I am seeing this issue when using the 2.95.3 compiler for EE processor.  
When compiling the following code: 
 unsigned int a,b; 

    a = ((unsigned int)4294967295 * b);  
the 2.95.3 compiler generates the following assembly:
   8fc30014  lw $v1,20($s8) 
   0060102d  move $v0,$v1  
   431823 subu $v1,$v0,$v1 
   afc30024  sw $v1,36($s8) 
Of course, the result is always 0.  Is this a bug or done by design because the 
compiler knows that the result should be stored in a 64-bit data type?  For the 
latter case I would expect an error message to be displayed instead.  Note that 
if I declare a as an unsigned long (64-bit) the compiler generates the correct 
multiplication instruction.
Is there a compiler option for 2.95.3 that can work around this issue?

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