Wanted: Straight woman as roommate for gay man

Published: Sunday, Sep 9, 2012, 12:00 IST | Updated: Sunday, Sep 9, 2012,
0:48 IST 
By  <http://www.dnaindia.com/authors/priyanka-maheshwari> Priyanka
Maheshwari | Place: Mumbai | Agency: DNA 

Divik, 23, looks on as Sneha models two dresses. "The green one looks better
on you," he offers, helpfully. "It makes you look sensuous and fresh."

This is a scene from a time when Divik and Sneha were living together in
Mumbai. They weren't dating though. Divik is gay.

Divik says he had been living with men until a girl he knew moved into his
flat for six months. That's when he realised he prefers living with girls.
"They are more likely to accept you the way you are, giving you a sense of
freedom. They don't interfere, and they don't judge you. They're more
tolerant of gay men than straight guys are," he says. "Besides, girls
provide tremendous emotional support and a sense of physical security."

He once had a male roommate who insisted he try and have sex with a girl,
just to make sure he's really gay. "With guys, I need to be cautious, as
some men I've met try to analyse what is wrong with me. Questioning me and
my sexuality is something no girl has ever done."

He disagrees with the stereotype of girls being gossipy and tiresome. On the
contrary, he feels that his male friends are sometimes bitchier than his
female friends. "My male roommates used to tell me about girls who
supposedly had crushes on me. I had to act surprised and glad, when I
actually didn't feel a thing. I get defensive when my guy friends bad-mouth
girls just for fun."

Divik says he also feels closer to his women friends because he has more in
common with women. He discovered this the first time a girl moved into his
flat. "We used to have makeshift fashion shows at home. I've helped her and
her girl friends dress up. In turn, they've dressed me up and put makeup on
me. I've even seen her in lingerie and there was no awkwardness," says

Ravi, 24, a gay man from Kolkata, agrees with Divik. "I'd feel more at ease
living with girls because I can deal better with someone when I know how
that person thinks and feels."

However, Divik says it has been difficult finding a girl to live with him
because housing societies in Mumbai aren't thrilled by the idea of a woman
living with a man if they are not married. Given such a scenario, it would
be even more difficult to find acceptance for the needs of a gay man. "It's
important to have a roommate that understands you. You need someone who
wouldn't be uncomfortable around you. In my experience, sometimes straight
men get a little freaked out when living with gay men." 

According to Vivek Anand, CEO of the Humsafar Trust, "The problem is that
straight men often misunderstand gay men. They think the latter might hit on
them." Anand feels that a gay man rooming with a straight woman is very
pragmatic. "It's mutually beneficial to both roommates - the gay man is more
comfortable, and there is the added safety for girls. But this arrangement
is rare because society will not allow it. For them, it is like a couple
living in."

Siddhartha, 23, a gay man who recently moved in with a girl, says he finds
it easier to make friends with girls. "Girls are generally more caring than
men. I believe they trust gay men as friends, and hence their approach
towards us is genuine. Besides, I like sharing my living space with a girl
because it feels very 'homely', and the house stays cleaner." He adds that
it irks him that his male friends swear so much.

His roommate Rimmi says she gets more privacy now that she's living with
Siddhartha. "And there's no fear of being bitched about. I have lived with
girls in the past, and after a point, they refuse to adjust."

Living a dual life and struggling to come out of the closet, some gay men
say they would like their home to be a place where they can express their
feelings without inhibitions. "As a gay man, expressing myself is important.
If I want flowers and colourful cushions in my house, I should be able to
have them. No one should tell me I'm weird for wanting to surround myself
with things that are beautiful," says Divik.



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