
I do apologize if my ignorance is the problem here, but I am having a strange 
problem with the version of gcc included in suse 9.3: gcc version 3.3.5 
20050117 (prerelease) (SUSE Linux). The same problem was observed with gcc 
3.3.1. I have not tried later versions, but I can't find the problem in 
bugzilla so I assume it is either so trivial that I should be ashamed or 
unknown. It is an intel XEON processor.

It seems to me that if a,b, and c are float or double values and if a has been 
assigned b*c


a == (b*c)

should return true since a should contain the same bitpattern as the temporary 
being assigned the value of b*c. Is it not so? 

Never the less, the following piece of code does not work as expected when 
compiling with -O0. It works FINE when compiling with -O1 or higher.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;
int main()
                double b = 9.5245435435564536; 
                double c = 7.98786542345446565;
                double a = b*c;

                //Does not work.
                cout << (a == (b*c)) << endl;
                // Works
                double d = b*c;
                cout << (a == d) << endl;

With O0 the output is 

With O1, O2 or O3 the output is

as one would expect.

I have made a similar program in C and I also changed double to float. It 
makes no difference. Nor does the actual float/double values. The 
optimization flag seems to decide what happens.

Any insight would be appreciated.


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