g_b Monday's Melody
The teacher gave her fifth grade class an assignment: get their parents to tell them a story with a moral at the end of it. The next day the kids came back and one by one began to tell their stories. Kathy said, "My father's a farmer and we have a lot of egg-laying hens. One time we were taking our eggs to market in a basket on the front seat of the pickup when we hit a bump in the road and all the eggs went flying and broke and made a mess" "And what's the moral of the story?" asked the teacher. "Don't put all your eggs in one basket!" "Very good," said the teacher. "Now, Lucy?" "Our family are farmers too. But we raise chickens for the meat market. We had a dozen eggs one time, but when they hatched we only got ten live chicks. And the moral to this story is, don't count your chickens until they're hatched." "That was a fine story Lucy. Johnny do you have a story to share?" "Yes, ma'am, my daddy told me this story about my uncle Bob. Uncle Bob was a Green Beret in Vietnam and his helicopter got hit. He had to crash land in enemy territory and all he had was a bottle of whiskey, a machine gun and a machete. He drank the whiskey on the way down so it wouldn't break and then he landed right in the middle of 100 enemy troops. He killed seventy of them with the machine gun until he ran out of bullets, then he killed twenty more with the machete till the blade broke and then he killed the last ten with his bare hands." "Good heavens," said the horrified teacher, " What kind of moral did your daddy tell you from that horrible story?" "Don't fuck with Uncle Bob when he's been drinking." Group Site: http://www.gaybombay.info == NEW CLASSIFIEDS SECTION SEEKING FRIENDS? VISIT www.gaybombay.info click on classified section and type your message in the post section once the link opens This message was posted to the gay_bombay Yahoo! Group. Responses to messages (by clicking "Reply") will also be posted on the eGroup and sent to all members. If you'd like to respond privately to the author of any message then please compose and send a new email message to the author's email address. For Parties and events go to: http://calendar.yahoo.com/YYY,04497/srt,0/gaybombaygroup/?v=42&POS= Post:- gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com Subscribe:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Digest Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] No Mail Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Individual Mail Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Contact Us:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Archives are at http://www.mail-archive.com/gay_bombay%40yahoogroups.com/maillist.html Yahoo! Groups Links To visit your group on the web, go to:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/gay_bombay/ To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
g_b China's Gays 'Expected' To Enter Hetero Marriages
China's Gays 'Expected' To Enter Hetero Marriages by 365Gay.com Newscenter Staff Posted: January 2, 2005 12:01 am ET (Beijing) The Chinese government says that the vast majority of its gay population is in heterosexual marriages. Health officials say that there are 30 million gays in the country - between two and five percent of the population - a figure most western authorities believe is unrealistically low. Zhang Beichuan, a government health department official said that 80 percent of gays will marry or are already wed. He said that the estimate is based on interviews with gay men and lesbians and shows the continuing pressure put on gays by long-standing conservative cultural traditions that stress the importance of traditional families. Despite a government move at modernizing Chinese society, the country's gays are still a marginalized group said Cong Zhong, a health professor at Beijing University. "Chinese people see gay activities as something disgusting and against the Chinese moral and ethic," said Cong, who blames widespread ignorance of homosexuality. In 2001 homosexuality was removed from the official list of mental disorders by the government.. Nevertheless, "Chinese authorities usually adopt a silent attitude on many issues such as homosexuality, prostitution and drug users because they see these problems as shameful," said Zhang. ©365Gay.com 2005 -- www.gaybombay.info Group Site: http://www.gaybombay.info == NEW CLASSIFIEDS SECTION SEEKING FRIENDS? VISIT www.gaybombay.info click on classified section and type your message in the post section once the link opens This message was posted to the gay_bombay Yahoo! Group. Responses to messages (by clicking "Reply") will also be posted on the eGroup and sent to all members. If you'd like to respond privately to the author of any message then please compose and send a new email message to the author's email address. For Parties and events go to: http://calendar.yahoo.com/YYY,04497/srt,0/gaybombaygroup/?v=42&POS= Post:- gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com Subscribe:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Digest Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] No Mail Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Individual Mail Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Contact Us:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Archives are at http://www.mail-archive.com/gay_bombay%40yahoogroups.com/maillist.html Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/gay_bombay/ <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
g_b How did the calendar evolve?
How did the calendar evolve? [ MONDAY, JANUARY 03, 2005 01:53:38 AM] Q. How did the calendar, which begins every year on January 1, and which is universally followed the world over, come into being? A. We are talking about the Gregorian calendar. It was instituted by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582 to do away with certain discrepancies that had crept into the Julian calendar, which had been brought into being by Julius Caesar in 45 BC. Both these calendars are solar. That is, they map the year on to the time taken by the earth to complete one full revolution around the sun: 365 days, five hours, 48 minutes, and 45.96768...seconds. The Julian calendar didn't recognise the additional irregularity of 365-and-a-teeny-little-bit-less-than-a-quarter-of-a-day (365.242199...to be precise) and used exactly 365-and-a-quarter instead. Thus, the Julian calendar made just one correction: on every fourth or "leap" year, the calendar would add an extra day to make a year of 366 days. So, the cycle is 365 days, 365 days, 365 days and 366 days. In reality, however, the solar year falls short of this fractional regularity by those 11 minutes and change. The overestimate didn't matter much at first, but eventually the Julian calendar started accumulating noticeable extra days (seven every thousand years). This kept forcing the Julian calendar more and more out of whack with the true solar year. Q. How did the Gregorian calendar improve on the Julian calendar? A. By the 16th century, this overestimate in the Julian calendar had accumulated 10 extra days. This had begun to generate some serious consequences. So, Pope Gregory XIII convened a committee and appointed Christopher Clavius, an eminent Jesuit mathematician to look into the matter. Clavius and his committee began working in 1578 and came up with some practical solutions. These were proclaimed as new rules through a papal bull issued on February 24, 1582. This correction is known as the Gregorian reform and the resulting calendar the Gregorian calendar. To solve the problem of the Julian calendar running 10 days ahead of the actual solar year, Clavius recommended that 10 days be dropped into oblivion. In 1582, October 5 through 14 simply disappeared and never occurred at all. The date following October 4 became October 15, and the calendar came back into sync. Secondly, Clavius and company devised a new calendrical rule to avoid the creeping inaccuracy of the Julian system. They did that by devising a year of 365.2422 days, much closer to astronomical reality than the simpler solution of 365.25. To institute this new year, they made a second-order correction to the old rule of leap years. The Julian calendar had included too many leap years, so Clavius suggested that we drop the leap year at century boundaries, every 100 years. But Clavius also recognised that if the Julian solution added too much, the century-dropping correction took away too much. So, the decision to drop leap years at century boundaries required yet another correction. He, therefore, suggested that the leap year be restored every fourth century. The rule of the thumb: remove leap years at century boundaries, but put them back at century boundaries divisible by 400. This ensured that we witness the year 2000, not only as a year of millennial transition, but also as that rare leap year on a century's boundary. The Gregorian year now departs from the real solar year by 25.96 seconds - accurate enough to require a correction of one day once every 2,800 years or so. Q. Why has our calendar divided the solar year of 365-and-less-than- a-quarter days into 12 months? A. This has been done to make the lunar cycles - the time taken by the moon to go around the earth - correspond with the solar year. The moon takes exactly 29.53059 days to circle the earth. No regular "year" of lunations can therefore come even close to the solar year - the closest approximation being 12 lunations of 354 total days (354.36706, to be more accurate), falling short of the solar year by almost 11 days. So, the problem of 29-and-a-half days per month was solved by granting some of the 12 months 29 days (called "defective" or "hollow") and giving others (called "full") 30 days - all to make a full lunar year of 354 days. But what about the 11-day shortfall? The simplest correction for the shortfall in a year of lunations is by adding just an extra lunation - a "leap month" - to make an occasional long year of 13 lunar months or 384 days, whenever the accumulating shortfalls become troubling. This rule is known as the Metonic Cycle named after 5th century BC Athenian astronomer Meton. It recognises the shortest sequence of years that can bring the solar and the lunar calendars into nearly perfect alignment. The Metonic Cycle runs for 19 years and requires the insertion of a leap month in any seven of those 19. Nearly all lunar cal
RE: g_b satellite pic. of a tsunami
Yes Asfan darling, I was just going to say that. Plus that was a picture of a cyclone off the coast of Florida. Happy New Year! MarioAditya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Thanks Afsan, it was a great pic. But a small correction. It wasactually a pic of a cyclone not a tsunami.Best and have a great new yearAditya Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ~--> $4.98 domain names from Yahoo!. Register anything.http://us.click.yahoo.com/Q7_YsB/neXJAA/yQLSAA/WfTolB/TM~-> Group Site:http://www.gaybombay.info==NEW CLASSIFIEDS SECTIONSEEKING FRIENDS? VISITwww.gaybombay.infoclick on classified section and type your message in the post section once the link opensThis message was posted to the gay_bombay Yahoo! Group. Responses to messages (by clicking "Reply") will also be posted on the eGroup and sent to all members. If you'd like to respond privately to the author of any message then please compose and send a new email message to the author's email address.For Parties and events go to: http://calendar.yahoo.com/YYY,04497/srt,0/gaybombaygroup/?v=42&POS=Post:- gay_bombay@yahoogroups.comSubscribe:- [EMAIL PROTECTED]Digest Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED]No Mail Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED]Individual Mail Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED]Contact Us:- [EMAIL PROTECTED]Archives are at http://www.mail-archive.com/gay_bombay%40yahoogroups.com/maillist.htmlYahoo! Groups Links<*> To visit your group on the web, go to:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/gay_bombay/<*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]<*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to:http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/ Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online. Group Site: http://www.gaybombay.info == NEW CLASSIFIEDS SECTION SEEKING FRIENDS? VISIT www.gaybombay.info click on classified section and type your message in the post section once the link opens This message was posted to the gay_bombay Yahoo! Group. Responses to messages (by clicking "Reply") will also be posted on the eGroup and sent to all members. If you'd like to respond privately to the author of any message then please compose and send a new email message to the author's email address. For Parties and events go to: http://calendar.yahoo.com/YYY,04497/srt,0/gaybombaygroup/?v=42&POS= Post:- gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com Subscribe:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Digest Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] No Mail Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Individual Mail Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Contact Us:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Archives are at http://www.mail-archive.com/gay_bombay%40yahoogroups.com/maillist.html Yahoo! Groups Links To visit your group on the web, go to:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/gay_bombay/ To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
g_b Partying Is Such Sweet Sorrow : Jug Suraiya
For those on these lists who've been wondering about whether it was justified to attend or organize a New Year's bash in the midst of the tsunami tragedy, here's a nice piece that came in on New Year's day in the Times. Personally, I did not go for the GB party, though not because of the tsunami. I had planned on spending New Year's with close (and admittedly, straight) friends. In any case, I think I would agree with Jug Suraiya here, especially when he affirms the importance of not losing hope as opposed to dwelling on the tragedy, and thus concentrating on life more than on death. Happy New Year! Much love, Mario http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/977562.cms Partying is such sweet sorrow JUG SURAIYA When is it going to be politically correct to tell a joke again, go to a party, admit you're enjoying life? Post-disaster, how long should collective mourningas distinct from the individual grief of those who have lost loved oneslast? A lot of people and establishments, in India and elsewhere, cancelled their New Year's eve celebrations to show solidarity with the victims. Others decided to go ahead with the festivities, often with the proviso that part of the proceeds would go towards the relief fund: Partying for a good cause. Both views are valid and deserve respect. Disaster creates an aftermath of moral ambiguity. The initial shock of horror gives way to an insidious sense of guilt. Of course we genuinely grieve for the victims. But at the heart of that sympathy there is a small but irrepressible inner voice which says: Thank God it wasn't me. This is the guilt of the survivors, a haunting disquiet, as affective as it is irrational. That those who have died have somehow died in our stead, by some inexplicable calculus of mortality lost their lives so that we may live. Survival is tinged with shame. That we the living have, after the fact, allowed others to die on our behalf, death by proxy. Guilt sharpens grief, gives it a jagged edge. If we recognise this guilt we exorcise it as the specious spectre that it is. Thank God it wasn't me. The thought is as normal and natural as breathing. Or indeed as dying. Where in this is there cause for shame? Or of sorrow for the sake of sorrow. Life absolves the living. Thank God it wasn't me. It is not a secret wish for another's death. It is an affirmation of a celebration called life, of which death is also an inseparable part. The show goes on, with or without us. When will we know that it is time to start picking up the pieces? When we see that what we are searching for are not mementoes of mortality but fragments of hope. In the midst of death we are in life. This is a common theme in all religions and communities. After funerals, the Irish have 'wakes', a celebratory feast in honour of the departed. Mexicans have the annual 'Day of the Dead', when children are encouraged to gorge themselves on sweets shaped like human skulls. In Latin America, funeral processions stop en route to and from the cemetery to eat and drink at wayside cafesa practice not unfamiliar in Varanasi where the narrow alleys around the ghats are lined with halwais who do brisk business serving people returning from funerary rites. Among the mourners is inevitably a self-appointed jokester to provide graveyard humour: Haven't we left someone behind? Death, it seems, is too importantor insignificant, take your pickto be taken too seriously. Zorba the Greek dances on the edge of the abyss, upraised arms invoking the music of life that is sweetest on the brink of the precipice. Whistling in the dark? Or rejoicing in the light of a liberating sky? Lost in his dance, the dancer wouldn't even hear the questions, let alone waste his breath on an answer. Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online. Group Site: http://www.gaybombay.info == NEW CLASSIFIEDS SECTION SEEKING FRIENDS? VISIT www.gaybombay.info click on classified section and type your message in the post section once the link opens This message was posted to the gay_bombay Yahoo! Group. Responses to messages (by clicking "Reply") will also be posted on the eGroup and sent to all members. If you'd like to respond privately to the author of any message then please compose and send a new email message to the author's email address. For Parties and events go to: http://calendar.yahoo.com/YYY,04497/srt,0/gaybombaygroup/?v=42&POS= Post:- gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com Subscribe:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Digest Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] No Mail Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Individual Mail Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Contact Us:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Archives are at http://www.mail-archive.com/gay_bombay%40yahoogroups.com/maillist.html Yahoo! Groups Links To visit your group on the web, go to:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/gay_bombay/ To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
g_b the programme on indian gays and law is on star news tonight at 11.30 pm
small clarification.. the programme on indian gays and law is on star news tonight at 11.30 p.m. Group Site: http://www.gaybombay.info == NEW CLASSIFIEDS SECTION SEEKING FRIENDS? VISIT www.gaybombay.info click on classified section and type your message in the post section once the link opens This message was posted to the gay_bombay Yahoo! Group. Responses to messages (by clicking "Reply") will also be posted on the eGroup and sent to all members. If you'd like to respond privately to the author of any message then please compose and send a new email message to the author's email address. For Parties and events go to: http://calendar.yahoo.com/YYY,04497/srt,0/gaybombaygroup/?v=42&POS= Post:- gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com Subscribe:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Digest Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] No Mail Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Individual Mail Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Contact Us:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Archives are at http://www.mail-archive.com/gay_bombay%40yahoogroups.com/maillist.html Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/gay_bombay/ <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
g_b programme on indian gay and laws tonight on star tv at 11.30 pm
hi guys just got to know there is a programme on indian gay and laws tonight on star tv at 11.30 p.m moderator www.gaybombay.info Group Site: http://www.gaybombay.info == NEW CLASSIFIEDS SECTION SEEKING FRIENDS? VISIT www.gaybombay.info click on classified section and type your message in the post section once the link opens This message was posted to the gay_bombay Yahoo! Group. Responses to messages (by clicking "Reply") will also be posted on the eGroup and sent to all members. If you'd like to respond privately to the author of any message then please compose and send a new email message to the author's email address. For Parties and events go to: http://calendar.yahoo.com/YYY,04497/srt,0/gaybombaygroup/?v=42&POS= Post:- gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com Subscribe:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Digest Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] No Mail Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Individual Mail Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Contact Us:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Archives are at http://www.mail-archive.com/gay_bombay%40yahoogroups.com/maillist.html Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/gay_bombay/ <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
Re: g_b Please Review & Suggestions
Hi Ravi I understand ur feelings. I know u have spent considerable time in writing this letter... i completely agree with the way u r communicating this to ur frnd. A sensible frnd shud accept u after reading this. i m now 24 and am sure i ll also face a similar situation in my life sooner or later. handling this is really very difficult.all the very best. kittu.Ravi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Dear friends,Am in the process of revealing my true sexualpreference to one of my very close friend. Since I cant discuss this with him, I have written aletter which tries to explain my situation. Can you guys please review this and let me know anysuggestions. Also if you guys have any materials oryour own experiences ...Please do share. Please note that I am posting this letter for the ONLYpurpose of maximising my chances of getting acceptedby my friend. I dont have any intentions to offendanyone. Thanks in advance.Ravi __ Do you Yahoo!? Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Get it on your mobile phone. http://mobile.yahoo.com/maildemo Group Site:http://www.gaybombay.info==NEW CLASSIFIEDS SECTIONSEEKING FRIENDS? VISITwww.gaybombay.infoclick on classified section and type your message in the post section once the link opensThis message was posted to the gay_bombay Yahoo! Group. Responses to messages (by clicking "Reply") will also be posted on the eGroup and sent to all members. If you'd like to respond privately to the author of any message then please compose and send a new email message to the author's email address.For Parties and events go to: http://calendar.yahoo.com/YYY,04497/srt,0/gaybombaygroup/?v=42&POS=Post:- gay_bombay@yahoogroups.comSubscribe:- [EMAIL PROTECTED]Digest Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED]No Mail Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED]Individual Mail Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED]Contact Us:- [EMAIL PROTECTED]Archives are at http://www.mail-archive.com/gay_bombay%40yahoogroups.com/maillist.html> ATTACHMENT part 2 application/msword name=ForAFriendONLY.doc Do you Yahoo!? Read only the mail you want - Yahoo! Mail SpamGuard. Group Site: http://www.gaybombay.info == NEW CLASSIFIEDS SECTION SEEKING FRIENDS? VISIT www.gaybombay.info click on classified section and type your message in the post section once the link opens This message was posted to the gay_bombay Yahoo! Group. Responses to messages (by clicking "Reply") will also be posted on the eGroup and sent to all members. If you'd like to respond privately to the author of any message then please compose and send a new email message to the author's email address. For Parties and events go to: http://calendar.yahoo.com/YYY,04497/srt,0/gaybombaygroup/?v=42&POS= Post:- gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com Subscribe:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Digest Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] No Mail Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Individual Mail Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Contact Us:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Archives are at http://www.mail-archive.com/gay_bombay%40yahoogroups.com/maillist.html Yahoo! Groups Links To visit your group on the web, go to:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/gay_bombay/ To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
g_b File - Tired of too many mails?
Tired of too many emails from this group? Hi All I know that this group has been generating too many emails. Many subscribers are flustered at the number of mails. Some of you might be thinking of leaving the group because you do not like your mail box to be clogged with mails. But just in case you do not know, you have the option of receiving all your emails in a digest mode or you can opt for no email mode. That way, you can see what's new on the website and still keep a clear mailbox. You will never receive mail from us if you do that. YOU choose when to visit us ... and you can check out what you like and can skip over what doesn't interest you. (Or choose "Daily digest" ... once or twice a day, you will receive an email -- text only -- listing all new postings ... just click on the "messages" link at the top of the digest to go to the web archive to see any attachments.) How ? Depending on what you opt for, you can send mail to: Digest Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] No Mail Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Regards [EMAIL PROTECTED] Group Site: http://www.gaybombay.info == NEW CLASSIFIEDS SECTION SEEKING FRIENDS? VISIT www.gaybombay.info click on classified section and type your message in the post section once the link opens This message was posted to the gay_bombay Yahoo! Group. Responses to messages (by clicking "Reply") will also be posted on the eGroup and sent to all members. If you'd like to respond privately to the author of any message then please compose and send a new email message to the author's email address. For Parties and events go to: http://calendar.yahoo.com/YYY,04497/srt,0/gaybombaygroup/?v=42&POS= Post:- gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com Subscribe:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Digest Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] No Mail Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Individual Mail Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Contact Us:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Archives are at http://www.mail-archive.com/gay_bombay%40yahoogroups.com/maillist.html Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/gay_bombay/ <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
g_b First gay weekly to be launched in Nepal
First gay weekly to be launched in Nepal Indo-Asian News Service Kathmandu, January 2, 2005|16:33 IST Nepal's first gay weekly, highlighting issues affecting the country's burgeoning gay community, will hit the stands in the third week of January. The eight-page Blue Diamond Weekly in English and Nepalese, funded by the British embassy, aims to sensitise locals about the gay community. It is being launched by Blue Diamond Society, an NGO that was founded in 2001 by Nepalese gay rights activist Sunil Panta to disseminate information about the risk of contracting HIV and AIDS through unprotected same gender sex and provide a voice to a community that alleges persecution by family members, employers and even police. The Blue Diamond Society complains that its members are rounded up by police and beaten up. It is currently facing a case filed by a lawyer, who wants the government to shut it down. Nepalese lawyer Achyut Prasad Kharal last year filed a public interest petition in the Supreme Court against the Government and the Home Ministry, accusing them of abetting immoral activities by permitting the society to function. The suit is to be heard on January 18, just days before the first copies of the gay weekly roll out. Sunil Panta admits the case will affect the society as well as the weekly. "Though the Home Ministry has asked the court to dismiss the case, once the court gives its verdict, there could be a crackdown on the society's activities," he says. "But a weekly is the best way of reaching out to local people." The weekly, which plans to have its own website, would be distributed free among grassroot organisations and schools. "It is not going to be explicit or controversial," Panta says. "The issues are those that have been marginalised and need to be focused on like sexuality, minorities, HIV/AIDS and people living with AIDS, rights of all people, stigma and discrimination." There would also be personal stories and an agony aunt column and some of the staple columns of non-specialised magazines like recipes, beauty tips and even how-to, like "how to remove pickle stains from your pants." Last year, the Blue Diamond Society was honoured by a gay rights organisation in Thailand for its pioneering work in Nepal. Since then, the society has developed its ties with Thai activists and institutions. -- www.gaybombay.info Group Site: http://www.gaybombay.info == NEW CLASSIFIEDS SECTION SEEKING FRIENDS? VISIT www.gaybombay.info click on classified section and type your message in the post section once the link opens This message was posted to the gay_bombay Yahoo! Group. Responses to messages (by clicking "Reply") will also be posted on the eGroup and sent to all members. If you'd like to respond privately to the author of any message then please compose and send a new email message to the author's email address. For Parties and events go to: http://calendar.yahoo.com/YYY,04497/srt,0/gaybombaygroup/?v=42&POS= Post:- gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com Subscribe:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Digest Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] No Mail Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Individual Mail Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Contact Us:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Archives are at http://www.mail-archive.com/gay_bombay%40yahoogroups.com/maillist.html Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/gay_bombay/ <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
g_b Happy Friendship
. i am 33/m/delhi settled/an engineer by profession and presently working in Muscat, Oman. i am 5'8"/55kg/29"waist/avg looking down to earth guy. i am not sure whether i can be termed passive ( i never understood the relevance of those terms and role defination in a passionate love), because i would rather prefer mutual enjoyment and involvement of both when it comes to physical. but what i am looking for is not just sex, rather an emotional bonding with some one. but ironically i am married, though basically gay. if you care or rather believe in a long distance relationship and my profile suits you, would love to be a friend, if not anything more. Group Site: http://www.gaybombay.info == NEW CLASSIFIEDS SECTION SEEKING FRIENDS? VISIT www.gaybombay.info click on classified section and type your message in the post section once the link opens This message was posted to the gay_bombay Yahoo! Group. Responses to messages (by clicking "Reply") will also be posted on the eGroup and sent to all members. If you'd like to respond privately to the author of any message then please compose and send a new email message to the author's email address. For Parties and events go to: http://calendar.yahoo.com/YYY,04497/srt,0/gaybombaygroup/?v=42&POS= Post:- gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com Subscribe:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Digest Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] No Mail Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Individual Mail Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Contact Us:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Archives are at http://www.mail-archive.com/gay_bombay%40yahoogroups.com/maillist.html Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/gay_bombay/ <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
g_b happy n prosperous new year
hi dude... hows life happy n prosperous new year rahul Group Site: http://www.gaybombay.info == NEW CLASSIFIEDS SECTION SEEKING FRIENDS? VISIT www.gaybombay.info click on classified section and type your message in the post section once the link opens This message was posted to the gay_bombay Yahoo! Group. Responses to messages (by clicking "Reply") will also be posted on the eGroup and sent to all members. If you'd like to respond privately to the author of any message then please compose and send a new email message to the author's email address. For Parties and events go to: http://calendar.yahoo.com/YYY,04497/srt,0/gaybombaygroup/?v=42&POS= Post:- gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com Subscribe:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Digest Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] No Mail Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Individual Mail Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Contact Us:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Archives are at http://www.mail-archive.com/gay_bombay%40yahoogroups.com/maillist.html Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/gay_bombay/ <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
g_b India Inc upbeat on economy
India Inc upbeat on economy: CII poll Press Trust of India / New Delhi January 02, 2005 India Inc continues to remain upbeat about the economic fundamentals with a majority of CEOs expecting a GDP growth rate of over 6% for the current and the next fiscal, according to a snap poll conducted by CII.While 57.5% of CEOs felt 2004-05 would end with a GDP growth rate of 6-6.5%, about 31.8% said the growth rate would be 6-7%, a CII release said. While 26.5% respondents felt that GDP would grow by 6-6.5% in 2005-2006, 37.5% CEOs expected growth to be between 6-7%.On inflation, 31.42% expected it to vary between 7-8% while 38.57% predicted a lower rate of 6-7% in the next fiscal. A majority 81% felt that fiscal deficit during the current fiscal would be less than 4.4% of GDP. On expectations from the next budget, 54% CEOs expect the corporate tax rate to remain at the current level of 35% while the remaining 46% said it could come down to 30%. Similarly, a majority 57% expected the most common prevailing customs duty to remain at 20% while the remaining 43% expect it to be reduced to 15%.According to the poll, industry leaders also expect good growth figures for their companies - 38% seeing 20-30% increase and another 38% eyeing growth between 10-20% - in 2004-05. Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail - 250MB free storage. Do more. Manage less. Group Site: http://www.gaybombay.info == NEW CLASSIFIEDS SECTION SEEKING FRIENDS? VISIT www.gaybombay.info click on classified section and type your message in the post section once the link opens This message was posted to the gay_bombay Yahoo! Group. Responses to messages (by clicking "Reply") will also be posted on the eGroup and sent to all members. If you'd like to respond privately to the author of any message then please compose and send a new email message to the author's email address. For Parties and events go to: http://calendar.yahoo.com/YYY,04497/srt,0/gaybombaygroup/?v=42&POS= Post:- gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com Subscribe:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Digest Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] No Mail Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Individual Mail Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Contact Us:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Archives are at http://www.mail-archive.com/gay_bombay%40yahoogroups.com/maillist.html Yahoo! Groups Links To visit your group on the web, go to:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/gay_bombay/ To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
g_b File - Bouncing Email Addresses
hi guys we have 3900 members who have bouncing email addresses. and nearly 3850 members who have clean email boxes i.e mails sent to them do not bounce that makes this list a sum total of 7650 members!! not bad!! unfortunately, of the 7650 odd subscribers, just about 3800 members have emails boxes that do not bounce emails!! in other words, you keep your email box clean and delete unwated old mails rather than piling old mails. for those who do not get mails or are unable to post mails, the simple solution is to keep your email box clean and delete unwanted mails. though with yahoomail, rediffmail and google mail(gmail) giving 1 gb of space, things started easing. yet, i keep getting mails in private from subscribers saying that they are not receiving mails and asking for help often, many of us forget to clean our email boxes and the end result is that mails sent by to that particular address starts getting rejected. to set matters rights you have to log on to your yahoogroups page at http://groups.yahoo.com/mygroups if the mails are bouncing and if you are not getting your emails regularly, you will most probaly notice a message on the top saying-Alert! You have 1 bouncing email addresses ETC. click on that link and follow the instructions and it will tell you how to unbounce your email address the simplest thing to do is to just delete emails that are of no use to you. each email box has just about 4-5 mb of storage space and once you exceed that space, emails sent to your inbox will start bouncing so if you have not cleaned your mail box recently, do it NOW. and yes, clean it up 1-2 a week to be on the safe side also if you want to change the way in which you want to receive your mails here are some commands to help you Digest Mode: send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] No Mail Mode:- send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Individual Mail Mode:- send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] regards moderator Group Site: http://www.gaybombay.info == NEW CLASSIFIEDS SECTION SEEKING FRIENDS? VISIT www.gaybombay.info click on classified section and type your message in the post section once the link opens This message was posted to the gay_bombay Yahoo! Group. Responses to messages (by clicking "Reply") will also be posted on the eGroup and sent to all members. If you'd like to respond privately to the author of any message then please compose and send a new email message to the author's email address. For Parties and events go to: http://calendar.yahoo.com/YYY,04497/srt,0/gaybombaygroup/?v=42&POS= Post:- gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com Subscribe:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Digest Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] No Mail Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Individual Mail Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Contact Us:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Archives are at http://www.mail-archive.com/gay_bombay%40yahoogroups.com/maillist.html Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/gay_bombay/ <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
Re: g_b Happy Friendship
Hi Akash, i am Prakash and i am very much impressed with youpersonality. You can say that i am kinda such person too. I like nature, trees, mountains and where the population is very less. I hate crowds and big cities. Unfortunately i am working in Manhattan, New York which is very busy. I like fall colors too. I am not sure if you are in USA or not, but i would still like to be in touch with you. I generally don't date people online or outside, however your personalitly seem to be very close to mine and is interesting. Please do reply and/or give me ur contact number. Have a wonderful New Year ahead. Have fun, -prakash --- Akshay Verma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > Hey friends, > > Happy New Year Friendship 2005 > > wishing all mankind & all living n non-living > creatures best of the > universal love, joy n bliss. > > i am akash M 34, 5' 7", 53 kg, slim n thin t-p > looking for a similar-type body-figure bttm guy > > i like travelling, more in nature like hills, > valleys, rivers, > waterfalls, clouds, snow, beaches, forts, tribal n > remote areas, etc - > i enjoy exploring, photography, poetry n painting > sometimes. i do > read occassionally. > > since long long time i am looking for a sweet > friend to love, as my > constant experience in finding someone often ends in > these guys > wanting only my toy. > i look for a buddy who can be in my arms and perhaps > just go to sleep > for a while or chat about other things in life, not > just sex. > > > i am looking for a bttm (pssv) companion who can > join me for some > silent walks in jungles or meet me on some evenings > n go together for > a small leisure stroll. > > do reply on my personal id at : > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > > > > > > > = test'; "> __ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail - now with 250MB free storage. Learn more. http://info.mail.yahoo.com/mail_250 Group Site: http://www.gaybombay.info == NEW CLASSIFIEDS SECTION SEEKING FRIENDS? VISIT www.gaybombay.info click on classified section and type your message in the post section once the link opens This message was posted to the gay_bombay Yahoo! Group. Responses to messages (by clicking "Reply") will also be posted on the eGroup and sent to all members. If you'd like to respond privately to the author of any message then please compose and send a new email message to the author's email address. For Parties and events go to: http://calendar.yahoo.com/YYY,04497/srt,0/gaybombaygroup/?v=42&POS= Post:- gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com Subscribe:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Digest Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] No Mail Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Individual Mail Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Contact Us:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Archives are at http://www.mail-archive.com/gay_bombay%40yahoogroups.com/maillist.html Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/gay_bombay/ <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
Re: g_b Root cause of Zaheer khan's injury!
Hi , Really smart reason to get injurred regulerly. On Wed, 22 Dec 2004 Smarter boy Boy wrote : > NOW WE KNOW WHY ZAHEER GETS INJURED REGULARLY Group Site: http://www.gaybombay.info == NEW CLASSIFIEDS SECTION SEEKING FRIENDS? VISIT www.gaybombay.info click on classified section and type your message in the post section once the link opens This message was posted to the gay_bombay Yahoo! Group. Responses to messages (by clicking "Reply") will also be posted on the eGroup and sent to all members. If you'd like to respond privately to the author of any message then please compose and send a new email message to the author's email address. For Parties and events go to: http://calendar.yahoo.com/YYY,04497/srt,0/gaybombaygroup/?v=42&POS= Post:- gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com Subscribe:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Digest Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] No Mail Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Individual Mail Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Contact Us:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Archives are at http://www.mail-archive.com/gay_bombay%40yahoogroups.com/maillist.html Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/gay_bombay/ <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
-- Forwarded message -- From: azhagi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: 1 Jan 2005 07:12:24 - Subject: NEW YEAR MSG To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Hi, NEW YEAR MESSAGE Be Focussed. Work hard. Be More Disciplined. Eat, Drink in Moderation and Stay Healthy Help Others, HELP A GAY LOV AZHAGI -- www.gaybombay.info Group Site: http://www.gaybombay.info == NEW CLASSIFIEDS SECTION SEEKING FRIENDS? VISIT www.gaybombay.info click on classified section and type your message in the post section once the link opens This message was posted to the gay_bombay Yahoo! Group. Responses to messages (by clicking "Reply") will also be posted on the eGroup and sent to all members. If you'd like to respond privately to the author of any message then please compose and send a new email message to the author's email address. For Parties and events go to: http://calendar.yahoo.com/YYY,04497/srt,0/gaybombaygroup/?v=42&POS= Post:- gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com Subscribe:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Digest Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] No Mail Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Individual Mail Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Contact Us:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Archives are at http://www.mail-archive.com/gay_bombay%40yahoogroups.com/maillist.html Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/gay_bombay/ <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
Re: g_b satellite pic. of a tsunami
Thank you Asfan for the satellite picture of a tsunami. The picture itself looking so dangerous, my God, what would have been in reality!asfan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: this is a satellite picture of a tsunami Group Site:http://www.gaybombay.info==NEW CLASSIFIEDS SECTIONSEEKING FRIENDS? VISITwww.gaybombay.infoclick on classified section and type your message in the post section once the link opensThis message was posted to the gay_bombay Yahoo! Group. Responses to messages (by clicking "Reply") will also be posted on the eGroup and sent to all members. If you'd like to respond privately to the author of any message then please compose and send a new email message to the author's email address.For Parties and events go to: http://calendar.yahoo.com/YYY,04497/srt,0/gaybombaygroup/?v=42&POS=Post:- gay_bombay@yahoogroups.comSubscribe:- [EMAIL PROTECTED]Digest Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED]No Mail Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED]Individual Mail Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED]Contact Us:- [EMAIL PROTECTED]Archives are at http://www.mail-archive.com/gay_bombay%40yahoogroups.com/maillist.html> ATTACHMENT part 2 image/pjpeg groups.yahoo.com/group/LOVING_WOMEN/join__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com Group Site: http://www.gaybombay.info == NEW CLASSIFIEDS SECTION SEEKING FRIENDS? VISIT www.gaybombay.info click on classified section and type your message in the post section once the link opens This message was posted to the gay_bombay Yahoo! Group. Responses to messages (by clicking "Reply") will also be posted on the eGroup and sent to all members. If you'd like to respond privately to the author of any message then please compose and send a new email message to the author's email address. For Parties and events go to: http://calendar.yahoo.com/YYY,04497/srt,0/gaybombaygroup/?v=42&POS= Post:- gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com Subscribe:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Digest Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] No Mail Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Individual Mail Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Contact Us:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Archives are at http://www.mail-archive.com/gay_bombay%40yahoogroups.com/maillist.html Yahoo! Groups Links To visit your group on the web, go to:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/gay_bombay/ To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
g_b Sundaes
After years of his wife's pleading, this rich good ole' boy finally goes with her to her little local Church on Sunday morning. He was so moved by the preacher's sermon that on the way out he stopped to shake his hand. He said, "Reverend, that was the best damn sermon I ever did hear!" The Preacher replied, "Oh!! Why, thank you sir, but please, I'd appreciate it if you didn't use profanity in the Lord's house." The man said, "I'm sorry Reverend, but I can't help myself, it was such a damn good sermon!" The Reverend said, "Sir, PLEASE, I cannot have you behaving this way in Church!" The man said, "Okay Reverend, but I just wanted you to know that I thought it was so damn good, I put 5000 dollars in that there collection plate." And the Reverend said, "NO SHIT?" I tell you, women drivers are a hazard to traffic. Driving to work this morning on the freeway, I looked over to my left and there was a woman in a Mustang doing 65 miles per hour with her face up next to her rear view mirror putting on her eyeliner! I looked away for a couple seconds and when I looked back she was halfway over in my lane. It scared me so bad I dropped my electric shaver in my coffee, and it spilled all over my cell phone!
Re: g_b satellite pic. of a tsunami
Hi, This picture appears to be of a cyclonic storm off the eastern asia asfan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: this is a satellite picture of a tsunami Group Site: http://www.gaybombay.info == NEW CLASSIFIEDS SECTION SEEKING FRIENDS? VISIT www.gaybombay.info click on classified section and type your message in the post section once the link opens This message was posted to the gay_bombay Yahoo! Group. Responses to messages (by clicking "Reply") will also be posted on the eGroup and sent to all members. If you'd like to respond privately to the author of any message then please compose and send a new email message to the author's email address. For Parties and events go to: http://calendar.yahoo.com/YYY,04497/srt,0/gaybombaygroup/?v=42&POS= Post:- gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com Subscribe:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Digest Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] No Mail Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Individual Mail Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Contact Us:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Archives are at http://www.mail-archive.com/gay_bombay%40yahoogroups.com/maillist.html Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/gay_bombay/ <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
g_b Happy New Year
Happy New Year to the group I hope that 2005 will be the best ever for all of you. It was on this sight that I met the most wonderful man I have ever met...I am totally amazed that such a thing could happen. He is everything a man could ask for. He phoned from your country to mine to wish me Happy New Year. I am in love. So cudo's to gay bombay. Thanks also for all the great discussions that have been so stimulating. Keep up the good work. I am so sorry about the news of the disasters; our country and others are all in this with you and will be with you helping for the duration. Colored condoms? well you can get them at any sex toy store every color you can imagine even rainbow and flavored too. So pink is not the only color they come in. Thanks also for the tip about the new spy cababilities of Yahoo. I have followed your instructions and disengaged it. Thanks for an enteraining and interesting 2004, may 2005 be even more so and even more blessed. Kennedy Group Site: http://www.gaybombay.info == NEW CLASSIFIEDS SECTION SEEKING FRIENDS? VISIT www.gaybombay.info click on classified section and type your message in the post section once the link opens This message was posted to the gay_bombay Yahoo! Group. Responses to messages (by clicking "Reply") will also be posted on the eGroup and sent to all members. If you'd like to respond privately to the author of any message then please compose and send a new email message to the author's email address. For Parties and events go to: http://calendar.yahoo.com/YYY,04497/srt,0/gaybombaygroup/?v=42&POS= Post:- gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com Subscribe:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Digest Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] No Mail Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Individual Mail Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Contact Us:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Archives are at http://www.mail-archive.com/gay_bombay%40yahoogroups.com/maillist.html Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/gay_bombay/ <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
g_b Fwd: Advocate.com Weekly News Update
-- Forwarded message -- From: Advocate Update Editors <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: Fri, 31 Dec 2004 17:33:11 -0800 (PST) Subject: Advocate.com Weekly News Update To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] FOR THE WEEK ENDING 12/31/04 * An Arkansas judge declares that a state ban on placing foster children in any household with a gay member is unconstitutional. http://advocate.com/new_news.asp?id=14704&sd=12/30/04 FROM OUR SPONSOR MARRIAGE AND FAMILY * Spain's Socialist government approves a bill to legalize same-sex marriages. http://advocate.com/new_news.asp?id=14705&sd=12/31/04-01/03/05 * Same-sex marriage may be legal in Massachusetts, but only one in three of the state's companies are planning to offer retirement benefits to same-sex couples. http://advocate.com/new_news.asp?id=14700&sd=12/30/04 * Opponents of same-sex marriage concede that victory will not be swift in their attempt to amend the U.S. Constitution. http://advocate.com/new_news.asp?id=14689&sd=12/28/04 * Atlanta's mayor decides to fine the Druid Hills Golf Club for violating the city's human rights ordinance after the club refuses to extend spousal benefits to the partners of its gay members. http://advocate.com/new_news.asp?id=14688&sd=12/28/04 * An Arkansas judge hears the last bit of evidence in a challenge to the state's ban on gay foster parents and says he expects to rule on the case by the end of the year. http://www.advocate.com/new_news.asp?ID=14657&sd=12/22/04 POLITICS & SOCIETY * While family, friends, and former teammates remembered football player Reggie White as a formidable man, many others were remembering his long streak of antigay activism. http://advocate.com/new_news.asp?id=14680&sd=12/28/04 CRIME & LAW ENFORCEMENT * A 23-year-old Iowa man is accused of killing a 52-year-old Nebraska man in a suburban Des Moines motel room after the two met through online personals. http://advocate.com/new_news.asp?id=14706&sd=12/31/04-01/03/05 * A transgender police officer files a sexual harassment lawsuit against the Oklahoma City police department and has been placed on paid leave while she and the department try to work out their differences. http://advocate.com/new_news.asp?id=14696&sd=12/29/04 * The city of Los Angeles has tentatively agreed to pay $650,000 to settle lawsuits filed by two gay police officers who claim they were discriminated against because of their sexual orientation. http://advocate.com/new_news.asp?id=14678&sd=12/28/04 RELIGION * A Methodist minister who was defrocked for declaring that she is a lesbian living with her partner is taking her case to a church appeals court. http://advocate.com/new_news.asp?id=14679&sd=12/28/04 HEALTH & SCIENCE * As funding for AIDS groups continues to shrink, many of the organizations are beginning to diversify by also helping people with other diseases. http://advocate.com/new_news.asp?id=14701&sd=12/30/04 * Health officials in British Columbia, Canada, issue a health alert after documenting an outbreak of meningitis among gay men. http://advocate.com/new_news.asp?id=14692&sd=12/29/04 * A former regional sales manager for biotechnology company Serono pleads guilty in federal court to bribing doctors to prescribe Serostim, a human growth hormone used to treat AIDS-related wasting. http://advocate.com/new_news.asp?id=14693&sd=12/29/04 * A Maine superior court sentences the former executive director of the Maine AIDS Alliance to three years in jail, with all but six months suspended, for stealing more than $23,000 from the group. http://advocate.com/new_news.asp?id=14694&sd=12/29/04 * Marsha Martin, executive director of AIDS Action, is part of a small committee sponsoring an inaugural celebration for President Bush's reelection that will serve as a benefit for the AIDS Responsibility Project. http://advocate.com/new_news.asp?id=14685&sd=12/28/04 * A. Cornelius Baker, executive director of the Washington, D.C.-based Whitman-Walker Clinic, announces his resignation from the organization. http://advocate.com/new_news.asp?id=14684&sd=12/28/04 * The Food and Drug Administration approves a new formulation of the protease inhibitor Invirase. http://advocate.com/new_news.asp?id=14683&sd=12/28/04 http://www.hivplusmag.com YOUTH * Two years ago, at age 15 and living in his 15th Miami-area foster home, Steven Alicea came out of the closet. His foster parents at the time, both pastors, said he would go to hell. "I thought of suicide, just taki
g_b Just One 'Q'???
My dear Freinds, Just wana Ask one Q... " was it justified to have a New Year Gay Party celebration after knowing what a natural Calamity the world is going through??" couldnt that be reversed in another form by collecting funds for this cause or etc. I hope Im not sounding a big 'SAINT' here. ?? Sahil. Do you Yahoo!? Send holiday email and support a worthy cause. Do good. Group Site: http://www.gaybombay.info == NEW CLASSIFIEDS SECTION SEEKING FRIENDS? VISIT www.gaybombay.info click on classified section and type your message in the post section once the link opens This message was posted to the gay_bombay Yahoo! Group. Responses to messages (by clicking "Reply") will also be posted on the eGroup and sent to all members. If you'd like to respond privately to the author of any message then please compose and send a new email message to the author's email address. For Parties and events go to: http://calendar.yahoo.com/YYY,04497/srt,0/gaybombaygroup/?v=42&POS= Post:- gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com Subscribe:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Digest Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] No Mail Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Individual Mail Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Contact Us:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Archives are at http://www.mail-archive.com/gay_bombay%40yahoogroups.com/maillist.html Yahoo! Groups Links To visit your group on the web, go to:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/gay_bombay/ To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
g_b headaches and posture
Break Out of That Slump Bad posture can be a pain in the head By Kelly James-Enger Special to MSN Diane Harrington of Madison, Wis., admits she has bad posture. She also suffers from migraines as well, and believes the two are related. They often begin with tightness in her neck or shoulders. "I always find that the 'origination point,' if you will, is a particular spot in my shoulder or at the base of my skull - always on the same side the migraine is on," the 40-year-old writer says. "By the time the migraine's here, though, no amount of stretching exercises for my shoulders and neck will make it go away." When a pain in the neck becomes a pain in the head It turns out your mom was right when she told you not to slouch. As Harrington has discovered, there's a connection between poor posture and headache frequency. "If someone has chronic headache pain, [we find] he or she often sits in a slouched, head-forward position," explains Dr. Merle Diamond, associate director of the Diamond Headache Clinic in Chicago. "That aggravates the muscles of the head and neck and can lead to more muscle spasms and more pain." Doctors call these cervicogenic headaches, and they can cause something called "referred pain." While the problem may originate in your neck, it's the back of your head that aches. There are definite associations between neck or cervical spine triggers and both migraine and tension-type headaches, says Dr. Robert Kanieki, an assistant professor of neurology at the University of Pittsburgh and director of the Headache Center there. Tension-type headaches are often due to muscle irritation in the neck; the resulting headache is often felt around the area where the muscles insert at the base of the skull, says Kanieki. "The head is essentially a 10-pound structure," he says. "If it's not balanced on the top of your neck and shoulders, it can certainly aggravate the cervical spine and trigger muscle tension, and muscle tightness. This can lead to spasms or the development of headaches." However, doctors now believe that there's also a connection between neck pain and migraines. "Recently we learned that migraine, as opposed to arising from blood vessel or vascular problems, appears to arise from neurological origins, " says Kaniecki. "And the structure that processes pain in the head that's inside the brain - the relay center for pain - also relays pain signals from the upper neck. " That's why doctors believe that irritation in the neck and upper shoulder area - the cervical region - can trigger migraines too. Sit up straight, feel better If you already have neck problems, you may be one of the unlucky people predisposed to these headaches. One study found people found that people with joint or muscular abnormalities in their heads and necks were more likely to suffer from both tension and migraine headaches. However, if you tend to get headaches at the end of the day, poor posture may be the culprit. Improving your posture and strengthening your neck and shoulder muscles can make a big difference - in clinical trials, people who did posture and strengthening exercises reduced their headache frequency. "One of the things we tell our patients with chronic daily headaches is to work on their posture," says Diamond. "They should do a check-in and make sure that they're sitting upright because it's clear that a lot of these people slouch a lot." At the Headache Center at the University of Pittsburgh, patients learn natural means of improving headache, including regulating their sleep and meal patterns and performing a daily 30-minute walk. Kanieki suggest that headache sufferers keep the phrase, "walk tall, sit straight, stretch out" in mind. During your daily walk, focus on maintaining good posture - imagine that there's a string at the top of your head and keep your head balanced over your shoulders, back straight, as you stroll. At work, make sure that you're sitting straight, not hunched over, and take regular breaks away from your computer. Finally, implement a regular stretching routine into your day. Even a simple series of neck stretches (tilting your head to the left, then right, forward and back, for example) helps. You'll reduce your chances of leaving work with stiff shoulders and an achy, pounding head - and your mom will compliment you on your new and improved posture as well. Kelly James-Enger is a freelance journalist specializing in health, fitness and nutrition topics. Her work has appeared in more than 50 national magazines including Redbook, Self, Health, Muscle Media, American Health & Fitness, Family Circle, Woman's Day, Continental, Fitness, and Oxygen. She is the coauthor of the forthcoming "Small Changes, Big Results" (Random House, 2005), a nutrition/fitness/wellness book. Group Site: http://www.gaybombay.info == NEW CLASSIFIEDS SECTION SEEKING FRIENDS? VISIT www.gaybombay.info click on classified section and type your message in
g_b Greetings
Wishing all of you a Happy New Year 2005. At the same time, a moment of silence for all those victims of last weekend's disaster. Hopefully, we will not be tested so harshly this year. Group Site: http://www.gaybombay.info == NEW CLASSIFIEDS SECTION SEEKING FRIENDS? VISIT www.gaybombay.info click on classified section and type your message in the post section once the link opens This message was posted to the gay_bombay Yahoo! Group. Responses to messages (by clicking "Reply") will also be posted on the eGroup and sent to all members. If you'd like to respond privately to the author of any message then please compose and send a new email message to the author's email address. For Parties and events go to: http://calendar.yahoo.com/YYY,04497/srt,0/gaybombaygroup/?v=42&POS= Post:- gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com Subscribe:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Digest Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] No Mail Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Individual Mail Mode:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Contact Us:- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Archives are at http://www.mail-archive.com/gay_bombay%40yahoogroups.com/maillist.html Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/gay_bombay/ <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/