Re: [m5-dev] changeset in m5: ARM: Add checkpointing support

2010-12-12 Thread nathan binkert
> I think this is a good idea. I'm pretty sure you can parse the file with the 
> python ini package, correct? What would be great is if we could automatically 
> have a version added to the root object. This seems pretty impossible though, 
> so perhaps we should create a checkpoint_version parameter on the root 
> starting with 1. As versions change, it probably shouldn't be too bad to 
> increment the version number and call a method to go from checkpoint version 
> to max version by calling every function needed for the translation.

I really like this idea.  The ConfigParser stuff should do just fine
with our files and if there is something wrong in our grammar, we
should just fix it.  Steve and I have even had several discussions
about using something like ConfigParser to build the checkpoint in
memory and then spit it out at the end instead of our total hack of
generating the checkpoint on the fly.  This would make it far simpler
to serialize sub-objects.  Anyway, maintaining a conversion utility
doesn't sound like a huge pain.  We need to make some sort of
provision for marking changes in the checkpoint functions that are not
backward compatible.

m5-dev mailing list

Re: [m5-dev] Implementation of findTagInSet

2010-12-12 Thread Nilay Vaish
Brad, in case you want to have look at the changes that I made so far, 
I have attached the patch with this mail.

On Sun, 12 Dec 2010, Nilay Vaish wrote:

Hi Brad,

I have added implicit variables for TBE and Cache entry pointers. These get 
inserted in to the doTransition() calls made in Wakeup(). These variables are 
forwarded to doTransitionWorker() which passes them on to all the action 

Following is what I think needs to be done next -

1. Currently the implicit TBE and Cache Entry pointers are set to NULL in the 
calls to doTransition() function. To set these, we would need to make calls 
to a function that returns the pointer if the address is in the cache, NULL 

I think we should retain the getEntry functions in the .sm files for in case 
of L1 cache both instruction and the data cache needs to be checked. This is 
something that I probably would prefer keeping out of SLICC. In fact, we 
should add getEntry functions for TBEs where ever required.

These getEntry would now return a pointer instead of a reference. We would 
need to add support for return_by_pointer to SLICC. Also, since these 
functions would be used inside the Wakeup function, we would need to assume a 
common name for them across all protocols, just like getState() function.

2. I still think we would need to change the changePermission function in the 
CacheMemory class. Presently it calls findTagInSet() twice. Instead, we would 
pass on the CacheEntry whose permissions need to be changed. This would save 
one call. We should also put the variable m_locked in the AbstractCacheEntry 
(may be make it part of the permission variable) to avoid the second call.

3. In the getState() and setState() functions, we need to specify that the 
function assumes that implicit TBE and CacheEntry pointers have been passed 
as arguments. How should we do this? I think we would need to push them in to 
the symbol table before they can be used in side the function.


m5-dev mailing list
# HG changeset patch
# Parent 55c51a967be100596c9a4d77514d77289eda1f44

diff -r 55c51a967be1 src/mem/slicc/ast/
--- a/src/mem/slicc/ast/  Thu Dec 09 15:27:12 2010 -0600
+++ b/src/mem/slicc/ast/  Sat Dec 11 18:20:45 2010 -0600
@@ -115,8 +115,25 @@
 Address addr = ${{cvec[1]}};
+if machine.hasTBEType and machine.hasEntryType:
+TransitionResult result = doTransition(${{cvec[0]}}, 
${machine}_getState(addr), NULL, NULL, addr);
+elif machine.hasEntryType:
+TransitionResult result = doTransition(${{cvec[0]}}, 
${machine}_getState(addr), NULL, addr);
+elif machine.hasTBEType:
+TransitionResult result = doTransition(${{cvec[0]}}, 
${machine}_getState(addr), NULL, addr);
 TransitionResult result = doTransition(${{cvec[0]}}, 
${machine}_getState(addr), addr);
 if (result == TransitionResult_Valid) {
 continue; // Check the first port again
@@ -138,13 +155,13 @@
 Address addr1 = ${{cvec[1]}};
 TransitionResult result1 =
-doTransition(${{cvec[0]}}, ${machine}_getState(addr1), addr1);
+doTransition(${{cvec[0]}}, ${machine}_getState(addr1), addr1, NULL);
 if (result1 == TransitionResult_Valid) {
 //this second event cannont fail because the first event
 // already took effect
 Address addr2 = ${{cvec[3]}};
-TransitionResult result2 = doTransition(${{cvec[2]}}, 
${machine}_getState(addr2), addr2);
+TransitionResult result2 = doTransition(${{cvec[2]}}, 
${machine}_getState(addr2), addr2, NULL);
 // ensure the event suceeded
 assert(result2 == TransitionResult_Valid);
diff -r 55c51a967be1 src/mem/slicc/ast/
--- a/src/mem/slicc/ast/  Thu Dec 09 15:27:12 2010 -0600
+++ b/src/mem/slicc/ast/  Sat Dec 11 18:20:45 2010 -0600
@@ -50,10 +50,15 @@
 def generate(self):
 ident = str(self.type_ast)
+machine = self.symtab.state_machine
 # Make the new type
 new_type = Type(self.symtab, ident, self.location, self.pairs,
+if machine:
 # Add all of the fields of the type to it
diff -r 55c51a967be1 src/mem/slicc/symbols/
--- a/src/mem/slicc/symbols/ Thu Dec 09 15:27:12 2010 -0600
+++ b/src/mem/slicc/symbols/ Sat Dec 11 18:20:45 2010 -0600
@@ -62,6 +62,8 @@
 self.in_ports = []
 self.functions = []
 self.objects = []

Re: [m5-dev] Implementation of findTagInSet

2010-12-12 Thread Nilay Vaish

Hi Brad,

I have added implicit variables for TBE and Cache entry pointers. These 
get inserted in to the doTransition() calls made in Wakeup(). These 
variables are forwarded to doTransitionWorker() which passes them on to 
all the action functions.

Following is what I think needs to be done next -

1. Currently the implicit TBE and Cache Entry pointers are set to NULL in 
the calls to doTransition() function. To set these, we would need to make 
calls to a function that returns the pointer if the address is in the 
cache, NULL otherwise.

I think we should retain the getEntry functions in the .sm files for in 
case of L1 cache both instruction and the data cache needs to be checked. 
This is something that I probably would prefer keeping out of SLICC. In 
fact, we should add getEntry functions for TBEs where ever required.

These getEntry would now return a pointer instead of a reference. We would 
need to add support for return_by_pointer to SLICC. Also, since these 
functions would be used inside the Wakeup function, we would need to 
assume a common name for them across all protocols, just like getState() 

2. I still think we would need to change the changePermission function in 
the CacheMemory class. Presently it calls findTagInSet() twice. Instead, 
we would pass on the CacheEntry whose permissions need to be changed. This 
would save one call. We should also put the variable m_locked in the 
AbstractCacheEntry (may be make it part of the permission variable) to 
avoid the second call.

3. In the getState() and setState() functions, we need to specify that the 
function assumes that implicit TBE and CacheEntry pointers have been 
passed as arguments. How should we do this? I think we would need to push 
them in to the symbol table before they can be used in side the function.


On Sat, 11 Dec 2010, Nilay Vaish wrote:


We would need to change the lookup functions for TBETable and CacheMemory. 
Currently the lookup functions assume that the address passed on to the 
lookup is present. This requires two lookups to the data structures 
associated with these classes, one for checking whether the address is in the 
cache, second one for returning a reference to the actual cache entry. 
Instead of returning a reference, we can return a pointer to the entry. This 
pointer will be null in case the address is not present in the cache.


On Wed, 8 Dec 2010, Beckmann, Brad wrote:

Hi Nilay,

Breaking the changes into small portions is a good idea, but we first need 
to decide exactly what we are doing.  So far we've only thrown out some 
ideas.  We have not yet to scope out a complete solution.  I think we've 
settled on passing some sort of reference to the cache and tbe entries, but 
exactly whether that is by reference variables or pointers isn't clear.  My 
initial preference is to use pointers in the generated code and set the 
pointers to NULL when a cache and/or tbe entry doesn't exist.  However, one 
thing I really want to strive for is to keep pointer manipulation out of 
the .sm files.  Writing SLICC code is hard enough and we don't want to 
burden the SLICC programmer with memory management as well.

So how about this plan?
 - Lets remove all the getCacheEntry functions from the slicc files.  I 
believe that almost all of these functions look exactly the same and it is 
easy enough for SLICC to just generate them instead.

- Similarly let get rid of all "isCacheTagPresent" functions as well
 - Then lets replace all the getCacheEntry calls with an implicit SLICC 
supported variable called cache_entry and all the TBEs[addr*] calls with an 
implicit SLICC supported variable called tbe_entry.
   - Underneath these variables can actually be implemented as local 
inlined functions that assert whether the entries are valid and then return 
variables local to the state machine set to the current cache and tbe 
   - The trigger function will implicitly set these variables (pointers 
underneath) to NULL or valid values, and the only what they can be reset is 
through explicit functions "set_cache_entry", "reset_cache_entry", 
"set_tbe_entry", and "reset_tbe_entry".  These function would be called by 
the appropriate actions or possibly be merged with the existing 
"check_allocate" function.

I think that will give us what we want, but I realize I've just proposed 
changing 100's if not 1000's lines of SLICC code.  I hope that these 
changes are straight forward, but any change like that is never really 
"straight forward".

Let's think it over some more and let me know if you want to discuss this 
in more detail over-the-phone.


m5-dev mailing list

[m5-dev] Cron /z/m5/regression/do-regression --scratch all

2010-12-12 Thread Cron Daemon
* build/ALPHA_SE/tests/fast/quick/60.rubytest/alpha/linux/rubytest-ruby 
* build/ALPHA_SE/tests/fast/quick/00.hello/alpha/linux/o3-timing passed.
* build/ALPHA_SE/tests/fast/quick/01.hello-2T-smt/alpha/linux/o3-timing 
* build/ALPHA_SE/tests/fast/quick/00.hello/alpha/linux/simple-timing passed.
* build/ALPHA_SE/tests/fast/quick/00.hello/alpha/linux/simple-atomic passed.
* build/ALPHA_SE/tests/fast/quick/20.eio-short/alpha/eio/simple-atomic 
* build/ALPHA_SE/tests/fast/long/70.twolf/alpha/tru64/simple-atomic passed.
* build/ALPHA_SE/tests/fast/long/70.twolf/alpha/tru64/simple-timing passed.
* build/ALPHA_SE/tests/fast/long/50.vortex/alpha/tru64/simple-atomic passed.
* build/ALPHA_SE/tests/fast/quick/00.hello/alpha/tru64/simple-timing passed.
* build/ALPHA_SE/tests/fast/long/50.vortex/alpha/tru64/simple-timing passed.
* build/ALPHA_SE/tests/fast/quick/00.hello/alpha/tru64/simple-timing-ruby 
* build/ALPHA_SE/tests/fast/quick/00.hello/alpha/tru64/simple-atomic passed.
* build/ALPHA_SE/tests/fast/quick/20.eio-short/alpha/eio/simple-timing 
* build/ALPHA_SE/tests/fast/long/30.eon/alpha/tru64/simple-atomic passed.
* build/ALPHA_SE/tests/fast/quick/30.eio-mp/alpha/eio/simple-timing-mp 
* build/ALPHA_SE/tests/fast/quick/30.eio-mp/alpha/eio/simple-atomic-mp 
* build/ALPHA_SE/tests/fast/quick/50.memtest/alpha/linux/memtest passed.
* build/ALPHA_SE/tests/fast/quick/00.hello/alpha/linux/inorder-timing 
* build/ALPHA_SE/tests/fast/long/00.gzip/alpha/tru64/simple-timing passed.
* build/ALPHA_SE/tests/fast/long/60.bzip2/alpha/tru64/simple-atomic passed.
* build/ALPHA_SE/tests/fast/quick/50.memtest/alpha/linux/memtest-ruby 
* build/ALPHA_SE/tests/fast/quick/00.hello/alpha/linux/simple-timing-ruby 
* build/ALPHA_SE/tests/fast/long/40.perlbmk/alpha/tru64/simple-atomic 
* build/ALPHA_SE/tests/fast/long/30.eon/alpha/tru64/simple-timing passed.
* build/ALPHA_SE/tests/fast/long/70.twolf/alpha/tru64/inorder-timing passed.
* build/ALPHA_SE/tests/fast/quick/00.hello/alpha/tru64/o3-timing passed.
* build/ALPHA_SE/tests/fast/long/00.gzip/alpha/tru64/simple-atomic passed.
* build/ALPHA_SE/tests/fast/long/50.vortex/alpha/tru64/inorder-timing 
* build/ALPHA_SE/tests/fast/long/70.twolf/alpha/tru64/o3-timing passed.
* build/ALPHA_SE/tests/fast/long/50.vortex/alpha/tru64/o3-timing passed.
* build/ALPHA_SE/tests/fast/long/30.eon/alpha/tru64/o3-timing passed.
* build/ALPHA_SE/tests/fast/long/40.perlbmk/alpha/tru64/simple-timing 
* build/ALPHA_SE/tests/fast/long/60.bzip2/alpha/tru64/simple-timing passed.
* build/ALPHA_SE/tests/fast/long/00.gzip/alpha/tru64/o3-timing passed.