Re: g_b Racism still an issue in the gay community ( ARTICLE)

2007-03-20 Thread karwan khursheed
You are absolutely right! Here in Duabi, its the same like britain.

I am from delhi working in Dubai for last two years. The first question they 
will ask you is whats your nationality?

When you will say I am Indian. they will say sorry I am not into asian. 
sometimes no reply.
I noticed  it many times. Condition of Indian gays specially who are dark skin 
is very bad. They are most of the time neglected.

Sometimes I taught them a lesson. The same guy who didnt chat with me knowing 
me Indian, chatted with me knowing that I am European. I made my id as 
27-Eurpopean in mirc and I got the reply of that guy.  He gave me his msn is 
and we chatted. He gave me his no without seeing me but i refused him saying 
sorry you are not my type.

Most of the Arabs guy here are looking for Arbs. Few european like Indian.

But I feel race is not the main issue.

The main issue is how you look and how your stats is...


- Original Message 
From: walnut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2007 8:59:15 PM
Subject: g_b Racism still an issue in the gay community ( ARTICLE)

Comment: Racism still an issue in the gay community 

I’ve encountered more cold shoulders and "thanks, no thanks" on Old Compton 
Street than Dating Direct or Gaydar.



8th March 2007 13:37

Since coming to London last year, student Balaji Ravichandran has been 
impressed with the freedom that gay men enjoy here. As an Indian, though, 
Balaji has noticed that white gay men’s attitudes to a guy like him can at 
times leave something to be desired. 

“Sorry, not my type.” This is probably the most frequented reply I’ve received 
on Gaydar - or "DismayDar," as I choose to call it. 

Personally, I have nothing against the cruising website always busy with people 
(gay, straight, or otherwise) craving for sex. 

It is, in many ways, much better than the hypocrisy of people claiming to want 
longer relationships and not bothering to call again or return your messages. 

Indeed, having been in Britain only for a year now, I’ve rather enjoyed my 
frequent flings, thanks to the occasional few who don’t mind my skin colour, or 
those who do not have "Caucasians only" in the "Looking for" column of their 

Yet, having used it for almost a year, along with a host of other dating 
websites, and having been a part of the "gay scene" (an unfortunate epithet) in 
London for an equal amount of time, I can’t help thinking that there is subtle, 
yet very palpable racism within the community.

When I mention this to many of my gay friends in the UK, they refuse to believe 
it. They point out that there are a significant number of interracial 
relationships within the gay community. I wholly agree. 

What’s more, most of the men I’ve been with were white. In fact, I once 
admitted that if one wanted to see real and overt racism, one must go to the 
Berlin gay scene—how would you feel if people in their hundreds refuse to 
acknowledge you even exist? 

That’s exactly how it felt - for me, anyway.

But to say that Britain is highly tolerant and that it is not as bad as some 
other European nations is not to say that a person with coloured skin is 
treated in exactly the same manner as a white would. 

Far from it. If you don’t believe me, log on to any gay dating website and read 
the profiles of a few white people at random. 

You are more likely to see the following epithets than any discernible 
description of themselves or their prospective partners (sexual or otherwise)— 
"Sorry, not into Asians;" "Sorry, coloured skin just doesn’t work for me;" 
"Whites only, no offence." 

An oxymoron, if there ever was one.

Could this be something related to the realms of online dating alone? Not 

I’ve encountered more cold shoulders and "thanks, no thanks" on Old Compton 
Street than Dating Direct or Gaydar. Admittedly, this may not be race-related 
at all. 

Many a gay man refuses even to acknowledge another’s presence in busy gay clubs 
these days. No smiles, no exchanges of conversations - people seem to move 
about in cohorts drinking and dancing, with little else being accomplished. 

With more people flocking to online dating, the social side of bars seems fast 

Personally and professionally, I’ve seldom encountered racism in Britain. The 
episode surrounding Shilpa Shetty is nothing more than a media gimmick to which 
unsuspecting TV addicts paid too much attention. 

However, when it comes to establishing a connection deeper than friendship, and 
one that ventures into a long-term commitment, hesitancy does seem to set in. 

Strangely, this is not related just to whites, as some within the Asian and 
black community (usually fed up with racism) often assume. 

A number of black and East Asian men have told me personally that they’d rather 
prefer to settle down with people of their own race than any other.

I find this whole scenario qui

Re: g_b Maitreya Teachings:Sexuality

2007-03-20 Thread karwan khursheed
"Yes, a woman was designed for childbirth and the male for seeding, but the 
human body was also designed for pleasure, and how that pleasure is enjoyed is 
the responsibility of each individual soul, no soul should judge another 
because of their differences."

I am totally disagree with your comment. By saying these you want to prove that 
one should do anything to get pleaseue of the body  in anyway. There is 
ceratinly right and wrong thing.
So many drugs are available in the market which give pleasure to the body. Do 
you take this?

We all have cute brother and sister. Do we have sex with them to get pleasure 
of the body? Ceratinly not! So why?? because we feel that its wrong. 

Have you ever read any article or comment made by gay towards straight couple 
or people. No. I havent. But you will find many straight people raising finger 
towards gays.

Why? We dont make comment against straight people because we feel that they are 
according to nature. They are right. there sexuality is according to nature.
 Do not waste energy on debating or thinking what is right or wrong. For there 
is no such thing, only choice.

Its very important to know what you are going to do? Wether it is right or 
wrong? We should spend maximum energy on it. :)

Dont you think which movie to watch?

Yes of course you do! You think about the movie star, director, and the topic 
then you decide.
I dont have time i will write you back.

take care

- Original Message 
From: walnut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2007 2:56:31 PM
Subject: g_b Maitreya Teachings:Sexuality

There is much discussion in the world today about what is right and wrong with 
regards to sexuality. There is so much fear and guilt about having a desire for 
the same sex person. Many consider this an abomination. Why do they do this? 
They do so because they do not understand the meaning of love, and they also 
are conditioned with thousands of years of belief that humanity should be male 
and female. 
How do you know that what is written is true? Many quote the scriptures from 
many years ago, but how do you know that this is truth? You do not, yet because 
of the power of belief, fear is generated by being different. Many souls 
returning to the Earth plane and preferring a partner of the same sex have 
often had that partner in a past life as the opposite sex. Many years ago, my 
channel met a woman who was a lovely soul. This woman came to love my channel, 
but because of her conditioning at that time, my channel ran away. How many of 
you have run away from a similar situation? Why do you run? You run because you 
fear, and you fear because you do not understand your feelings, and because 
society says it is wrong. It is not wrong. Yes, a woman was designed for 
childbirth and the male for seeding, but the human body was also designed for 
pleasure, and how that pleasure is enjoyed is the responsibility of each 
individual soul, no soul should judge another because of their
When you judge another, you become the judge and jury, yet how do you know that 
was not you in a past or will be in a future life? For those who choose a 
partner of the same sex. Let go of your fear, let go of your loathing of 
yourself. Honor yourself in your uniqueness. Release the guilt. Enjoy your 
difference, for you are truly FREE. You have stepped outside the boundaries of 
conditioning. Once you free yourself, then you can truly be individual. For you 
truly know love and do not limit it to one sex. If you are one who prefers the 
opposite sex, then so be it, enjoy that experience too, but do not condemn 
another for their choice. How do you know that your choice is right? You do 
not, only conditioning makes it this way. The only truth is the NOW, all that 
has happened in the past is of the past, irrelevant. Let go of the persecution 
of yourself. Do not waste energy on debating or thinking what is right or 
wrong. For there is no such thing, only choice. 

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Re: g_b hey guys wht say lets start a gay community in malad area

2007-03-20 Thread rick alex
Well all the guys in Malad cm 2 b sleeping... Mindspcae area is a fantastic  
area 2 meet 

r v <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Well, 
  Me from Kandivli e, Yes we can fix a comman meeting place, I think this would 
be good idia. Even Mindspace could be good placy, I would apreaciat if Guys 
from simlar area give feedback and get together.
  Keep it up

  - Original Message 
From: rick alex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2007 8:30:30 PM
Subject: Re: g_b hey guys wht say lets start a gay community in malad area

  let me tell u soulmatemumbai i am not comenting on any
member of g4m please note tht but I am commenting on
the administration thts it  well whr do u stay
goregaon , malad, kndvli someewhr how do v go abt cn v
guys fix up a common meeting place wht say around
mindspc which is safe 
--- r v <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I will not react that hard as onecant't catagoriza
> all guys on g4M rood.
> But well good thought,
> Do you mean meet up etc?
> Let me know how could I be a help?
> Keet in touch
> - Original Message 
> From: rick alex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To:
> Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2007 4:13:27 PM
> Subject: g_b hey guys wht say lets start a gay
> community in malad area
> guys being in guys4men sucks because these guys are
> bloody rude / impoliite and ost of the time u get no
> 1
> , a few to name to have frnds with ... so why not
> start a commuinty with a place where gays in malad
> area - can meet like in mindspace 
>  _ _ _ _
> _ _
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g_b new member

2007-03-20 Thread eltsacwen2007
Hi guys Am new to the group. Am a 24 year old guy from Europe and am 
looking for guys for chatting and exchanging e mails. I like to get 
really hot whilst chatting. My yahoo messenger is   eltsacwen2007
and e mail address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Hope to hear from 
some really intersting and interested guys.  Richard

g_b Any one in Manchester, UK?

2007-03-20 Thread Youandme youand

Any guys near manchester, UK?

I will be visitng on 1st April for a week on business

will be staying in hotel..

Interested guys may mail me to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

More details upon responses..
Regards Bye


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g_b from Details: Why Gay Men Make the Best Bosses

2007-03-20 Thread Vikram
Obviously I'd like to believe the contention in this piece, but I 
have to say I'm slightly dubious. First, I don't know why sexuality 
has to be singled out like this, even in a positive way. Some people 
are good bosses because their personalities are like that, and they 
could be gay or straight or any of the shades in between. 

Even if one allows, just for the sake of discussion, that sexuality 
might make a difference in your workplace skills, I still don't see 
why this should automatically make gay men better bosses. The article 
quotes a writer saying "Gay people are constantly having to dodge and 
weave and assess how and where they're going as they grow up. And 
that manifests itself as three huge skills: adaptability, intuitive 
communications, and creative problem-solving." 

And yes, I can see how that happens, but against it I can put other 
things. I know gay men who become so obsessed with controlling all 
aspects of their lives that it probably seeps into their work as 
well, making them annoying bosses. And if straight men can be 
affected by sexy women colleagues, gay men will be affected by sexy 
male colleagues - and that doesn't just have to manifest itself as 
sexually harassing them, as one nasty stereotype has it. 

In fact it can go the other way. You can be so scared of seeming to 
sexually harass someone that you just seize up and become ultra 
formal. I know that I'm not always comfortable around really good 
looking colleagues - not because I'm afraid I'll let go and ravish 
them, but because I often do become tongue tied and nervous around 
really good looking guys, whether at parties or the workplace. 

My own, very limited experience, of being a boss was certainly not 
great. Years back when I worked in advertising I had two people 
working under me - one, a guy, with who I got on famously (he was 
completely straight and I wasn't attracted to him, but he was cool 
and we became friends) and a woman with who, well, I did not. 

Normally I get on very well with women, but this one was just a cow 
and I loathed her and since I didn't know how to deal with women, I 
just stopped dealing with her and ended up doing most of her work. 
And I was doing most of the guy's work too because we were friends 
and I wasn't delegating to him as I should have. 

As might be expected my career as a boss was not great and it was one 
of the reasons that pushed me to leave advertising and become a 
journalist where I was careful never to get into a situation where I 
have people working under me. But this is me, and I can think of 
other gay guys who are probably great bosses. So what do people 
think - does your sexuality affect your ability to be a boss? And 
what have your experiences been? 


Why Gay Men Make the Best Bosses
America's most desirable managers all have one thing in common: 
homosexuality. Read our take then post your comments below.
—By Danielle Sacks

Only three months into his senior manager gig at a Fortune 500 
company, Matthew Klein was in way over his head. "I finally walked 
into my boss's office, threw my hands in the air, and said, 'I'm 
feeling totally overwhelmed and inadequate,'" he explains. "I 
basically had a breakdown." Many managers would have reacted to such 
a display by telling him to get back out there and grow a pair. But 
Klein's boss had the opposite reaction: First he reassured Klein he 
was doing a great job, then he helped him prioritize his workload so 
that it became manageable. "It's not like he's this fuzzy guy who 
would reach across the table and hug you in a meeting—he's tough as 
nails," says Klein of Robert Ollander-Krane, who is director of 
learning and development for the company. "But he allowed me to be 
completely honest about my circumstances. Now we have this huge 
foundation of trust."

Wouldn't that be nice—a boss who actually gave a damn. And while it's 
not conclusive, evidence suggests that one of the reasons Ollander-
Krane is so effective is that he's part of a new breed—gay managers—
who could be becoming America's most desirable bosses.

In The G Quotient: Why Gay Executives Are Excelling as Leaders . . . 
and What Every Manager Needs to Know, author and USC business-school 
professor Kirk Snyder argues that gay bosses embody a style of 
personalized attention that allows high-maintenance Gen Xers and Yers 
to maximize their performance. "Gay executives tend to look at how 
each individual brings unique abilities, and they see their job as 
figuring out how best to take advantage of those skills," he says. 

In fact, during Snyder's five-year study of American executives, he 
stumbled on some startling findings: Gay male bosses produce 35 to 60 
percent higher levels of employee engagement, satisfaction, and 
morale than straight bosses. This is no small achievement: According 
to human-resources consulting firm Towers Perrin, only a meas

Re: g_b Beautifully stated

2007-03-20 Thread declan rafferty
... so true, and thanks for sharing that with us...

--- your pal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> have seen, shared and sent all other messages but
> never shared this kind...thought this is one of the
> most sweet message (and so true too) i have recieved
> after a long time, so thought will share with you
> guys...
> .
> As we grow up, we learn that even the one person
> that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably
> will. You will have your heart broken probably more
> than once and it's harder every time. You'll break
> hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was
> broken.
> You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a
> new
> love for things an old one did.
> You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and
> you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take too
> many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've
> never been hurt because every sixty seconds you
> spend
> upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get
> back. 
> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid
> that it will never begin...

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g_b mumbai

2007-03-20 Thread sameer sawant

  i m 24yrs 5.7ft top slim wheatish guy

g_b deep friendship - or gay??? in advertisements

2007-03-20 Thread Akash
i saw the gillette shaving gel ad where two men friends are sitting in a train, 
one brushes his unshaven cheek agianst the other- who shaves him in the train!!!
  when they alight the freshly shaven one is mistaken for the groom- do 
straight guys shave each other?? its so intimate!!!
  gahri dosti or gay??? any views of gays in ads in india >>
  another one is pan parag where af riend holds the grooms chin & puts gutka in 
his mouth- is it normal 
  any comments?? just my two penny worth of thoughts on the ads...
  love akash

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g_b hi friends

2007-03-20 Thread ZOHEB WALIA
hi guys
  wonder if any of u could help out.
  I am in Dubai and here of late all the areas have blocked all sites and thus 
it is difficult to access, wondering if any of u guys knew any alternative 
means of accessing Guys4men, Mygaydar and Manjam.
  I have heard that there is someway that we can access thru typing some other 
address instead of the original site name.

 Here’s a new way to find what you're looking for - Yahoo! Answers 

g_b Wonderful Info. of the Day

2007-03-20 Thread Huzefa Hamid
  Wonderful Info. of the Day  The coldest temperature 
ever measured on Earth was -129 Fahrenheit (-89 Celsius) at Vostok, Antarctica, 
on July 21, 1983.

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2007-03-20 Thread naughty confessions

A general store owner hires a young male clerk with a penchant for very 
tight low waist hiphugging jeans. One day a young man enters the store, glances 
at the clerk, and glances at the loaves of bread behind the counter. "I'd like 
some raisin bread, please." the man says politely.

The clerk nods and climbs up a ladder to reach the raisin bread located on 
the very top shelf. The man, standing almost directly beneath him, is provided 
with an excellent view. As the clerk retrieves the bread, a small group of male 
customers gather around the young man, looking in the same direction.

Pretty soon each person is asking for raisin bread, just to see the clerk 
climb up and down.

After a few trips the clerk is tired and irritated. He stops and fumes at 
the top of the ladder, glaring at the men standing below. He notices an elderly 
man standing amongst the throng. "Is yours raisin too?" the clerk yells testily.

"No," croaks the feeble old man "But it's startin' to twitch."

Be a PS3 game guru.
Get your game face on with the latest PS3 news and previews at Yahoo! Games.


2007-03-20 Thread naughty confessions

Bill walks into a clinic to have his blood taken to test his cholesterol.  
The young and very cute male nurse went about taking the blood sample from his 
finger.  After finishing he looked around for a piece of cotton to wipe away 
the excess blood. He couldn't find one so he looked innocently at the guy, took 
his finger and sucked it.

Bill was so pleased he asked, "Do you think I could have a urine test done?"
 Get your own web address.
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g_b The GB Party on Saturday 24 March 2007 at Liquid Lounge!

2007-03-20 Thread gaybombay_moderator
The GayBombay Party on Saturday 24 March 2007 at Liquid Lounge!

Time: 9 pm - 1 am.

Cover charge: Rs 450.

Venue: Liquid Lounge(above Karma); Sukh Sagar; 534 S.V.P. Road;
Mumbai 47. (Near Girgaum Chowpatty and Opera House; opposite
Standard Chartered Bank. Charni Road is the closest station).

Please note that you have to be above the age of 21 to attend
GayBombay parties. Please carry proof of age with you: a driving
license, college identity card, etc.

The Cover Charge includes: Inhouse DJ and a dance floor; light snacks
like wafers, peanuts, etc; 4 small Drinks with mixers, or 2 Beer
Pints, or 2 Bacardi Breezers/Mocktails, or 4 Soft Drinks/Mineral

Extra drinks will be sold at Rs 50/- to Rs 100/- per drink. Dinner
will not be served. Extra food items can be ordered as per the menu
- Some don'ts:
` GB, as a support group, has created this comfort/safe space for
gays. Many people at the event may be "newbies" (those still coming to
terms with their sexuality and/or those who have mustered the courage
to come to such an event for the first time). We request you to be
sensitive to the comfort levels of others and to behave and dress

` No dark rooms and no sex on the premises; if found indulging in
any "hanky panky" you shall be asked to leave the party.

` A special REQUEST: During and after the party please DO NOT gather
outside the venue. The management has requested us to ensure that, in
the middle of the night, the peace of the neighbourhood is not

- A few dos:
` Have a smashing time.
` Carry your Alcoholic Drinks Permit.
For more information:
Right of admission reserved.

g_b Save Santa and Banta!

2007-03-20 Thread Vikram
Santa and Banta jokes may soon be banned! Before that happens, here's 
the one gay Santa and Banta joke I've heard: 

Banta: Mainu lagda hai ki ji I am homo sexual. 
Santa: How?
Banta: Oji, I have sex only at home. 
Santa: Te le, I am bisexual. I have sex with kamvali bai only. 

g_b Hi

2007-03-20 Thread Albert Rigo
>From Gurgaon.looking for company and ?

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g_b Please Extend your support to Rectal Microbicide Research

2007-03-20 Thread Aditya Bondyopadhyay

Dear Forum Members,
For years many activists have demanded that microbicide research should
concentrate not only on vaginal microbicide but also rectal microbicide.
After years of advocacy [6 years at least] it is now possible that some
money may actually go towards this research. It is very important that this
research takes place since rectal microbicides is one prevention tool that
is totally in the hand of the penetrated partner in the sexual act, a
partner who because of various social, gender, and economic factors is
usually the less empowered.

Those of you who have the ability or the means to do so, do kindly consider
extending your support
Thanks and best

Aditya Bondyopadhyay

There is an EXCITING opportunity for members of the International Rectal
Microbicide Working Group ( all around the world to SUPPORT

amfAR has organized a fundraising event called Trek amfAR in Africa. All of
the money raised will go to support amfAR's programs in research, global
initiatives and public policy. BUT there's a way *we can raise money for
AIDS research, specifically on rectal HIV transmission.
IRMWG  Steering Committee member Dr. Rowena Johnston has volunteered as a
participant and with other participants will trek for 8 days through the
Namib Desert in Namibia at the end of May.

She, like all the other participants, must raise a minimum of $10,000 in
order to join the trek.  She has already raised more than $1,500. And here's
the good news – *your donation has the potential to be doubled*! amfAR has
generously agreed that if IRMWG members and their friends can raise $5,000,
*all of the money raised up to her $10,000 goal will go to support amfAR's
research program on rectal HIV transmission.
If we put our minds and pocketbooks to it, almost 400 IRMWG members and
their friends/colleagues can support research and make a strong statement in
support of the development of rectal microbicides. No donation is too big or

You can check out the research on rectal HIV transmission that amfAR has
recently supported by clicking here:

** <**>

Remember –

  - IRMWG must raise $5,000 in order for the funds to be matched
  - All of the money raised will go to support amfAR  programs – none
  will be used to pay for fundraising or e.g. Rowena's  travel
  - We must raise this money by May 4!

You can click on the link below to make a donation by credit card to amfAR
on behalf of Rowena's trek effort in the name of IRMWG.
In order to keep track of IRMWG donations, PLEASE make sure you include
IRMWG in your name on the "honor roll". For example, if your name is "Joe
Smith", you can call yourself "Joe IRMWG Smith" on the honor roll. If you're
in the United States, your donation is entirely tax deductible!

* <*

amfAR thanks you for ANY level of support you can give.

Re: g_b Maitreya Teachings:Sexuality

2007-03-20 Thread Shree Sidarth
Truly inspirational Maitreya,...indeed these are words
of wisdom...

--- walnut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   There is much discussion in the world today about
> what is right and wrong with regards to sexuality.
> There is so much fear and guilt about having a
> desire for the same sex person. Many consider this
> an abomination. Why do they do this? They do so
> because they do not understand the meaning of love,
> and they also are conditioned with thousands of
> years of belief that humanity should be male and
> female. 
>   How do you know that what is written is true? Many
> quote the scriptures from many years ago, but how do
> you know that this is truth? You do not, yet because
> of the power of belief, fear is generated by being
> different. Many souls returning to the Earth plane
> and preferring a partner of the same sex have often
> had that partner in a past life as the opposite sex.
> Many years ago, my channel met a woman who was a
> lovely soul. This woman came to love my channel, but
> because of her conditioning at that time, my channel
> ran away. How many of you have run away from a
> similar situation? Why do you run? You run because
> you fear, and you fear because you do not understand
> your feelings, and because society says it is wrong.
> It is not wrong. Yes, a woman was designed for
> childbirth and the male for seeding, but the human
> body was also designed for pleasure, and how that
> pleasure is enjoyed is the responsibility of each
> individual soul, no soul should judge another
> because of their
>  differences. 
>   When you judge another, you become the judge and
> jury, yet how do you know that was not you in a past
> or will be in a future life? For those who choose a
> partner of the same sex. Let go of your fear, let go
> of your loathing of yourself. Honor yourself in your
> uniqueness. Release the guilt. Enjoy your
> difference, for you are truly FREE. You have stepped
> outside the boundaries of conditioning. Once you
> free yourself, then you can truly be individual. For
> you truly know love and do not limit it to one sex.
> If you are one who prefers the opposite sex, then so
> be it, enjoy that experience too, but do not condemn
> another for their choice. How do you know that your
> choice is right? You do not, only conditioning makes
> it this way. The only truth is the NOW, all that has
> happened in the past is of the past, irrelevant. Let
> go of the persecution of yourself. Do not waste
> energy on debating or thinking what is right or
> wrong. For there is no such thing, only choice. 
>   Maitreya.
> -
> Now that's room service! Choose from over 150,000
> hotels 
> in 45,000 destinations on Yahoo! Travel to find your


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