---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Tintin Mumbai India <tintin197...@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 22 May 2012 10:50:09 +0530
Subject: Any Professional Chef here - for UK based Indian Restaurant.
To: B G <gaybom...@yahoogroups.com>

Hello GB Members,

A friend of mine, who is from India and now settled in UK, is in need of
some help.

He has just setup an indian restaurant in UK, for which he is looking for
Professional Indian Chefs (2 - 3).
He is not in position to hire chefs in UK, neither can afford
hiring services from professional Job services sites.

So, he asked me if I can write mail to my friend circle. Hence I am writing
the mail to the group.

I know that GB is forum for Gay Things, Issues, and help to Gay People,
hence I am writing this mail to you as my friend is also one
of us.
He wants help from us, and It will be really appreciated if we can do the

Pl reply back, if you or anyone from your group is interested in
the opportunity.

Sexual Orientation does not matter in selection process.

Hoping for the best,

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