Re: [gdal-dev] NetCDF and datum handling suggestion

2011-09-07 Thread Etienne Tourigny
On Wed, Sep 7, 2011 at 2:33 AM, Even Rouault wrote:

 In case you feel like testing it, the functions needed are
  OGRSpatialReference::importFromProj4() and exportToProj4(), the later
 which is not documented.

 Perhaps others can comment on the suitability of exporttoProj4() ???

 It is documented but doxygen didn't like a macro that was inserted between the
 comment and the function. Should be fixed by r23070


 I'd note that proj4 strings have not all the expressivity of WKT. In
 particular they cannot capture citation strings, or authority name and code.
 So the suitability of using them depends on what you want to do with them.

How important is this information?  Assuming we drop all the citation
strings, or authority names and codes, but retain the important
parameters of each projection (in CF and proj format), are we missing
anything important numerically?

In other words, are there any show-stopper issues that would keep us
from using proj4 instead of wkt?
gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] NetCDF and datum handling suggestion

2011-09-07 Thread Even Rouault
 How important is this information?  Assuming we drop all the citation
 strings, or authority names and codes, but retain the important
 parameters of each projection (in CF and proj format), are we missing
 anything important numerically?
 In other words, are there any show-stopper issues that would keep us
 from using proj4 instead of wkt?

Generally not. You indeed mentionned a significant word, numerically, which 
indicates that you are interested more in the information for reprojection 
purposes, than strict (not to say pedantic ;-)) identification of the SRS. If 
the software that process the dataset all use proj4 and the proj4 string is an 
adequate representation of the SRS, then it is a perfect fit.

There are situations where 2 distincts SRS from the EPSG database will 
translate into identical proj4 string. For example, just looking at the very 
beginning of the epsg file provided with proj4, I can see :

# TWD97
3824 +proj=longlat +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +no_defs  

3889 +proj=longlat +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +no_defs  

The corresponding WKT (given by using gdal utility 'testepsg EPSG:') are :

SPHEROID[GRS 1980,6378137,298.257222101,

SPHEROID[GRS 1980,6378137,298.257222101,

Are the Taiwan_Datum_1997 and Iraqi_Geospatial_Reference_System really the 
same, or is it because we haven't captured the difference, or it is too subtle 
to be modelled with proj4, or it would require some grids that are not 
available, etc... I have no idea.

Also you should be aware that some SRS have no translation into proj4 strings 
due to unsupported projection methods for example.

Using proj4 strings is not a total heresy however. Postgis is a famous and 
widespread example of the use of proj4 strings. Although in the Postgis case, 
the spatial_ref_sys table includes authority names and code columns, and the 
SRID is used as a key in the geometry_columns table. So you can fix proj4 
strings in a centralized way if needed.

Another point to have in mind is that the proj4 strings (at least the ones 
provided in the epsg file that comes with proj4) are generally derived from the 
EPSG database, and there can be imperfections in the way they are translated, 
or later improvements. A recent proj4 change has added for example TOWGS84 
statements in a lot of cases where they were missing before.

You can look at the following page which gives details on how GDAL, proj4, 
libtiff and postgis SRS databases are built from the EPSG database :

Some could also say that proj4 strings are not a very formal definition, and 
that WKT has a better potential to act as a standard. However, reading might be enlightning. 
(Note : apparently the page has been written quite some time ago, and some 
statements do no longer apply, for example the one about PostGIS. PostGIS has 
used proj4 strings and not WKT for a long time. But most of the rest still 
apply however.)

Not sure to really have helped you. There are issues with either using WKT or 
proj4 strings.

 gdal-dev mailing list
gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] NetCDF and datum handling suggestion

2011-09-07 Thread Etienne Tourigny
Thanks for the info Even

I can see that there is not yet One standard to rule them all...
Correct me if I am wrong: is WKT the preferred way GDAL stores the

There was a proposal some time ago in the CF trac to add descriptive
variables such as crs_id (EPSG code),  crs_name and crs_wkt. (pointed out by Patrick)

However, these were dropped because of disagreement between the
participants and the simpler and current approach was adopted (specify
the numeric values of the projection and datum).
Unfortunately, the issue has not been discussed since.

I think our solution should address the following

1) Storing projection and datum in the netcdf file with 100% CF compliance.
2) Storing complete information so that it can be retrieved later by
GDAL, This is already done by writing and reading the WKT.
3) Making sure that the CF and WKT are not contradictory, in the case
that the projection was modified by another program, but left the WKT
4) Reading CF-compliant projection information and translating that
into WKT (this could eliminate the need for 2 and 3)

Perhaps 4 can be achieved with another tool external to GDAL (as
suggested in the CF discussions).

Is there anyone who would be inclined to engage in a discussion within
the CF community so that any or all of proj4, epsg and wkt be included
as a CF standard?

Regards, Etienne

On Wed, Sep 7, 2011 at 4:54 PM, Even Rouault wrote:
 How important is this information?  Assuming we drop all the citation
 strings, or authority names and codes, but retain the important
 parameters of each projection (in CF and proj format), are we missing
 anything important numerically?

 In other words, are there any show-stopper issues that would keep us
 from using proj4 instead of wkt?

 Generally not. You indeed mentionned a significant word, numerically, which
 indicates that you are interested more in the information for reprojection
 purposes, than strict (not to say pedantic ;-)) identification of the SRS. If
 the software that process the dataset all use proj4 and the proj4 string is an
 adequate representation of the SRS, then it is a perfect fit.

 There are situations where 2 distincts SRS from the EPSG database will
 translate into identical proj4 string. For example, just looking at the very
 beginning of the epsg file provided with proj4, I can see :

 # TWD97
 3824 +proj=longlat +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +no_defs  

 3889 +proj=longlat +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +no_defs  

 The corresponding WKT (given by using gdal utility 'testepsg EPSG:') are :

        SPHEROID[GRS 1980,6378137,298.257222101,

        SPHEROID[GRS 1980,6378137,298.257222101,

 Are the Taiwan_Datum_1997 and Iraqi_Geospatial_Reference_System really the
 same, or is it because we haven't captured the difference, or it is too subtle
 to be modelled with proj4, or it would require some grids that are not
 available, etc... I have no idea.

 Also you should be aware that some SRS have no translation into proj4 strings
 due to unsupported projection methods for example.

 Using proj4 strings is not a total heresy however. Postgis is a famous and
 widespread example of the use of proj4 strings. Although in the Postgis case,
 the spatial_ref_sys table includes authority names and code columns, and the
 SRID is used as a key in the geometry_columns table. So you can fix proj4
 strings in a centralized way if needed.

 Another point to have in mind is that the proj4 strings (at least the ones
 provided in the epsg file that comes with proj4) are generally derived from 
 EPSG database, and there can be imperfections in the way they are translated,
 or later improvements. A recent proj4 change has added for example TOWGS84
 statements in a lot of cases where they were missing before.

 You can look at the following page which gives details on how GDAL, proj4,
 libtiff and postgis SRS databases are built from the EPSG database :

 Some could also say that proj4 strings are not a very formal definition, and
 that WKT has a better potential to act as a standard. However, reading might be 

Re: [gdal-dev] NetCDF and datum handling suggestion

2011-09-07 Thread Even Rouault
Le mercredi 07 septembre 2011 22:49:58, Etienne Tourigny a écrit :
 Thanks for the info Even
 I can see that there is not yet One standard to rule them all...
 Correct me if I am wrong: is WKT the preferred way GDAL stores the

I'd say that WKT serves as a pivot representation of SRS within GDAL/OGR. An 
OGRSpatialReference object can be bijectively represented as a WKT string 
(because the OGRSpatialReference object is really a tree representation build 
from the parsing of the WKT string).

But behind that apparent simplicity, there are often a lot of transformations 
implied because few formats natively speak WKT. You have the Geotiff way, the 
MapInfo way, the PCIDSK way, the USGS way (used HDF4, NDF and FAST drivers for 
example), the ERMapper way, etc etc. You have also the ESRI WKT that must be 
morphed from/to GDAL WKT... And the netCDF CF way ;-)
gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] NetCDF and datum handling suggestion

2011-09-06 Thread Patrick Sunter
On Mon, Sep 5, 2011 at 11:23 PM, Etienne Tourigny wrote:

 your suggestion does make sense, it is imperial that basic datum
 information be saved as to adhere to CF-x standard.   Are those CF
 variables (radius, flattening etc) really sufficient for software such

Yes, tests I did showed it was able to project correctly after adding
these (whereas beforehand the WMS layers were off - presumably TDS
assumes a spherical earth by default).

The datum attributes are highlighted in color at CF conventions
website, in the table at the end of the page:

 The other aspect (to save projection_ref so that GDAL can import it)
 also makes sense, however I have the following concern:

 If another software changes the datum and or projection information of
 a netcdf file created by GDAL, but keeps the GDAL 'spatial_ref' tag
 intact, then GDAL would import the wrong projection.  I don't think
 that this should happen, as a program would be expected to write a new
 grid_mapping variable, without the GDAL tags.

 Can you think of possible software which does this and make a test?  I
 can only think of CDO, and I do know that it discards anything from a
 previous projection definition.

I can't think of any software that does this off the top of my head
either ... though we've been looking into a NetCDF driver for the
Geotoolkit project, which may be able to reproject existing NetCDF

In any case GDAL should probably print a warning if the 2 get 'out of
sync' when it imports?

 With that concern in mind,I was wondering if we can do one of the
 following instead:

 1) import the standard CF variables and guess the WKT from that
 2) just be content with the basic DATUM values from the CF variables

 for example, here is what a wkt looks like when importing a CF netcdf
 file wich a WGS84 datum:


 and here is the full WGS84 WKT generated by GDAL

        SPHEROID[WGS 84,6378137,298.257223563,

 As you can see, the important values are there, but there are no
 descriptive names and EPSG authority.  This is not strictly identified
 as WGS84 EPSG datum, but the important stuff is there.

I thought about this too ... it does seem a bit concerning though to
try and recognise the named datums from the values - possibly you'd
have issues of the accuracy they are stored at determining whether
GDAL could recognise them correctly or not?

I've heard there may be a 'dynamic datum' in development that has its
values adjusted more frequently - in this case referencing a standard
name would likely be necessary.

Having checked the GDAL NetCDF format page though, it does check the
CF encoded projection before it's own WKT, so it'd be good if we could
consistently use CF as first reference for the datum too.

 I doubt that the CF conventions have plans to support PROJ.4/WKT in
 the near future.  Have a look at the draft for CF-1.6, nothing new
 about PROJ.4 or WKT :

 However, I would suggest to discuss this on the CF mailing list. They
 might be receptive, as they already make references to PROJ.4 in their
 projection definitions. BUT it would be better in this case to use
 PROJ.4 strings instead of WKT, as (I think) that PROJ.4 strings are
 better supported than WKT (including Proj.4 itself).  For example, the
 folks that work on CDO have plans to support PROJ.4 strings, but now

Thanks, I'll need to read up a bit more on Proj.4 strings but sounds
like it could be a good way to go.

I just had a bit more of a look around the CF webpages and they did
consider putting more CRS information in the specs, e.g. a crs_id
attribute that could contain an EPSG code, but it didn't make it
through as yet:

So yes discussing this on their mailing list again sounds like a good idea.

 Am I correct in thinking that GDAL could output a PROJ.4 string and
 import it in the same manner that it currently does with WKT?

Not sure - clearly you can specify Proj4 from the command line to
commands, but not sure you can ask it to store this, will do some

 BTW, there is a CF-NetCDF 1.0 Standards Working Group part of OGC,
 perhaps we can discuss with someone from that group?

Yes, sounds like a good idea.

We actually read through the OGC standards on NetCDF recently, the
basic standard already accepted really just 

Re: [gdal-dev] NetCDF and datum handling suggestion

2011-09-06 Thread Etienne Tourigny
On Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 8:31 PM, Patrick Sunter wrote:

 On Mon, Sep 5, 2011 at 11:23 PM, Etienne Tourigny wrote:
  your suggestion does make sense, it is imperial that basic datum
  information be saved as to adhere to CF-x standard.   Are those CF
  variables (radius, flattening etc) really sufficient for software such

 Yes, tests I did showed it was able to project correctly after adding
 these (whereas beforehand the WMS layers were off - presumably TDS
 assumes a spherical earth by default).


 The datum attributes are highlighted in color at CF conventions
 website, in the table at the end of the page:

  The other aspect (to save projection_ref so that GDAL can import it)
  also makes sense, however I have the following concern:
  If another software changes the datum and or projection information of
  a netcdf file created by GDAL, but keeps the GDAL 'spatial_ref' tag
  intact, then GDAL would import the wrong projection.  I don't think
  that this should happen, as a program would be expected to write a new
  grid_mapping variable, without the GDAL tags.
  Can you think of possible software which does this and make a test?  I
  can only think of CDO, and I do know that it discards anything from a
  previous projection definition.

 I can't think of any software that does this off the top of my head
 either ... though we've been looking into a NetCDF driver for the
 Geotoolkit project, which may be able to reproject existing NetCDF

 In any case GDAL should probably print a warning if the 2 get 'out of
 sync' when it imports?

How could we know if it is 'out of sync'?  My feeling is that it's ok to
assume that any software that messes with the projection info will delete
any custom tags, but still safer to use as much standard information as
possible, and stay away from GDAL tags when possible.

  With that concern in mind,I was wondering if we can do one of the
  following instead:
  1) import the standard CF variables and guess the WKT from that
  2) just be content with the basic DATUM values from the CF variables
  for example, here is what a wkt looks like when importing a CF netcdf
  file wich a WGS84 datum:
  and here is the full WGS84 WKT generated by GDAL
 SPHEROID[WGS 84,6378137,298.257223563,
  As you can see, the important values are there, but there are no
  descriptive names and EPSG authority.  This is not strictly identified
  as WGS84 EPSG datum, but the important stuff is there.

 I thought about this too ... it does seem a bit concerning though to
 try and recognise the named datums from the values - possibly you'd
 have issues of the accuracy they are stored at determining whether
 GDAL could recognise them correctly or not?

 I've heard there may be a 'dynamic datum' in development that has its
 values adjusted more frequently - in this case referencing a standard
 name would likely be necessary.

 Having checked the GDAL NetCDF format page though, it does check the
 CF encoded projection before it's own WKT, so it'd be good if we could
 consistently use CF as first reference for the datum too.

agreed, I propose we stay away from WKT/PROJ.4  when a suitable CF
representation exists, and if not fall back to WKT / PROJ.4 - unless it
becomes a standard in later CF conventions, which could take time IMHO.

  I doubt that the CF conventions have plans to support PROJ.4/WKT in
  the near future.  Have a look at the draft for CF-1.6, nothing new
  about PROJ.4 or WKT :
  However, I would suggest to discuss this on the CF mailing list. They
  might be receptive, as they already make references to PROJ.4 in their
  projection definitions. BUT it would be better in this case to use
  PROJ.4 strings instead of WKT, as (I think) that PROJ.4 strings are
  better supported than WKT (including Proj.4 itself).  For example, the
  folks that work on CDO have plans to support PROJ.4 strings, but now

 Thanks, I'll need to read up a bit more on Proj.4 strings but sounds
 like it could be a good way to go.

 I just had a bit more of a look around the CF webpages and they did
 consider putting more CRS information in the specs, e.g. a crs_id
 attribute that could contain an EPSG code, but it didn't make it
 through as yet:

 So yes 

Re: [gdal-dev] NetCDF and datum handling suggestion

2011-09-06 Thread Even Rouault

 In case you feel like testing it, the functions needed are
  OGRSpatialReference::importFromProj4() and exportToProj4(), the later
 which is not documented.
 Perhaps others can comment on the suitability of exporttoProj4() ???

It is documented but doxygen didn't like a macro that was inserted between the 
comment and the function. Should be fixed by r23070

I'd note that proj4 strings have not all the expressivity of WKT. In 
particular they cannot capture citation strings, or authority name and code. 
So the suitability of using them depends on what you want to do with them.
gdal-dev mailing list

Re: [gdal-dev] NetCDF and datum handling suggestion

2011-09-05 Thread Etienne Tourigny

your suggestion does make sense, it is imperial that basic datum
information be saved as to adhere to CF-x standard.   Are those CF
variables (radius, flattening etc) really sufficient for software such

The other aspect (to save projection_ref so that GDAL can import it)
also makes sense, however I have the following concern:

If another software changes the datum and or projection information of
a netcdf file created by GDAL, but keeps the GDAL 'spatial_ref' tag
intact, then GDAL would import the wrong projection.  I don't think
that this should happen, as a program would be expected to write a new
grid_mapping variable, without the GDAL tags.

Can you think of possible software which does this and make a test?  I
can only think of CDO, and I do know that it discards anything from a
previous projection definition.

With that concern in mind,I was wondering if we can do one of the
following instead:

1) import the standard CF variables and guess the WKT from that
2) just be content with the basic DATUM values from the CF variables

for example, here is what a wkt looks like when importing a CF netcdf
file wich a WGS84 datum:


and here is the full WGS84 WKT generated by GDAL

SPHEROID[WGS 84,6378137,298.257223563,

As you can see, the important values are there, but there are no
descriptive names and EPSG authority.  This is not strictly identified
as WGS84 EPSG datum, but the important stuff is there.

I doubt that the CF conventions have plans to support PROJ.4/WKT in
the near future.  Have a look at the draft for CF-1.6, nothing new
about PROJ.4 or WKT :

However, I would suggest to discuss this on the CF mailing list. They
might be receptive, as they already make references to PROJ.4 in their
projection definitions. BUT it would be better in this case to use
PROJ.4 strings instead of WKT, as (I think) that PROJ.4 strings are
better supported than WKT (including Proj.4 itself).  For example, the
folks that work on CDO have plans to support PROJ.4 strings, but now

Am I correct in thinking that GDAL could output a PROJ.4 string and
import it in the same manner that it currently does with WKT?

BTW, there is a CF-NetCDF 1.0 Standards Working Group part of OGC,
perhaps we can discuss with someone from that group?


On Mon, Sep 5, 2011 at 6:40 AM, Patrick Sunter wrote:
 Hi Etienne and others interested in NetCDF driver,

 I did some work on WMS display of NetCDF files generated by GDAL
 today, and it gave me a chance to play around with  think about how
 to handle the Datum issue as described at .

 Here's a first cut suggestion of how GDAL should behave when writing a
 new NetCDF file using gdal_translate:
  * Keep saving the current datum info, with names e.g. WGS84, as part
 of the WKT that GDAL saves in it's special spatial_ref attribute.
  * But _also_ save the actual spheroid parameters for the datum in use
 in attributes CF-1 can read, e.g. semi_major_axis, semi_minor_axis,
 and inverse_flattening.

 Then on import, GDAL would look for its spatial_ref by default as
 authoritative for datum info, but could use the CF-1 as a backup.

 This would parallel the way projection parameters are handled in the
 NetCDF driver, i.e. writing WKT in the 'spatial_ref' attribute, but
 also writes duplicate CF-1 convention ones if possible to help with
 display of the file in NetCDF tools and things like THREDDS.

 Perhaps this could be a passable option to the driver whether you
 write the duplicate CF-1 datum info or not, with default to on.

 (That is, unless the CF conventions have plan to support named datums
 coming up imminently?)

 cheers, Patrick.
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