There is a missing "else" in 'jobserver_info::jobserver_info' in

As a result, if MAKEFLAGS is set and contains "--jobserver-auth=" and
the jobserver auth string is not in one of the expected formats, then
the message '"--jobserver-auth=' is not present in MAKEFLAGS" is
printed. The message apparently intended in that case, "cannot access
'--jobserver-auth=' file descriptors", can never be printed.

Native Windows builds of GNU make put the name of a named semaphore in
the auth string, as "--jobserver-auth=gmake_semaphore_22416". (This is
"--jobserver-style=sem" and is the only available style in native
Windows GNU Make, as of Make 4.4.) It would be nice to mention in the
"-flto" documentation that this is not supported.

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