[GELORA45] Watch "‘Folded man’ stands up straight after 28 years following surgery that broke bones" on YouTube

2020-09-12 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]

[GELORA45] Fwd: Zuckerberg v TikTok

2020-08-25 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
-- Forwarded message -
From: Inkstone 
Date: Mon 24 Aug, 2020, 5:24 PM
Subject: Zuckerberg v TikTok

On Sunday, the Wall Street Journal reported that Facebook CEO Mark
Zuckerberg had lobbied lawmakers in Washington to take a critical look at
TikTok’s owner, Bytedance. TikTok is in the fight of its life in the US.
Our first story today outlines the immense challenges Bytedance will face
if it takes the Trump administration to court over an executive order to
ban it from the country. - South China Morning Post, Inkstone - On Sunday,
the Wall Street Journal reported that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg had
lobbied lawmakers in Washington to take a critical look at TikTok’s owner,
Bytedance. TikTok is in the fight of its life in the US. Our first story
today outlines the immense challenges Bytedance will face if it takes the
Trump administration to court over an executive order to ban it from the

Hi Inkstoners!

On Sunday, the *Wall Street Journal*reported

that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg had lobbied lawmakers in Washington to
take a critical look at TikTok’s owner, Bytedance.

TikTok is in the fight of its life in the US. Our first story today

outlines the immense challenges Bytedance will face if it takes the Trump
administration to court over an executive order to ban it from the country.

But with Zuckerburg entering the picture, the story is no longer just about
TikTok’s fight with the Trump administration.

According to the article, Zuckerberg directly lobbied Trump during a dinner
about the threat Chinese internet companies posed to American businesses. A
Facebook spokesman said Zuckerberg didn’t remember what he talked about at
the dinner.

Zuckerberg reportedly also discussed TikTok with multiple American senators..

Previously, he publicly took a jab at Bytedance during a speech to
Georgetown students, saying the company didn’t share Facebook’s commitment
to freedom of expression.

But the private efforts are a much bigger deal because they suggest
Facebook, challenged by an upstart rival, tried to kill it behind the scene..

And while Zuckerberg’s talk did not necessarily lead to the ban – it may
have happened without help from Zuck – the *Wall Street Journal *makes
clear who stands to gain from TikTok’s misfortune:

*“Few tech companies have as much to gain as Facebook from TikTok’s
travails, and the social-media giant has taken an active role in raising
concerns about the popular app and its Chinese owners.”*

When the coronavirus pandemic hit, TikTok exploded in popularity
It has the “cool factor” that advertisers (the primary source of revenue
for social media companies) so desperately crave. Facebook used to be cool,
but that was nearly 15 years ago.

Facebook even tried to copy TikTok with a new product called Lasso, much as
it copied a Snapchat feature and turned it into Instagram Stories. But
unlike Instagram Stories, Lasso failed and was shut down this summer. With
teens gravitating toward TikTok, it’s easy to see why Zuckerberg may feel
threatened enough to do something about it.

In early August, Zuckerberg called a potential ban on TikTok “a really bad
long-term precedent,” according to a report

from Buzzfeed News at the time.

But if the *Wall Street Journal* article is to be believed, it seems as if
Zuckerberg thought the success of TikTok would be a worse “long-term

*— Kevin McSpadden*

*Click here to send feedback, comments and ideas to Inkstone by email.*

1. 🤳 Ban by decree

TikTok wants to challenge Trump’s executive order on the grounds that it
deprives the company of due process. It won’t be easy.

2. 🤦‍♀️From delivery room to boardroom

>From a biased sex ratio at birth to low representation of women in
leadership positions, women in China are still at a great disadvantage in
many areas, the Chinese government said.

[GELORA45] Fwd: Zuckerberg v TikTok

2020-08-25 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Mark Zuckerberg dibelakang penyerangan Trump pada Tik Tok!!!
Bacalah artikel terlampir.

-- Forwarded message -
From: Hsin Hui Lin 
Date: Tue 25 Aug, 2020, 3:23 PM
Subject: Fwd: Zuckerberg v TikTok

-- Forwarded message -
From: Inkstone 
Date: Mon 24 Aug, 2020, 5:24 PM
Subject: Zuckerberg v TikTok

On Sunday, the Wall Street Journal reported that Facebook CEO Mark
Zuckerberg had lobbied lawmakers in Washington to take a critical look at
TikTok’s owner, Bytedance. TikTok is in the fight of its life in the US.
Our first story today outlines the immense challenges Bytedance will face
if it takes the Trump administration to court over an executive order to
ban it from the country. - South China Morning Post, Inkstone - On Sunday,
the Wall Street Journal reported that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg had
lobbied lawmakers in Washington to take a critical look at TikTok’s owner,
Bytedance. TikTok is in the fight of its life in the US. Our first story
today outlines the immense challenges Bytedance will face if it takes the
Trump administration to court over an executive order to ban it from the

Hi Inkstoners!

On Sunday, the *Wall Street Journal*reported

that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg had lobbied lawmakers in Washington to
take a critical look at TikTok’s owner, Bytedance.

TikTok is in the fight of its life in the US. Our first story today

outlines the immense challenges Bytedance will face if it takes the Trump
administration to court over an executive order to ban it from the country.

But with Zuckerburg entering the picture, the story is no longer just about
TikTok’s fight with the Trump administration.

According to the article, Zuckerberg directly lobbied Trump during a dinner
about the threat Chinese internet companies posed to American businesses. A
Facebook spokesman said Zuckerberg didn’t remember what he talked about at
the dinner.

Zuckerberg reportedly also discussed TikTok with multiple American senators..

Previously, he publicly took a jab at Bytedance during a speech to
Georgetown students, saying the company didn’t share Facebook’s commitment
to freedom of expression.

But the private efforts are a much bigger deal because they suggest
Facebook, challenged by an upstart rival, tried to kill it behind the scene..

And while Zuckerberg’s talk did not necessarily lead to the ban – it may
have happened without help from Zuck – the *Wall Street Journal *makes
clear who stands to gain from TikTok’s misfortune:

*“Few tech companies have as much to gain as Facebook from TikTok’s
travails, and the social-media giant has taken an active role in raising
concerns about the popular app and its Chinese owners.”*

When the coronavirus pandemic hit, TikTok exploded in popularity
It has the “cool factor” that advertisers (the primary source of revenue
for social media companies) so desperately crave. Facebook used to be cool,
but that was nearly 15 years ago.

Facebook even tried to copy TikTok with a new product called Lasso, much as
it copied a Snapchat feature and turned it into Instagram Stories. But
unlike Instagram Stories, Lasso failed and was shut down this summer. With
teens gravitating toward TikTok, it’s easy to see why Zuckerberg may feel
threatened enough to do something about it.

In early August, Zuckerberg called a potential ban on TikTok “a really bad
long-term precedent,” according to a report

from Buzzfeed News at the time.

But if the *Wall Street Journal* article is to be believed, it seems as if
Zuckerberg thought the success of TikTok would be a worse “long-term

*— Kevin McSpadden*

*Click here to send feedback, comments and ideas to Inkstone by email.*

1. 🤳 Ban by decree

TikTok wants to challenge Trump’s executive order on the grounds that it
deprives the company of due process. It won’t be easy.

2. 🤦‍♀️From delivery room to boardroom

>From a biased sex ratio at birth to lo

[GELORA45] New US ‘China scare’ is big on pressure, short on vision

2020-08-04 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: Why the new US ‘China scare’ is big on pressure, short
on vision | South China Morning Post @MIUI|

[GELORA45] Inside the China Biotech Firm Racing for a COVID-19 Vaccine

2020-07-28 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: Inside the China Biotech Firm Racing for a COVID-19
Vaccine | Time @MIUI|

[GELORA45] Trump Praises Federal Officers in Portland and Suggests More Will Be Deployed Across the Country

2020-07-22 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: Portland Protests: What's Happened So Far | Time @MIUI|

[GELORA45] Watch "The West's imperial and colonial 'cold turkey'" on YouTube

2020-07-20 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]

[GELORA45] Three Gorges Dam stable, prevents out-of-control floods: operator

2020-07-19 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: Three Gorges Dam stable, prevents out-of-control
floods: operator - Global Times @MIUI|

[GELORA45] China did not ban Google, but US tries to destroy Huawei

2020-07-19 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: China did not ban Google, but US tries to destroy
Huawei - Global Times @MIUI|

[GELORA45] Boris Johnson may still be trying to be flexible over Huawei ban

2020-07-19 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: Are China-US relations drifting closer towards war? |
South China Morning Post @MIUI|

[GELORA45] Watch "China says U.S. position on Huawei a 'dirty trick'" on YouTube

2020-07-17 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]

Re: [GELORA45] Ketuadan Dewan KPK dipanggil MK, Ada Apa?

2020-07-15 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Nnnndak, mereka akan menyelidiki bg Sunny yang jauuuh tu Pliss
Piss, piss.

Bg Sunny, jangan marah, hanya bergurau dgn anda, sudah lama ndak
menghubungi bg. sih. Lin

On Wed 15 Jul, 2020, 1:36 PM Sunny ambon ilmeseng...@gmail.com [GELORA45], <
GELORA45@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

> *Mungkin mereka dipanggil untuk diberitahukan agar jangan selidiki para
> petinggi rezim dan kaum elit neo-mojopahit yang melakukan korupsi, biarkan
> saja, sebab mereka adalah pilar-pilar pendukung utama NKRI harga mati.
> hehehehehehehehehe*
> https://indopos.co.id/read/2020/07/14/242168/ketua-dan-dewan-kpk-dipanggil-mk-ada-apa/
> *Ketua dan Dewan KPK dipanggil MK, Ada Apa?*
> Editor *Achmad Sukarno*
> *Selasa,
> 14 Juli 2020 - 23:15*
> *indopos.co.id * – Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK)
> mengagendakan untuk memanggil pimpinan dan Dewan Pengawas Komisi
> Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) dalam sidang pengujian revisi UU KPK.
> “Majelis pleno MK sudah mengagendakan untuk memanggil KPK sebagai pihak
> terkait, baik komisionernya maupun dewan pengawas,” ujar Ketua MK Anwar
> Usman dalam sidang pengujian Undang-Undang Nomor 19 Tahun 2019 tentang
> Perubahan Kedua Atas Undang-Undang Nomor 30 Tahun 2002 tentang Komisi
> Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi di Gedung Mahkamah Konstitusi, Jakarta,
> Selasa.
> Ia mengatakan hal itu setelah kuasa hukum Agus Rahardjo dkk, Muhammad
> Isnur, meminta agar MK memanggil saksi pegawai internal lembaga antirasuah
> itu.
> Menurut Isnur, saksi yang ingin diajukan itu telah mengurus proses
> penyusunan dan pembahasan revisi UU KPK sejak 2015, tetapi terhalang
> masalah birokrasi untuk hadir tanpa surat panggilan dari MK.
> MK kemudian menolak permintaan itu dan mempersilakan pemohon menghadirkan
> saksi dengan cara dan upaya sendiri.
> “Selama ini yang mengajukan ahli maupun saksi adalah pemohon yang punya
> kewajiban. Walaupun komisioner dan dewan pengawas baru mengetahui
> prosesnya. Coba diusahakan sendiri bagaimana teknik pemohon,” kata Anwar
> Usman.
> Adapun Agus Rahardjo dkk berencana menghadirkan 3 saksi lagi untuk uji
> formil Undang-Undang Nomor 19 Tahun 2019, termasuk pegawai KPK yang disebut
> mengetahui seluk beluk revisi itu.
> Sementara dalam sidang kali ini, pemohon menghadirkan dosen Fakultas
> Ekonomika dan Bisnis (FEB) UGM Rimawan Pradiptyo yang membeberkan gerakan
> akademisi dan ekonom menolak revisi UU KPK. (ant)

[GELORA45] Time for China to decouple from US dollar, former diplomat urges

2020-07-06 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: Time for China to decouple the yuan from US dollar,
former diplomat urges | South China Morning Post @MIUI|

[GELORA45] US has been exposed for funding last year’s Hong Kong protests

2020-07-03 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: US has been exposed for funding last year’s Hong Kong
protests | South China Morning Post @MIUI|

[GELORA45] How Vincent Chin’s murder sparked the Asian-American movement

2020-06-19 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: How the racist killing of Vincent Chin sparked the
Asian-American movement | South China Morning Post @MIUI|

[GELORA45] HK people must understand they’ve become a pawn: Mahbubani

2020-06-18 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: HK people must understand they’ve become a pawn:
Mahbubani - Global Times @MIUI|

[GELORA45] U.S. Response to COVID-19 is Worse than China’s. 100 Times Worse

2020-06-10 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: U.S. Response to COVID-19 is 100 Times Worse than
China’s | Time @MIUI|

[GELORA45] Why Trump is rushing to church amid George Floyd protests

2020-06-09 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: As George Floyd protests rage across the US, why does
Donald Trump insist on posing in front of churches? | South China Morning
Post @MIUI|

[GELORA45] Covid-induced blood clots: what to know if you have existing health issues

2020-06-08 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: Coronavirus-induced blood clots: what to know if you
have diabetes, hypertension or other health issues | South China Morning
Post @MIUI|

[GELORA45] Why Western criticism of Hong Kong national security law rings hollow

2020-06-03 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: Why a national security law does not threaten Hong
Kong’s autonomy or violate international agreements | South China Morning
Post @MIUI|

[GELORA45] US sanction card over HK won't intimidate China: Global Times editorial

2020-06-01 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: US sanction card over HK won't intimidate China: Global
Times editorial - Global Times @MIUI|

[GELORA45] Secret Service Rushed President Trump Into White House Bunker as Hundreds Protested Outside

2020-06-01 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: Trump Took Refuge in White House Bunker During Protests
| Time @MIUI|

[GELORA45] Watch "Where is China? | Zhang Weiwei & Kishore Mahbubani 当“中国模式”遇上“印度自信”,亚洲能携手征服未来吗?" on YouTube

2020-05-25 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]

[GELORA45] Inevitable war? China, America and their next battlegrounds

2020-05-20 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: Destined for conflict? Xi Jinping, Donald Trump and the
Thucydides trap | South China Morning Post @MIUI|

[GELORA45] China's countermeasures ready for prolonged 'war' with US: Global Times editorial

2020-05-15 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: China's countermeasures ready for prolonged 'war' with
US: Global Times editorial - Global Times @MIUI|

[GELORA45] France had Covid-19 in November, hospital says after analysis of chest scans

2020-05-10 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: France had Covid-19 in November, hospital says after
analysis of chest scans | South China Morning Post @MIUI|

[GELORA45] China Brand Day event draws high-tech giants to the show

2020-05-10 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: China Brand Day event draws high-tech giants to the
show - Global Times @MIUI| https://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1187934.shtml

[GELORA45] Trump’s making China the bogeyman in an election year – sound familiar?

2020-05-08 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: Donald Trump is making China the bogeyman in an
election year – sound familiar? | South China Morning Post @MIUI|

[GELORA45] China can turn the tables on US with a science-led probe into Covid

2020-05-08 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: Coronavirus: China can turn the tables on the US with a
science-led probe into Covid-19’s origins | South China Morning Post @MIUI|

[GELORA45] China urged to expand nuclear arsenal to deter US warmongers

2020-05-08 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: China urged to expand nuclear arsenal to deter US
warmongers - Global Times @MIUI|

[GELORA45] Chinese FM's press briefings dedicated to refuting Pompeo's rumors

2020-05-08 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: Chinese FM's press briefings dedicated to refuting
Pompeo's rumors - Global Times @MIUI|

[GELORA45] Fauci dismisses coronavirus lab origin claims as ‘circular argument’

2020-05-05 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: Fauci dismisses coronavirus lab origin claims as
‘circular argument’ | South China Morning Post @MIUI|

[GELORA45] Watch "Full Frame: New Global Order with Kishore Mahbubani Part 2" on YouTube

2020-05-02 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]

[GELORA45] Covid-19 is telling us to be a citizen of our country – and our world

2020-04-29 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: Coronavirus is telling us to be a citizen of our
country – and our world | South China Morning Post @MIUI|

[GELORA45] Can viruses escape from a super-secure laboratory?

2020-04-28 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: Can viruses escape from a super-secure laboratory? -
Inkstone @MIUI|

[GELORA45] This Japanese Island Lifted Its Coronavirus Lockdown Too Soon and Became a Warning to the World

2020-04-25 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: Hokkaido Forced to Reinstate Lockdown After Coronavirus
Returned | Time @MIUI|

[GELORA45] COVID-19 Is Hitting Our Nation's Prisons and Jails Hard

2020-04-24 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: Coronavirus Exposed a Pre-Existing Crisis in Prisons,
Jails | Time @MIUI|

[GELORA45] Fwd: Scientists had to bring temperature to almost boiling to kill virus

2020-04-24 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
-- Forwarded message -
From: Hsin Hui Lin 
Date: Sun 19 Apr, 2020, 6:34 PM
Subject: Scientists had to bring temperature to almost boiling to kill virus
To: Cheran Lin 

Look what I shared: Coronavirus can survive long exposure to high
temperature, a threat to lab staff around world: paper | South China
Morning Post @MIUI|

[GELORA45] Wuhan virology lab’s long history of scientific collaboration

2020-04-23 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: Coronavirus: Wuhan virology lab’s long history of
scientific collaboration | South China Morning Post @MIUI|

[GELORA45] Inside China’s Wild West, where ‘mask machines are like cash printers’

2020-04-17 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: Coronavirus: inside China’s ‘Wild West’, where ‘mask
machines are like cash printers’ | South China Morning Post @MIUI|

[GELORA45] Inside China’s Wild West, where ‘mask machines are like cash printers’

2020-04-17 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: Coronavirus: inside China’s ‘Wild West’, where ‘mask
machines are like cash printers’ | South China Morning Post @MIUI|

[GELORA45] Inside China’s Wild West, where ‘mask machines are like cash printers’

2020-04-17 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: Coronavirus: inside China’s ‘Wild West’, where ‘mask
machines are like cash printers’ | South China Morning Post @MIUI|

[GELORA45] Coronavirus droplets may travel further than personal distancing guidelines

2020-04-16 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: Coronavirus droplets may travel further than personal
distancing guidelines, study finds | South China Morning Post @MIUI|

[GELORA45] Air con may have spread coronavirus to 3 families at 1 restaurant: study

2020-04-15 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: Does air con help spread coronavirus? Chinese study of
3 families in a restaurant suggests so | South China Morning Post @MIUI|

[GELORA45] Critics Agree the WHO Needs Reform, but Trump’s Funding Freeze Benefits Nobody

2020-04-15 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: Why Trump’s WHO Funding Freeze Benefits Nobody | Time

[GELORA45] VOA trounced by Trump for impartial reporting on China

2020-04-13 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: VOA trounced by Trump for impartial reporting on China
- Global Times @MIUI| https://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1185415.shtml

[GELORA45] Did Trump’s White House receive coronavirus intelligence in November?

2020-04-10 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: White House faces questions over reports of coronavirus
intelligence in November - Inkstone @MIUI|

[GELORA45] How Huawei hones its ‘wolf culture’: make staff the co-owners

2020-04-09 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: By letting staff share Huawei’s stock and profit, Ren
Zhengfei instils kinship and unleashes telecom giant’s ‘wolf culture’ |
South China Morning Post @MIUI|

[GELORA45] How the greedy elite failed us, putting profit before pandemic preparedness

2020-04-09 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: World Health Organisation chief slams US for
politicising coronavirus crisis | South China Morning Post @MIUI|

[GELORA45] China’s Covid-19 success shows up poor preparedness in rest of world

2020-04-08 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: How the greedy ruling elite failed us, by putting
profit before pandemic preparedness | South China Morning Post @MIUI|

Re: [GELORA45] Obat kuno TCM

2020-04-08 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Thanks bg Djie,bahan anda berguna sekali bagi saya, dari kecil saya sering
diobati dgn ramuan, jamu, juga pengalaman di Tiongkok dn kemudian di Sri
Lanka. Sayang kita kurang menyelidiki cara2 pengobatan kuno, umpama di Sri
dipandang rendah. Di Tiongkok pengobatan kuno , TCM, sering dipadukan dgn
pengobatan barat. TCM sekarang mulai diakui disementara negara2 barat, di
US, Australia, dan banyak negara, kenalan saya berpraktek TCM di Holland.
Salam, lin

On Thu 9 Apr, 2020, 8:58 AM kh djie dji...@gmail.com [GELORA45], <
GELORA45@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

> Saya coba terjemahkan laporan bhs Mandarin yg menganjurkan obat kuno TCM.
> Kita simak   laporan otopsi tim Liu Liang yang mengungkap cara kerja virus
> Corona yang  sebenarnya.
>  Banyak orang ingin membaca laporan otopsi tim Liu Liang, yang mengerikan..
> Orang awam tidak bisa sekilas mengerti.  Liu Liang adalah seorang profesor
> forensik di Tongji Medical College. Profesor Liu Liang menggunakan pisau
> bedah medis Barat untuk membedah dengan hati-hati tubuh pasien corona yang
> baru meninggal. Pada saat yang sama, ia menunjukkan kekurangan dari Cara
> pengobatan Barat. Tidak ada yang ingin melihat laporan otopsi ini lebih
> mendesak daripada Zhong Nanshan.
>  Tanpa pisau bedah Profesor Liu Liang, kita tidak akan pernah tahu
> kebenaran yang mengejutkan.
>  "Laporan Pengamatan Umum Anatomi Korban Meninggal karena Pneumoonia virus
> Corona " yang diterbitkan dalam Journal of Forensic Medicine, memberi tahu
> kita bahwa ada cairan kental abu-abu di paru-paru almarhum, lendir putih
> berbusa di rongga trakea, dan rongga bronkial paru-paru.  Lendir yang
> seperti jeli itu melekat kuat.
>  Cairan kental inilah yang menghalangi alveoli, memblokir saluran udara,
> memblokir paru-paru interstitial, memblokir tabung bronkial, secara
> bertahap membiarkan paru-paru kehilangan fungsi ventilasi , membuat pasien
> dalam keadaan hipoksia, dan akhirnya mati karena gagal napas.
>  Cairan kental ini merenggut nyawa pasien Corona dan membuat mereka
> menderita pada saat-saat terakhir kehidupan mereka: ketakutan mereka
> mencapai ekstrem, mereka berjuang seperti jatuh ke dalam sumur tanpa
> oksigen, berteriak "tolong", mata mereka  Dipenuhi dengan keputus-asaan dan
> rasa sakit, mereka terengah-engah, bahkan jika mereka memakai masker
> oksigen dan ventilator, mereka tidak dapat menghirup oksigen.
>  Mengapa mereka tidak bisa menghirup oksigen dengan dukungan ventilator?
> Karena cairan kental itu menghalangi jalur oksigen.  Jalannya tidak bisa
> dilewati,  sejumlah besar oksigen dihirup, tetapi penyumbatannya tambah
> meningkat. Oksigen tidak dapat disalurkan ke dalam darah, dan akhirnya
> mereka tercekik oleh cairan kental ini.
>  Oleh karena itu, Profesor Liu Liang menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan alat
> ventilator oksigen secara buta tidak hanya gagal untuk mencapai tujuan
> tetapi bahkan mungkin menjadi kontra-produktif - tekanan oksigen akan
> mendorong lendir lebih dalam ke ujung paru-paru, sehingga semakin
> memperparah keadaan hipoksia pasien.
>  Dengan kata lain, pengobatan Barat hanya melihat hipoksia pasien, tetapi
> tidak melihat penyebab di balik hipoksia pasien. Apa alasan hipoksia
> pasien?  Mengapa terburu-buru menggunakan terapi oksigen sebelum
> benar-benar memahami penyebab hipoksia?
> Cairan kental ini disebut dahak.
>  Dahak ini harus ditangani sebelum memberikan oksigen, jika tidak,
> berapapun banyaknya oksigen disalurkan juga akan sia-sia.
>  Faktanya, bukan karena pasien benar-benar hipoksia, tetapi oksigen tidak
> bisa masuk, dan saluran udara di paru-paru tersumbat. Kita hanya perlu
> membuka saluran udara ini, menghilangkan dahak, menghilangkan kelembaban,
> membiarkan alveoli mengering, dan membiarkan bronkus  halus lancar dan
> tidak terhalang, dengan demikian tidak diperlukan ventilator oksigen sama
> sekali, pasien akan pulihkan fungsi paru-paru sendiri, dan ia akan
> menghirup oksigen dari udara.
>  Jika TCM langsung dilibatkan, angka kematian di Wuhan akan sangat
> berkurang, pengobatan TCM telah lama memikirkan hal ini.  Hasilnya,
> Decoction (Sup ramuan) Qingfei Detox, yang direkomendasikan untuk digunakan
> secara nasional untuk pengobatan pneumonia Coroner di Tiongkok, memiliki
> efisiensi kesembuhan lebih dari 90%.  Sangat disayangkan bahwa pada
> hari-hari awal di Wuhan, resep ini diabaikan, obat tradisional TCM hanya
> dipakai  30%, sehingga tingkat kematian adalah besar.  Banyak pasien yang
> tidak pernah diobati dengan obat TCM sebelum meninggal, dan tidak minum
> obat TCM.  Belakangan, akademisi Zhang Boli mengatakan yang sebenarnya,
> jika obat TCM dipakai pada kesempatan  pertama, pasien yang ringan tidak
> akan berkembang menjadi parah, dan tanpa ada pasien yg parah, tidak akan
> ada kematian.
> Qingfei Detox Decoction berisi empat resep kuno, yang semuanya adalah dari
> resep medis Zhang Zhongjing. Bernama Resep Jingfang, efektif ribuan tahun
> lalu dan masih efektif setelah ribuan tahun. Yaitu : Decoc

[GELORA45] US passes virus buck to WHO amid own failure

2020-04-08 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: US passes virus buck to WHO amid own failure - Global
Times @MIUI| https://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1185044.shtml

Re: [GELORA45] Catatan Tiongkok : Informasi Wabah Covid-19 dan Pendorongan Kerja Sama Penanggulangan Wabah Internasional

2020-04-07 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Bg. Chan n, anda punya yang berbahasa Inggris, atau dimana saya dapat
Thanks, Lin

On Tue 7 Apr, 2020, 12:25 PM ChanCT sa...@netvigator.com [GELORA45], <
GELORA45@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

> Catatan Tiongkok : Informasi Wabah Covid-19
> dan Pendorongan Kerja Sama Penanggulangan Wabah Internasional
> 2020-04-07 14:01:48
> http://indonesian.cri.cn/20200407/7efa7e1a-c296-be94-2f02-f549aa0d370d.html
> *Catatan Tiongkok mengenai Perilisan Informasi Wabah Covid-19 dan
> Pendorongan Kerja Sama Penanggulangan Wabah Internasional*
> Setelah terjadinya wabah Covid-19 di seluruh dunia, Tiongkok selalu
> berpegang pada ide komunitas senasib sepenanggungan umat manusia, dengan
> sikap yang terbuka, transparan dan bertanggung jawab, tepat pada waktunya
> mengumumkan informasi wabah, tanpa reservasi membagikan pengalaman
> pencegahan dan pengendalian serta pengobatan wabah dengan WHO dan komunitas
> internasional, meningkatkan kerja sama di bidang penelitian iptek, dan
> sekuat tenaga menyediakan bantuan kepada berbagai pihak, sehingga mendapat
> peniliaan dan pengakuaan luas oleh komunitas internasional.
> [image: 图片默认标题_fororder_Covid1]
> Akhir Desember 2019
> CDC Wuhan, Propinsi Hubei menemukan kasus Pneumonia yang tak tahu
> penyebabnya.
> 3, Jan.2020
> Sejak hari itulah, Tiongkok secara inisiatif dan berkala melaporkan kepada
> WHO, negara dan organisasi regional terkait serta Hong Kong, Makao dan
> Taiwan mengenai informasi wabah tepat pada waktunya.
> Tiongkok mulai secara berkala melaporkan kepada AS mengenai informasi
> wabah dan tindakan penanganan wabah.
> 4, Jan.
> Penanggung jawab CDC Tiongkok melakukan hubungan telepon dengan Direktur
> CDC AS untuk memperkenalkan keadaan wabah. Kedua pihak sepakat memelihara
> kontak erat mengenai komunikasi dan koordinasi teknologi.
> [image: 图片默认标题_fororder_waiCovid3]
> 5, Jan.
> Tiongkok melaporkan kepada WHO mengenai informasi wabah. WHO pertama kali
> mengadakan pelaporan mengenai kasus Pneumonia tak kenal penyebabnya yang
> ditemukan di Wuhan, Tiongkok.
> 7, Jan.
> CDC Tiongkok dengan sukses memisahkan strain virus corona yang pertama.
> [image: 图片默认标题_fororder_waiCovid1]
> 8, Jan.
> Penanggung jawab CDC Tiongkok dan AS melakukan kontak telepon untuk
> membahas soal komunikasi dan kerja sama teknologi.
> 9, Jan.
> Tim evaluasi pakar Komisi Kesehatan Nasional Tiongkok mengumumkan
> informasi patogen Pneumonia yang tak tahu penyebabnya terhadap dunia luar,
> patogennya pertama diperkirakan adalah virus corona tipe baru. Tiongkok
> melaporkan informasi wabah kepada WHO, dan memperkenalkan perkembangan
> tahap awal identifikasi pathogen wabah Pneumonia  yang tak tahu penyebabnya
> kepada WHO.
> 12, Jan.
> Komisi Kesehatan Nasional Kota Wuhan dalam pelaporannya pertama kali
> menamakan Pneumonia yang tak tahu penyebabnya sebagai Pneumonia yang
> terinfeksi virus corona tipe baru.
> Tiongkok menyerahkan informasi urutan genom virus corona tipe baru kepada
> WHO, dan mengumumkannya di Gudang Data Flu Global atau GISAID.
> 19, Jan.
> CDC AS mengadakan komunkasi dengan CDC Tiongkok mengenai keadaan terkait
> penanganan wabah.
> 21, Jan.
> WHO melalui situs webnya mengumumkan, mengirim delegasi untuk mengadakan
> inspeksi lapangan ke Wuhan, Tiongkok pada tanggal 20 dan 21, Jan.
> 23, Jan.
> Markas Komando Pengendalian Wabah Wuhan mengeluarkan pengumuman nomor 1,
> sejak pukul 10 semua jalur eksit bandara dan stasiun kereta api  Wuhan
> ditutup untuk sementara. Kementerian Perhubungan dan Transportasi Tiongkok
> mengumumkan secara darurat bahwa seluruh negeri Tiongkok untuk sementara
> menghentikan pengangkutan penumpang jalur darat, air ke Wuhan.
> [image: 图片默认标题_fororder_waiCovid6]
> 25, Jan.
> Dengan pimpinan CDC Tiongkok, beberapa rumah sakit dan badan penelitian
> iptek mengeluarkan tesis yang berjudul Virus Corona Tipe Baru dari Pasien
> Pneumonia Tiongkok 2019, dan melalui deteksi urutan seluruh genom ditemukan
> virus corona B yang belum pernah dijumpai, virus ini merupakan virus
> ke-tujuh dalam virus corona yang dapat menularkan manusia.
> 27, Jan.
> Direktur Komisi Kesehatan Nasional Tiongkok Ma Xiaowei melakukan hubungan
> telepon dengan Kepala Departemen Kesehatan dan Layanan Publik AS untuk
> mengadakan komunikasi mengenai penanganan wabah Pneumonia yang terinfeksi
> virus corona tipe baru.
> [image: 图片默认标题_fororder_covid6]
> 28, Jan.
> Presiden Tiongkok Xi Jinping menemui Direktur Jenderal WHO Tedros
> Gebreyesus.
> 30, Jan.
> Komisi Kesehatan Nasional Tiongkok memberitahukan AS melalu jalur resmi
> untuk menyambut AS berpartisipasi dalam tim pakar gabungan WHO. AS segera
> menyatakan terima kasih.
> [image: 图片默认标题_fororder_Covid2]
> 3, Feb.
> Hingga hari itu, Tiongkok 30 kali melaporkan informasi wabah serta langkah
> pencegahan dan pengendalian wabah kepada pihak AS, dan isinya meliputi
> berbagi konsep diagnosis dan pengobatan, pencegahan dan pengendalia

[GELORA45] Watch "China dismisses U.S. intelligence accusations over COVID-19 pandemic" on YouTube

2020-04-04 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]

[GELORA45] US urged to release health info of military athletes who came to Wuhan in Ocotober 2019

2020-03-24 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: US urged to release health info of military athletes
who came to Wuhan in Ocotober 2019 - Global Times @MIUI|

[GELORA45] The coronavirus did not escape from a lab. Here's how we know.

2020-03-23 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: The coronavirus did not escape from a lab. Here's how
we know. | Live Science @MIUI|

[GELORA45] Brazilian president reprimands son for scapegoating China

2020-03-22 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: Brazilian president reprimands son for scapegoating
China - Global Times @MIUI| https://www.globaltimes.cn/content/118.shtml

[GELORA45] US politicians tweet back fiercely at Chinese Foreign Ministry officials

2020-03-22 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: US politicians tweet back fiercely at Chinese Foreign
Ministry officials - Global Times @MIUI|

[GELORA45] We haven’t received $1 from US government: Chinese FM

2020-03-20 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: We haven’t received $1 from US government: Chinese FM -
Global Times @MIUI| https://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1183255.shtml

[GELORA45] Mr Trump, what about the ‘American flu’ and ‘Western financial crisis’?

2020-03-20 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: Mr Trump, what about the ‘American flu’ and ‘Western
financial crisis’? | South China Morning Post @MIUI|

[GELORA45] US lacks responsibility of a superpower in face of pandemic

2020-03-16 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: US lacks responsibility of a superpower in face of
pandemic - Global Times @MIUI|

[GELORA45] Trump administration sought exclusive rights to CureVac’s potential drug

2020-03-16 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: Trump administration sought exclusive rights to
CureVac’s potential drug - Global Times @MIUI|

[GELORA45] US hijacks German firm for vaccine monopoly

2020-03-16 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: US hijacks German firm for vaccine monopoly - Global
Times @MIUI| https://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1182797.shtml

[GELORA45] US sparks word war against China on COVID-19

2020-03-15 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: US sparks word war against China on COVID-19 - Global
Times @MIUI| https://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1182511.shtml

[GELORA45] US urged to explain military lab shutdown

2020-03-15 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: US urged to explain military lab shutdown - Global
Times @MIUI| https://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1182694.shtml

[GELORA45] Chinese forces expel US warship in Xisha Islands of S.China Sea

2020-03-11 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: Chinese forces expel US warship in Xisha Islands of
S.China Sea - Global Times @MIUI|

Re: [GELORA45] Re: [GELORA45] America’s Clean Water Crisis Goes Far Beyond Flint. There’s No Relief in Sight

2020-03-10 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
> *To:* GELORA45@yahoogroups.com; marthajan04 
> *Subject:* Re: [GELORA45] Re: [GELORA45] America’s Clean Water Crisis
> Goes Far Beyond Flint. There’s No Relief in Sight
> Orang vietnam disini banyak sekali sampai daerahnya dinamai little
> saigon.. Merka happy dan merasa beruntung bisa tinggal di AS.
> Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
>  Original message 
> From: "marthajan04 marthaja...@yahoo.com [GELORA45]" <
> GELORA45@yahoogroups.com>
> Date: 3/8/20 5:52 PM (GMT-08:00)
> To: GELORA45@yahoogroups.com, ChanCT 
> Subject: Re: [GELORA45] Re: [GELORA45] America’s Clean Water Crisis Goes
> Far Beyond Flint. There’s No Relief in Sight
> AS itu perangi teroris, isis taliban di timteng. Mereka itu musuh dunia.
> Kalian juga pada senang mereka dimusnahkan, ga usah ikut urunan keluar duit
> lagi. Kita2 pembayar pajek di US yg bayari. Eh bukannya terima kasih malah
> dicela terus.
> Jaman dulu memang Vietnam di-obok2 karena ya memang perang utara selatan.
> Tentu saja As bantu selatan buat bendung pengaruh komunis yg musuh besar
> AS.
> Ini perang, saling bunuh. Ga ada salah atau benar. Yg dinyatakan salah itu
> yg kalah sebab ya kalah.
> Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
>  Original message 
> From: "ChanCT sa...@netvigator.com [GELORA45]" 
> Date: 3/8/20 5:23 PM (GMT-08:00)
> To: GELORA45@yahoogroups.com, marthajan04 
> Subject: Re: [GELORA45] Re: [GELORA45] America’s Clean Water Crisis Goes
> Far Beyond Flint. There’s No Relief in Sight
> Apanya HOAX??? Coba lah buktikan kalau apa yang saya katakan adalah hoax!
> Bukankah itulah kenyataan yang ada dan kita saksikan bersama seratus
> terakhir tahun terakhir ini bagaimana AS mengobok-obok dunia, bikin kacau,
> ... ngebom dimana-mana membuat penderitaan rakyat banyak dan jutaan korban
> jiwa!!! Contoh GAMBLANG masalah terakhir dengan melarang dunia gunakan
> Huawei bukankah itu kenyataan??? Kemarin ini malah dengar, Canada juga
> sudah siap gunakan Huawei, ...
> Semua dilakukan AS dengan FITNAH, menuduh macam-macam yang tidak ada, ...
> dan DUNIA akhirnya juga bisa melihatnya sendiri!
> On 9/3/2020 上午7:52, marthajan04 marthaja...@yahoo.com [GELORA45] wrote:
> Itu kan pendapat anda yg nyari terus hoax2 buat fitnah as.
> Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
>  Original message 
> From: "ChanCT sa...@netvigator.com [GELORA45]" 
> Date: 3/8/20 4:46 PM (GMT-08:00)
> To: GELORA45@yahoogroups.com, marthajan04 
> Subject: [GELORA45] Re: [GELORA45] America’s Clean Water Crisis Goes Far
> Beyond Flint. There’s No Relief in Sight
> Tak usah buru-buru menepuk dada paling "JUJUR", ... selama ini sudah
> banyak BUKTI AS-lah PENIPU ulung didunia, membuat alasan-alasan yang tak
> ada gebuk negara lain! Selalu kerjanya membalik-balik hitam-putih untuk
> kepentingan Amerika sendiri, ... gebuk Huawei dengan alasan ada
> "pintu-belakang" yang membahayakan keamanan negara yang menggunakan G-5
> Huawei, padahal kenyataan selama ini dunia menggunakan G-1, G-2, G-3, G-4
> nya AS, justru digunakan untuk menyadap, bahkan termasuk tokoh-tokoh
> didunia! Tak ada yang bisa membantah AS begitu getol melarang dunia gunakan
> Huawei, karena tidak lagi bisa gunakan "PINTU-BELAKANG" nya lagi
> mengobok-obok dunia!
> Segera kita akan saksikan bagaimana AS mengatasi wabah Covid-19 meledak,
> karena selama ini ditutup-tutupi untuk selamatkan ekonomi AS agar Trump
> bisa terpilih kembali dalam pilpres 2020 yad, ...!
> On 9/3/2020 上午1:03, marthajan04 marthaja...@yahoo.com [GELORA45] wrote:
> Setidaknya, di bagian sisi gelap wajah AS, ada sinar kejujuran. Jurnalis
> yg. menyiarkannya tidak akan hilang dan kemudian dikabarkan mati kecelakaan
> atau apalah seperti Dr. Lie dan beberapa jurnalis lainnya yg. menyampaikan
> kejujuran ttg. covid-19 di Tiongkok.
> Kecian deh.
> Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
>  Original message 
> From: "Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]"
> Date: 3/8/20 8:14 AM (GMT-08:00)
> To: GELORA45  
> Subject: [GELORA45] America’s Clean Water Crisis Goes Far Beyond Flint.
> There’s No Relief in Sight
> Look what I shared: Why So Many Americans Don't Have Access to Clean Water
> | Time @MIUI|
> https://time.com/longform/clean-water-access-united-states/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=the-brief&utm_content=20200308&xid=newsletter-brief

Fwd: [GELORA45] America’s Clean Water Crisis Goes Far Beyond Flint. There’s No Relief in Sight

2020-03-08 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
-- Forwarded message -
From: Hsin Hui Lin 
Date: Mon 9 Mar, 2020, 11:11 AM
Subject: Fwd: [GELORA45] America’s Clean Water Crisis Goes Far Beyond
Flint. There’s No Relief in Sight

-- Forwarded message -
From: Hsin Hui Lin 
Date: Mon 9 Mar, 2020, 6:50 AM
Subject: Re: [GELORA45] America’s Clean Water Crisis Goes Far Beyond Flint.
There’s No Relief in Sight
To: Beng-Hoey Jo 

Masalah air rakyat Flint tak mempunyai air  bersih sudah bertahun tahun n
nothing happens.
Wah sinenek ompong ini hebat, bisa jamin kalau Assangga dan Snowden di
Amerika mereka "safe" sedangkan Pompeo
 dgn banggah bertepuk
dada, bahwa CIA , Amerika, spy, kill n seterusnya.
Assanga telah yang ungkapkan bahwa AS di Irak main bunuh rakyat jelata dgn
menyiarkan video dimana duapuluhan rakyat biasa dibabat mati oleh oleh
tentara AS dari udara, helicopter n nothing happened to the Amercans who
did it Para perwira dn tentaranya... tapi Assange yg dikejar kejar,
press freedom
Snowden mengukapkan bagimana AS hack system komunikasi negara2 sekutu AS,
termasuk komunikasi Merkel... di Hongkong CIA mencari cari dan mengejar
Snowden tapi gagal. Oh so called Press Freedom ala Amerikayg
diagungkan agungkan si nenek tua yg ompong ini.

On Mon 9 Mar, 2020, 1:02 AM B.H. Jo,  wrote:

> Bung Lin,
> Bukan saja penduduk kekurangan "clean water". Tetapi juga banyak penduduk
> di kota2 besar di Amerika yg tidur di jalan2. Silahkan nikmati
> pemandangannya di AS dibawah dari BBC News. Janganlah kena "brain wash"
> dari film2 dari Hollywood yg menggambarkan kehidupan indah di AS seperti di
> Beverly Hlls.
> https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-45442596
> Kami di Kanada, sangat sial menjadi negara tetangga dari AS. Negara Kanada
> menjadi rusak dimana, misal, kejahatan senjata (gun violent) dan drug
> addicts sekarang mulai ada dan bertambah banyak seperti di kota2 besar
> (Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal) karena menjadi negara tetangga AS. Senjata2
> dan penjahat2 (gang) datangnya dan pengaruh dari AS. Sayang sekali
> perbatasan antara dari Kanada dan AS panjang sekali, hampir 9000 km. Jadi
> tidak bisa dijaga dan tidak mungkin utk membangun pagar perbatasan (wall)
> karena terlalu mahal. Kalau AS mau membangun wall/pagar antara AS dan
> Mexico (karena drugs, rapists...dsb menurut Trump). Kanada mestinya
> mengbangun wall antara AS dan Kanada.
> Negara Kanada adalah salah satu negara yg terbaik "quality of life" nya
> didunia, menjadi rusak karena menjadi tetangga dari AS.
> The Countries With the Highest Quality of Life
> <https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/quality-of-life-rankings>
> The Countries With the Highest Quality of Life
> Want to be happy and healthy? Live here.
> <https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/quality-of-life-rankings>
> Dulu saya sering diperlukan di AS, tetapi kalau tidak bekerja, weekend
> atau liburan, langsung pulang ke Kanada. Family saya mempunyai
> greencard/permanent resident dari AS tetapi saya tidak mau mereka tinggal
> atau hidup di AS. Kami gembira setelah putri kembali ke- dan utk menetap
> tinggal Kanada setelah dari Harvard walaupun kalau dari Harvard di AS akan
> bisa mendapat posisi baik. Tetapi sedikitnya, di Kanada bisa hidup tentram
> (ayem).
> Salam,
> BH Jo
> On Sunday, March 8, 2020, 11:35:06 AM CST, Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com
> [GELORA45]  wrote:
> Julian Assange dan Edgard Snowden kan contoh nyatadikejar kejar.
> Hahaha memang sudah buta dan dan siburung kakak tua gigi tinggal dua
> menclok dijendela. Nenek sudah tua..
> On Sun 8 Mar, 2020, 10:30 PM marthajan04 marthaja...@yahoo.com
> [GELORA45],  wrote:
> Setidaknya, di bagian sisi gelap wajah AS, ada sinar kejujuran. Jurnalis
> yg. menyiarkannya tidak akan hilang dan kemudian dikabarkan mati kecelakaan
> atau apalah seperti Dr. Lie dan beberapa jurnalis lainnya yg. menyampaikan
> kejujuran ttg. covid-19 di Tiongkok.
> Kecian deh.
> Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
>  Original message 
> From: "Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]" 
> Date: 3/8/20 8:14 AM (GMT-08:00)
> To: GELORA45 
> Subject: [GELORA45] America’s Clean Water Crisis Goes Far Beyond Flint.
> There’s No Relief in Sight
> Look what I shared: Why So Many Americans Don't Have Access to Clean Water
> | Time @MIUI|
> https://time..com/longform/clean-water-access-united-states/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=the-brief&utm_content=20200308&xid=newsletter-brief
> <https://time.com/longform/clean-water-access-united-states/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=the-brief&utm_content=20200308&xid=newsletter-brief>

Fwd: [GELORA45] America’s Clean Water Crisis Goes Far Beyond Flint. There’s No Relief in Sight

2020-03-08 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
-- Forwarded message -
From: Hsin Hui Lin 
Date: Mon 9 Mar, 2020, 6:50 AM
Subject: Re: [GELORA45] America’s Clean Water Crisis Goes Far Beyond Flint.
There’s No Relief in Sight
To: Beng-Hoey Jo 

Masalah air rakyat Flint tak mempunyai air  bersih sudah bertahun tahun n
nothing happens.
Wah sinenek ompong ini hebat, bisa jamin kalau Assangga dan Snowden di
Amerika mereka "safe" sedangkan Pompeo
 dgn banggah bertepuk
dada, bahwa CIA , Amerika, spy, kill n seterusnya.
Assanga telah yang ungkapkan bahwa AS di Irak main bunuh rakyat jelata dgn
menyiarkan video dimana duapuluhan rakyat biasa dibabat mati oleh oleh
tentara AS dari udara, helicopter n nothing happened to the Amercans who
did it Para perwira dn tentaranya... tapi Assange yg dikejar kejar,
press freedom
Snowden mengukapkan bagimana AS hack system komunikasi negara2 sekutu AS,
termasuk komunikasi Merkel... di Hongkong CIA mencari cari dan mengejar
Snowden tapi gagal. Oh so called Press Freedom ala Amerikayg
diagungkan agungkan si nenek tua yg ompong ini.

On Mon 9 Mar, 2020, 1:02 AM B.H. Jo,  wrote:

> Bung Lin,
> Bukan saja penduduk kekurangan "clean water". Tetapi juga banyak penduduk
> di kota2 besar di Amerika yg tidur di jalan2. Silahkan nikmati
> pemandangannya di AS dibawah dari BBC News. Janganlah kena "brain wash"
> dari film2 dari Hollywood yg menggambarkan kehidupan indah di AS seperti di
> Beverly Hlls.
> https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-45442596
> Kami di Kanada, sangat sial menjadi negara tetangga dari AS. Negara Kanada
> menjadi rusak dimana, misal, kejahatan senjata (gun violent) dan drug
> addicts sekarang mulai ada dan bertambah banyak seperti di kota2 besar
> (Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal) karena menjadi negara tetangga AS. Senjata2
> dan penjahat2 (gang) datangnya dan pengaruh dari AS. Sayang sekali
> perbatasan antara dari Kanada dan AS panjang sekali, hampir 9000 km. Jadi
> tidak bisa dijaga dan tidak mungkin utk membangun pagar perbatasan (wall)
> karena terlalu mahal. Kalau AS mau membangun wall/pagar antara AS dan
> Mexico (karena drugs, rapists...dsb menurut Trump). Kanada mestinya
> mengbangun wall antara AS dan Kanada.
> Negara Kanada adalah salah satu negara yg terbaik "quality of life" nya
> didunia, menjadi rusak karena menjadi tetangga dari AS.
> The Countries With the Highest Quality of Life
> <https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/quality-of-life-rankings>
> The Countries With the Highest Quality of Life
> Want to be happy and healthy? Live here.
> <https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/quality-of-life-rankings>
> Dulu saya sering diperlukan di AS, tetapi kalau tidak bekerja, weekend
> atau liburan, langsung pulang ke Kanada. Family saya mempunyai
> greencard/permanent resident dari AS tetapi saya tidak mau mereka tinggal
> atau hidup di AS. Kami gembira setelah putri kembali ke- dan utk menetap
> tinggal Kanada setelah dari Harvard walaupun kalau dari Harvard di AS akan
> bisa mendapat posisi baik. Tetapi sedikitnya, di Kanada bisa hidup tentram
> (ayem).
> Salam,
> BH Jo
> On Sunday, March 8, 2020, 11:35:06 AM CST, Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com
> [GELORA45]  wrote:
> Julian Assange dan Edgard Snowden kan contoh nyatadikejar kejar.
> Hahaha memang sudah buta dan dan siburung kakak tua gigi tinggal dua
> menclok dijendela. Nenek sudah tua..
> On Sun 8 Mar, 2020, 10:30 PM marthajan04 marthaja...@yahoo.com
> [GELORA45],  wrote:
> Setidaknya, di bagian sisi gelap wajah AS, ada sinar kejujuran. Jurnalis
> yg. menyiarkannya tidak akan hilang dan kemudian dikabarkan mati kecelakaan
> atau apalah seperti Dr. Lie dan beberapa jurnalis lainnya yg. menyampaikan
> kejujuran ttg. covid-19 di Tiongkok.
> Kecian deh.
> Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
>  Original message 
> From: "Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]" 
> Date: 3/8/20 8:14 AM (GMT-08:00)
> To: GELORA45 
> Subject: [GELORA45] America’s Clean Water Crisis Goes Far Beyond Flint.
> There’s No Relief in Sight
> Look what I shared: Why So Many Americans Don't Have Access to Clean Water
> | Time @MIUI|
> https://time..com/longform/clean-water-access-united-states/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=the-brief&utm_content=20200308&xid=newsletter-brief
> <https://time.com/longform/clean-water-access-united-states/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=the-brief&utm_content=20200308&xid=newsletter-brief>

Re: [GELORA45] America’s Clean Water Crisis Goes Far Beyond Flint. There’s No Relief in Sight

2020-03-08 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Julian Assange dan Edgard Snowden kan contoh nyatadikejar kejar.
Hahaha memang sudah buta dan dan siburung kakak tua gigi tinggal dua
menclok dijendela. Nenek sudah tua.

On Sun 8 Mar, 2020, 10:30 PM marthajan04 marthaja...@yahoo.com [GELORA45], <
GELORA45@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

> Setidaknya, di bagian sisi gelap wajah AS, ada sinar kejujuran. Jurnalis
> yg. menyiarkannya tidak akan hilang dan kemudian dikabarkan mati kecelakaan
> atau apalah seperti Dr. Lie dan beberapa jurnalis lainnya yg. menyampaikan
> kejujuran ttg. covid-19 di Tiongkok.
> Kecian deh.
> Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
> -------- Original message ----
> From: "Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]" 
> Date: 3/8/20 8:14 AM (GMT-08:00)
> To: GELORA45 
> Subject: [GELORA45] America’s Clean Water Crisis Goes Far Beyond Flint.
> There’s No Relief in Sight
> Look what I shared: Why So Many Americans Don't Have Access to Clean Water
> | Time @MIUI|
> https://time.com/longform/clean-water-access-united-states/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=the-brief&utm_content=20200308&xid=newsletter-brief

[GELORA45] America’s Clean Water Crisis Goes Far Beyond Flint. There’s No Relief in Sight

2020-03-08 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: Why So Many Americans Don't Have Access to Clean Water
| Time @MIUI|

[GELORA45] China hits back with its own 'entity list’

2020-03-05 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: China hits back with its own 'entity list’ - Global
Times @MIUI| http://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1152609.shtml

[GELORA45] Here’s how coronavirus spreads on a plane—and the safest place to sit

2020-03-03 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: Here’s how coronavirus spreads on a plane—and the
safest place to sit @MIUI|

[GELORA45] China welcomes the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to visit Xinjiang: envoy

2020-02-28 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: China welcomes the UN High Commissioner for Human
Rights to visit Xinjiang: envoy - Global Times @MIUI|

[GELORA45] Loopholes revealed in virus response system

2020-02-28 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: Loopholes revealed in virus response system - Global
Times @MIUI| https://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1181047.shtml

[GELORA45] Loopholes revealed in virus response system

2020-02-28 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: Loopholes revealed in virus response system - Global
Times @MIUI| https://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1181047.shtml

[GELORA45] The American Dream Remains Inaccessible for Many Black Americans. Here’s How We Can Fix That

2020-02-23 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: How Data Can Help Us Understand and Fix Inequality |
Time @MIUI|

Re: [GELORA45] Japanese man tests positive for COVID-19 after In

2020-02-22 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Ada kurang lebih 700warga India bermukim di Wuhan, tak satupun terkena
wabah caronuvirus. Mereka tak ribut2ingin pulang. Mungkin karena masakan
india banyak memakai rempah kunyit, sereh, ginger dll.

On Sun 23 Feb, 2020, 12:43 PM 'B.H. Jo' b...@yahoo.com [GELORA45], <
GELORA45@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

> Wah, hebat kalau tidak ada berita2 kasus2 coronavirus di Indonesia. Orang2
> Indonesia kebal dari coronavirus??? Atau dokter2 Indonesia belum bisa
> mendiagnose penyakit dr virus ini? Atau gejala2 nya tidak berat di negara
> panas/tropis? Orang Jepang ini mempunyai gejala2 berat karena setelah
> pulang ke negara dingin/musim dingin??? Teka-teki yg mengherankan?
> Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
> On Sun, Feb 23, 2020 at 12:22 AM, Sunny ambon ilmeseng...@gmail.com
> [GELORA45]
>  wrote:
> https://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2020/02/23/breaking-japanese-man-tests-positive-for-covid-19-after-indonesia-visit-report.html
> BREAKING: Japanese man tests positive for COVID-19 after Indonesia visit:
> Report
>- News Desk
>The Jakarta Post
> Jakarta   /   Sun, February 23, 2020   /   12:51 pm
>  A Japanese man has tested positive for the novel coronavirus disease
> (COVID-19) shortly after returning from a visit to Indonesia, Japanese
> public broadcaster NHK has reported.
> According to the NHK report
> , the
> Tokyo metropolitan government announced on Saturday that the man, a Tokyo
> resident in his 60s, had been infected by the novel coronavirus.
> The man, a staff member of a senior care facility, visited a healthcare
> institution on Feb. 12 after he developed "cold-like symptoms", but
> returned home the same day because he was not diagnosed with pneumonia. He
> returned to work at the senior home on Feb. 13. He spent Feb. 14 at home
> and then reportedly traveled to Indonesia on a family vacation on Feb. 15..
> The NHK report did not specify the man's exact destination in Indonesia.
> The man was hospitalized upon his return to Japan on Feb. 19 for severe
> difficulty breathing, and is said to be in "serious condition".
> A press release
>  from
> the Tokyo Novel Coronavirus Infectious Disease Control Center on the Tokyo
> metropolitan government's website states that a Tokyo resident in his 60s
> had tested positive for the disease and that the onset of his symptoms
> occurred on Feb. 12.
> The release, however, does not mention any travel history to Indonesia,
> saying only that the man had no travel history to China within 14 days
> prior to onset of symptoms. The patient's condition is listed as "serious".
> This case marks the second time a patient has tested positive for COVID-19
> following a visit to Indonesia. The first, a Chinese man identified as Jin
> ,
> tested positive for the disease earlier this month, eight days after
> returning from Bali. (kmt)

[GELORA45] Watch "NATO rift between US and Europe comes to light at Munich Security Conference 2020 | MSC2020" on YouTube

2020-02-21 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]

Re: [GELORA45] Dianggap Penyebab Virus Corona, China Bakal Keluarkan Larangan Konsumsi Hewan Liar Halaman all - Kompas.com

2020-02-21 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Semua yang berkaki empat, kecuali meja, bisa dimakan. (Dulu masih belum ada

On Fri 21 Feb, 2020, 3:52 PM Sunny ambon ilmeseng...@gmail.com [GELORA45], <
GELORA45@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

> *Saya punya teman orang Tionghoa dari Fukien, dia juru masak alias koki.
> Sudah pensiun.. Dia bilang bahwa di Tiongkok ada ucapan semua binatang yang
> pungungnya menghadap langit bisa dimakan. Apakah benar ada ucapan tersebut?*

[GELORA45] Britain is right to use Huawei’s 5G technology | South China Morning Post

2020-02-19 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: Britain is right to use Huawei’s 5G technology | South
China Morning Post @MIUI|

[GELORA45] Chinese diplomat’s question to Pelosi signals pushback, starting with Huawei

2020-02-16 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: Chinese diplomat’s challenge to Nancy Pelosi signals
concerted fightback, starting with Huawei | South China Morning Post @MIUI|

Re: [GELORA45] Fwd: Watch "Huawei accusation: 'is democracy fragile to be threatened by company?'" on YouTube

2020-02-16 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Bg Chan, thank you. Lin

On Mon 17 Feb, 2020, 6:37 AM ChanCT sa...@netvigator.com [GELORA45], <
GELORA45@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

> Dari link pertama yang saya keluarkan memang tidak bisa dibuka karena
> harus log-in dahulu, jadi yang bukan anggota tidak bisa buka! Tapi, link
> kedua di "youku" 
> *https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDU0Njk4NzA4MA==.html?spm=a2h0k.11417342.soresults.dposter
> *kenapa di Eropah tidak bisa dibuka juga, ya? Lalu saya kebetulan
> dapatkan video (mp4) tapi tidak lengkap, tidak ada bagian jawaban nenek
> Nancy Pelosi, ... Bagaimana saya bisa dapatkan jawabannya? Di Internet saya
> tidak berhasil mendapatkan video lengkap pembicaraan itu, ... dari yang
> tertulis saya dapatkan link dibawah, tapi apakah itu jawaban Nancy Pilosi
> selengkap dan sesungguhnya, saya tidak bisa pastikan, lho.
> Yang PASTI dan tak terbantahkan sikap Amerika selama ini untuk
> mengangkangi dunia, menggunakan segala cara yang tak peduli menginjak-injak
> HAM! Dari menggunakan teknologi utk menyadap pembicaraan tokoh-tokoh
> didunia, menggunakan kecanggihan teknologi menguasai/mengendalikan
> negara-negara didunia, ... sampai pada berusaha keras memukul mati Huawei
> yang telah tumbuh menjadi pesaing berat!
> https://www.speaker.gov/newsroom/21420-1
> *Q:  I am from the National People’s Congress of China and I have a very
> good memory of your successful visit, the constructive dialogue we had
> about the relationship a few years ago.  My question is about Huawei, we –
> I think my knowledge of the, how the world works, is that technology is a
> tool.  And, China thinks it’s reform started forty years ago, have
> introduced all kinds of Western technologies: Microsoft, IBM, Amazon.  They
> are all active in China.*
> *And, since we, since we started with 1st G, 2nd G, 3rd G, 4th G, all the
> technologies came from Western countries, from the developed world, and
> China has maintained its political system, the system lead by the Communist
> party has become successful, it’s not threatened by the technologies. *
> *How come if Huawei’s technology, with a 5G is introduced into Western
> countries, then it will threaten the political system?  Do you really think
> the democratic system is so fragile that it could be threatened by this
> single high tech company of Huawei?*
> *Speaker Pelosi.*  Let me just say that – let me just say to you that are
> applauding back there, that Huawei was created by reverse technology of
> American initiatives, that was one of the main ways that they got started..
> So, yes, we take – we know the capabilities that Huawei has.
> We don’t want to emulate the Chinese system.  We do not want to be
> arresting millions of Uighurs, threatening Tibet, in terms of its culture,
> religion and faith, undermining democracy in Hong Kong, etc.  So, it isn’t
> a question of, ‘We have Huawei and we are a model, so why are you afraid of
> Huawei?’
> We understand the power of technology, and I say – and I have been
> tracking China for thirty years on trade, and the rest of it, in terms of
> intellectual property and the rest, and I tell you, unequivocally, without
> any hesitations, be very careful when we go down this path, unless you want
> to end with a society like China, or an economy like China, which is not in
> the free enterprise mode.
> And I say this in friendship to China.  I – we – I, when I visited you it
> was about climate issues, and China is on the forefront of doing many great
> things on climate issues and in so many ways that I could enumerate.  So we
> work together in that regard.  But that does not dismiss the idea of
> repression that is ongoing and intensifying in China, and again, if you
> want a free flow of information, if you want to build a collective
> conscious of values and respect for human rights and the rest, don’t go
> near Huawei.
> And instead, let’s internationalize, build something together that will be
> about freedom of information.  And I say that as a bipartisan initiative
> that we have had in our conversation with –
> On 16/2/2020 下午7:54, 'Lusi D.' lus...@rantar.de [GELORA45] wrote:
> Wah salah. Itu bukan di Davos konferensinya tapi München.
> Am Sun, 16 Feb
> 2020 11:07:16 +0100 schrieb "'Lusi D.' lus...@rantar.de [GELORA45]"
>  :
> > Sorry perlu dikoreksi satu kata terakhir dr kalimat
> > pertanyaan saya itu seharusnya: menayangkannya. Bukan kata
> > menangkannya. Salam.
> >
> >
> >
> > Beginn der weitergeleitetaen Nachricht:
> >
> > Datum: Sun, 16 Feb 2020 10:48:03 +0100
> > Von: "'Lusi D.' lus...@rantar.de [nasional-list]"
> >   An:
> "ChanCT sa...@netvigator.com
> > [GELORA45]"   Cc:
> > nasional-l...@yahoogroups.com, 
> , "Chalik
> > Hamid chalik.ha...@yahoo.co.id [nasional-list]"
> >  
> Betreff: [nasional-list] Re:
> > [GELORA45] Fwd: Watch "Huawei accusation: 'is democracy fragile to be
> > threatened by 

Re: Re: [GELORA45] Fwd: Watch "Huawei accusation: 'is democracy fragile to be threatened by company?'" on YouTube

2020-02-15 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Thanks, ada baiknya teman2 buka video itu.
Pertanyaan mdm Fu Ying dapat sambutan para hadirin... Ntah apa jawaban
Pelosi Tak dalam video itu.

On Sun 16 Feb, 2020, 9:40 AM ChanCT sa...@netvigator.com [GELORA45], <
GELORA45@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

> Tetap tak bisa dibuka??? Mestinya dari Youku bisa dibuka, atau kudu sabar?
> Karena jalur sedang sibuk saja, banyak orang yang dikarantina nonton film,
> ... Hahahaa
> Kalau begitu saya kirim video nya langsung, hanya saja tidak lengkap, ...
> buka video terlampir!
> On Sun 16 Feb, 2020, 8:30 AM ChanCT sa...@netvigator.com [GELORA45], <
> GELORA45@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
>> *"Huawei accusation: 'is democracy fragile to be threatened by company?'"*
>> *https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDU0Njk4NzA4MA==.html?spm=a2h0k.11417342.soresults.dposter
>> *
>> -- Forwarded message -
>> From: Hsin Hui Lin 
>> Date: Sat 15 Feb, 2020, 6:26 PM
>> Subject: Watch "Huawei accusation: 'is democracy fragile to be threatened
>> by company?'" on YouTube
>> To: GELORA45 
>> *"Huawei accusation: 'is democracy fragile to be threatened by company?'"*
>> *https://youtu.be/gB1C2kUC4do *
>> --
>> Anda menerima pesan ini karena berlangganan grup "diskusi kita" di Google
>> Grup.
>> Untuk berhenti berlangganan dan berhenti menerima email dari grup ini,
>> kirim email ke diskusi-kita+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> Untuk melihat diskusi ini di web, kunjungi
>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/diskusi-kita/f4f5ea30-1553-8e0c-70fc-5a508e96991b%40netvigator.com
>> .

Re: [GELORA45] Fwd: Watch "Huawei accusation: 'is democracy fragile to be threatened by company?'" on YouTube

2020-02-15 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Tak mudeng, sudah dicoba beberapa kali, tetap tak bisa dibuka, ndak apa2

On Sun 16 Feb, 2020, 8:30 AM ChanCT sa...@netvigator.com [GELORA45], <
GELORA45@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

> *"Huawei accusation: 'is democracy fragile to be threatened by company?'"*
> *https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDU0Njk4NzA4MA==.html?spm=a2h0k.11417342.soresults.dposter
> *
> -- Forwarded message -
> From: Hsin Hui Lin 
> Date: Sat 15 Feb, 2020, 6:26 PM
> Subject: Watch "Huawei accusation: 'is democracy fragile to be threatened
> by company?'" on YouTube
> To: GELORA45 
> *"Huawei accusation: 'is democracy fragile to be threatened by company?'"*
> *https://youtu.be/gB1C2kUC4do *
> --
> Anda menerima pesan ini karena berlangganan grup "diskusi kita" di Google
> Grup.
> Untuk berhenti berlangganan dan berhenti menerima email dari grup ini,
> kirim email ke diskusi-kita+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> Untuk melihat diskusi ini di web, kunjungi
> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/diskusi-kita/f4f5ea30-1553-8e0c-70fc-5a508e96991b%40netvigator.com
> .

Re: [GELORA45] Fwd: Watch "Huawei accusation: 'is democracy fragile to be threatened by company?'" on YouTube

2020-02-15 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Bg. Chan,
Masalahnya  tetapTAK bisa dibuka.

On Sun 16 Feb, 2020, 8:12 AM ChanCT sa...@netvigator.com [GELORA45], <
GELORA45@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

> -- Forwarded message -
> From: Hsin Hui Lin 
> Date: Sat 15 Feb, 2020, 6:26 PM
> Subject: Watch "Huawei accusation: 'is democracy fragile to be threatened
> by company?'" on YouTube
> To: GELORA45 
> *"Huawei accusation: 'is democracy fragile to be threatened by company?'"*
> *https://youtu.be/gB1C2kUC4do *

[GELORA45] Watch "The Point: Busting biased, negative headlines on B&R Initiative" on YouTube

2020-02-15 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]

[GELORA45] Watch "Huawei accusation: 'is democracy fragile to be threatened by company?'" on YouTube

2020-02-15 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]

[GELORA45] China bashing detracts from its epic battle against the coronavirus

2020-02-14 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: China bashing detracts from the country’s epic and
unprecedented battle against the coronavirus | South China Morning Post

Suggest to read above article!!! "China bashing distracts counry's epic n
unprecedented battle against coronavirus."

[GELORA45] FM’s Germany trip to boost global trust

2020-02-14 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: FM’s Germany trip to boost global trust - Global Times
@MIUI| https://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1179563.shtml

Global Times, :
Internatinal solidarity in the fight against coronavirus and where the USA
stands in this regards.

[GELORA45] Why Washington is paranoid about Huawei. Interestig article, Crypto AG, Switzerland, owned by CIA spies on 120 countries since 1970.

2020-02-12 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: Why Washington is paranoid about Huawei | South China
Morning Post @MIUI|

Also to refer to AFP of 12 February 2020. Crypto AG, owned by CIA spies on
120 countries in Switzerland since 1970.

[GELORA45] Fwd: Biased Western reporting on the coronavirus may have a nasty side effect

2020-02-07 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
-- Forwarded message -
From: Hsin Hui Lin 
Date: Fri 7 Feb, 2020, 8:03 AM
Subject: Biased Western reporting on the coronavirus may have a nasty side

Look what I shared: Biased Western reporting on the coronavirus may have a
nasty side effect: a new wave of Chinese nationalism | South China Morning
Post @MIUI|

Re: [GELORA45] Coronavirus: Chinese doctor who tried to warn of outbreak dies from virus, East Asia News & Top Stories - The Straits Times

2020-02-07 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Bg Chan,
oo s, si marthajani, karena merasa dirinya seorang Amerika,padahal hanya si
pendatang, melebihi si orang Amerika asli,  Willburg Ross, secretary of
commerce, bisanya hanya ngawur ngoceh, ke ngangguran???  saya sih tak
akan meladeni si marthajani ini,buat apa buang waktu ajaa, baiknya
tulisan2nya diabaikan, biarkan ia ngoceh, achirnya para pembaca tulisannya
kan akan merasa muak. Lin

On Sat 8 Feb, 2020, 6:20 AM ChanCT sa...@netvigator.com [GELORA45], <
GELORA45@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

> Ini orang asal cuap, ... TANPA DASAR akurat!!! Betul-betul TIDAK BEDA
> dengan Falungong yang kerjanya hanya menghitamkan RRT/PKT saja!
> Siapa dr. Li Wenliang yang dibilang jujur itu? Di medsos, ada yang bilang
> dia dr.-mata, ada yang bilang dr.-gigi, ... TIDAK ada yang menyebutkan dia
> termasuk dokter digaris depan yang menangani pasien virus Corona itu! Dan
> entah dimana dia terjangkit virus Corona sampai akhirnya meninggal. Ayahnya
> juga kena! Lalu apa masalah yang terjadi?
> Masih dipertengahan-akhir Desember tahun 19, dr. Li bersama 7 rekan dr.
> lainnya (jadi mereka ber-8) mengajukan pendapat dimedsos, bahwa telah
> terjangkit SARS yang merebak dari pasar Huanan, yang mereka ketahui ada 3
> orang pekerja di pasar itu terjangkit penyakit spt SARS 18 tahun yl.
> Yang dipermasalahkan pihak pemerintah Wuhan, pernyataan 8 orang di medsos
> itu bisa bikin gaduh dan panik masyarakat, meminta dihentikan! Diantara
> mereka, seorang dr. wanita di medsos juga mengakui teguran ini dan tidak
> bersuara lagi. Sedang dr. Li masih saja meneruskan dan berkeras menyatakan
> penyakit itu menular, pihak dept.kesehatan Wuhan bilang belum ada bukti
> penularan orang keorang, ... Dan pihak keamanan dengan tegas menghendaki
> dr. Li menandatangani pengakuan tuduhan FITNAH! Catatan, tuntutan
> penandatanganan tuduhan FITNAH hanya pada dr.Li tidak dengan 7 dr. lainnya.
> Di tgl.30 Des. dr. Li meriang dan harus meringkuk di RS, sampai akhirnya
> kemarin tidak tertolong dan meninggal. Hanya itulah yang terdengar di
> medsos. bagaimana sesungguhnya yang terjadi, pemerintah pusat sudah
> mengutus tim peneliti peristiwa ini, ... dan kita tunggu saja bagaimana
> kesimpulannya. Tentu dalam hubungan mengambil ketentuan penyakit itu dari
> mana sumbernya, jenis virus dan menular tidak dari manusia kemanusia masih
> bisa diperdebatkan sesuai ilmu kedokteran, ... bukan asal cuap dan
> disebarkan dimedsos yang hanya bikin gaduh seperti dilakukan dr. Li itu!
> Tidak menyelesaikan masalah!
> Yang menyelesaikan masalah justru dr. Zheng (perempuan) dibarisan terdepan
> penanganan penyakit penular, yg pertama menemukan gejala aneh orang
> terjangkit virus Corona ini, sepasang suami-istri terjangkit dan ditemukan
> paru-paru nya bermasalah sama. Lalu ditanya dirumah masih ada siapa? Anak
> tunggalnya dipanggil, ternyata juga sudah terjangkit hanya lebih ringan.
> Dari sinilah baru ditemukan dan bisa dinyatakan virus Corona bisa menular
> orang keorang, ...! Maka pemerintah Wuhan segera menutup pasar Huanan, 
> dan berlanjut pemerintah pusat menutup kota Wuhan di tgl. 21 Januari!
> Semua juga harus dilihat prosesnya, dengan ada gejala-gejala akurat untuk
> menyimpulkan kebijakan, dan tidak bisa diributkan di medsos seperti yg
> dilakukan 8 dr. dan jelas TIDAK menyelesaikan masalah begitu!
> Untuk lebih jelas, bagi yang mengerti bhs. Tionghjoa bisa ikuti:
> 20200207-3【李文亮走了。。。】【他的效果还在。。。】【寒梅视角】
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B40NwsTI1ak
> On 8/2/2020 上午6:04, marthajan04 marthaja...@yahoo.com [GELORA45] wrote:
> https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-asia/chinese-doctor-who-tried-to-warn-colleagues-in-wuhan-about-coronavirus-dies
> Ni dokter (Lie Wenliang) yang jujur, ingin menyelamatkan manusia dari
> ketularan penyakit yg mematikan ini, bukan seperti si ko Chan, si Lin dan
> pemerintah China Tiongkok yg ga peduli penyakit akan menyebar hanya karena
> takut kehilangan pemasukan duit sehingga kalap ngamuk sama AS yg difitnah
> jadi biang keladi banyak negara di dunia melarang warganya ke China.
> Tapi saya sangsi juga apa dia meninggal karena virus tsb atau dibunuh
> pemerintahnya yg kejam ga ngargai nyawa warganya sendiri kalo sudah
> dianggap bersalah.
> Silakan klik dan baca baik2 ko Chan.
> Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone< /div>

[GELORA45] Biased Western reporting on the coronavirus may have a nasty side effect

2020-02-06 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: Biased Western reporting on the coronavirus may have a
nasty side effect: a new wave of Chinese nationalism | South China Morning
Post @MIUI|

Re: [GELORA45] Wuhan Coronavirus Looks Increasingly Like a Pandemic, Experts Say

2020-02-02 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Dasar ngawur, kapankah saya men predict,.. Otak sudah usang, terbalik atau
asal ngoceh ajaa.!

On Mon 3 Feb, 2020, 10:05 AM marthajan04 marthaja...@yahoo.com [GELORA45], <
GELORA45@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

> " But scientists cannot yet predict how many deaths may result."
> Sementara para ilmuwan belum bisa memprediksi berapa banyak kematian yg.
> akan terjadi, si ko Chan sama si Lin sudah bisa.
> Hebat
> https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/02/health/coronavirus-pandemic-china.html
> Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

[GELORA45] Chinese ambassador to U.S. warns against 'political virus'

2020-02-02 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: Chinese ambassador to U.S. warns against 'political
virus' - CGTN @MIUI|

Re: [GELORA45] UK's Huawei decision shows its future lies between the U.S. and China

2020-02-02 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
More American than the American?!

On Mon 3 Feb, 2020, 2:49 AM 'B.H. Jo' b...@yahoo.com [GELORA45], <
GELORA45@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

> Huawei dituduh spying tetapi belum ada negara (terutama AS) yg bisa
> membuktikannya ttg spying. Tuduhan spying adalah utk menghancurkan Huawei
> dgn teknologi 5G nya, yg AS ketinggalan. Malahan AS yg telah me-mata2-i
> telpon dari Kanzler Merkel. Kalau Huawei berhasil dan berkembang, ekonomi
> AS bisa tambah amburadul. I-Phone yg sangat penting utk ekonomi AS, sudah
> dikalahkan oleh Huawei dan Samsung. CEO dari Google adalah orang asal
> India. Dan banyak ahli2 teknologi di Silicon Valley adalah orang Asia. Dan
> mereka banyak yg bisa bekerja disana dgn ijin H1B visa. Sekarang Trump yg
> anti imigran (mengurangi visa ini) akan merugikan kemajuan teknologi di AS.
> Mereka juga akan pulang ke India dan Tkk dan membangun teknologi disana, yg
> akan membuat saingan besar terhadap AS dimasa depan. Dan Kanada terbuka
> utk mereka, kalau mereka mau pindah ke Kanada.
> On Sunday, February 2, 2020, 11:29:25 AM CST, marthajan04
> marthaja...@yahoo.com [GELORA45]  wrote:
> Kelihataannya anda happy banget dan mengharapkan?
> Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
>  Original message 
> From: "'B.H. Jo' b...@yahoo.com [GELORA45]" 
> Date: 2/2/20 8:17 AM (GMT-08:00)
> To: gelora45@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [GELORA45] UK's Huawei decision shows its future lies between the
> U.S. and China
> Tinggal tunggu keputusan Merkel/Jerman sebagai powerhouse dari Uni-Eropa,
> yg sudah condong utk menggunakan Huawei. Kalau jadi, "kehancuran" Amerika
> dlm geopolitik dan teknnologi/ekonomi akan dipercepat.
> Kutipan:
> The United Kingdom just rejected arm-twisting pressure from Washington to
> ban a Chinese company from participating in their 5G networks, with open
> objections in public. It is not the first rejection of this kind either;
> London previously ignored the Obama administration's call to boycott the
> Asian International Infrastructure Bank (AIIB).
> In this case, while Washington now vents its fury over the decision, it
> fails to acknowledge that the age of its hegemony is effectively over.
> Despite its threats, jealous rhetoric and blacklistings, it cannot turn
> back the clock on the new reality in which most of the world sees benefits
> in having comprehensive commercial and technological ties with China.
> Selengkapnya:
> UK's Huawei decision shows its future lies between the U.S. and China
> UK's Huawei decision shows its future lies between the U.S. and China
> With the Trump administration making many demands but offering nothing,
> there is more to gain in delicately bala...

[GELORA45] Watch "Chinese ambassador to the U.S.: Guard against 'political virus'" on YouTube

2020-02-02 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]

[GELORA45] Britain ignored US on Huawei. Canada can do same with Meng

2020-01-31 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Look what I shared: Britain ignored the US to welcome Huawei. Can Canada do
the same with 5G and Meng Wanzhou’s trial? | South China Morning Post

Re: [GELORA45] Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross Says Coronavirus 'Will Help' Bring Back Jobs to U.S.

2020-01-30 Terurut Topik Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
Hahaha si marthajan, hebat sekali sidia ini

On Fri 31 Jan, 2020, 10:57 AM marthajan04 marthaja...@yahoo.com [GELORA45],

> Memang si Wilbur ini ngomong sembarangan dan ini sudah dikritik oleh orang
> amerikanya sendiri.
> Si Lin ini saya baca email2nya adalah pembenci AS dan berusaha menjelekkan
> AS terus. Kudu diwaspadai nih orang.
> Baca nih dari kompas.  Hati busuk jangan dipiara terus. Akan balik nimpa
> diri sendiri.
> Dilansir AFP Kamis (30/1/2020), ucapan menteri 82 tahun itu menuai kritik,
> baik dari media sosial maupun dari pakar kesehatan.
> "Dia membuat komentar tak bertanggung jawab di luar bidang keahliannya,"
> ujar Georges Benjamin dari Asosiasi Kesehatan Publik AS (APHA).
> https://amp.kompas.com/internasional/read/2020/01/31/10282651/menteri-as-sebut-virus-corona-di-china-beri-keuntungan-untuk-mereka
> Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
>  Original message 
> From: "Hsin Hui Lin ehh...@gmail.com [GELORA45]" 
> Date: 1/30/20 8:40 PM (GMT-08:00)
> To: GELORA45 
> Subject: [GELORA45] Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross Says Coronavirus 'Will
> Help' Bring Back Jobs to U.S.
> Look what I shared: Wilbur Ross: Coronavirus 'Will Help' Bring Back Jobs
> to US | Time @MIUI|
> https://time.com/5774473/wilbur-ross-coronavirus-comments/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=the-brief-pm&utm_content=20200130&xid=newsletter-brief

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