Re: [Gendergap] the state of civility on

2011-10-28 Thread Ryan Kaldari
I also believe that ArbCom _could_ provide good solutions for these 
situations, but the existing model isn't very scalable and doesn't work 
for many cases. One potential solution would be for ArbCom to offer the 
services of a "prosecutor" for certain cases, when the person bringing 
the complaint doesn't want to be subjected to further harassment. The 
problem with ArbCom currently is that you have to have a very tough skin 
to go through the process, and in many cases it just makes things worse 
in the short term (which can last for months).

Ryan Kaldari

On 10/27/11 11:50 PM, Gillian White wrote:
Apologies for the formatting - the machine stripped the breaks that 
would have made my post readable. G (I'm a workman blaming the 
tools ...) It should have looked like this:

I’d like to agree with Daniel that “purgative rituals” should be
added to the repertoire of ways to deal with these very difficult
problems. In modern times, the label for this is
behaviourally-based change or [[behaviour modification]] and it
works better than exclusion or punitive strikes. As Daniel said,
these methods remind people what the point of things is (things
like other people and the society we all have to work in) and they
provide a way forward. Exclusion, excommunication, imprisonment,
whatever you call it in the real world, is like banning – it not
only loses any contribution they can make but more importantly,
gives time and space for anger and resentment to build and then
burst out when the opportunity arises (in this case when the block

Dealing with graffiti is an examples of this in operation –
punishing and ranting at them gives them the fame they seek, so
what works best is painting it over quickly. In WP terms this is
reverting but it doesn’t work for this level of incivility, I
suggest this is because the motivation is power, not fame (or
possibly power as well as fame). That brings us back to the
“collaborative goal setting” that Daniel suggests.

Perhaps some options chosen by the individual could be added to
Daniel’s idea of editing – it could be any quantifiable,
self-chosen contribution, including editing some other favourite
topic or being a wikignome or wikifairy etc. Or, the person could
work one-on-one with someone from an opposing point of view to
reach consensus on another sort of article. These are productive
responses, the goal of which should be to keep the person
productively engaged and have them experience their work as valued.

Other organisations have to deal with anti-social behaviour and
perhaps we could learn from them. The excuse that they are “making
such good contributions”, for example, has also confronted other
industries/ organisations. Some groups use the money they pay for
a service as an excuse for appalling behaviour. Examples include
drunken football teams being destructive in aeroplanes (the
airlines have had to ban some teams) or rock stars in hotels
(making the behaviour public helps get pressure for change in
these cases).

It is very similar to customer complaints that every organisation
has to deal with. When I worked on this for a big organisation, I
found that the customer complaints process ranged across and
touched on everything from the trivial to the criminal and the
process needed to take account of that range. So adding this tool
(i.e. working on the encyclopaedia in some other way before being
banned) to the box should help.

In intractable cases, banning will be the only solution, but for
the middle range of people who once enjoyed contributing
productively, being given a “cooling off” period in which they can
return to that for a while might work.

I am assuming that ArbCom is the most appropriate place for these
kinds of resolutions to be handled because it is not likely to be
feasible for every admin to hand out such injunctions, nor would
they be enforceable. Does ArbCom consider that behavioural
disputes are as worthy of arbitration as content disputes? If not,
is there a reason? If they do consider such intractable (and
apparently easily identifiable) cases as within their scope, can
these approaches be introduced to their repertoire of sanctions?

Thankfully, I have never had to deal with these types of people on
WP, but if I did, it would chase me away. While I think the issue
is broader than the gender one, they are inextricably related.



Gendergap mailing list
Gendergap mailing list

Re: [Gendergap] the state of civility on

2011-10-28 Thread Risker
There are a lot of challenges in being able to develop a consistent process
of managing user behaviour.  Here are just a few that I've noticed over the

   - User acting entirely within editing policy, although usually at the
   "bolder" end of the spectrum, being accused of behaving extremely
   inappropriately, often with the words "civility" and/or "courtesy" thrown
   - Users relying on one editing policy to edit content in a way that could
   reasonably be predicted to arouse dissent, and then accusing other editors
   of "failing to follow policy" because they point to a different policy.
   - Two or more users starting off with minor barbs (usually starting with
   allegations of policy/guideline violations and becoming increasingly
   personal), continued escalation over the course of several posts, then only
   one/a few of the involved users getting warned/blocked for "incivility".
   This one is particularly insidious, as it has the reasonably predictable
   effect of creating significant resentment on the part of those blocked (the
   now-sullied block log tends to be used as a club) whilst also appearing to
   support the behaviour of the non-blocked participants.  Both groups tend to
   feel the action justifies them continuing to follow the same behavioural
   - Long observation of wiki-history indicates that systemic problems are
   rarely acknowledged, let alone acted upon, by the community unless one or a
   small group of editors exceeds usual behavioural norms to focus attention on
   the issue. To put it bluntly, it takes a lot of noise to get the community's
   attention on systemic issues long enough to address them, even partially.
This method has variable success, ranging from serious community
   discussions and policy/practice changes through blocking or otherwise
   sanctioning the users who raise the issues.  If not done well, the attempt
   at problem resolution devolves into discussions about the appropriateness of
   the initiator's behaviour rather than the underlying problem.  Initiators
   are regularly referred to as "uncivil".
   - The use of the term "collegial" to describe the editing milieu. Anyone
   who has spent much time in the academe will recognize a lot of the "problem"
   behaviours we see on our own project, particularly personalization of
   disputes, which is one of the major elements leading to the perception of
   incivility.  Indeed, some of our most significant problem areas involve
   editors with academic credentials behaving pretty much within the norms for
   their profession, i.e., pretty unpleasantly toward those who don't agree
   with their educated opinions.

In other words, as a community we create a climate where poor behaviour is
the most effective means to motivate needed changes, where our policies and
practices can be used as weapons both to support negative behaviour and also
to "punish" positive behaviour, where the boundaries of unacceptable
behaviour vary widely dependent on a large number of factors and enforcement
is extraordinarily inconsistent, and where we openly claim to follow a
behavioural model that *sounds* progressive but is in reality possibly even
more nasty than our own.

On reading far, far back into archives, it appears that "incivility" has
been a problem almost since the inception of the project.  In the early days
of the project, blocks and bans were almost non-existent, and huge amounts
of time were invested in trying to "correct" behaviour (considerably more
per capita than today, the community cuts its losses much earlier now than
in 2002-04). In fact, blocks and  bans were very rare until the arrival of
extensive trolling and vandalism in 2005-06, which led to the appointment of
a massive number of administrators in 2006-07 in order to address these

None of this speaks to solutions, I know.  But it is important to put the
discussion into a more historical context, and to recognize the flashpoints
where incivility is often identified.

Gendergap mailing list

Re: [Gendergap] the state of civility on

2011-10-28 Thread Fiona Apps
I hate to be overly simplistic but I find in these circumstances that IAR


Just be courteous to all users involved, even those accused of incivility,
and use the Socratic method. Question them about their actions in a way that
suggests that you are not taking sides (which as an uninvolved administrator
or editor should probably be the case anyway) and ask them about their
assessment of the suitability of their behaviour. Usually when confronted
with having to do a self-assessment most will agree to at least back off
from the situation to get some head-space. Having a self-imposed break is
much simpler and produces much better outcomes than having an
administrator-enforced one. 


I know that's a highly interpretive way of looking at things but if we
over-think these things and try and put human nature into categories (not
that Risker didn't do a damn fine job there) we'll just end up where we are
now; constrained by policy and unable to tackle the reality of the


Anyway, that's just my two cents. Feel free to shoot me for it. 


[] On Behalf Of Risker
Sent: 28 October 2011 22:26
To: Increasing female participation in Wikimedia projects
Subject: Re: [Gendergap] the state of civility on


There are a lot of challenges in being able to develop a consistent process
of managing user behaviour.  Here are just a few that I've noticed over the


*   User acting entirely within editing policy, although usually at the
"bolder" end of the spectrum, being accused of behaving extremely
inappropriately, often with the words "civility" and/or "courtesy" thrown
*   Users relying on one editing policy to edit content in a way that
could reasonably be predicted to arouse dissent, and then accusing other
editors of "failing to follow policy" because they point to a different
*   Two or more users starting off with minor barbs (usually starting
with allegations of policy/guideline violations and becoming increasingly
personal), continued escalation over the course of several posts, then only
one/a few of the involved users getting warned/blocked for "incivility".
This one is particularly insidious, as it has the reasonably predictable
effect of creating significant resentment on the part of those blocked (the
now-sullied block log tends to be used as a club) whilst also appearing to
support the behaviour of the non-blocked participants.  Both groups tend to
feel the action justifies them continuing to follow the same behavioural
*   Long observation of wiki-history indicates that systemic problems
are rarely acknowledged, let alone acted upon, by the community unless one
or a small group of editors exceeds usual behavioural norms to focus
attention on the issue. To put it bluntly, it takes a lot of noise to get
the community's attention on systemic issues long enough to address them,
even partially.  This method has variable success, ranging from serious
community discussions and policy/practice changes through blocking or
otherwise sanctioning the users who raise the issues.  If not done well, the
attempt at problem resolution devolves into discussions about the
appropriateness of the initiator's behaviour rather than the underlying
problem.  Initiators are regularly referred to as "uncivil".  
*   The use of the term "collegial" to describe the editing milieu.
Anyone who has spent much time in the academe will recognize a lot of the
"problem" behaviours we see on our own project, particularly personalization
of disputes, which is one of the major elements leading to the perception of
incivility.  Indeed, some of our most significant problem areas involve
editors with academic credentials behaving pretty much within the norms for
their profession, i.e., pretty unpleasantly toward those who don't agree
with their educated opinions. 

In other words, as a community we create a climate where poor behaviour is
the most effective means to motivate needed changes, where our policies and
practices can be used as weapons both to support negative behaviour and also
to "punish" positive behaviour, where the boundaries of unacceptable
behaviour vary widely dependent on a large number of factors and enforcement
is extraordinarily inconsistent, and where we openly claim to follow a
behavioural model that *sounds* progressive but is in reality possibly even
more nasty than our own.  

On reading far, far back into archives, it appears that "incivility" has
been a problem almost since the inception of the project.  In the early days
of the project, blocks and bans were almost non-existent, and huge amounts
of time were invested in trying to "correct" behaviour (considerably more
per capita than today, the community cuts its losses much earlier now than
in 2002-04). In fact, blocks and  bans were very rare until the arrival of
extensive trolling and vandalism i

Re: [Gendergap] the state of civility on

2011-10-28 Thread Risker
Fiona, in an ideal world this would work well, and indeed I've used the
technique and/or seen it be effective many times.

There is a brief discussion of an example here that I stumbled upon
completely coincidentally today:
this will eventually be archived)   In particular, Floquenbeam refers
to a "comic" by a now-retired editor, Geogre:  (anyone who's spent any time
at the Administrator noticeboards will recognize this behaviour instantly)

As well, there is a concurrent discussion of some of the aspects of this
issue on the wiki-en-L mailing list too.

I do agree with some of the other posters in this thread that there are some
editors whose response to any attempt at suggesting self reflection would be
"go reflect yourself"...with perhaps a different word in place of
"reflect".  There aren't a lot of them, but they have a genuinely
disproportionate effect on the project; however, one thing I've noticed is
that once a user has a reputation for being a "problem", months or years of
good behaviour doesn't change that reputation. We leave them no way to be
seen as anything other than that problem user, as they're essentially
disqualified from clean starts or other account changes.

I'd just like to clarify as well that my earlier post was not in any way an
attempt to classify human nature; it was intended to illustrate the
scenarios where accusations of incivility are commonplace, and to link it to
the history of the project.  Again, no answers here, just context.


On 28 October 2011 18:08, Fiona Apps  wrote:

>  I hate to be overly simplistic but I find in these circumstances that IAR
> applies. 
> ** **
> Just be courteous to all users involved, even those accused of incivility,
> and use the Socratic method. Question them about their actions in a way that
> suggests that you are not taking sides (which as an uninvolved administrator
> or editor should probably be the case anyway) and ask them about their
> assessment of the suitability of their behaviour. Usually when confronted
> with having to do a self-assessment most will agree to at least back off
> from the situation to get some head-space. Having a self-imposed break is
> much simpler and produces much better outcomes than having an
> administrator-enforced one. 
> ** **
> I know that's a highly interpretive way of looking at things but if we
> over-think these things and try and put human nature into categories (not
> that Risker didn't do a damn fine job there) we'll just end up where we are
> now; constrained by policy and unable to tackle the reality of the
> situation.
> ** **
> Anyway, that's just my two cents. Feel free to shoot me for it. 
> ** **
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Risker
> *Sent:* 28 October 2011 22:26
> *To:* Increasing female participation in Wikimedia projects
> *Subject:* Re: [Gendergap] the state of civility on
> ** **
> There are a lot of challenges in being able to develop a consistent process
> of managing user behaviour.  Here are just a few that I've noticed over the
> years:
>- User acting entirely within editing policy, although usually at the
>"bolder" end of the spectrum, being accused of behaving extremely
>inappropriately, often with the words "civility" and/or "courtesy" thrown
>- Users relying on one editing policy to edit content in a way that
>could reasonably be predicted to arouse dissent, and then accusing other
>editors of "failing to follow policy" because they point to a different
>- Two or more users starting off with minor barbs (usually starting
>with allegations of policy/guideline violations and becoming increasingly
>personal), continued escalation over the course of several posts, then only
>one/a few of the involved users getting warned/blocked for "incivility".
>This one is particularly insidious, as it has the reasonably predictable
>effect of creating significant resentment on the part of those blocked (the
>now-sullied block log tends to be used as a club) whilst also appearing to
>support the behaviour of the non-blocked participants.  Both groups tend to
>feel the action justifies them continuing to follow the same behavioural
>- Long observation of wiki-history indicates that systemic problems are
>rarely acknowledged, let alone acted upon, by the community unless one or a
>small group of editors exceeds usual behavioural norms to focus attention 
> on
>the issue. To put it bluntly, it takes a lot of noise to get the 
> community's
>attention on systemic issues long enough to address them, even partially.
> This method has variable success, ranging from serio

Re: [Gendergap] the state of civility on

2011-10-28 Thread Lady of Shalott
While I understand the frustrations in this thread, it does us no good
to resort to incivil behavior here, even regarding a person who is
[most likely] not part of this list. I respectfully ask that we
refrain from comments like "By god, I hate that man".

Thank you,

P.S. I realize this is somewhat belated relative to the particular
post I am referencing, but I felt it needed to be said.

Gendergap mailing list

Re: [Gendergap] No Sources - argh!

2011-10-28 Thread Erin O'Rourke
Thanks Kaldari and Andreas, I appreciate the feedback!

Erin O'Rourke
Gendergap mailing list

Re: [Gendergap] the state of civility on

2011-10-28 Thread Daniel and Elizabeth Case

>The use of the term "collegial" to describe the editing milieu. Anyone who has 
>spent much time in the academe will recognize a lot of the "problem" 
>behaviours we see on our own project, particularly personalization of 
>disputes, which is one of the major elements leading to the perception of 
>incivility.  Indeed, some of our most significant problem areas involve 
>editors with academic credentials behaving pretty much within the norms for 
>their profession, i.e., pretty unpleasantly toward those who don't agree with 
>their educated opinions. 
In other words, as a community we create a climate where poor behaviour is the 
most effective means to motivate needed changes, where our policies and 
practices can be used as weapons both to support negative behaviour and also to 
"punish" positive behaviour, where the boundaries of unacceptable behaviour 
vary widely dependent on a large number of factors and enforcement is 
extraordinarily inconsistent, and where we openly claim to follow a behavioural 
model that *sounds* progressive but is in reality possibly even more nasty than 
our own.  

Exactly. We should keep in mind that many of the complaints about how 
Wikipedia’s conduct policies do and don’t work are, IME, hardly unique to us 
but quite common in many college and university faculties. Perhaps one of the 
accomplishments of Wikipedia is that it has allowed laypeople to get a taste of 

And not just. It occurs to me how my own way of staying around echoes my 
father’s advice to any young lawyer joining a large enough firm: find a niche 
for yourself that will make you an asset to whichever faction is running, or 
perceived as running, or trying to run, the firm (and there will be factions). 
Do that and do it well, and don’t get too involved in firm politics, or more 
than you absolutely have to. He’s told me he was pleasantly surprised to read 
Richard Pipes, the historian, draw similar conclusions from his experience of 
the Harvard history department. He’s actually shared a draft of a PDF expanding 
on this, and it struck me how much his descriptions of a typical law firm echo 
some people’s descriptions of Wikipedia.

Daniel Case___
Gendergap mailing list