2009-07-26 Thread gay_bombay

Hello All

Please remember and understand that any post you send to the mailing
list or as a reply to any mailing list message reaches everyone in the
mailing group who is subscribed to the list.so send only relevant
messages and only those messages that you intend to share with
everyone. if you want to reply to a personal email, please click on
that person's email, compose an email and then reply. dont hit the
reply button as the email then goes to all subscribers of the group.If you send 
a personal reply to someone looking for mate, by simply hitting the reply 
button, it shall not be carried. Naturally, the person to whom you wanted to 
reply shall not get your email. So, please be considerate and send the reply 
directly to the person by copying his email.



Re:Re: g_b Fwd: ECOSOC resolution on AIDS: mentions Action Framework....!!?? [1 ...

2009-07-26 Thread joycetex

在2009-07-26,myonepe...@aol.com 写道:

I know..
I can see the Emerald Buddha from here..
In a message dated 7/25/2009 6:30:03 P.M. India Standard Time, joyce...@163.com 

TG stands for Thai Airway International.

在2009-07-25,myonepe...@aol.com 写道:

Aditya -
What does TG mean in your lexicon??
In a message dated 7/25/2009 2:17:52 P.M. India Standard Time, 
adit.b...@gmail.com writes:

Hi All,
Forwarding you the ECOSOC resolution which amongst other things states:
Welcomes the promulgation of the “UNAIDS Action Framework: Universal Access 
for Men who have Sex with Men and Transgender People”, and the follow-up 
action that is already under way, and calls on UNAIDS and other partners to 
support further action and strengthen partnerships to address the political, 
legal and economic barriers to universal access, as part of the agreed Unified 
Budget and Workplan priorities
Welcomes the promulgation of the “UNAIDS Action Framework: Universal Access 
for Men who have Sex with Men and Transgender People”, and the follow-up 
action that is already under way, and calls on UNAIDS and other partners to 
support further action and strengthen partnerships to address the political, 
legal and economic barriers to universal access, as part of the agreed Unified 
Budget and Workplan priorities
Welcomes the promulgation of the “UNAIDS Action Framework: Universal Access 
for Men who have Sex with Men and Transgender People”, and the follow-up 
action that is already under way, and calls on UNAIDS and other partners to 
support further action and strengthen partnerships to address the political, 
legal and economic barriers to universal access, as part of the agreed Unified 
Budget and Workplan priorities
Welcomes the promulgation of the “UNAIDS Action Framework: Universal Access for 
Men who have Sex with Men and Transgender People”, and the follow-up action 
that is already under way, and calls on UNAIDS and other partners to support 
further action and strengthen partnerships to address the political, social, 
legal and economic barriers to universal access, as part of the agreed Unified 
Budget and Workplan priorities
This is welcome, as this action framework by itself is a good work that may 
progress the work of Universal Access to MSM/TG, which is sorely needed.
But this does not take away from the fact that this 'Action Framework' is 
supposed to be a document created as a result of Resolution 7.2(2) of UNAIDS 
PCB taken in their meeting in April 2008, which had mandated to create a 
'GENDER GUIDELINE' for MSM/TG (And not action framework on Universal access). 
It is interesting to note that even the word 'Gender' is used in this action 
framework only once in a contextually irrelevant fashion.
While welcoming this resolution and the framework, I Again call on UNAIDS and 
UNDP to respect its mandate and:
1] Create an appropriate gender guidelines that is relevant to MSM/TG needs and 
2] Invest due resources commensurate with the needs of community consultations 
in a manner similar to the investments that they made while creating the gender 
guidelines for Women and Girls that also came about via that very same PCB 
resolution 7.2(2).
3] Involve the community meaningfully in consultations while creating the 
document on Gender Guidelines and not just a handful of supposed experts whose 
views may not always be reflective of the true needs and wants of the MSM/TG 
I repeat, there is a need for such a gender guideline, and UNDP/UNAIDS cannot 
write off their obligation to create the same, and/or to pass of this 'action 
framework' in lieu of such a gender guideline, when it has nothing whatsoever 
to do with gender. The community deserves better.
Thank you and best regards,
Aditya Bondyopadhyay
-- Forwarded message --
From: John Fisher j...@arc-international.net
Date: 24 Jul 2009 22:44
Hi all,

The attached resolution was adopted by consensus today at the UN Economic and 
Social Council. 

Historically, the resolution welcomes the efforts of UNAIDS to advance 
universal access for men who have sex with men and transgender people (see, eg, 
para 20).

This represents an exciting step forward for the ECOSOC, which in the past has 
refused to acknowledge the specific needs of MSM and other marginalised 
communities (an approach described by former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan as 
like putting your head in the sand.)

It may also be the first UN resolution ever to reference the word transgender 
(but not the last!)

Congratulations to those at UNAIDS who worked to make this happen!

On Monday, the ECOSOC will vote on whether to grant UN consultative status to 
the Brasilian NGO ABGLT. 

Best wishes,

John Fisher
Co-Director, ARC International
62, rue de Vermont, #44
Geneva 1202

An Excellent Credit Score is 750. See Yours in 

Re: g_b Fwd: ECOSOC resolution on AIDS: mentions Action Framework....!!?? [1...

2009-07-26 Thread MyOnePenny
Aditya -
That is the problem...how can such a document be drafted without  
definitions...many or most of the people that I think they were meaning to 
cover  by 
the term msm/tg...do not identify or define themselves as such..
To me it sounds like a term to place gay men and drag queens into one  
group...and even gays and queens have definite social differences that I  hope 
will not cause unnecessary friction or failure for this project..
In a message dated 7/25/2009 10:51:56 P.M. India Standard Time,  
adit.b...@gmail.com writes:

I would say both...??
What do you think..??
- Aditya B

2009/7/25 _myonepe...@aol.myo_ (mailto:myonepe...@aol.com) 

Would a married man...with children...who comes to  Bangalore...Would a 
married man...with children...who comes to  to  make money to support his 
family in AP... be an MSM or a TG??

In a message dated 7/25/2009 6:29:45 P.M. India Standard Time, 
_adit.b...@gmail.adi_ (mailto:adit.b...@gmail.com)  writes:

Hi Elisabeth, I do not have a lexicon. TG is the short of  Transgender, 
which is the term used in both the Universal Access Doc, as  well as the ECOSOC 
resolution. I am using their term here in all its  import and meaning 
without imputing my own..
Aditya B


 An Excellent Credit Score is 750. _See Yours in Just 2 Easy  Steps!_ 

Do not print this mail unless really necessary. 
Save paper, save  trees..!!

If you loose your way while SCUBA diving, the safest  direction to head for 
is UP..!!!

**An Excellent Credit Score is 750. See Yours in Just 2 Easy 

g_b sundae

2009-07-26 Thread asfan
A guy walks down to the bar and slams $20 down and asks the barman to get him a 
stiff drink.  The barman serves the drink and enquires about his problem.  I 
just found out my brother is gay, says the man. 
 Man, that's tough, said the bartender.  
Two weeks later the same guy goes into the bar again and slams down $20 for 
another stiff drink. 
 I found out my father is gay too, he tells the bartender.  Two weeks later 
he walks in again and before he has the chance to take his wallet out the 
bartender looks at him and asks, Hey doesn't anyone in your family like to 
sleep with women?.  
Yes, says the man.  My wife.

  Yahoo! recommends that you upgrade to the new and safer Internet Explorer 
8. http://downloads.yahoo.com/in/internetexplorer/

g_b Rant of a gay man

2009-07-26 Thread sunny kapoor
Hey found a new blog ..quite ranty I suppose but reflects some kind of truth 
about gay dating website .
Check it out




2009-07-26 Thread Friend4u
Dear Moderator
Good Evening
I would like to get your permission and consent to write about- My 
understanding on God-Religion-Dharma,Faith and liberation.  Where I am planning 
to write it as a weekly mail and with a discussion board..
Infact my idea to bring more ideas and collective information about the above 
mentioned topic.
The televised programs of Baba Ramdev and Sri Sri Ravi Shankar really made to 
think beyond and get a clear understanding of our Scriptures.
To defend infront of the so called religious and spritiual leaders.
Just pasting here some portion of the write-up..
Just go thru it and if you feel its ok to be posted please post it and will 
continue sending it to you directly so that you can have a look on the content 
and post it..
Dear Moderator/Friends
First of all, my heart full of thanks for posting my views.
I felt really bad and guilty for posting a message with lots and lots of 
But This mail you will not find any I hope..
Friends.. I would like to share my views and understanding on God, Religion, 
Dharma, Faith, and Liberation and the relativity with human feelings.
I would like to take Religion-God-Dharma together as a starting point.
Religion to my understanding is not the one we call now i.e., Hinduism, Islam, 
Christianity…( I didn’t take others for time being).
Before we get in to full analysis of these three things just want to give a 
brief description about the related terminologies.
The concept of religion is to tell us who is God, what he is, how he is and his 
nature etc.  Religion never talks about the day to day affairs of humans.  
Following a religion means you are in your first step towards Liberation.  But 
selecting a religion is not as easy as everyone thinks.  In my previous posting 
I mentioned that every human being is different.  One’s experience is not 
relevant to the other.  But it gives reference or guidance to the other to help 
them to find its destination.  Here human denotes to soul.
GOD!  The creator of this universe been defined by different sects at different 
time period but with the same meaning.  Narayana-The ONE who doesn’t have any 
form, colour, shape, taste etc.  Allah-The United ONE.   Jehovah- the Unseen 
ONE.  So, All of them accepts that there is only ONE as a GOD.  
The nature of body is to mere accepting and obeying the conditions and 
circumstances where it is.  It is made of all 5 elements.  And the natures of 
all 5 elements are the feelings and emotions what we get.  And at the end of 
this life all the 5 elements gets their normality and forms as a new body.  
Earth, Water, Air, Fire and Aakash (Sky) are the five elements and here aakash 
is referred to spirit or soul.
The soul even though its one of the 5 elements, it’s different from others.  
The reason being all other four elements if it join with others will change 
from its original form.  But Soul will never change its nature or form.  But it 
will go through all the feelings like happiness, sadness, angry, excitement 
etc., without any change in its Originality/Nature/Form.
Dharma is the one tells the human race about the ways to follow to reach the 
Means, the dharma always talks about the day to day affairs do’s and don’ts and 
the consequences of these do’s and don’ts.  It will never tell you who is GOD.  
But will tell you how to lead your life to reach god.  So, the dharma can never 
be treated as Religion as what we do now.  The above mentioned Hinduism, Islam 
and Christianity all these three are not religions but Dharma.  It tells the 
human race how to lead their life to reach God.  What human race should do and 
what it should not.  What is Karma?  How to fulfil your karma?  The purpose and 
use of these five elements to attain liberation.  In other words how to use 
other 4 elements to help Soul to focus on God.
Then there are yoga.  Ghana Yoga, Bhakthi Yoga and Karma Yoga.  What all these 
three talks about.  How it help the human race to get liberation.

--- On Sun, 7/26/09, gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com 

From: gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com
Subject: g_b File - PLEASE NOTE-URGENT
To: gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com
Date: Sunday, July 26, 2009, 8:47 AM


Hello All

Please remember and understand that any post you send to the mailing
list or as a reply to any mailing list message reaches everyone in the
mailing group who is subscribed to the list.so send only relevant
messages and only those messages that you intend to share with
everyone. if you want to reply to a personal email, please click on
that person's email, compose an email and then reply. dont hit the
reply button as the email then goes to all subscribers of the group.If you send 
a personal reply to someone looking for mate, by simply hitting the reply 
button, it shall not be carried. Naturally, the person to whom you wanted to 
reply shall not get your email. So, please be 

Re: g_b Sharjah police enforce old law against men wearing accessories

2009-07-26 Thread Zoheb Zahid
where will you go?? I guess with restrictions like these .the only safe place would be the closet!? --- On Wed, 7/22/09, Sanjay Lulla sanjay_lulla2...@yahoo.com wrote:
From: Sanjay Lulla sanjay_lulla2...@yahoo.comSubject: g_b Sharjah police enforce old law against men wearing accessoriesTo: "GB" gaybom...@yahoogroups.com, "GBG" gayban...@yahoogroups.com, "G_B" gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com, "IGP" indiangayph...@yahoogroups.comDate: Wednesday, July 22, 2009, 7:10 AM

Friends in Sharjah beware.


Sharjah police enforce old law against men wearing accessories 

By Bassma Al Jandaly, Staff Reporter Published: July 21, 2009, 22:45 

Sharjah: Thirteen-year-old Mohammad was with a group of friends in Al Qasba area when he was reportedly approached by a police officer and taken to the police headquarters. His silver necklace had to go. Another resident, Jeril Jaison Varghese, says he was in front of the Multiplex in Mega Mall to watch a movie when a CID officer asked him for his identification. "I was taken to the Sharjah Police office inside the mall by a security guy from the mall. My silver bracelet was confiscated by the CID," he said. When Varghese asked why his bracelet was being taken away, he says, police said men are not allowed to wear bracelets or any fashion accessories in Sharjah malls even if it is silver and not gold. 
"When did this rule come into being? There was no public notification and no posters in the mall notifying people of this rule," Varghese said. Another resident said on Saturday CID confiscated his friend's silver bracelet while they were in a mall. "Is there a rule in Sharjah that authorises the CID to confiscate fashion accessories other than gold from residents and their children from malls?" asked Aji Alexander. A Mexican mother who recently shifted to the UAE and is now living in Sharjah said her 14-year-old son was scared when he was stopped by police who shouted at him for wearing diamond earrings. "Police were rude... We have no clue that such things are not allowed here," the mother said. "I am not allowing my son to go to Al
 Qasba again. My son is a very decent and polite boy," she said. "If people are not offending the laws of the country and are not acting like women by wearing such accessories so why are police taking such action?" she asked. Mohammad from Sudan said his 18-year old nephew who came from Abu Dhabi to visit his grandmother in Sharjah was taken last week to the headquarters for wearing a silver necklace. "The boy was afraid. He was standing in front of his grandmother's house when police took him to the CID. After three hours he contacted us," said Mohammad. Residents said Sharjah authorities should inform people who wish to come here that men must not wear fashion accessories. "Tourist companies should inform the public. Information booklets should be handed to people at the country's entry points. They should
 advertise that in all malls and entertainment areas such as Al Qasba which we believe are safe places for our children to spend time," said a resident. "We are aware of the decency law in Sharjah, but wearing silver bracelets, necklaces, or even earrings in a decent way is not against the law," said a resident. A senior CID official told Gulf News that police are implementing an eight-year-old decency law. "Men are not allowed to wear such accessories. Everybody is aware of that," he said. "We are informing people through the media and people should be aware of that," he said. Islam forbids men from wearing gold and silk. 

Of course wearing shorts or revealing clothes even arms and legs wa sbanned form before. Alcohol was and is a strict no no. Dubai had banned wearing of makeup by men, well the majority of the made up guys apprehended were emiratis 
I know this is ridicilous am worried if the law rubs of on Dubai: where will I go?
little prince-Sanjay N Lulla 


Re: g_b Honesty Is The Best Policy

2009-07-26 Thread Alpha Leonis
Good One !
-Alpha Leonis

On Sat, Jul 25, 2009 at 8:58 AM, dunno76 dunn...@yahoo.com wrote:

 *I hope I shall always possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain
 what I consider the most enviable of all titles, the character of an `honest
 man.'* - *George Washington*

 When I think of honesty, very often the fable about *George 
 Washington*chopping down his father's cherry tree comes into my mind. When 
 asked about
 it, he cried, *I cannot tell a lie, father, you know I cannot tell a lie!
 I did cut it with my little hatchet.* Read more at:

g_b Alternative sexuality is latest literary subject: Neel Mukherjee

2009-07-26 Thread moderator
Alternative sexuality is latest literary subject: Neel Mukherjee 2009-07-26

Writer-reviewer Neel Mukherjee, the joint winner of the Vodafone-Crossword
Books Award 2008 along with novelist Amitav Ghosh, feels that writings on
alternative sexuality are gradually coming out of the closet in India.

'I would like to believe it (writing freely about alternative sexuality) is
a trend in India. The English-educated urban centres are seeing liberalism.
It's a good thing. I consciously wanted to have a gay protagonist in my
novel,' Mukherjee told IANS on phone from Mumbai. 

His book 'Past Continuous' -- the saga of a lonely young gay man who flees a
miserable life in Kolkata to the freedom of Britain -- won the
Vodafone-Crossword award in the best English fiction category along with
Ghosh's 'Sea of Poppies' Thursday. 

The London-based author, who has made Britain his home for the last 17
years, feels that a lot has been written about alternative sexuality in
India, but society is still not comfortable with such relationships. 

'Gay activist Salim Kidwai has written an important book ('Same Sex Love in
India'), though it is not fiction. Penguin has published its anthologies of
gay and lesbian writings and publishers like Kali and Zubaan will soon take
the lead in lesbian writing. A lot of things are going on in India about
rights, equality and Article 377, which was so long in the background. 

'But personally, England kind of liberated me into writing so openly about
homosexuality. In India, there is still the cultural air (conventions) that
you breathe,' Mukherjee said. 

The 38-year old writer, who has been educated in Kolkata (Jadavpur
University) , Oxford and Cambridge, shot to fame as a fiction reviewer for
The Times, London, and Time Magazine-Asia. He is also a contributing editor
for The Boston Review. 

'The fiction reviews keep me going though I have cut down on the numbers. It
is difficult to describe a book in 400 words these days. It just becomes
soundbytes,' says Mukherjee. 

His novel is about an orphan called Ritwik Ghosh, who grows up in the
bylanes of south Kolkata amid a crowd of suspicious and nosy relatives. 

He escapes to Oxford on a scholarship, but grows up suddenly as he discovers
his true self and chooses to be an illegal gay wanderer on the streets of
London and in its public toilets. 

Mukherjee also touches upon issues of illegal immigrants, corporal
punishment and aggressive mother and child bonds -- and brings Ritwik in
contact with a senile old Englishwoman, Anne Cameron, who journeys to India
to delve into the shared colonial legacy of India and Britain. 

'I poured my heart into creating Anne Cameron. She has suffered so much and
the character Ritwik has a lot of me in him. I love imagining other people's
lives and stepping into their minds. I wanted a lot of outsiders and loners
in my book -- who are alienated,' said Mukherjee, who also lost his parents
like his protagonist. 

Mukherjee started writing the book in 2001 after a course in creative
writing at the University of East Anglia. 

'But it took a long time for the book to be published. In 2003-2004, Shruti
Devi of Picador India picked up the book and it was finally released in
January 2008. The book, however, sold quite late last year,' Mukherjee said.

His British publishers Constable  Robinson will bring out the book in early
2010 under a new title 'A Life Apart'. 

Although the protagonist of his novel is a Bengali from Kolkata, Mukherjee
himself is an unlikely Bengali. 

'I don't feel like going back to Kolkata -- it's too crowded. The only thing
I miss are Satyajit Ray's books ('Feluda' and 'Professor Shanku' series). He
was probably one of the greatest writers of our childhood,' says Mukherjee. 

He insists that his only connect with Bengal 'is the proficiency in Bengali
language and its cuisine' but his next novel is also set in Kolkata. 

'I can cook almost all kinds of Bengali food. I think Bengali food is
international,' says the writer, whose hobbies are cooking and reading. 

Mukherjee's favourite authors are 'lesser known, like American writers James
Salter, Richard Yates and William Maxwell; Mohammed Hanif of Pakistan and
the Norwegian writer Per Petterson'. 

(Madhusree Chatterjee can be contacted at madh...@ians.in)



Email:  mailto:modera...@gaybombay.in modera...@gaybombay.in

Web Sites:

 http://www.gaybombay.in/ www.gaybombay.in

 http://www.gaybombay.info/ www.gaybombay.info

 http://www.gayindia.org/ www.gayindia.org

E Groups:



GB Internet Radio 


Gaybombay breaking news and annoucements


Emergency Helpline number 9820565885



g_b Low response expected for Aug 16 Mumbai gay parade

2009-07-26 Thread moderator
Low response expected for Aug 16 gay parade

By: Varun Singh


Date:  2009-07-26


Place: Mumbai




Activists say that the Gay parade scheduled for August 16 will not see a
surge in response despite the recent Delhi High Court ruling. About 1,000
gays including supporters, activists and people from other metros like
Bangalore, Delhi and Kolkata are expected to participate. Others will stay
indoors because of the perceived stigma attached to the word gay. 


Celebrations in Bombay just after the HC ruling  Pic/Pradeep Dhivar

About 600 people from the gay community and their supporters gathered to be
a part of last year's gay parade. 

Pallav Patankar, one of the organisers and the trustee of Humsafar Trust,
said that this year's crowd would be 1,000-strong. There are fears that
they might be targeted and that religious groups might create a problem,
said Patankar. 

People from the gay community say that the Delhi gay parade was threatened
by a right wing group; this might have an adverse affect on Mumbaikars.

Jasmeer Thakur of Samabhawana Society argues that media mostly talk about
gays and lesbians in a sexual content. Most gays stay away because they are
portrayed as transgender. A gay is also a regular 9 to 5 man who will soon
come out after everyone behaves sensibly, including the media and religious
gurus. If all this is tackled, the parades will see a surge.

However, activists like Geeta Kumana of Aanchal, that works with lesbians,
even thousand is a good number. 

Vikram Phukan, editor of Bombay Dost, claims the numbers will be larger. We
still have three weeks and if it is publicised properly, there will be a
good count.


Email:  mailto:modera...@gaybombay.in modera...@gaybombay.in

Web Sites:

 http://www.gaybombay.in/ www.gaybombay.in

 http://www.gaybombay.info/ www.gaybombay.info

 http://www.gayindia.org/ www.gayindia.org

E Groups:



GB Internet Radio 


Gaybombay breaking news and annoucements


Emergency Helpline number 9820565885




 http://gaybombay.blogspot.com/ http://gaybombay.blogspot.com

 http://gaybombay.wordpress.com/ http://gaybombay.wordpress.com 


 http://twitter.com/gaybombay http://twitter.com/gaybombay


 http://www.facebook.com/gaybombay facebook.com/gaybombay


attachment: image001.jpg

Re: g_b Sharjah police enforce old law against men wearing accessories

2009-07-26 Thread Sanjay Lulla

"Ships are safe in the harbour but thats not what they are made for" well Its not important to flash jewllery but the closet is a no no.little prince-Sanjay N Lulla

From: Zoheb Zahid haute...@yahoo.comTo: gay_bombay@yahoogroups.comSent: Sunday, July 26, 2009 4:50:47 PMSubject: Re: g_b Sharjah police enforce old law against men wearing accessories

where will you go?? I guess with restrictions like these .the only safe place would be the closet!? --- On Wed, 7/22/09, Sanjay Lulla sanjay_lulla2...@yahoo.com wrote:
From: Sanjay Lulla sanjay_lulla2...@yahoo.comSubject: g_b Sharjah police enforce old law against men wearing accessoriesTo: "GB" gaybom...@yahoogroups.com, "GBG" gayban...@yahoogroups.com, "G_B" gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com, "IGP" indiangayph...@yahoogroups.comDate: Wednesday, July 22, 2009, 7:10 AM

Friends in Sharjah beware.


Sharjah police enforce old law against men wearing accessories 

By Bassma Al Jandaly, Staff Reporter Published: July 21, 2009, 22:45 

Sharjah: Thirteen-year-old Mohammad was with a group of friends in Al Qasba area when he was reportedly approached by a police officer and taken to the police headquarters. His silver necklace had to go. Another resident, Jeril Jaison Varghese, says he was in front of the Multiplex in Mega Mall to watch a movie when a CID officer asked him for his identification. "I was taken to the Sharjah Police office inside the mall by a security guy from the mall. My silver bracelet was confiscated by the CID," he said. When Varghese asked why his bracelet was being taken away, he says, police said men are not allowed to wear bracelets or any fashion accessories in Sharjah malls even if it is silver and not gold. 
"When did this rule come into being? There was no public notification and no posters in the mall notifying people of this rule," Varghese said. Another resident said on Saturday CID confiscated his friend's silver bracelet while they were in a mall. "Is there a rule in Sharjah that authorises the CID to confiscate fashion accessories other than gold from residents and their children from malls?" asked Aji Alexander. A Mexican mother who recently shifted to the UAE and is now living in Sharjah said her 14-year-old son was scared when he was stopped by police who shouted at him for wearing diamond earrings. "Police were rude... We have no clue that such things are not allowed here," the mother said. "I am not allowing my son to go to Al
 Qasba again. My son is a very decent and polite boy," she said. "If people are not offending the laws of the country and are not acting like women by wearing such accessories so why are police taking such action?" she asked. Mohammad from Sudan said his 18-year old nephew who came from Abu Dhabi to visit his grandmother in Sharjah was taken last week to the headquarters for wearing a silver necklace. "The boy was afraid. He was standing in front of his grandmother's house when police took him to the CID. After three hours he contacted us," said Mohammad. Residents said Sharjah authorities should inform people who wish to come here that men must not wear fashion accessories. "Tourist companies should inform the public. Information booklets should be handed to people at the country's entry points. They should
 advertise that in all malls and entertainment areas such as Al Qasba which we believe are safe places for our children to spend time," said a resident. "We are aware of the decency law in Sharjah, but wearing silver bracelets, necklaces, or even earrings in a decent way is not against the law," said a resident. A senior CID official told Gulf News that police are implementing an eight-year-old decency law. "Men are not allowed to wear such accessories. Everybody is aware of that," he said. "We are informing people through the media and people should be aware of that," he said. Islam forbids men from wearing gold and silk. 

Of course wearing shorts or revealing clothes even arms and legs wa sbanned form before. Alcohol was and is a strict no no. Dubai had banned wearing of makeup by men, well the majority of the made up guys apprehended were emiratis 
I know this is ridicilous am worried if the law rubs of on Dubai: where will I go?
little prince-Sanjay N Lulla