gEDA-user: datasheet

2009-03-12 Thread Patrick Dupre


Sorry, I am looking for the datasheet of an IC ECG9099. Because I
did not find it on the internet, I am just asking if you have any
idea where I could find it !!


 Patrick DUPRÉ  |   |
 Department of Chemistry|   |Phone: (44)-(0)-1904-434384
 The University of York |   |Fax:   (44)-(0)-1904-432516
 Heslington |   |
 York YO10 5DD  United Kingdom  |   |email:

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: datasheet

2009-03-12 Thread Patrick Dupre


Thank you very much for the information.

Yes I would be interested by the pinout.
It is probably different from the TTL. By the way, I already try to
replace a DTL by a TTL after pin modification, but the chip warms up
and seems to oscilate. Any, with the pinout, I can first check it is

Best Regards.

NTE/ECG/Philips sells chips that are pin for pin replacements for a
lot of things. The thing is that the part number they use frequently
don't match what anyone else uses. I looked up your part number in a
reference book from 1996 and got this Dual M/S J-K Flip-Flop 5MHz I
have the pin out too if you need it. I know that it is DTL but you
might be able to replace it with a TTL chip from the 7400 series. My
reference only goes 1 way from everyone else stuff to ECG. Honestly
until I got this message I was going to recycle the stupid book. I
guess I have too keep it now. I have the pinout if you want it but not
the data sheet. What I guess we should be asking is could you use a
TTL chip say 7400 series as a replacement or would the fan in/out be
an issue.

On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 2:25 PM, Patrick Dupre wrote:


Sorry, I am looking for the datasheet of an IC ECG9099. Because I
did not find it on the internet, I am just asking if you have any
idea where I could find it !!


 Patrick DUPRÉ                      |   |
 Department of Chemistry            |   |    Phone: (44)-(0)-1904-434384
 The University of York             |   |    Fax:   (44)-(0)-1904-432516
 Heslington                         |   |
 York YO10 5DD  United Kingdom      |   |    email:

geda-user mailing list

 Patrick DUPRÉ  |   |
 Department of Chemistry|   |Phone: (44)-(0)-1904-434384
 The University of York |   |Fax:   (44)-(0)-1904-432516
 Heslington |   |
 York YO10 5DD  United Kingdom  |   |email:

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gEDA-user: ground plan

2009-02-10 Thread Patrick Dupre


What am I missing ?
On the component side I only have ground tracks and one additional one.
To make a ground plan, I use rectangle, unfortunately, doing so, I
get copper every where, ie. the spacing aroud the pins is OK but the
track which is not supposed to be grounded is connected to the plan !!

Thank for your help.

 Patrick DUPRÉ  |   |
 Department of Chemistry|   |Phone: (44)-(0)-1904-434384
 The University of York |   |Fax:   (44)-(0)-1904-432516
 Heslington |   |
 York YO10 5DD  United Kingdom  |   |email:

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: ground plan

2009-02-10 Thread Patrick Dupre

Thank you very much.

You need to make sure that the traces have the attribute clearpoly.  I
usually do a search and replace in a text editor; I'm not sure if
there's a shortcut in PCB that let's you process traces already placed.
Under the Settings menu there is an option New lines, arcs, clear
polygons that will make sure that any additional lines you place will
not be merged into a polygon.


Patrick Dupre wrote:


What am I missing ?
On the component side I only have ground tracks and one additional one.
To make a ground plan, I use rectangle, unfortunately, doing so, I
get copper every where, ie. the spacing aroud the pins is OK but the
track which is not supposed to be grounded is connected to the plan !!

Thank for your help.

geda-user mailing list

geda-user mailing list

 Patrick DUPRÉ  |   |
 Department of Chemistry|   |Phone: (44)-(0)-1904-434384
 The University of York |   |Fax:   (44)-(0)-1904-432516
 Heslington |   |
 York YO10 5DD  United Kingdom  |   |email:

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: select all pins

2009-02-09 Thread Patrick Dupre


How coudl I select all pins ?
I try select by name, then pins, but it ask me for a pattern,
I try nothing or *
but I never been successfull.


 Patrick DUPRÉ  |   |
 Department of Chemistry|   |Phone: (44)-(0)-1904-434384
 The University of York |   |Fax:   (44)-(0)-1904-432516
 Heslington |   |
 York YO10 5DD  United Kingdom  |   |email:

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: manage changes

2009-01-22 Thread Patrick Dupre


I previously generated a pcb board. then, I had to make a lot of changes.
So, I copy the previous .sch files into new ones, and created
a new project with the new files. Now, when I generated the new pcb
(gsch2pcb) I lost all the benefits of my previous pcb (I mean, I need
to restart form scratch). How can I generated the new.pcb file
including my changes ? It means the difference between the new pcb
and the old one ?


 Patrick DUPRÉ  |   |
 Department of Chemistry|   |Phone: (44)-(0)-1904-434384
 The University of York |   |Fax:   (44)-(0)-1904-432516
 Heslington |   |
 York YO10 5DD  United Kingdom  |   |email:

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: duplique

2009-01-21 Thread Patrick Dupre


After I made a pcb, can I duplicate it on the same silk ?
Then I go get several at the same time.


 Patrick DUPRÉ  |   |
 Department of Chemistry|   |Phone: (44)-(0)-1904-434384
 The University of York |   |Fax:   (44)-(0)-1904-432516
 Heslington |   |
 York YO10 5DD  United Kingdom  |   |email:

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: What is wrong

2009-01-20 Thread Patrick Dupre

Hello trying to understand what is wrong is this file, I finally
decided to submit you.
When I try to make the rate net, I get:
Can't find T pin 1 called for in netlist

Of course one connection is missing, but I cannot figure out why.


 Patrick DUPRÉ  |   |
 Department of Chemistry|   |Phone: (44)-(0)-1904-434384
 The University of York |   |Fax:   (44)-(0)-1904-432516
 Heslington |   |
 York YO10 5DD  United Kingdom  |   |email:
==# release: pcb 20080202
# date:Tue Jan 20 10:43:05 2009
# user:pdupre (PD)

# To read pcb files, the pcb version (or the cvs source date) must be = the 
file version

PCB[ 175000 15]

Grid[2500.00 0 0 1]
Cursor[0 0 6.00]
DRC[1600 1600 1600 1600 2000 1600]

Symbol(' ' 18)
Symbol('!' 12)
SymbolLine(0 45 0 50 8)
SymbolLine(0 10 0 35 8)
Symbol('' 12)
SymbolLine(0 10 0 20 8)
SymbolLine(10 10 10 20 8)
Symbol('#' 12)
SymbolLine(0 35 20 35 8)
SymbolLine(0 25 20 25 8)
SymbolLine(15 20 15 40 8)
SymbolLine(5 20 5 40 8)
Symbol('$' 12)
SymbolLine(15 15 20 20 8)
SymbolLine(5 15 15 15 8)
SymbolLine(0 20 5 15 8)
SymbolLine(0 20 0 25 8)
SymbolLine(0 25 5 30 8)
SymbolLine(5 30 15 30 8)
SymbolLine(15 30 20 35 8)
SymbolLine(20 35 20 40 8)
SymbolLine(15 45 20 40 8)
SymbolLine(5 45 15 45 8)
SymbolLine(0 40 5 45 8)
SymbolLine(10 10 10 50 8)
Symbol('%' 12)
SymbolLine(0 15 0 20 8)
SymbolLine(0 15 5 10 8)
SymbolLine(5 10 10 10 8)
SymbolLine(10 10 15 15 8)
SymbolLine(15 15 15 20 8)
SymbolLine(10 25 15 20 8)
SymbolLine(5 25 10 25 8)
SymbolLine(0 20 5 25 8)
SymbolLine(0 50 40 10 8)
SymbolLine(35 50 40 45 8)
SymbolLine(40 40 40 45 8)
SymbolLine(35 35 40 40 8)
SymbolLine(30 35 35 35 8)
SymbolLine(25 40 30 35 8)
SymbolLine(25 40 25 45 8)
SymbolLine(25 45 30 50 8)
SymbolLine(30 50 35 50 8)
Symbol('' 12)
SymbolLine(0 45 5 50 8)
SymbolLine(0 15 0 25 8)
SymbolLine(0 15 5 10 8)
SymbolLine(0 35 15 20 8)
SymbolLine(5 50 10 50 8)
SymbolLine(10 50 20 40 8)
SymbolLine(0 25 25 50 8)
SymbolLine(5 10 10 10 8)
SymbolLine(10 10 15 15 8)
SymbolLine(15 15 15 20 8)
SymbolLine(0 35 0 45 8)
Symbol(''' 12)
SymbolLine(0 20 10 10 8)
Symbol('(' 12)
SymbolLine(0 45 5 50 8)
SymbolLine(0 15 5 10 8)
SymbolLine(0 15 0 45 8)
Symbol(')' 12)
SymbolLine(0 10 5 15 8)
SymbolLine(5 15 5 45 8)
SymbolLine(0 50 5 45 8)
Symbol('*' 12)
SymbolLine(0 20 20 40 8)
SymbolLine(0 40 20 20 8)
SymbolLine(0 30 20 30 8)
SymbolLine(10 20 10 40 8)
Symbol('+' 12)
SymbolLine(0 30 20 30 8)
SymbolLine(10 20 10 40 8)
Symbol(',' 12)
SymbolLine(0 60 10 50 8)
Symbol('-' 12)
SymbolLine(0 30 20 30 8)
Symbol('.' 12)
SymbolLine(0 50 5 50 8)
Symbol('/' 12)
SymbolLine(0 45 30 15 8)
Symbol('0' 12)
SymbolLine(0 45 5 50 8)
SymbolLine(0 15 0 45 8)
SymbolLine(0 15 5 10 8)
SymbolLine(5 10 15 10 8)
SymbolLine(15 10 20 15 8)
SymbolLine(20 15 20 45 8)
SymbolLine(15 50 20 45 8)
SymbolLine(5 50 15 50 8)
SymbolLine(0 40 20 20 8)
Symbol('1' 12)
SymbolLine(5 50 15 50 8)
SymbolLine(10 10 10 50 8)
SymbolLine(0 20 10 10 8)
Symbol('2' 12)
SymbolLine(0 15 5 10 8)
SymbolLine(5 10 20 10 8)
SymbolLine(20 10 25 15 8)
SymbolLine(25 15 25 25 8)
SymbolLine(0 50 25 25 8)
SymbolLine(0 50 25 50 8)
Symbol('3' 12)
SymbolLine(0 15 5 10 8)
SymbolLine(5 10 15 10 8)
SymbolLine(15 10 20 15 8)
SymbolLine(20 15 20 45 8)
SymbolLine(15 50 20 45 8)
SymbolLine(5 50 15 50 8)
SymbolLine(0 45 5 50 8)
SymbolLine(5 30 20 30 8)
Symbol('4' 12)
SymbolLine(0 30 20 10 8)
SymbolLine(0 30 25 30 8)
SymbolLine(20 10 20 50 8)
Symbol('5' 12)
SymbolLine(0 10 20 10 8)
SymbolLine(0 10 0 30 8)
SymbolLine(0 30 5 25 8)
SymbolLine(5 25 15 25 8)
SymbolLine(15 25 20 30 8)
SymbolLine(20 30 20 45 8)
SymbolLine(15 50 20 

Re: gEDA-user: What is wrong

2009-01-20 Thread Patrick Dupre

On Tue, 20 Jan 2009, Peter Clifton wrote:

On Tue, 2009-01-20 at 15:30 +0300, wrote:

Hello, Patrick;

On 1/20/09, Patrick Dupre wrote:

When I try to make the rate net, I get:
Can't find T pin 1 called for in netlist

There is a string in rats.c, in function ParseConnection(),
for (i = j; i  0  ElementName[i - 1] = 'a'; i--);

I think this may mean something like slotting
(Tm-1 in the netlist is interpreted as element T, slot m, pin 1),
though I am not sure.

When Tm is renamed to Tm1, it works as expected.

Yep, you got it in one.. although strictly speaking, m is just
dropped. PCB doesn't know or care about slots.

PCB drops any lower case suffixes on refdes. That might be documented
somewhere, but I'm not sure where ;)

Yes and no, I found something at:


 Patrick DUPRÉ  |   |
 Department of Chemistry|   |Phone: (44)-(0)-1904-434384
 The University of York |   |Fax:   (44)-(0)-1904-432516
 Heslington |   |
 York YO10 5DD  United Kingdom  |   |email:

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: final modification

2008-11-06 Thread Patrick Dupre

Thank you very much,

And how do I remove copper ? I know how to add copper, but not how to
remove !

Thank again.

If I delete, the create space is filled with copper and if I make a o to
recreate the rat, then when I use line to recreate the connection, the
copped stays and I do not have have the rigth connection.

Check under the Settings menu and make sure that New lines, arcs
clear polygons is set. If that is set then the line should clear the
polygon as you go, else it will connect directly to the polygon.

geda-user mailing list

 Patrick DUPRÉ  |   |
 Department of Chemistry|   |Phone: (44)-(0)-1904-434384
 The University of York |   |Fax:   (44)-(0)-1904-432516
 Heslington |   |
 York YO10 5DD  United Kingdom  |   |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: remove copper

2008-11-06 Thread Patrick Dupre


After I have made a ground plane, how can I remove a little bit of copper,
like a square shape ?


 Patrick DUPRÉ  |   |
 Department of Chemistry|   |Phone: (44)-(0)-1904-434384
 The University of York |   |Fax:   (44)-(0)-1904-432516
 Heslington |   |
 York YO10 5DD  United Kingdom  |   |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: From on side to the other one

2008-11-06 Thread Patrick Dupre


is their a way to move a component from one side to the other one
just as is, no flip, no rotation.


 Patrick DUPRÉ  |   |
 Department of Chemistry|   |Phone: (44)-(0)-1904-434384
 The University of York |   |Fax:   (44)-(0)-1904-432516
 Heslington |   |
 York YO10 5DD  United Kingdom  |   |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: footprint too large

2008-11-05 Thread Patrick Dupre


I have components (typically a RCY200) whose footprint is larger than
the physics shape and I would like in pcb to move it a bit out of the
print board, ie the connections of course will stay on the print board
bu the footprint (the round shape) could go a bit off.
How can I do it ?


 Patrick DUPRÉ  |   |
 Department of Chemistry|   |Phone: (44)-(0)-1904-434384
 The University of York |   |Fax:   (44)-(0)-1904-432516
 Heslington |   |
 York YO10 5DD  United Kingdom  |   |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: via to pad

2008-11-05 Thread Patrick Dupre


How to I change a via to a pad ?

Typcally, I do wnat to edit a previous fp.
So I cut it to the buffer, break into element and past to layout,
but the pads are changed to vias and then I cannot go back !


 Patrick DUPRÉ  |   |
 Department of Chemistry|   |Phone: (44)-(0)-1904-434384
 The University of York |   |Fax:   (44)-(0)-1904-432516
 Heslington |   |
 York YO10 5DD  United Kingdom  |   |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: via to pad

2008-11-05 Thread Patrick Dupre

Ok Ifound the solution, it is automatic when convert buffer elements


How to I change a via to a pad ?

Typcally, I do wnat to edit a previous fp.
So I cut it to the buffer, break into element and past to layout,
but the pads are changed to vias and then I cannot go back !


 Patrick DUPRÉ  |   |
 Department of Chemistry|   |Phone: (44)-(0)-1904-434384
 The University of York |   |Fax:   (44)-(0)-1904-432516
 Heslington |   |
 York YO10 5DD  United Kingdom  |   |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: 7905.sym

2008-11-04 Thread Patrick Dupre

Am Dienstag, den 04.11.2008, 10:47 + schrieb Patrick Dupre:


Where can I find a 7605.sym ?


7605 or 7905?

Yes, 79xx, seems to have been derived from 7912.sym

I think I have seen 78xx and 79xx (negative fix voltage reg.) at
gedasymbols, you may search for 79xx. Voltages are set by attributes.

If you really look for a 7605, you may tell us what it is.

geda-user mailing list

 Patrick DUPRÉ  |   |
 Department of Chemistry|   |Phone: (44)-(0)-1904-434384
 The University of York |   |Fax:   (44)-(0)-1904-432516
 Heslington |   |
 York YO10 5DD  United Kingdom  |   |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: 7905.sym

2008-11-04 Thread Patrick Dupre


Where can I find a 7605.sym ?


 Patrick DUPRÉ  |   |
 Department of Chemistry|   |Phone: (44)-(0)-1904-434384
 The University of York |   |Fax:   (44)-(0)-1904-432516
 Heslington |   |
 York YO10 5DD  United Kingdom  |   |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: footprint

2008-11-03 Thread Patrick Dupre


I probably made some thing wrong when I createdmy own footprint because
pcb is not happy: my board.pcb generates an error.
In fact the error is due to the what is inside my.fp file:


PCB[ 79000 91001]

Grid[1000.00 0 0 0]
Cursor[0 0 0.00]
DRC[1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1000]

Symbol(' ' 18)
Symbol('!' 12)
SymbolLine(0 45 0 50 8)
SymbolLine(0 10 0 35 8)
Symbol('' 12)

Obviously this file has been generated by pcb, but it looks like that
it is what is expected for a footprint file.
Is their an otion to generate a footprint file from pcb ?


 Patrick DUPRÉ  |   |
 Department of Chemistry|   |Phone: (44)-(0)-1904-434384
 The University of York |   |Fax:   (44)-(0)-1904-432516
 Heslington |   |
 York YO10 5DD  United Kingdom  |   |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: footprint

2008-11-03 Thread Patrick Dupre


On Mon, Nov 03, 2008 at 07:33:42PM +, Patrick Dupre wrote:

In fact the error is due to the what is inside my.fp file:


That's a .pcb.  A footprint doesn't have all those headers.  You need to
open that file as a .pcb, copy your element to a buffer and save that as
a footprint.

 Patrick DUPRÉ  |   |
 Department of Chemistry|   |Phone: (44)-(0)-1904-434384
 The University of York |   |Fax:   (44)-(0)-1904-432516
 Heslington |   |
 York YO10 5DD  United Kingdom  |   |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Vee and ground connected

2008-11-03 Thread Patrick Dupre


I made one pcb file from 2 sch files, both have 12V -12V and ground,
but in the board.pcb file, the net of Vee also connects the ground !
How can I control what is going on ?


 Patrick DUPRÉ  |   |
 Department of Chemistry|   |Phone: (44)-(0)-1904-434384
 The University of York |   |Fax:   (44)-(0)-1904-432516
 Heslington |   |
 York YO10 5DD  United Kingdom  |   |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: grid setting

2008-05-15 Thread Patrick Dupre


In gschem, I can probably set the grid to 50 by default, but how ?


 Patrick DUPRÉ  |   |
 Department of Chemistry|   |Phone: (44)-(0)-1904-434384
 The University of York |   |Fax:   (44)-(0)-1904-432516
 Heslington |   |
 York YO10 5DD  United Kingdom  |   |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Modify a footprint

2008-05-14 Thread Patrick Dupre


I expect to be able to use pcb to modify a footprint, let say DIP24,
but every time that I want to delete a pin for example, all the
footprint is deleted.

Do I need to do something before I can edit the foot print ?


 Patrick DUPRÉ  |   |
 Department of Chemistry|   |Phone: (44)-(0)-1904-434384
 The University of York |   |Fax:   (44)-(0)-1904-432516
 Heslington |   |
 York YO10 5DD  United Kingdom  |   |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Modify a footprint

2008-05-14 Thread Patrick Dupre


It is almost perfect except that the Square pin is changed in a round pon
that I cannot get back to square, q does not complain, but does not
work when crtl o work !


Only minor edits can be made to footprints in-circuit.  For example,
you can change the copper size for the pads, or move the name around.

To edit the footprint further, you need to select the element, cut it,
break buffer elements to pieces, and past it.  Then you can fiddle
with the resulting vias and traces, re-select them, cut, convert
buffer to element, and paste.

It's a lot easier to just edit the footprint file with a text editor
and delete the relevent line.

geda-user mailing list

 Patrick DUPRÉ  |   |
 Department of Chemistry|   |Phone: (44)-(0)-1904-434384
 The University of York |   |Fax:   (44)-(0)-1904-432516
 Heslington |   |
 York YO10 5DD  United Kingdom  |   |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Modify a footprint

2008-05-14 Thread Patrick Dupre

Very good,

Now, how can check the pin numbers ?


It is almost perfect except that the Square pin is changed in a round pon
that I cannot get back to square, q does not complain, but does not
work when crtl o work !

Do the square pin stuff after you convert it back to an element.  Same
for positioning the refdes text.

geda-user mailing list

 Patrick DUPRÉ  |   |
 Department of Chemistry|   |Phone: (44)-(0)-1904-434384
 The University of York |   |Fax:   (44)-(0)-1904-432516
 Heslington |   |
 York YO10 5DD  United Kingdom  |   |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Modify a footprint

2008-05-14 Thread Patrick Dupre

Very good,

Now, how can check the pin numbers ?


View  Via/Pin show Name/Number

It is almost perfect except that the Square pin is changed in a round pon
that I cannot get back to square, q does not complain, but does not
work when crtl o work !

Do the square pin stuff after you convert it back to an element.  Same
for positioning the refdes text.

geda-user mailing list

 Patrick DUPRÉ  |   |
 Department of Chemistry|   |Phone: (44)-(0)-1904-434384
 The University of York |   |Fax:   (44)-(0)-1904-432516
 Heslington |   |
 York YO10 5DD  United Kingdom  |   |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Path for footprint

2008-05-14 Thread Patrick Dupre


In fact it looks like that it is .pcb/preferences and not .pcb/settings

By default a path has been set for the footprint files (I guess in
pcb). How can I add my own one ?

Depends.  Are you using pcb's library feature (if so, gtk or lesstif?)
or gsch2pcb ?

IIRC ~/.pcb/settings can have a line like this:

lib-newlib = /home/dj/geda/gedasymbols/www/user/dj_delorie/footprints

But for gsch2pcb you need a line like this in your project file (the
input file to gsch2pcb):

elements-dir /home/dj/geda/gedasymbols/www/user/dj_delorie/footprints

geda-user mailing list

 Patrick DUPRÉ  |   |
 Department of Chemistry|   |Phone: (44)-(0)-1904-434384
 The University of York |   |Fax:   (44)-(0)-1904-432516
 Heslington |   |
 York YO10 5DD  United Kingdom  |   |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Path for footprint

2008-05-14 Thread Patrick Dupre

Then, it is strange because there is a library-newlib =
in preferences

In fact it looks like that it is .pcb/preferences and not .pcb/settings

It's .pcb/settings

Preferences is a gtk-specific way of saving state.  Settings is a
user-defined override for command line options and other settings
independent of the GUI.

PCB won't create one for you, though.  Either create it manually (like
I do) or invoke :SaveSettings() or :SaveSettings(local) to have pcb
dump its changed settings.

geda-user mailing list

 Patrick DUPRÉ  |   |
 Department of Chemistry|   |Phone: (44)-(0)-1904-434384
 The University of York |   |Fax:   (44)-(0)-1904-432516
 Heslington |   |
 York YO10 5DD  United Kingdom  |   |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: PCB inverse selection

2008-05-07 Thread Patrick Dupre


Is there a way to inverse a selection ?
cf. I selectet all the elements ann want to unselect only one ?


 Patrick DUPRÉ  |   |
 Department of Chemistry|   |Phone: (44)-(0)-1904-434384
 The University of York |   |Fax:   (44)-(0)-1904-432516
 Heslington |   |
 York YO10 5DD  United Kingdom  |   |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: PCB changejoin

2008-05-07 Thread Patrick Dupre


After I made a chanjoin selected object can I remove one part of the
copper (typically I have one part of the PCB: rectangle, which is
out of components and I want it also out of copper).
Maybe there is another way of doing this.


 Patrick DUPRÉ  |   |
 Department of Chemistry|   |Phone: (44)-(0)-1904-434384
 The University of York |   |Fax:   (44)-(0)-1904-432516
 Heslington |   |
 York YO10 5DD  United Kingdom  |   |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: PCB wth L shape

2008-05-07 Thread Patrick Dupre


Can I make a board with a non rectangle shape like a L shape ?


 Patrick DUPRÉ  |   |
 Department of Chemistry|   |Phone: (44)-(0)-1904-434384
 The University of York |   |Fax:   (44)-(0)-1904-432516
 Heslington |   |
 York YO10 5DD  United Kingdom  |   |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: close polygon

2008-05-07 Thread Patrick Dupre


It does not change with all directions.
The polygone looks like it autocloses but it stays activated. When I do
shift P, the polygone disappears. P removes the previous point.
Clicking right does not do anything.
Clicking the middle button reinitializes the polygon.

On Wed, 07 May 2008 12:40:48 +0100, Patrick Dupre wrote:

This version 20080202

This is fairly new. If I remember correctly, my problems with polygon closure 
happened in autumn. Your version should contain the fix.
Sometimes it seems difficult to close a polygon if only 45° and 90° lines are allowed and 
a fine grid is chosen. Activate All direction lines in the settings menu to 
allow arbitrary angles. A coarse grid like 3mm helps, too.
---(kaimartin)- Kai-Martin Knaak

___geda-user mailing [EMAIL 

 Patrick DUPRÉ  |   |
 Department of Chemistry|   |Phone: (44)-(0)-1904-434384
 The University of York |   |Fax:   (44)-(0)-1904-432516
 Heslington |   |
 York YO10 5DD  United Kingdom  |   |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: PCB changejoin

2008-05-07 Thread Patrick Dupre

I fix the issue by using 2 rectangles

On Wed, 07 May 2008 13:33:40 +0100, Patrick Dupre wrote:

After I made a chanjoin selected object can I remove one part of the
copper (typically I have one part of the PCB: rectangle, which is out of
components and I want it also out of copper). Maybe there is another way
of doing this.

Hmm, I am not sure, what you want to achieve. Do you want an area without


 Patrick DUPRÉ  |   |
 Department of Chemistry|   |Phone: (44)-(0)-1904-434384
 The University of York |   |Fax:   (44)-(0)-1904-432516
 Heslington |   |
 York YO10 5DD  United Kingdom  |   |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pine size

2008-05-06 Thread Patrick Dupre

Thank a lot,

Other question, is there a way to have a ground mask on one of the faces
I mean to fill with copper the spacing between the tracks (but of course
isolated from the tracks) or eventually to have the ground tracks merged
with this mask (plan).


 Patrick DUPRÉ  |   |
 Department of Chemistry|   |Phone: (44)-(0)-1904-434384
 The University of York |   |Fax:   (44)-(0)-1904-432516
 Heslington |   |
 York YO10 5DD  United Kingdom  |   |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pine size

2008-05-06 Thread Patrick Dupre


Actually, it was my next question about the accelerate key, info
does offer this option (only: generate objet report, generate drill 
summary, report founds pins).

I have: pcb-0.20070208-2.fc7, because for fedora fc7, there is
not 2008 version available.


On Tue, 06 May 2008 12:44:26 +0100, Peter Clifton wrote:

Now, can I can a pin square shape to a round shape ?  Select the pin, and go to Select menu, Change square-flag of 
selected objects - Pins.  Or, get the command window, and:  clearsquare(selectedpins) 
setsquare(selectedpins) or changesquare(selectedpins)

Or place the mouse above the pin and type q. IMHO this is the most convenient way if only a few pins should be 
changed. These position sensitive one-key-accels are one of the outstanding good things about the pcb UI. See the menu 
info -- key bindings for more accel keys. --(kaimartin)---PS: The pins are extra easy to hit, if 
you have crosshair-snaps-to-pads-and-pins activated in the settings.-- Kai-Martin Knaak
  tel: +49-511-762-2895Universität Hannover, Inst. für Quantenoptik  fax: +49-511-762-2211Welfengarten 1, 
30167 Hannover   http://www.iqo.uni-hannover.deGPG key:

___geda-user mailing [EMAIL 

 Patrick DUPRÉ  |   |
 Department of Chemistry|   |Phone: (44)-(0)-1904-434384
 The University of York |   |Fax:   (44)-(0)-1904-432516
 Heslington |   |
 York YO10 5DD  United Kingdom  |   |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: close polygon

2008-05-06 Thread Patrick Dupre


I cannot close a polygon under pcb.
Shift P does not seem to be working.


 Patrick DUPRÉ  |   |
 Department of Chemistry|   |Phone: (44)-(0)-1904-434384
 The University of York |   |Fax:   (44)-(0)-1904-432516
 Heslington |   |
 York YO10 5DD  United Kingdom  |   |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

geda-user mailing list