Re: gEDA-user: hierarchy and net attributes.

2010-04-08 Thread Dave N6NZ

On Apr 8, 2010, at 2:28 PM, Dave N6NZ wrote:

> So as I understand the current situation in gschem/gnetlist, there is no way 
> to get a global net in a hierarchical design other than to set:
> (hierarchy-netattrib-mangle "disabled")
> in gnetlistrc.  However, now all net attributes will become global nets.  So, 
> if one uses off-page connector symbols, the net attribute in off-page 
> connectors will now become a global net.  So, in essence, there is no way to 
> have a multi-sheet lower level schematic that accesses global nets using the 
> "disable mangle" hack.  Disabling mangling has the side effect of turning any 
> signal in a lower level sheet with an off-page reference into a global net.
> Is this correct?  Or am I missing something?

I see that I was missing that hierarchy-netattrib-mangle and 
hierarchy-netname-mangle are two different things.

> -dave
> ___
> geda-user mailing list

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: hierarchy and net attributes.

2010-04-08 Thread Dave N6NZ
So as I understand the current situation in gschem/gnetlist, there is no way to 
get a global net in a hierarchical design other than to set:

(hierarchy-netattrib-mangle "disabled")

in gnetlistrc.  However, now all net attributes will become global nets.  So, 
if one uses off-page connector symbols, the net attribute in off-page 
connectors will now become a global net.  So, in essence, there is no way to 
have a multi-sheet lower level schematic that accesses global nets using the 
"disable mangle" hack.  Disabling mangling has the side effect of turning any 
signal in a lower level sheet with an off-page reference into a global net.

Is this correct?  Or am I missing something?


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: How do I reference a shell variable from guile script?

2010-04-08 Thread Dave N6NZ

On Apr 8, 2010, at 3:31 AM, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:

> On Wed, 07 Apr 2010 11:21:53 -0700, Dave N6NZ wrote:
>> No amount of googling brought up a simple syntax example like that.
> I added a note in the wiki.

Great!  The on-line guile documentation that I found via google was pretty hard 
for me to navigate, since I don't know guile.  It's a case of if I knew what I 
was looking for, I could have found it 

For those of us that use guile only with gEDA, simple cookbook examples are 


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: hydraulic symbols and schematics

2010-04-08 Thread Stephen Williams
Stuart Brorson wrote:

>> Do you foresee any other difficulties?  ... aside from simulating a
>> hydraulic circuit with spice or generating a layout.
> Actually, my first thought was:  What kinds of simulations (if any)
> does one do in hydraulics?  Are there any standard simulators?  If so,
> generating a netlist to feed to such a simulator might be an
> interesting hobby project.

I think Verilog-A/MS is a tool that people use for simulating
a variety of conservative systems, including hydraulics. Hopefully,
Icarus Verilog will start moving forward again on that front some-
time soon.

Steve Williams"The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
steve at   But I have promises to keep, and lines to code before I sleep,   And lines to code before I sleep."

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: iVerilog/GTKWave - Viewing multi-dimensional arrays in GTKWave

2010-04-08 Thread Stephen Williams

Some things have indeed been done. At the very least, you can
explicitly list in $dumpvars the array words that you want to
dump. The list needs to be explicit to prevent the explosion
of traces when you have large memories in your design.

Denis Daly wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to simulate a Verilog file with many multi-dimensional arrays.
> e.g.
> wire [31:0] bus[7:0];
> It appears that these signals do not show up in the VCD file and thus can't 
> be viewed in GTKWave.  This was confirmed back in 2001 by Steve Williams.
> Have there been any changes to iVerilog or GTKWave since 2001 to allow for 
> easy viewing of these multi-dimensional arrays, without needing to 
> instantiate new wires?  It appears some tools like Modelsim and Aldec have 
> implemented ways to do this.
> Thanks,
> Denis Daly
> ___
> geda-user mailing list

Steve Williams"The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
steve at   But I have promises to keep, and lines to code before I sleep,   And lines to code before I sleep."

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: hydraulic symbols and schematics

2010-04-08 Thread John Doty

On Apr 8, 2010, at 2:35 AM, Florian Teply wrote:

> Umm, now that you mention Mathematica: Do you know of a way of feeding
> from gEDA to Open Source computer math packages like octave or scilab?
> Not that i'd currently feel a personal need of it, but i'm curious. Such
> information often came in handy when i expected it the least
> beforehand...

My mathematician son and I sat down at Ales' place with the gang for a code 
sprint last year and tried to do this with Sage. The snag we ran into is that 
although it's easy to export netlists to anything with gnetlist, handling 
models is trickier.

The way it works for Mathematica is that the mathematica back end for gnetlist 
translates attributes to Mathematica expressions in a fairly mindless way. The 


attached to U1 turns into the Mathematica expression:


It's then Mathematica's job to expand this into equations and concatenate them 
to the node equations. This is very easy and natural if you know Mathematica: 
it's designed to do this kind of manipulation. Making the Mathematica side 
responsible for models seems to be a good way to go; one advantage is that it's 
easy to add specialized models as needed for a particular analysis: just define 
them in your Mathematica code before importing the "netlist". My gEDAmath.m 
package defines helper functions for model construction, so models tend to be 
just a line or two of code.

But in Sage, at least, expanding functions into lists of equations doesn't 
appear to be easy or natural. The attempt pushes you into the ill-documented 
borderland between Python and Maxima. No doubt it's possible if you're an 
expert, but we failed at it.

I suppose another way to go would be to make gnetlist responsible for model 
expansion, but that would be less flexible, I think. 

Perhaps Sage isn't the right math system and another system would be better. If 
anyone can recommend a system and help with the programming on that side 
(especially in defining what the "netlist" should look like), the gnetlist side 
is something that's pretty easy for me.

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: hydraulic symbols and schematics

2010-04-08 Thread al davis
On Thursday 08 April 2010, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
> This is one of the strange consequences of the common law
>  system. In the  rest of the world, where civil law is
>  applied, ignorance of the delinquent does not diminish the
>  forfeit.

It isn't law that you could be ignorant of.

It's a "work".  If you know about the "work" and do something 
like it, they have a strong case that yours is influenced by 

If you don't know about something, you can't copy it, and you 
are in a stronger position to defend that you did it 

It's not just patents ..  It applies wherever there is 
"intelectual property", such as trade secrets.

Signing a non-disclosure agreement is dangerous in a similar 

The EDA business is small and tight.  If any EDA company were to 
attack gEDA, the biggest impact would be in publicity (negative 
for them, positive for us).  I don't feel threatened.  Hey, 
Synopsys, come and get me.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: hydraulic symbols and schematics

2010-04-08 Thread Kai-Martin Knaak
On Wed, 07 Apr 2010 14:58:04 -0400, DJ Delorie wrote:

> For starters, archived proof that you knew of the existence of a patent
> automatically triples any damages you may have to pay.
This is one of the strange consequences of the common law system. In the 
rest of the world, where civil law is applied, ignorance of the 
delinquent does not diminish the forfeit. 

Kai-Martin Knaak  tel: +49-511-762-2895
Universität Hannover, Inst. für Quantenoptik  fax: +49-511-762-2211 
Welfengarten 1, 30167 Hannover
GPG key:

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: questions and answers plugin for the wiki

2010-04-08 Thread Kai-Martin Knaak

While administrating my local wiki I discovered a plugin for "Questions 
and Answers" on

Questions and answers are formated in a way appropriate to the subject. 
There is a special table of contents for the questions. Unlike the 
ordinary TOC it takes the whole width of the page rather than just a 
small box at the right side. The Questions can be arramged in a 
hierarchy, too. This renders the FAQ much more readable. 

A mock-up FAQ rendered with the qna plugin can be seen at:

I suggest to use this plugin in the geda wiki.

Kai-Martin Knaak  tel: +49-511-762-2895
Universität Hannover, Inst. für Quantenoptik  fax: +49-511-762-2211 
Welfengarten 1, 30167 Hannover
GPG key:

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Mailing List

2010-04-08 Thread Peter Clifton
On Thu, 2010-04-08 at 04:04 -0700, Tony Simpson wrote:
> Dear sirs
>Please remove me from your mailing list

You need to follow the link at the bottom of each mailing list you
receive, you should be able to unsubscribe from there.


Peter Clifton

Electrical Engineering Division,
Engineering Department,
University of Cambridge,
9, JJ Thomson Avenue,

Tel: +44 (0)7729 980173 - (No signal in the lab!)
Tel: +44 (0)1223 748328 - (Shared lab phone, ask for me)

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: How do I change initial window size on gschem and pcb?

2010-04-08 Thread Charles Lepple
On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 8:38 AM, Peter Clifton  wrote:
> On Wed, 2010-04-07 at 14:23 +0800, Atommann wrote:
>> So, you can open /usr/share/gEDA/system-gschemrc and search for
>> keyword "window", read it and you will find how to change the initial
>> size of the gschem window :)
>> You can also add the following line to the file ~/.gEDA/gschemrc to
>> override the settings in system-gschemrc
>> (window-size 950 712)  ; Good size for 1152x864
> Looking at the code, I'm not sure that will actually do anything.. let
> me know if it works.

I used to include a patch in the Fink package which changed
system-gschemrc to take into account the default size of the OS X dock
(which cuts into the screen real estate, and isn't obvious from the
root window size reported by the X server). But it was hard-coded to
fit a 1024x768 display (and it assumed the dock was on the bottom), so
I took it out.

Lately, I just hit the green "maximize" button, as someone else
suggested. That does seem to be aware of the size of the dock.

- Charles Lepple

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Mailing List

2010-04-08 Thread Tony Simpson
   Dear sirs
   Please remove me from your mailing list

   Tony Simpson
   This email is a PRIVATE communication. It is confidential, and may be
   legally privileged. All data transmitted in this email is intended for
   the sole use of the named addressee(s).
   If you are not a named addressee, you must not disclose, copy, print,
   or in any other way use or rely on the data contained in this
   transmission. You should notify Island Wall Design immediately and
   delete this email (and any attachments) from your system.
   Recipients are advised to conduct their own virus checks of this email
   (and any attachments).
   Island Wall Design, Journeys End, Island Wall, Whitstable, Kent, CT5
   1EE Tel 01227 281762 Mob 07843 205807

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: How do I reference a shell variable from guile script?

2010-04-08 Thread Kai-Martin Knaak
On Wed, 07 Apr 2010 11:21:53 -0700, Dave N6NZ wrote:

> No amount of googling brought up a simple syntax example like that.

I added a note in the wiki.

Kai-Martin Knaak  tel: +49-511-762-2895
Universität Hannover, Inst. für Quantenoptik  fax: +49-511-762-2211 
Welfengarten 1, 30167 Hannover
GPG key:

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: network down...

2010-04-08 Thread Ales Hvezda


It seems that the network (mainly incoming) to is down.  I have
submitted a support ticket with the hosting provider.   

I think this is a clear sign that I should move to the new
hosting provider, probably later tonight or this week.

I'll send a note once things start working again.  Thanks,


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: How do I reference a shell variable from guile script?

2010-04-08 Thread Kai-Martin Knaak
On Wed, 07 Apr 2010 10:49:14 -0700, Dave N6NZ wrote:

> Suppose I want to build a path like: $HOME//gedasymbols to pick up
> component libraries, without unrolling $HOME into a hard path in a
> (define..) -- how do I get guile to pick up the value of $HOME from the
> shell, and then get it pasted into the rest of the stuff?
My gafrc uses 
getenv "HOME"   
to build paths and use it further down the line. For example:

(define symbolspath (build-path (getenv "HOME") "geda" "symbols"))
(component-library (build-path symbolspath "titleblock"))
(component-library (build-path symbolspath "power"))

Kai-Martin Knaak  tel: +49-511-762-2895
Universität Hannover, Inst. für Quantenoptik  fax: +49-511-762-2211 
Welfengarten 1, 30167 Hannover
GPG key:

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: hydraulic symbols and schematics

2010-04-08 Thread Florian Teply
John Doty  wrote:
> On Apr 7, 2010, at 11:54 AM, al davis wrote:
>> On Wednesday 07 April 2010, Stuart Brorson wrote:
 Do you foresee any other difficulties?  ... aside from
 simulating a hydraulic circuit with spice or generating a
>>> Actually, my first thought was:  What kinds of simulations
>>> (if any) does one do in hydraulics?  Are there any standard
>>> simulators?  If so, generating a netlist to feed to such a
>>> simulator might be an interesting hobby project.
>> If simulation means Spice to you, you are 20 years behind.
> Unless you have deep pockets (and even for some who do), SPICE is today's 
> simulator. I know you don't like this, but it's the truth.
>> Looking to the past ...  Simulations of things like this were 
>> (and are) often done on a proprietary commercial simulator 
>> "Saber", using a proprietary modeling language "Mast".  
>> Matlab/Simulink is also popular (and proprietary).
>> Looking forward ...  Things like this can be done very well in 
>> Verilog-AMS, which has a published standard, cleaner syntax, and 
>> several commercial implementations.  Many users of Saber and 
>> Mast are switching over.   Gnucap provides partial support for 
>> Verilog-AMS, and is working on more complete support.
> But that's tomorrow. 
> Another approach you'll hate is to use the symbolic capabilities of a 
> computer algebra system to analyze a design. See 
> for an example hot off the press. 
> Unfortunately, the free software offerings don't seem to be up to this yet. 
> Fortunately, Mathematica isn't as pricey as fancy EDA tools, and gEDA can 
> feed it just fine.
Umm, now that you mention Mathematica: Do you know of a way of feeding
from gEDA to Open Source computer math packages like octave or scilab?
Not that i'd currently feel a personal need of it, but i'm curious. Such
information often came in handy when i expected it the least


geda-user mailing list