 8.1. Clearly I need something 
else other than DirectSound, and XAudio2 is rather up in the air at this point.

As far as license agreement stopping someone from reverse engineering code I 
just can not go with that option. To me that is like someone intentionally 
leaving their front door unlocked and than hanging a sign outside saying do 
not enter. A person who respects you as a developer, has some decency, 
obviously won't reverse your code or pirate your software. However, sad to say 
a lot of people will not and it never hurts to add a few extra layers of 
security to keep the amateur wannabe crackers out of your code.

At the same time I am no fan boy of a lot of the security methods used out 
there to secure and license software. As you say anything can be cracked, 
stolen, etc by the right person so adding an insane amount of security won't 
work. What I feel is that there has to be a fair balance between reasonable 
security to keep amateur wannabe crackers out while not being intrusive to 
legitimate customers.

As you yourself said you should stop trying to create a false sense of security 
as nothing you try or do is perfect. The only thing you or I can do as 
developers is make a game good enough that people will want to buy it to own 
it, offer content only available to legitimate customers, and keep the cost 
reasonable so you make a decent income from it but not so high that people will 
want to turn to pirating to get it.


On 12/13/13, Davy Kager wrote:

 Yes, it definitely seems that some language coupled with OpenAL is 
 the way to go.  For a Windows-only game I'd use XAudio2 (which BGT 
 doesn't do either), but for a multi-platform game OpenAL has a lot to 
 offer inspite of its quirks.  It makes transitioning to iOS easier as 
 well, unless you go and use the Papa Engine for full binaural audio in 
 your iOS games.  But the Papa Engine and BGT aren't free, which I 
 appreciate can be a bit of a problem for developers just starting out.  
 If you pay those $100 for BGT or your Apple iOS developer account you 
 practically have to come up with something that sells well

Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

2013-12-14 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hi Davy,

I just wanted to clarify briefly what issues I had when integrating XAudio2
with BGT. Initially, everything seemed to work flawlessly. But what I
noticed when trying it in a large scale project with a lot of sounds playing
simultaneously was that XAudio2 would sometimes cause lag before playing a
new sound. This was not a sound that had just been opened; it was a sound
that had been cloned from another previously existing instance. Therefore I
was able to exclude disk IO as the cause. At first I figured that it was
probably just my machine being sluggish, but it kept happening regularly. I
then wanted to make sure that it wasn't the fact that XAudio2 is virtualized
on Windows XP, so I tested it on several Windows 7 and Vista machines with
the same results. I then did a side by side comparison of DirectSound and
XAudio2, and DirectSound did not suffer from this problem on any of the
machines used for the test. This was done in late 2010, but I have not seen
any significant new releases of XAudio2 since then so I would presume that
the problem still exists. Important to note is that the lag usually does not
happen if you have just a few sounds playing at once. You need to reach
quantities of about 10 or 15 before it starts to become noticeable.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: Davy Kager

To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
Sent: Saturday, December 14, 2013 1:58 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

Hi Thomas,

I have had no trouble with XAudio2.  That coupled with very low-level input 
handling using the Win32 API made for some awesome times.  Still, the 
disadvantage to such low-level work (I count XAudio2 as relatively low-level 
too), is that it takes more work to get things done - including more 
evaluation of your code to make sure it won't crash at run-time.  And the 
difference inr esponsiveness isn't too big anyway.  We're talking 
milliseconds here.  The one thing I did like about those components is that 
it was mostly event-driven.  I'm not a big fan of polling for input.
Unfortunately, I've read that Microsoft dropped XNA, so I wouldn't be 
surprised if XAudio2 is going too.  That's two abandoned audio systems in 
five years.

And really, OpenAL isn't so bad.  There are devices with hardware support 
(though I'm disabling that to ensure a uniform user experience).  And with 
the rise of Steam, being able to target Linux is a good thing.  Then there 
is the iOS thing, they use OpenAL too.  Joal is a great option for Java 
developers.  For iOS there is the excellent Object-AL.
Sadly Joal seems to have some issues acquiring the soundcard at times, but 
that's probably partly the fault of Windows and its drivers.  It's also a 
bit of a resource hog, it does a lot of memory copying that more low-level 
APIs avoid.  But hey, it does save you some resource managing.

DirectSound was great, and it's cool that it still works on modern systems, 
but just like with VB6 I'd strongly suggest new developers skip it 
altogether.  As you said the 3D part is very much broken unless you do your 
own tweaking (and even then), and to be fair the API really isn't that easy 
to use compared to XAudio2 or OpenAL.  The one nice thing is that you can 
easily script against it, but that's not too important for serious game 


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Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

2013-12-14 Thread Davy Kager
Hi Thomas,

I thought I'd also touch on the subject of sounds (or code) and encryption, 
since you mentioned licensing and such.
Here's a question: Why are you encrypting your sounds?  I don't mean how you 
encrypt them.  An industry-standard like AES has been proven to work in the 
real world, and it can be off-loaded to specialized CPU components for very 
fast decryption.  Inventing your own simple algorithm might not be as secure, 
but it might be harder to reverse-engineer than a simple call to a system 
default AES decrypter class.
Anyway, back to the why part.  Here are a number of reasons to encrypt your 
-  Your source requests or requires it.
-  You did your own sounds and don't want others to get their hands on them.
-  You don't want to spoil the game by allowing users to listen to the 
cutscenes of levels they haven't unlocked yet.

For me, the most important reason is preventing spoilers.  Yes, I wouldn't want 
for my custom-made music to appear on someone's podcast.  But think about it: 
would people really put your music in their productions?  Say I snooped Q9's 
sounds.  I absolutely love its music, but if I'd use it for my own project 
everyone would go Hey, that's Q9!  I wouldn't want that.
Doesn't mean I don't want to have the Q9 music.  I'd love to have it just to 
listen to.  So if there was a $5 or $10 download out there featuring all of the 
Q9 music, I'd go for it.  So that takes care of my second reason for encryption.
The first reason is a different beast.  If your source for sounds and music 
requests DRM, you better implement it.  But again, such a source would probably 
be okay with AES encryption, even if you can easily decompile Java classes and 
pull out the key.  So that takes care of the first reason.
Now all that remains is preventing spoilers.  I agree that the more secure your 
sounds are, the harder it would be to snatch data.  For stuff you haven't 
unlocked yet, the only way to listen to the spoiler sounds would be to 
decrypt the sounds themselves.  For plain stealing sounds you can work from 
memory, or even hack dsound.dll to make it dump its buffers to disk.
Long story short, this bit definitely requires encryption.  The question is if 
you should switch programming languages just to prevent a handful of people 
from getting to spoilers.  To me it's not.  Preventing access to source code 
you spent months of work on is another story.  I'm not yet decided in that area.


-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of Thomas Ward
Sent: Saturday, December 14, 2013 13:18
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

Hi Davy,

Well, the problem with XAudio2 is that a number of developers have reported it 
is buggy. Philip was working on a version of BGT that uses XAudio2, and found 
out it caused some instabilities in BGT and removed
XAudio2 support for the time  being. So that is why BGT does not presently 
support XAudio2.

However, I agree for a multi-platform game there is no better option than 
OpenAL. You can use Joal for Java or write your own custom wrapper for the 
library for a decent cross-platform audio library that works on Mac, Linux, and 
Windows. Truth be told I am looking at using OpenAL as a replacement for 
DirectSound on Windows anyway just because the 3d audio is broken big time on 
DirectSound in Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 8.1. Clearly I need something 
else other than DirectSound, and XAudio2 is rather up in the air at this point.

As far as license agreement stopping someone from reverse engineering code I 
just can not go with that option. To me that is like someone intentionally 
leaving their front door unlocked and than hanging a sign outside saying do 
not enter. A person who respects you as a developer, has some decency, 
obviously won't reverse your code or pirate your software. However, sad to say 
a lot of people will not and it never hurts to add a few extra layers of 
security to keep the amateur wannabe crackers out of your code.

At the same time I am no fan boy of a lot of the security methods used out 
there to secure and license software. As you say anything can be cracked, 
stolen, etc by the right person so adding an insane amount of security won't 
work. What I feel is that there has to be a fair balance between reasonable 
security to keep amateur wannabe crackers out while not being intrusive to 
legitimate customers.

As you yourself said you should stop trying to create a false sense of security 
as nothing you try or do is perfect. The only thing you or I can do as 
developers is make a game good enough that people will want to buy it to own 
it, offer content only available to legitimate customers, and keep the cost 
reasonable so you make a decent income from it but not so high that people will 
want to turn to pirating to get it.


On 12/13/13, Davy Kager wrote:

 Yes, it definitely seems

Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

2013-12-14 Thread Davy Kager
Hi Philip,

That is good to know!  My project had that many sounds loaded, but they weren't 
all playing at once.  I heard that BGT has no 3D sound support.  In that case I 
fully agree that using DirectSound is the way to go for a Windows-only product.

By the way, I'm not criticizing BGT for not having 3D audio.  I've always found 
3D to be very confusing.  In my OpenAL project I happily disable it first thing.


-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of Philip Bennefall
Sent: Saturday, December 14, 2013 14:20
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

Hi Davy,

I just wanted to clarify briefly what issues I had when integrating XAudio2 
with BGT. Initially, everything seemed to work flawlessly. But what I noticed 
when trying it in a large scale project with a lot of sounds playing 
simultaneously was that XAudio2 would sometimes cause lag before playing a new 
sound. This was not a sound that had just been opened; it was a sound that had 
been cloned from another previously existing instance. Therefore I was able to 
exclude disk IO as the cause. At first I figured that it was probably just my 
machine being sluggish, but it kept happening regularly. I then wanted to make 
sure that it wasn't the fact that XAudio2 is virtualized on Windows XP, so I 
tested it on several Windows 7 and Vista machines with the same results. I then 
did a side by side comparison of DirectSound and XAudio2, and DirectSound did 
not suffer from this problem on any of the machines used for the test. This was 
done in late 2010, but I have not seen any significant new release
 s of XAudio2 since then so I would presume that the problem still exists. 
Important to note is that the lag usually does not happen if you have just a 
few sounds playing at once. You need to reach quantities of about 10 or 15 
before it starts to become noticeable.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message -
From: Davy Kager
To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
Sent: Saturday, December 14, 2013 1:58 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

Hi Thomas,

I have had no trouble with XAudio2.  That coupled with very low-level input 
handling using the Win32 API made for some awesome times.  Still, the 
disadvantage to such low-level work (I count XAudio2 as relatively low-level 
too), is that it takes more work to get things done - including more 
evaluation of your code to make sure it won't crash at run-time.  And the 
difference inr esponsiveness isn't too big anyway.  We're talking 
milliseconds here.  The one thing I did like about those components is that 
it was mostly event-driven.  I'm not a big fan of polling for input.
Unfortunately, I've read that Microsoft dropped XNA, so I wouldn't be 
surprised if XAudio2 is going too.  That's two abandoned audio systems in 
five years.

And really, OpenAL isn't so bad.  There are devices with hardware support 
(though I'm disabling that to ensure a uniform user experience).  And with 
the rise of Steam, being able to target Linux is a good thing.  Then there 
is the iOS thing, they use OpenAL too.  Joal is a great option for Java 
developers.  For iOS there is the excellent Object-AL.
Sadly Joal seems to have some issues acquiring the soundcard at times, but 
that's probably partly the fault of Windows and its drivers.  It's also a 
bit of a resource hog, it does a lot of memory copying that more low-level 
APIs avoid.  But hey, it does save you some resource managing.

DirectSound was great, and it's cool that it still works on modern systems, 
but just like with VB6 I'd strongly suggest new developers skip it 
altogether.  As you said the 3D part is very much broken unless you do your 
own tweaking (and even then), and to be fair the API really isn't that easy 
to use compared to XAudio2 or OpenAL.  The one nice thing is that you can 
easily script against it, but that's not too important for serious game 


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Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

2013-12-14 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hi Davy,

Initially when I started writing BGT, I figured that it would be best to 
begin with simple stereo and then go from there. But then I found out that 
DirectSound 3d is rather broken, and decided to go for XAudio2 instead. You 
know the rest of that story. So for this reason, BGT will not have 3d audio 
as long as it uses DirectSound and it doesn't seem viable to switch to 
XAudio2 at this point considering the issues I encountered. If I do switch 
to another sound system, I am not opposed to adding 3d audio as an option if 
people want to use it. Personally I prefer stereo, but of course this 
depends entirely on the types of games you want to make and other personal 

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: Davy Kager

To:; 'Gamers Discussion list'
Sent: Saturday, December 14, 2013 2:35 PM
Subject: RE: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

Hi Philip,

That is good to know!  My project had that many sounds loaded, but they 
weren't all playing at once.  I heard that BGT has no 3D sound support. 
In that case I fully agree that using DirectSound is the way to go for a 
Windows-only product.

By the way, I'm not criticizing BGT for not having 3D audio.  I've always 
found 3D to be very confusing.  In my OpenAL project I happily disable it 
first thing.


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Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

2013-12-14 Thread Phil Vlasak

Hi Philip,
Would you consider having two ways to play sounds in BGT?
I could see the possibility of using XAudio2  on moving creatures and some 
other system for everything else.


- Original Message - 
From: Philip Bennefall

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, December 14, 2013 8:44 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

Hi Davy,

Initially when I started writing BGT, I figured that it would be best to 
begin with simple stereo and then go from there. But then I found out that 
DirectSound 3d is rather broken, and decided to go for XAudio2 instead. 
You know the rest of that story. So for this reason, BGT will not have 3d 
audio as long as it uses DirectSound and it doesn't seem viable to switch 
to XAudio2 at this point considering the issues I encountered. If I do 
switch to another sound system, I am not opposed to adding 3d audio as an 
option if people want to use it. Personally I prefer stereo, but of course 
this depends entirely on the types of games you want to make and other 
personal preferences.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall

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Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

2013-12-14 Thread Support
Hi Phillip,

It was very educational to hear the problems you hit with XAudio2.
Could you expound on the issues you had with DirectSound 3D as well?

Ian Reed

On Dec 14, 2013, at 6:44 AM, Philip Bennefall wrote:

 Hi Davy,
 Initially when I started writing BGT, I figured that it would be best to 
 begin with simple stereo and then go from there. But then I found out that 
 DirectSound 3d is rather broken, and decided to go for XAudio2 instead. You 
 know the rest of that story. So for this reason, BGT will not have 3d audio 
 as long as it uses DirectSound and it doesn't seem viable to switch to 
 XAudio2 at this point considering the issues I encountered. If I do switch to 
 another sound system, I am not opposed to adding 3d audio as an option if 
 people want to use it. Personally I prefer stereo, but of course this depends 
 entirely on the types of games you want to make and other personal 
 Kind regards,
 Philip Bennefall

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Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

2013-12-14 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Davy,

I am glad to hear you had no serious issues with XAudio2, but I was
merely reporting what I have heard back from Philip Bennefall and
others who tried to use it for a production product. I'm more or less
on the fence myself weather or not to adopt it, but it is certainly an
option for a Windows developer. Seeing as DirectSound is pretty much
deprecated on Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 8.1 it is really
either XAudio2 or OpenAL for a Windows developer anyway. DirectSound
is really only on Windows 7 on up for backwards compatibility and
nothing more. What's more DirectSound is emulated rather than actually
being the DirectSound 8 library we know from XP and earlier.

As for XNA I'm not too sure what Microsoft is doing with it. I have
heard the roomers that Microsoft is thinking of scrapping the XNA
Framework which would not surprise me. They have not been too
committed to .NET development of games. they came out with Managed
DirectX, scrapped that, came out with XNA, are looking at scrapping
that, and that is primarily why I moved away from C# .NET because
Microsoft is too fickle about supporting their .NET APIs where games
are concerned.

It is also for that reason why I have been looking at open source
solutions like OpenAL for my Evolution Engine. At least there I can
have access to the code, know someone somewhere is supporting the API,
and I am not forced to switch audio library's on a whim because
Microsoft or someone decided to switch APIs mid development.


On 12/14/13, Davy Kager wrote:
 Hi Thomas,

 I have had no trouble with XAudio2.  That coupled with very low-level input
 handling using the Win32 API made for some awesome times.  Still, the
 disadvantage to such low-level work (I count XAudio2 as relatively low-level
 too), is that it takes more work to get things done - including more
 evaluation of your code to make sure it won't crash at run-time.  And the
 difference inr esponsiveness isn't too big anyway.  We're talking
 milliseconds here.  The one thing I did like about those components is that
 it was mostly event-driven.  I'm not a big fan of polling for input.
 Unfortunately, I've read that Microsoft dropped XNA, so I wouldn't be
 surprised if XAudio2 is going too.  That's two abandoned audio systems in
 five years.

 And really, OpenAL isn't so bad.  There are devices with hardware support
 (though I'm disabling that to ensure a uniform user experience).  And with
 the rise of Steam, being able to target Linux is a good thing.  Then there
 is the iOS thing, they use OpenAL too.  Joal is a great option for Java
 developers.  For iOS there is the excellent Object-AL.
 Sadly Joal seems to have some issues acquiring the soundcard at times, but
 that's probably partly the fault of Windows and its drivers.  It's also a
 bit of a resource hog, it does a lot of memory copying that more low-level
 APIs avoid.  But hey, it does save you some resource managing.

 DirectSound was great, and it's cool that it still works on modern systems,
 but just like with VB6 I'd strongly suggest new developers skip it
 altogether.  As you said the 3D part is very much broken unless you do your
 own tweaking (and even then), and to be fair the API really isn't that easy
 to use compared to XAudio2 or OpenAL.  The one nice thing is that you can
 easily script against it, but that's not too important for serious game


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Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

2013-12-14 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hi Davy,

I just wanted to clarify briefly what issues I had when integrating XAudio2 
with BGT. Initially, everything seemed to work flawlessly. But what I 
noticed when trying it in a large scale project with a lot of sounds playing 
simultaneously was that XAudio2 would sometimes cause lag before playing a 
new sound. This was not a sound that had just been opened; it was a sound 
that had been cloned from another previously existing instance. Therefore I 
was able to exclude disk IO as the cause. At first I figured that it was 
probably just my machine being sluggish, but it kept happening regularly. I 
then wanted to make sure that it wasn't the fact that XAudio2 is virtualized 
on Windows XP, so I tested it on several Windows 7 and Vista machines with 
the same results. I then did a side by side comparison of DirectSound and 
XAudio2, and DirectSound did not suffer from this problem on any of the 
machines used for the test. This was done in late 2010, but I have not seen 
any significant new releases of XAudio2 since then so I would presume that 
the problem still exists. Important to note is that the lag usually does not 
happen if you have just a few sounds playing at once. You need to reach 
quantities of about 10 or 15 before it starts to become noticeable.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: Davy Kager

To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
Sent: Saturday, December 14, 2013 1:58 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

Hi Thomas,

I have had no trouble with XAudio2.  That coupled with very low-level input 
handling using the Win32 API made for some awesome times.  Still, the 
disadvantage to such low-level work (I count XAudio2 as relatively low-level 
too), is that it takes more work to get things done - including more 
evaluation of your code to make sure it won't crash at run-time.  And the 
difference inr esponsiveness isn't too big anyway.  We're talking 
milliseconds here.  The one thing I did like about those components is that 
it was mostly event-driven.  I'm not a big fan of polling for input.
Unfortunately, I've read that Microsoft dropped XNA, so I wouldn't be 
surprised if XAudio2 is going too.  That's two abandoned audio systems in 
five years.

And really, OpenAL isn't so bad.  There are devices with hardware support 
(though I'm disabling that to ensure a uniform user experience).  And with 
the rise of Steam, being able to target Linux is a good thing.  Then there 
is the iOS thing, they use OpenAL too.  Joal is a great option for Java 
developers.  For iOS there is the excellent Object-AL.
Sadly Joal seems to have some issues acquiring the soundcard at times, but 
that's probably partly the fault of Windows and its drivers.  It's also a 
bit of a resource hog, it does a lot of memory copying that more low-level 
APIs avoid.  But hey, it does save you some resource managing.

DirectSound was great, and it's cool that it still works on modern systems, 
but just like with VB6 I'd strongly suggest new developers skip it 
altogether.  As you said the 3D part is very much broken unless you do your 
own tweaking (and even then), and to be fair the API really isn't that easy 
to use compared to XAudio2 or OpenAL.  The one nice thing is that you can 
easily script against it, but that's not too important for serious game 


-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of Thomas Ward
Sent: Saturday, December 14, 2013 13:18
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

Hi Davy,

Well, the problem with XAudio2 is that a number of developers have reported 
it is buggy. Philip was working on a version of BGT that uses XAudio2, and 
found out it caused some instabilities in BGT and removed
XAudio2 support for the time  being. So that is why BGT does not presently 
support XAudio2.

However, I agree for a multi-platform game there is no better option than 
OpenAL. You can use Joal for Java or write your own custom wrapper for the 
library for a decent cross-platform audio library that works on Mac, Linux, 
and Windows. Truth be told I am looking at using OpenAL as a replacement for 
DirectSound on Windows anyway just because the 3d audio is broken big time 
on DirectSound in Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 8.1. Clearly I need 
something else other than DirectSound, and XAudio2 is rather up in the air 
at this point.

As far as license agreement stopping someone from reverse engineering code I 
just can not go with that option. To me that is like someone intentionally 
leaving their front door unlocked and than hanging a sign outside saying do 
not enter. A person who respects you as a developer, has some decency, 
obviously won't reverse your code or pirate your software. However, sad to 
say a lot of people will not and it never hurts to add a few extra layers of 
security to keep the amateur wannabe crackers out of your code

Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

2013-12-14 Thread Davy Kager
There is always this too:
Of course the disadvantage is that you don't learn about the native platform in 
the way you would when going Objective-C.  You may also not get the same 
low-level access (i.e. Accelerated framework, Audio Units) that you get using 

-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of Cara Quinn
Sent: Saturday, December 14, 2013 03:57
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

Hi Josh,

Yes, you do need a Mac. Not sure if you're offering commentary on my note but 
if you are, davy mentioned purchasing a Mac and then the big money for the dev 
account so I was wondering if there might be some confusion here.

If you have any other questions on Mac / iOS development, please don't hesitate 
to ask. :) -Happy to answer them…

Have an awesome night!

Cara :)
iOS design and development -
View my Online Portfolio at:

Follow me on Twitter!

On Dec 13, 2013, at 4:37 PM, Josh wrote:

you do need a mac to develop for IOS, right?

using windows7 laptop

On 12/13/2013 7:13 PM, Cara Quinn wrote:
 Hi Davy,
 A question and a comment;
 When you say big bucks for a developer account, you are aware that this is 
 $99 per year, not per month, yes?
 This translates to less than $8 per month, -less than $2 per week.
 Not sure of your budget but just want to make sure we're all on the 
 same page here. :)
 To your point about not needing XCode when using C++, you do still need XCode 
 to build for iOS / Mac, regardless of whether you use C++ or not.
 Hope this helps and hope you and yours are having a most lovely holiday 
 Cara :)
 iOS design and development -
 View my Online Portfolio at:
 Follow me on Twitter!
 On Dec 13, 2013, at 8:30 AM, Davy Kager wrote:
 All very interesting points you made.
 I tend to agree that C++ is awesome (in an IDE that isn't vendor-specific, 
 with an opensource toolchain).  I'd love to automate my build process on 
 Linux and do nightlies for beta testers.  My main reason for using Java is 
 that I can't avoid using it in the future, on projects where I don't get to 
 decide what language to use.  I am interested in iOS development in the long 
 run.  I thought of concentrating on Windows for now, using OpenAL or XAudio2 
 with C++, and then combining a Mac and iOS project since both use Objective-C 
 and OpenAL.  The most prominent reason for not doing that is that I'm not 
 comfortable buying a MacBook and spending big money on a developer account 
 just yet, and XCode is really the way to go for Objective-C.  Doing something 
 in C++ would mostly remove the requirement for XCode, which is a good thing 
 to me as I'd like to unify the development process as much as possible.
 Still, right now I'm leaning towards using Java since I already have a 
 skeleton engine set up in that language and because it's so easy to debug 
 code on the JVM.  My only problem is with the ease of decompiling.  There are 
 solutions, most notably ahead-of-time compiling, but then you lose not only 
 some advantages of the JVM, but also a huge heap of money.  :) But then, I 
 also remember how Thomas struggled to find the right language for MOTA and 
 lost valuable time (I'm told there's still no final version 1 for that 
 game?).  Clearly you need to bite that bullet some day or be obscured in the 
 fog of indecisiveness.
 -Original Message-
 From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of 
 Sent: Friday, December 13, 2013 17:06
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More
 Chiming in on these cross-platform topics seems to be a common theme 
 for me. LOL
 I have three points I’d like to make.
 First, ignoring Mac as a viable platform for blind gamers is a poor strategy. 
 One year on, and Mac sales are still far exceeding Windows sales, even in 
 comparison to back in the hay day of audio games, some 10 years ago or so. It 
 isn’t just about raw user numbers, it is about demographics and the quality 
 of those users.
 Which leads me to my second point.
 There is an old saying: “Lies, damn lies, and statistics.”
 This could not apply to anything as well as it does to the statement that 
 Android is more popular than iOS overall. It is technically true that Android 
 is used in more devices, but that is because many of those devices are not, 
 strictly speaking, Android devices. That is to say, they are not being used 
 as portable computing devices like iOS devices are. Kindles, Nooks, many 
 models of feature phones, and countless other gadgets, all get lumped into 
 the Android user numbers, even though many of those devices

Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

2013-12-14 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hi Davy and others,

I wanted to stop by and briefly explain my current intentions for BGT. When 
I started developing it in late 2009, I had absolutely no idea how it would 
do financially. Now, 4 years down the line I can say that while sales have 
been reasonable considering the number of potential developers in the blind 
community, BGT is not and has never been something that I am going to get 
rich from. I never figured I would, either, but the truth is that it simply 
would not make sense for me to spend the amount of time and effort that 
would be involved porting it to a new platform. I am certainly not 
discounting Mac OS X/IOS as viable distribution channels. They are growing 
every day and I target them in all the mainstream projects that I am 
involved in at present. These other projects were written with cross 
platform support in mind from the get-go, while BGT was written exclusively 
for Windows. This means that BGT would require a major overhaul to be 
portable to other platforms, and I do not feel that an investment on such a 
scale would be viable at this point considering my current schedule.

Had I decided to create an audio game engine at this time, it would 
certainly have been written with cross platform compatibility in mind from 
the start. This is not the case with BGT, however, and I cannot spend much 
more time and money developing it considering the sales figures it has been 
generating thus far. This certainly does not mean that BGT is going to be 
abandoned. Far from it. I still enjoy making games as a hobby from time to 
time, and for that, it works very well for my needs. But I will not be 
working on it full time as I did a year ago. So for those of you who have 
been hoping for a cross platform BGT release, I am sorry I can't bring more 
positive news. However I felt it was better to clearly announce my 
intentions as opposed to staying silent and leaving users to wonder and 

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: Davy Kager

To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
Sent: Friday, December 13, 2013 5:17 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More


With all due respect, but you really don't want to pick up coding in VB6 
anymore.  PureBasic I wouldn't know, I haven't looked at it before.
With C++ (or Java) you really aren't coding from scratch.  OpenAL has a C 
API, Java has an OpenAL wrapper, and of course there's DirectSound and 
XAudio2 which have their respective APIs.  Oh, and Java's own sound API, 
which is good enough for basic stuff.  I'm not even going to try and list 
all the third-party options.  The one thing you will have to do yourself 
is resource management, but that is true for any language if you want to 
write efficient code that doesn't eat your system memory.  And in C++ 
you'll require external libraries, dynamic or static, to do certain 
things.  Java is a lot nicer in that regard, but as Thomas pointed out it 
takes less than a minute to get to the entire code-base of a project.

Also, I haven't actually tried BGT myself.  All I know about it comes from 
the website.  I'm not criticizing it, only trying to find out what it can 
and cannot do.


-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of shaun 

Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2013 00:04
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

Well davie, when danny and I were working on the deathmatch series danny 
found out we all did that there were limitations with bgt.

Sertain things need to be written a sertain way.
And the way  we were expanding the deathmatch series was just really going 
outside of bgt's limits.

deathmatch1 is not finnished to what it was going to be.
There are so many issues with bgt and its limits and we came on them with 
saving, arrays and a lot of other things that we have exhausted the 

It was never meant for really large games at least we think so.
The engine is good but there is a limit how much you can really do with 

Deathmatch1 was planned to have 10 missions or as many as we could put on.
however by mission 3 danny was running out of ideas and as it was there 
were so many issues by this time.
I can tell you we were going to have 4 missions but after all the issues 
danny has lost interest in that game and decided to end it as quickly  as 
Deathmatch2 started in pure basic but there are some issues to and so its 
visual basic 6.
If you know c++ davie and can code with it then I suggest you stay with it 
if you can.
I think danny and some others would like to learn but its a lot of work 
writing everything from scratch.
However if you do use it on a daily basis I'd stay with that then I would 
stay with it.

As for jawa, I do have java loaded.
I've never had much fun with games based on it though.
On the subject with sounds, music, etc.
There is a way to do this, A lot of games

Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

2013-12-13 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Davy:

While it is true that Angelscript, the scripting language built into
BGT , can be compiled and run on Mac OS X it is my understanding
Philip Bennefall has no current plans to port BGT to Mac. Besides not
owning a Mac, having to rewrite various components for the Mac, Philip
has stated on more than one occasion he doesn't feel porting BGT to
Mac is a solid financial investment. the market is still too small to
make it financially worth while. So while he may change his mind in
the future I think for the time being there are no plans for a Mac
version of BGT.
I am also a Java developer, but in my experience cooking one
executable in Java and having it work on Mac, Windows, and Linux as
expected doesn't always work out as intended. Variations in JRE can
cause unforeseen bugs or technical problems which is why I haven't
relied on it for audio gaming. Although, I'd agree it is easier to
make cross-platform versions of games and applications in Java than it
would be to use something like C++.

Security is and has also been a concern of mine as well. I love the
Java language, feel the speed is comfortable, but I don't like the
fact some two-bit hacker can take my class files and convert them back
to human readable source code in like two seconds flat. That makes me
very weary of using Java for any of my commercial endeavors, because
it is too easy to hack and any security keys or code generation in my
code can be reversed engineered fairly easy by another Java developer.
Not good.

Still faced with a choice between Java or BGT I'd take Java because
all of the options it gives me as a developer in terms of Windows,
Mac, Linux, and of course Android development. BGT while a good
product is in many ways a dead-end to anyone who wants to develop
outside of the Windows environment which is becoming more and more
necessary by the day. There is already a large and growing community
of blind users who have switched to Mac OS, an even larger blind
community of blind users now using iPhones, and a small but vibrant
handful using Android phones. All of those are possible markets to
target with accessible games, and BGT  is going nowhere in that
direction in terms of game development. So Java or C++ is still your
best bet for accessible game development.


On 12/11/13, Davy Kager wrote:
 Whoa, has been ages since I last posted here!

 Anyway, nerd questions coming up.  I’d be interested to know if there are
 any plans to turn BGT loose on Mac OS.  I believe the scripting language it
 uses is capable of running on Mac OS, so that’s a start, isn’t it?

 Here is the background story, for those interested:

 I’ve been developing both “regular” applications and games, although to be
 fair I’ve spent very little time on games over the last few years.  I use
 mostly Java, occasionally C++ as well.  Recently I figured I’d start being
 serious about games again.  The obvious thing to do would be to turn to Java
 (which is what I did), since I have to use that for more professional
 projects anyway so I might as well stick to something I know.  Java is great
 for cross-platform work.  Except for a few nitty gritty details you can
 basically cook one executable and run it on Windows, Mac OS and Linux.
 Java’s performance is good too, and with the upcoming Java 8 and 9 it will
 become less painful to distribute the required JVM with your source code,
 removing the need for your users to install extra software.  Not to mention
 that debugging code is a breeze.  The single disadvantage is that it is
 super easy to decompile Java, to the point where the original source
 emerges, so encrypting user data is virtually useless.  Things like TLS for
 secure Internet communication still work of course, but all security keys
 you store in your code are visible to anyone and everyone.  .NET kind of
 suffers from the same thing, by the way.  Had some good times messing about
 with Entombed back when.  J

 So then, I could use C++ (and optionally one of those executable scramblers
 that the cool kids love to use).  To the trained professional disassembling
 a program written in C++ to find a certain bit of logic can be as
 straight-forward as decompiling Java, but it definitely makes life harder
 for the average Joe who wants to hack some sounds he particularly likes.  On
 the other hand, as a developer you have to take a few extra steps to produce
 the required executables for the platforms you want to support.  Debugging
 might also be a bit more cumbersome.

 In comes BGT.  It’s very secure (although no software is truly unbreakable),
 its syntax isn’t a problem if you know C++ already, and it creates very
 efficient executables.  On the donw-side, I’m told it’s only available on
 Windows, and you don’t get to use standards directly (AKA OpenAL, Java
 runtime, standard C++ library).  I really don’t mind about the standards,
 but I believe I’d upset a few people if I’d leave out support for Mac OS.


Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

2013-12-13 Thread Josh
how about porting it to android then because android is a very very 
popular platform indeed way way more so than mac is. It would be fun to 
play q9 on android. or if someone made papa sangre for android.

using windows7 laptop

On 12/13/2013 7:20 AM, Thomas Ward wrote:

Hi Davy:

While it is true that Angelscript, the scripting language built into
BGT , can be compiled and run on Mac OS X it is my understanding
Philip Bennefall has no current plans to port BGT to Mac. Besides not
owning a Mac, having to rewrite various components for the Mac, Philip
has stated on more than one occasion he doesn't feel porting BGT to
Mac is a solid financial investment. the market is still too small to
make it financially worth while. So while he may change his mind in
the future I think for the time being there are no plans for a Mac
version of BGT.
I am also a Java developer, but in my experience cooking one
executable in Java and having it work on Mac, Windows, and Linux as
expected doesn't always work out as intended. Variations in JRE can
cause unforeseen bugs or technical problems which is why I haven't
relied on it for audio gaming. Although, I'd agree it is easier to
make cross-platform versions of games and applications in Java than it
would be to use something like C++.

Security is and has also been a concern of mine as well. I love the
Java language, feel the speed is comfortable, but I don't like the
fact some two-bit hacker can take my class files and convert them back
to human readable source code in like two seconds flat. That makes me
very weary of using Java for any of my commercial endeavors, because
it is too easy to hack and any security keys or code generation in my
code can be reversed engineered fairly easy by another Java developer.
Not good.

Still faced with a choice between Java or BGT I'd take Java because
all of the options it gives me as a developer in terms of Windows,
Mac, Linux, and of course Android development. BGT while a good
product is in many ways a dead-end to anyone who wants to develop
outside of the Windows environment which is becoming more and more
necessary by the day. There is already a large and growing community
of blind users who have switched to Mac OS, an even larger blind
community of blind users now using iPhones, and a small but vibrant
handful using Android phones. All of those are possible markets to
target with accessible games, and BGT  is going nowhere in that
direction in terms of game development. So Java or C++ is still your
best bet for accessible game development.


On 12/11/13, Davy Kager wrote:

Whoa, has been ages since I last posted here!

Anyway, nerd questions coming up.  I’d be interested to know if there are
any plans to turn BGT loose on Mac OS.  I believe the scripting language it
uses is capable of running on Mac OS, so that’s a start, isn’t it?

Here is the background story, for those interested:

I’ve been developing both “regular” applications and games, although to be
fair I’ve spent very little time on games over the last few years.  I use
mostly Java, occasionally C++ as well.  Recently I figured I’d start being
serious about games again.  The obvious thing to do would be to turn to Java
(which is what I did), since I have to use that for more professional
projects anyway so I might as well stick to something I know.  Java is great
for cross-platform work.  Except for a few nitty gritty details you can
basically cook one executable and run it on Windows, Mac OS and Linux.
Java’s performance is good too, and with the upcoming Java 8 and 9 it will
become less painful to distribute the required JVM with your source code,
removing the need for your users to install extra software.  Not to mention
that debugging code is a breeze.  The single disadvantage is that it is
super easy to decompile Java, to the point where the original source
emerges, so encrypting user data is virtually useless.  Things like TLS for
secure Internet communication still work of course, but all security keys
you store in your code are visible to anyone and everyone.  .NET kind of
suffers from the same thing, by the way.  Had some good times messing about
with Entombed back when.  J

So then, I could use C++ (and optionally one of those executable scramblers
that the cool kids love to use).  To the trained professional disassembling
a program written in C++ to find a certain bit of logic can be as
straight-forward as decompiling Java, but it definitely makes life harder
for the average Joe who wants to hack some sounds he particularly likes.  On
the other hand, as a developer you have to take a few extra steps to produce
the required executables for the platforms you want to support.  Debugging
might also be a bit more cumbersome.

In comes BGT.  It’s very secure (although no software is truly unbreakable),
its syntax isn’t a problem if you know C++ already, and it creates very
efficient executables.  On the donw-side, I’m told it’s only 

Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

2013-12-13 Thread Thomas Ward
Hello Josh:

Well, I sincerely doubt Android has more blind users than Mac OS, but
even if true there are a number of technical issues. The primary one
is Android apps are written in Java and BGT was written in C++. So to
begin with BGT would likely have to be rewritten from the ground up in
Java which is not a small or minor feat. The Angelscript library as
far as I know was not written for mobile platforms like Android either
meaning that it too would need to be ported to Android as well. In
short, it is not so simple or as easy as you think it is to port BGT
from Windows to an Android phone.

Besides that selling audio games of any kind on Android has been a
commercial failure from all I have heard. For instance, Liam released
a game Audio Archery for Android and iPhone. It sold 80 copies for
Android and over a thousand for iPhone. That alone proves Android,
while an emerging technology for the blind, is a pretty poor platform
for selling products right now. the market just is not there yet.


On 12/13/13, Josh wrote:
 how about porting it to android then because android is a very very
 popular platform indeed way way more so than mac is. It would be fun to
 play q9 on android. or if someone made papa sangre for android.

 using windows7 laptop

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Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

2013-12-13 Thread Josh
I wonder how well the nearby explorer gps app is doing sales wise? that 
is an app for blind people, a gps app though. and its android only. I 
did read though that overall for sighted people android is more popular 
than IOS.

using windows7 laptop

On 12/13/2013 9:03 AM, Thomas Ward wrote:

Hello Josh:

Well, I sincerely doubt Android has more blind users than Mac OS, but
even if true there are a number of technical issues. The primary one
is Android apps are written in Java and BGT was written in C++. So to
begin with BGT would likely have to be rewritten from the ground up in
Java which is not a small or minor feat. The Angelscript library as
far as I know was not written for mobile platforms like Android either
meaning that it too would need to be ported to Android as well. In
short, it is not so simple or as easy as you think it is to port BGT
from Windows to an Android phone.

Besides that selling audio games of any kind on Android has been a
commercial failure from all I have heard. For instance, Liam released
a game Audio Archery for Android and iPhone. It sold 80 copies for
Android and over a thousand for iPhone. That alone proves Android,
while an emerging technology for the blind, is a pretty poor platform
for selling products right now. the market just is not there yet.


On 12/13/13, Josh wrote:

how about porting it to android then because android is a very very
popular platform indeed way way more so than mac is. It would be fun to
play q9 on android. or if someone made papa sangre for android.

using windows7 laptop

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Gamers mailing list __
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Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

2013-12-13 Thread Davy Kager

Yes, it definitely seems that some language coupled with OpenAL is the way to 
go.  For a Windows-only game I'd use XAudio2 (which BGT doesn't do either), but 
for a multi-platform game OpenAL has a lot to offer inspite of its quirks.  It 
makes transitioning to iOS easier as well, unless you go and use the Papa 
Engine for full binaural audio in your iOS games.  But the Papa Engine and BGT 
aren't free, which I appreciate can be a bit of a problem for developers just 
starting out.  If you pay those $100 for BGT or your Apple iOS developer 
account you practically have to come up with something that sells well in order 
to make it, as you say, financially viable.

The cross-platform applications I have developed so far worked reasonably well 
on Mac, although I never made a serious effort to make the Mac version as 
streamlined as the Windows version since demand was low.  This seems to be 
rapidly changing now.
So yes, coding your own engine in Java or C++ is a lot more work than licensing 
BGT and using that, but I feel the benefits justify that decision (provided you 
have the time and resources to take on such a project).

Java's lack of security certainly stings.  It's understandable if you look at 
Java's history and intended use, but still...  On the other hand, the license 
agreement should legally stop any legitimate user from prying.  Of course 
enforcing a license agreement is a bit of a toughy for indie developers.  But 
even so, if you have an awesome online back-end to your game, i.e. the bazaar 
in Entombed, users would still have a good reason to buy the real thing.  Not 
to mention the whole gratitude bit: I took the time to develop for a niche 
market, so saying thanks by pirating isn't very nice.  The harsh truth is that 
any software can be pirated if the right people get their hands on it.
I'm especially concerned about my game's audio being stolen, partly because I 
want my audio to be at least somewhat unique and partly because it might get me 
into a legal corner if some kid steals my audio and puts it up somewhere.  But 
then again, no encryption is going to be perfect.  Java is the extreme example. 
 You can't properly hide your decryption key in code, and externalizing it 
makes it even easier for someone to do the decryption themselves.  You could 
definitely store the key on a remote server and download it everytime the game 
is started, but then your players can't use the game while offline.  You could 
also code your own implementation of AES and push your class files through an 
obfuscator.  That'd probably stop most people, but it's very ugly indeed.  So 
Java is really bad.  Except that memory dumping a BGT game also spills a lot of 
interesting data.  So yes, it securely stores sound data on disk, but it has 
to be played back at some point.  I guess you'd just have to make your game 
good enough that people are willing to pay for it, much like true fans of a pop 
star will still buy their songs instead of downloading them illegally.
Oh, and obviously the more encryption runs you put in, the slower your game is 
going to be.  And in the end, a determined hacker can still get in.  I think I 
have to watch myself and stop trying to create a fake feeling of security.  
That doesn't mean I like how people can decompile my classes, though.  I 
suppose I have to set priorities: rapid development or better pseudo-security.


-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of Thomas Ward
Sent: Friday, December 13, 2013 13:20
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

Hi Davy:

While it is true that Angelscript, the scripting language built into BGT , can 
be compiled and run on Mac OS X it is my understanding Philip Bennefall has no 
current plans to port BGT to Mac. Besides not owning a Mac, having to rewrite 
various components for the Mac, Philip has stated on more than one occasion he 
doesn't feel porting BGT to Mac is a solid financial investment. the market is 
still too small to make it financially worth while. So while he may change his 
mind in the future I think for the time being there are no plans for a Mac 
version of BGT.
I am also a Java developer, but in my experience cooking one executable in Java 
and having it work on Mac, Windows, and Linux as expected doesn't always work 
out as intended. Variations in JRE can cause unforeseen bugs or technical 
problems which is why I haven't relied on it for audio gaming. Although, I'd 
agree it is easier to make cross-platform versions of games and applications in 
Java than it would be to use something like C++.

Security is and has also been a concern of mine as well. I love the Java 
language, feel the speed is comfortable, but I don't like the fact some two-bit 
hacker can take my class files and convert them back to human readable source 
code in like two seconds flat. That makes me very weary of using Java for any 
of my commercial

Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

2013-12-13 Thread shaun everiss
Well davie, when danny and I were working on the 
deathmatch series danny found out we all did that 
there were limitations with bgt.

Sertain things need to be written a sertain way.
And the way  we were expanding the deathmatch 
series was just really going outside of bgt's limits.

deathmatch1 is not finnished to what it was going to be.
There are so many issues with bgt and its limits 
and we came on them with saving, arrays and a lot 
of other things that we have exhausted the language.

It was never meant for really large games at least we think so.
The engine is good but there is a limit how much you can really do with it.
Deathmatch1 was planned to have 10 missions or as many as we could put on.
however by mission 3 danny was running out of 
ideas and as it was there were so many issues by this time.
I can tell you we were going to have 4 missions 
but after all the issues danny has lost interest 
in that game and decided to end it as quickly  as possible.
Deathmatch2 started in pure basic but there are 
some issues to and so its visual basic 6.
If you know c++ davie and can code with it then I 
suggest you stay with it if you can.
I think danny and some others would like to learn 
but its a lot of work writing everything from scratch.
However if you do use it on a daily basis I'd 
stay with that then I would stay with it.

As for jawa, I do have java loaded.
I've never had much fun with games based on it though.
On the subject with sounds, music, etc.
There is a way to do this, A lot of games that 
are comercial that have come lately depending on 
what additions you get, and how much you pay do 
include soundtracks as actual files as bonus content.

At 09:08 AM 12/12/2013, you wrote:
Whoa, has been ages since I last posted here! 
Anyway, nerd questions coming up.  I’d be 
interested to know if there are any plans to 
turn BGT loose on Mac OS.  I believe the 
scripting language it uses is capable of running 
on Mac OS, so that’s a start, isn’t it? Here 
is the background story, for those interested: 
I’ve been developing both “regular” 
applications and games, although to be fair 
I’ve spent very little time on games over the 
last few years.  I use mostly Java, occasionally 
C++ as well.  Recently I figured I’d start 
being serious about games again.  The obvious 
thing to do would be to turn to Java (which is 
what I did), since I have to use that for more 
professional projects anyway so I might as well 
stick to something I know.  Java is great for 
cross-platform work.  Except for a few nitty 
gritty details you can basically cook one 
executable and run it on Windows, Mac OS and 
Linux.  Java’s performance is good too, and 
with the upcoming Java 8 and 9 it will become 
less painful to distribute the required JVM with 
your source code, removing the need for your 
users to install extra software.  Not to mention 
that debugging code is a breeze.  The single 
disadvantage is that it is super easy to 
decompile Java, to the point where the original 
source emerges, so encrypting user data is 
virtually useless.  Things like TLS for secure 
Internet communication still work of course, but 
all security keys you store in your code are 
visible to anyone and everyone.  .NET kind of 
suffers from the same thing, by the way.  Had 
some good times messing about with Entombed back 
when.  J So then, I could use C++ (and 
optionally one of those executable scramblers 
that the cool kids love to use).  To the trained 
professional disassembling a program written in 
C++ to find a certain bit of logic can be as 
straight-forward as decompiling Java, but it 
definitely makes life harder for the average Joe 
who wants to hack some sounds he particularly 
likes.  On the other hand, as a developer you 
have to take a few extra steps to produce the 
required executables for the platforms you want 
to support.  Debugging might also be a bit more 
cumbersome. In comes BGT.  It’s very secure 
(although no software is truly unbreakable), its 
syntax isn’t a problem if you know C++ 
already, and it creates very efficient 
executables.  On the donw-side, I’m told 
it’s only available on Windows, and you 
don’t get to use standards directly (AKA 
OpenAL, Java runtime, standard C++ library).  I 
really don’t mind about the standards, but I 
believe I’d upset a few people if I’d leave 
out support for Mac OS. Actually, knowing 
standard things can be fun, too.  If you want to 
develop for Android, Java would be an excellent 
choice, so it helps if your products for PC and 
Mac are already using it.  Similarly, knowing 
OpenAL is great for moving on to iOS games, 
since Apple natively supports OpenAL.  But 
really, Java’s not good at running on the same 
machine where the encrypted data lives without 
applying security on the OS level.  I’m not 
too concerned about people coming up with their 
own keygens.  If you have a members-only area 
inside your game that requires 

Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

2013-12-13 Thread Draconis
Chiming in on these cross-platform topics seems to be a common theme for me. LOL

I have three points I’d like to make.

First, ignoring Mac as a viable platform for blind gamers is a poor strategy. 
One year on, and Mac sales are still far exceeding Windows sales, even in 
comparison to back in the hay day of audio games, some 10 years ago or so. It 
isn’t just about raw user numbers, it is about demographics and the quality of 
those users.

Which leads me to my second point.

There is an old saying: “Lies, damn lies, and statistics.”

This could not apply to anything as well as it does to the statement that 
Android is more popular than iOS overall. It is technically true that Android 
is used in more devices, but that is because many of those devices are not, 
strictly speaking, Android devices. That is to say, they are not being used as 
portable computing devices like iOS devices are. Kindles, Nooks, many models of 
feature phones, and countless other gadgets, all get lumped into the Android 
user numbers, even though many of those devices are so limited in scope that 
users don’t even know Android was used in their development.

This is why, in the areas that matters, iOS’s numbers are so much better than 
Android’s, despite the marketshare numbers that the media likes to quote. iOS 
consistently has over 80% of web usage from mobile devices, for example. iOS 
users are for more likely to pay for apps, too. iOS users also spend more time 
on their devices, showing greater engagement with the platform. And those kinds 
of numbers go on and on.

It is the same kind of trick as companies like Samsung use that create 
headlines in the news like: “Samsung sells 10 million Galaxy blah blah”. In 
reality, they shipped that number to resellers and warehouses. Shipped, but not 
necessarily sold to end users. Samsung never actually releases specific sales 
numbers. They only ever announce numbers of units shipped. It sounds better 
that way.

Apple, conversely, only ever announces sales to end users, and never the number 
of units shipped.

All of this, before you even start taking into account the fragmentation of 
Android, which is a disaster that Google is continuing to scramble to get a 
hold on with nothing to show for it. Less than 2% of Android devices are 
running the latest version of the OS, compared with over 70% of iOS devices. 
Android is a support nightmare for developers, much as Windows is.

Granted, that 2% number may be slightly skewed, given Google’s continued desire 
to artificially inflate the usage numbers of Android, but it is still a huge 
problem for the platform.

My final point is a technical one.

We explored a number of options for developing the Draconis Engine, including 
experimenting with various languages, techniques, and technologies. We have now 
shipped multiple titles on three platforms in the space of eleven months. Three 
Mac releases, three Windows releases, and one iOS release. (This assumes you 
count the Show Cases for Mac/Windows.)

The Draconis Engine was created with C++ primarily, with very tiny portions 
written in Objective-C to cover OS X and iOS GUI, and small portions in C# for 

While C++, like any language, has advantages and disadvantages, if you are 
interested in cross-platform development, particularly game development, we 
found that the relatively minor trade offs were worth the huge advantages we 
gained by going this route.

Just about all other cross-platform methods, like Java or Python, come with 
huge disadvantages, as I believe Tom has mostly already covered.

Hope this is helpful.

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Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

2013-12-13 Thread Davy Kager

With all due respect, but you really don't want to pick up coding in VB6 
anymore.  PureBasic I wouldn't know, I haven't looked at it before.
With C++ (or Java) you really aren't coding from scratch.  OpenAL has a C API, 
Java has an OpenAL wrapper, and of course there's DirectSound and XAudio2 which 
have their respective APIs.  Oh, and Java's own sound API, which is good enough 
for basic stuff.  I'm not even going to try and list all the third-party 
options.  The one thing you will have to do yourself is resource management, 
but that is true for any language if you want to write efficient code that 
doesn't eat your system memory.  And in C++ you'll require external libraries, 
dynamic or static, to do certain things.  Java is a lot nicer in that regard, 
but as Thomas pointed out it takes less than a minute to get to the entire 
code-base of a project.

Also, I haven't actually tried BGT myself.  All I know about it comes from the 
website.  I'm not criticizing it, only trying to find out what it can and 
cannot do.


-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of shaun everiss
Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2013 00:04
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

Well davie, when danny and I were working on the deathmatch series danny found 
out we all did that there were limitations with bgt.
Sertain things need to be written a sertain way.
And the way  we were expanding the deathmatch series was just really going 
outside of bgt's limits.
deathmatch1 is not finnished to what it was going to be.
There are so many issues with bgt and its limits and we came on them with 
saving, arrays and a lot of other things that we have exhausted the language.
It was never meant for really large games at least we think so.
The engine is good but there is a limit how much you can really do with it.
Deathmatch1 was planned to have 10 missions or as many as we could put on.
however by mission 3 danny was running out of ideas and as it was there were so 
many issues by this time.
I can tell you we were going to have 4 missions but after all the issues danny 
has lost interest in that game and decided to end it as quickly  as possible.
Deathmatch2 started in pure basic but there are some issues to and so its 
visual basic 6.
If you know c++ davie and can code with it then I suggest you stay with it if 
you can.
I think danny and some others would like to learn but its a lot of work writing 
everything from scratch.
However if you do use it on a daily basis I'd stay with that then I would stay 
with it.
As for jawa, I do have java loaded.
I've never had much fun with games based on it though.
On the subject with sounds, music, etc.
There is a way to do this, A lot of games that are comercial that have come 
lately depending on what additions you get, and how much you pay do include 
soundtracks as actual files as bonus content.

At 09:08 AM 12/12/2013, you wrote:
Whoa, has been ages since I last posted here! 
Anyway, nerd questions coming up.  I’d be interested to know if there 
are any plans to turn BGT loose on Mac OS.  I believe the scripting 
language it uses is capable of running on Mac OS, so that’s a start, 
isn’t it? Here is the background story, for those interested:
I’ve been developing both “regular” applications and games, 
although to be fair I’ve spent very little time on games over the 
last few years.  I use mostly Java, occasionally
C++ as well.  Recently I figured I’d start
being serious about games again.  The obvious thing to do would be to 
turn to Java (which is what I did), since I have to use that for more 
professional projects anyway so I might as well stick to something I 
know.  Java is great for cross-platform work.  Except for a few nitty 
gritty details you can basically cook one executable and run it on 
Windows, Mac OS and Linux.  Java’s performance is good too, and with 
the upcoming Java 8 and 9 it will become less painful to distribute the 
required JVM with your source code, removing the need for your users to 
install extra software.  Not to mention that debugging code is a 
breeze.  The single disadvantage is that it is super easy to decompile 
Java, to the point where the original source emerges, so encrypting 
user data is virtually useless.  Things like TLS for secure Internet 
communication still work of course, but all security keys you store in 
your code are visible to anyone and everyone.  .NET kind of suffers 
from the same thing, by the way.  Had some good times messing about 
with Entombed back when.  J So then, I could use C++ (and optionally 
one of those executable scramblers that the cool kids love to use).  To 
the trained professional disassembling a program written in
C++ to find a certain bit of logic can be as
straight-forward as decompiling Java, but it definitely makes life 
harder for the average Joe who wants to hack some sounds he 
particularly likes

Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

2013-12-13 Thread Davy Kager

All very interesting points you made.
I tend to agree that C++ is awesome (in an IDE that isn't vendor-specific, with 
an opensource toolchain).  I'd love to automate my build process on Linux and 
do nightlies for beta testers.  My main reason for using Java is that I can't 
avoid using it in the future, on projects where I don't get to decide what 
language to use.  I am interested in iOS development in the long run.  I 
thought of concentrating on Windows for now, using OpenAL or XAudio2 with C++, 
and then combining a Mac and iOS project since both use Objective-C and OpenAL. 
 The most prominent reason for not doing that is that I'm not comfortable 
buying a MacBook and spending big money on a developer account just yet, and 
XCode is really the way to go for Objective-C.  Doing something in C++ would 
mostly remove the requirement for XCode, which is a good thing to me as I'd 
like to unify the development process as much as possible.
Still, right now I'm leaning towards using Java since I already have a skeleton 
engine set up in that language and because it's so easy to debug code on the 
JVM.  My only problem is with the ease of decompiling.  There are solutions, 
most notably ahead-of-time compiling, but then you lose not only some 
advantages of the JVM, but also a huge heap of money.  :)
But then, I also remember how Thomas struggled to find the right language for 
MOTA and lost valuable time (I'm told there's still no final version 1 for that 
game?).  Clearly you need to bite that bullet some day or be obscured in the 
fog of indecisiveness.


-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of Draconis
Sent: Friday, December 13, 2013 17:06
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

Chiming in on these cross-platform topics seems to be a common theme for me. LOL

I have three points I’d like to make.

First, ignoring Mac as a viable platform for blind gamers is a poor strategy. 
One year on, and Mac sales are still far exceeding Windows sales, even in 
comparison to back in the hay day of audio games, some 10 years ago or so. It 
isn’t just about raw user numbers, it is about demographics and the quality of 
those users.

Which leads me to my second point.

There is an old saying: “Lies, damn lies, and statistics.”

This could not apply to anything as well as it does to the statement that 
Android is more popular than iOS overall. It is technically true that Android 
is used in more devices, but that is because many of those devices are not, 
strictly speaking, Android devices. That is to say, they are not being used as 
portable computing devices like iOS devices are. Kindles, Nooks, many models of 
feature phones, and countless other gadgets, all get lumped into the Android 
user numbers, even though many of those devices are so limited in scope that 
users don’t even know Android was used in their development.

This is why, in the areas that matters, iOS’s numbers are so much better than 
Android’s, despite the marketshare numbers that the media likes to quote. iOS 
consistently has over 80% of web usage from mobile devices, for example. iOS 
users are for more likely to pay for apps, too. iOS users also spend more time 
on their devices, showing greater engagement with the platform. And those kinds 
of numbers go on and on.

It is the same kind of trick as companies like Samsung use that create 
headlines in the news like: “Samsung sells 10 million Galaxy blah blah”. In 
reality, they shipped that number to resellers and warehouses. Shipped, but not 
necessarily sold to end users. Samsung never actually releases specific sales 
numbers. They only ever announce numbers of units shipped. It sounds better 
that way.

Apple, conversely, only ever announces sales to end users, and never the number 
of units shipped.

All of this, before you even start taking into account the fragmentation of 
Android, which is a disaster that Google is continuing to scramble to get a 
hold on with nothing to show for it. Less than 2% of Android devices are 
running the latest version of the OS, compared with over 70% of iOS devices. 
Android is a support nightmare for developers, much as Windows is.

Granted, that 2% number may be slightly skewed, given Google’s continued desire 
to artificially inflate the usage numbers of Android, but it is still a huge 
problem for the platform.

My final point is a technical one.

We explored a number of options for developing the Draconis Engine, including 
experimenting with various languages, techniques, and technologies. We have now 
shipped multiple titles on three platforms in the space of eleven months. Three 
Mac releases, three Windows releases, and one iOS release. (This assumes you 
count the Show Cases for Mac/Windows.)

The Draconis Engine was created with C++ primarily, with very tiny portions 
written in Objective-C to cover OS X and iOS GUI, and small portions in C

Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

2013-12-13 Thread Charles Rivard
Statistics can be disceiving.  Years ago, there was a battle between the 
American and National leagues as which was more popular.  The American 
league, according to statistics, was more popular.  Ah.  But what 
statistics??  More tickets were sold for American League games.  However, if 
you looked at how many fans actually attended baseball games, there were 
more fans actually going through the turnstiles at National League games. 
More fans actually went to see the National League games.  The American 
League's focus was on sales and income, but the National League's focus was 
on actual attendance.

Be positive!  When it comes to being defeated, if you think you're finished, 
you! really! are! finished!
- Original Message - 
From: Draconis

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Friday, December 13, 2013 10:05 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

Chiming in on these cross-platform topics seems to be a common theme for me. 

I have three points I’d like to make.

First, ignoring Mac as a viable platform for blind gamers is a poor 
strategy. One year on, and Mac sales are still far exceeding Windows sales, 
even in comparison to back in the hay day of audio games, some 10 years ago 
or so. It isn’t just about raw user numbers, it is about demographics and 
the quality of those users.

Which leads me to my second point.

There is an old saying: “Lies, damn lies, and statistics.”

This could not apply to anything as well as it does to the statement that 
Android is more popular than iOS overall. It is technically true that 
Android is used in more devices, but that is because many of those devices 
are not, strictly speaking, Android devices. That is to say, they are not 
being used as portable computing devices like iOS devices are. Kindles, 
Nooks, many models of feature phones, and countless other gadgets, all get 
lumped into the Android user numbers, even though many of those devices are 
so limited in scope that users don’t even know Android was used in their 

This is why, in the areas that matters, iOS’s numbers are so much better 
than Android’s, despite the marketshare numbers that the media likes to 
quote. iOS consistently has over 80% of web usage from mobile devices, for 
example. iOS users are for more likely to pay for apps, too. iOS users also 
spend more time on their devices, showing greater engagement with the 
platform. And those kinds of numbers go on and on.

It is the same kind of trick as companies like Samsung use that create 
headlines in the news like: “Samsung sells 10 million Galaxy blah blah”. In 
reality, they shipped that number to resellers and warehouses. Shipped, but 
not necessarily sold to end users. Samsung never actually releases specific 
sales numbers. They only ever announce numbers of units shipped. It sounds 
better that way.

Apple, conversely, only ever announces sales to end users, and never the 
number of units shipped.

All of this, before you even start taking into account the fragmentation of 
Android, which is a disaster that Google is continuing to scramble to get a 
hold on with nothing to show for it. Less than 2% of Android devices are 
running the latest version of the OS, compared with over 70% of iOS devices. 
Android is a support nightmare for developers, much as Windows is.

Granted, that 2% number may be slightly skewed, given Google’s continued 
desire to artificially inflate the usage numbers of Android, but it is still 
a huge problem for the platform.

My final point is a technical one.

We explored a number of options for developing the Draconis Engine, 
including experimenting with various languages, techniques, and 
technologies. We have now shipped multiple titles on three platforms in the 
space of eleven months. Three Mac releases, three Windows releases, and one 
iOS release. (This assumes you count the Show Cases for Mac/Windows.)

The Draconis Engine was created with C++ primarily, with very tiny portions 
written in Objective-C to cover OS X and iOS GUI, and small portions in C# 
for Windows.

While C++, like any language, has advantages and disadvantages, if you are 
interested in cross-platform development, particularly game development, we 
found that the relatively minor trade offs were worth the huge advantages we 
gained by going this route.

Just about all other cross-platform methods, like Java or Python, come with 
huge disadvantages, as I believe Tom has mostly already covered.

Hope this is helpful.

Gamers mailing list __
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to

You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,

Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

2013-12-13 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hi Davy and others,

I wanted to stop by and briefly explain my current intentions for BGT. When
I started developing it in late 2009, I had absolutely no idea how it would
do financially. Now, 4 years down the line I can say that while sales have
been reasonable considering the number of potential developers in the blind
community, BGT is not and has never been something that I am going to get
rich from. I never figured I would, either, but the truth is that it simply
would not make sense for me to spend the amount of time and effort that
would be involved porting it to a new platform. I am certainly not
discounting Mac OS X/IOS as viable distribution channels. They are growing
every day and I target them in all the mainstream projects that I am
involved in at present. These other projects were written with cross
platform support in mind from the get-go, while BGT was written exclusively
for Windows. This means that BGT would require a major overhaul to be
portable to other platforms, and I do not feel that an investment on such a
scale would be viable at this point considering my current schedule.

Had I decided to create an audio game engine at this time, it would
certainly have been written with cross platform compatibility in mind from
the start. This is not the case with BGT, however, and I cannot spend much
more time and money developing it considering the sales figures it has been
generating thus far. This certainly does not mean that BGT is going to be
abandoned. Far from it. I still enjoy making games as a hobby from time to
time, and for that, it works very well for my needs. But I will not be
working on it full time as I did a year ago. So for those of you who have
been hoping for a cross platform BGT release, I am sorry I can't bring more
positive news. However I felt it was better to clearly announce my
intentions as opposed to staying silent and leaving users to wonder and

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall 

Gamers mailing list __
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to
You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
please send E-mail to

Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

2013-12-13 Thread Cara Quinn
Hi Davy,

A question and a comment;

When you say big bucks for a developer account, you are aware that this is $99 
per year, not per month, yes?

This translates to less than $8 per month, -less than $2 per week.

Not sure of your budget but just want to make sure we're all on the same page 
here. :)

To your point about not needing XCode when using C++, you do still need XCode 
to build for iOS / Mac, regardless of whether you use C++ or not.

Hope this helps and hope you and yours are having a most lovely holiday season!


Cara :)
iOS design and development -
View my Online Portfolio at:

Follow me on Twitter!

On Dec 13, 2013, at 8:30 AM, Davy Kager wrote:


All very interesting points you made.
I tend to agree that C++ is awesome (in an IDE that isn't vendor-specific, with 
an opensource toolchain).  I'd love to automate my build process on Linux and 
do nightlies for beta testers.  My main reason for using Java is that I can't 
avoid using it in the future, on projects where I don't get to decide what 
language to use.  I am interested in iOS development in the long run.  I 
thought of concentrating on Windows for now, using OpenAL or XAudio2 with C++, 
and then combining a Mac and iOS project since both use Objective-C and OpenAL. 
 The most prominent reason for not doing that is that I'm not comfortable 
buying a MacBook and spending big money on a developer account just yet, and 
XCode is really the way to go for Objective-C.  Doing something in C++ would 
mostly remove the requirement for XCode, which is a good thing to me as I'd 
like to unify the development process as much as possible.
Still, right now I'm leaning towards using Java since I already have a skeleton 
engine set up in that language and because it's so easy to debug code on the 
JVM.  My only problem is with the ease of decompiling.  There are solutions, 
most notably ahead-of-time compiling, but then you lose not only some 
advantages of the JVM, but also a huge heap of money.  :)
But then, I also remember how Thomas struggled to find the right language for 
MOTA and lost valuable time (I'm told there's still no final version 1 for that 
game?).  Clearly you need to bite that bullet some day or be obscured in the 
fog of indecisiveness.


-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of Draconis
Sent: Friday, December 13, 2013 17:06
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

Chiming in on these cross-platform topics seems to be a common theme for me. LOL

I have three points I’d like to make.

First, ignoring Mac as a viable platform for blind gamers is a poor strategy. 
One year on, and Mac sales are still far exceeding Windows sales, even in 
comparison to back in the hay day of audio games, some 10 years ago or so. It 
isn’t just about raw user numbers, it is about demographics and the quality of 
those users.

Which leads me to my second point.

There is an old saying: “Lies, damn lies, and statistics.”

This could not apply to anything as well as it does to the statement that 
Android is more popular than iOS overall. It is technically true that Android 
is used in more devices, but that is because many of those devices are not, 
strictly speaking, Android devices. That is to say, they are not being used as 
portable computing devices like iOS devices are. Kindles, Nooks, many models of 
feature phones, and countless other gadgets, all get lumped into the Android 
user numbers, even though many of those devices are so limited in scope that 
users don’t even know Android was used in their development.

This is why, in the areas that matters, iOS’s numbers are so much better than 
Android’s, despite the marketshare numbers that the media likes to quote. iOS 
consistently has over 80% of web usage from mobile devices, for example. iOS 
users are for more likely to pay for apps, too. iOS users also spend more time 
on their devices, showing greater engagement with the platform. And those kinds 
of numbers go on and on.

It is the same kind of trick as companies like Samsung use that create 
headlines in the news like: “Samsung sells 10 million Galaxy blah blah”. In 
reality, they shipped that number to resellers and warehouses. Shipped, but not 
necessarily sold to end users. Samsung never actually releases specific sales 
numbers. They only ever announce numbers of units shipped. It sounds better 
that way.

Apple, conversely, only ever announces sales to end users, and never the number 
of units shipped.

All of this, before you even start taking into account the fragmentation of 
Android, which is a disaster that Google is continuing to scramble to get a 
hold on with nothing to show for it. Less than 2% of Android devices are 
running the latest version of the OS, compared with over 70% of iOS devices. 
Android is a support

Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

2013-12-13 Thread Josh

you do need a mac to develop for IOS, right?

using windows7 laptop

On 12/13/2013 7:13 PM, Cara Quinn wrote:

Hi Davy,

A question and a comment;

When you say big bucks for a developer account, you are aware that this is $99 
per year, not per month, yes?

This translates to less than $8 per month, -less than $2 per week.

Not sure of your budget but just want to make sure we're all on the same page 
here. :)

To your point about not needing XCode when using C++, you do still need XCode 
to build for iOS / Mac, regardless of whether you use C++ or not.

Hope this helps and hope you and yours are having a most lovely holiday season!


Cara :)
iOS design and development -
View my Online Portfolio at:

Follow me on Twitter!

On Dec 13, 2013, at 8:30 AM, Davy Kager wrote:


All very interesting points you made.
I tend to agree that C++ is awesome (in an IDE that isn't vendor-specific, with 
an opensource toolchain).  I'd love to automate my build process on Linux and 
do nightlies for beta testers.  My main reason for using Java is that I can't 
avoid using it in the future, on projects where I don't get to decide what 
language to use.  I am interested in iOS development in the long run.  I 
thought of concentrating on Windows for now, using OpenAL or XAudio2 with C++, 
and then combining a Mac and iOS project since both use Objective-C and OpenAL. 
 The most prominent reason for not doing that is that I'm not comfortable 
buying a MacBook and spending big money on a developer account just yet, and 
XCode is really the way to go for Objective-C.  Doing something in C++ would 
mostly remove the requirement for XCode, which is a good thing to me as I'd 
like to unify the development process as much as possible.
Still, right now I'm leaning towards using Java since I already have a skeleton 
engine set up in that language and because it's so easy to debug code on the 
JVM.  My only problem is with the ease of decompiling.  There are solutions, 
most notably ahead-of-time compiling, but then you lose not only some 
advantages of the JVM, but also a huge heap of money.  :)
But then, I also remember how Thomas struggled to find the right language for 
MOTA and lost valuable time (I'm told there's still no final version 1 for that 
game?).  Clearly you need to bite that bullet some day or be obscured in the 
fog of indecisiveness.


-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of Draconis
Sent: Friday, December 13, 2013 17:06
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

Chiming in on these cross-platform topics seems to be a common theme for me. LOL

I have three points I’d like to make.

First, ignoring Mac as a viable platform for blind gamers is a poor strategy. 
One year on, and Mac sales are still far exceeding Windows sales, even in 
comparison to back in the hay day of audio games, some 10 years ago or so. It 
isn’t just about raw user numbers, it is about demographics and the quality of 
those users.

Which leads me to my second point.

There is an old saying: “Lies, damn lies, and statistics.”

This could not apply to anything as well as it does to the statement that 
Android is more popular than iOS overall. It is technically true that Android 
is used in more devices, but that is because many of those devices are not, 
strictly speaking, Android devices. That is to say, they are not being used as 
portable computing devices like iOS devices are. Kindles, Nooks, many models of 
feature phones, and countless other gadgets, all get lumped into the Android 
user numbers, even though many of those devices are so limited in scope that 
users don’t even know Android was used in their development.

This is why, in the areas that matters, iOS’s numbers are so much better than 
Android’s, despite the marketshare numbers that the media likes to quote. iOS 
consistently has over 80% of web usage from mobile devices, for example. iOS 
users are for more likely to pay for apps, too. iOS users also spend more time 
on their devices, showing greater engagement with the platform. And those kinds 
of numbers go on and on.

It is the same kind of trick as companies like Samsung use that create 
headlines in the news like: “Samsung sells 10 million Galaxy blah blah”. In 
reality, they shipped that number to resellers and warehouses. Shipped, but not 
necessarily sold to end users. Samsung never actually releases specific sales 
numbers. They only ever announce numbers of units shipped. It sounds better 
that way.

Apple, conversely, only ever announces sales to end users, and never the number 
of units shipped.

All of this, before you even start taking into account the fragmentation of 
Android, which is a disaster that Google is continuing to scramble to get a 
hold on with nothing to show for it. Less than 2% of Android

Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

2013-12-13 Thread dark

It is a proven fact that %86 of all statistics are made up :D.

Btw, just intended this to be humerous. I know myself when I investigated 
the two platforms for a portable device there really wasn't much that made 
me want to choose Android owing to the complexity of the system and the lack 
of support as far as games and other developments go, and just looking how 
many games and accessible peaces of software there are for each system. 
While there are certainly some more recent releases, that doesn't seemed to 
have changed at least at the moment, indeed many of the more recent releases 
are things like Stem Stumper or Mortalmaze which are already available on 
other platforms, be that windows or Ios.

One fact I find extremely worrying about Android is that some games which 
have both an Android and Ios version, have a version that is inaccessible on 
Android. The Storm8 games for example,  or so I have had several people 
from confirm. This I find quite worrying since it means that 
if we're discussing access with a developer what they do for vo access on 
Ios will be different in interface terms to Android and might not work as 

Just to be clear I'm not talking about underlying code hear or what language 
a developer is using so much as I just mean things like correct labels on 
buttons and controls in the Ap.

whether Google will iron these problems out in the future I don't know, but 
I do find them a concern in terms of where Android access and accessible 
games will end up.

Beware the Grue!

- Original Message - 
From: Charles Rivard

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Friday, December 13, 2013 4:58 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

Statistics can be disceiving.  Years ago, there was a battle between the
American and National leagues as which was more popular.  The American
league, according to statistics, was more popular.  Ah.  But what
statistics??  More tickets were sold for American League games.  However, if
you looked at how many fans actually attended baseball games, there were
more fans actually going through the turnstiles at National League games.
More fans actually went to see the National League games.  The American
League's focus was on sales and income, but the National League's focus was
on actual attendance.

Be positive!  When it comes to being defeated, if you think you're finished,
you! really! are! finished!
- Original Message - 
From: Draconis

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Friday, December 13, 2013 10:05 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

Chiming in on these cross-platform topics seems to be a common theme for me.

I have three points I’d like to make.

First, ignoring Mac as a viable platform for blind gamers is a poor
strategy. One year on, and Mac sales are still far exceeding Windows sales,
even in comparison to back in the hay day of audio games, some 10 years ago
or so. It isn’t just about raw user numbers, it is about demographics and
the quality of those users.

Which leads me to my second point.

There is an old saying: “Lies, damn lies, and statistics.”

This could not apply to anything as well as it does to the statement that
Android is more popular than iOS overall. It is technically true that
Android is used in more devices, but that is because many of those devices
are not, strictly speaking, Android devices. That is to say, they are not
being used as portable computing devices like iOS devices are. Kindles,
Nooks, many models of feature phones, and countless other gadgets, all get
lumped into the Android user numbers, even though many of those devices are
so limited in scope that users don’t even know Android was used in their

This is why, in the areas that matters, iOS’s numbers are so much better
than Android’s, despite the marketshare numbers that the media likes to
quote. iOS consistently has over 80% of web usage from mobile devices, for
example. iOS users are for more likely to pay for apps, too. iOS users also
spend more time on their devices, showing greater engagement with the
platform. And those kinds of numbers go on and on.

It is the same kind of trick as companies like Samsung use that create
headlines in the news like: “Samsung sells 10 million Galaxy blah blah”. In
reality, they shipped that number to resellers and warehouses. Shipped, but
not necessarily sold to end users. Samsung never actually releases specific
sales numbers. They only ever announce numbers of units shipped. It sounds
better that way.

Apple, conversely, only ever announces sales to end users, and never the
number of units shipped.

All of this, before you even start taking into account the fragmentation of
Android, which is a disaster that Google is continuing to scramble to get a
hold on with nothing to show for it. Less than 2% of Android devices are
running the latest version of the OS

Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

2013-12-13 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
On 13 Dec 2013, at 16:05, Draconis wrote:
 First, ignoring Mac as a viable platform for blind gamers is a poor strategy. 
 One year on, and Mac sales are still far exceeding Windows sales, even in 
 comparison to back in the hay day of audio games, some 10 years ago or so. It 
 isn’t just about raw user numbers, it is about demographics and the quality 
 of those users.


The primary objection I've heard to OS X from blinks so far is that it's not 
Windows. I believe that this is chiefly attributable to the ease-of-use of iOS, 
which has a comparatively lower learning curve.

Fortunately, many others are choosing to adapt.  If you as a game developer 
will not, then on behalf of all Mac users I'd just like to inform you that 
we're all very happy where we are, thankyouverymuch, and will pass on your game 
for the next Mac audiogame release. :)


Gamers mailing list __
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to
You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
please send E-mail to

Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

2013-12-13 Thread Cara Quinn
Hi Josh,

Yes, you do need a Mac. Not sure if you're offering commentary on my note but 
if you are, davy mentioned purchasing a Mac and then the big money for the dev 
account so I was wondering if there might be some confusion here.

If you have any other questions on Mac / iOS development, please don't hesitate 
to ask. :) -Happy to answer them…

Have an awesome night!

Cara :)
iOS design and development -
View my Online Portfolio at:

Follow me on Twitter!

On Dec 13, 2013, at 4:37 PM, Josh wrote:

you do need a mac to develop for IOS, right?

using windows7 laptop

On 12/13/2013 7:13 PM, Cara Quinn wrote:
 Hi Davy,
 A question and a comment;
 When you say big bucks for a developer account, you are aware that this is 
 $99 per year, not per month, yes?
 This translates to less than $8 per month, -less than $2 per week.
 Not sure of your budget but just want to make sure we're all on the same page 
 here. :)
 To your point about not needing XCode when using C++, you do still need XCode 
 to build for iOS / Mac, regardless of whether you use C++ or not.
 Hope this helps and hope you and yours are having a most lovely holiday 
 Cara :)
 iOS design and development -
 View my Online Portfolio at:
 Follow me on Twitter!
 On Dec 13, 2013, at 8:30 AM, Davy Kager wrote:
 All very interesting points you made.
 I tend to agree that C++ is awesome (in an IDE that isn't vendor-specific, 
 with an opensource toolchain).  I'd love to automate my build process on 
 Linux and do nightlies for beta testers.  My main reason for using Java is 
 that I can't avoid using it in the future, on projects where I don't get to 
 decide what language to use.  I am interested in iOS development in the long 
 run.  I thought of concentrating on Windows for now, using OpenAL or XAudio2 
 with C++, and then combining a Mac and iOS project since both use Objective-C 
 and OpenAL.  The most prominent reason for not doing that is that I'm not 
 comfortable buying a MacBook and spending big money on a developer account 
 just yet, and XCode is really the way to go for Objective-C.  Doing something 
 in C++ would mostly remove the requirement for XCode, which is a good thing 
 to me as I'd like to unify the development process as much as possible.
 Still, right now I'm leaning towards using Java since I already have a 
 skeleton engine set up in that language and because it's so easy to debug 
 code on the JVM.  My only problem is with the ease of decompiling.  There are 
 solutions, most notably ahead-of-time compiling, but then you lose not only 
 some advantages of the JVM, but also a huge heap of money.  :)
 But then, I also remember how Thomas struggled to find the right language for 
 MOTA and lost valuable time (I'm told there's still no final version 1 for 
 that game?).  Clearly you need to bite that bullet some day or be obscured in 
 the fog of indecisiveness.
 -Original Message-
 From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of Draconis
 Sent: Friday, December 13, 2013 17:06
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More
 Chiming in on these cross-platform topics seems to be a common theme for me. 
 I have three points I’d like to make.
 First, ignoring Mac as a viable platform for blind gamers is a poor strategy. 
 One year on, and Mac sales are still far exceeding Windows sales, even in 
 comparison to back in the hay day of audio games, some 10 years ago or so. It 
 isn’t just about raw user numbers, it is about demographics and the quality 
 of those users.
 Which leads me to my second point.
 There is an old saying: “Lies, damn lies, and statistics.”
 This could not apply to anything as well as it does to the statement that 
 Android is more popular than iOS overall. It is technically true that Android 
 is used in more devices, but that is because many of those devices are not, 
 strictly speaking, Android devices. That is to say, they are not being used 
 as portable computing devices like iOS devices are. Kindles, Nooks, many 
 models of feature phones, and countless other gadgets, all get lumped into 
 the Android user numbers, even though many of those devices are so limited in 
 scope that users don’t even know Android was used in their development.
 This is why, in the areas that matters, iOS’s numbers are so much better than 
 Android’s, despite the marketshare numbers that the media likes to quote. iOS 
 consistently has over 80% of web usage from mobile devices, for example. iOS 
 users are for more likely to pay for apps, too. iOS users also spend more 
 time on their devices, showing greater engagement with the platform. And 
 those kinds of numbers go