[gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a GatorAlumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

2009-05-12 Thread Gatornet Admin
Too high? TOO HIGH?? Augh!!! :(((


  - Original Message - 
  From: A. Leon Polhill 
  To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 10:00 PM
  Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a 
GatorAlumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

  I just closed my eyes and saw why they're too tight on him.  He's wearing 
them too high again.  

  Now, Randoo, try NOT to imagine THAT!

  A. Leon Polhill


  330 NW 45th Street

  Gainesville, FL 32607

  (352) 367-4642

  -Original Message-
  From: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com [mailto:gatort...@googlegroups.com] On 
Behalf Of Gatornet Admin
  Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 3:36 PM
  To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com
  Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a 
GatorAlumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

  Resist it, Cee! Resist it! Try and imagine something less frightening like 
select scenes from Jurassic Park or possibly even Poltergeist. :)

  My personal favorite was imagining Captain Spade dancing to Popeye the Sailor 
Man. Oliver just vanished!


- Original Message - 

From: Cecilia 

To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com 

Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 1:31 PM

Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a 
GatorAlumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

LMAO... the imagery is frightening.


  - Original Message - 

  From: oli...@bobparks.com 

  To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com 

  Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 11:32 AM

  Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a 
GatorAlumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

  I didn't have any trouble ordering mine. Although I found them to be a 
little tight. ;-)

  Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


  From: "Cecilia" 
  Date: Mon, 11 May 2009 10:55:53 -0400
  Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a Gator 
Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

  LOL!  Did they get some more in stock?  The last time I looked, they were 
sold out and overwhelmed by the response after those newspaper articles.


- Original Message - 

From: A. Leon Polhill 

To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com 

Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 10:20 AM

Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a 
Gator Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

I'm sending her some 'Tebows'.

A. Leon Polhill


330 NW 45th Street

Gainesville, FL 32607

(352) 367-4642

-Original Message-
From: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com [mailto:gatort...@googlegroups.com] On 
Behalf Of Cecilia
Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 9:25 PM
To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com
Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a 
Gator Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

I think Layla and the kids are all lovely.  Notice she dressed her 
girls in orange and her son in blue stripes.  I think she's sending a subtle 
message there.  Or maybe she doesn't even realize that orange and blue are 
still her favorite colors.  I'm sure she has worn a lot of good ol' O&B in her 
lifetime, all things considered.  It must have broken her daddy's heart to hear 
her say, "I'm a Volunteer."  ::gasp::  Surely she meant that she volunteers 
with, say, the March of Dimes... or the Red Cross... or her favorite 
politicians' campaigns.  ;-)

I hope they don't have to stay in TN too long... I'm pretty sure they 


  - Original Message - 

  From: ke...@baldwinnc.com 

  To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com 

  Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 9:35 AM

  Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a 
Gator Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

  Not only is Kiffin's wife gorgeous - she is a Gator, daughter of John 
Reaves and has a Tim Tebow poster.  

  Other than a year or two they spend at Tennesse (before Kiffin is 
fired) their kids will grow up great - if they hang with mom instead of dad.  

 Original Message 
Subject: [gatortalk] Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a 
Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)
From: "dbadr...@gmail.com" 
Date: Sun, May 10, 2009 9:15 am
To: gatortalk@googlegroups.com

I am sure many of you knew it too...


Randy, if's up to you if you want to publish this to GatorNews.


[gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a GatorAlumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

2009-05-11 Thread A. Leon Polhill
No, he's wearing them too high again.



A. Leon Polhill


330 NW 45th Street

Gainesville, FL 32607

(352) 367-4642


-Original Message-
From: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com [mailto:gatort...@googlegroups.com] On
Behalf Of Scott Lucas
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 3:45 PM
To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com
Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a
GatorAlumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)


Do you have it on backwards?


--- On Mon, 5/11/09, oli...@bobparks.com  wrote:

From: oli...@bobparks.com 
Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a
GatorAlumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)
To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com
Date: Monday, May 11, 2009, 11:32 AM

I didn't have any trouble ordering mine. Although I found them to be a
little tight. ;-)

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


From: "Cecilia" 
Date: Mon, 11 May 2009 10:55:53 -0400
Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a Gator
Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

LOL!  Did they get some more in stock?  The last time I looked, they were
sold out and overwhelmed by the response after those newspaper articles.




- Original Message - 

From:  <mailto:lpolh...@bellsouth.net> A. Leon Polhill 

To:  <mailto:Gatortalk@googlegroups.com> Gatortalk@googlegroups.com 

Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 10:20 AM

Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a Gator
Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)


I'm sending her some 'Tebows'.



A. Leon Polhill


330 NW 45th Street

Gainesville, FL 32607

(352) 367-4642


-Original Message-
From:  <mailto:Gatortalk@googlegroups.com> Gatortalk@googlegroups.com
[mailto:gatort...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Cecilia
Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 9:25 PM
To:  <mailto:Gatortalk@googlegroups.com> Gatortalk@googlegroups.com
Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a Gator
Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)


I think Layla and the kids are all lovely.  Notice she dressed her girls in
orange and her son in blue stripes.  I think she's sending a subtle message
there.  Or maybe she doesn't even realize that orange and blue are still her
favorite colors.  I'm sure she has worn a lot of good ol' O&B in her
lifetime, all things considered.  It must have broken her daddy's heart to
hear her say, "I'm a Volunteer."  ::gasp::  Surely she meant that she
volunteers with, say, the March of Dimes... or the Red Cross... or her
favorite politicians' campaigns.  ;-)


I hope they don't have to stay in TN too long... I'm pretty sure they won't.



- Original Message - 

From:  <mailto:ke...@baldwinnc.com> ke...@baldwinnc.com 

To:  <mailto:Gatortalk@googlegroups.com> Gatortalk@googlegroups.com 

Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 9:35 AM

Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a Gator
Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)


Not only is Kiffin's wife gorgeous - she is a Gator, daughter of John Reaves
and has a Tim Tebow poster.  


Other than a year or two they spend at Tennesse (before Kiffin is fired)
their kids will grow up great - if they hang with mom instead of dad.  



 Original Message 
Subject: [gatortalk] Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a Gator
Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)
From: "dbadr...@gmail.com" 
Date: Sun, May 10, 2009 9:15 am
To: gatortalk@googlegroups.com

I am sure many of you knew it too...


Randy, if's up to you if you want to publish this to GatorNews.


[gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a GatorAlumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

2009-05-11 Thread A. Leon Polhill
I just closed my eyes and saw why they're too tight on him.  He's wearing
them too high again.  


Now, Randoo, try NOT to imagine THAT!



A. Leon Polhill


330 NW 45th Street

Gainesville, FL 32607

(352) 367-4642


-Original Message-
From: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com [mailto:gatort...@googlegroups.com] On
Behalf Of Gatornet Admin
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 3:36 PM
To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com
Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a
GatorAlumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)


Resist it, Cee! Resist it! Try and imagine something less frightening like
select scenes from Jurassic Park or possibly even Poltergeist. :)


My personal favorite was imagining Captain Spade dancing to Popeye the
Sailor Man. Oliver just vanished!




- Original Message - 

From: Cecilia <mailto:gator...@bellsouth.net>  

To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com 

Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 1:31 PM

Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a
GatorAlumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)


LMAO... the imagery is frightening.



- Original Message - 

From: oli...@bobparks.com 

To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com 

Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 11:32 AM

Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a
GatorAlumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)


I didn't have any trouble ordering mine. Although I found them to be a
little tight. ;-)

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


From: "Cecilia" 
Date: Mon, 11 May 2009 10:55:53 -0400
Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a Gator
Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

LOL!  Did they get some more in stock?  The last time I looked, they were
sold out and overwhelmed by the response after those newspaper articles.




- Original Message - 

From: A. Leon <mailto:lpolh...@bellsouth.net>  Polhill 

To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com 

Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 10:20 AM

Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a Gator
Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)


I'm sending her some 'Tebows'.



A. Leon Polhill


330 NW 45th Street

Gainesville, FL 32607

(352) 367-4642


-Original Message-
From: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com [mailto:gatort...@googlegroups.com] On
Behalf Of Cecilia
Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 9:25 PM
To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com
Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a Gator
Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)


I think Layla and the kids are all lovely.  Notice she dressed her girls in
orange and her son in blue stripes.  I think she's sending a subtle message
there.  Or maybe she doesn't even realize that orange and blue are still her
favorite colors.  I'm sure she has worn a lot of good ol' O&B in her
lifetime, all things considered.  It must have broken her daddy's heart to
hear her say, "I'm a Volunteer."  ::gasp::  Surely she meant that she
volunteers with, say, the March of Dimes... or the Red Cross... or her
favorite politicians' campaigns.  ;-)


I hope they don't have to stay in TN too long... I'm pretty sure they won't.



- Original Message - 

From: ke...@baldwinnc.com 

To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com 

Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 9:35 AM

Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a Gator
Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)


Not only is Kiffin's wife gorgeous - she is a Gator, daughter of John Reaves
and has a Tim Tebow poster.  


Other than a year or two they spend at Tennesse (before Kiffin is fired)
their kids will grow up great - if they hang with mom instead of dad.  



 Original Message 
Subject: [gatortalk] Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a Gator
Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)
From: "dbadr...@gmail.com" 
Date: Sun, May 10, 2009 9:15 am
To: gatortalk@googlegroups.com

I am sure many of you knew it too...


Randy, if's up to you if you want to publish this to GatorNews.


[gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a GatorAlumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

2009-05-11 Thread Shane Ford

Oh, MAN!  ...that's disgusting Oliver!  Football season better hurry up and get here or we're ALL going to be blind by Wednesday.
-- Original message from "Gatornet Admin" : -- 

Augh My eyes!! My brain!!! Somebody shoot me!!!
Mush, formerly known as Randy

- Original Message - 
From: Oliver Barry 
To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com 
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 3:38 PM
Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a GatorAlumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

How about this image:  Me, Jay and Leon in matching Tebows!!
Yikes, that even scares me!!  J

Oliver Barry CRS,GRI
Real Estate Broker
Bob Parks Realty
1517 Hunt Club Blvd
Gallatin TN 37066
Phone: 615-826-4040
Fax: 615-822-2027
Mobile: 615-972-4239

From: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com [mailto:gatort...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Gatornet AdminSent: Monday, May 11, 2009 2:36 PMTo: Gatortalk@googlegroups.comSubject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a GatorAlumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

Resist it, Cee! Resist it! Try and imagine something less frightening like select scenes from Jurassic Park or possibly even Poltergeist. :)


My personal favorite was imagining Captain Spade dancing to Popeye the Sailor Man. Oliver just vanished!




- Original Message - 

From: Cecilia 

To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com 

Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 1:31 PM

Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a GatorAlumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)


LMAO... the imagery is frightening.



- Original Message - 

From: oli...@bobparks.com 

To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com 

Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 11:32 AM

Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a GatorAlumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

I didn't have any trouble ordering mine. Although I found them to be a little tight. ;-)Oliver 
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

From: "Cecilia" Date: Mon, 11 May 2009 10:55:53 -0400To: <Gatortalk@googlegroups.com>Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a Gator Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

LOL!  Did they get some more in stock?  The last time I looked, they were sold out and overwhelmed by the response after those newspaper articles.




- Original Message - 

From: A. Leon Polhill 

To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com 

Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 10:20 AM

Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a Gator Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

I’m sending her some 'Tebows'.

A. Leon Polhill
330 NW 45th Street
Gainesville, FL 32607
(352) 367-4642

-Original Message-From: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com [mailto:gatort...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of CeciliaSent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 9:25 PMTo: Gatortalk@googlegroups.comSubject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a Gator Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

I think Layla and the kids are all lovely.  Notice she dressed her girls in orange and her son in blue stripes.  I think she's sending a subtle message there.  Or maybe she doesn't even realize that orange and blue are still her favorite colors.  I'm sure she has worn a lot of good ol' O&B in her lifetime, all things considered.  It must have broken her daddy's heart to hear her say, "I'm a Volunteer."  ::gasp::  Surely she meant that she volunteers with, say, the March of Dimes... or the Red Cross... or her favorite politicians' campaigns.  ;-)


I hope they don't have to stay in TN too long... I'm pretty sure they won't.  



- Original Message - 

From: ke...@baldwinnc.com 

To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com 

Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 9:35 AM

Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a Gator Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)


Not only is Kiffin's wife gorgeous - she is a Gator, daughter of John Reaves and has a Tim Tebow poster.  


Other than a year or two they spend at Tennesse (before Kiffin is fired) their kids will grow up great - if they hang with mom instead of dad.  



 Original Message Subject: [gatortalk] Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a GatorAlumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)From: "dbadr...@gmail.com" Date: Sun, May 10, 2009 9:15 amTo: gatortalk@googlegroups.comI am sure many of you knew it too...http://www.govolsxtra.com/news/2009/may/09/051009kiffin/Randy, if's up to you if you want to publish this to GatorNews.
--~--~-~--~~~---~--~~GATORS: ONE VOICE ON SATURDAY - NO VOICE ON SUNDAY! 1996 National Football Champions   |   2006 National Basketball Champions 2006 National Football Champions   |   2007 National Basketball Champions 2008 National Football Champions   |   Three Heisman Trophy winners: Steve Spurrier (1966), Danny Wuerffel (1996), Tim Tebow (2007) - Visit our website at www.gatornet.us-~--~~~~--~~--~--~---

[gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a GatorAlumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

2009-05-11 Thread Oliver Barry
Headline tomorrow:

People in several states poke own eyes out;

Possibly related to cult activity


Oliver Barry CRS,GRI

Real Estate Broker

Bob Parks Realty

1517 Hunt Club Blvd

Gallatin TN 37066

Phone: 615-826-4040

Fax: 615-822-2027

Mobile: 615-972-4239




From: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com [mailto:gatort...@googlegroups.com] On
Behalf Of Gatornet Admin
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 2:51 PM
To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com
Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a
GatorAlumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)


Augh My eyes!! My brain!!! Somebody shoot me!!!


Mush, formerly known as Randy


- Original Message - 

From: Oliver Barry <mailto:oli...@bobparks.com>  

To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com 

Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 3:38 PM

Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a
GatorAlumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)


How about this image:  Me, Jay and Leon in matching Tebows!!

Yikes, that even scares me!!  :-)


Oliver Barry CRS,GRI

Real Estate Broker

Bob Parks Realty

1517 Hunt Club Blvd

Gallatin TN 37066

Phone: 615-826-4040

Fax: 615-822-2027

Mobile: 615-972-4239




From: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com [mailto:gatort...@googlegroups.com] On
Behalf Of Gatornet Admin
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 2:36 PM
To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com
Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a
GatorAlumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)


Resist it, Cee! Resist it! Try and imagine something less frightening like
select scenes from Jurassic Park or possibly even Poltergeist. :)


My personal favorite was imagining Captain Spade dancing to Popeye the
Sailor Man. Oliver just vanished!




- Original Message - 

From: Cecilia <mailto:gator...@bellsouth.net>  

To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com 

Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 1:31 PM

Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a
GatorAlumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)


LMAO... the imagery is frightening.



- Original Message - 

From: oli...@bobparks.com 

To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com 

Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 11:32 AM

Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a
GatorAlumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)


I didn't have any trouble ordering mine. Although I found them to be a
little tight. ;-)

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


From: "Cecilia" 
Date: Mon, 11 May 2009 10:55:53 -0400
Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a Gator
Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

LOL!  Did they get some more in stock?  The last time I looked, they were
sold out and overwhelmed by the response after those newspaper articles.




- Original Message - 

From: A. Leon <mailto:lpolh...@bellsouth.net>  Polhill 

To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com 

Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 10:20 AM

Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a Gator
Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)


I'm sending her some 'Tebows'.



A. Leon Polhill


330 NW 45th Street

Gainesville, FL 32607

(352) 367-4642


-Original Message-
From: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com [mailto:gatort...@googlegroups.com] On
Behalf Of Cecilia
Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 9:25 PM
To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com
Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a Gator
Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)


I think Layla and the kids are all lovely.  Notice she dressed her girls in
orange and her son in blue stripes.  I think she's sending a subtle message
there.  Or maybe she doesn't even realize that orange and blue are still her
favorite colors.  I'm sure she has worn a lot of good ol' O&B in her
lifetime, all things considered.  It must have broken her daddy's heart to
hear her say, "I'm a Volunteer."  ::gasp::  Surely she meant that she
volunteers with, say, the March of Dimes... or the Red Cross... or her
favorite politicians' campaigns.  ;-)


I hope they don't have to stay in TN too long... I'm pretty sure they won't.



- Original Message - 

From: ke...@baldwinnc.com 

To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com 

Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 9:35 AM

Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a Gator
Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)


Not only is Kiffin's wife gorgeous - she is a Gator, daughter of John Reaves
and has a Tim Tebow poster.  


Other than a year or two they spend at Tennesse (before Kiffin is fired)
their kids will grow up great - if they hang with mom instead of dad.  



 Original Message 
Subject: [gatortalk] Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife'

[gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a GatorAlumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

2009-05-11 Thread Oliver Barry
Backwards?  That's ridiculous, backwards.  Why, I.

Oh, wait just a minute.  Oh, yes, that's much better!!

Thanks Scott!


Oliver Barry CRS,GRI

Real Estate Broker

Bob Parks Realty

1517 Hunt Club Blvd

Gallatin TN 37066

Phone: 615-826-4040

Fax: 615-822-2027

Mobile: 615-972-4239




From: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com [mailto:gatort...@googlegroups.com] On
Behalf Of Scott Lucas
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 2:45 PM
To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com
Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a
GatorAlumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)


Do you have it on backwards?


--- On Mon, 5/11/09, oli...@bobparks.com  wrote:

From: oli...@bobparks.com 
Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a
GatorAlumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)
To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com
Date: Monday, May 11, 2009, 11:32 AM

I didn't have any trouble ordering mine. Although I found them to be a
little tight. ;-)

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


From: "Cecilia" 
Date: Mon, 11 May 2009 10:55:53 -0400
Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a Gator
Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

LOL!  Did they get some more in stock?  The last time I looked, they were
sold out and overwhelmed by the response after those newspaper articles.




- Original Message - 

From:  <mailto:lpolh...@bellsouth.net> A. Leon Polhill 

To:  <mailto:Gatortalk@googlegroups.com> Gatortalk@googlegroups.com 

Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 10:20 AM

Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a Gator
Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)


I'm sending her some 'Tebows'.



A. Leon Polhill


330 NW 45th Street

Gainesville, FL 32607

(352) 367-4642


-Original Message-
From:  <mailto:Gatortalk@googlegroups.com> Gatortalk@googlegroups.com
[mailto:gatort...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Cecilia
Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 9:25 PM
To:  <mailto:Gatortalk@googlegroups.com> Gatortalk@googlegroups.com
Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a Gator
Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)


I think Layla and the kids are all lovely.  Notice she dressed her girls in
orange and her son in blue stripes.  I think she's sending a subtle message
there.  Or maybe she doesn't even realize that orange and blue are still her
favorite colors.  I'm sure she has worn a lot of good ol' O&B in her
lifetime, all things considered.  It must have broken her daddy's heart to
hear her say, "I'm a Volunteer."  ::gasp::  Surely she meant that she
volunteers with, say, the March of Dimes... or the Red Cross... or her
favorite politicians' campaigns.  ;-)


I hope they don't have to stay in TN too long... I'm pretty sure they won't.



- Original Message - 

From:  <mailto:ke...@baldwinnc.com> ke...@baldwinnc.com 

To:  <mailto:Gatortalk@googlegroups.com> Gatortalk@googlegroups.com 

Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 9:35 AM

Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a Gator
Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)


Not only is Kiffin's wife gorgeous - she is a Gator, daughter of John Reaves
and has a Tim Tebow poster.  


Other than a year or two they spend at Tennesse (before Kiffin is fired)
their kids will grow up great - if they hang with mom instead of dad.  



 Original Message 
Subject: [gatortalk] Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a Gator
Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)
From: "dbadr...@gmail.com" 
Date: Sun, May 10, 2009 9:15 am
To: gatortalk@googlegroups.com

I am sure many of you knew it too...


Randy, if's up to you if you want to publish this to GatorNews.


[gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a GatorAlumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

2009-05-11 Thread Gatornet Admin
Augh My eyes!! My brain!!! Somebody shoot me!!!

Mush, formerly known as Randy

  - Original Message - 
  From: Oliver Barry 
  To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 3:38 PM
  Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a 
GatorAlumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

  How about this image:  Me, Jay and Leon in matching Tebows!!

  Yikes, that even scares me!!  J


  Oliver Barry CRS,GRI

  Real Estate Broker

  Bob Parks Realty

  1517 Hunt Club Blvd

  Gallatin TN 37066

  Phone: 615-826-4040

  Fax: 615-822-2027

  Mobile: 615-972-4239




  From: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com [mailto:gatort...@googlegroups.com] On 
Behalf Of Gatornet Admin
  Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 2:36 PM
  To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com
  Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a 
GatorAlumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)


  Resist it, Cee! Resist it! Try and imagine something less frightening like 
select scenes from Jurassic Park or possibly even Poltergeist. :)


  My personal favorite was imagining Captain Spade dancing to Popeye the Sailor 
Man. Oliver just vanished!




- Original Message - 

From: Cecilia 

To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com 

Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 1:31 PM

    Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a 
GatorAlumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)


LMAO... the imagery is frightening.



  - Original Message - 

  From: oli...@bobparks.com 

  To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com 

  Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 11:32 AM

      Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a 
GatorAlumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)


  I didn't have any trouble ordering mine. Although I found them to be a 
little tight. ;-)

  Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


  From: "Cecilia" 
  Date: Mon, 11 May 2009 10:55:53 -0400
  Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a Gator 
Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

  LOL!  Did they get some more in stock?  The last time I looked, they were 
sold out and overwhelmed by the response after those newspaper articles.




- Original Message - 

From: A. Leon Polhill 

To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com 

Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 10:20 AM

Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a 
Gator Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)


I'm sending her some 'Tebows'.



A. Leon Polhill


330 NW 45th Street

Gainesville, FL 32607

(352) 367-4642


-Original Message-
From: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com [mailto:gatort...@googlegroups.com] On 
Behalf Of Cecilia
Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 9:25 PM
To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com
Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a 
Gator Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)


I think Layla and the kids are all lovely.  Notice she dressed her 
girls in orange and her son in blue stripes.  I think she's sending a subtle 
message there.  Or maybe she doesn't even realize that orange and blue are 
still her favorite colors.  I'm sure she has worn a lot of good ol' O&B in her 
lifetime, all things considered.  It must have broken her daddy's heart to hear 
her say, "I'm a Volunteer."  ::gasp::  Surely she meant that she volunteers 
with, say, the March of Dimes... or the Red Cross... or her favorite 
politicians' campaigns.  ;-)


I hope they don't have to stay in TN too long... I'm pretty sure they 



  - Original Message - 

  From: ke...@baldwinnc.com 

  To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com 

  Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 9:35 AM

  Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a 
Gator Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)


  Not only is Kiffin's wife gorgeous - she is a Gator, daughter of John 
Reaves and has a Tim Tebow poster.  


  Other than a year or two they spend at Tennesse (before Kiffin is 
fired) their kids will grow up great - if they hang with mom instead of dad.  



 Original Message 
Subject: [gatortalk] Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a 

[gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a GatorAlumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

2009-05-11 Thread Scott Lucas
Do you have it on backwards?
--- On Mon, 5/11/09, oli...@bobparks.com  wrote:
From: oli...@bobparks.com Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a GatorAlumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.comDate: Monday, May 11, 2009, 11:32 AM

I didn't have any trouble ordering mine. Although I found them to be a little tight. ;-)Oliver
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

From: "Cecilia" Date: Mon, 11 May 2009 10:55:53 -0400To: Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a Gator Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

LOL!  Did they get some more in stock?  The last time I looked, they were sold out and overwhelmed by the response after those newspaper articles.

- Original Message - 
From: A. Leon Polhill 
To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com 
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 10:20 AM
Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a Gator Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

I’m sending her some 'Tebows'.

A. Leon Polhill
330 NW 45th Street
Gainesville, FL 32607
(352) 367-4642

-Original Message-From: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com [mailto:gatort...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of CeciliaSent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 9:25 PMTo: Gatortalk@googlegroups.comSubject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a Gator Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

I think Layla and the kids are all lovely.  Notice she dressed her girls in orange and her son in blue stripes.  I think she's sending a subtle message there.  Or maybe she doesn't even realize that orange and blue are still her favorite colors.  I'm sure she has worn a lot of good ol' O&B in her lifetime, all things considered.  It must have broken her daddy's heart to hear her say, "I'm a Volunteer."  ::gasp::  Surely she meant that she volunteers with, say, the March of Dimes... or the Red Cross... or her favorite politicians' campaigns.  ;-)


I hope they don't have to stay in TN too long... I'm pretty sure they won't.  



- Original Message - 

From: ke...@baldwinnc.com 

To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com 

Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 9:35 AM

Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a Gator Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)


Not only is Kiffin's wife gorgeous - she is a Gator, daughter of John Reaves and has a Tim Tebow poster.  


Other than a year or two they spend at Tennesse (before Kiffin is fired) their kids will grow up great - if they hang with mom instead of dad.  



 Original Message Subject: [gatortalk] Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a GatorAlumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)From: "dbadr...@gmail.com" Date: Sun, May 10, 2009 9:15 amTo: gatortalk@googlegroups.comI am sure many of you knew it too...http://www.govolsxtra.com/news/2009/may/09/051009kiffin/Randy, if's up to you if you want to publish this to GatorNews.--~--~-~--~~~---~--~~GATORS: ONE VOICE ON SATURDAY - NO VOICE ON SUNDAY! 1996 National Football Champions   |   2006 National
 Basketball Champions 2006 National Football Champions   |   2007 National Basketball Champions 2008 National Football Champions   |   Three Heisman Trophy winners: Steve Spurrier (1966), Danny Wuerffel (1996), Tim Tebow (2007) - Visit our website at www.gatornet.us-~--~~~~--~~--~--~---

[gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a GatorAlumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

2009-05-11 Thread Cecilia
::searching for ice pick to poke my eyes out::

  - Original Message - 
  From: Oliver Barry 
  To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 3:38 PM
  Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a 
GatorAlumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

  How about this image:  Me, Jay and Leon in matching Tebows!!

  Yikes, that even scares me!!  J


  Oliver Barry CRS,GRI

  Real Estate Broker

  Bob Parks Realty

  1517 Hunt Club Blvd

  Gallatin TN 37066

  Phone: 615-826-4040

  Fax: 615-822-2027

  Mobile: 615-972-4239




  From: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com [mailto:gatort...@googlegroups.com] On 
Behalf Of Gatornet Admin
  Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 2:36 PM
  To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com
  Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a 
GatorAlumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)


  Resist it, Cee! Resist it! Try and imagine something less frightening like 
select scenes from Jurassic Park or possibly even Poltergeist. :)


  My personal favorite was imagining Captain Spade dancing to Popeye the Sailor 
Man. Oliver just vanished!




- Original Message - 

From: Cecilia 

To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com 

Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 1:31 PM

    Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a 
GatorAlumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)


LMAO... the imagery is frightening.



  - Original Message - 

  From: oli...@bobparks.com 

  To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com 

  Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 11:32 AM

      Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a 
GatorAlumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)


  I didn't have any trouble ordering mine. Although I found them to be a 
little tight. ;-)

  Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


  From: "Cecilia" 
  Date: Mon, 11 May 2009 10:55:53 -0400
  Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a Gator 
Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

  LOL!  Did they get some more in stock?  The last time I looked, they were 
sold out and overwhelmed by the response after those newspaper articles.




- Original Message - 

From: A. Leon Polhill 

To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com 

Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 10:20 AM

Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a 
Gator Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)


I'm sending her some 'Tebows'.



A. Leon Polhill


330 NW 45th Street

Gainesville, FL 32607

(352) 367-4642


-Original Message-
From: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com [mailto:gatort...@googlegroups.com] On 
Behalf Of Cecilia
Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 9:25 PM
To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com
Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a 
Gator Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)


I think Layla and the kids are all lovely.  Notice she dressed her 
girls in orange and her son in blue stripes.  I think she's sending a subtle 
message there.  Or maybe she doesn't even realize that orange and blue are 
still her favorite colors.  I'm sure she has worn a lot of good ol' O&B in her 
lifetime, all things considered.  It must have broken her daddy's heart to hear 
her say, "I'm a Volunteer."  ::gasp::  Surely she meant that she volunteers 
with, say, the March of Dimes... or the Red Cross... or her favorite 
politicians' campaigns.  ;-)


I hope they don't have to stay in TN too long... I'm pretty sure they 



  - Original Message - 

  From: ke...@baldwinnc.com 

  To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com 

  Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 9:35 AM

  Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a 
Gator Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)


  Not only is Kiffin's wife gorgeous - she is a Gator, daughter of John 
Reaves and has a Tim Tebow poster.  


  Other than a year or two they spend at Tennesse (before Kiffin is 
fired) their kids will grow up great - if they hang with mom instead of dad.  



 Original Message 
Subject: [gatortalk] Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a 

[gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a GatorAlumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

2009-05-11 Thread Oliver Barry
How about this image:  Me, Jay and Leon in matching Tebows!!

Yikes, that even scares me!!  :-)


Oliver Barry CRS,GRI

Real Estate Broker

Bob Parks Realty

1517 Hunt Club Blvd

Gallatin TN 37066

Phone: 615-826-4040

Fax: 615-822-2027

Mobile: 615-972-4239




From: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com [mailto:gatort...@googlegroups.com] On
Behalf Of Gatornet Admin
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 2:36 PM
To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com
Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a
GatorAlumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)


Resist it, Cee! Resist it! Try and imagine something less frightening like
select scenes from Jurassic Park or possibly even Poltergeist. :)


My personal favorite was imagining Captain Spade dancing to Popeye the
Sailor Man. Oliver just vanished!




- Original Message - 

From: Cecilia <mailto:gator...@bellsouth.net>  

To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com 

Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 1:31 PM

Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a
GatorAlumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)


LMAO... the imagery is frightening.



- Original Message - 

From: oli...@bobparks.com 

To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com 

Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 11:32 AM

Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a
GatorAlumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)


I didn't have any trouble ordering mine. Although I found them to be a
little tight. ;-)

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


From: "Cecilia" 
Date: Mon, 11 May 2009 10:55:53 -0400
Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a Gator
Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

LOL!  Did they get some more in stock?  The last time I looked, they were
sold out and overwhelmed by the response after those newspaper articles.




- Original Message - 

From: A. Leon <mailto:lpolh...@bellsouth.net>  Polhill 

To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com 

Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 10:20 AM

Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a Gator
Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)


I'm sending her some 'Tebows'.



A. Leon Polhill


330 NW 45th Street

Gainesville, FL 32607

(352) 367-4642


-Original Message-
From: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com [mailto:gatort...@googlegroups.com] On
Behalf Of Cecilia
Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 9:25 PM
To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com
Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a Gator
Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)


I think Layla and the kids are all lovely.  Notice she dressed her girls in
orange and her son in blue stripes.  I think she's sending a subtle message
there.  Or maybe she doesn't even realize that orange and blue are still her
favorite colors.  I'm sure she has worn a lot of good ol' O&B in her
lifetime, all things considered.  It must have broken her daddy's heart to
hear her say, "I'm a Volunteer."  ::gasp::  Surely she meant that she
volunteers with, say, the March of Dimes... or the Red Cross... or her
favorite politicians' campaigns.  ;-)


I hope they don't have to stay in TN too long... I'm pretty sure they won't.



- Original Message - 

From: ke...@baldwinnc.com 

To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com 

Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 9:35 AM

Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a Gator
Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)


Not only is Kiffin's wife gorgeous - she is a Gator, daughter of John Reaves
and has a Tim Tebow poster.  


Other than a year or two they spend at Tennesse (before Kiffin is fired)
their kids will grow up great - if they hang with mom instead of dad.  



 Original Message 
Subject: [gatortalk] Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a Gator
Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)
From: "dbadr...@gmail.com" 
Date: Sun, May 10, 2009 9:15 am
To: gatortalk@googlegroups.com

I am sure many of you knew it too...


Randy, if's up to you if you want to publish this to GatorNews.


[gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a GatorAlumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

2009-05-11 Thread Gatornet Admin
Resist it, Cee! Resist it! Try and imagine something less frightening like 
select scenes from Jurassic Park or possibly even Poltergeist. :)

My personal favorite was imagining Captain Spade dancing to Popeye the Sailor 
Man. Oliver just vanished!


  - Original Message - 
  From: Cecilia 
  To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 1:31 PM
  Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a 
GatorAlumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

  LMAO... the imagery is frightening.

- Original Message - 
From: oli...@bobparks.com 
To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com 
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 11:32 AM
Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a 
GatorAlumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

I didn't have any trouble ordering mine. Although I found them to be a 
little tight. ;-)
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

From: "Cecilia" 
Date: Mon, 11 May 2009 10:55:53 -0400
Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a Gator 
Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

LOL!  Did they get some more in stock?  The last time I looked, they were 
sold out and overwhelmed by the response after those newspaper articles.


  - Original Message - 
  From: A. Leon Polhill 
  To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 10:20 AM
  Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a Gator 
Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

  I’m sending her some 'Tebows'.

  A. Leon Polhill


  330 NW 45th Street

  Gainesville, FL 32607

  (352) 367-4642

  -Original Message-
  From: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com [mailto:gatort...@googlegroups.com] On 
Behalf Of Cecilia
  Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 9:25 PM
  To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com
  Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a Gator 
Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

  I think Layla and the kids are all lovely.  Notice she dressed her girls 
in orange and her son in blue stripes.  I think she's sending a subtle message 
there.  Or maybe she doesn't even realize that orange and blue are still her 
favorite colors.  I'm sure she has worn a lot of good ol' O&B in her lifetime, 
all things considered.  It must have broken her daddy's heart to hear her say, 
"I'm a Volunteer."  ::gasp::  Surely she meant that she volunteers with, say, 
the March of Dimes... or the Red Cross... or her favorite politicians' 
campaigns.  ;-)

  I hope they don't have to stay in TN too long... I'm pretty sure they 


- Original Message - 

From: ke...@baldwinnc.com 

To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com 

Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 9:35 AM

Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a 
Gator Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

Not only is Kiffin's wife gorgeous - she is a Gator, daughter of John 
Reaves and has a Tim Tebow poster.  

Other than a year or two they spend at Tennesse (before Kiffin is 
fired) their kids will grow up great - if they hang with mom instead of dad.  

   Original Message 
  Subject: [gatortalk] Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a Gator
  Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)
  From: "dbadr...@gmail.com" 
  Date: Sun, May 10, 2009 9:15 am
  To: gatortalk@googlegroups.com

  I am sure many of you knew it too...


  Randy, if's up to you if you want to publish this to GatorNews.


[gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a GatorAlumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

2009-05-11 Thread Cecilia
LMAO... the imagery is frightening.

  - Original Message - 
  From: oli...@bobparks.com 
  To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 11:32 AM
  Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a 
GatorAlumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

  I didn't have any trouble ordering mine. Although I found them to be a little 
tight. ;-)
  Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

  From: "Cecilia" 
  Date: Mon, 11 May 2009 10:55:53 -0400
  Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a Gator 
Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

  LOL!  Did they get some more in stock?  The last time I looked, they were 
sold out and overwhelmed by the response after those newspaper articles.


- Original Message - 
From: A. Leon Polhill 
To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com 
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 10:20 AM
Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a Gator 
Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

I’m sending her some 'Tebows'.

A. Leon Polhill


330 NW 45th Street

Gainesville, FL 32607

(352) 367-4642

-Original Message-
From: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com [mailto:gatort...@googlegroups.com] On 
Behalf Of Cecilia
Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 9:25 PM
To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com
Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a Gator 
Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

I think Layla and the kids are all lovely.  Notice she dressed her girls in 
orange and her son in blue stripes.  I think she's sending a subtle message 
there.  Or maybe she doesn't even realize that orange and blue are still her 
favorite colors.  I'm sure she has worn a lot of good ol' O&B in her lifetime, 
all things considered.  It must have broken her daddy's heart to hear her say, 
"I'm a Volunteer."  ::gasp::  Surely she meant that she volunteers with, say, 
the March of Dimes... or the Red Cross... or her favorite politicians' 
campaigns.  ;-)

I hope they don't have to stay in TN too long... I'm pretty sure they 


  - Original Message - 

  From: ke...@baldwinnc.com 

  To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com 

  Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 9:35 AM

  Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a Gator 
Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

  Not only is Kiffin's wife gorgeous - she is a Gator, daughter of John 
Reaves and has a Tim Tebow poster.  

  Other than a year or two they spend at Tennesse (before Kiffin is fired) 
their kids will grow up great - if they hang with mom instead of dad.  

 Original Message 
Subject: [gatortalk] Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a Gator
Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)
From: "dbadr...@gmail.com" 
Date: Sun, May 10, 2009 9:15 am
To: gatortalk@googlegroups.com

I am sure many of you knew it too...


Randy, if's up to you if you want to publish this to GatorNews.


[gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a GatorAlumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

2009-05-11 Thread oliver
I didn't have any trouble ordering mine. Although I found them to be a little 
tight.   ;-)
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-Original Message-
From: "Cecilia" 

Date: Mon, 11 May 2009 10:55:53 
Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a Gator
 Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

LOL!  Did they get some more in stock?  The last time I looked, they were sold 
out and overwhelmed by the response after those newspaper articles.


  - Original Message - 
  From: A. Leon Polhill 
  To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 10:20 AM
  Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a Gator 
Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

  I'm sending her some 'Tebows'.

  A. Leon Polhill


  330 NW 45th Street

  Gainesville, FL 32607

  (352) 367-4642

  -Original Message-
  From: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com [mailto:gatort...@googlegroups.com] On 
Behalf Of Cecilia
  Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 9:25 PM
  To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com
  Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a Gator 
Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

  I think Layla and the kids are all lovely.  Notice she dressed her girls in 
orange and her son in blue stripes.  I think she's sending a subtle message 
there.  Or maybe she doesn't even realize that orange and blue are still her 
favorite colors.  I'm sure she has worn a lot of good ol' O&B in her lifetime, 
all things considered.  It must have broken her daddy's heart to hear her say, 
"I'm a Volunteer."  ::gasp::  Surely she meant that she volunteers with, say, 
the March of Dimes... or the Red Cross... or her favorite politicians' 
campaigns.  ;-)

  I hope they don't have to stay in TN too long... I'm pretty sure they won't.  


- Original Message - 

From: ke...@baldwinnc.com 

To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com 

Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 9:35 AM

Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a Gator 
Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

Not only is Kiffin's wife gorgeous - she is a Gator, daughter of John 
Reaves and has a Tim Tebow poster.  

Other than a year or two they spend at Tennesse (before Kiffin is fired) 
their kids will grow up great - if they hang with mom instead of dad.  

   Original Message 
  Subject: [gatortalk] Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a Gator
  Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)
  From: "dbadr...@gmail.com" 
  Date: Sun, May 10, 2009 9:15 am
  To: gatortalk@googlegroups.com

  I am sure many of you knew it too...


  Randy, if's up to you if you want to publish this to GatorNews.


[gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a GatorAlumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

2009-05-11 Thread dbadr...@gmail.com
LOL too...did Oliver meant to say "John looks lovely"? Not that there is
anything wrong with that!!! :-)

On Sun, May 10, 2009 at 11:30 PM, Cecilia  wrote:

>  LOL... she does look a lot like John.  I wouldn't say she looks JUST like
> him, though.
> Cee
> - Original Message -
>  *From:* oli...@bobparks.com
> *To:* Gatortalk@googlegroups.com
> *Sent:* Sunday, May 10, 2009 9:50 PM
> *Subject:* [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a
> GatorAlumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)
> She's lovely. Looks just like her Daddy.
> Oliver
> Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
> --
> *From*: "Cecilia"
> *Date*: Sun, 10 May 2009 21:25:10 -0400
> *To*: 
> *Subject*: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a
> Gator Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)
> I think Layla and the kids are all lovely.  Notice she dressed her girls in
> orange and her son in blue stripes.  I think she's sending a subtle message
> there.  Or maybe she doesn't even realize that orange and blue are still her
> favorite colors.  I'm sure she has worn a lot of good ol' O&B in her
> lifetime, all things considered.  It must have broken her daddy's heart to
> hear her say, "I'm a Volunteer."  ::gasp::  Surely she meant that she
> volunteers with, say, the March of Dimes... or the Red Cross... or her
> favorite politicians' campaigns.  ;-)
> I hope they don't have to stay in TN too long... I'm pretty sure they
> won't.
> Cee
> - Original Message -
>  *From:* ke...@baldwinnc.com
> *To:* Gatortalk@googlegroups.com
> *Sent:* Sunday, May 10, 2009 9:35 AM
> *Subject:* [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a
> Gator Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)
> Not only is Kiffin's wife gorgeous - she is a Gator, daughter of John
> Reaves and has a Tim Tebow poster.
> Other than a year or two they spend at Tennesse (before Kiffin is fired)
> their kids will grow up great - if they hang with mom instead of dad.
>  Original Message 
> Subject: [gatortalk] Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a Gator
> Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)
> From: "dbadr...@gmail.com" 
> Date: Sun, May 10, 2009 9:15 am
> To: gatortalk@googlegroups.com
> I am sure many of you knew it too...
> http://www.govolsxtra.com/news/2009/may/09/051009kiffin/
> Randy, if's up to you if you want to publish this to GatorNews.
> >

1996 National Football Champions   |   2006 National Basketball Champions
2006 National Football Champions   |   2007 National Basketball Champions
2008 National Football Champions   |   
Three Heisman Trophy winners: Steve Spurrier (1966), Danny Wuerffel (1996),
Tim Tebow (2007) - Visit our website at www.gatornet.us

[gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a GatorAlumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

2009-05-10 Thread Cecilia
LOL... she does look a lot like John.  I wouldn't say she looks JUST like him, 

  - Original Message - 
  From: oli...@bobparks.com 
  To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 9:50 PM
  Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a 
GatorAlumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

  She's lovely. Looks just like her Daddy. 
  Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

  From: "Cecilia" 
  Date: Sun, 10 May 2009 21:25:10 -0400
  Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a Gator 
Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

  I think Layla and the kids are all lovely.  Notice she dressed her girls in 
orange and her son in blue stripes.  I think she's sending a subtle message 
there.  Or maybe she doesn't even realize that orange and blue are still her 
favorite colors.  I'm sure she has worn a lot of good ol' O&B in her lifetime, 
all things considered.  It must have broken her daddy's heart to hear her say, 
"I'm a Volunteer."  ::gasp::  Surely she meant that she volunteers with, say, 
the March of Dimes... or the Red Cross... or her favorite politicians' 
campaigns.  ;-)

  I hope they don't have to stay in TN too long... I'm pretty sure they won't.  

- Original Message - 
From: ke...@baldwinnc.com 
To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 9:35 AM
Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a Gator 
Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

Not only is Kiffin's wife gorgeous - she is a Gator, daughter of John 
Reaves and has a Tim Tebow poster.  

Other than a year or two they spend at Tennesse (before Kiffin is fired) 
their kids will grow up great - if they hang with mom instead of dad.  

   Original Message 
  Subject: [gatortalk] Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a Gator
  Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)
  From: "dbadr...@gmail.com" 
  Date: Sun, May 10, 2009 9:15 am
  To: gatortalk@googlegroups.com

  I am sure many of you knew it too...


  Randy, if's up to you if you want to publish this to GatorNews.


1996 National Football Champions   |   2006 National Basketball Champions
2006 National Football Champions   |   2007 National Basketball Champions
2008 National Football Champions   |   
Three Heisman Trophy winners: Steve Spurrier (1966), Danny Wuerffel (1996),
Tim Tebow (2007) - Visit our website at www.gatornet.us

[gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a GatorAlumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

2009-05-10 Thread oliver
She's lovely. Looks just like her Daddy.  
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-Original Message-
From: "Cecilia" 

Date: Sun, 10 May 2009 21:25:10 
Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a Gator
 Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

I think Layla and the kids are all lovely.  Notice she dressed her girls in 
orange and her son in blue stripes.  I think she's sending a subtle message 
there.  Or maybe she doesn't even realize that orange and blue are still her 
favorite colors.  I'm sure she has worn a lot of good ol' O&B in her lifetime, 
all things considered.  It must have broken her daddy's heart to hear her say, 
"I'm a Volunteer."  ::gasp::  Surely she meant that she volunteers with, say, 
the March of Dimes... or the Red Cross... or her favorite politicians' 
campaigns.  ;-)

I hope they don't have to stay in TN too long... I'm pretty sure they won't.  

  - Original Message - 
  From: ke...@baldwinnc.com 
  To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 9:35 AM
  Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a Gator 
Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)

  Not only is Kiffin's wife gorgeous - she is a Gator, daughter of John Reaves 
and has a Tim Tebow poster.  

  Other than a year or two they spend at Tennesse (before Kiffin is fired) 
their kids will grow up great - if they hang with mom instead of dad.  

 Original Message 
Subject: [gatortalk] Hmmm...what do yo know...Kiffin's wife's a Gator
Alumna...and John Reaves' daughter :-)
From: "dbadr...@gmail.com" 
Date: Sun, May 10, 2009 9:15 am
To: gatortalk@googlegroups.com

I am sure many of you knew it too...


Randy, if's up to you if you want to publish this to GatorNews.

1996 National Football Champions   |   2006 National Basketball Champions
2006 National Football Champions   |   2007 National Basketball Champions
2008 National Football Champions   |   
Three Heisman Trophy winners: Steve Spurrier (1966), Danny Wuerffel (1996),
Tim Tebow (2007) - Visit our website at www.gatornet.us