Re: [gdal-dev] extra spaces when writing to AAIGRID format

2011-12-15 Thread Eli Adam

> E.g., if I try to write a 3x3 grid that ArcGIS can read, it needs to look
> something like this:
> ncols        3
> nrows        3
> xllcorner    100.
> yllcorner    100.
> cellsize     0.1000
> 1.0 1.4809201955795288 1.4809201955795288
> 0.11773009598255157 0.15476560592651367 0.86710774898529053
> 0.17429724335670471 0.76037305593490601 10.00
> Instead, the ascii file written by GDAL looks like this (which can't be read
> by ArcGIS because of extra leading spaces in the first line of the data):

What is the ArcGIS error?  I tried these files on ArcMap 9.3 and 10.0
and had no issues that I realized.  (to display in a meaningful
manner, I had to change the symbology which required the calculation
of statistics in ArcGIS.  I also changed the cellsize to .1 so I could
more easily examine the pixels and values.)

Below looks like a 3x4 grid that is labeled as 5x5 but even that
worked for me in ArcGIS (didn't throw error but values were not where

> ncols        5
> nrows        5
> xllcorner    100.
> yllcorner    100.
> cellsize     0.1000
>      1 1.4809201955795288 1.4809201955795288
>  0.25947147607803345 0.71342569589614868 2.810183288701
>  0.11773009598255157 0.15476560592651367 0.86710774898529053
>  0.17429724335670471 0.76037305593490601     10 0.74458205699920654

All 4 of of Even's files worked for me too.

HTH, Eli
gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] Some tables from mdb not exported to PostGIS

2012-02-12 Thread Eli Adam
Assuming that you are using ogr2ogr on the xp computer, you can fairly
easily setup ODBC connections for the non-spatial tables,

Doing the same from linux is somewhat more difficult, the easiest path
I think to be

You can see some of my previous similar attempts,

And this general topic seems to be ongoing so which version you are
using may be relevant depending on specifics,

Bests, Eli

On Fri, Jan 27, 2012 at 6:50 PM, jjap  wrote:
> Greetings,
> ogr2ogr has allowed me to successfully convert an ESRI personnal geodatabase
> from a Windows XP computer to an Ubuntu server 11.04 running PostGIS 1.5
> with proper encoding . The tables containing the blob/shapefiles all made it
> but not the others. Am I right to presume I'll have to migrate those other
> tables by hand and rebuild references?
> Am I missing some options which would have allowed me to do it in one fell
> swoop? Any hints appreciated.
> --
> View this message in context: 
> Sent from the GDAL - Dev mailing list archive at
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[gdal-dev] OGR SQL CAST and field name alias selects incorrect fields in some cases

2012-02-15 Thread Eli Adam
Hi all,

I'm trying to use OGR SQL to CAST and field name aliasing together and
getting incorrect results (or issuing incorrect commands) when
combined with two LEFT JOINs on MDB (both ODBC and MDB drivers).  The
results are incorrect in that the fields are populated with incorrect
information, specially, filling it with other fields that are not
selected at all.  I'm seeing this in windows close to trunk (ODBC) and
a statically compiled ubuntu 10.04 trunk from a few months ago (Access
MDB/Java/Jackess).  The data is somewhat messy so it could be a case
of ambiguous table/query names after some shortening is applied or
something similar although nothing jumps out in that regard to me.
Both the tables that are joined to have a field named DocumentName.
Also, the way I am using the CAST in this case isn't needed but I ran
into it and wanted to report it.

The simple case works as I expect:
ogr2ogr surveys_simply_cast2.shp Surveys.shp -sql "SELECT
CAST(surveyid AS character(255)) AS surveyid_alias, COMMENT FROM
Surveys" Warning 6: Normalized/laundered field name: 'surveyid_alias'
to 'surveyid_a'

Specifically, I get a field named surveyid_a that is character 255 and
has the correct content:
ogrinfo -al -so surveys_simply_cast2.shp surveys_simply_cast2
surveyid_a: String (255.0)
COMMENT: String (15.0)

Now I try the same thing with two LEFT JOINs to mdb/ODBC:
ogr2ogr surveys_output_two_fields.shp Surveys.shp -sql "SELECT
CAST(webimage AS character(255)) AS webimage_1,  CAST(SubdivisionName
AS character(255)) AS Subdivisio FROM Surveys LEFT JOIN
'ODBC:cygwinSurveys'.Local_Survey_Image ON
Surveys.surveyid=Local_Survey_Image.DocumentName LEFT JOIN
'ODBC:cygwinSurveys'.Survey ON Surveys.surveyid=Survey.DocumentName"

Warning 6: Field FileDate create as date field, though DateTime requested.

This gives me the fields that I expect:
ogrinfo -al -so surveys_output_two_fields.shp surveys_output_two_fields
webimage_1: String (255.0)
Subdivisio: String (255.0)

However, they are populated with incorrect information.  The field
webimage_1 is filled with values from the field
cygwinSurveys.Survey.Comments.  The field Subdivisio is filled with
values from cygwinSurveys.Survey.ImagePilot (or Net_PDF - yes there
are two fields with identical information).  Adding --debug ON shows
that these tables don't have FID columns (I could not see all the
debug content but that seemed to be the only non-routine information):
OGR_ODBC: Table Local_Survey_Image has no identified FID column.

On Ubuntu, the results are the same, my command is:
ogr2ogr  /tmp/surveys_etl/surveys.shp /tmp/surveys_etl/Surveys.shp
-sql " SELECT Surveys.surveyid AS SURVEYID,DocumentName AS
DocumentNa,SurveyorKey as SurveyorKe,CAST(webimage AS character(255))
AS webimage_1,FileDate,Client, SurveyType,ClerkNumber AS
ClerkNumbe,CAST(SubdivisionName AS character(255)) AS Subdivisio FROM
Surveys LEFT JOIN '/tmp/surveys_etl/Surveys.mdb'.Survey ON
Surveys.surveyid=Survey.DocumentName LEFT JOIN
'/tmp/surveys_etl/Surveys.mdb'.Local_Survey_Image ON

Excluding the CAST gives the correct results:
ogr2ogr surveys_output_no_cast.shp Surveys.shp -sql "SELECT webimage
AS webimage_1, SubdivisionName AS Subdivisio FROM Surveys LEFT JOIN
'ODBC:cygwinSurveys'.Local_Survey_Image ON
Surveys.surveyid=Local_Survey_Image.DocumentName LEFT JOIN
'ODBC:cygwinSurveys'.Survey ON Surveys.surveyid=Survey.DocumentName"

Trying to reintroduce the CAST with only one join works correctly (for
either join):
ogr2ogr surveys_output_singel_join.shp Surveys.shp -sql "SELECT
CAST(webimage AS character(255)) AS webimage_1 FROM Surveys LEFT JOIN
'ODBC:cygwinSurveys'.Local_Survey_Image ON

ogr2ogr surveys_output_singleb.shp Surveys.shp -sql "SELECT
CAST(SubdivisionName AS character(255)) AS Subdivisio FROM Surveys
LEFT JOIN 'ODBC:cygwinSurveys'.Survey ON

I can package this up for download by anyone interested, just contact
me offline for the link.  (I can also include the statically compiled
binary as well although it may only work on Ubuntu 10.04 with
Java/Jackess/etc and called setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH.)

Bests, Eli
gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] gdal post - boundary polygone for rectified images

2012-02-21 Thread Eli Adam

> Or if just there is a way to create a vector file showing the boundary of
> the rectified image.
> What I am searching is a script in "gdal style" in order to automate the
> procedure for several rasters without further user input.

OGR has tindex which makes a shapefile outline of rasters,

HTH, Eli
gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] Re: Slope in gdaldem

2012-03-01 Thread Eli Adam

> additional processing steps they can.  How does adding code to gdal work?

Just from an observer perspective, it seems that once you have your
additions worked out, attach a diff on on trac ticket.  The details
for how to do that are: sign up for an osgeo userid, (if you don't already have one),
login to the gdal trac and then open a new ticket,

I don't know the likelihood of one of the developers adding it in,
someone might comment on the ticket about that (could depend on the
code, impacts to other parts, etc).  Putting it in a ticket also makes
it available to anyone that may want to  locally apply it for

HTH, Eli

> Best,
> Steve
> float GDALSlopeHydroAlg (float* afWin, float fDstNoDataValue, void* pData)
> {
>     // Hydrologic Slope is the max
>     //  local slope btw center cell and adjacent cells
>     const double radiansToDegrees = 180.0 / M_PI;
>     GDALSlopeAlgData* psData = (GDALSlopeAlgData*)pData;
>     double key;
>     float pafLocalMin = afWin[0];
>      float pafLocalMax = afWin[0];
>     for ( int k = 1; k < 9; k++)
>     {
>     if (afWin[k] < pafLocalMin)
>     {
>     pafLocalMin=afWin[k];
>     }
>     if (afWin[k] > pafLocalMax)
>     {
>     pafLocalMax=afWin[k];
>     }
>     }
>     key = afWin[4] - pafLocalMin;
>     if (key < 0)
>  {
>         key = afWin[4] - pafLocalMax;
>  }
>     if (psData->slopeFormat == 1)
>     return (float) (atan(sqrt(key) / (2*psData->scale)) *
> radiansToDegrees);
>     else
>     return (float) (100*(sqrt(key) / (2*psData->scale)));
> }
> ___
> gdal-dev mailing list
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Re: [gdal-dev] ogr2ogr creates empty shape files

2012-03-01 Thread Eli Adam

> how would one prevent OGR2OGR from creating an empty target files
> when a WHERE condition returns no records from the source files? This

I know that there is a COUNT() that can be used in the SELECT part.
I've never tried it in the WHERE part.  You might be able to try that.

> question came up during a batch process where dozens or even hundreds of files
> are converted and further processed. Is there an option besides of
> manually deleting those files?

Depending on how you are doing your batch process, you can use ogrinfo
with COUNT() as a test to decide if you should do the ogr2ogr part.

HTH, Eli

> wolfgang
> ___
> gdal-dev mailing list
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Re: [gdal-dev] Re: strange behaviour with gdalwarp and LZW compression

2012-03-06 Thread Eli Adam

  I think that is expected.  You can read a little more about it
and a recommended work around (VRT) here,

Bests, Eli

>> The problem arise if I insert the options -co COMPRESS=LZW at the
>> warping. The process end successfully but the resulting geotiff is 6
>> times the size of the original one!
gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] Re: strange behaviour with gdalwarp and LZW compression

2012-03-06 Thread Eli Adam
Reading further, I learn about OPTIMIZE_SIZE,

Can OPTIMIZE_SIZE be set from the command line?


On Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 3:41 PM, Eli Adam  wrote:
> Stefano,
>      I think that is expected.  You can read a little more about it
> and a recommended work around (VRT) here,
> Bests, Eli
>>> The problem arise if I insert the options -co COMPRESS=LZW at the
>>> warping. The process end successfully but the resulting geotiff is 6
>>> times the size of the original one!
gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] Ogr2OGR for GeoJSON fails on windows 7

2012-03-29 Thread Eli Adam

I think you might have some minor typos:

> ogr2ogr -f "geoJSAON CENO.json CENOVUS.shp

"GeoJSON" not
"geoJSAon [no ending double quote either]

HTH, Eli
gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] Ogr2OGR for GeoJSON fails on windows 7

2012-03-29 Thread Eli Adam

> My bad , i did typo in writing here. I have written correctly as GeoJSON for
> conversion.

Are you saying that you typed it correctly on the command line and it
still doesn't work?  If so, can you copy your command and error from
the command line to the email?

gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] bring through shapefile attribute in gdal_rasterize

2012-04-09 Thread Eli Adam

> This may be a simple question for most of you but I thought I would
> ask it anyhow as I am at an impasse.  I have a Counties shape file.  I
> am attempting to convert it to raster utilizing gdal_rasterize, and
> this does work.  However, I am attempting to carry into the output
> file the county name preferably e.g. Orange County, or at least a
> county identify of some kind.  I have utilized a command similar to
> the following:
> gdal_rasterize -a COUNTY  -l -sql "select COUNTY, * from Counties"
> Counties Counties.shp CountiesRaster.tif

I think that -l should specify the layer name from the source dataset
not the field.  Typically in a shapefile there is only one layer and
it is the same as the shapefile name.  Try dropping the -l stuff all

gdal_rasterize -a COUNTY Counties.shp CountiesRaster.tif

or if you use it, use it like this:

gdal_rasterize -a COUNTY -l Counties Counties.shp CountiesRaster.tif

> However, when I open the resulting raster file in ArcGIS and click on
> one of the pixel to identify it I don’t see the county name. Is the
> county name there and I am just not seeing it in ArcGIS indentify.  I
> realize there are probably more GDAL intensive ways to check for the
> data, but I am still learning. I was hoping to someone could explain
> to me what I am doing incorrectly.

You can get information from a raster in GDAL with gdallocationinfo.

HTH, Eli

> Thanks,
> Derek
> ___
> gdal-dev mailing list
gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] to find area of shapeFile

2012-06-13 Thread Eli Adam
I'm just guessing here since not much of an email or question made it through.

You can look at this,, specifically

HTH, Eli

On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 4:21 AM, SIVA RAMA KRISHNA
> ___
> gdal-dev mailing list
gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] to find area of shapeFile

2012-06-14 Thread Eli Adam

I'm not sure how to help you with the below code.  Perhaps if you
explain the error someone else on the list might be able to help.

My suggestion was how to get the area using the command line tool ogr2ogr.

Regards, Eli

On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 1:16 AM, SIVA RAMA KRISHNA
>  Eli Adam,
>    i  am Trying To Find Area of A Polygon
>    with the Following Code
> int main()
> {
> OGRRegisterAll();
> OGRLayer *poLayer;
> OGRFeature *poFeature;
> OGRDataSource   *poDS;
> poDS = OGRSFDriverRegistrar::Open( "first.shp");
> poLayer = poDS->GetLayerByName( "first");
> int nCount=poDS->GetLayerCount();
> printf("%d",nCount);
> poLayer->ResetReading();
> OGRGeometry *poGeometry;
> OGRGeometryCollection *PoGC;
> while((poFeature=poLayer->GetNextFeature())!=NULL)
> {
> int nCnt=poFeature->GetFieldCount();
> printf("\n %d",nCnt);
> qDebug()<<"entered";
> poGeometry=poFeature->GetGeometryRef();
>  if(poGeometry !=NULL
>  && wkbFlatten(poGeometry->getGeometryType()) == wkbPolygon)
>  PoGC->addGeometry(poGeometry);
>  double area = PoGC->get_Area() ;
> qDebug() << area ;
>  }
> }
> return 0;
> }
> i am getting Error
> With Regards
> siva
gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] Updating shapefile "fields" name with ogr2ogr

2012-06-22 Thread Eli Adam
I've also found this very confusing and unexpected.  Once I did figure
it out it has been very useful.  Could

ogrinfo CHEMIN.shp -sql "ALTER TABLE CHEMIN RENAME COLUMN prec_alti TO foo"

or similar be added as an example to and
perhaps also as a 'note about ogrinfo with OGR SQL' on

Perhaps could be updated from:

-sql statement:
Execute the indicated SQL statement and return the result.

to something like:

-sql statement:
Execute the indicated SQL statement and return the result. In
place updates (ALTER TABLE) are also permitted.


On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 11:03 PM, Hermann Peifer  wrote:
> On 2012-06-20 19:50, Even Rouault wrote:
>> I know this is going to sound a bit counter-intutive at first...
>> ogrinfo opens datasources in read/write mode by default...
> Just out of curiosity: why does an tool use read/write mode by
> default? One would expect that it only needs to *read* some info in the data
> source?
> Hermann
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