Re: I'm sorry, but this is unacceptable (union members and ctors)

2007-06-28 Thread michael.a

mark-28 wrote:
 I don't understand what is being requested. Have one structure with
 four fields, and another with two, and allow them to be used
 automatically interchangeably? How is this a good thing? How will
 this prevent the implementor from making a stupid mistake?

Its less a question of making a stupid mistake, as code being intelligible
for whoever must work with it / pick it up quickly out of the blue. The more
intelligible (less convoluted) it is, the easier it is to quickly grasp what
is going on at the macroscopic as well as the microscopic levels. The way I
personally program, typically a comment generally only adds obscusification
to code which already more effeciently betrays its own function.

Also syntacticly, I think its bad form for a function to simply access a
data member directly / fudge its type. A function should imply that
something functional is happening (or could be happening -- in the case of
protected data / functionality)

Granted, often intelligibility can demand too much semantic overhead from
strict languages like c, but just as often perhaps, in just such a case, a
simple accommodation is plainly obvious.

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Re: I'm sorry, but this is unacceptable (union members and ctors)

2007-06-28 Thread michael.a

On Wed, Jun 27, 2007 at 11:36:23PM -0700, michael.a wrote:
 mark-28 wrote:

I agree with the sentiment, but not with the relevance. I don't see
how having a four field structure automatically appear as a completley
different two field structure, based only upon a match up between
field types and names seems more complicated and magical to me.

This would disagree with much of the modern programming world. Black box
programming implies that you do not need to know whether a field is a real
field, or whether it is derived from other fields. Syntactically, it sounds
you are asking for operator overloading on fields, which maps to properties
in some other language. This is not more simpler, as it only conceals
that a function may be performed underneath. It may look prettier, or use
fewer symbol characters.

I really don't think it serves the thread to mince words over these matters.
I don't think having functional aliases for essentially the same data member
is magical thinking. And I made the case for the black box scenario, but I
think its also useful (especially for very low level objects) know
when you are dealing with a black box (interfaced) or a very simple direct
object of the inlineable variety.

Even so - I don't see why the following simplification of the example
provided would not suffice for your listed requirement:

class Rectangle {
Vector2d position;
Vector2d size;

... rectangle.position.x = ... ...

My foremost personal requirement is that no code need change outside the
object definition files. And besides it is ridiculous to jump through two
hoops, when one would suffice.

To have these automatically be treated as compatible types seems very

class Rectangle { int x, y, w, h; };
class Vector2d  { int dx, dy; };

Imagine the fields were re-arranged:

class Rectangle { int y, x, h, w; };
class Vector2d  { int dx, dy; };

Now, what should it do?


All non-toy compilers have means of insuring members are ordered in memory
as they are declared. I have a problem with people retreating to really pety
divisive arguments inorder to make regressive points.

My best interpretation of this thread is that you are substituting
itnelligibility with DWIM, where DWIM for you is not the same as DWIM
for me, and I don't believe you could write out what your DWIM
expectation is in a way that would not break.

Have you read the thread? (not that you should -- but before making such an

sincerely, (and cordially)


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Re: I'm sorry, but this is unacceptable (union members and ctors)

2007-06-28 Thread michael.a

mark-28 wrote:
 Mark Mielke wrote Why not This?:
  class Rectangle {
  Vector2d position;
  Vector2d size;
  ... rectangle.position.x = ... ...
 On Thu, Jun 28, 2007 at 03:00:07AM -0700, michael.a wrote:
 My foremost personal requirement is that no code need change outside the
 object definition files. And besides it is ridiculous to jump through two
 hoops, when one would suffice.
 Have you read the thread? (not that you should -- but before making such
 You find it unacceptable that GCC implements the C++ spec, and fails to
 your software that was not implemented according to the C++ spec.
 You find it unacceptable that you would need to change your code to
 match the spec, but would instead rather modify GCC and have your patch
 to GCC rushed out so that you can release your product on Linux.
 You find it unacceptable that union members not be allowed to contain
 struct with constructors, because you believe that the practice is safe,
 and valid, because the designer knows best. You believe the spec should
 be changed and that Microsoft has lead the way in this regard.
 Do I have this right?
 Is there a reason that this discovery did not occur until late in your
 development cycle? It seems to me that the first mistake on your part
 was not testing on Linux/GCC when writing the original code, if you
 knew that this was an intended port.
 P.S. I apologize for getting confused on my last post. I was tired + ill
  and stupidly posting after midnight. Perhaps this one will be more
  and effective?

This is a correct sumization in effect. Though I would differ that it was
not so much my mistake to not conform to gcc from the offset. I'm planning
on releasing binaries, so its not a major hickup to hack gcc. It would be
nice to see an official solution evolve in due course however. I see no
reason why c++ should be neutered to this effect. I would sight laziness on
behalf of the gcc development effort (with the effort present excuse of
adhering to spec)

C++ should've removed unions from the spec altogether if they won't support
the fundamental basis of the need for an object oriented C language (and
there is no reason why they can not be supported -- albeit, with some
caveats which really any even remotely competent person could predict)

There really is no call for such platitudes, you've simply chosen the losing
side of the argument if you choose to believe C++ will never accomodate
functional objects to be unioned. 

This is all I have to say. I will let everyone know how construction/etc is
handled by the compiler as soon as the porting process permits (a testbed
application would not likely reflect real world scenarios so easily I



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Re: I'm sorry, but this is unacceptable (union members and ctors)

2007-06-27 Thread michael.a

Antoine Chavasse wrote:
 For instance, say you need to impliment a GUI, so you have yourself a
 rectangle struct which consists of four floating point values (the origin
 and difference between the opposite corner) ...Now you want those four
 values, but you also have a 2D vector struct.
 Here is a portable alternative to achieve this:
 struct Rectangle
 Vector2D m_Position;
 Vector2D m_Size;
 Vector2D position() { return m_Position; }
 const Vector2D position() const { return m_Position; }
 Vector2D size() { return m_Size; }
 const Vector2D size() const { return m_Size; }
 float left() { return m_Position.x; }
 float left() const { return m_Position.x; }
 float top() { return m_Position.y; }
 float top() const { return m_Position.y; }
 float width() { return m_Size.x; }
 float width() const { return m_Size.x; }
 float height() { return m_Size.y; }
 float height() const { return m_Size.y; }
 Then you can access the members like this:
 Rect somerectangle;
 Rect.position().x = 45;
 Rect.left() = 45;

I pointed this out as the obvious portable solution somewhere in the thread.
I just firmly believe this is an unnecessarily back breaking way of going
about it (and physically backbreaking for whoever would have to change all
of the code) 

It would be a blessing were intelligible code somewhat higher up on the
rungs of c++ priorities (being the ever ubiquitous mainstay systems
programming language it has become and will likely remain)

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Re: I'm sorry, but this is unacceptable (union members and ctors)

2007-06-21 Thread michael.a

michael.a wrote:
 Will likely be a good while before I can report whether simply knocking
 out the errors cause any run-time issues.

Is there some reason why stdarg.h would not be on my system (amd64 ubuntu)

I can find it in the various gcc source trees (apparently gcc brings its
own) it safe to just copy that one? I'm assuming it belongs in

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Re: I'm sorry, but this is unacceptable (union members and ctors)

2007-06-21 Thread michael.a

Meissner, Michael wrote:
 You probably should root around to find out why it isn't installed.  I
 suspect you did not install the appropriate development packages or
 your compilation system is messed up. 

I rooted thoroughly, not wanting to make this post for fear of reprisal for
being offtopic. For one reason or another, it is nearly impossible to find
relevant answers to these sorts of matter via google.

  Stdarg.h should be installed in the
 private diretory the compiler keeps its own include files (different revs
 GCC have needed different stdarg.h's in the past, so it is compiler
 For example on my Fedora 6 system it is in:

That explains a lot. The best sources I could find seemed to think it should
be installed by libc6-dev type packages. I doo see some instances in such
locations (I should've filtered out the error lines from the find output)

I guess I will have to sort out why the compiler isn't finding it (any
advice is welcome -- just for the record, I did a straight install from
packaged sources with previous gcc installs removed before hand)

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Re: I'm sorry, but this is unacceptable (union members and ctors)

2007-06-21 Thread michael.a

michael.a wrote:
 I guess I will have to sort out why the compiler isn't finding it (any
 advice is welcome -- just for the record, I did a straight install from
 packaged sources with previous gcc installs removed before hand)

Actually, funny story... I was actually looking for vsnprintf, and just
assumed stdarg.h was the culprit because it twasn't there (should've looked
for a stdarg.h including error - summer is a bit warm) ...actually turned
out the Microsoft cruntime libraries declare vsnprintf as _vsnprintf, so I
just assumed it would be so. Looks like I out thunked myself this time
(learned some things though)
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Re: I'm sorry, but this is unacceptable (union members and ctors)

2007-06-20 Thread michael.a

michael.a wrote:
 So, I really appreciate all of your patience in helping to get me through
 the build process. I guess I'll post something about how the hacking
 effort / reprogramming expiriments work out. In the meantime I hope this
 discussion (and the relevance of a proper extension) still has some legs.

I had to knockout this error too:

member with constructor not allowed in anonymous aggregate

GCC is wa too restrictive in these regards.

I've started with building the simplest shared library I have on hand...
there were a few gcc weird behaviors and quirks (you can't 'friend'
typedefs???) ...but everything was eventually ironed out.

Now I'm stuck in the linking phase though...

I setup another thread in gcc-help where I'm having trouble understanding
the logic of the crt.o files, where they come and how they should be used
etc, but no one has payed any mind to it so far:

I would appreciate any assistance possible. I'm really banging my head
against the wall at this point.

I should probably just find that Debian patch and install into the system
directories, but I still don't understand if there are any factors outside
of gcc necessary for a successful build (could glibc be related to the crt.o
files -- and are the crt.o files tied to the system, or do they just link to
shared libraries)



PS: please don't just leave me hanging at this point -michael
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Re: I'm sorry, but this is unacceptable (union members and ctors)

2007-06-20 Thread michael.a

michael.a wrote:
 I should probably just find that Debian patch and install into the system
 directories, but I still don't understand if there are any factors outside
 of gcc necessary for a successful build (could glibc be related to the
 crt.o files -- and are the crt.o files tied to the system, or do they just
 link to shared libraries)

I think I have maybe the proper debian patches for gcc from here:

But even if so, I have no idea what to do with it. Lots of files that look
like preinst postinst prerm postrm... of course the README file provided is
absolutely zero help, nor is it particularly possible to not get a swamp of
junk responses from google. Debian doesn't appear to me to actually provide
GCC sources from the repository, but does provide Debian patches.

I've never understood why linux has to be so damn opaque about
documentation... makes for a lot of unnecessary help requests.

Any advice please? I'd basicly like to be able to rebuild a proper Debian
compliant GCC, preferably without knocking on more than a handful of mailing
lists in the process.

If I'm nagging at this point please let me know... I'd just like be able to
add to the Linux community. If only it wasn't always so trying to figure out
what the hell is going on.


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Re: I'm sorry, but this is unacceptable (union members and ctors)

2007-06-20 Thread michael.a

Cat-4 wrote:
 $ ls -lad gcc*
 4 drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 2007-06-21 12:35 gcc-4.1-4.1.1ds2
  6956 -rw--- 1 root root  7109677 2006-12-11 06:02
 4 -rw--- 1 root root 2407 2006-12-11 06:02
 36156 -rw--- 1 root root 36982690 2006-10-21 23:17
 Which gives us:
 gcc-4.1_4.1.1ds2.orig.tar.gz  - the original source
 gcc-4.1_4.1.1ds2-21.dsc   - a description of the package
 gcc-4.1_4.1.1ds2-21.diff.gz   - debians modifications to the original

I get something like this. I assumed that the patches were preapplied, or do
you have to patch the diff file to the orig extracted archive?

I ask, because I'm getting this error again:

/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/../lib/ when searching
for -lc
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/../lib/libc.a when searching for
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/bin/../lib/ when searching
for -lc
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/bin/../lib/libc.a when searching for
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/ when searching for -lc
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/libc.a when searching for -lc
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lc
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

Which I believe disappeared before when using the --disable-multilib option,
but the main reason I'm building this way is so I don't have to use that
flag (my impression is using that flag disables the ability to compile
different architectures/platforms on the local machine -- I assumed one of
the patches would rectify this matter, or is the previously mentioned patch
not used by [some] debian distros?) 

If nothing else, if someone can answer, I would like a confirmation that the
provided packages should be preapplied to the source package.

I guess in the meantime I'll go ahead and install it and see if I can use it
or not. I'd appreciate it if someone can point me to the Debian amd64
multilib patch that was said to exist if it shouldn't be included in the
repository patches.
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Re: I'm sorry, but this is unacceptable (union members and ctors)

2007-06-20 Thread michael.a

michael.a wrote:
 I guess in the meantime I'll go ahead and install it and see if I can use
 it or not.


Will likely be a good while before I can report whether simply knocking out
the errors cause any run-time issues.

In the meantime, if anyone can clue me in on squaring multilib support with
amd64 debian, I'd appreciate it very much :)

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Re: I'm sorry, but this is unacceptable (union members and ctors)

2007-06-19 Thread michael.a

michael.a wrote:
 Since I'm already posting, now I'm seeing:
 /home/users/michael/gcc.obj/gcc/f951: symbol lookup error:
 /home/users/michael/gcc.obj/gcc/f951: undefined symbol:

I was able to find this:

Which lead me to discover that there was already old GMP libraries in
/usr/lib (I guess I wish the gcc configure script could've been more
explicit, as opposed to saying it couldn't find gmp libraries when instead
it could find mpfr libraries, but lumped the two into the same message)

Then the build apparently ran into some bad code when building the fortran
front end (i think it was in a .f90 file, might've been intrinsics/asm code,
but the output looked like C) any case, after I configured with
--enable-languages=c,c++ only, everything made it through ok.

So, I really appreciate all of your patience in helping to get me through
the build process. I guess I'll post something about how the hacking effort
/ reprogramming expiriments work out. In the meantime I hope this discussion
(and the relevance of a proper extension) still has some legs.



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Re: I'm sorry, but this is unacceptable (union members and ctors)

2007-06-18 Thread michael.a

If all you need is one memeber that has constructors / destructors, and
all other members are PODs that provide an alternate view of the contents,
then I think that would make a logical extension of the transparent union
extension.  A transparent union as passed to functions in the same manner as
its first member.  You could define that a tranparent union is allowed
to have as its first member a class with constructors and/or destructors,
and that these constructors / destructors are then the constructors /
destructors of the union.

Caveat: If the union is larger or more alingned than its first member,
the argument passing semantics don't make sense.  This is documented in
  Second, the argument is passed to the function using the calling
  conventions of the first member of the transparent union, not the calling
  conventions of the union itself.  All members of the union must have the
  same machine representation; this is necessary for this argument passing
  to work properly.

There is also a syntax example for __attribute__ ((__transparent_union__))
Inside the compiler, you can check if union is a transparent union using the

If the initial union member can be an anonymous struct, and rather than
expecting further members to be POD instead their ctors/dtors are simply
ignored, then that would work for anything I can come up with.

 Try contrib/gcc_update --touch after the checkout.

This suggestion made some ground. But I just can't get a build to complete.
The newest checkout / release aren't compatible with my C libraries it
seems, and I'm not sure its safe dependency wise to just replace the C
libraries. So I rewound my subversion checkout to the same branch as is in
my debian distribution repository. That build gave up when it couldn't find
a directory called config/i386 I think it was. So I downloaded the same
major release as my distro just now (4.0.0) and this one is trying to access
the gcc/include directory with ../include from build*/liberty which
obviously should be ../../include, so it gives up. I just can't win.

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Re: I'm sorry, but this is unacceptable (union members and ctors)

2007-06-18 Thread michael.a

Eric Christopher-2 wrote:
 Sounds like you're using ./configure. Are you following the directions  

Thank you, I guess I missed that page somehow.

Only I ran into the same Libc wall again, so I'm temporarily stumped:

/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/../lib/ when searching
for -lc
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/../lib/libc.a when searching for
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/bin/../lib/ when searching
for -lc
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/bin/../lib/libc.a when searching for
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/ when searching for -lc
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/libc.a when searching for -lc
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lc
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

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Re: I'm sorry, but this is unacceptable (union members and ctors)

2007-06-18 Thread michael.a

Eric Christopher-2 wrote:
 'gcc -v' will give you the information on how the system gcc was  

Here is the gcc -v output for the binaries installed by the distro:

Using built-in specs.
Target: x86_64-linux-gnu
Configured with: ../src/configure -v
--enable-languages=c,c++,java,f95,objc,ada,treelang --prefix=/usr
--enable-shared --with-system-zlib --libexecdir=/usr/lib
--without-included-gettext --enable-threads=posix --enable-nls
--program-suffix=-4.0 --enable-__cxa_atexit --enable-clocale=gnu
--enable-libstdcxx-debug --enable-java-awt=gtk-default --enable-gtk-cairo
--with-java-home=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.4.2-gcj-4.0- --enable-mpfr
--disable-werror --enable-checking=release x86_64-linux-gnu
Thread model: posix
gcc version 4.0.3 (Ubuntu 4.0.3-1ubuntu5)

I'm attempting to build from the 4.0.0 releases.
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Re: I'm sorry, but this is unacceptable (union members and ctors)

2007-06-18 Thread michael.a

Brian Dessent wrote:
 michael.a wrote:
 gcc version 4.0.3 (Ubuntu 4.0.3-1ubuntu5)
 This belongs on gcc-help not here.
 Debian-based distros use a 32/64 bit /usr/lib configuration that is
 backwards from what the rest of the world uses and requires a patched
 gcc to multilib correctly.  You'll probably need to --disable-multilib
 if you're building FSF gcc.

Yeah, I know (mailing lists are so particular -- I guess I fail to see the
value beyond a noncentralized discussion)

In any case, without multilib it makes it to here:

make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/users/michael/gcc.obj/gcc'
echo timestamp  stmp-multilib
cp doc/gcc.1 doc/g++.1
cp: cannot stat `doc/gcc.1': No such file or directory
make[1]: *** [doc/g++.1] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/users/michael/gcc.obj/gcc'
make: *** [all-gcc] Error 2

Not sure exactly what is going on here. The gcc/doc directory is empty. I'm
assuming everything made it through. There are about a billion targets in
the Makefile and no explanatory header. Any suggestions for just building
the essentials? 

I've only really recently taken on serious linux development and haven't
much actual build experience outside the usual routine. I have autotools
under my belt, but I glossed over most of the auxiliary stuff.

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Re: I'm sorry, but this is unacceptable (union members and ctors)

2007-06-18 Thread michael.a

Daniel Jacobowitz-2 wrote:
 On Mon, Jun 18, 2007 at 04:57:46PM -0700, michael.a wrote:
 Yeah, I know (mailing lists are so particular -- I guess I fail to see
 value beyond a noncentralized discussion)
 But since I believe three different people have asked you to move this
 problem to a different mailing list now, could you please do so?  Thanks.
 Daniel Jacobowitz

I'm sorry, it just occurred to me that gcc-help was another forum in this
Nabble interface (I'm not really sure how everything is related -- but
mailing list subscriptions drive me crazy, so I was reticent to deal with

Just for the record...

michael.a wrote:
 In any case, without multilib it makes it to here:
 make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/users/michael/gcc.obj/gcc'
 echo timestamp  stmp-multilib
 cp doc/gcc.1 doc/g++.1
 cp: cannot stat `doc/gcc.1': No such file or directory
 make[1]: *** [doc/g++.1] Error 1
 make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/users/michael/gcc.obj/gcc'
 make: *** [all-gcc] Error 2
 Not sure exactly what is going on here. The gcc/doc directory is empty.
 I'm assuming everything made it through. There are about a billion targets
 in the Makefile and no explanatory header. Any suggestions for just
 building the essentials? 

This hack seemed to get
through that bug (so many pitfalls)

Since I'm already posting, now I'm seeing:

/home/users/michael/gcc.obj/gcc/f951: symbol lookup error:
/home/users/michael/gcc.obj/gcc/f951: undefined symbol:

I installed the latest GMP libraries earlier, so I'm not really sure what to
think, unless the libraries aren't backwards compatible. I will mention it
in gcc-help tomorrow, unless I hear something.

I hope this conversation isn't otherwise dead at this point.


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Re: I'm sorry, but this is unacceptable (union members and ctors)

2007-06-17 Thread michael.a

Martin Jambor wrote:
 On Sat, Jun 16, 2007 at 06:16:03PM -0700, michael.a wrote:
 Any advice on compiling gcc? That is the chicken and egg problem. If I
 install a binary version of GCC, then use it to build and install a
 GCC (which I want to become the system wide GCC) ...then how is this
 commonly done? --of course I would like the non custom GCC to do any
 rebuilds, so that is to say, I don't want the custom GCC installing over
 initial bootstrap GCC (if this makes any sense at this point:)
 I  believe that  what you  want to  do at  this stage  is use  the GCC
 version that comes with your  distribution to compile and install your
 custom  patched GCC  that you  configure with  some  unique --prefix
 directory  (in your  home,  for  example) and  hack  the configure  or
 Makefile files of  the project you want to compile with  it to use the
 compiler in that directory.
 The --disable-bootstrap  configure option may also be  handy until you
 get the compiler right.
 I   think  that   reading   through   and
 especially may  save  you a
 lot of questions and experiments, it certainly helped to set me up not
 so long time ago.

I appreciate the advice. I think what I decided should be done, is I should
hack in a command line option that can be used as a conditional, so that way
GCC can be compiled with all of its functionality, so that it can faithfully
recompile itself, and I can just add that option in the make routines.

I went to compile a tainted build last night, but I ran into a build error
apparently related only to subversion checkouts, which might also be
particular to the target debian distribution / hardware support for some
esoteric reason according to what can be gleamed from google. So I went to
just download the release sources, but all of the mirrors were down for some

The error is related to a bison/flex build event, which for some reason
can't be completed by autotools or something... I figure it easier to just
go with the release sources as suggested (the relevant .c files are
pregenerated in the release trees)
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Re: I'm sorry, but this is unacceptable (union members and ctors)

2007-06-17 Thread michael.a

Just for the record, this construction was proposed to me from behind the

 class Rect
   new (xlat) Vec2T(); // Explicit calls to the ctor
   new (size) Vec2T();
struct{ Vec2_T xlat, size; };
struct{ T_ x,y,w,h; };

I think this would likely do the job in many cases with only a little extra
trickery, though I wouldn't be at all surprised if somewhere along the way
the compiler/specs might throw a wrench into the works. 

Nevertheless, it is an interesting expiriment I think, which might contain
further advantages. However, I feel strongly that either avenue of approach
should be open, so that a course of action may be freely chosen. 

I also can't help but consider this a fair ways to go simply to work around
what is I feel a temporary specifications anomale sure to be eventually
sorted out of the future of c++ .  



PS: I really don't think is precisely what the proponents of placement new
have in mind, but feel free to rally around this proposal if you must
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Re: I'm sorry, but this is unacceptable (union members and ctors)

2007-06-17 Thread michael.a

Aaron W. LaFramboise-3 wrote:
 michael.a wrote:
 So in closing, I'm interested in any ideas / advice, but compromising the
 existing codebase is completely out of the question. You have my
 appreciation in advance naturally...
 I suspect the proper solution here is something from  You 
 didn't say exactly what you needed, but if its anything related to a 
 common programming pattern, Boost has probably already implemented it in 
 a portable or standard manner.  See
 In particular, see Boost optional, and aligned_storage in Boost
 Other people have already pointed it out, but I'll say it again: 
 language extensions are almost always the wrong solution for these sorts 
 of problems.

I appreciate the thought, but there is sort of an imperitive with this
effort to shy away from Boost/STL/virtual inheritance completely.
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Re: I'm sorry, but this is unacceptable (union members and ctors)

2007-06-17 Thread michael.a

I'm sorry, but can anyone get through to any of these mirrors ever:

Can someone recommend an alternative means of obtaining GCC source releases?

I can't find a GCC source package in debian repositories.
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Re: I'm sorry, but this is unacceptable (union members and ctors)

2007-06-16 Thread michael.a

Robert Dewar wrote:
 I think there is a lot of merit in
 a) C++ programmers writing in C++ and not idiosyncratic dialects
 b) C++ compilers implementing C++ and not idiosyncratic dialects
 Certainly if you are interested in porting code, as seems to be the
 case here, following a) is a good idea.
 There are hundreds of possible extensions to any language that make
 technical sense, but that still is not a reason for violating b) above.
 The only time that it is reasonable to extend is when there are clear
 signals from the standards committee that it is likely that a feature
 will be added, in which case there may be an argument for adding the
 feature prematurely.

Extensions are harmless as long as authors clearly understand the pitfalls
they offer and mandatory compile options are required to enact them. The
line should be drawn somewhere naturally, granted the philosophy of a
particular implementation. GCC being the premier compiler for Linux however
definitely should not have such a staunch attitude regarding extensions. The
EGCS episode should be testament enough in that light.

The extension I have proposed here would fall along the lines of the for
loop scope extension, which I would regard as a class A extension, which
GCC should definitely accommodate in some simple and definable fashion.
There are many cases where every member in a union with a ctor could be
initialized, and deinitialized, there is therefore no reason why a
programmer should not be permitted to define such a union. Of course there
are many cases where this would cause undesirable behavior, but such
behavior does not have to be unexpected as well. If it is just defined what
will happen, then it is up to the programmer to know the definition after
enabling the extension flag at compile time. Many malformed unions would be
possible, but that would be up to the programmer to avoid.

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Re: I'm sorry, but this is unacceptable (union members and ctors)

2007-06-16 Thread michael.a

David Fang wrote:
   It's not highly techinical to see the fundamental difficulty with
 mixing ctor/dtors and unions.  At the core of C++ is the association with
 constructors as initialization actions at the beginning of an object's
 lifetime, and likewise destructors associate with actions take at the end
 of lifetime.  C++ defines the actions precisely: PODs (including pointers)
 need no action, objects of classes invoke their (in-charge) destructors.
 From this, it is evident that a union of PODs poses no problems.  As soon
 as you have destructors, the language gives no automatic means of deciding
 which destructor (if applicable) to call.  How would you make the compiler
 Do The Right Thing (TM)?  Until unions are automatically tagged/embedded
 with type information, the language simply doesn't support proper
 destruction of non-trivial unions.  You can find other dialects of C or
 C++ that do support this.  Any dialect that adds these semantics cannot
 really be a trivial extension of C++.
   However, as others have hinted, it is not impossible to emulate
 tagged unions in C++, if you are willing to pay the bookkeeping overhead.
 (Surely you must know *somewhere* in your program what's what...)
 If you wrap your union in a class with a type enum, you can create a
 lookup-table/switch-case of member type destructors to invoke in the
 destructor of the wrapped class.  Placement delete (counterpart of
 placement new) is used for in-place destruction.  Some reinterpret_cast
 may come in handy if you're really into abusing the type system.

A proper C++ style fix would require the introduction of new syntax rather
than tagging unions or such. The dominant ctors would have to be specified,
or unions themselves could simply be allowed ctors that override the member
ctors. Call them constructor overloads or something, no new syntax or
revolutionary semantics, just a quick and easy fix.

In the meantime, I don't see why a quick and easy workaround shouldn't be in
order, especially in light of all the microsoft originated code which should
be able to compile on linux where the issue is more than what the
preprocessor can handle, and its not some farout platform specific

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Re: I'm sorry, but this is unacceptable (union members and ctors)

2007-06-16 Thread michael.a

Brooks Moses-3 wrote:
 michael.a wrote:
 It would be interesting for someone to try to make a practical argument
 is anything but a nest of technicalities, as to why ctors and unions
 shouldn't be mixable.
 The Fortran language specification allows essentially this, although the 
 terms are initializers and equivalences rather than ctors and unions. 
 Just this week, I reviewed the patch to add this functionality to the 
 GCC Fortran front end, and I wrote a bit of the infrastructure it uses, 
 so I can speak somewhat to the problems of implementing it.

My apologies for saving a response to this post until last... obviously it
is the most substantial contribution to this thread so far.

Brooks Moses-3 wrote:
 Now, as for shouldn't?  I can't speak to that, given that the Fortran 
 committee thought it a valuable feature to include, and that we did 
 implement it and it works.  Well, mostly works, at least -- I wouldn't 
 at all swear that we've got all the bugs out of it yet.  But it was a 
 pain, and it (along with one other feature that required simulating the 
 writing of things to target memory) required an amount of effort to 
 implement that was dramatically out of proportion to the importance of 
 the feature.
 - Brooks

I wish I had more to say, but you pretty much covered all of the unturned
bases. It would be very progressive I think if you could make a case for a
similar limited extension of g++. Perhaps __attribute__ type syntax could be
used to aide the compiler for further robustness. In the meantime, I would
very much appreciate it if you could share any specific directions towards
minimally hacking the g++ frontend to let the code through. The way I tend
to use these unions, is always an anonymous union inside a structure. Its
harmless, and dummy constructors can be used and optimized out later. Its
just the error that brings everything to a halt.

I will send you an email or private message if possible before the day is

The system(s) I'm working with are actually extremely interesting. They are
in essence an entirely new operating system style environment. Only it
functions like java, in the respect that virtual kernels are implimented for
all platforms, so far that the operating environment itself runs atop your
windows/linuxes/etc, but completely supercedes the presentation while
attempting to build an abstract bridge providing a common shared application
environment utilizing the features of the respective underlying OSes (your
vendor drivers etc) whenever possible, and hopefully emulating when not. The
philosophy of the system is extremely progressive, at the lowest level for
the most part like the best of both the linux and windows experiences...
with completely revolutionary concepts in the command shell, designed to
favor AI, and a completely revolutionary GUI and a universal dynamic program
interpreter able to reconfigure  its own syntax and semantics on the fly,
essentially mimicing and intermingling all of your strict programming
languages etc. The initial drive is aimed at independent video game
development, their communites, and their enthusiasts / player bases... and
from there migrating towards a full featured integrated development
environment... and eventually on to more domestic and business oriented
applications. Off course we would prefer Linux as a primary platform, and I
would personally very much like to deliver video games to Linux. If only
because, it is so difficult to imagine Linux ever being the mainstream os of
choice without its share of compatible video games. 

In any case its a major development, and I would really appreciate some
special attention towards getting GCC to get the job done for linux wherever
I can find it. Anyone who is interested in helping out towards these ends, I
would be happy to contact, and let them in on what we are doing. A public
release isn't possible without a Linux build. So we gotta get this done, and
there is no room for the core codebase to budge.

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Re: I'm sorry, but this is unacceptable (union members and ctors)

2007-06-16 Thread michael.a

Joe Buck wrote:
 On Fri, Jun 15, 2007 at 08:00:24PM -0700, michael.a wrote:
 I've actually never seen placement new before I think. Its a useful way
 reconstruct heaped memory, but not useful in anyway in the situation I
 described (which is really broader than any single fix)
 I disagree; placement new is much more flexible than that, and can be used
 to construct an object inside a static, automatic, or global object.  It
 can be used to implement generalized unions, or as a way to control
 placement of memory-mapped objects.  Furthermore, you've almost certainly
 used it without knowing it, since the STL uses it a lot.  But if you
 want your existing code to work, you'd need to extend the compiler.  If
 your code is modular, and doesn't expose all over the place the particular
 use of unions you described, it wouldn't be hard to switch to a
 placement-new implementation.  Otherwise it could be a hopeless task.

No, the infringing code is left out of the modular interfaces, but necessary
for everything to work. If any portability issues were in the interfaces,
they can be removed harmlessly.

As for placement new, from what I can find, it is unsafe to use with any
memory that isn't part of the heap. I believe I've seen it before, in
documentation pertaining to overloading the new operator. But if I'd
realized it can be used to reinitialize heap objects, I would've seen the
utility of it immediately. Incidentally, I don't believe it is useful (or at
least required) for much else. I can definitely use it in my custom heap
code, whereas before special initialization functions were required to be

As for the discussion of unions, placement new is way too much overhead. I'm
mostly interested in automatic objects, like vectors for math routines etc.
I could hack it maybe I think, with a placement new style factory in place
of ctors, but it would make inline optimizations virtually impossible and
the only way I could do it would be with a round robin style heap array
which you would always risk overwriting should the demand for autos exceed
the buffer capacity.

 I wouldn't object if someone implemented a clean extension.  The problem
 with extensions, though, is documenting how all the corner cases work,
 and making sure that they all get tested.  This is somewhat easier when
 you're cloning someone else's extension, because the other implementation
 can be used for comparison.

Sometimes extensions just have to be quick and dirty. Microsoft is a major
influence. The facilities should be there to match MS whenever within
reason... as well as should be ever present warnings not to abuse such
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Re: I'm sorry, but this is unacceptable (union members and ctors)

2007-06-16 Thread michael.a

Andrew Pinski-2 wrote:
 Huh?  It can be used with stack variables, we have tests in the
 testsuite where we use it with such.

Thats not what google told me, I believe from every source I took a look at.

 As for the discussion of unions, placement new is way too much overhead.
 placement new has no overhead, that is by design.  I literally mean
 placement new does nothing except for changing the dynamic type and
 calling the constructor.  Where is the overhead there?  I see unions
 having more overhead than placement new as unions are not as well
 -- Pinski

I'm sorry, but placement new does really one thing nice. Its not terribly
suited to this situation. Hence why it would come with a high overhead as
far as code intelligibility(scalability) is concerned, and would likely
prevent inline optimizations if used in the only way I can think of as far
as the situation at hand is concerned, as I described in another post.

Bottom line, placement new is cool, and I'm glad I am more aware of it now.
But its not going to remedy this matter, or even a subset of its
ramifications. Bottom line is whatever the solution, it would have to not
mean rewriting any code outside the class definitions themselves... and
placement new isn't going to get you there, even if it is safe to use
outside the heap on all platforms/implimentations.

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Re: I'm sorry, but this is unacceptable (union members and ctors)

2007-06-16 Thread michael.a

David Fang wrote:
 ... And when the said constructor is trivial (e.g. for POD), then you pay
 nothing, zilch, nada.  (same with placement delete)  In C++, some things
 you write (od don't write) are merely abstractions for what should happen,
 which can represent 'nothing'.  Only if you ask for pessimized code can
 you possibly pay function call overheads on de-inlined empty functions.

Again, my apologies. Being a largely dynamic system, this project itself
isn't particularly effected by peak performance overheads... I was referring
instead to code maintainability, which is a much more significant priority
given the scope of my particular situation. Of course, I would like to
remind everyone, that I'm arguing for many more people than the needs of
myself or my compatriots. There are no shortage of requests for such a
feature on google met with cold attitudes and dismissive responses. When in
reality, this is a very valid feature for consideration. Perhaps the only
difference is, I don't have the option of retreating and regrouping at this
point. So one way or another GCC will have to bend for me, whether it can be
done legitimately, and everyone can benefit, or I have to hack it
sufficiently myself.

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RE: I'm sorry, but this is unacceptable (union members and ctors)

2007-06-16 Thread michael.a

Any advice on compiling gcc? That is the chicken and egg problem. If I
install a binary version of GCC, then use it to build and install a custom
GCC (which I want to become the system wide GCC) ...then how is this
commonly done? --of course I would like the non custom GCC to do any future
rebuilds, so that is to say, I don't want the custom GCC installing over the
initial bootstrap GCC (if this makes any sense at this point:)
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Re: I'm sorry, but this is unacceptable (union members and ctors)

2007-06-16 Thread michael.a

Joe Buck wrote:
 On Sat, Jun 16, 2007 at 12:08:40PM -0700, michael.a wrote:
 As for placement new, from what I can find, it is unsafe to use with
 memory that isn't part of the heap.
 You do have to concern yourself with alignment.  But often an allocator
 that hands out memory that is filled in by placement new doesn't use the
 heap at all.  Using a union for the storage that's filled by the placement
 new call is one way to assure correct alignment.
 As for the discussion of unions, placement new is way too much overhead.
 Placement new has *no* overhead, it pretty much invokes the constructor
 directly, and if the constructor is inline, there isn't even a function
 call.  I'm sorry that you are not open to learning about it, and that you
 seem to believe many things about it that are not true.  It does require
 you to worry about lower-level details, like assuring correct alignment.
 Sometimes extensions just have to be quick and dirty. Microsoft is a
 influence. The facilities should be there to match MS whenever within
 reason... as well as should be ever present warnings not to abuse such
 Not if you want the gcc developers to accept it.  Accepting the extension
 is a commitment to maintain it pretty much indefinitely.  Also, if the gcc
 extension doesn't do everything the Microsoft extension does, your code
 might not work even if it compiles: it might leak memory or crash if
 the constructor/destructor behavior differs.
 But I'm puzzled that you'd rather try to hack the compiler than
 investigate a way to make your program portable C++.  Or do you think you
 can talk others into hacking the compiler for you?  I doubt that it will

I've thought about every conceivable way of a more portable solution
obviously. I will do whatever is required to get my code to compile for the
time being. If I am able to inspire someone who is qualified to draw out and
implement some proper extension specs, then all the merrier (and the world
would be a better place)

I wouldn't expect such an extension to necessarily be fully compatible
across compilers, but simple preprocessor management should suffice to make
up the differences. The rest would be up to programmers, which should be
aware of the any cons the extension would have to offer.

You are of course free to demonstrate how placement new could circumnavigate
the need of unions. The most obvious solution to such a problem is to simply
make all of the union members accessible by simple functional access. That
is like rect.origin().x, rather than rect.origin.x for example. Of course
this means going through the entire code base and changing every such
instance of origin, and call me nitpicky but its not as clear and is
generally uglier with the parentheses. 

I can think of ways to use placement new which would be about as convenient
as not in lexical terms, but it would still require minor altercations
throughout the codebase at this point.

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I'm sorry, but this is unacceptable (union members and ctors)

2007-06-15 Thread michael.a

Salutations everyone,

I'm afraid I have a fairly major project which requires a Linux port. The
problem is, development has been put off for a while because GCC lacks any
means or work around which permits nesting ctors inside a union. 

The effort is mature enough that it needs a public release, but it can't be
released without a Linux distribution... because it doesn't need to look
like a total Microsoft tool. Linux has always been the ideal platform, but
the nature of the project is rather untailored for Linux development. 

Bottom line is, Windows(msvc) has a work around which alleviates this issue,
though I'm not entirely impressed with it. Linux(gcc) however does not. 

If it isn't clear from the subject, the issue is the C++ specs, specifically
where it says union members can't have ctors. Windows lets you wrap a ctored
member inside an anonymous struct, without a ctor (though the ctor still
appears to be called -- apparently Windows allows this as a sort of half ass
concession... precisely because this spec is sooo regressive) 

It makes no sense to arbitrarily exclude structs with ctors from unions. And
it makes perfect sense in a million powerful ways to permit them. The reason
ctors are not possible in the specs is a pure technicality... because it
would sort of gum up other specs around construction. 

Still one can see from a simple example the power of such a feature...

For instance, say you need to impliment a GUI, so you have yourself a
rectangle struct which consists of four floating point values (the origin
and difference between the opposite corner) ...Now you want those four
values, but you also have a 2D vector struct. So it seems obvious to union
the scalars over the two vectors. Why? Because it makes the code much more
intelligible then it would be to always access the corners from the vectors
(which would be the only alternative outside of sacrificing the
functionality of the vector class) 

Same can be said for embedding 4D vectors in a 4x4 matrix, form a transform
matrix / orthogonal axes coordinate system and translation vector. Of course
the benefits transcend graphics, but that is the simplest example, and the
intensive reuse of graphics primitives and the hairy code they tend to
generate, only further serves to drive the point home.

I use graphics primitives throughout all of my code, even when completely
unrelated to graphics. And I've found myself in a position where I refuse to
sacrifice my handy dandy vector libraries. I can't modify them to suit GCC,
and I can't remove their constructors for obvious reasons (automatic
instantiation, conversion operators, etc)

So I find myself here... I pretty much have to make a case, and beg for a
GCC workaround of some type. GCC doesn't have to conform to for loop scope
spec, so I see no reason why a similar compiler option can't be permitted to
get at this issue. Windows permits it, and it is not an uncommon dilemma.

There is no error code, but the basic errors look like this:

...struct::xyâ?T with constructor not allowed in union
...struct::xyâ?T with copy assignment operator not allowed in union

I'm prepared to try to hack GCC myself if I must. I have to wonder what
would happen if the error was simply ignored. My intuition tells me there
would likely be no technical ramifications. A more thorough solution would
of course be preferred. I won't dull out possible scenarios, but it should
appear obvious, that it seems especially cruel, to arbitrarily deny structs
with ctors inclusion in unions.

So in closing, I'm interested in any ideas / advice, but compromising the
existing codebase is completely out of the question. You have my
appreciation in advance naturally...



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Re: I'm sorry, but this is unacceptable (union members and ctors)

2007-06-15 Thread michael.a

Portability is not a huge issue for these builds actually as the plan is to
distribute binaries for the time being, with open source modules, or module
plugins rather, as the system itself is a suite of modules. Also only
operating system with nestable and mutually dependent shared library support
can be accommodated. 

I've actually never seen placement new before I think. Its a useful way to
reconstruct heaped memory, but not useful in anyway in the situation I
described (which is really broader than any single fix)

PS: I did receive another response by mail, but I'm not seeing it in the
thread. Perhaps it was a private response only somehow. In any case it
suggested that nonstandard extensions to GCC cut against its philosophy. I
do believe GCC supports the standard for loop scope extension (which seems
so practical, that many compilers default to it) ...likewise, permitting
ctored structs in a union seems equally, if not more so practical, and the
omission just as absurd. It would seem like a natural nonstandard inclusion,
at least until the c++ specs are amended to include it. 

In the meantime I'm perfectly prepared to hack away at GCC. If anyone has
suggestions, I would appreciate it. GCC should strive to support extensions
within reasonable limits such as this. Not doing so makes porting code more
difficult, if not impossible, and that is just bad for the community at
large. This seems like a simple enough artifact to remedy, at least to
sufficient extent in some fashion. I'm just hoping someone with GCC dev
experience would weigh in on the matter.
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Re: I'm sorry, but this is unacceptable (union members and ctors)

2007-06-15 Thread michael.a

Andrew Pinski-2 wrote:
 Actually that was not really really an extension before the standard
 come out.  The rules changed with the standardization.  Really most of
 GCC extensions to the C++ langauge that exist now (except for a few
 new ones dealing with the C++0x standard) are all legacy extensions
 before there was a standard.
 Really it sounds like MS added this extension to their C++ compiler
 before there was a standard.  I really think you should learn more
 about this extension and give a fully documented specifications on how
 it works.  Right now that is really the current problem with the
 extensions in GCC, is that they are not fully documented on how they
 work so people get confused when the behavior changes slightly.

Are you referring now to the for loop scope extension, just to be clear?

My general opinion is it serves no one to be regressive about extensions.
You can always advise against using them, and somewhere down the road, the
specs can always decide an extension is worth supporting more conservatively
or adding to a future spec altogether.

It would be interesting for someone to try to make a practical argument that
is anything but a nest of technicalities, as to why ctors and unions
shouldn't be mixable.

In the meantime, I've always intended to hack the bugger (in the always
bandied about GNU tradition) if I must. It bothers me though to think that
no one has charted this territory before.

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