I get a run time error (crashes console) on both my Win64 Vista machine (IA-32)
and WinXP machine on some code that compiles without warnings with gfortran.

Same code compiles and runs OK in g95 and IVF 11.0. 

My test case (below) is calling one of the get() generics from the
iso_varying_string module. It reads a text file ok without the optional set=
argument but crashes when that is included.

gfortran: f951.exe dated 19/12/2008



! *****************************************************************
! *                                                               *
! * iso_varying_string.f90                                        *
! *                                                               *
! * Copyright (C) 2003 Rich Townsend <r...@star.ucl.ac.uk>        *
! *                                                               *
! * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
! * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public    *
! * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either  *
! * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later     *
! * version.                                                      *
! *                                                               *
! * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be       *
! * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied    *
! * PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more  *
! * details.                                                      *
! *                                                               *
! * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General     *
! * Public License along with this program; if not, write to the  *
! * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,   *
! * Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA                                   *
! *                                                               *
! *****************************************************************
! Developer : Rich Townsend <r...@star.ucl.ac.uk>
! Synopsis  : Definition of iso_varying_string module, conformant to 
!             the API specified in ISO/IEC 1539-2:2000 (varying-length 
!             strings for Fortran 95).
! Notes     : This implementation of iso_varying_string is designed to avoid
!             the possibility of memory leaks. To achieve this, it takes
!             advantage of language extensions specified in ISO/IEC
!             TR 15581 (enhanced data type facilities). Many vendors
!             support these extensions, and they will form a core part
!             of Fortran 2000.
! Version   : 1.2
! Thanks    : Lawrie Schonfelder's iso_varying_string module provided me
!             with much insight on how to go about writing this module,
!             for which I am very grateful. Furthermore, Lawrie helped
!             point out some subtle bugs in the module.

module iso_varying_string

! No implicit typing

  implicit none

! Parameter definitions

  integer, parameter :: GET_BUFFER_LEN = 256

! Type definitions

  type varying_string
     character(LEN=1), dimension(:), allocatable :: chars
  end type varying_string

! Interface blocks

  interface assignment(=)
     module procedure op_assign_CH_VS
     module procedure op_assign_VS_CH
  end interface assignment(=)

  interface operator(//)
     module procedure op_concat_VS_VS
     module procedure op_concat_CH_VS
     module procedure op_concat_VS_CH
  end interface operator(//)

  interface operator(==)
     module procedure op_eq_VS_VS
     module procedure op_eq_CH_VS
     module procedure op_eq_VS_CH
  end interface operator(==)

  interface operator(/=)
     module procedure op_ne_VS_VS
     module procedure op_ne_CH_VS
     module procedure op_ne_VS_CH
  end interface operator (/=)

  interface operator(<)
     module procedure op_lt_VS_VS
     module procedure op_lt_CH_VS
     module procedure op_lt_VS_CH
  end interface operator (<)

  interface operator(<=)
     module procedure op_le_VS_VS
     module procedure op_le_CH_VS
     module procedure op_le_VS_CH
  end interface operator (<=)

  interface operator(>=)
     module procedure op_ge_VS_VS
     module procedure op_ge_CH_VS
     module procedure op_ge_VS_CH
  end interface operator (>=)

  interface operator(>)
     module procedure op_gt_VS_VS
     module procedure op_gt_CH_VS
     module procedure op_gt_VS_CH
  end interface operator (>)

  interface adjustl
     module procedure adjustl_
  end interface adjustl

  interface adjustr
     module procedure adjustr_
  end interface adjustr

  interface char
     module procedure char_auto
     module procedure char_fixed
  end interface char

  interface iachar
     module procedure iachar_
  end interface iachar

  interface ichar
     module procedure ichar_
  end interface ichar

  interface index
     module procedure index_VS_VS
     module procedure index_CH_VS
     module procedure index_VS_CH
  end interface index

  interface len
     module procedure len_
  end interface len

  interface len_trim
     module procedure len_trim_
  end interface len_trim

  interface lge
     module procedure lge_VS_VS
     module procedure lge_CH_VS
     module procedure lge_VS_CH
  end interface lge

  interface lgt
     module procedure lgt_VS_VS
     module procedure lgt_CH_VS
     module procedure lgt_VS_CH
  end interface lgt

  interface lle
     module procedure lle_VS_VS
     module procedure lle_CH_VS
     module procedure lle_VS_CH
  end interface lle

  interface llt
     module procedure llt_VS_VS
     module procedure llt_CH_VS
     module procedure llt_VS_CH
  end interface llt

  interface repeat
     module procedure repeat_
  end interface repeat

  interface scan
     module procedure scan_VS_VS
     module procedure scan_CH_VS
     module procedure scan_VS_CH
  end interface scan

  interface trim
     module procedure trim_
  end interface trim

  interface verify
     module procedure verify_VS_VS
     module procedure verify_CH_VS
     module procedure verify_VS_CH
  end interface verify

  interface var_str
     module procedure var_str_
  end interface var_str

  interface get
     module procedure get_
     module procedure get_unit
     module procedure get_set_VS
     module procedure get_set_CH
     module procedure get_unit_set_VS
     module procedure get_unit_set_CH
  end interface get

  interface put
     module procedure put_VS
     module procedure put_CH
     module procedure put_unit_VS
     module procedure put_unit_CH
  end interface put

  interface put_line
     module procedure put_line_VS
     module procedure put_line_CH
     module procedure put_line_unit_VS
     module procedure put_line_unit_CH
  end interface put_line

  interface extract
     module procedure extract_VS
     module procedure extract_CH
  end interface extract

  interface insert
     module procedure insert_VS_VS
     module procedure insert_CH_VS
     module procedure insert_VS_CH
     module procedure insert_CH_CH
  end interface insert

  interface remove
     module procedure remove_VS
     module procedure remove_CH
  end interface remove

  interface replace
     module procedure replace_VS_VS_auto
     module procedure replace_CH_VS_auto
     module procedure replace_VS_CH_auto
     module procedure replace_CH_CH_auto
     module procedure replace_VS_VS_fixed
     module procedure replace_CH_VS_fixed
     module procedure replace_VS_CH_fixed
     module procedure replace_CH_CH_fixed
     module procedure replace_VS_VS_VS_target
     module procedure replace_CH_VS_VS_target
     module procedure replace_VS_CH_VS_target
     module procedure replace_CH_CH_VS_target
     module procedure replace_VS_VS_CH_target
     module procedure replace_CH_VS_CH_target
     module procedure replace_VS_CH_CH_target
     module procedure replace_CH_CH_CH_target
  end interface

  interface split
     module procedure split_VS
     module procedure split_CH
  end interface split

! Access specifiers


  public :: varying_string
  public :: assignment(=)
  public :: operator(//)
  public :: operator(==)
  public :: operator(/=)
  public :: operator(<)
  public :: operator(<=)
  public :: operator(>=)
  public :: operator(>)
  public :: adjustl
  public :: adjustr
  public :: char
  public :: iachar
  public :: ichar
  public :: index
  public :: len
  public :: len_trim
  public :: lge
  public :: lgt
  public :: lle
  public :: llt
  public :: repeat
  public :: scan
  public :: trim
  public :: verify
  public :: var_str
  public :: get
  public :: put
  public :: put_line
  public :: extract
  public :: insert
  public :: remove
  public :: replace
  public :: split

! Procedures



  elemental subroutine op_assign_CH_VS (var, exp)

    character(LEN=*), intent(out)    :: var
    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: exp

! Assign a varying string to a character string

    var = char(exp)

! Finish


  end subroutine op_assign_CH_VS


  elemental subroutine op_assign_VS_CH (var, exp)

    type(varying_string), intent(out) :: var
    character(LEN=*), intent(in)      :: exp

! Assign a character string to a varying string

    var = var_str(exp)

! Finish


  end subroutine op_assign_VS_CH


  elemental function op_concat_VS_VS (string_a, string_b) result

    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string_a
    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string_b
    type(varying_string)             :: concat_string

    integer                          :: len_string_a

! Concatenate two varying strings

    len_string_a = len(string_a)


    concat_string%chars(:len_string_a) = string_a%chars
    concat_string%chars(len_string_a+1:) = string_b%chars

! Finish


  end function op_concat_VS_VS


  elemental function op_concat_CH_VS (string_a, string_b) result

    character(LEN=*), intent(in)     :: string_a
    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string_b
    type(varying_string)             :: concat_string

! Concatenate a character string and a varying 
! string

    concat_string = op_concat_VS_VS(var_str(string_a), string_b)

! Finish


  end function op_concat_CH_VS


  elemental function op_concat_VS_CH (string_a, string_b) result

    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string_a
    character(LEN=*), intent(in)     :: string_b
    type(varying_string)             :: concat_string

! Concatenate a varying string and a character
! string

    concat_string = op_concat_VS_VS(string_a, var_str(string_b))

! Finish


  end function op_concat_VS_CH


  elemental function op_eq_VS_VS (string_a, string_b) result (op_eq)

    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string_a
    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string_b
    logical                          :: op_eq

! Compare (==) two varying strings

    op_eq = char(string_a) == char(string_b)

! Finish


  end function op_eq_VS_VS


  elemental function op_eq_CH_VS (string_a, string_b) result (op_eq)

    character(LEN=*), intent(in)     :: string_a
    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string_b
    logical                          :: op_eq

! Compare (==) a character string and a varying 
! string

    op_eq = string_a == char(string_b)

! Finish


  end function op_eq_CH_VS


  elemental function op_eq_VS_CH (string_a, string_b) result (op_eq)

    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string_a
    character(LEN=*), intent(in)     :: string_b
    logical                          :: op_eq

! Compare (==) a varying string and a character
! string

    op_eq = char(string_a) == string_b

! Finish


  end function op_eq_VS_CH


  elemental function op_ne_VS_VS (string_a, string_b) result (op_ne)

    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string_a
    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string_b
    logical                          :: op_ne

! Compare (/=) two varying strings

    op_ne = char(string_a) /= char(string_b)

! Finish


  end function op_ne_VS_VS


  elemental function op_ne_CH_VS (string_a, string_b) result (op_ne)

    character(LEN=*), intent(in)     :: string_a
    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string_b
    logical                          :: op_ne

! Compare (/=) a character string and a varying
! string

    op_ne = string_a /= char(string_b)

! Finish


  end function op_ne_CH_VS


  elemental function op_ne_VS_CH (string_a, string_b) result (op_ne)

    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string_a
    character(LEN=*), intent(in)     :: string_b
    logical                          :: op_ne

! Compare (/=) a varying string and a character
! string

    op_ne = char(string_a) /= string_b

! Finish


  end function op_ne_VS_CH


  elemental function op_lt_VS_VS (string_a, string_b) result (op_lt)

    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string_a
    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string_b
    logical                          :: op_lt

! Compare (<) two varying strings

    op_lt = char(string_a) < char(string_b)

! Finish


  end function op_lt_VS_VS


  elemental function op_lt_CH_VS (string_a, string_b) result (op_lt)

    character(LEN=*), intent(in)     :: string_a
    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string_b
    logical                          :: op_lt

! Compare (<) a character string and a varying
! string

    op_lt = string_a < char(string_b)

! Finish


  end function op_lt_CH_VS


  elemental function op_lt_VS_CH (string_a, string_b) result (op_lt)

    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string_a
    character(LEN=*), intent(in)     :: string_b
    logical                          :: op_lt

! Compare (<) a varying string and a character 
! string

    op_lt = char(string_a) < string_b

! Finish


  end function op_lt_VS_CH


  elemental function op_le_VS_VS (string_a, string_b) result (op_le)

    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string_a
    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string_b
    logical                          :: op_le

! Compare (<=) two varying strings

    op_le = char(string_a) <= char(string_b)

! Finish


  end function op_le_VS_VS


  elemental function op_le_CH_VS (string_a, string_b) result (op_le)

    character(LEN=*), intent(in)     :: string_a
    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string_b
    logical                          :: op_le

! Compare (<=) a character string and a varying 
! string

    op_le = string_a <= char(string_b)

! Finish


  end function op_le_CH_VS


  elemental function op_le_VS_CH (string_a, string_b) result (op_le)

    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string_a
    character(LEN=*), intent(in)     :: string_b
    logical                          :: op_le

! Compare (<=) a varying string and a character 
! string

    op_le = char(string_a) <= string_b

! Finish


  end function op_le_VS_CH


  elemental function op_ge_VS_VS (string_a, string_b) result (op_ge)

    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string_a
    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string_b
    logical                          :: op_ge

! Compare (>=) two varying strings

    op_ge = char(string_a) >= char(string_b)

! Finish


  end function op_ge_VS_VS


  elemental function op_ge_CH_VS (string_a, string_b) result (op_ge)

    character(LEN=*), intent(in)     :: string_a
    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string_b
    logical                          :: op_ge

! Compare (>=) a character string and a varying
! string

    op_ge = string_a >= char(string_b)

! Finish


  end function op_ge_CH_VS


  elemental function op_ge_VS_CH (string_a, string_b) result (op_ge)

    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string_a
    character(LEN=*), intent(in)     :: string_b
    logical                          :: op_ge

! Compare (>=) a varying string and a character
! string

    op_ge = char(string_a) >= string_b

! Finish


  end function op_ge_VS_CH


  elemental function op_gt_VS_VS (string_a, string_b) result (op_gt)

    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string_a
    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string_b
    logical                          :: op_gt

! Compare (>) two varying strings

    op_gt = char(string_a) > char(string_b)

! Finish


  end function op_gt_VS_VS


  elemental function op_gt_CH_VS (string_a, string_b) result (op_gt)

    character(LEN=*), intent(in)     :: string_a
    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string_b
    logical                          :: op_gt

! Compare (>) a character string and a varying
! string

    op_gt = string_a > char(string_b)

! Finish


  end function op_gt_CH_VS


  elemental function op_gt_VS_CH (string_a, string_b) result (op_gt)

    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string_a
    character(LEN=*), intent(in)     :: string_b
    logical                          :: op_gt

! Compare (>) a varying string and a character
! string

    op_gt = char(string_a) > string_b

! Finish


  end function op_gt_VS_CH


  elemental function adjustl_ (string) result (adjustl_string)

    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string
    type(varying_string)             :: adjustl_string

! Adjust the varying string to the left

    adjustl_string = ADJUSTL(CHAR(string))

! Finish


  end function adjustl_


  elemental function adjustr_ (string) result (adjustr_string)

    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string
    type(varying_string)             :: adjustr_string

! Adjust the varying string to the right

    adjustr_string = ADJUSTR(CHAR(string))

! Finish


  end function adjustr_


  pure function char_auto (string) result (char_string)

    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string
    character(LEN=len(string))       :: char_string

    integer                          :: i_char

! Convert a varying string into a character string
! (automatic length)

    forall(i_char = 1:len(string))
       char_string(i_char:i_char) = string%chars(i_char)
    end forall

! Finish


  end function char_auto


  pure function char_fixed (string, length) result (char_string)

    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string
    integer, intent(in)              :: length
    character(LEN=length)            :: char_string

! Convert a varying string into a character string
! (fixed length)

    char_string = char(string)

! Finish


  end function char_fixed


  elemental function iachar_ (c) result (i)

    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: c
    integer                          :: i

! Get the position in the ISO 646 collating sequence
! of a varying string character

    i = IACHAR(char(c))

! Finish


  end function iachar_


  elemental function ichar_ (c) result (i)

    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: c
    integer                          :: i

! Get the position in the processor collating 
! sequence of a varying string character

    i = ICHAR(char(c))

! Finish


  end function ichar_


  elemental function index_VS_VS (string, substring, back) result (i_substring)

    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string
    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: substring
    logical, intent(in), optional    :: back
    integer                          :: i_substring

! Get the index of a varying substring within a
! varying string

    i_substring = INDEX(char(string), char(substring), back)

! Finish


  end function index_VS_VS


  elemental function index_CH_VS (string, substring, back) result (i_substring)

    character(LEN=*), intent(in)     :: string
    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: substring
    logical, intent(in), optional    :: back
    integer                          :: i_substring

! Get the index of a varying substring within a
! character string

    i_substring = INDEX(string, char(substring), back)

! Finish


  end function index_CH_VS


  elemental function index_VS_CH (string, substring, back) result (i_substring)

    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string
    character(LEN=*), intent(in)     :: substring
    logical, intent(in), optional    :: back
    integer                          :: i_substring

! Get the index of a character substring within a
! varying string

    i_substring = INDEX(char(string), substring, back)

! Finish


  end function index_VS_CH


  elemental function len_ (string) result (length)

    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string
    integer                          :: length

! Get the length of a varying string

    if(ALLOCATED(string%chars)) then
       length = SIZE(string%chars)
       length = 0

! Finish


  end function len_


  elemental function len_trim_ (string) result (length)

    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string
    integer                          :: length

! Get the trimmed length of a varying string

    if(ALLOCATED(string%chars)) then
       length = LEN_TRIM(char(string))
       length = 0

! Finish


  end function len_trim_


  elemental function lge_VS_VS (string_a, string_b) result (comp)

    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string_a
    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string_b
    logical                          :: comp

! Compare (LGE) two varying strings

    comp = LGE(char(string_a), char(string_b))

! Finish


  end function lge_VS_VS


  elemental function lge_CH_VS (string_a, string_b) result (comp)

    character(LEN=*), intent(in)     :: string_a
    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string_b
    logical                          :: comp

! Compare (LGE) a character string and a varying
! string

    comp = LGE(string_a, char(string_b))

! Finish


  end function lge_CH_VS


  elemental function lge_VS_CH (string_a, string_b) result (comp)

    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string_a
    character(LEN=*), intent(in)     :: string_b
    logical                          :: comp

! Compare (LGE) a varying string and a character
! string

    comp = LGE(char(string_a), string_b)

! Finish


  end function lge_VS_CH


  elemental function lgt_VS_VS (string_a, string_b) result (comp)

    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string_a
    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string_b
    logical                          :: comp

! Compare (LGT) two varying strings

    comp = LGT(char(string_a), char(string_b))

! Finish


  end function lgt_VS_VS


  elemental function lgt_CH_VS (string_a, string_b) result (comp)

    character(LEN=*), intent(in)     :: string_a
    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string_b
    logical                          :: comp

! Compare (LGT) a character string and a varying
! string

    comp = LGT(string_a, char(string_b))

! Finish


  end function lgt_CH_VS


  elemental function lgt_VS_CH (string_a, string_b) result (comp)

    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string_a
    character(LEN=*), intent(in)     :: string_b
    logical                          :: comp

! Compare (LGT) a varying string and a character
! string

    comp = LGT(char(string_a), string_b)

! Finish


  end function lgt_VS_CH


  elemental function lle_VS_VS (string_a, string_b) result (comp)

    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string_a
    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string_b
    logical                          :: comp

! Compare (LLE) two varying strings

    comp = LLE(char(string_a), char(string_b))

! Finish


  end function lle_VS_VS


  elemental function lle_CH_VS (string_a, string_b) result (comp)

    character(LEN=*), intent(in)     :: string_a
    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string_b
    logical                          :: comp

! Compare (LLE) a character string and a varying
! string

    comp = LLE(string_a, char(string_b))

! Finish


  end function lle_CH_VS


  elemental function lle_VS_CH (string_a, string_b) result (comp)

    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string_a
    character(LEN=*), intent(in)     :: string_b
    logical                          :: comp

! Compare (LLE) a varying string and a character
! string

    comp = LLE(char(string_a), string_b)

! Finish


  end function lle_VS_CH


  elemental function llt_VS_VS (string_a, string_b) result (comp)

    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string_a
    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string_b
    logical                          :: comp

! Compare (LLT) two varying strings

    comp = LLT(char(string_a), char(string_b))

! Finish


  end function llt_VS_VS


  elemental function llt_CH_VS (string_a, string_b) result (comp)

    character(LEN=*), intent(in)     :: string_a
    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string_b
    logical                          :: comp

! Compare (LLT) a character string and a varying
! string

    comp = LLT(string_a, char(string_b))

! Finish


  end function llt_CH_VS


  elemental function llt_VS_CH (string_a, string_b) result (comp)

    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string_a
    character(LEN=*), intent(in)     :: string_b
    logical                          :: comp

! Compare (LLT) a varying string and a character
! string

    comp = LLT(char(string_a), string_b)

! Finish


  end function llt_VS_CH


  elemental function repeat_ (string, ncopies) result (repeat_string)

    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string
    integer, intent(in)              :: ncopies
    type(varying_string)             :: repeat_string

! Concatenate several copies of a varying string

    repeat_string = var_str(REPEAT(char(string), ncopies))

! Finish


  end function repeat_


  elemental function scan_VS_VS (string, set, back) result (i)

    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string
    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: set
    logical, intent(in), optional    :: back
    integer                          :: i

! Scan a varying string for occurrences of 
! characters in a varying-string set

    i = SCAN(char(string), char(set), back)

! Finish


  end function scan_VS_VS


  elemental function scan_CH_VS (string, set, back) result (i)

    character(LEN=*), intent(in)     :: string
    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: set
    logical, intent(in), optional    :: back
    integer                          :: i

! Scan a character string for occurrences of 
! characters in a varying-string set

    i = SCAN(string, char(set), back)

! Finish


  end function scan_CH_VS


  elemental function scan_VS_CH (string, set, back) result (i)

    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string
    character(LEN=*), intent(in)     :: set
    logical, intent(in), optional    :: back
    integer                          :: i

! Scan a varying string for occurrences of 
! characters in a character-string set

    i = SCAN(char(string), set, back)

! Finish


  end function scan_VS_CH


  elemental function trim_ (string) result (trim_string)

    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string
    type(varying_string)             :: trim_string

! Remove trailing blanks from a varying string

    trim_string = TRIM(char(string))

! Finish


  end function trim_


  elemental function verify_VS_VS (string, set, back) result (i)

    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string
    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: set
    logical, intent(in), optional    :: back
    integer                          :: i

! Verify a varying string for occurrences of
! characters in a varying-string set

    i = VERIFY(char(string), char(set), back)

! Finish


  end function verify_VS_VS


  elemental function verify_CH_VS (string, set, back) result (i)

    character(LEN=*), intent(in)     :: string
    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: set
    logical, intent(in), optional    :: back
    integer                          :: i

! Verify a character string for occurrences of 
! characters in a varying-string set

    i = VERIFY(string, char(set), back)

! Finish


  end function verify_CH_VS


  elemental function verify_VS_CH (string, set, back) result (i)

    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string
    character(LEN=*), intent(in)     :: set
    logical, intent(in), optional    :: back
    integer                          :: i

! Verify a varying string for occurrences of 
! characters in a character-string set

    i = VERIFY(char(string), set, back)

! Finish


  end function verify_VS_CH


  elemental function var_str_ (char) result (string)

    character(LEN=*), intent(in) :: char
    type(varying_string)         :: string

    integer                      :: length
    integer                      :: i_char

! Convert a character string to a varying string

    length = LEN(char)


    forall(i_char = 1:length)
       string%chars(i_char) = char(i_char:i_char)
    end forall

! Finish


  end function var_str_


  subroutine get_ (string, maxlen, iostat)

    type(varying_string), intent(out) :: string
    integer, intent(in), optional     :: maxlen
    integer, intent(out), optional    :: iostat

    integer                           :: n_chars_remain
    integer                           :: n_chars_read
    character(LEN=GET_BUFFER_LEN)     :: buffer

! Read from the default unit into a varying string

    string = ''

    if(PRESENT(maxlen)) then
       n_chars_remain = maxlen
       n_chars_remain = HUGE(1)

    read_loop : do

       if(n_chars_remain <= 0) return

       n_chars_read = MIN(n_chars_remain, GET_BUFFER_LEN)

       if(PRESENT(iostat)) then
          read(*, FMT='(A)', ADVANCE='NO', IOSTAT=iostat, SIZE=n_chars_read)
          if(iostat < 0) exit read_loop
          if(iostat > 0) return
          read(*, FMT='(A)', ADVANCE='NO', EOR=999, SIZE=n_chars_read)

       string = string//buffer(:n_chars_read)
       n_chars_remain = n_chars_remain - n_chars_read

    end do read_loop

999 continue

    string = string//buffer(:n_chars_read)

! Finish (end-of-record)


  end subroutine get_


  subroutine get_unit (unit, string, maxlen, iostat)

    integer, intent(in)               :: unit
    type(varying_string), intent(out) :: string
    integer, intent(in), optional     :: maxlen
    integer, intent(out), optional    :: iostat

    integer                           :: n_chars_remain
    integer                           :: n_chars_read
    character(LEN=GET_BUFFER_LEN)     :: buffer

! Read from the specified unit into a varying string

    string = ''

    if(PRESENT(maxlen)) then
       n_chars_remain = maxlen
       n_chars_remain = HUGE(1)

    read_loop : do

       if(n_chars_remain <= 0) return

       n_chars_read = MIN(n_chars_remain, GET_BUFFER_LEN)

       if(PRESENT(iostat)) then
          read(unit, FMT='(A)', ADVANCE='NO', IOSTAT=iostat, SIZE=n_chars_read)
          if(iostat < 0) exit read_loop
          if(iostat > 0) return
          read(unit, FMT='(A)', ADVANCE='NO', EOR=999, SIZE=n_chars_read)

       string = string//buffer(:n_chars_read)
       n_chars_remain = n_chars_remain - n_chars_read

    end do read_loop

999 continue

    string = string//buffer(:n_chars_read)

! Finish (end-of-record)


  end subroutine get_unit


  subroutine get_set_VS (string, set, separator, maxlen, iostat)

    type(varying_string), intent(out)           :: string
    type(varying_string), intent(in)            :: set
    type(varying_string), intent(out), optional :: separator
    integer, intent(in), optional               :: maxlen
    integer, intent(out), optional              :: iostat

! Read from the default unit into a varying string,
! with a custom varying-string separator

    call get(string, char(set), separator, maxlen, iostat)

! Finish


  end subroutine get_set_VS


  subroutine get_set_CH (string, set, separator, maxlen, iostat)

    type(varying_string), intent(out)           :: string
    character(LEN=*), intent(in)                :: set
    type(varying_string), intent(out), optional :: separator
    integer, intent(in), optional               :: maxlen
    integer, intent(out), optional              :: iostat

    integer                                     :: n_chars_remain
    character(LEN=1)                            :: buffer
    integer                                     :: i_set

! Read from the default unit into a varying string,
! with a custom character-string separator

    string = ''

    if(PRESENT(maxlen)) then
       n_chars_remain = maxlen
       n_chars_remain = HUGE(1)

    if(PRESENT(separator)) separator = ''

    read_loop : do

       if(n_chars_remain <= 0) return

       if(PRESENT(iostat)) then
          read(*, FMT='(A1)', ADVANCE='NO', IOSTAT=iostat) buffer
          if(iostat /= 0) exit read_loop
          read(*, FMT='(A1)', ADVANCE='NO', EOR=999) buffer

       i_set = SCAN(buffer, set)

       if(i_set == 1) then
          if(PRESENT(separator)) separator = buffer
          exit read_loop

       string = string//buffer
       n_chars_remain = n_chars_remain - 1

    end do read_loop

999 continue

! Finish


  end subroutine get_set_CH


  subroutine get_unit_set_VS (unit, string, set, separator, maxlen, iostat)

    integer, intent(in)                         :: unit
    type(varying_string), intent(out)           :: string
    type(varying_string), intent(in)            :: set
    type(varying_string), intent(out), optional :: separator
    integer, intent(in), optional               :: maxlen
    integer, intent(out), optional              :: iostat

! Read from the specified unit into a varying string,
! with a custom varying-string separator

    call get(unit, string, char(set), separator, maxlen, iostat)

! Finish


  end subroutine get_unit_set_VS


  subroutine get_unit_set_CH (unit, string, set, separator, maxlen, iostat)

    integer, intent(in)                         :: unit
    type(varying_string), intent(out)           :: string
    character(LEN=*), intent(in)                :: set
    type(varying_string), intent(out), optional :: separator
    integer, intent(in), optional               :: maxlen
    integer, intent(out), optional              :: iostat

    integer                                     :: n_chars_remain
    character(LEN=1)                            :: buffer
    integer                                     :: i_set

! Read from the default unit into a varying string,
! with a custom character-string separator

    string = ''

    if(PRESENT(maxlen)) then
       n_chars_remain = maxlen
       n_chars_remain = HUGE(1)

    if(PRESENT(separator)) separator = ''

    read_loop : do

       if(n_chars_remain <= 0) return

       if(PRESENT(iostat)) then
          read(unit, FMT='(A1)', ADVANCE='NO', IOSTAT=iostat) buffer
          if(iostat /= 0) exit read_loop
          read(unit, FMT='(A1)', ADVANCE='NO', EOR=999) buffer

       i_set = SCAN(buffer, set)

       if(i_set == 1) then
          if(PRESENT(separator)) separator = buffer
          exit read_loop

       string = string//buffer
       n_chars_remain = n_chars_remain - 1

    end do read_loop

999 continue

! Finish


  end subroutine get_unit_set_CH


  subroutine put_VS (string, iostat)

    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string
    integer, intent(out), optional   :: iostat

! Append a varying string to the current record of 
! the default unit

    call put(char(string), iostat)

! Finish

  end subroutine put_VS


  subroutine put_CH (string, iostat)

    character(LEN=*), intent(in)   :: string
    integer, intent(out), optional :: iostat

! Append a character string to the current record of 
! the default unit

    if(PRESENT(iostat)) then
       write(*, FMT='(A)', ADVANCE='NO', IOSTAT=iostat) string
       write(*, FMT='(A)', ADVANCE='NO') string

! Finish

  end subroutine put_CH


  subroutine put_unit_VS (unit, string, iostat)

    integer, intent(in)              :: unit
    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string
    integer, intent(out), optional   :: iostat

! Append a varying string to the current record of 
! the specified unit

    call put(unit, char(string), iostat)

! Finish


  end subroutine put_unit_VS


  subroutine put_unit_CH (unit, string, iostat)

    integer, intent(in)            :: unit
    character(LEN=*), intent(in)   :: string
    integer, intent(out), optional :: iostat

! Append a character string to the current record of 
! the specified unit

    if(PRESENT(iostat)) then
       write(unit, FMT='(A)', ADVANCE='NO', IOSTAT=iostat) string
       write(unit, FMT='(A)', ADVANCE='NO') string

! Finish


  end subroutine put_unit_CH


  subroutine put_line_VS (string, iostat)

    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string
    integer, intent(out), optional   :: iostat

! Append a varying string to the current record of 
! the default unit, terminating the record

    call put_line(char(string), iostat)

! Finish


  end subroutine put_line_VS


  subroutine put_line_CH (string, iostat)

    character(LEN=*), intent(in)   :: string
    integer, intent(out), optional :: iostat

! Append a varying string to the current record of 
! the default unit, terminating the record

    if(PRESENT(iostat)) then
       write(*, FMT='(A,/)', ADVANCE='NO', IOSTAT=iostat) string
       write(*, FMT='(A,/)', ADVANCE='NO') string

! Finish


  end subroutine put_line_CH


  subroutine put_line_unit_VS (unit, string, iostat)

    integer, intent(in)              :: unit
    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string
    integer, intent(out), optional   :: iostat

! Append a varying string to the current record of 
! the specified unit, terminating the record

    call put_line(unit, char(string), iostat)

! Finish


  end subroutine put_line_unit_VS


  subroutine put_line_unit_CH (unit, string, iostat)

    integer, intent(in)            :: unit
    character(LEN=*), intent(in)   :: string
    integer, intent(out), optional :: iostat

! Append a varying string to the current record of 
! the specified unit, terminating the record

    if(PRESENT(iostat)) then
       write(unit, FMT='(A,/)', ADVANCE='NO', IOSTAT=iostat) string
       write(unit, FMT='(A,/)', ADVANCE='NO') string

! Finish


  end subroutine put_line_unit_CH


  elemental function extract_VS (string, start, finish) result (ext_string)

    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string
    integer, intent(in), optional    :: start
    integer, intent(in), optional    :: finish
    type(varying_string)             :: ext_string

! Extract a varying substring from a varying string

    ext_string = extract(char(string), start, finish)

! Finish


  end function extract_VS


  elemental function extract_CH (string, start, finish) result (ext_string)

    character(LEN=*), intent(in)  :: string
    integer, intent(in), optional :: start
    integer, intent(in), optional :: finish
    type(varying_string)          :: ext_string

    integer                       :: start_
    integer                       :: finish_

! Extract a varying substring from a character string

    if(PRESENT(start)) then
       start_ = MAX(1, start)
       start_ = 1

    if(PRESENT(finish)) then
       finish_ = MIN(LEN(string), finish)
       finish_ = LEN(string)

    ext_string = var_str(string(start_:finish_))

! Finish


  end function extract_CH


  elemental function insert_VS_VS (string, start, substring) result

    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string
    integer, intent(in)              :: start
    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: substring
    type(varying_string)             :: ins_string

! Insert a varying substring into a varying string

    ins_string = insert(char(string), start, char(substring))

! Finish


  end function insert_VS_VS


  elemental function insert_CH_VS (string, start, substring) result

    character(LEN=*), intent(in)     :: string
    integer, intent(in)              :: start
    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: substring
    type(varying_string)             :: ins_string

! Insert a varying substring into a character string

    ins_string = insert(string, start, char(substring))

! Finish


  end function insert_CH_VS


  elemental function insert_VS_CH (string, start, substring) result

    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string
    integer, intent(in)              :: start
    character(LEN=*), intent(in)     :: substring
    type(varying_string)             :: ins_string

! Insert a character substring into a varying string

    ins_string = insert(char(string), start, substring)

! Finish


  end function insert_VS_CH


  elemental function insert_CH_CH (string, start, substring) result

    character(LEN=*), intent(in) :: string
    integer, intent(in)          :: start
    character(LEN=*), intent(in) :: substring
    type(varying_string)         :: ins_string

    integer                      :: start_

! Insert a character substring into a character
! string

    start_ = MAX(1, MIN(start, LEN(string)+1))

    ins_string = var_str(string(:start_-1)//substring//string(start_:))

! Finish


  end function insert_CH_CH


  elemental function remove_VS (string, start, finish) result (rem_string)

    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string
    integer, intent(in), optional    :: start
    integer, intent(in), optional    :: finish
    type(varying_string)             :: rem_string

! Remove a substring from a varying string

    rem_string = remove(char(string), start, finish)

! Finish


  end function remove_VS


  elemental function remove_CH (string, start, finish) result (rem_string)

    character(LEN=*), intent(in)  :: string
    integer, intent(in), optional :: start
    integer, intent(in), optional :: finish
    type(varying_string)          :: rem_string

    integer                       :: start_
    integer                       :: finish_

! Remove a substring from a character string

    if(PRESENT(start)) then
       start_ = MAX(1, start)
       start_ = 1

    if(PRESENT(finish)) then
       finish_ = MIN(LEN(string), finish)
       finish_ = LEN(string)

    if(finish_ >= start_) then
       rem_string = var_str(string(:start_-1)//string(finish_+1:))
       rem_string = string

! Finish


  end function remove_CH


  elemental function replace_VS_VS_auto (string, start, substring) result

    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string
    integer, intent(in)              :: start
    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: substring
    type(varying_string)             :: rep_string

! Replace part of a varying string with a varying
! substring

    rep_string = replace(char(string), start, MAX(start, 1)+len(substring)-1,

! Finish


  end function replace_VS_VS_auto


  elemental function replace_CH_VS_auto (string, start, substring) result

    character(LEN=*), intent(in)     :: string
    integer, intent(in)              :: start
    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: substring
    type(varying_string)             :: rep_string

! Replace part of a character string with a varying
! substring

    rep_string = replace(string, start, MAX(start, 1)+len(substring)-1,

! Finish


  end function replace_CH_VS_auto


  elemental function replace_VS_CH_auto (string, start, substring) result

    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string
    integer, intent(in)              :: start
    character(LEN=*), intent(in)     :: substring
    type(varying_string)             :: rep_string

! Replace part of a varying string with a character
! substring

    rep_string = replace(char(string), start, MAX(start, 1)+LEN(substring)-1,

! Finish


  end function replace_VS_CH_auto


  elemental function replace_CH_CH_auto (string, start, substring) result

    character(LEN=*), intent(in) :: string
    integer, intent(in)          :: start
    character(LEN=*), intent(in) :: substring
    type(varying_string)         :: rep_string

! Replace part of a character string with a character
! substring

    rep_string = replace(string, start, MAX(start, 1)+LEN(substring)-1,

! Finish


  end function replace_CH_CH_auto


  elemental function replace_VS_VS_fixed (string, start, finish, substring)
result (rep_string)

    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string
    integer, intent(in)              :: start
    integer, intent(in)              :: finish
    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: substring
    type(varying_string)             :: rep_string

! Replace part of a varying string with a varying
! substring

    rep_string = replace(char(string), start, finish, char(substring))

! Finish


  end function replace_VS_VS_fixed



  elemental function replace_CH_VS_fixed (string, start, finish, substring)
result (rep_string)

    character(LEN=*), intent(in)     :: string
    integer, intent(in)              :: start
    integer, intent(in)              :: finish
    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: substring
    type(varying_string)             :: rep_string

! Replace part of a character string with a varying
! substring

    rep_string = replace(string, start, finish, char(substring))

! Finish


  end function replace_CH_VS_fixed


  elemental function replace_VS_CH_fixed (string, start, finish, substring)
result (rep_string)

    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string
    integer, intent(in)              :: start
    integer, intent(in)              :: finish
    character(LEN=*), intent(in)     :: substring
    type(varying_string)             :: rep_string

! Replace part of a varying string with a character
! substring

    rep_string = replace(char(string), start, finish, substring)

! Finish


  end function replace_VS_CH_fixed


  elemental function replace_CH_CH_fixed (string, start, finish, substring)
result (rep_string)

    character(LEN=*), intent(in) :: string
    integer, intent(in)          :: start
    integer, intent(in)          :: finish
    character(LEN=*), intent(in) :: substring
    type(varying_string)         :: rep_string

    integer                      :: start_
    integer                      :: finish_

! Replace part of a character string with a character
! substring

    start_ = MAX(1, start)
    finish_ = MIN(LEN(string), finish)

    if(finish_ < start_) then
       rep_string = insert(string, start_, substring)
       rep_string = var_str(string(:start_-1)//substring//string(finish_+1:))

! Finish


  end function replace_CH_CH_fixed


  elemental function replace_VS_VS_VS_target (string, target, substring, every,
back) result (rep_string)

    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string
    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: target
    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: substring
    logical, intent(in), optional    :: every
    logical, intent(in), optional    :: back
    type(varying_string)             :: rep_string

! Replace part of a varying string with a varying
! substring, at a location matching a varying-
! string target

    rep_string = replace(char(string), char(target), char(substring), every,

! Finish


  end function replace_VS_VS_VS_target


  elemental function replace_CH_VS_VS_target (string, target, substring, every,
back) result (rep_string)

    character(LEN=*), intent(in)     :: string
    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: target
    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: substring
    logical, intent(in), optional    :: every
    logical, intent(in), optional    :: back
    type(varying_string)             :: rep_string

! Replace part of a character string with a varying
! substring, at a location matching a varying-
! string target

    rep_string = replace(string, char(target), char(substring), every, back)

! Finish


  end function replace_CH_VS_VS_target


  elemental function replace_VS_CH_VS_target (string, target, substring, every,
back) result (rep_string)

    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string
    character(LEN=*), intent(in)     :: target
    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: substring
    logical, intent(in), optional    :: every
    logical, intent(in), optional    :: back
    type(varying_string)             :: rep_string

! Replace part of a character string with a varying
! substring, at a location matching a character-
! string target

    rep_string = replace(char(string), target, char(substring), every, back)

! Finish


  end function replace_VS_CH_VS_target


  elemental function replace_CH_CH_VS_target (string, target, substring, every,
back) result (rep_string)

    character(LEN=*), intent(in)     :: string
    character(LEN=*), intent(in)     :: target
    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: substring
    logical, intent(in), optional    :: every
    logical, intent(in), optional    :: back
    type(varying_string)             :: rep_string

! Replace part of a character string with a varying
! substring, at a location matching a character-
! string target

    rep_string = replace(string, target, char(substring), every, back)

! Finish


  end function replace_CH_CH_VS_target


  elemental function replace_VS_VS_CH_target (string, target, substring, every,
back) result (rep_string)

    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string
    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: target
    character(LEN=*), intent(in)     :: substring
    logical, intent(in), optional    :: every
    logical, intent(in), optional    :: back
    type(varying_string)             :: rep_string

! Replace part of a varying string with a character
! substring, at a location matching a varying-
! string target

    rep_string = replace(char(string), char(target), substring, every, back)

! Finish


  end function replace_VS_VS_CH_target


  elemental function replace_CH_VS_CH_target (string, target, substring, every,
back) result (rep_string)

    character(LEN=*), intent(in)     :: string
    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: target
    character(LEN=*), intent(in)     :: substring
    logical, intent(in), optional    :: every
    logical, intent(in), optional    :: back
    type(varying_string)             :: rep_string

! Replace part of a character string with a character
! substring, at a location matching a varying-
! string target

    rep_string = replace(string, char(target), substring, every, back)

! Finish


  end function replace_CH_VS_CH_target


  elemental function replace_VS_CH_CH_target (string, target, substring, every,
back) result (rep_string)

    type(varying_string), intent(in) :: string
    character(LEN=*), intent(in)     :: target
    character(LEN=*), intent(in)     :: substring
    logical, intent(in), optional    :: every
    logical, intent(in), optional    :: back
    type(varying_string)             :: rep_string

! Replace part of a varying string with a character
! substring, at a location matching a character-
! string target

    rep_string = replace(char(string), target, substring, every, back)

! Finish


  end function replace_VS_CH_CH_target


  elemental function replace_CH_CH_CH_target (string, target, substring, every,
back) result (rep_string)

    character(LEN=*), intent(in)  :: string
    character(LEN=*), intent(in)  :: target
    character(LEN=*), intent(in)  :: substring
    logical, intent(in), optional :: every
    logical, intent(in), optional :: back
    type(varying_string)          :: rep_string

    logical                       :: every_
    logical                       :: back_
    type(varying_string)          :: work_string
    integer                       :: length_target
    integer                       :: i_target

! Handle special cases when LEN(target) == 0. Such
! instances are prohibited by the standard, but
! since this function is elemental, no error can be
! thrown. Therefore, it makes sense to handle them 
! in a sensible manner

    if(LEN(target) == 0) then
       if(LEN(string) /= 0) then
          rep_string = string
          rep_string = substring
    end if

! Replace part of a character string with a character
! substring, at a location matching a character-
! string target

    if(PRESENT(every)) then
       every_ = every
       every_ = .false.

    if(PRESENT(back)) then
       back_ = back
       back_ = .false.

    rep_string = ''

    work_string = string

    length_target = LEN(target)

    replace_loop : do

       i_target = index(work_string, target, back_)

       if(i_target == 0) exit replace_loop

       if(back_) then
          rep_string = substring//extract(work_string,
          work_string = extract(work_string, finish=i_target-1)
          rep_string = rep_string//extract(work_string,
          work_string = extract(work_string, start=i_target+length_target)

       if(.NOT. every_) exit replace_loop

    end do replace_loop

    if(back_) then
       rep_string = work_string//rep_string
       rep_string = rep_string//work_string

! Finish


  end function replace_CH_CH_CH_target


  elemental subroutine split_VS (string, word, set, separator, back)

    type(varying_string), intent(inout)         :: string
    type(varying_string), intent(out)           :: word
    type(varying_string), intent(in)            :: set
    type(varying_string), intent(out), optional :: separator
    logical, intent(in), optional               :: back

! Split a varying string into two verying strings

    call split_CH(string, word, char(set), separator, back)

! Finish


  end subroutine split_VS


  elemental subroutine split_CH (string, word, set, separator, back)

    type(varying_string), intent(inout)         :: string
    type(varying_string), intent(out)           :: word
    character(LEN=*), intent(in)                :: set
    type(varying_string), intent(out), optional :: separator
    logical, intent(in), optional               :: back

    logical                                     :: back_
    integer                                     :: i_separator

! Split a varying string into two verying strings

    if(PRESENT(back)) then
       back_ = back
       back_ = .false.

    i_separator = scan(string, set, back_)

    if(i_separator /= 0) then

       if(back_) then
          word = extract(string, start=i_separator+1)
          if(PRESENT(separator)) separator = extract(string, start=i_separator,
          string = extract(string, finish=i_separator-1)
          word = extract(string, finish=i_separator-1)
          if(PRESENT(separator)) separator = extract(string, start=i_separator,
          string = extract(string, start=i_separator+1)


       word = string
       if(PRESENT(separator)) separator = ''
       string = ''


! Finish


  end subroutine split_CH

end module iso_varying_string


program test_iso
! uses iso_varying_string from

use iso_varying_string

implicit none

character(len=80)    :: str=""
character(len=260)   :: textfile=""
type(varying_string) :: v_str
integer              :: i, ios
character(len=1)     :: newlinechar=";"

! read in a text file of your own choosing
write (*, '(/"Enter the name of any text file: ")', advance='NO')
read (*,'(A260)') textfile

! text.dat is an ASCII text file
open (unit=1,file=textfile, status='OLD', iostat=ios)

write (*,'("iostat on opening file= ",I0)') ios

if (ios.ne.0) stop 'Could not open file'

i = 0

! 1. read as a character string
write(*, '(/"read as a character string..."/)')

    read(1,'(A80)', iostat=ios) str
    if (ios.GT.0) stop 'Error on formatted read'
    if (ios.EQ.-1) exit
    i = i + 1
    print *, i, trim(str)

rewind(unit=1, iostat=ios)

write (*,'(/"iostat on rewind= ",I0)') ios

i = 0

! 2. read as an iso_varying_string without set
write(*, '(/"read as an iso_varying_string without optional SET..."/)')

    CALL get(unit=1,string=v_str, iostat=ios)
    if (ios.GT.0) stop 'Error on vs1 read'
    if (ios.EQ.-1) exit
    i = i + 1
    print *, i, trim(char(v_str))

rewind(unit=1, iostat=ios)

write (*,'(/"iostat on rewind= ",I0)') ios

i = 0

! 3. read as an iso_varying_string WITH 'set'...
write(*, '(/"read as an iso_varying_string with optional SET..."/)')

    CALL get(unit=1,string=v_str, set=newlinechar, iostat=ios)
    if (ios.GT.0) stop 'Error on vs2 read'
    if (ios.EQ.-1) exit
    i = i + 1
    print *, i, trim(char(v_str))

stop "Done."

           Summary: run time error (crash) - optional arguments, generics,
                    interface problem, iso_varying_string ??
           Product: gcc
           Version: 4.4.0
            Status: UNCONFIRMED
          Severity: normal
          Priority: P3
         Component: fortran
        AssignedTo: unassigned at gcc dot gnu dot org
        ReportedBy: davidgkinniburgh at yahoo dot co dot uk
 GCC build triplet: gcc version 4.4.0 20081219 (experimental) [trunk
                    revision 142842
  GCC host triplet: Win64 Vista Home
GCC target triplet: i586-pc-mingw32


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