Dear Moderator
Good Evening
I would like to get your permission and consent to write about- My
understanding on God-Religion-Dharma,Faith and liberation. Where I am planning
to write it as a weekly mail and with a discussion board..
Infact my idea to bring more ideas and collective information about the above
mentioned topic.
The televised programs of Baba Ramdev and Sri Sri Ravi Shankar really made to
think beyond and get a clear understanding of our Scriptures.
To defend infront of the so called religious and spritiual leaders.
Just pasting here some portion of the write-up..
Just go thru it and if you feel its ok to be posted please post it and will
continue sending it to you directly so that you can have a look on the content
and post it..
Dear Moderator/Friends
First of all, my heart full of thanks for posting my views.
I felt really bad and guilty for posting a message with lots and lots of
But This mail you will not find any I hope..
Friends.. I would like to share my views and understanding on God, Religion,
Dharma, Faith, and Liberation and the relativity with human feelings.
I would like to take Religion-God-Dharma together as a starting point.
Religion to my understanding is not the one we call now i.e., Hinduism, Islam,
Christianity…( I didn’t take others for time being).
Before we get in to full analysis of these three things just want to give a
brief description about the related terminologies.
The concept of religion is to tell us who is God, what he is, how he is and his
nature etc. Religion never talks about the day to day affairs of humans.
Following a religion means you are in your first step towards Liberation. But
selecting a religion is not as easy as everyone thinks. In my previous posting
I mentioned that every human being is different. One’s experience is not
relevant to the other. But it gives reference or guidance to the other to help
them to find its destination. Here human denotes to soul.
GOD! The creator of this universe been defined by different sects at different
time period but with the same meaning. Narayana-The ONE who doesn’t have any
form, colour, shape, taste etc. Allah-The United ONE. Jehovah- the Unseen
ONE. So, All of them accepts that there is only ONE as a GOD.
The nature of body is to mere accepting and obeying the conditions and
circumstances where it is. It is made of all 5 elements. And the natures of
all 5 elements are the feelings and emotions what we get. And at the end of
this life all the 5 elements gets their normality and forms as a new body.
Earth, Water, Air, Fire and Aakash (Sky) are the five elements and here aakash
is referred to spirit or soul.
The soul even though its one of the 5 elements, it’s different from others.
The reason being all other four elements if it join with others will change
from its original form. But Soul will never change its nature or form. But it
will go through all the feelings like happiness, sadness, angry, excitement
etc., without any change in its Originality/Nature/Form.
Dharma is the one tells the human race about the ways to follow to reach the
Means, the dharma always talks about the day to day affairs do’s and don’ts and
the consequences of these do’s and don’ts. It will never tell you who is GOD.
But will tell you how to lead your life to reach god. So, the dharma can never
be treated as Religion as what we do now. The above mentioned Hinduism, Islam
and Christianity all these three are not religions but Dharma. It tells the
human race how to lead their life to reach God. What human race should do and
what it should not. What is Karma? How to fulfil your karma? The purpose and
use of these five elements to attain liberation. In other words how to use
other 4 elements to help Soul to focus on God.
Then there are yoga. Ghana Yoga, Bhakthi Yoga and Karma Yoga. What all these
three talks about. How it help the human race to get liberation.
--- On Sun, 7/26/09,
Subject: g_b File - PLEASE NOTE-URGENT
Date: Sunday, July 26, 2009, 8:47 AM
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