gEDA-user: PCBs using desktop inkjet

2007-04-19 Thread C P Tarun

When will gEDA start providing support for printed circuits? :)


Modified ink printer churns out electronic circuits

   * 18:24 18 April 2007
   * news service
   * Tom Simonite

A desktop printer loaded with a silver salt solution and vitamin C has
been used to produce electronic circuits. The UK researchers behind
the feat say their experimental device could pave the way for safer
and cheaper electronics manufacturing.

Being able to print out electronic components and whole circuit boards
could provide an alternative to current manufacturing techniques,
which are energy intensive and environmentally unfriendly.

Printing conductive polymer ink (see Goodbye wires and silicon, hello
plastic chips), or pastes containing graphite or metal particles are
two existing options. But researchers at Leeds University in the UK
wanted to avoid the solvents needed for these processes.

PhD student Seyed Bidoki loaded a standard Hewlett Packard ink-jet
printer with a solution of metal salts and water. After a pattern is
printed using the solution, a chemical known as a reducing agent is
then printed over the top to make solid silver form.

We wanted to be able to use a totally water-soluble base, explains
team member and chemist Matthew Clark. That allows for much more
environmentally friendly processes.
Metal ink

Bidoki loaded two separate chambers in the printer's cartridge, which
normally contain different ink, with the metal solution and the
reducing agent. Using silver nitrate solution as the metal ink and
ascorbic acid (vitamin C) as the reducing agent proved the most
successful combination.

He then programmed the printer to produce a variety of circuits and
radio antennas on different surfaces including paper, cotton and
acetate, all of which were placed in the printer like a normal sheet
of paper.

One test involved patterning an antenna like that used in a mobile
phone on transparent film, says Clark. It was possible to bend it
almost in half without any loss of conductivity.

After a circuit is printed using silver nitrate, vitamin C is overlaid
a few minutes later. Water can then be used to wash away other
products, leaving the silver behind. Scanning electron microscope
images reveal a rough surface of silver nanoparticles.

Join the dots

Printing the same pattern two or three times improves conductivity
because it increases the number of contacts between silver
nanoparticles. Desktop printers make images from tiny dots of ink that
do not overlap, but bleed slightly into each other, explains Clark:
In future, we'd like to use an industrial jet printer that can so
we'll need fewer passes.

Graham Martin at the University of Cambridge, UK, agrees that ink-jet
technology could make new kinds of devices possible. But he says
competing with existing technology could be difficult: This concept
are often simple but there are many challenges to meet. Creating a low
enough resistance to match current standards is one of them.

But ink-jet printing definitely has a future, he adds. Currently,
circuit boards and other components are made by etching the desired
design out from a layer of metal, which is an energy intensive
process. Printing is an additive, not subtractive process, making it
more environmentally effective, says Martin.

Journal reference: Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering

attachment: InkjetPCBs.jpg

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: A suggestion about the stuff on gedasymbols

2007-03-22 Thread C P Tarun

Gedasymbols is primarily a contributor place, not a replacement for
the shipped libraries.  Symbols which have proven themselves, and are
popular, should be migrated from gedasymbols to the official

In any case I'll elaborate what I was thinking.

I was thinking that open-source components are like open-source
software, and we can pick up a repository and use its components,
with a caveat emptor. The danger of picking up a buggy symbol
or footprint is not reduced or increased by my approach compared
to the current pick-one-at-a-time interface. My approach just
makes it easier for a user to download all the components in one
shot and make them all accessible to gschem and pcb. The
caveat emptor will remain. Today, even the downloading
the elements takes time and effort.

I was thinking we could do the following:

1.  We first discuss and freeze on a directory structure. Democracy
   will slow things down, but I am sure we can arrive at a library
   structure for scripts, symbols, and footprints it won't be an
   NP-complete process.

2.  After that, we ask all contributors to create this dir-tree structure
   in their own CVS areas on the site. This way, we all know which of
   the elements from, say, John's CVS area are meant for which library

3.  A small script runs once a night and picks up element files from
   each contributor's CVS area, and copies to the corresponding
   locations in an aggregated libraries area. This script can also
   create tar.gz of the aggregated libraries, for easy download.

4.  Name conflict: whenever there is a name conflict, the aggregating
   script can append the contributor's name to the original element
   filename to create a new filename. Simplistic, but the recipient of
   the final library can then look through the various versions of the
   part and decide to keep one. At that point, he renames that file
   from R-0207-10mm-Chandra_Tarun to R-0207-10mm. He can
   probably leave all the alternate R-0207-10mm* files as they are,
   with the author names tagged, for future reference.

I'm trying to make it as easy as possible for people to contribute
symbols and footprints.  Thus, adding more restrictions on how things
are contributed goes against my purposes.

I thought it would be nice to make it easy for a user to use the elements,
without sacrificing the ease for the contributor.

The current system (to each their own) doesn't require any work on my
part, and scales well.  Trying to organize the whole thing would not
be trivial.  Such efforts are better spent on the official libraries.

I feel that once the hierarchy of directories is decided for the official
libraries, the same can be applied here too. And once decided, the
entire thing can run without any manual work from your side.

Combining them that way would lose attribution, unless I modified the
files somehow to include it.  We really want feedback to go to the
authors, so they can track the quality of their contributions.  Such
history is useful when trying to merge them into official libraries.

The aggregation script can automatically add a comment into each
element file, giving the full name of the contributor. Even an email
address and other details could be added this way, if each contributor
is asked to keep a small file in the top dir of his CVS area with a
few lines of comments. This small file will be picked up verbatim and
added into each element file that he contributes. This will be done
automatically by the aggregator script.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: A suggestion about the stuff on gedasymbols

2007-03-22 Thread C P Tarun

Note, also, that any user can use cvs to download (and update) the
entire web site, which includes the symbols and footprints in their
current structure.


I feel that for someone who is not interested in updating/uploading
anything, a tarball is much easier than setting up CVS. At least it is
for me. :)


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Design Flow Roadmap starting point

2007-03-18 Thread C P Tarun

I am a beginner, and I have a lot of exposure to Eagle, so please
keep these limitations/biases in mind.

I would really like to see the following additions:

1.  In gschem, when selecting a footprint, I would like to see the
   footprint _and_ its description in a popup window. I should be
   able to browse the footprint library _visually_, basically.

2.  In PCB, when I create a Convert buffer contents into an
   element, it should ask me for a description of the element.
   This should get embedded in the description field in the
   element header line.

3.  There should be native support for elongated vias (they
   are called pads in Eagle) when defining an element.
   Since pin addition while creating a footprint in PCB is
   done by adding a via, maybe this elongated shape should
   be added as an option to the via itself, like you can flip
   between circular and octagonal. And then of course one
   would need the ability to rotate a via, so that the elongated
   shape could be aligned the way I want.

The current method to define elongated pads (pins in PCB
element terminology) is really roundabout, and error-prone,
and needs manual editing of the element file in a text editor,
if I understand correctly. You have to define (at least) two
pads manually, one for the solder layer, one for the component
layer, and make sure they both match the pin/via in diameter
and centering, and then manually edit the element file to
make the pad numbers match the pin number. I feel elongated
pads is a sufficiently universally used feature to require native
support in the software.

I suspect that I am unaware of the heated arguments some of
these issues must've seen in the period before I joined the list,
in which case please excuse my raking them up again. :)

BTW, I like the way PCB has unified the concepts of pads for
element footprints, vias, and holes. Good engineering design,
I thought. :)


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: installation

2007-03-18 Thread C P Tarun

This is almost a religious issue.

Aren't most questions which have many correct answers? :)

However, I personally recommend users to install into a new directory,
/usr/local/geda, and then set their $PATH variables to point to it...

Great. This is really I wanted to know. I wanted to know how a user
would install in some system area which would be outside all
home directories, and how he would set the ownership of the
package files to be someone other than the human users of the
system. If the installer does this, that's all that's needed, IMHO.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Design Flow Roadmap starting point

2007-03-18 Thread C P Tarun

 3.  There should be native support for elongated vias (they
 are called pads in Eagle) when defining an element.

The way to do this in pcb is to put a pin and a pad in the same place.
The pin gives you the drill hole, and the pad defines the elongated
copper shape.

Yes, I've tried this with my footprints. The problem is that you need two
pads (for a traditional double-layer footprint) and you need to edit the
text file of the element to set the numbering of the pads. (Can I set the
pad number through the GUI of PCB the way I can for the pin number
by pressing 'n'?) This approach is error-prone, I felt. When I open up
the text file of the element, I see a list of pads but I don't know which
two pads are associated with pin 1, and so on.

It's not heated, it's just nobody has had the time to do it right,
yet.  For example, a true multipin (my name) would need to know more
about the physical layer stack than pcb currently knows.  But I do
envision a multipin having the ability to independently specify:

* top, inner, and bottom shapes

* copper shapes, including hole-to-edge distance and radius of each

* pads defined by polygons

* copper, paste, and mask each independently defined

The current plan is to defer this until after the layer type flags
project is done, as that project gives us proper mask, paste, etc

Yes, I've been reading some of the discussions about the multipin and
the layer-type projects, and I got the sense that these would make a lot
of the work easier for elongated pads. I think it's a good idea to do it in
the sequence you intend. Will make the implementation a whole lot
cleaner and more powerful internally.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Design Flow Roadmap starting point

2007-03-18 Thread C P Tarun

You may want to try one of the many footprint scripts that are around.
Making the footprints in a batch using a script is a lot less error prone
than one by one in the GUI.

If you are looking for DIPs or SIP headers with rounded pads over pins
you could try my website.

Actually I've seen some of those scripts and they are lovely for the kind
of things they do. But I need to build much simpler footprints like TO220
devices, but with elongated pads. These are best done by hand, I guess.
I even like TO92 to have elongated pads. I suspect I'm just unsure of my
soldering skills and like larger pads, that's all. :)

One area where I'll be developing scripts is for simple capacitors. I want
pretty-looking non-polar and cylindrical electrolytic caps of various sizes.
(No elongated pads needed.) Resistors I've already done by hand.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Design Flow Roadmap starting point

2007-03-18 Thread C P Tarun

A script to place TO220 pads can be pretty simple (see below). The
poorly named routine element_add_pin_oval overlays a pin, a rounded pad
on the component side and a rounded pad on the solder side.

Very interesting. What's Pcb_8? Where do I find it? I'm looking through
your Website to see if there's some Perl module there.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Design Flow Roadmap starting point

2007-03-18 Thread C P Tarun

Very interesting. What's Pcb_8? Where do I find it? I'm looking through
your Website to see if there's some Perl module there.

Found Pcb_8 in your Perl library documentation. Thanks.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Design Flow Roadmap starting point

2007-03-18 Thread C P Tarun

A script to place TO220 pads can be pretty simple (see below). The
poorly named routine element_add_pin_oval overlays a pin, a rounded pad
on the component side and a rounded pad on the solder side.

I have been reading your (excellently-formatted reference-class) documentation
on your library. The documentation does not mention that add_pin_oval adds
two pads on two layers... it seems to say that this is a hybrid
object consisting
of a pad and a pin with the same centre point.

Is the document out of sync with the library?


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Hi.... first post

2007-03-16 Thread C P Tarun

Thanks, all of you guys. Specially Dan, your explanation of
pin names and numbers was desperately needed.

Here is the problem.  In PCB, pins have a name and a number.  The number
is specific to the package and the name is specific to whats inside the
package.  Lets take a SO8 package that happens to house an op-amp.

In the schematic you have pin numbers and pin labels.  You might have
pin 2 labeled as IN- and pin 3 labeled as IN+ and pin 7 labeled as
OUT.  When you netlist, you refer to pin numbers.  So for example,
U1-2 and U1-3 and not U1-IN- and U1-IN+.  The pin numbers define all of
your connectivity information.  The pin labels are simply informative.

Now you load PCB.  The rat lines key off of the pin number and uses the
pin number in the netlist.  Pin names are not used at all.

So if pin numbers are broken in your symbol or footprint, thats it, game
over, things are just broken.

Now that the .cmd file does is it goes through and says U1-2 (i.e. pin
#2 of U1) happens to be called the IN- pin on this particular op-amp.
  And it makes all those changes.  Now if you query that pin in pcb, it
will tell you pin #2 and IN-.  This is useful when you're working with
a big part and you don't know the pinout by heart or via the context and
you want to quickly see the name of the pin you're connecting too.

Thats all the .cmd file does.  If you don't ever load it, nothing bad
happens other than querying U1 pin #2 will just report this is pin #2.
  It is called '2' instead of . It is called IN-.

This ought to go in a FAQ, and also into the gschem-pcb tutorial. This
explanation is a MUST.

I have read perhaps 100 A4-sized pages of text on gschem and pcb
and the connection between the two, by going through the info pages
for PCB and online tutorials and FAQs. And I remember feeling very
uneasy about the names-versus-numbers issue. But I do not remember
reading any good explanation. Your text above should not be allowed
to be lost.

In addition, the tutorial should add some explanation of the .cmd
file generated by gsch2pcb, and also spend a bit more time explaining
what  refdes_renum does. (And references to the Screen menu in
PCB should be removed.. the version of PCB I am seeing (200608xx)
does not have a Screen menu at all.)

Can you please put it in the gschem-pcb tutorial? I guess Bill Wilson
is also on this mailing list? If there is something I could do, please tell me.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Hi.... first post

2007-03-16 Thread C P Tarun

I just asked Ales for a login.  It's for the gEDA 

Great. How do I ask Ales for a login?


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Hi.... first post

2007-03-15 Thread C P Tarun

Can any of you please help me with this question? Why didn't
the .cmd file work?


-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mar 14, 2007 9:33 PM
Subject: Re: gEDA-user: Hi first post
To: gEDA user mailing list


Can you please help me with one part of my original question?

1.  When I load the netlist into the PCB program, it gives errors
saying that it couldn't find pins with the names given in the
footprints, or some such thing. Just try loading my .pcb file
first, then try loading the netlist, and you will see what I mean.

This problem does not go away even after you

I believe we have all agreed that the pin numbers in the symbol and
the footprint don't match, causing problems with the netlist. However,
I did run the test-schem.cmd file after loading the layout into PCB.
Shouldn't that have fixed these naming problems?

For the set of my files, check


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Re: Hi.... first post

2007-03-14 Thread C P Tarun

My Active crossover designe might be interested for you... if not, just

Very interesting, thanks. I've bookmarked the page; will read it over
the next few days and check out your gschem and PCB files.


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Hi.... first post

2007-03-13 Thread C P Tarun

Hi guys,

I'm new to this list, and I've just begun exploring gschem and PCB
a week or so back. Thought I'd introduce myself.

I am an engineer by qualification and am interested in audio system
building. Hence my need for a circuit design environment. I have
used Eagle (the free version) for a few years, and  designed a
few PCBs with it. I like Eagle a lot, and I began looking around for
an alternative purely because of the board size limit of 6.4x4
for non-profit Eagle licences. Now I have discovered gschem and
PCB, I'd really like to use this for the foreseeable future if I can.

If you have time to kill, you can poke around at or check postings by tcpip

I am a veteran user of Unix (since 1990 or so) and Linux (since
kernel version 1.0.8) I use Windows only to run speaker design
applications like Unibox (needs MS Excel) or Speaker Workshop,
or run complex PPT presentations.

I tried building a simple toy schematic using gschem and pushing
it to PCB, but my netlist is not showing all the connections, because
the pin names (numbers?) of the transistor symbols in the
schematic are not matching with the TO92 pin names (numbers?)
in the footprint, even after I run the .cmd file generated by gsch2pcb.

Can you please help?

If you want to see the test schematic and associated files, please



geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Some footprints I tried to create

2007-03-13 Thread C P Tarun

I have tried to create some common footprints in PCB, partly just
to learn how this thing works. Since I have some experience with
Eagle, I liked the footprints in their library.

So I saw the footprints for common components in PCB and didn't
like their barebones shapes, and decided to create some of my
own. I kept the following in mind:

1. Some portions of the PCB library have values associated with
   footprints, e.g. 1M resistors and 100K resistors, etc. I thought
   this was unnecessary. Or maybe I'm missing some vital point...
   you can tell me about it.

2.  Eagle footprints are drawn using 6mil lines. I thought this was
   too thin, so I drew them using 8mil lines. (My PCB fab chap seems
   to generate really ultra-thin lines  on the silkscreen with 6mil.
   YMMV.) Existing footprints with PCB seem to be drawn with all
   sorts of line thicknesses, including 10mil  and 20mil, which I
   found too thick in some cases.

3.  I tried to make the parts look like pictures, not diagrams or
   symbols. Being a novice circuit designer, I find this important.
   To me, accurate pictorial representation of a component on
   the silkscreen is akin to mnemonic variable names in code. The
   software works just as well with poorly chosen variable names,
   but it's easier to read and understand when the names are
   intelligently chosen.

4.  I did not understand the rationale for the drill dias of the pads
   in some of the parts in the PCB database. I have tried to select
   the drill dia carefully here, based on my limited knowledge of
   the lead diameters.

5.  In my hobby electronics experience, I find that the annular
   copper ring around a drill hole for a pad needs to be at least
   10 mil in width, preferably 15mil, for easy soldering and de-
   soldering. I've tried to retain this in the pins I've done with
   my footprints. YMMV. But with this brilliant decision of PCB
   to keep all file formats as ASCII, it'll be easy for someone
   to write a script to patch the pin annular widths as per your
   preferences if you wish. (I would love to have a script which
   can do with a PCB layout what Eagle does in its DRC: set a
   min width and max width for annular rings, with a percentage
   of drill dia as the guiding rule for in-betweens.)

6.  I did not like the transistor footprints for TO220, TO126, etc,
   which I found with PCB. Some of them did not give me any
   visual indication of which side was the front of the device.
   So I drew the shapes accordingly in my footprints, to give a
   clear visual indicator.

7.  I found square pins for Pin 1 of a lot of non-polar passive
   components in the PCB library. I found this unnecessary and
   adding to visual clutter. So I just decided to design my
   footprints with both pins round for such devices.

8.  I wanted elongated pins/pads for some of the higher-current
   devices. So I incorporated them. I don't know whether it'll
   work in reality when I include the device in PCB. I haven't yet
   generated Gerbers and checked.

9.  I created separate sets of footprints for each resistor form
   factor. In the existing PCB library, when you move from a 200mil
   leg spacing to a 300mil spacing, the device also becomes wider.
   This is misleading, and you can't use the silk outline effectively
   to place devices tightly when you are short of space. You need
   accurate body shapes and sizes in the silk outline, IMHO. I tried
   to do this.

I don't know whether these definitions will work. If any of you can
give me feedback, I'll correct my mistakes and put them back up
again. I need these things to be flawless, for my own sake. Check:

Thanks for the help


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Hi.... first post

2007-03-13 Thread C P Tarun

Welcome !
Read your post on diyaudio as well.
I am active as blu_line over there.

Kewl!! So we diy audio guys do have some presence in the
geda gang after all! Great. :) Hope to see interesting circuits
built using geda.  I'm waiting for the time I'll get my first
audio circuits done using gschem+PCB. I'll post them
on diyaudio and do some _serious_ hardsell about how
this is a great EDA environment for the hobbyist.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Some footprints I tried to create

2007-03-13 Thread C P Tarun


Thanks for a very helpful response.

1.  Although it's not (yet) mandatory, we usually suggest that
footprints use .fp as a file suffix.

Yes, I saw the notes on, and also wrote to DJ
asking him for a CVS upload account on his site. He hasn't yet
gotten around to replying. I will change the filenames to conform
to this standard sometime soon.

2.  You may be interested in looking around our website for
contributed footprints, symbols, and other materials:

I've already begun. I wish there was a footprint viewer app
which would just display one footprint file with variable mag,
the way gerb does for gerbers. That way, I could quickly download
and look at each footprint in detail.

If wishes were horses... :)

A couple of other footprint links for you, in case you haven't
found them yet:

Thanks, I hadn't seen these.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Hi.... first post

2007-03-13 Thread C P Tarun

 What I really need to know is how did this happen? When using gschem, I
 tried moving each transistor to check whether the nets were connected to
 the pins or not, and they moved with the symbol, showing connection.
 After that, why did the connections not show up in the netlist?

They did show up.

I do not see connections for other than E pins in the schematic.

There was one additional connection, to the base of one transistor.

But that's only part of the story. The other part of the problem was that
when I opened the generated .pcb file in the PCB program and loaded
the netlist, the program gave me errors saying that it couldn't find
pin names for the two transistors. (There were six errors for all six
pins of the two transistors.) And in the ratsnest lines, I did not see
any ratlines connecting to any of the pins of the transistors.

This is the part that I'm concerned about. Why did this  happen? What
did I do wrong?


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Hi.... first post

2007-03-13 Thread C P Tarun

Yeah, like John pointed out this is a problem with the symbol
${geda install dir}/share/gEDA/sym/analog/npn-2.sym.  It uses B, C,
and E as the pin numbers.  The pinnumber needs to be a number, and
the numbers should correspond to the numbers on the footprint you want
to use.

Even if I assume that this is the cause of the problem, why didn't the
.cmd file fix it? What am I missing here?


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Some footprints I tried to create

2007-03-13 Thread C P Tarun

 Yes, I saw the notes on, and also wrote to DJ
 asking him for a CVS upload account on his site. He hasn't yet
 gotten around to replying.

Only because I didn't see it, please send again.

Just did. Hope it reaches this time.

 I've already begun. I wish there was a footprint viewer app
 which would just display one footprint file with variable mag,

PCB in cvs can load footprints directly, and it has variable mag.

The startup time of the version of PCB I have is so huge that that
alone may become a problem. A lighter program would have really
helped, I thought.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Hi.... first post

2007-03-13 Thread C P Tarun

I use a part that has a NPN and a PNP in one package.  Six leads, six position 
2 C's, 2 B's, 2 E's.   How would you deal with that?

For any device other than transistors, I guess numbers are fine.
After all, for those devices, you don't have a universally accepted
single symbol which is available in multiple package pinouts, right?


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Hi.... first post

2007-03-13 Thread C P Tarun

2.  Yes, lots of people call for heavy symbols, in which each symbol
calls out a specific footprint, and there's no discrepancy between
pinnumber on the symbol and on the footprint.

Hmmm... I think this is the approach which is safest for a novice
designer like me. I guess I'll just roll my own.

Alternately, there does exist an opportunity for somebody to sell CDs
full of heavy symbols in which each symbol calls out a specific
footprint, and all symbols/footprints have been checked/vetted!  You
know who I mean  ;-)



geda-user mailing list