Re: [gdal-dev] Processing builder

2020-03-05 Thread Alexander Bruy
Hi Frank,

your question is not about GDAL but about QGIS and should be asked in the
QGIS-users mailing list.

Your issue is that you are using online DEM source. You should first download
it to the local machine and only then call Processing algorithm against saved

Hope this helps.

чт, 5 бер. 2020 о 10:26 Frank Miller  пише:
> Hi,
> I am very new in this group and have a question you may be very familiar 
> with. I am trying to add 'Clip raster by mask layer' tool to processing 
> modeler and download DEM data from an online resource but so far there is no 
> luck.
> Does GDAL works in Processing Modeler? If yes what is my problem?
> Regards,
> Frank
> ___
> gdal-dev mailing list

Alexander Bruy
gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] About CMake build again

2017-10-30 Thread Alexander Bruy
Hi Dmitry,

thanks for explanation. I see that there is an option to use system libraries.
Maybe I'm wrong, but this is also possible with current build system and
CMake scripts from #7080. There is an option to build deps by myself and
use them to build GDAL, but again this is also possible with current build
system and CMake scripts from #7080.

I agree that automatic fetching of missed dependencies is nice feature. And
can simplify live in some cases. But there are questions:

1. what if dependency hosted on BitBucket, SourceForge or any self-hosted
VCS and not in your repository?
2. what if dependency use build system different from CMake?
3. what if upstream does not want/does not see abny benefits in moving to
GitHub and/or switching to CMake?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but most of the borsh's benefits require
changes not only
in GDAL, but also in all upstream projects, as well as infrastructure
changes for
them. Or why you maintain forks for every lib needed by GDAL in your repository?
If everything is fine and flexible why not use upstream projects directly?

2017-10-29 15:39 GMT+02:00 Dmitry Baryshnikov <>:
> 1. Build gdal with all dependencies getting them from github
> (WITH_EXTERNAL). Preferable for Windows
> 2. Build gdal using the system libraries. Preferable for Linux
> 3. Build gdal using the dependency libraries build by user (out of source)
> and registered in CMake package registry. This is I use now. This script
> help me to clone all libraries, build them and register them in CMake
> package registry
> (
> My opinion is that different options is much flexible and suits for many
> scenarios as very limited solution from

Alexander Bruy
gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] About CMake build again

2017-10-29 Thread Alexander Bruy
 host system.
> One can see this is all very flexible.
> What about GDAL.
> 1. After unification GDALDataset and OGRDatasource current sources tree is
> not fit for this new logic of GDAL classes. I rearranged sources more closer
> to GDAL classes and CMake needs. Main changes are moving raster and vector
> drivers inside drivers folder
> (
> simplify situation where different drivers need the same dependency library
> (libpg, libsqlite, etc.). Also there are several raster/vector drivers which
> need a separate directory but now presented in ogr or frmts directories.
> There are some bad decisions I made - for example I moved unit tests into
> separate repository - this was a mistake. We will return unit tests back to
> GDAL repository.
> An example of cmake friendly way see
> The driver developer must only create new folder and put CMakeLists.txt file
> into it. The upper CMake script will find new driver and add it to GDAL
> build. In common cases no need to modify upper CMake scripts.
> 2. I remove third-party code from drivers folders (TIFF, GeoTIF, PNG, JPEG
> etc). All this code are in separate repositories. I don't see the difference
> to get this code from git pull from main GDAL repository or from the
> separate repository via find_anyproject process. Current GDAL repository
> looks like the packed in one repository.
> In conclusion:
> 1. Borsch added flexible and useful features and not remove existing
> approach
> 2. The current cmaked GDAL are in production in my company more than a year
> on Windows, Linix, Mac OS, iOS, Android.
> 3. I'm ready to discuss and improve current solution. Any help are welcome
> 4. I also will be happy to contribute directly or via PR into GDAL trunk
> instead of backporting in both directions improvements that we do in GDAL .
> Finally:
> Find the link to page with the CMake in GDAL discussion -
> --
> Best regards,
> Dmitry
> ___
> gdal-dev mailing list

Alexander Bruy
gdal-dev mailing list

[gdal-dev] Adding more stuff to Python bindings

2017-03-01 Thread Alexander Bruy
Hi devs,

I want to add to Python bindings some functions which currently are
available only
in C API. Are there any instructions about how to proceed? As I
understand, I need to add function declaration to the
swing/include/Operations.i and also add missed
type definitions somewhere. Is this correct approach?

Alexander Bruy
gdal-dev mailing list

[gdal-dev] Crop raster without changing output pixel size

2013-09-25 Thread Alexander Bruy
Hi all,

I have a georeferenced raster and want to crop it using shapefile as
mask layer. I use next command:

gdalwarp -q -cutline myshape.shp -crop_to_cutline -of GTiff input.tif output.tif

All fine except one thing: the output raster has another pixel size than input.
For example, input raster has pixel size 0.0083,-0.0083, and output
has 0.00833129,-0.00833387. I suspect this is related to rounding and 0.5
pixel offset (top left corner vs. pixel center).

When mask is rectangle, I can use gdal_traslate to clip, but often I need to
crop raster by non-rectangular mask.

Is it possible to do this without raster grid resampling? Keeping pixel size
is very important for further analysis.

Alexander Bruy
gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] Crop raster without changing output pixel size

2013-09-25 Thread Alexander Bruy
2013/9/25 Jukka Rahkonen
 Have a try by -tr together with -tap

 I guess it will give about what you want.

Thanks for hints, I'll try this. But seems to use -tr option I should
first calculate resolution of the output raster. This can work for
time from time usage, but not for automated processing.

Anyway, thanks for your help.

Alexander Bruy
gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] zonal statistics with gdal

2012-06-19 Thread Alexander Bruy

you can use GDAL Python bindigs for this [0, 1]. The process may look
as open shape and raster, then convert pixel coordinates into map (shape)
coordinates and process only pixels inside your polygon.


2012/6/19 jdmorgan

 Is there a way to do something along the lines of zonal statistics with
 gdal.  Basically, I have a county shape file and a classified raster
 dataset.  I would like to count the number of raster pixels/county (FIPS).
 Is this possible with GDAL/OGR?  If so can someone point me in the right
 direction?  If so, awesome as I plan to do some automation with python.



Hope this helps
Alexander Bruy
gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] Request to Visual Studio 2008+ users

2012-04-22 Thread Alexander Bruy

just finished compiling using your instructions and it compiles

2012/4/22 Mateusz Loskot

 I'm looking for a but of assistance from GDAL hackers
 who use Visual Studio 2008 or later.
 I'd be thankful if someone could conduct the following test for me
 against the current GDAL trunk:

 0) Grab sources from GDAL from SVN trunk or *clean* the sources tree 
 so cpl_config.h as well as all intermediate, .obj and output binaries
 are wiped out

 1) Create nmake.local

 2) Put the following 6 lines in nmake.local


 3) nmake /f MSVC_VER= DEBUG-1

 where  is 1500 (VS2008) or 1600 (VS2010).

 4) Does GDAL build successfully for you?
 If not, what errors are reported.

 Thanks in advance!

 Best regards,
 Mateusz Loskot,

Alexander Bruy
gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] Request to Visual Studio 2008+ users

2012-04-22 Thread Alexander Bruy
2012/4/22 Mateusz Loskot
 On 22 April 2012 14:24, Alexander Bruy wrote:

 just finished compiling using your instructions and it compiles fine

 Would you mine sharing details of Visual Studio version you use?
I use Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Version 9.0.30729.1 SP (Express
Edition). Also I have Windows Server 2003 R2 Platform SDK installed.

Alexander Bruy
gdal-dev mailing list

[gdal-dev] gdal2tiles crashes on some rasters

2011-12-14 Thread Alexander Bruy
Hi all,

I have troubles using gdal2tiles. When I try to generate tiles from raster
it fails with error

Generating Base Tiles:
ERROR 5: Illegal values for buffer size
ERROR 5: Illegal values for buffer size
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /usr/bin/, line 2241, in module
  File /usr/bin/, line 478, in process
  File /usr/bin/, line 1276, in generate_base_tiles
dsquery.WriteRaster(wx, wy, wxsize, wysize, data,
line 746, in WriteRaster
buf_pixel_space, buf_line_space, buf_band_space )
TypeError: not a string

Here is my command -z '8-14' --srcnodata=0 merc_SHL_tmv.tif ./output

gdalinfo reports that raster georeferenced

Coordinate System is:
PROJCS[WGS 84 / UTM zone 54N,
SPHEROID[WGS 84,6378137,298.257223563,

When I set input CRS in gdal2tiles command and try again same error appears.
Also I try to warp input raster to Google Mercator using this command

gdalwarp -t_srs '+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0
+lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0
+y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext  +no_defs' SHL_tmv.tif

and generate tiles from reprojected image. Same result.
But for some other raster after reprojecting with same command gdal2tiles works.
Any ideas what is wrong?

Alexander Bruy
gdal-dev mailing list

[gdal-dev] Strange behavior of gdalwarp with -overwrite option

2011-11-08 Thread Alexander Bruy
Hi all,

in gdalwarp documentation [0] listed option -overwrite with next description:
(GDAL = 1.8.0) Overwrite the target dataset if it already exists.

But when I try to reproject image using next command

gdalwarp -t_srs EPSG:4326 -overwrite mosaic.tif mosaic.tif

i get next error

Creating output file that is 9122P x 2341L.
ERROR 4: `mosaic.tif' not recognised as a supported file format.

and mosaic.tif becomes 8 bytes size file (seems only tif header).
Is this bug or I misunderstand -overwrite option usage?
Tested on Slackware 13.37, GDAL 1.8.1, released 2011/07/09.



Alexander Bruy
gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] Re: Strange behavior of gdalwarp with -overwrite option

2011-11-08 Thread Alexander Bruy

2011/11/8 Even Rouault
 And you spend half and hour understanding why it has not been reprojected in
 EPSG:. The default behaviour being that once the target dataset exists, it
 is only updated, but not modified in depth.

 gdalwarp something.tif something.tif -t_srs EPSG: makes no sense, with or
 without -overwrite (and -overwrite will actually kill your target, ahem,
 source - since source=target - as you have seen !). Reprojection in place
 cannot work. You must specify a different target dataset. I can imagine that a
 safety check would make sense to detect such obvious error...
Thanks for clarification. So answer on my question is: in place reprojection not
working and -overwrite option only necessary if I want to recreate output image
(not usefull IMHO, because I can specify another one output).

Alexander Bruy
gdal-dev mailing list

[gdal-dev] GDAL Pascal bindings

2011-08-20 Thread Alexander Bruy
Hi all,

some time ago I start to write Pascal bindings for GDAL library.
Here is current results, maybe anyone find them useful

Currently only OGR part tested (see examples in demo directory).
I continue to work on it, but there are also several projects I'm
involved, so any help is welcome.

Alexander Bruy
gdal-dev mailing list

[gdal-dev] Raster size and ReadAsArray()

2011-08-03 Thread Alexander Bruy

There is a well-know problem: reading really large rasters or bands
into memory with DataSource.ReadAsArray() method impossible due
memory limitations. For example, when I try to read one band with
size 53109x29049 I get error:

File C:\OSGeo4W\apps\Python25\lib\site-packages\osgeo\, line
727, in ReadAsArray
return gdalnumeric.DatasetReadAsArray( self, xoff, yoff, xsize,
ysize, buf_obj )
File C:\OSGeo4W\apps\Python25\lib\site-packages\osgeo\,
line 162, in DatasetReadAsArray
return BandReadAsArray( ds.GetRasterBand(1), xoff, yoff, xsize,
ysize, buf_obj = buf_obj)
File C:\OSGeo4W\apps\Python25\lib\site-packages\osgeo\,
line 228, in BandReadAsArray
ar = numpy.empty([buf_ysize,buf_xsize], dtype = typecode)
ValueError: dimensions too large.

I want to know is it possible to get maximum raster size that can be handled
using ReadAsArray() without errors because I want to implement a fallback
algorithm for large rasters in my tool.

Currently I try to implement it with try-except statement but maybe
there is more
elegant solution?

Alexander Bruy
gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] Raster size and ReadAsArray()

2011-08-03 Thread Alexander Bruy

2011/8/3 Antonio Valentino
 In my experience using too large chunks of memory can cause,
 paradoxically, slowdowns.
 My suggestion is to define a reasonable maximum size for arrays in your
 application/library and switch to the fallback algorithm for large
 rasters every time that MAX_SIZE is exceeded, even if using ReadAsArray
 still works.

Thanks for suggestion, I already think about this.

2011/8/3 Even Rouault
 It is difficult to predict in all cases. But there are a few things to keep in
 mind. Do you use a 32 bit build of GDAL or a 64 bit one ? If it is a 32 bit,
 then your memory allocations are generally limited to 2 GB by process, and
 much of the time even less because it is difficult to get reliably a 
 area of virtual memory of such a size. 53109 x 29049 = 1.5 GB if your data is
 of type Byte and if your dataset has only one band (multiply by the number of
 bands and the size in byte of the band data type). With a 64 bit build of GDAL
 and enough RAM, that should work more reliably.

Personally I use 32-bit system and 32-bit GDAL, but I want to make my tool
flexible as much as possible. This is why I look for method to get maximum
raster size that fits into memory limits.

 Currently I try to implement it with try-except statement but maybe
 there is more
 elegant solution?

 Yes, work with smaller buffers...

Thanks again for all yours suggestions guys. Will try to implement this.

Alexander Bruy
gdal-dev mailing list

[gdal-dev] Possible bug. Clipping raster with gdalwarp.

2011-05-21 Thread Alexander Bruy

when I clip singleband raster in GeoTiff format using shapefile as mask layer
with gdalwarp I get two bands raster in output. First band is clipped raster and
second - rasterized mask. Is this bug or feature? Is it really necessary to save
rasterized mask?

I use next command
gdalwarp -q -cutline mask.shp -dstalpha -of GTiff clearcuts.tif

Alexander Bruy
gdal-dev mailing list

[gdal-dev] Merge rasters by bands

2011-04-23 Thread Alexander Bruy
Hi all,

is it possible to merge several multiband rasters in single multiband raster
by bands? For example, merge two 6-bands rasters into single 12-bands

Using I get only 2 bands with or without -separate option.

Any hints how to do this?

Alexander Bruy
gdal-dev mailing list

[gdal-dev] Problems building GDAL 1.8.0 from sources

2011-04-11 Thread Alexander Bruy
Hi all,

I try to build GDAL 1.8.0 under Salckware 13.1 with GRASS support.
As first step I build GDAL without GRASS support with this options
./configure --prefix=/usr \
  --exec-prefix=$PKG/usr \
  --with-pymoddir=/usr/lib/python/site-packages \
  --with-libtiff=/usr/lib \
  --with-geotiff=/usr/lib \
  --with-geos=yes \
  --with-jasper=yes \
  --with-sqlite3=/usr \
  --with-poppler=yes \
  --with-static-proj4 \
  --with-python \
  --program-prefix= \
  --program-suffix= \

With this options GDAL uses system (external) libs and libtiff without BigTIFF
LIBTIFF support:   external (BigTIFF=no)

But ./configure script can't find SQLite

checking for sqlite3_open in -lsqlite3... no
checking for SQLite3 library = 3.0.0... disabled

SQLite installed and all libs and includes available.
I think this is because libdl - the dynamic linker library don't
automatically supported on Slackware. This is first issue.

Ok, I build GDAL without SQLite, then I build and install
GRASS 6.4.1RC1. Now when I try to configure GDAL
with GRASS as
./configure --prefix=/usr \
  --exec-prefix=$PKG/usr \
  --with-pymoddir=/usr/lib/python/site-packages \
  --with-libtiff=/usr/lib \
  --with-geotiff=/usr/lib \
  --with-geos=yes \
  --with-jasper=yes \
  --with-sqlite3=/usr \
  --with-poppler=yes \
  --with-grass=/usr/grass-6.4.1RC1 \
  --with-static-proj4 \
  --with-python \
  --program-prefix= \
  --program-suffix= \

I get strange output about libtiff support
LIBTIFF support:   external (BigTIFF=yes)

Strange, previous build have BigTIFF=no...
Also building with this config failed with errors

geotiff.cpp: In member function ‘virtual CPLErr
geotiff.cpp:1383: error: ‘TIFFUnsetField’ was not declared in this scope
geotiff.cpp: In member function ‘void GTiffDataset::WriteGeoTIFFInfo()’:
geotiff.cpp:4183: error: ‘TIFFUnsetField’ was not declared in this scope
geotiff.cpp: In static member function ‘static int
GTiffDataset::WriteMetadata(GDALDataset*, TIFF*, int, const char*,
const char*, char**, int)’:
geotiff.cpp:4635: error: ‘TIFFUnsetField’ was not declared in this scope
make[2]: *** [../o/geotiff.lo] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/tmp/txz/gdal-1.8.0/frmts/gtiff'
make[1]: *** [gtiff-install-obj] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/tmp/txz/gdal-1.8.0/frmts'
make: *** [frmts-target] Error 2

Any thoughts why this happens and how can be fixed?

Alexander Bruy
gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] Get pixel values from all bands

2011-03-17 Thread Alexander Bruy
Thanks Mateusz,

just tested and all works fine

Alexander Bruy
gdal-dev mailing list

[gdal-dev] Get pixel values from all bands

2011-03-16 Thread Alexander Bruy
Hi all

I work on raster processing application (developed with C++ and Qt).
For reading rasters we use GDAL and it's C++ API.

For one task we need to get pixel values from all raster bands. For
this I get all GDALRasterBands and store them in list. Then in loop
read image row by row and store row from each band in another list.

Here is simplified code

// iterate over image row by row
for ( int row = 0; row  ySize; ++row )
  // read one row from each band and store it in list
  for ( int b = 0; b  bandCount; ++b )
float *scanline;
scanline = (float *) CPLMalloc( sizeof( float ) * xSize );
bands[ i ]-RasterIO( GF_Read, 0, row, xSize, 1, scanline, xSize,
  1, GDT_Float32, 0, 0 );
rows[ i ] = scanline;

  // iterate on pixels in row
  for (int col = 0; col  ySize; ++col)
// get pixel value from bands
float pixel[bandCount];
for ( int r = 0; r  bandCount; ++r )
   // get value in (row, col) from band r
   double pixel[r] = rows[ r ][ col ];
// do something with this pixel

Is this correct approach? Or maybe there is another more correct way
to do this?

Also I'm not sure where I should free memory allocated with CPLMalloc().
After reading pixels and before reading next rows or at end when
all rows processed?

I'm not a big C++ programmer, so any help is very appreciated

Alexander Bruy
gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] RFC 29 - OGR Ignored Fields Applied in Trunk

2010-10-19 Thread Alexander Bruy
Thanks for this Frank

We used this functionality in our project and were forced to compile GDAL
with this patch. Also we add this capability to the SQLite driver.
I've upload our patch for it this evening

2010/10/19 Frank Warmerdam

 With minor adjustments and the addition of swig bindings and a test suite
 I have committed Martin's changes for RFC 29 - OGR field ignoring.

 Testing is welcome.  We could of course benefit from implementation of
 this capability in many other drivers - especially RDBMS drivers, and it
 would be nice to have some applications taking advantage of it.

 Best regards,
 I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
 light and sound - activate the windows |
 and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Programmer for Rent

 gdal-dev mailing list

Alexander Bruy
gdal-dev mailing list

[gdal-dev] Accessing in-memory shapefiles and db

2010-09-28 Thread Alexander Bruy
Hi all,

I've develop a small GIS tool and use GDAL/OGR to work with raster and
vector data.

Is it possible to access shapefiles which loaded in memory with OGR?
And same things with SpatiaLite databases? I know that SQLIte/SpatiaLite
can create in-memory DB. But is it possible to access such databases
with OGR?

Small example or any hinst will be very useful


Alexander Bruy
gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] Problem with pixel/line coordinates

2010-06-18 Thread Alexander Bruy
Thanks for your explanation, Frank! Now it works fine

On Thu, 17 Jun 2010 13:59:46 -0400
Frank Warmerdam wrote:

 I believe the addition of 0.5 in the above is incorrect.  In the
 simple, non-rotated case, all values from geoTransform[0]
 to geoTransform[0] + geoTransform[1] would be on the 1st
 pixel (ie. pX = 0).  As you have coded it, when you are half
 way across the pixel you are switching into the next one.
 Keep in mind that (geoTransform[0],geoTransform[3])
 is the top left corner of the top left pixel - not the center.
  def pixelToMap( pX, pY, geoTransform ):
   mX, mY = applyGeoTransform( pX, pY, geoTransform )
   return mX, mY
 Conversely, here if pX and pY are coming in as integer
 rather than floating point values, then you will likely want
 to add half a pixel before transforming so that you get
 the geoeferenced location of the center of the pixel rather
 than the upper left corner.

Alexander Bruy
gdal-dev mailing list

[gdal-dev] Problem with pixel/line coordinates

2010-06-17 Thread Alexander Bruy

I use next code to translate real coordinates (lat/lon) to the pixel/line

def mapToPixel( mX, mY, geoTransform ):
  if geoTransform[ 2 ] + geoTransform[ 4 ] == 0:
pX = ( mX - geoTransform[ 0 ] ) / geoTransform[ 1 ]
pY = ( mY - geoTransform[ 3 ] ) / geoTransform[ 5 ]
pX, pY = applyGeoTransform( mX, mY, invertGeoTransform( geoTransform ) )
  return int( pX + 0.5 ), int( pY + 0.5 )

def pixelToMap( pX, pY, geoTransform ):
  mX, mY = applyGeoTransform( pX, pY, geoTransform )
  return mX, mY

def applyGeoTransform( inX, inY, geoTransform ):
  outX = geoTransform[ 0 ] + inX * geoTransform[ 1 ] + inY * geoTransform[ 2 ]
  outY = geoTransform[ 3 ] + inX * geoTransform[ 4 ] + inY * geoTransform[ 5 ]
  return outX, outY

def invertGeoTransform( geoTransform ):
  det = geoTransform[ 1 ] * geoTransform[ 5 ] - geoTransform[ 2 ] * 
geoTransform[ 4 ]

  if abs( det )  0.001:

  invDet = 1.0 / det

  # compute adjoint and divide by determinate
  outGeoTransform = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
  outGeoTransform[ 1 ] = geoTransform[ 5 ] * invDet
  outGeoTransform[ 4 ] = -geoTransform[ 4 ] * invDet

  outGeoTransform[ 2 ] = -geoTransform[ 2 ] * invDet
  outGeoTransfrom[ 5 ] = geoTransform[ 1 ] * invDet

  outGeoTransform[ 0 ] = ( geoTransform[ 2 ] * geoTransform[ 3 ] - 
geoTransform[ 0 ] * geoTransform[ 5 ] ) * invDet
  outGeoTransform[ 3 ] = ( -geoTransform[ 1 ] * geoTransform[ 3 ] + 
geoTransform[ 0 ] * geoTransform[ 4 ] ) * invDet

  return outGeoTransform

When I test it on large raster (in AIG/Arc/Info Binary Grid format)
I get next problem: raster value in some points reported by script
is differ from value reported by Info tool in QGIS and/or ArcGIS.
But for another points reported raster value is correct.

As I understand, when point is near pixel border, MapToPixel function
return wrong result - row and column of neighbour pixel. For example,
if point is near right side of the pixel I get column and row for right 
neighbour pixel not for pixel I need. Same problem when point is near
top side of pixel, I get colunm and row for top neighbour pixel.

Is it possible to get correct result for all points? May be there is a
mistake in code. Any help and suggestions are welcome.

I can upload sample data if necessary but they are large (~330 Mb)

I'm use GDAL 1.6.3 with Python 2.5.2 under Linux.


Alexander Bruy
gdal-dev mailing list

[gdal-dev] Re: Handling CPG (encoding) file

2010-05-25 Thread Alexander Bruy

GIS-Lab community has worked on this and here is our results.
We develop a patch which add two methods GetEncoding and SetEncoding.
At this time only GetEncoding for shapefiles is realised. With this
methods programmer can get encoding programmatically. Patch
uploaded to the bugtracker:

How this works: first we try to read DBF LDID and get encoding from
here (even CPG file is available), if LDID is 0 or 87 (system encoding)
driver will try to read encoding from CPG file.

Encoding in CPG file can be written according to the DBF LanguageID
standard or according to the codepages ANSI, OEM etc. GetEncoding
method will handle all this variants automatically.

We'd appreciate if someone could have a look and sign off or comment on the 
proposed patch.

On Sun, 23 May 2010 19:11:46 +0300
Alexander Bruy wrote:

 Hi devs,
 few days ago in qgis-developer mailing list we discuss codepage handling
 in QGIS and GDAL
 Also there is post in this list with related problem
 Seems than shapelib supports codepages in CPG file and LDID both for
 reading and creating DBFs. But OGR doesn't seem to use or expose that
 Our community want to add to the OGR shapefile driver ability to
 read/write CPG file and ready to work on this and create a patch.
 Any hints and suggestions are welcome. We really need this

Alexander Bruy
gdal-dev mailing list

[gdal-dev] Handling CPG (encoding) file

2010-05-23 Thread Alexander Bruy
Hi devs,

few days ago in qgis-developer mailing list we discuss codepage handling
in QGIS and GDAL

Also there is post in this list with related problem

Seems than shapelib supports codepages in CPG file and LDID both for
reading and creating DBFs. But OGR doesn't seem to use or expose that

Our community want to add to the OGR shapefile driver ability to
read/write CPG file and ready to work on this and create a patch.
Any hints and suggestions are welcome. We really need this


Alexander Bruy
gdal-dev mailing list

[gdal-dev] Create new fields in existing shapefile with Python

2010-04-29 Thread Alexander Bruy
Hi all,

when writing a script in Python for processing shapefiles I found
that I can add to the shapefile new fields with the same name many
times without any error or warning. But AFAIK all fields in shapefile
must have unique field names. Is this a bug and I need to post a
ticket? Or maybe I do something wrong?

Here is code

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

  from osgeo import ogr
except ImportError:
  import ogr

import sys

def createField( inLayer, fieldName ):
  fieldDef = ogr.FieldDefn( fieldName, ogr.OFTReal )
  fieldDef.SetWidth( 12 )
  fieldDef.SetPrecision( 4 )
  if inLayer.CreateField( fieldDef ) != 0:
print Can't create field %s % fieldDef.GetNameRef()
return False
  return True

if __name__ == '__main__':
  args = sys.argv[ 1: ]
  filePath = args[ 0 ]
  inShape = ogr.Open( filePath, True )
  if inShape is None:
print 'Unable to open shapefile', filePath
sys.exit( 1 )

  inLayer = inShape.GetLayer( 0 )
  for i in range( 3 ):
name = 'new_field'
if not createField( inLayer, name ):
  print 'ERROR'
  sys.exit( 1 )

Script get from commandline path to any shapefile and adds to it
4 new fields with same name.
My software GDAL/OGR 1.6.3 with Python 2.5.2 under Linux.

Alexander Bruy
gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] Real and raster coordinates

2010-03-25 Thread Alexander Bruy
Thanks! That what I need

2010/3/25 Pinner, Luke
 The following module might help, use the mapToPixel() function.

    from osgeo import gdal
 except ImportError:
    import gdal

 def mapToPixel(mx,my,gt):
    ''' Convert map to pixel coordinates
       �...@param  mx    Input map x coordinate (double)
       �...@param  my    Input map y coordinate (double)
       �...@param  gt    Input geotransform (six doubles)
       �...@return px,py Output coordinates (two doubles)
    if gt[2]+gt[4]==0: #Simple calc, no inversion required
        px = (mx - gt[0]) / gt[1]
        py = (my - gt[3]) / gt[5]
    return int(px+0.5),int(py+0.5)

 def pixelToMap(px,py,gt):
    ''' Convert pixel to map coordinates
       �...@param  px    Input pixel x coordinate (double)
       �...@param  py    Input pixel y coordinate (double)
       �...@param  gt    Input geotransform (six doubles)
       �...@return mx,my Output coordinates (two doubles)
    return mx,my

 def ApplyGeoTransform(inx,iny,gt):
    ''' Apply a geotransform
       �...@param  inx       Input x coordinate (double)
       �...@param  iny       Input y coordinate (double)
       �...@param  gt        Input geotransform (six doubles)
       �...@return outx,outy Output coordinates (two doubles)
    outx = gt[0] + inx*gt[1] + iny*gt[2]
    outy = gt[3] + inx*gt[4] + iny*gt[5]
    return (outx,outy)

  def InvGeoTransform(gt_in):

Alexander Bruy
gdal-dev mailing list

[gdal-dev] Real and raster coordinates

2010-03-24 Thread Alexander Bruy

I have a georeferenced raster and coordinates of some point (lat, lon)
inside raster. Is it possible
to convert this lat/lon coordinates to raster coordinates (column and row)?

I use GDAL 1.6.3 with Python 2.5 (installed with OSGeo4W installer).

Alexander Bruy
gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] Raster algebra with Gdal and Python

2010-01-31 Thread Alexander Bruy
2010/2/1 Greg Coats
 Yes, GDAL can successfully process images with 15,000 columns by 15,000 rows. 
 I have used GDAL on a computer with only 3 GB RAM to process an image with 
 Image Width: 260,000 Image Length: 195,000. What version of GAL are you 
 using? Are you using GDAL 1.7.0? What operating system are you using? How 
 much RAM is available to GDAL? Greg

I'm using GDAL 1.6.3 under Linux Slackware 12.2, and I plan to upgrade
to 1.7.0 today.
My computer has 2 Gb RAM and 2 Gb swap, but now I can't test this
error by myself because I have no large files. This error was reported
by users, they test code on several
Windows XP boxes with 4 Gb RAM.
I get large rasters today and try to reproduce this error.

Alexander Bruy
gdal-dev mailing list