Re: [GELORA45] Re: Obama imposes sanctions on Russia, expels 35 diplomats in response to election-related hacking

2016-12-30 Terurut Topik [GELORA45]

melihat defense spending yg bakal ditambahin antara 500 billion sampai 1 
trilliun kok rasanya itu hanya angan2 kosong. dibawah ini dari forbes:

 President Trump Is Likely To Boost U.S. Military Spending By $500 Billion To 
$1 Trillion
---In,  wrote :

 Kita lihat saja. Kalau Trump mau membuat America First and America Great 
Again, ya boleh dipuji. Tetapi kalau dia mau mengacau dunia/negara lain dgn. 
kekuatan militer, ini yg. harus ditentang. Kalau mau perang ekonomi, sih boleh 
saja, terutama dgn. Tiongkok. Pasti Amerika akan hancur juga ekonominya.


Re: [GELORA45] Re: Obama imposes sanctions on Russia, expels 35 diplomats in response to election-related hacking

2016-12-30 Terurut Topik [GELORA45]
Kita lihat saja. Kalau Trump mau membuat America First and America Great Again, 
ya boleh dipuji. Tetapi kalau dia mau mengacau dunia/negara lain dgn. kekuatan 
militer, ini yg. harus ditentang. Kalau mau perang ekonomi, sih boleh saja, 
terutama dgn. Tiongkok. Pasti Amerika akan hancur juga ekonominya.

Re: [GELORA45] Re: Obama imposes sanctions on Russia, expels 35 diplomats in response to election-related hacking

2016-12-30 Terurut Topik [GELORA45]

 ok, kalau begitu semuanya war crime.

---In,  wrote :

 Yg. di Republican dan Democrat adalah sama saja, banyak yg. adalah 
biang-keladi dari war crimes. Kita lihat saja, barangkali Trump juga  bisa 
melakukan war crimes kalau akan/mau mengacau atau ikut mencampuri urusan 
negara2 lain. Tindakan Trump tidak bisa ditebak dan bisa berbahaya utk. kita 

Re: [GELORA45] Re: Obama imposes sanctions on Russia, expels 35 diplomats in response to election-related hacking

2016-12-30 Terurut Topik [GELORA45]
Yg. di Republican dan Democrat adalah sama saja, banyak yg. adalah biang-keladi 
dari war crimes. Kita lihat saja, barangkali Trump juga  bisa melakukan war 
crimes kalau akan/mau mengacau atau ikut mencampuri urusan negara2 lain. 
Tindakan Trump tidak bisa ditebak dan bisa berbahaya utk. kita semua.

Re: [GELORA45] Re: Obama imposes sanctions on Russia, expels 35 diplomats in response to election-related hacking

2016-12-30 Terurut Topik [GELORA45]
Hal yg sama juga dikatakan McCain, Republican Senator. McCain at odds with 
Trump over Russia - CNN Video
 McCain at odds with Trump over Russia - CNN Video
 President-elect Donald Trump is getting a taste of what it's like to go up 
against Senator John McCain -- particularly on issues like Russia and Trump's 
 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


---In,  wrote :

 New York Times seperti Washington Times adalah kaki tangannya si 
Obama/Demokrat, ya tidak heran kalau tulisannya seperti tsb. dibawah "Donald 
Trump: The Russian Poodle". Kalau Trump atau Amerika jadi poodle-nya Putin ya 
boleh juga.

 But over all it looks as if the Trump administration will be remarkably 
pro-Putin — astonishing considering Putin’s Russia has killed journalists,
 committed war crimes in Ukraine and Syria and threatened the peaceful order in 


 Yg. war criminal sebetulnya adalah Obama's administration dimana mempecah 
belah Suriah/Syria (anti Assad) sehingga terjadi perang saudara dan terjadinya 
pembunuhan2 dan pengungsi2 ke Eropa.

 On Friday, December 30, 2016 2:36 PM, Jonathan Goeij  wrote:


 Nicholas Kristof dari New York Times pakai istilah "Donald Trump: The Russian 
 baik puppet ataupun poodle ya sama saja dua2nya di-timang2. 

 Sepanjang sejarah dunia selalu ada 2 pihak yg saling bertikai, mungkin kayak 
yin dan yang utk menjaga keseimbangan. Seandainya sekarang Russia dan US jadi 
satu artinya yg akan jadi pihak lain ya Tiongkok.

 ---In,  wrote :

 Kalau Trump memang adalah puppet dari Putin ya bagus deh karena Putin adalah 
salah satu pemimpin yg. saya kagumi. 

---In,  wrote :

 Rusia meng-hack juga bisa dibilang tidak masuk akal, tetapi toh terjadi.
 Dalam kampanye ber-kali2 Trump minta bantuan Rusia meng-hack walaupun kemudian 
dibantah begundalnya sebagai joke.
 Kalau memang puppet ya nggak perlu di black mail lagi.

 ---In,  wrote :

 Memangnya anda tahu dengan bukti2 kalau Trump minta bantuan Putin ?
 Ya, kan tak masuk akal, bisa diblackmail nantinya ?

wrote : 




Re: [GELORA45] Re: Obama imposes sanctions on Russia, expels 35 diplomats in response to election-related hacking

2016-12-30 Terurut Topik [GELORA45]


 3 minggu lagi atau tepatnya 20 January 2017 sang puppet sudah naik tahta, 
ngapain sekarang repot2.

---In, <ambon@...> wrote :

 Dalam bidang diplomatik bisanya negeri yang diplomatnya diperson non grata 
melakukan hal yang sama, tetapi kali ini Russia tidak akan melakukan hal tsb,  
tetapi  mengundang anak-anak dari para diplomat USA untuk merayakan tahun baru 
di Kremlin. Demikian diberitakan dari Moskow.
 Sent: Friday, December 30, 2016 9:46 AM
 To: Gelora45
 Subject: Re: [GELORA45] Re: Obama imposes sanctions on Russia, expels 35 
diplomats in response to election-related hacking


 Memangnya anda tahu dengan bukti2 kalau Trump minta bantuan Putin ?
 Ya, kan tak masuk akal, bisa diblackmail nantinya ?

 On 30 December 2016 at 03:59, jonathangoeij@... mailto:jonathangoeij@... 
[GELORA45] <> wrote:
 tahu darimana?

---In, <djiekh@...> 
wrote :

 Kan Trump tidak minta bantuan Putin ?
 Kalau Hillary Clinton bersih, apanya yang bisa dibongkar orang ?

 On 30 December 2016 at 01:08, Jonathan Goeij jonathangoeij@... 
mailto:jonathangoeij@... [GELORA45] <> wrote:

 setelah sekarang terbukti Trump itu boneka Putin, terus bagaimana?
 bukankah setelah sang boneka naik tahta bulan January executive order itu bisa 
 ---In, <ambon@...> 
wrote : news/nationworld/ct-russia- 
hacking-us-response-20161229- story.html
 Obama imposes sanctions on Russia, expels 35 diplomats in response to 
election-related hacking
 Obama Saul Loeb / AFP/Getty Images
 U.S. President Barack Obama holds a year-end press conference at the White 
House on Dec. 16, 2016.

 U.S. President Barack Obama holds a year-end press conference at the White 
House on Dec. 16, 2016.
(Saul Loeb / AFP/Getty Images)

 Justin Sink, Nick Wadhams, Alan Katz, Chris StrohmBloomberg

 President Barack Obama retaliated Thursday against Russia for cyberattacks 
aimed at interfering with the 2016 presidential campaign, imposing sanctions on 
top Russian intelligence officials and agencies and expelling 35 Russian 
operatives from the U.S.
 As part of the administration's response, the FBI and Homeland Security 
Department also were set to release a report with technical evidence intended 
to prove Russia's military and civilian intelligence services were behind the 
hacking to expose some of their most sensitive hacking infrastructure.
 "All Americans should be alarmed by Russia's actions," Obama said in a 
statement. "These data theft and disclosure activities could only have been 
directed by the highest levels of the Russian government. Moreover, our 
diplomats have experienced an unacceptable level of harassment in Moscow by 
Russian security services and police over the last year. Such activities have 
 Among those targeted in the sanctions announced by the Treasury Department 
were the chief and deputy chiefs of GRU, Russia's military intelligence agency. 
Cybersecurity experts in the U.S. have linked GRU to the hacking of the 
Democratic National Committee and party officials through a group they have 
nicknamed APT 28 or Fancy Bear. The U.S. also is sanctioning the Federal 
Security Service and Main Intelligence Directorate of the Russian state and 
cyber companies associated with them.
 Those expelled were described by Obama as intelligence operatives and the U.S. 
also shut down two Russian compounds — one in Maryland and another in New York 
— used for "intelligence-related purposes."
 The hackers leaked the pilfered emails in a bid to damage the campaign of 
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, according U.S. intelligence 
agencies. She lost to Republican Donald Trump who has repeatedly scoffed at the 
finding that Russia was behind the cyberattacks.
 The moves will ratchet up tensions with Russia less than a month before 
Trump's inauguration. The president-elect, who has said the hacking could have 
been the work of "somebody sitting in a bed someplace," told reporters 
Wednesday that "we ought to get on with our lives."
 U.S. intelligence officials say Russian hacks 'prioritized' Democrats Greg 
Miller, Adam Entous
 The CIA assessment that Russia waged a cyber-campaign to help elect Donald 
Trump is based in part on intelligence suggesting that Moscow's hacking efforts 
were disproportionately aimed at targets tied to the Democratic Party and its 
nominee Hillary Clinton, U.S. officials said.
 U.S. officials said...

 The CIA assessment that Russia waged a cyber-campaign to help elect Donald 

Re: [GELORA45] Re: Obama imposes sanctions on Russia, expels 35 diplomats in response to election-related hacking

2016-12-30 Terurut Topik [GELORA45]
Si monyet Obama, kalah tindakan diplomatik lagi dimana Putin tidak marah dan 
mengabaikan tindakan si monyet.

Re: [GELORA45] Re: Obama imposes sanctions on Russia, expels 35 diplomats in response to election-related hacking

2016-12-30 Terurut Topik 'Sunny' [GELORA45]
Dalam bidang diplomatik bisanya negeri yang diplomatnya diperson non grata 
melakukan hal yang sama, tetapi kali ini Russia tidak akan melakukan hal tsb,  
tetapi  mengundang anak-anak dari para diplomat USA untuk merayakan tahun baru 
di Kremlin. Demikian diberitakan dari Moskow.

Sent: Friday, December 30, 2016 9:46 AM
To: Gelora45 
Subject: Re: [GELORA45] Re: Obama imposes sanctions on Russia, expels 35 
diplomats in response to election-related hacking


Memangnya anda tahu dengan bukti2 kalau Trump minta bantuan Putin ?
Ya, kan tak masuk akal, bisa diblackmail nantinya ?

On 30 December 2016 at 03:59, [GELORA45] 
<> wrote:

  tahu darimana?

  ---In, <djiekh@...> wrote :

  Kan Trump tidak minta bantuan Putin ?
  Kalau Hillary Clinton bersih, apanya yang bisa dibongkar orang ?

On 30 December 2016 at 01:08, Jonathan Goeij jonathangoeij@... [GELORA45] 
<> wrote:

  setelah sekarang terbukti Trump itu boneka Putin, terus bagaimana?
  bukankah setelah sang boneka naik tahta bulan January executive order itu 
bisa dibatalkan.

  ---In, <ambon@...> wrote : news/nationworld/ct-russia- 
hacking-us-response-20161229- story.html

  Obama imposes sanctions on Russia, expels 35 diplomats in response to 
election-related hacking
  Saul Loeb / AFP/Getty Images
  U.S. President Barack Obama holds a year-end press conference at the 
White House on Dec. 16, 2016.
  U.S. President Barack Obama holds a year-end press conference at the 
White House on Dec. 16, 2016.
  (Saul Loeb / AFP/Getty Images)
  Justin Sink, Nick Wadhams, Alan Katz, Chris StrohmBloomberg
  President Barack Obama retaliated Thursday against Russia for 
cyberattacks aimed at interfering with the 2016 presidential campaign, imposing 
sanctions on top Russian intelligence officials and agencies and expelling 35 
Russian operatives from the U.S.
  As part of the administration's response, the FBI and Homeland Security 
Department also were set to release a report with technical evidence intended 
to prove Russia's military and civilian intelligence services were behind the 
hacking to expose some of their most sensitive hacking infrastructure.
  "All Americans should be alarmed by Russia's actions," Obama said in a 
statement. "These data theft and disclosure activities could only have been 
directed by the highest levels of the Russian government. Moreover, our 
diplomats have experienced an unacceptable level of harassment in Moscow by 
Russian security services and police over the last year. Such activities have 
  Among those targeted in the sanctions announced by the Treasury 
Department were the chief and deputy chiefs of GRU, Russia's military 
intelligence agency. Cybersecurity experts in the U.S. have linked GRU to the 
hacking of the Democratic National Committee and party officials through a 
group they have nicknamed APT 28 or Fancy Bear. The U.S. also is sanctioning 
the Federal Security Service and Main Intelligence Directorate of the Russian 
state and cyber companies associated with them.
  Those expelled were described by Obama as intelligence operatives and the 
U.S. also shut down two Russian compounds — one in Maryland and another in New 
York — used for "intelligence-related purposes."
  The hackers leaked the pilfered emails in a bid to damage the campaign of 
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, according U.S. intelligence 
agencies. She lost to Republican Donald Trump who has repeatedly scoffed at the 
finding that Russia was behind the cyberattacks.
  The moves will ratchet up tensions with Russia less than a month before 
Trump's inauguration. The president-elect, who has said the hacking could have 
been the work of "somebody sitting in a bed someplace," told reporters 
Wednesday that "we ought to get on with our lives."
  U.S. intelligence officials say Russian hacks 'prioritized' Democrats 
  Greg Miller, Adam Entous
  The CIA assessment that Russia waged a cyber-campaign to help elect 
Donald Trump is based in part on intelligence suggesting that Moscow's hacking 
efforts were disproportionately aimed at targets tied to the Democratic Party 
and its nominee Hillary Clinton, U.S. officials said.
  U.S. officials said...
  The CIA assessment that Russia waged a cyber-campaign to help elect 
Donald Trump is based in part on intelligence suggesting that Moscow's hacking 
efforts were disproportionately aimed at targets tied to the Democratic Party 
and its nominee Hillary Clinton, U.S. officials said.
  U.S. officials said...
  (Greg Miller, Adam Entous)
  They also raise the poss

Re: [GELORA45] Re: Obama imposes sanctions on Russia, expels 35 diplomats in response to election-related hacking

2016-12-30 Terurut Topik Jonathan Goeij [GELORA45]
Nicholas Kristof dari New York Times pakai istilah "Donald Trump: The Russian 
Poodle", baik puppet ataupun poodle ya sama saja dua2nya di-timang2. 
Sepanjang sejarah dunia selalu ada 2 pihak yg saling bertikai, mungkin kayak 
yin dan yang utk menjaga keseimbangan. Seandainya sekarang Russia dan US jadi 
satu artinya yg akan jadi pihak lain ya Tiongkok.
---In,  wrote :

Kalau Trump memang adalah puppet dari Putin ya bagus deh karena Putin adalah 
salah satu pemimpin yg. saya kagumi.

---In,  wrote :

Rusia meng-hack juga bisa dibilang tidak masuk akal, tetapi toh terjadi.Dalam 
kampanye ber-kali2 Trump minta bantuan Rusia meng-hack walaupun kemudian 
dibantah begundalnya sebagai joke.Kalau memang puppet ya nggak perlu di black 
mail lagi.
---In,  wrote :

Memangnya anda tahu dengan bukti2 kalau Trump minta bantuan Putin ?Ya, kan tak 
masuk akal, bisa diblackmail nantinya ?

---In,  wrote :

Re: [GELORA45] Re: Obama imposes sanctions on Russia, expels 35 diplomats in response to election-related hacking

2016-12-30 Terurut Topik [GELORA45]
Kalau Trump memang adalah puppet dari Putin ya bagus deh karena Putin adalah 
salah satu pemimpin yg. saya kagumi. 

---In,  wrote :

 Rusia meng-hack juga bisa dibilang tidak masuk akal, tetapi toh terjadi.
 Dalam kampanye ber-kali2 Trump minta bantuan Rusia meng-hack walaupun kemudian 
dibantah begundalnya sebagai joke.
 Kalau memang puppet ya nggak perlu di black mail lagi.

 ---In,  wrote :

 Memangnya anda tahu dengan bukti2 kalau Trump minta bantuan Putin ?
 Ya, kan tak masuk akal, bisa diblackmail nantinya ?

 On 30 December 2016 at 01:08, Jonathan Goeij jonathangoeij@... 
mailto:jonathangoeij@... [GELORA45]  wrote:

 setelah sekarang terbukti Trump itu boneka Putin, terus bagaimana?
 bukankah setelah sang boneka naik tahta bulan January executive order itu bisa 

wrote : news/nationworld/ct-russia- 
hacking-us-response-20161229- story.html
 Obama imposes sanctions on Russia, expels 35 diplomats in response to 
election-related hacking
 Obama Saul Loeb / AFP/Getty Images
 U.S. President Barack Obama holds a year-end press conference at the White 
House on Dec. 16, 2016.

 U.S. President Barack Obama holds a year-end press conference at the White 
House on Dec. 16, 2016.
(Saul Loeb / AFP/Getty Images)

 Justin Sink, Nick Wadhams, Alan Katz, Chris StrohmBloomberg

 President Barack Obama retaliated Thursday against Russia for cyberattacks 
aimed at interfering with the 2016 presidential campaign, imposing sanctions on 
top Russian intelligence officials and agencies and expelling 35 Russian 
operatives from the U.S.
 As part of the administration's response, the FBI and Homeland Security 
Department also were set to release a report with technical evidence intended 
to prove Russia's military and civilian intelligence services were behind the 
hacking to expose some of their most sensitive hacking infrastructure.
 "All Americans should be alarmed by Russia's actions," Obama said in a 
statement. "These data theft and disclosure activities could only have been 
directed by the highest levels of the Russian government. Moreover, our 
diplomats have experienced an unacceptable level of harassment in Moscow by 
Russian security services and police over the last year. Such activities have 
 Among those targeted in the sanctions announced by the Treasury Department 
were the chief and deputy chiefs of GRU, Russia's military intelligence agency. 
Cybersecurity experts in the U.S. have linked GRU to the hacking of the 
Democratic National Committee and party officials through a group they have 
nicknamed APT 28 or Fancy Bear. The U.S. also is sanctioning the Federal 
Security Service and Main Intelligence Directorate of the Russian state and 
cyber companies associated with them.
 Those expelled were described by Obama as intelligence operatives and the U.S. 
also shut down two Russian compounds — one in Maryland and another in New York 
— used for "intelligence-related purposes."
 The hackers leaked the pilfered emails in a bid to damage the campaign of 
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, according U.S. intelligence 
agencies. She lost to Republican Donald Trump who has repeatedly scoffed at the 
finding that Russia was behind the cyberattacks.
 The moves will ratchet up tensions with Russia less than a month before 
Trump's inauguration. The president-elect, who has said the hacking could have 
been the work of "somebody sitting in a bed someplace," told reporters 
Wednesday that "we ought to get on with our lives."
 U.S. intelligence officials say Russian hacks 'prioritized' Democrats Greg 
Miller, Adam Entous
 The CIA assessment that Russia waged a cyber-campaign to help elect Donald 
Trump is based in part on intelligence suggesting that Moscow's hacking efforts 
were disproportionately aimed at targets tied to the Democratic Party and its 
nominee Hillary Clinton, U.S. officials said.
 U.S. officials said...

 The CIA assessment that Russia waged a cyber-campaign to help elect Donald 
Trump is based in part on intelligence suggesting that Moscow's hacking efforts 
were disproportionately aimed at targets tied to the Democratic Party and its 
nominee Hillary Clinton, U.S. officials said.
 U.S. officials said...
(Greg Miller, Adam Entous)

 They also raise the possibility of an escalating cycle of finger-pointing and 
retaliation between Washington and Moscow despite Trump's pledge to seek better 
relations with Putin. The Russian government, which has denied responsibility 
for the hacking, has vowed to respond to any new sanctions with unspecified 
 The actions 

Re: [GELORA45] Re: Obama imposes sanctions on Russia, expels 35 diplomats in response to election-related hacking

2016-12-30 Terurut Topik Jonathan Goeij [GELORA45]
Rusia meng-hack juga bisa dibilang tidak masuk akal, tetapi toh terjadi.Dalam 
kampanye ber-kali2 Trump minta bantuan Rusia meng-hack walaupun kemudian 
dibantah begundalnya sebagai joke.Kalau memang puppet ya nggak perlu di black 
mail lagi.
---In,  wrote :

Memangnya anda tahu dengan bukti2 kalau Trump minta bantuan Putin ?Ya, kan tak 
masuk akal, bisa diblackmail nantinya ?

On 30 December 2016 at 01:08, Jonathan Goeij jonathangoeij@... [GELORA45] 

setelah sekarang terbukti Trump itu boneka Putin, terus bagaimana?bukankah 
setelah sang boneka naik tahta bulan January executive order itu bisa 
---In,  wrote : news/nationworld/ct-russia- 
hacking-us-response-20161229- story.html 
Obama imposes sanctions on Russia, expels 35 diplomats in response to 
election-related hacking

ObamaSaul Loeb / AFP/Getty ImagesU.S. President Barack Obama holds a year-end 
press conference at the White House on Dec. 16, 2016.U.S. President Barack 
Obama holds a year-end press conference at the White House on Dec. 16, 
2016.(Saul Loeb / AFP/Getty Images)Justin Sink, Nick Wadhams, Alan Katz, Chris 
StrohmBloombergPresident Barack Obama retaliated Thursday against Russia for 
cyberattacks aimed at interfering with the 2016 presidential campaign, imposing 
sanctions on top Russian intelligence officials and agencies and expelling 35 
Russian operatives from the U.S.As part of the administration's response, the 
FBI and Homeland Security Department also were set to release a report with 
technical evidence intended to prove Russia's military and civilian 
intelligence services were behind the hacking to expose some of their most 
sensitive hacking infrastructure."All Americans should be alarmed by Russia's 
actions," Obama said in a statement. "These data theft and disclosure 
activities could only have been directed by the highest levels of the Russian 
government. Moreover, our diplomats have experienced an unacceptable level of 
harassment in Moscow by Russian security services and police over the last 
year. Such activities have consequences."Among those targeted in the sanctions 
announced by the Treasury Department were the chief and deputy chiefs of GRU, 
Russia's military intelligence agency. Cybersecurity experts in the U.S. have 
linked GRU to the hacking of the Democratic National Committee and party 
officials through a group they have nicknamed APT 28 or Fancy Bear. The U.S. 
also is sanctioning the Federal Security Service and Main Intelligence 
Directorate of the Russian state and cyber companies associated with them.Those 
expelled were described by Obama as intelligence operatives and the U.S. also 
shut down two Russian compounds — one in Maryland and another in New York — 
used for "intelligence-related purposes."The hackers leaked the pilfered emails 
in a bid to damage the campaign of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary 
Clinton, according U.S. intelligence agencies. She lost to Republican Donald 
Trump who has repeatedly scoffed at the finding that Russia was behind the 
cyberattacks.The moves will ratchet up tensions with Russia less than a month 
before Trump's inauguration. The president-elect, who has said the hacking 
could have been the work of "somebody sitting in a bed someplace," told 
reporters Wednesday that "we ought to get on with our lives."U.S. intelligence 
officials say Russian hacks 'prioritized' DemocratsGreg Miller, Adam EntousThe 
CIA assessment that Russia waged a cyber-campaign to help elect Donald Trump is 
based in part on intelligence suggesting that Moscow's hacking efforts were 
disproportionately aimed at targets tied to the Democratic Party and its 
nominee Hillary Clinton, U.S. officials said.U.S. officials said...The CIA 
assessment that Russia waged a cyber-campaign to help elect Donald Trump is 
based in part on intelligence suggesting that Moscow's hacking efforts were 
disproportionately aimed at targets tied to the Democratic Party and its 
nominee Hillary Clinton, U.S. officials said.U.S. officials said...(Greg 
Miller, Adam Entous)They also raise the possibility of an escalating cycle of 
finger-pointing and retaliation between Washington and Moscow despite Trump's 
pledge to seek better relations with Putin. The Russian government, which has 
denied responsibility for the hacking, has vowed to respond to any new 
sanctions with unspecified counter-measures.The actions announced Thursday may 
be matched by covert countermeasures intended to warn Russia that the U.S. is 
able to breach its most sensitive computer systems, while preserving public 
deniability."If I want to just quietly take out their capability and send a 
very sneaky message and not an overt message, I would probably do a covert 
action," Bob Stasio, a fellow at the Truman National Security Project and 
former chief of operations at the National 

RE: [GELORA45] Re: Obama imposes sanctions on Russia, expels 35 diplomats in response to election-related hacking

2016-12-29 Terurut Topik [GELORA45]
Ente tahu dari mana:

1. Trump bonekanya putin?

2. Executive order bisa dibatalkan januari ini?

3. Trump minta bantuan putin?

4. Hillary bersih?


Kalau presiden ente bonekanya putin, ente2 itu jadi apa?

Boneka juga atau boneka2an?


Lari ya?!

Ngeyel ya?!






From: [] 
Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2016 10:00 PM
Subject: Re: [GELORA45] Re: Obama imposes sanctions on Russia, expels 35 
diplomats in response to election-related hacking




tahu darimana?

---In <> , <djiekh@... 
<mailto:djiekh@...> > wrote :

Kan Trump tidak minta bantuan Putin ?

Kalau Hillary Clinton bersih, apanya yang bisa dibongkar orang ?


On 30 December 2016 at 01:08, Jonathan Goeij jonathangoeij@... 
<mailto:jonathangoeij@...>  [GELORA45] < 
<> > wrote:



setelah sekarang terbukti Trump itu boneka Putin, terus bagaimana?

bukankah setelah sang boneka naik tahta bulan January executive order itu bisa 


---In <> , <ambon@... 
<mailto:ambon@...> > wrote :

<> news/nationworld/ct-russia- 
hacking-us-response-20161229- story.html


Obama imposes sanctions on Russia, expels 35 diplomats in response to 
election-related hacking



Saul Loeb / AFP/Getty Images

U.S. President Barack Obama holds a year-end press conference at the White 
House on Dec. 16, 2016.

U.S. President Barack Obama holds a year-end press conference at the White 
House on Dec. 16, 2016.

(Saul Loeb / AFP/Getty Images)

Justin Sink, Nick Wadhams, Alan Katz, Chris StrohmBloomberg

President Barack Obama retaliated Thursday against Russia for cyberattacks 
aimed at interfering with the 2016 presidential campaign, imposing sanctions on 
top Russian intelligence officials and agencies and expelling 35 Russian 
operatives from the U.S.

As part of the administration's response, the FBI and Homeland Security 
Department also were set to release a report with technical evidence intended 
to prove Russia's military and civilian intelligence services were behind the 
hacking to expose some of their most sensitive hacking infrastructure.

"All Americans should be alarmed by Russia's actions," Obama said in a 
statement. "These data theft and disclosure activities could only have been 
directed by the highest levels of the Russian government. Moreover, our 
diplomats have experienced an unacceptable level of harassment in Moscow by 
Russian security services and police over the last year. Such activities have 

Among those targeted in the sanctions announced by the Treasury Department were 
the chief and deputy chiefs of GRU, Russia's military intelligence agency. 
Cybersecurity experts in the U.S. have linked GRU to the hacking of the 
Democratic National Committee and party officials through a group they have 
nicknamed APT 28 or Fancy Bear. The U.S. also is sanctioning the Federal 
Security Service and Main Intelligence Directorate of the Russian state and 
cyber companies associated with them.

Those expelled were described by Obama as intelligence operatives and the U.S. 
also shut down two Russian compounds — one in Maryland and another in New York 
— used for "intelligence-related purposes."

The hackers leaked the pilfered emails in a bid to damage the campaign of 
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, according U.S. intelligence 
agencies. She lost to Republican Donald Trump who has repeatedly scoffed at the 
finding that Russia was behind the cyberattacks.

The moves will ratchet up tensions with Russia less than a month before Trump's 
inauguration. The president-elect, who has said the hacking could have been the 
work of "somebody sitting in a bed someplace," told reporters Wednesday that 
"we ought to get on with our lives."


U.S. intelligence officials say Russian hacks 'prioritized' Democrats

Greg Miller, Adam Entous

The CIA assessment that Russia waged a cyber-campaign to help elect Donald 
Trump is based in part on intelligence suggesting that Moscow's hacking efforts 
were disproportionately aimed at targets tied to the Democratic Party and its 
nominee Hillary Clinton, U.S. officials said.

U.S. officials said...

The CIA assessment that Russia waged a cyber-campaign to help elect Donald 
Trump is based in part on intelligence suggesting that Moscow's ha

Re: [GELORA45] Re: Obama imposes sanctions on Russia, expels 35 diplomats in response to election-related hacking

2016-12-29 Terurut Topik [GELORA45]

 tahu darimana?

---In,  wrote :

 Kan Trump tidak minta bantuan Putin ?
 Kalau Hillary Clinton bersih, apanya yang bisa dibongkar orang ?

 On 30 December 2016 at 01:08, Jonathan Goeij jonathangoeij@... 
mailto:jonathangoeij@... [GELORA45]  wrote:

 setelah sekarang terbukti Trump itu boneka Putin, terus bagaimana?
 bukankah setelah sang boneka naik tahta bulan January executive order itu bisa 

wrote : news/nationworld/ct-russia- 
hacking-us-response-20161229- story.html
 Obama imposes sanctions on Russia, expels 35 diplomats in response to 
election-related hacking
 Obama Saul Loeb / AFP/Getty Images
 U.S. President Barack Obama holds a year-end press conference at the White 
House on Dec. 16, 2016.

 U.S. President Barack Obama holds a year-end press conference at the White 
House on Dec. 16, 2016.
(Saul Loeb / AFP/Getty Images)

 Justin Sink, Nick Wadhams, Alan Katz, Chris StrohmBloomberg

 President Barack Obama retaliated Thursday against Russia for cyberattacks 
aimed at interfering with the 2016 presidential campaign, imposing sanctions on 
top Russian intelligence officials and agencies and expelling 35 Russian 
operatives from the U.S.
 As part of the administration's response, the FBI and Homeland Security 
Department also were set to release a report with technical evidence intended 
to prove Russia's military and civilian intelligence services were behind the 
hacking to expose some of their most sensitive hacking infrastructure.
 "All Americans should be alarmed by Russia's actions," Obama said in a 
statement. "These data theft and disclosure activities could only have been 
directed by the highest levels of the Russian government. Moreover, our 
diplomats have experienced an unacceptable level of harassment in Moscow by 
Russian security services and police over the last year. Such activities have 
 Among those targeted in the sanctions announced by the Treasury Department 
were the chief and deputy chiefs of GRU, Russia's military intelligence agency. 
Cybersecurity experts in the U.S. have linked GRU to the hacking of the 
Democratic National Committee and party officials through a group they have 
nicknamed APT 28 or Fancy Bear. The U.S. also is sanctioning the Federal 
Security Service and Main Intelligence Directorate of the Russian state and 
cyber companies associated with them.
 Those expelled were described by Obama as intelligence operatives and the U.S. 
also shut down two Russian compounds — one in Maryland and another in New York 
— used for "intelligence-related purposes."
 The hackers leaked the pilfered emails in a bid to damage the campaign of 
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, according U.S. intelligence 
agencies. She lost to Republican Donald Trump who has repeatedly scoffed at the 
finding that Russia was behind the cyberattacks.
 The moves will ratchet up tensions with Russia less than a month before 
Trump's inauguration. The president-elect, who has said the hacking could have 
been the work of "somebody sitting in a bed someplace," told reporters 
Wednesday that "we ought to get on with our lives."
 U.S. intelligence officials say Russian hacks 'prioritized' Democrats Greg 
Miller, Adam Entous
 The CIA assessment that Russia waged a cyber-campaign to help elect Donald 
Trump is based in part on intelligence suggesting that Moscow's hacking efforts 
were disproportionately aimed at targets tied to the Democratic Party and its 
nominee Hillary Clinton, U.S. officials said.
 U.S. officials said...

 The CIA assessment that Russia waged a cyber-campaign to help elect Donald 
Trump is based in part on intelligence suggesting that Moscow's hacking efforts 
were disproportionately aimed at targets tied to the Democratic Party and its 
nominee Hillary Clinton, U.S. officials said.
 U.S. officials said...
(Greg Miller, Adam Entous)

 They also raise the possibility of an escalating cycle of finger-pointing and 
retaliation between Washington and Moscow despite Trump's pledge to seek better 
relations with Putin. The Russian government, which has denied responsibility 
for the hacking, has vowed to respond to any new sanctions with unspecified 
 The actions announced Thursday may be matched by covert countermeasures 
intended to warn Russia that the U.S. is able to breach its most sensitive 
computer systems, while preserving public deniability.
 "If I want to just quietly take out their capability and send a very sneaky 
message and not an overt message, I would probably do a covert action," Bob 
Stasio, a fellow at the Truman National Security Project and former chief of 

Re: [GELORA45] Re: Obama imposes sanctions on Russia, expels 35 diplomats in response to election-related hacking

2016-12-29 Terurut Topik kh djie [GELORA45]
Kan Trump tidak minta bantuan Putin ?
Kalau Hillary Clinton bersih, apanya yang bisa dibongkar orang ?

On 30 December 2016 at 01:08, Jonathan Goeij
[GELORA45]  wrote:

> setelah sekarang terbukti Trump itu boneka Putin, terus bagaimana?
> bukankah setelah sang boneka naik tahta bulan January executive order itu
> bisa dibatalkan.
> ---In,  wrote :
> hacking-us-response-20161229-story.html
> Obama imposes sanctions on Russia, expels 35 diplomats in response to
> election-related hacking
> [image: Obama]
> Obama
> Saul Loeb / AFP/Getty Images
> U.S. President Barack Obama holds a year-end press conference at the White
> House on Dec. 16, 2016.
> U.S. President Barack Obama holds a year-end press conference at the White
> House on Dec. 16, 2016.
> (Saul Loeb / AFP/Getty Images)
> *Justin Sink, Nick Wadhams, Alan Katz, Chris Strohm*Bloomberg
> President Barack Obama retaliated Thursday against Russia for cyberattacks
> aimed at interfering with the 2016 presidential campaign, imposing
> sanctions on top Russian intelligence officials and agencies and expelling
> 35 Russian operatives from the U.S.
> As part of the administration's response, the FBI and Homeland Security
> Department also were set to release a report with technical evidence
> intended to prove Russia's military and civilian intelligence services were
> behind the hacking to expose some of their most sensitive hacking
> infrastructure.
> "All Americans should be alarmed by Russia's actions," Obama said in a
> statement. "These data theft and disclosure activities could only have been
> directed by the highest levels of the Russian government. Moreover, our
> diplomats have experienced an unacceptable level of harassment in Moscow by
> Russian security services and police over the last year. Such activities
> have consequences."
> Among those targeted in the sanctions announced by the Treasury Department
> were the chief and deputy chiefs of GRU, Russia's military intelligence
> agency. Cybersecurity experts in the U.S. have linked GRU to the hacking of
> the Democratic National Committee and party officials through a group they
> have nicknamed APT 28 or Fancy Bear. The U.S. also is sanctioning the
> Federal Security Service and Main Intelligence Directorate of the Russian
> state and cyber companies associated with them.
> Those expelled were described by Obama as intelligence operatives and the
> U.S. also shut down two Russian compounds — one in Maryland and another in
> New York — used for "intelligence-related purposes."
> The hackers leaked the pilfered emails in a bid to damage the campaign of
> Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, according U.S.
> intelligence agencies. She lost to Republican Donald Trump who has
> repeatedly scoffed at the finding that Russia was behind the cyberattacks.
> The moves will ratchet up tensions with Russia less than a month before
> Trump's inauguration. The president-elect, who has said the hacking could
> have been the work of "somebody sitting in a bed someplace," told reporters
> Wednesday that "we ought to get on with our lives."
> [image: U.S. intelligence officials say Russian hacks 'prioritized'
> Democrats]
> U.S. intelligence officials say Russian hacks 'prioritized' Democrats
> Greg Miller, Adam Entous
> The CIA assessment that Russia waged a cyber-campaign to help elect Donald
> Trump is based in part on intelligence suggesting that Moscow's hacking
> efforts were disproportionately aimed at targets tied to the Democratic
> Party and its nominee Hillary Clinton, U.S. officials said.
> U.S. officials said...
> The CIA assessment that Russia waged a cyber-campaign to help elect Donald
> Trump is based in part on intelligence suggesting that Moscow's hacking
> efforts were disproportionately aimed at targets tied to the Democratic
> Party and its nominee Hillary Clinton, U.S. officials said.
> U.S. officials said...
> (Greg Miller, Adam Entous)
> They also raise the possibility of an escalating cycle of finger-pointing
> and retaliation between Washington and Moscow despite Trump's pledge to
> seek better relations with Putin. The Russian government, which has denied
> responsibility for the hacking, has vowed to respond to any new sanctions
> with unspecified counter-measures.
> The actions announced Thursday may be matched by covert countermeasures
> intended to warn Russia that the U.S. is able to breach its most sensitive
> computer systems, while preserving public deniability.
> "If I want to just quietly take out their capability and send a very
> sneaky message and not an overt message, I would probably do a covert
> action," Bob Stasio, a fellow at the Truman National Security Project and
> former chief of operations at the National Security Agency's cyber
> operations center, said in advance of Thursday's announcement.