Hi Al --

>> The issue isn't, is geda or kicad technologically competitive
>> tools, the issue is can users move designs back and forth
>> from the established eda tools and the free tools?
>> If you answer yes then you reduce the risk of the users if
>> you answer no then the safe action of the users is to stick
>> with the tools that they know.
> That's one of the reasons I suggested the need for a
> bi-directional translator system, with ideas for doing it, a
> while back.
> It also needs to link to other tools and provide a path for new
> ones.
> It is a good project for "summer of code".

You've already got this suggestion listed on your GSoC project page


...but it's only two sentences.  I wonder if it would make sense to
flesh out the project description a little bit more so that an
interested student could get a good picture of your idea?



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