Re: gEDA-user: text labels on symbols, DRY, colon cancer, and redundant, repetitive redundancy.

2009-06-11 Thread Miles Gazic
  Would anyone be opposed to having the netlister assume a :1 for net=
  attributes without a colon?
 There was a patch for this available, but it did not make it in the
 official code.

I would love it if I didn't need the :1 on netlist names.  Right now I
do not have :1 on my net names, and I have my makefile make a copy of
all my schematics, and run sed -i -e 's/^\(net=.*\)/\1:1/' on them to
add a :1.  It works okay, but it's annoying that there are duplicate
files created, and some makefile rules (creating a pdf or png) need to
use the original files, while others (DRC, making a netlist) need to
use the modified files.

- Miles

On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 1:18 PM, Stefan Salewski wrote:

 On Thu, 2009-06-11 at 13:47 -0500, Mark Rages wrote:
  In, referring to the device= attribute:
   This attribute should not be used as a label. Use a separate text object 
   for the label.
  What is the reasoning behind this?  This is pointless redundancy.
  And it makes using light symbols harder, because you need different
  symbols for different device= attributes, or else there is no
  schematic-visible way to differentiate between them.

 True. I have replaced the plain text like 74HC04 in my symbols with
 attributes. I used value attribute. I did this for the reasons you
 mentioned above. I ask about it on this list -- no reply, so it may be

  Also, I notice that the power supply symbols have a separate text
  label and hidden net= label with a :1 appended.  In fact, it is
  necesary to append a :1 to the end of any net= attribute.  This is
  ugly.  And it makes the redundant text label necessary to avoid adding
  the information-free :1 onto the schematic.

 I asked about this on the list too. Redundancy is indeed bad -- my
 decision is to make the net= a visible attribute. So the :1 for pin 1 is
 visible too -- not too ugly, but it may confuse other people.

  Would anyone be opposed to having the netlister assume a :1 for net=
  attributes without a colon?

 There was a patch for this available, but it did not make it in the
 official code.

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Re: gEDA-user: Breadboard drawings with pcb?

2009-05-26 Thread Miles Gazic
I have this same problem, because I automate my build with makefiles,
and I'd like to have a build machine (that doesn't run X) be able to
build everything (mostly software, but also PNGs and PDFs of my
schematics, along with running DRC, making a netlist, etc.)

I did a search for an alternate way around the problem, and found this:

I haven't tried it yet, but plan to soon.

- Miles

On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 9:35 AM, John Doty wrote:

 On May 26, 2009, at 5:34 AM, Ineiev wrote:

 On 5/26/09, Josef Wolf wrote:
 But scriptability is a concern, though: is it possible to create the
 ps/eps from a script/Makefile without GUI intervention?

 (Do you mean you do it _with_ GUI?)

 pcb -x ps --psfile board.pcb

 PCB even does not requires X for this task. BTW I couldn't achieve
 this with gschem --- it doesn't work from text terminal for me.

 You can print using the print.scm from a text terminal or script as
 long as there's an X server for gschem to flash the page on. A minor
 annoyance, I think.


 geda-user mailing list

 John Doty              Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

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gEDA-user: Xvfb allows 'printing' with gschem with a headless server (was: Breadboard drawings with pcb?)

2009-05-26 Thread Miles Gazic

In one terminal:
Xvfb :3

In another terminal:
gschem -p -o -s print.scm myschematic-page1.sch

Xvfb doesn't need any particular hardware resources (screen, video
card, keyboard, mouse), and it allowed the above actions to complete
without the dreaded Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display.  In my case
I am trying to do the above on a machine I don't have root access on,
where there's already a display server running on :0, so I just picked
a random other display to run Xvfb on.

- Miles

On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 2:12 PM, Miles Gazic wrote:
 I have this same problem, because I automate my build with makefiles,
 and I'd like to have a build machine (that doesn't run X) be able to
 build everything (mostly software, but also PNGs and PDFs of my
 schematics, along with running DRC, making a netlist, etc.)

 I did a search for an alternate way around the problem, and found this:

 I haven't tried it yet, but plan to soon.

 - Miles

 On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 9:35 AM, John Doty wrote:

 On May 26, 2009, at 5:34 AM, Ineiev wrote:

 On 5/26/09, Josef Wolf wrote:
 But scriptability is a concern, though: is it possible to create the
 ps/eps from a script/Makefile without GUI intervention?

 (Do you mean you do it _with_ GUI?)

 pcb -x ps --psfile board.pcb

 PCB even does not requires X for this task. BTW I couldn't achieve
 this with gschem --- it doesn't work from text terminal for me.

 You can print using the print.scm from a text terminal or script as
 long as there's an X server for gschem to flash the page on. A minor
 annoyance, I think.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: building gEDA for cygwin

2009-05-20 Thread Miles Gazic
I have, that's the only version I've tried to build.

- Miles

On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 7:26 AM, Alberto Maccioni wrote:
 Has anyone been able to compile gEDA v1.4.3 with cygwin?
 I can only build 1.4.2, but not 1.4.1
 What about v1.5.x? It needs GTK 2.8 but unfortynately cygwin only has 2.6

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Re: gEDA-user: fritzing

2009-05-11 Thread Miles Gazic
I agree it's a waste of time to port gEDA to windows, and that a
cross-platform library is the way to go.  I've used SDL a bit, but I
wouldn't pick it for this.  I'd (personally) pick Qt, and recommend
porting gEDA to Qt, so there'd be one unified code base, instead of a
separate codebase for unix+X11 and for (no matter how much code they
have in common).  I've done Qt apps on windows/Linux/OS X, and it
works seamlessly on all 3 platforms.  I prefer it to Win32 or MFC apps
on windows, and it's also my favorite way to write linux apps, even
disregarding cross-platform requirements for either platform.  I tried
making cross-platform gtk apps, and basically gave up, and instead
cross-compiled windows apps from a linux box (something that worked
okay for me, but doesn't help people who are windows-only to develop
the apps).  If you try to port gEDA to windows, you basically will do
all the work of creating a cross-platform toolkit, and have to
maintain it for ever: why not use an existing one?

I'm not saying you should port to Qt or asking someone to do so, or
complaining that gEDA doesn't use Qt now.  Just offering advice on
what to use, if your goal was to make a GUI app run seamlessly on
linux/OS X/windows.

- Miles

PS: I use gEDA on cygwin.  I have a cygwin mirror at work, and I made
a cygwin package for gEDA, as well as making a modified cygwin
installer so that coworkers can run the installer to automatically
install all the packages I think they need from our local mirror,
including my gEDA package.  It was a PITA to set up, and I doubt many
people at companies even an order of magnitude bigger than where I
work will devote the resources to do something like that.  And even
still after all my work, I couldn't get my package to conform to
cygwin's package acceptance criteria, so I never tried to push it
upstream.  Part of the reason was because I couldn't quite figure out
how to get gEDA to build properly, and I had to do ugly hacks to make
it run.  Someone more familiar with gEDA and/or cygwin than I am would
have to make the package for it to get accepted upstream, or I'd have
to spend more time figuring stuff out, and I (sadly) haven't gotten
around to it.

On Sun, May 10, 2009 at 2:50 AM, Michael Torp Kaalund wrote:
 If you are going to port a program between operation systems, then it is
 better to use something like libsdl, that can be used to crosscompile.
 Now I hav'nt seen the code for the programs in gEDA, but I think it will
 a while to port the existing code to use something like libsdl, and it
 is something that definally needs a plan to do.

 But if you really like gEDA on a windows mashine, then you can try use

 Thats my 2 cents.
 Hav a nice saturday..
 -Michael Kaalund (Denmark)
 lør, 09 05 2009 kl. 23:06 -0700, skrev Dave N6NZ:
 Dave McGuire wrote:
  Apparently, programming for Windows is much more difficult than
  programming for unix.
     I've never seen it, but I'm told that the Windows API is actually
  rather nice.  I suspect it's more a matter of more highly-skilled
  programmers not working with Windows.  At least for the most part.

 Windows is just way different.  There is no where near a 1:1 mapping of
 functionality in API calls between Windows and *nix.  And things that
 are efficient on one system can be awful on the other... fork() being an
 example of something that is notoriously expensive on Windows and highly
 tuned (usually) on *nix.  If you find one of those deeply embedded in
 the architecture of a program, it can make porting very painful.  And
 the Windows API specification is much more volatile.

 Porting isn't easy.  And even if you decide up front to design for
 portability among Windows, OS X, and X-windows, there is no single,
 obvious, straight-forward strategy.


 And don't ask me for more details I've purposely avoided Windows
 programming (because I could) and have fallen woefully behind on Windows
 programming methodologies.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: fritzing

2009-05-07 Thread Miles Gazic
 For software to be truly expert friendly, it must use languages
 that are meaningful in the application domain, and lots of
 extendability.  To a circuit designer, that is not C, Scheme,
 M4, or XML.

 The ones I know circuit designers use are verilog, perl and python.
 and then there are the many Matlab programmers...

 Are any of those what you're thinking of Al?

Verilog or VHDL are the only languages that I know of that are
directly used in hardware design, and IMO neither is suited for
writing scripts on PCs.  Since no suitable languages are commonly used
in hardware development (except by people who also write software), I
don't think there's a clear choice.  Any scripting language would be
fine, but something like perl or python would be more accessible to
more people than scheme or M4 currently is.

The main issue though is to have input and output files in plain text,
so anyone can write scripts in whatever language they please to
process them.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Netlisting a BOM

2009-04-30 Thread Miles Gazic
I think the file you are missing is attribs

$ cat attribs

On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 1:59 PM, Rob Butts wrote:

   I'm trying to use gnetlist -g bom -o...  to generate a bill of
   material.  The documentation calls for a config file to tell the
   netlister what attributes to list but it doesn't say how to name it or
   use it.

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Re: gEDA-user: gEDA attributes -- why not in this simple way

2009-04-09 Thread Miles Gazic
On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 9:40 AM, John Doty wrote:

 Where is the problem by this simple approach?

 Cognitive dissonance in the minds of users and developers, whose
 minds actually work hierarchically, but who expect, based on
 traditional practices, that component management is flat.

I guess I'm in the minority camp.  Stefan's description made immediate
sense to me, but I simply cannot understand the way gschem handles
this right now, it seems like a convoluted selfcontradictory
mish-mash.  Can anyone point me to a doc that explains the
'heirarchical' point of view?  I think if I could get a conception of
why it works the way it does, I'd probably be able to adapt myself to
that kind of workflow.


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Re: gEDA-user: Why are visible attributes in a .sym not visible in my .sch?

2009-04-08 Thread Miles Gazic
  I have attributes in my symbol files that I mark as visible.  This
     makes them visible when editing the .sym file, but NOT when editing
     the .sch file.

 I don't think so. I think if I add visible attributes to a symbol, they
 are visible (and edible) in the schematic.

 I think I read that visible attributes are always promoted?
I don't want the attributes promoted, that would result in multiple
copies of the same information that need to be kept synchronized.  The
attributes that aren't promoted that reside in my .sym files work
properly when I create a BOM with gnetlist.  The problem is that they
aren't visible on my schematic in gschem.  It seems to me that
promotion is a very different thing than making sym attributes visible
in gschem.  Promotion makes a *copy* of the attributes when you insert
a symbol into the schematic, and puts that in the .sch files.  Gschem
then sees that copy, which from it's point of view while editing, is
just an attribute that exists in the .sch, and has nothing whatsoever
to do with the .sym file.  If there's something bad about having
attributes in a .sym file be visible in a schematic (without copying,
aka 'promotion'), then why does gnetlist have access to those
attributes the same as attributes that are in the .sch?  I'm not
trying to be a jackass, I get the feeling there is a reason the
creators of gschem did this, and I'd like to know what it is so I can
use the tools properly.

 Maybe you should give an example, and tell use your gschem version.
gEDA/gschem version

 What is the benefit of sending the the text of themessage twice?
Sorry, that wasn't intentional.  Perhaps that's what happens when the
list receives an html email.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Why are visible attributes in a .sym not visible in my .sch?

2009-04-08 Thread Miles Gazic
John wrote:
 Huh? Not the way it works for me (currently using gEDA/gschem version Unpromoted visible attributes from the sym are
 visible in the schematic, you just can't edit them. Are you sure
 you've marked them visible?
Yes, absolutely sure.  This happens on on WinXP, as
well as on Ubuntu 8.10.

Stefan wrote:
 I have currently no idea how you manage to have attributes marked
 visible in symbols, which are invisible in schematic. That was why I ask
 for an example.
Sorry for not including an example earlier.  I tried to make a small
example to demonstrate the problem.  3 files are attached:
gafrc: needed at a minimum to have (component-library .), so the .sym is found
IL717-3E.sym: A pared down symbol to demonstrate the problem
test.sch: a schematic that has two IL717-3E symbols in it.  One was
inserted with attribute promotion on, and the
manufacturer_part_number attribute was copied to the schematic file
(bad, because I don't want duplication of information).  The other was
inserted with attribute promotion off, and it has no attributes in the
.sch (not even an empty {} section).  When I open it in gschem, I do
not see the text IL717-3E, but I would like to see that text.

Thanks very much,

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Description: application/schdpl32

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gEDA-user: Why are visible attributes in a .sym not visible in my .sch?

2009-04-07 Thread Miles Gazic

   I have attributes in my symbol files that I mark as visible.  This
   makes them visible when editing the .sym file, but NOT when editing
   the .sch file.  I do not want them promoted (which I think will copy
   the text of them to the contents of my .sch files, when a symbol is
   inserted in my schematic).  I *do* however want them to be visible in
   my schematic.  Otherwise, I wouldn't have made them visible in the
   first place.
   What I'm confused about is that gschem lets me make attributes visible
   in my .sym, but that doesn't result in me being able to see them in my
   schematic.  What possible reason is there for marking an attribute
   visible, if not because I want it to be visible on the schematic?
   This is too basic a feature to be a bug... Could someone please
   explain the reason why gschem works this way, and if possible, what I
   can do to make it work the way I want it to?  Bonus points if you
   explain why the way I want it to work isn't the default, and what's
   wrong with it.

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