Great points.  Last night we saw Wilbekin get many more minutes than usual,
I think Walkers shooting slump and sometimes erratic play will keep him on
the bench in the last half of the season.  Still, Walker is a senior and his
leadership and grit on defense are very valuable.  But man, I can't wait to
see Wilbekin next year, he has really come along and improved.
I stil think Tyus has heart, I just think the team this year is different
and he is a role player.  He still plays incredible D, but on offense he is
playing more facing the basket, which is where he wanted to be last year.
Our post play and offense is better suited to guys with their back to the
Chandler is an enigma, I thought he was somewhat of a liability on the floor
earlier this season, but these last 4 or 5 games he is a beast.  Hope it
keeps going, his shooting will come around.
Don't think Knight to Gainesville was ever going to happen, we don't need
him anyway, but it would be nice to have some pure shooters like KY has. We
played great defense and they were still draining 3's, hard to stop that.
But more importantly than the 3's were the 15 foot jump shots, they drive,
pull up and shoot.  We don't seem to have anybody who can consistently hit
those shots, much less 3's, but at least we hit as many as we needed to.
As far as the bigs not being effective, I think that is what KY wanted to
make happen.  They usually had 3 guys in the low post on D, basically daring
us to beat the gaurds 1 on 1 and hit 3's.  We couldn't do that and that is
why they were effective.
Overall great game, good to have a 2 game lead in the east with 7 to go.
Coming down the stretch we have:
    - @ South Carolina - this is a likely win
    - Tennessee - Tough game, but it is at home
    - @ LSU - this is a likely win
    - Georgia - Need to win this, can't have a let down
    - @ Kentucky - likely loss
    - Alabama - Another tough game, but it is at home.
    - @ Vanderbilt - a likely loss
If we can win 2 of 3 from the UT, UGA and Bama games,  as well as SC and LSU
we probably finish 1st in the East.  If we go 5-2  to end the season, we are
probably looking at a top 15 ranking.
Go Gators!
Ken K


From: [] On
Behalf Of Jerry Belloit
Sent: Saturday, February 05, 2011 10:56 PM
Subject: [gatortalk] Health warning for Florida BB.

If we have too many more games like tonight, my wife will get to collect on
my insurance policy.  Games are going to have to begin with a hazardous to
your health warning!


On a more serious note,  I am not sure we are really quite ready for
primetime.  Here are some random thoughts on tonight's game.

1.       I love Erving Walker's heart, but he needs to learn to leave the
playground game for the summer.  Several times tonight he had some very bad
out-of-control turnovers.

2.       Scotty did much better for us tonight.  I am proud of him.

3.       I can't figure out what is wrong with Tyus.  He just does not seem
to have his head and heart in the game.

4.       Murphy often seemed lost on defense.  He needs to be coached up
some more.

5.       Chandler is playing lights out on defense and on rebounding.  I am
sorry he has lost his confidence both at the free throw line as well as from
the top of the key for 3-pointers.  He still is pretty good on threes from
the edge.  We need to play some patsies so he can regain his confidence and
start shooting like he did for much of last year.

6.       Can you imagine how dangerous we might be had Brandon Knight come
to Gainesville?  The thing that keeps this team from being really good is
that we can't consistently hit from beyond the arc.  If (when?) we start
hitting with regularity from beyond the arc, it will open up things in the

7.       Overall our bigs (minus Parsons) were not nearly as effective
tonight as they should have been.  They should have been able to exploit
Kentucky's weakness in the middle.





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