Re: g_b A Query

2009-02-21 Thread hotstuff2pump
Since I'm new here and have a western perspective, I'll weigh in.  I
think often FEAR drives behavior.  Often that FEAR is fear of the
unknown.  A person who begins experiencing feelings for someone of the
same sex make feel that those feelings are not natural.  They may fear
rejection.  What is the relationship become too close?  What will my
family think?  What position does my religion have in my decision?  Will
this person I have feelings for still like me a year from now, or in 10

In groups, societies and cultures where gay/lesbian/bisexual and
transgender PEOPLE lead healthy, happy lives, they experience a freedom
to BE, just BE who they are without judgement and without fear that
someone else will try and steal their happiness.

And you can't leave sexual attraction out of the picture.  People are
often drawn to one another by what they see on the outside.  Sexual
attraction can be very strong.  If the initial message is I just want
to be friends and BOTH parties aren't hearing the same message, there's
going to be confusion.  In most western communities, people don't look
for Friends online.  They're looking for a sex partner.  Friends can
be found at coffeeshops, community centers, shopping areas where you
find common interest.  Sex partners can more easily be found online.

For the record, I've been in a a relationship for 11 years.  My partner
and I do everything together, including what has been described here BUT
when (occassionally) we want to bring a third into our relationship for
sex, we look online.  It's quick, its easy, its done.

I also think this board serves a valuable purpose in letting peple
identify others who are similar in a city so large and in a culture
that typically does not accept or tolerate same sex relationship.

Best regards, all.

Posted through Grouply, the better way
to access your Yahoo Groups like this one.

g_b The GB Party at Bollywood Mischief, Bandra on 28th February 09 !!!!

2009-02-21 Thread Dee
The GB Party at Bollywood Mischief, Bandra on 28th February 09  
Come on and get up to some mischief at this years first party at Bollywood 
Mischief in Bandra, the Queen of the Suburbs. 
Located a short distance from the station, opposite Globus cinema, Bollywood 
Mischief has become one of Bandra's most happening places since it opened a 
year ago. Spread over two floors, it's a luxury fashion boutique by day and a 
lounge bar at night. 
The venue will have two dance floors, plus lots of space for those who might 
wish to just sit it out and chat in a separate Red lounge. 

 Date: Saturday, 28th February 09
Time: 9 pm - 1 am. 
Cover Charge: Rs 650 before 10pm and Rs 700 after 10pm 
(Please note – NO CREDIT CARDS) 
Address: Bollywood Mischief, 31, Hill Road (Bang opposite Globus), Bandra 

Please note that you have to be above the age of 21 to attend 
Please carry proof of age with you: a driving license, college identity card, 
The Cover Charge includes: In-house DJ and a dance floor; delicious snacks; 4 
drinks with mixers, 
Extra drinks will be sold at Rs 50/- to Rs 100/- per drink. 
Dinner will not be served.

 Some don'ts: 
GB, as a support group, has created this comfort/safe space for gays. Many 
people at the event may be newbies (those still coming to terms with their 
sexuality and/or those who have mustered the courage to come to such an event 
for the first time). We request you to be 
Sensitive to the comfort levels of others and to behave and dress accordingly. 
No dark rooms and no sex on the premises; if found indulging in any hanky 
panky you shall be asked to leave the party. 

Use of any illegal substance is prohibited. 
A special REQUEST: During and after the party please DO NOT gather outside the 
venue. The management has requested us to ensure that, in the middle of the 
night, the peace of the neighbourhood is not disturbed. 

 A few dos: 
Have a smashing time. 
Carry your Alcoholic Drinks Permit. 
Smoking is allowed on the terrace premise located on the thirds floor

 This event is organized by: 
Right of admission reserved. 



g_b JAI HO OSCARS - Smile Pinki, LGBT film WKMK screenings in Germany!

2009-02-21 Thread manan katohora

Kevin Spacey, 1995 Academy Awards 
- Whoever Keyser Soze is, I can tell you he is going to get gloriously drunk 
tonight.  - 

FRIENDS, Dear 498,274+ souls...
Hope everyone's doing well - OSCARS tomorrow - lots to share... everyones 
talking about 
Slumdog Millionaire and why not - its an excellent film... - great time for 
south asian artists and cross cultural films - BUT lets talk about SMILE PINKI 
- nominated for best short documentary ; I havent seen THE 
READER - i will soon, but i so want KATE WINSLET to win best actress  just cause its high 
time :) - A movie I am looking forward to Mahesh Bhatt's JASHN - 
 Releasing April 24, 2009;  And so looking fwd to Quentin Tarantino's 
Releasing Aug 21, 2009; Hope you all saw AR RAHMAN on JAY LENO ! ~  Yes, we found some investors 
for THE MOTEL - the search is on - check ;  A

HIGHLIGHTS - Tomorrow OSCARS, 7pm EST - FEB 22, 09 
Slumdog Millionaire Kids Will Attend The Oscars - ; 
 Red Carpet rolled out for 9 child 
actors ; Official 
Site - ; NOMINEES LIST - ; 
Steven Soderbergh, Best Director Academy Award, Traffic - 
Suddenly, going to work tomorrow doesn't seem like such a good idea :) 
WKMK screenings in GERMANY.
The controversial film, When Kiran Met Karen, (WKMK), will debut in Germany 
at the 18th Annual Verzaubert International Queer Film Festival.   Verzaubert 
takes place from March 18 - April 8 and travels to 4 cities ( Munich , 
Frankfurt, Cologne and Berlin ).  It is Germany's biggest film festival serving 
the gay and lesbian community and one of the largest annual genre events in 
Europe .  Some of the best state-of-the-art German film theatres are chosen to 
be the platform for VERZAUBERT.  The festival selects about 75 films - 
features,shorts, and documentaries.

Kitani Mohabbat Hai ?
Anyone knows who scored the music for this song ?  And where can I find the complete 
song ?  (What can I say I am a 
hopeless romantic at heart :)  I really enjoyed the film HE IS JUST NOT INTO 
YOU (Scarlet Johansson, her smile can 
kill people ;)    loved the song/movie P.S. I Love You (love you till the end) ;  THE MOTEL 
has a lot of HEART :)  it's a romantic thriller;  
Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it; 
Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.  
– Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
HUMOR - VegNews Top 10 Veg Pick-up Lines
1. If I said you had the body of an all-natural, organic-living, animal-loving, 
environment-nurturing, whale-saving sex machine, would you hold it against me? 
2. May I take your picture? It’s for the World’s Sexiest Vegetarian 
3. Could you help me out? I’m trying to decide if I want to keep these new hemp 
sheets, but I need a second opinion.
4. Your organic cotton t-shirt looks really soft. Can I feel it? 
5. Wanna come up and see my Vitamix?
6. What’s your favorite thing to do with agave nectar?
7. Do you like my new skirt? I love pleather but it makes me all hot and 
8. M. I could really go for a hot veggie dog right about now.
9. I’ll eat Hip Whip on anything. 
10. How do you get your protein?
Reach Huge South Asian Audience - Instantly!
(do you like this commercial? a friend of mine worked on it)   -  Shoot and 
Produce TV commercials - Reach Huge South Asian Audience - Instantly!  We will 
work with you to create the best concept/script and produce it for you -  which 
will give instant recognition to your brand/services/product.  Pricing includes 
Web release which will target the huge online South-Asian audience. For more 
details Email

Shirley MacLaine, 1983 Academy Awards - 
Films and life are like clay, waiting for us to mold it. And when you trust 
your own insides and that becomes achievement, it's a kind of principle that 
seems to me 

g_b Sundae

2009-02-21 Thread asfan
There was a cop on his horse waiting to cross the road when a little boy on his 
new shiny bike stopped beside him. ''Nice bike,'' the cop said, ''did Santa 
bring it to you?''

''Yep,'' the little boy said, ''he sure did!''
The cop looked at the bike and while handing the boy a $20 ticket he said, 
''Next year, tell Santa to put a license plate on the back of it.'' 

To go along with the cop, the little boy said, ''Nice horse you got there sir, 
did Santa bring it to you?'' 
''Yes, He sure did,'' said the cop.

The little boy looked up at the cop and said, ''Next year tell Santa to put the 
dick underneath the horse instead of on top.

  Add more friends to your messenger and enjoy! Go to