January 25, 2013

Openly Gay, and Openly Welcomed in Congress


WASHINGTON — When Mark Takano ran unsuccessfully for Congress twice in the 
early 1990s, his opponents tried to smear him as a “homosexual liberal” and a 
“nutzoid.” One of them even had pink fliers printed that asked, “A Congressman 
for Riverside ... Or San Francisco?” 

When he ran again last year, he won by almost 20 points. “Flash forward 18 
years,” Mr. Takano said recently, “and the very macho building tradesmen are 
behind me. I’m getting pictures with them in their hard hats.” 

For decades, the words “gay” and “Congress” were usually seen together only in 
stories of scandal and shame: an arrest after an illicit proposition in an 
airport bathroom, accusations of trawling for sex on a phone service. When 
Gerry E. Studds came out 30 years ago, the first congressman to do so, it was 
only after an affair with a 17-year-old Congressional page was revealed. 

But in the 113th Congress there are six openly gay or bisexual members in the 
House — a small but tangible sign that their presence at the highest levels of 
government is no longer something only whispered about. The Senate has its 
first lesbian, Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin. The lawmakers’ partners, no longer 
relegated to the shadows or introduced generically as “friends,” stood beside 
them on the House floor when they were sworn in this month. Their adopted 
children are attending Congressional retreats. 

And this week they sat in President Obama’s presence as he insisted on equality 
for “our gay brothers and sisters,” words few of them ever expected to hear in 
a president’s Inaugural Address. 

Congress has never been an accurate reflection of the country it serves. It 
remains far whiter, wealthier and more male than the nation’s population. But 
as their numbers in Congress gradually increase, there is a sense among these 
newcomers that they are forcing some of their colleagues to rethink gay rights 
and homosexuality. The presence of openly gay men and women and their families 
was a factor that many believe was decisive in turning the tide for states 
where same-sex marriage was legalized by legislatures. Seeing them helped put a 
human face on a concept that many legislators had thought about only in the 

Yet even with the opportunities gay men, lesbians and bisexuals say their 
membership in Congress presents, their reception has not been a completely warm 
one. One of the first acts of the Republican-controlled House was to set aside 
funds to defend the 1996 law that prohibits the recognition of same-sex 
marriages because the Obama administration has stopped supporting it. And not 
everyone seems completely comfortable with their presence, like members of a 
Christian prayer group who seemed taken aback at a recent Congressional retreat 
when one noted he was married to a man. But in some ways the most telling sign 
of the gay lawmakers’ advancement in Congress is the fact that their presence 
is now a little more routine. 

“It’s becoming — ever so slowly — more than a novelty to be a gay member of 
Congress,” said Representative David Cicilline of Rhode Island. Like all the 
openly gay, lesbian and bisexual members, Mr. Cicilline is a Democrat. 

Representative Jared Polis of Colorado observed that it was not too long ago 
“when it was just Barney and Tammy.” He was referring to Ms. Baldwin, a member 
of the House before she was elected to the Senate, and Barney Frank of 
Massachusetts, who retired but was the first member of Congress to speak openly 
about his homosexuality. 

“But with six of us” in the House, “it’s harder to keep track. And it’s always 
going to be assumed that there are gays and lesbians in the room,” added Mr. 
Polis, who has a young son with his partner and is the most senior gay member 
of the House. Together the six of them will lead a caucus that will champion 
gay rights and other equal protection issues. The other members will include 
Mr. Cicilline; Mr. Takano of California; Sean Patrick Maloney of New York; 
Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona, who is bisexual; and Mark Pocan of Wisconsin. 

Mr. Pocan was elected to fill Ms. Baldwin’s House seat. In the last Congress, 
there were four openly gay or lesbian House members and none in the Senate. 

The retirement of Mr. Frank, long the dominant voice on gay rights in Congress, 
also opens the door to some of the newer, fresher faces to take more visible 
and influential roles. “Barney Frank, who we all know and love, is one of those 
larger-than-life personalities,” Mr. Polis said. “But certainly the way I’d 
approach this is in a much more collaborative manner.” 

Seven out of 535 is still relatively small. It equals just over 1 percent of 
the seats in the House and Senate. 

“Seven isn’t great,” conceded Denis Dison, a senior strategist with the Victory 
Fund, which works to elect openly gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered 
people to public office. 

Mr. Dison said he had recently added up the numbers of people who have served 
in Congress since the country’s birth. It added up to nearly 12,000, he said, 
and he can still count on both hands the number of those who were openly gay. 
“But there was an amazing leap forward in 2012 relative to history,” Mr. Dison 
added. “And in 2014 if two or three or four more out candidates are elected, 
this is not going to seem as big an accomplishment.” 

The makeup of the Republican-controlled House shows just how much of a climb 
gay rights supporters face. The Human Rights Campaign said that it counts only 
184 of 435 members as solid supporters on the issue. By contrast, it counts 220 
— a majority — as opponents of gay rights. 

In the Senate, the group says it considers 42 members opposed to gay rights and 
42 in favor. 

And the new gay members say there have been awkward moments. Mr. Pocan said 
that when he was at a recent retreat for new members, representatives from a 
Christian organization stopped in to ask him if he would be interested in 
attending one of their prayer groups. One of them asked him if his wife had 
accompanied him to the retreat. He is married and wears a ring. 

“I said, ‘No, but my husband did,’ ” he recalled. An awkward pause followed. 
“Then she said, ‘Well, we have more offices to go to now.’ ” 

For some of the gay members, their freshman orientation sessions were a 
reminder of just how unequally the law treats them, since the entity that cuts 
their paychecks and provides benefits — the United States government — is 
barred from recognizing their relationships. 

“They would be explaining what your benefits were, then all of a sudden this 
embarrassed look would flash across their face like, ‘Oh, sorry. I guess this 
doesn’t apply to you,’ ” Mr. Maloney said. 

At a ceremonial swearing-in this month by John A. Boehner, the Republican 
speaker of the House, standing alongside Mr. Maloney were his partner of 20 
years and their three adopted children. 

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