I just read this on the web.  You don't have to read the whole thing 
to get the idea, but I found it interesting - the politics of gay 
politics - what a nightmare!!!  


A 35-year-old gay Iranian is on a hunger strike in a U.K. jail to
protest a deportation order that will send him back to Iran. Saeed
Faraji was arrested by British immigration police on April 20, and is
currently being held in Oakington Detention Center in Cambridge.

The Home Office refused his asylum request on the grounds that he 
not prove that homosexuals are subjected to "torture, inhumane or
degrading treatment" in Iran.

Faraji told his story in a sworn statement to the Home Office's
Immigration Appeal Authority, a copy of which was provided to /Gay 

Faraji is the youngest of five children from a Tehran family of
practicing Muslims, and was trained at a technical school in elevator
repair. "I knew that I was different from a young age," Faraji said,
"and at around 14 I found myself attracted to people of the same sex. 
had no attraction for women."

"From childhood, I had a very close friend called Ali Rahaei," Faraji
explained. "We were inseparable. Our relationship developed from being
friends to being partners."

After completing his military service, Faraji resumed his relationship
with Ali, but, he said, "our relationship was always practiced behind
closed doors away from prying eyes [because] homosexuality is not
allowed at any level in Iran."

"I spent my working time helping my father in his carpet business,"
Faraji said, "and Ali worked for the Ministry of Agriculture. We tried
to continue to see each other as often as we could."

Faraji said that "Ali and I were happily sharing our love for each
other, albeit in secret," until one day when the couple was "in my
bedroom watching an X-rated video that Ali had secretly obtained. 
this time we were watching this video on the computer, Ali performed
oral sex on me -- but we did not realize that my cousin had seen us. 
was shocked and confused at what he had seen and left the room

A few days later, Faraji related, it became clear his cousin had
informed on him to his family. He and Ali were again having sex in his
bedroom "when the door burst open, and my father, Ali's father, and
three police came in. Ali and I were scared for our lives, and without
even finding my shoes I got my trousers on and ran as fast as I could,
jumping from the balcony window. Fearing for my life, I left Ali -- I
felt terrible [doing so], but I had to get out. While I was running 
I heard gun shots being fired by the police, and I ran even faster."

Faraji made his way to the house of a friend who knew of his
relationship with Ali. "He told me that I couldn't stay in his house 
long -- Iran was not a safe place for me and the only option I was 
with was to flee the country," Faraji said.

His friend helped him find a "passer" who smuggled him out of the
country and arranged his voyage; after a long and arduous journey, he
eventually arrived in the U.K. on December 11, 1999. Faraji applied 
asylum as a sexual refugee the same day, but even though Faraji has 
a life for himself in the U.K. in the intervening years, it is only 
that the authorities have decided to deport him.

"Since I have been in the U.K. I have experienced freedom to express 
views and feelings without fearing for my life," Faraji told 
officials. "I cannot return to Iran, a country that treats me as a 
kind of human being. Everyone has the right to be treated with decency
regardless of their sexual orientation. I also fear revenge attacks 
my family," he said.

Friends of Faraji contacted the Iranian Queer Organization (IRQO
<http://www.irqo.net/>), the new name adopted by the Persian Gay and
Lesbian Organization, or PGLO), which is supporting Faraji's asylum 

Prime Minister Tony Blair's government has an abysmal record on 
asylum to gay refugees, especially from Muslim countries, and the Home
Office's claims that homosexuals are not persecuted in Iran for their
sexual orientation are laughable. For example, the government of the
Netherlands last year adopted a new asylum policy for Iranian gays, 
are now considered a "special category" of persecuted people who no
longer have to prove they are individually at risk in order to be
granted refugee status.

This reporter has written numerous interviews with gay Iranian victims
of torture over the last two and a half years.

As Mani, an underground gay activist inside Iran, told /Gay City News/
last summer, "You who live serenely and comfortably on the other side 
Iran's frontiers, be aware that those who think and feel and love like
you do in Iran are executed for the crime of homosexuality, are
assassinated, kidnapped, and barred from working in offices. You have
festivals, and they prisons. You select Mr. Gay of the Year, but they
don't even enjoy the right to have gravestones. Be fair and tell us 
difference there is between us and you. Isn't it time that all
homosexuals around the world rise up and come to our defense?" (See my
interview with activist Mani, "Gay and Underground in Iran,"
in /Gay City News,/ July 6, 2006.)

Letters in support of Faraji, who faces imminent deportation back to
Iran, should be faxed to the British Ambassador to the U.S., Sir David
Manning, British Embassy, 3100 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington DC,
20008 -- Fax: (202) 588 7870. Please include Faraji's prisoner number 
the Oakington Detention Centre: 20/4c.

In another urgent case, the Secretary-General of the IRQO
<http://www.irqo.net/>, 26-year-old Arsham Parsi, has appealed for
emergency financial support to help smuggle an arrested gay activist 
blogger out of Iran.

"For security reasons we will call him Babak," Parsi said from his 
in Toronto, where Parsi was granted asylum last year as a sexual 
from Iran. "Babak is 27 years old, and had worked as a writer and
translator for the monthly, Persian-language on-line magazine of the
Iranian Queer Organization <http://www.irqo.net/>, /Cheraq/," Parsi
said, adding, "He is also a gay blogger who actively pursued queer
rights, for which he received many threats from the police. Babak had
fled Iran through the mountains to Turkey, but he was stopped by the
Turkish police and arrested for lack of documents."

Babak was sent back to Iran before he could claim refugee status at 
Turkish office of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees. Parsi said
that after his deportation back to Iran, Babak "was taken to jail, 
beaten and tortured, and released only after a friend paid $1500 bail 
get him out." But, Parsi said, Babak faces trial soon on charges
stemming from his gay activism, and says "it is very important that he
is smuggled out of Iran as soon as possible before he is summoned to 

"We are a global gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender family," 
said, "and we need to help out members of this family who are in
desperate need -- particularly individual activists like Babak who 
been persecuted for the way they love and for the crime of defending 
rights of our brothers and sisters."

Parsi appealed for emergency donations to pay a "passer" to smuggle
Babak out of Iran before he is again jailed and tortured.

Contributions may be made via credit card through a PayPal account on
the Iranian Queer Organization's website by clicking here

Doug Ireland, a longtime radical journalist and media critic, runs the
blog DIRELAND <http://direland.typepad.com/direland/>, where this
article appeared April 26, 2007. The article was written for /Gay City
News, //New York City's largest gay weekly//./

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