EU takes China to WTO again over technology transfers


Published 5Hours Ago

BRUSSELS,Dec 20 (Reuters) - The European Union launched a second challenge 
against Chinaat the World Trade Organization on Thursday over laws it says 
force thetransfer of technology in areas including electric vehicles and 

TheEuropean Commission, which oversees trade policy in the 28-member 
EuropeanUnion, said in a statement that it was significantly broadening and 
deepeningthe scope of its WTO action against China.

TheEU's new challenge focuses on Chinese laws that regulate the approval 
ofinvestments for electric vehicles and biotechnology and the approval of 
jointventures across sectors.

TheCommission said that the Chinese laws imposed requirements on foreign 
companiesoperating in China, contravening a commitment not to do so made when 
Beijingjoined the WTO.

"Theso-called performance requirements force or induce European companies 
totransfer technology to their joint ventures with Chinese partners in 
exchangefor the necessary administrative approvals by the Chinese 
authorities,"the Commission said.

"Foreigncompanies are also required to carry out research and development 
activities inChina," it continued.

Beijinghas said such transfers are voluntary not forced and that many 
foreigncompanies have benefited from the work on new technologies by R&D 
centersin China

InJune, the European Union launched a separate WTO case against 
technologytransfers by China. This targeted specific provisions under Chinese 
regulationson import and exports of technology centered on Chinese-foreign 
equity jointventures.

TheEU says this goes against WTO rules to treat equally national and 
foreigncompanies and unduly restricts the rights of EU companies, such as in 
relationto patents.

TheWTO challenge will first result in consultations between the parties. If 
nosolution is found in 60 days, the EU can then request that the WTO set up 
apanel to adjudicate on the issue. (Reporting by Philip Blenkinsop Editing 
byAlexander Smith)

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