g_b Think Big

2014-02-15 Thread dunno76
 Think Big

Think big and don't listen to people who tell you it can't be done. Life's too 
short to think small.- Tim Ferriss (OM | Rekindling the Light Within)

(Click above for the bigger image)

Love is what makes you smile when you're tired.- Paulo Coelho (OM | Rekindling 
the Light Within)

(Click above for the bigger image)

We must not allow the clock and the calendar to blind us to the fact that each 
moment of life is a miracle and mystery.- H. G. Wells (OM | Rekindling the 
Light Within)

(Click above for the bigger image) 

Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed 
it.- Mark Twain (OM | Rekindling the Light Within)

(Click above for the bigger image)

Kindness is your soul's way of finding a place inside other people's hearts.- 
Dodinsky (OM | Rekindling the Light Within)

(Click above for the bigger image)

When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you.- African 
Proverb (OM | Rekindling the Light Within)

(Click above for the bigger image)

Wherever your mind is, your lifestyle has to follow.- Lisa Nichols (OM | 
Rekindling the Light Within)

(Click above for the bigger image)
If you book flight at Priceline,why not do so through Symphony of Love 
affiliate link? If you visit using the link, Symphony of Love get a small 
commission on your booking and it costs you nothing. Here's the link to 
Priceline Flights (Select your Exact Flight & time or Name Your Own Price)!

g_b Facebook rolls out multiple gender options.

2014-02-15 Thread Kris Bass

Seems like an important step in LGBT rights.


g_b The good thing about being gay, a dream fulfilled [1 Attachment]

2014-02-15 Thread Peter P
Hey guys!:

If you had told me when I was a teenager I will could enjoy freedom to be gay, 
belonging to a
community, having friends, sites that go, artists, athletes, politicians, 
ordinary people out of
the closet to admire;I would have thought that would be only on another planet. 
Luckily I got
to live this dream and I'm proud to be gay.

Here is a little of all that we can enjoy>

The good thing about being gay, a dream fulfilled

g_b Build your profile for dating men in facebook

2014-02-15 Thread Peter P
Friends: San Valentin is coming MUST BE GET BOYFRIEND!
For getting a dating, get  a bedfriend, boyfriend or lover in your life, all the

weapons at hand are good, and the internet is one.
Here tips for that you make a profile and get dating with your profile through

the social network Facebook>

Build your profile for dating men in facebook


g_b IPS Stand on Homosexuality

2014-02-15 Thread Bindumadhav Khire
Am seeking to underline Samapathik's Role in this-
For the past 12 years IPS did not have a stand on homosexuality.
It was after-
1. Samapathik Trusts' survey on IPC377 with Psychiatrists at IPS Annual 
National Conference in Jan 2014 (please see results on FB- 
2. Homophobic interview by Dr. Indira Sharma following the conference
3. Samapathik Trust issuing a letter to IPS President- Dr. Asokan thru the vice 
president Dr. Vatve stating that IPs make its stand clear within 30 
days.(please see FB- Samapathik-Trust-Pune)
4. Samapathik Trust having a press conference seeking clarification on these 
issues. (please see FB- Samapathik-Trust-Pune)
5. Samapathik Trust writing to World Psychiatrist Association stating that -it 
is shameful that in the past 12 years IPS has not made a formal position on 
this issue- (which probably upset the IPS).
6. Various liberal Psychiatrists writing to World Psychiatrist Association and 
fighting with IPS on this that this success has been achieved.
Bindumadhav Khire
Samapathik Trust, Pune

g_b Love your loved ones

2014-02-15 Thread dunno76

Love your loved ones

Love your loved ones. You'll miss them once they're gone. - Robin Sharma
(OM | Rekindling the Light Within

(Click above for the bigger image)

Progress has little to do with speed, but much to do with direction! So
honor every step ... no matter how slow. - Timber Hawkeye (OM |
Rekindling the Light Within

(Click above for the bigger image)

Our thoughts create the mold for our actions. - Joyce Meyer (OM |
Rekindling the Light Within

(Click above for the bigger image)


Heaven on earth is a choice we must make, not a place we must find. -
Dr. Wayne Dyer (OM | Rekindling the Light Within

(Click above for the bigger image)

I give myself permission to let go. - Louise Hay (OM | Rekindling the
Light Within

(Click above for the bigger image)

If you book flight at Priceline, why not do so through Symphony of Love
affiliate link? If you visit using the link, Symphony of Love get a
small commission on your booking and it costs you nothing. Here's the
link to Priceline Flights (Select your Exact Flight & time or Name Your
Own Price)!

Re: g_b Is Honey?

2014-02-15 Thread Tintin Mumbai India
As much I know, honey does not contain sugar, or dissolved sugar.

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