[Gen-art] Re: Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-ospf-mt-06.txt

2006-11-01 Thread Miguel Garcia

Just restricting to the point that requires further discussion:

Padma Pillay-Esnault wrote:

Miguel Garcia wrote:

- None of the figures in the draft include a caption. Captions are 
nice to refer to figures (even from other drafts). I would suggest to 
add captions to all the figures.

Can you be more explicit here.

Take for example the figure located in Section 4.1. I am suggestion to 
add a caption, so I can see that this is Figure 1 (and not Figure 3), 
and there is a title for such figure. Assuming that Figure 1 represents 
the OSPF Options field, then you could write:

   |DN |O  |DC |EA |NP |MC |E  |MT |

   Figure 1: The OSPF Options field

Also, you should capitalize Options in the text, as it is done in RFC 


Miguel A. Garcia   tel:+358-50-4804586
Nokia Research Center  Helsinki, Finland

Gen-art mailing list

[Gen-art] Re: Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-ospf-mt-06.txt

2006-11-01 Thread Padma Pillay-Esnault

Miguel Garcia wrote:

I have been selected as the General Area Review Team (Gen-ART)
reviewer for this draft (for background on Gen-ART, please see

Please resolve these comments along with any other Last Call comments
you may receive.

Document:  draft-ietf-ospf-mt-06.txt
Reviewer: Miguel Garcia [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Review Date:  2006-11-01
IETF LC Date: 2006-11-02
IESG Telechat date: not known

Summary: This draft is basically ready for publication, but has nits 
that should be fixed before publication.


The draft has two important issues that should be clarified, and a 
number of nits. In order of importance:

- IANA Considerations section. In this section the draft explains what 
the draft does, but not what IANA has to do. It does not provide any 
instruction to IANA. Most likely IANA has to do something, operate or 
create some registry, and fill it with some values, but it is not 

We will modify this portion we do not want IANA management of the MT space.

- Normative text in configuration: The second paragraph of Section 5 

 ... an MT capable router MUST be
   configured in DefaultExclusionCapability mode.

I failed to understand how to implement and test a normative MUST in a 
configuration issue. I don't see how this affects the implementation.

If links need to be removed from the default topology, an MT capable 
router MUST be

  configured in DefaultExclusionCapability mode.

What we mean is:

By default the DefaultExclusionCapabilityMode is off.  If you need to 
exclude links from the default topology

then you must turn the DefaultExclusionCapabilityMode on by configuration.

In my opinion, the above MUST is not a MUST, but perhaps an 
explanatory text that provides guidelines to the human being that 
configures an MT capable router in a non-normative way.

I also have a doubt about the normative MUST that appears in the 
first paragraph of Section 3.6, which reads:

   Each nexthop computed during
   the MT SPF MUST belong to the same MT.

If I understand correctly, a router is computing some received 
information, so how can it make sure that each MT SPF belongs to the 
same MT in a received data? This smells like another un-implementable 

Agree this can be removed as well.


- Expand the first occurrence of every acronym, e.g., OSPF, TOS, etc.


- Section 3.3: add an informative reference to RFC 2328.


- Text is easier to read if the future tense is not used. I would 
recommend to turn the first paragraph in Section 3.6 to present tense.


- Section 3.7: the usage of brackets to indicate value ranges can 
mislead the reader with references, which they aren't. I would suggest 
to use some other type of brackets for value ranges or explain the 
contents, e.g.:

s/[0-127]/from 0 to 127
s/[128-255]/ranging 128 to 255


- None of the figures in the draft include a caption. Captions are 
nice to refer to figures (even from other drafts). I would suggest to 
add captions to all the figures.

Can you be more explicit here.

- Section 4.1, last paragraph: s/enable/enabled


- Section 4.2, last paragraph. It is hard to parse this sentence. I 
think an important comma is missing. Suggestion:

   When an area data structure is created the
   DefaultExclusionCapability is disabled by default.

   When an area data structure is created, the
   DefaultExclusionCapability is disabled by default.


- Section 5.1. The hellos and hello are hard to parse without quoting 
or capitalization. RFC 1793 refers to them as Hellos and Hello Packet 
(notice the capitalization), so I would suggest to capitalize them as 
well for better understanding.


- The way of making references is not consistent. Sometimes they are 
used by name, such as [OSPF], some other times by RFC, such as 
[RFC1583]. There should be a consistent reference scheme.


Thanks for your review




Gen-art mailing list

[Gen-art] Re: Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-ospf-mt-06.txt

2006-11-01 Thread Padma Pillay-Esnault


Miguel Garcia wrote:

Just restricting to the point that requires further discussion:

Padma Pillay-Esnault wrote:

Miguel Garcia wrote:

- None of the figures in the draft include a caption. Captions are 
nice to refer to figures (even from other drafts). I would suggest 
to add captions to all the figures.

Can you be more explicit here.

Take for example the figure located in Section 4.1. I am suggestion to 
add a caption, so I can see that this is Figure 1 (and not Figure 
3), and there is a title for such figure. Assuming that Figure 1 
represents the OSPF Options field, then you could write:

   |DN |O  |DC |EA |NP |MC |E  |MT |

   Figure 1: The OSPF Options field

Also, you should capitalize Options in the text, as it is done in 
RFC 2328.






Gen-art mailing list

[Gen-art] RE: Gen-ART LC review of draft-ietf-rohc-rtp-impl-guide-21.txt

2006-11-01 Thread Lars-Erik Jonsson \(LU/EAB\)

Thanks for this thorough review, responses can be found inline.


 There are several places in the draft (section 3.3 and 4.1
 are examples, but I noted others) where the INCOMPLETE,
 FORMAL ADDITION notation is not used, and the text doesn't
 say anything using 2119, but it seems to be changing the
 protocol. Given that the implementer will have two
 specifications open at the same time, being absolutely clear
 about what the text says NOW seems pretty important.

I think this has also been the guiding principle when writing
the draft, let's look at the specific cases.

RFC 3095 defines the RObust Header Compression (ROHC)
framework and profiles for IP, UDP, RTP, and ESP. Some
parts of the specification
 Editorial: IP and UDP are probably OK, but ESP should
 certainly be expanded on first use, and RTP is an almost
 certainly expand on first use. 

Agree!  (now I also noticed UDP-Lite was mis-spelled UPD)

 1. Introduction and terminology
RFC 3095 [1] defines the RObust Header Compression (ROHC)
framework and profiles for IP [8][9], UDP [10], RTP [11],
and ESP [12]. 
 Editorial: same comment for RTP and ESP expansion on first
 use as in abstract.


This document summarizes identified issues and provides
corrections needed for implementations of RFC 3095 to
interoperate, i.e. it constitutes an update to RFC 3095.
This document also provides other clarifications related
to common misinterpretations of the specification. When
referring to RFC 3095, this document should therefore
also be referenced.
 Editorial: when referring to RFC 3095, this document should
 therefore also be referenced. is probably correct but easy to
 misinterpret, I think. Perhaps something like References to
 RFC 3095 should also include this document.


When a section of this document makes formal corrections,
additions or invalidations to text in RFC 3095, this is
clearly summarized. The text from RFC 3095 that is being
addressed is given and labeled INCOMPLETE, INCORRECT
or INCORRECT AND INVALIDATED, followed by the correct
text labeled CORRECTED, where applicable. When a formal
addition is provided, it is given with the label FORMAL
 Technical Comment: I'm not sure formal addition is a widely
 used term - at least, not widely used enough to allow circular
 self-definition. Perhaps When text is added that does not
 simply correct text appearing in a previous specification, it
 is given with the label FORMAL ADDITION. No problem with
 using the label elsewhere in the document, it just needs to
 be described more clearly here.

Agree, and your suggestions seem to be fine!

 2.3. CRC coverage in CRC feedback options
Section RFC3095- is incomplete, as it does not
mention how the size field is handled when calculating
the 8-bit CRC used in the CRC feedback option. Since the
size field can be considered an extension of the code
field, it must be treated in the same way.
 Editorial: if the specification is being corrected based on
 this consideration, perhaps it should be field is considered
 an extension.

OK, I would even remove considered.

 2.4. CRC coverage of the ESP NULL header
Section RFC3095-5.8.7 gives the CRC coverage of the ESP NULL
[13] header as Entire ESP header. This must be interpreted
as including only the initial part of the header (i.e. SPI
and Sequence number), and not the trailer part at the end of
the payload. Therefore, the ESP NULL header has the same CRC
coverage as the ESP header used in the ESP profile (section
 Technical Comment: Doesn't this actually need a text correction?
 I'm reading this section as saying [Entire must be interpreted
 as only the initial part], and if I'm intrpreting this correctly,
 the statement doesn't work for me.

We do not consider this a correction, only an observation, making
clear the only reasonable interpretation. Entire header excludes
trailer, in this regard RFC 3095 and RFC 4303 (2406) are

 3.1. Feedback during mode transition to U- and O-mode
These enhanced procedures should be considered only as a
possible improvement to a decompressor implementation, since
interoperability is not affected in any way. A decompressor
implemented according to the optimized procedures will
interoperate with an RFC3095 compressor, as well as a
decompressor implemented according to the procedures
described in RFC3095 does.
 Editorial: The last sentence reads oddly to me. It would read
 more clearly if the sentence ended will interoperate with an
 RFC3095 compressor., without the last clause, but even removing
 the final does would be clearer.

Ok, agree!

 3.1.1. Mode transition procedures allowing sparse feedback
This enhanced transition, where 

[Gen-art] last reviews

2006-11-01 Thread Francis Dupont
I have some unfilled reports in gen-art-by-reviewer.html:
 - draft-ietf-isis-caps-06.txt: done after the last update
   (summary: Ready with nits)
 - draft-ietf-behave-multicast-03.txt: summary: Ready
 - draft-ietf-rddp-rdmap-07.txt: updated after the review,
   the main issue, reference to the old version of IPsec/IKE,
   should be solved by the update of RFC 3723, so there is no
   blocking point (i.e., summary: Ready).
 - draft-ietf-rddp-ddp-07.txt: same than for rddp-rdmap even I
   still don't like the used terminology which could be far simpler
   for rddp-ddp...



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