[Gendergap] How to increase the diversity of Wikimedia technical contributors and staff?

2017-08-06 Thread Pine W
I read the unofficial Google internal memo that has been the subject of
some controversy, and upon reading it my Wikipedian-trained instincts were
to wonder where the citations were that should, if they were available,
have supported numerous assertions that were made in that memo. I'm not an
expert in diversity -- and I suspect that the author of that memo isn't,
either. In the absence of verifiable and reliable sources, I'm skeptical of
numerous assertions that were made in that document.

This leads me a question that I've had in mind for awhile. How can we
increase the diversity of Wikimedia technical contributors and staff? I'm
referring both to gender diversity and racial diversity (people of African
descent appear to be significantly under-represented).

My unscientific hunch is that what would help is increasing people at young
ages to consider a career in a science, technology, engineering, or math
("STEM") field, and then continuing to support their interest from
elementary school through college.

(Personal story: I was a poor performer at math in middle school and at one
point I emotionally gave up on the subject, yet I did significantly better
when I reached college and (a) had instructors whose styles were more
compatible with how I learn and (b) had classroom environments that were
more supportive of learning.)

I don't know to what extent Wikimedia should be involved in encouraging
people at early ages to become interested and stay involved with STEM, and
I think that we should ask ourselves if perhaps this is an area in which we
should make some financial and time investments, with the goal of
facilitating development of diverse candidates into engineering and
technical roles for the community as well as organizations like WMDE and
WMF. We probably shouldn't be steering people at young ages to make
long-term commitments to STEM or the Wikimedia ecosystem, but perhaps we
could take some actions that would at least encourage them if they seem to
be interested in STEM to continue their academic growth in those domains. I
don't know if there is data that explains how gender and racial disparities
develop and how to address them, but my hunch is that the earlier that the
issues are addressed, the better.

I don't know what other options to suggest; perhaps people here will have
some ideas. I'd particularly like to invite Victoria to the conversation;
perhaps she can comment sometime in the next several days (probably not for
several hours, since this is still Sunday evening on the US west coast).

Hoping to hear some thoughtful discussion,

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Re: [Gendergap] [Wiki-research-l] [Announcement] Voice and exit in a voluntary work environment

2017-07-19 Thread Pine W
This sounds like a great project. Forwarding.


On Wed, Jul 19, 2017 at 10:32 AM, Leila Zia  wrote:

> Hi all,
> With the start of the new fiscal year in Wikimedia Foundation on July
> 1, the Research team has officially started the work on Program 12:
> Growing contributor diversity. [1] Here are a few
> announcements/pointers about this program and the research and work
> that will be going to it:
> * We aim to keep the research documentation for this project on the
> corresponding research page on meta. [2]
> * Research tasks are hard to break down and track in task-tracking
> systems. This being said, any task that we can break down and track
> will be documented under the corresponding Epic task on Phabricator.
> [3]
> * The goals for this Program for July-September 2017 (Quarter 1) are
> captured on MediaWiki. [4] (The Phabricator epic will be updated with
> corresponding tasks as we start working on them.)
> * Our three formal collaborators (cc-ed) will contribute to this
> program: Jérôme Hergueux from ETH, Paul Seabright from TSE, and Bob
> West from EPFL. We are thankful to these people who have agreed to
> spend their time and expertise on this project in the coming year, and
> to those of you who have already worked with us as we were shaping the
> proposal for this project and are planning to continue your
> contributions to this program. :)
> * I act as the point of contact for this research in Wikimedia
> Foundation. Please feel free to reach out to me (directly, if it
> cannot be shared publicly) if you have comments/questions about the
> project in the coming year.
> Best,
> Leila
> [1] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Foundation_
> Annual_Plan/2017-2018/Final/Programs/Technology#Program_
> 12:_Grow_contributor_diversity
> [2] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Research:Voice_and_exit_
> in_a_voluntary_work_environment
> [3] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T166083
> [4] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Technology/
> Goals/2017-18_Q1#Research
> --
> Leila Zia
> Senior Research Scientist
> Wikimedia Foundation
> ___
> Wiki-research-l mailing list
> wiki-researc...@lists.wikimedia.org
> https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wiki-research-l
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Re: [Gendergap] FYI - GGTF case appeal

2017-07-15 Thread Pine W
Hi JJ, I can't speak for anyone else, but I was responding specifically to
the statement "four arbitrators posted personally identifying information
about me and did not respond to my requests to remove it.", which would be
a concern to me both in regards to the specific case and also the broader
implications for privacy.

Neotarf, if WMF Legal has reviewed the PII concerns, including escalating
them to C-level, and has chosen not to get involved, I'm afraid that you're
probably out of luck unless a change of policy happens on ENWP or with the
relevant WMF policies. You could lobby for a change, and you might get it,
although that is a long road to travel. My mental bandwidth is too
constrained to continue personal involvement in this discussion at this
time, but I don't want to discourage you from requesting a change in policy
if you think that would be good. You may wish to conserve your energy by
first dealing with your ban appeal; I have not reviewed the evidence in
your case and I will refrain from speculating on the merits of the appeal.
After that appeal is resolved, if there is a favorable outcome, you may
find it easier to propose one or more changes to policies. Good luck.

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Re: [Gendergap] FYI - GGTF case appeal

2017-07-10 Thread Pine W
Unfortunately I don't think there is much more I can do here. Based on what
you wrote, I think that your best course of action is to discuss the PII
situation with WMF Legal. There are a few other remedies which could come
into play, but they would almost certainly take longer and be more
politically problematic than a minimal intervention in which WMF Legal
clarifies to the Ombuds and Arbcom what is required under WMF's
interpretation of its privacy policy.


On Mon, Jul 10, 2017 at 3:49 PM, Neotarf <neot...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The privacy policy as written certainly leads users to expect their PII is
> safe. There is nothing I can find in the written policy that would back the
> idea that the ombuds should refuse to remove PII if they think it might
> have been posted in good faith. If it could be used to identify someone, it
> should just be removed. That's just basic safety.  Maybe they are not
> allowed to go against arbitrators  I also don't understand why arbitrators
> would insist on posting PII over and over. We have seen too much what that
> can lead to. In all fairness, the gamergate sub-reddit was very
> professional and removed the dox within an hour of my request.
> On Mon, Jul 10, 2017 at 5:56 PM, Pine W <wiki.p...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hmm. I'd like to take a closer look at this, but unfortunately I'm
>> already backlogged with other projects. I wish I knew what to suggest here.
>> If you have already been to the Ombudsman Commission and you disagree with
>> their interpretation of WMF policies, then you might try to contact WMF
>> Legal, although I don't know to what extent they will want to involve
>> themselves.
>> For what it's worth, if I had my way the OC would (1) have significantly
>> more independence from the WMF Board and staff and (2) be issuing monthly
>> or quarterly reports about its activities, but realistically the current
>> setup is likely to continue for the foreseeable future.
>> Pine
>> ___
>> Gendergap mailing list
>> Gendergap@lists.wikimedia.org
>> To manage your subscription preferences, including unsubscribing, please
>> visit:
>> https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/gendergap
> ___
> Gendergap mailing list
> Gendergap@lists.wikimedia.org
> To manage your subscription preferences, including unsubscribing, please
> visit:
> https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/gendergap
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To manage your subscription preferences, including unsubscribing, please visit:

[Gendergap] Fwd: [Wikimedia-l] [fellowship] Opportunity for people working on "open projects that support a healthy Internet."

2017-07-10 Thread Pine W


-- Forwarded message --
From: Melody Kramer 
Date: Mon, Jul 10, 2017 at 2:26 PM
Subject: [Wikimedia-l] [fellowship] Opportunity for people working on "open
projects that support a healthy Internet."
To: wikimedi...@lists.wikimedia.org

Hi all,

I wanted to pass along an opportunity that I saw earlier today via Twitter:

It sets up people working on "open projects that support a healthy
Internet" with a mentor, a cohort of like-minded people from all over the
world, and a trip to Mozfest, which is a London-based open Internet
conference I've attended/presented at in past years and found really
mind-expanding due to the cross-disciplinary conversations that take place.

You can see previous projects here: https://mozilla.github.
io/leadership-training/round-3/projects/ — it looks like there's quite a
broad cross-section and many of the projects across the movement might be
applicable. The post notes participants will learn about "best practices
for project setup and communication, tools for collaboration, community
building, and running events."

Thank you to Leila for suggesting I pass this along to this listserv. Feel
free to share it broadly.

- Mel

Melody Kramer 
Senior Audience Development Manager
Read a random featured article from Wikipedia!

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wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines and https://meta.wikimedia.org/
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Re: [Gendergap] FYI - GGTF case appeal

2017-07-10 Thread Pine W
Hmm. I'd like to take a closer look at this, but unfortunately I'm already
backlogged with other projects. I wish I knew what to suggest here. If you
have already been to the Ombudsman Commission and you disagree with their
interpretation of WMF policies, then you might try to contact WMF Legal,
although I don't know to what extent they will want to involve themselves.

For what it's worth, if I had my way the OC would (1) have significantly
more independence from the WMF Board and staff and (2) be issuing monthly
or quarterly reports about its activities, but realistically the current
setup is likely to continue for the foreseeable future.

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[Gendergap] Video: Women in botany and Wikipedia

2017-06-22 Thread Pine W
Sharing a video from the Plants and People edit-a-thon at the New York
Botanical Garden's LuEsther T. Mertz Library.


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[Gendergap] Fwd: [Affiliates] Affiliations Committee: Call for Candidates

2017-06-10 Thread Pine W
Forwarding in the hopes of encouraging diverse participation.


-- Forwarded message --
From: Kirill Lokshin 
Date: Fri, Jun 9, 2017 at 1:50 PM
Subject: [Affiliates] Affiliations Committee: Call for Candidates
To: Wikimedia Movement Affiliates discussion list <
affilia...@lists.wikimedia.org>, Wikimedia Mailing List <

Hi everyone,

The Affiliations Committee – the committee responsible for guiding
volunteers in establishing Wikimedia chapters, thematic organizations, and
user groups – is looking for new members!

The main role of the Affiliations Committee is to guide groups of
volunteers that are interested in forming Wikimedia affiliates. We review
applications from new groups, answer questions and provide advice about the
different Wikimedia affiliation models and processes, review affiliate
bylaws for compliance with requirements and best practices, and advise the
Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees on issues connected to chapters,
thematic organizations and Wikimedia user groups.

The committee consists of twelve members, six of whom are selected every
twelve months for staggered two-year terms. Those joining during the
mid-year process will serve an extended term ending in December 2019.

*Key skills*

Being a part of the Affiliations Committee requires communication with
volunteers all over the world, negotiating skills, cultural sensitivity,
and the ability to understand legal texts. We look for a healthy mix of
different skill sets in our members, including the following key skills and

- Willingness to process applications through a set, perhaps bureaucratic
- Readiness to participate in political discussions on the role and future
of affiliates, models of affiliation, and similar topics.
- Availability of up to 5 hours per week, and the time to participate in a
monthly two-hour voice/video meeting.
- International orientation.
- Fluency in English.
- Ability to work and communicate with other languages and cultures.
- Strong understanding of the structure and work of affiliates and the
Wikimedia Foundation.
- Knowledge of different legal systems and experience in community building
and organising are a plus.
- Skills in other languages are a major plus.
- Experience with or in an active affiliate is a major plus.
- Strong track record of effective collaboration (such as evidenced skills
at facilitation, mediation, negotiation, and so forth) are a major plus.
- Willingness to use one's real name in committee activities (including
contacts with current and potential affiliates) when appropriate.

We are looking for people who are excited by the challenge of empowering
volunteers to get organized and form communities that further our mission
around the world. In exchange, committee members selected will gain the
experience of supporting their world-wide colleagues to develop their
communities as well as personal development in guiding organizational
development, facilitating affiliate partnerships, and professional

*Selection process*

As a reflection of our commitment to openness, transparency, and bilateral
engagement with the Wikimedia community, the 2017 member selection process
will include a public review and comment period. All applications received
by the committee will be posted on Meta at https://meta.wikimedia.org/
wiki/Affiliations_Committee/Candidates/June_2017, and the community will be
invited to provide comments and feedback about each candidate.

At the end of the public comment period, the applications will be voted on
by the members of the committee who are not seeking re-election, taking
into account comments put forward by the committee's members, advisors,
Wikimedia Foundation staff and board liaisons, and the community. A final
decision will be made by mid-July 2017, with new members expected to join
later that month.

*How to apply*

If you are interested in joining the committee, please post your
application on the nomination page and send an email announcing your
application to aff...@lists.wikimedia.org by 30 June 2017. Your application
must include the following information:

- Your full name and Wikimedia username
- A statement describing your relevant experience, skills, and motivation
for joining the committee.
- Answers to the following three questions:
(1) How do you think affiliates work best together to partner on
effective projects and initiatives?
(2) What do you see as the role of affiliates in the Wikimedia
movement in the next three years?
(3) What do you feel you will bring to the committee that makes you
a uniquely qualified candidate?

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me and/or the
committee as a whole. We are happy to chat or have a phone call with anyone
about our work if this helps them decide to apply. Please distribute this
call among your networks, and do apply if you are 

[Gendergap] Fwd: [Wikimedia Announcements] Project Grants program will fund 10 community-led projects

2017-06-10 Thread Pine W
Forwarding this email to other lists, where some of these grants may be of


-- Forwarded message --
From: Marti Johnson 
Date: Fri, Jun 9, 2017 at 3:08 PM
Subject: [Wikimedia Announcements] Project Grants program will fund 10
community-led projects
To: wikimediaannounc...@lists.wikimedia.org

Hi all,

In the third round of Project Grants, 32 eligible proposals were submitted
for review. The committee has recommended 10 projects for a total of
$224,900 in funding. WMF has now approved all 10 grants. Here’s what we’re
funding. [1]

Online organizing: two projects funded


   Wiki Loves Monuments 2017 coordination

This year, the Wiki Loves Monuments International Team will continue to
encourage content on diverse cultural heritage sites in this annually-run
contest. By addressing the need for partnerships and development of tools
to support participants, this project hopes to bolster local communities to
contribute and collaborate on the Wikimedia projects, with a focus on
Commons and Wikidata.[2]


   Contest toolkits and prize funds

Led by a prolific English Wikipedian, Dr.Blofeld
, this project aims to
equip prospective contester organizers with toolkits and design ideas,
enabling them to customize their own campaigns. In addition, the project
will include a large contest to boost the geographic diversity of
representation of women on English Wikipedia.[3] [4]

Offline outreach: seven projects funded


   Wiki Loves Monuments in Perú

Recently-recognized affiliate Wikimedians of Peru User Group will organize
a Wiki Loves Monuments contest through outreach efforts with the Ministry
of Culture in Peru as well as with newer participants outside of Lima to
contribute national and cultural heritage to the movement.[5]


   Multimedia Documentation of Traditional Trades and Crafts of Eastern,
   Northern and Up-Country Sri Lanka

Through extensive outreach in underrepresented regions in Sri Lanka, this
project plans to expand knowledge of the traditional industries,
agricultural trades, and crafts of Sri Lanka. With integrated support from
the Noolaham Foundation, engagement with local communities through their
livelihoods will be a significant step toward documenting cultural heritage
in Tamil Wikipedia, Commons, Wiktionary, and Wikibooks.[6]


   First Wikipedian in (Academic) Residence in Latin America

El Colegio de México will lead and coordinate with libraries and academic
institutions in Mexico to develop and disseminate best practices in
knowledge-sharing through Wikimedia projects.[7]


   Wikimedian in Residence at UNESCO 2017-2018

As a follow-up to a previous WMF grant

with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO), John_Cummings 
and Navino Evans  will
facilitate long-term infrastructure to support ongoing content donations,
including media and text for Wikipedia and Commons, and structured data for
Wikidata.  Using the UNESCO partnership as a model, they will educate and
encourage other scientific and cultural institutions to contribute open
license material.[8][9][10][11]


   Engaging with Academic Librarians and Sororities to Address the Gender

A returning grantee

from the Inspire Campaign, West Virginia University Libraries’ Wikipedian
in Residence for Gender Equality will foster partnerships with three other
academic institutions. The project will develop a scalable model for cross
training student life and university library staff to promote Wikipedia
editing as an option for sororities to meet their community service
requirements. [11][12]


   Wikimedia UG Nigeria/Wikipedian in Residence

Partnering with 

Re: [Gendergap] Women only events ?

2017-06-01 Thread Pine W
Hi Natacha,

Like you, find it a bit discouraging that there remain such large
disparities in our diversity. WMF has been working on this issue for years,
and while there have been some successful projects, my hunch is that the
percentage of female contributors as a percentage of all contributors
remains below 30%.

The population of contributors as a whole has been a subject of
discouragement for me for many years. I'm hopeful that some of the work
being done by the WMF Collaboration Team and WMF Research, with ORES and
the upcoming changes to RC patrol, will help us to do a better job of
identifying good-faith newcomers. However, I feel that the community may
lacks sufficient human resources to do a thorough job with identifying
good-faith newcomers and integrating them in a timely fashion.

Wikimedia in general is a usually serious and sometimes stressful activity,
so I can understand why people would prefer to spend their time on their
carefully cultivated social networks, engaging in fun hobbies, playing
sports, or doing other activities that may be better for one's health.
Sometimes I think myself that my own time on Wikimedia is not good for my
health, and I wonder to what extent I should encourage other people to
participate in this environment. Some parts of the environment are more
encouraging than others, and I try to remind myself that I should spend at
least as much time on nurturing the good as I do on trying to address

Anyway, I wish that I knew what else to suggest. Perhaps Keilana, Rosie, or
others will have some suggestions about how to increase the participation
rate of female contributors to at least 30%.

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Re: [Gendergap] Women only events ?

2017-05-26 Thread Pine W
Hi Natacha,

I just now got this email (perhaps it was held for list moderation) but
thought I would note that there have been gender-specific events before.
I'm aware of the WikiWomen's lunch which seems to be held yearly at
Wikimania, and I believe that Wikimedia Mexico has women-only editathons.

As a male I have no objections to gender-specific events happening on
occasion. I think that it's fine to have those kinds of sessions so long as
they are designed and resourced in ways that are arguably fair and don't
suggest favoritism. I would be concerned if such events happened in a way
that excluded certain classes of people on a regular basis in a way that
seemed designed to deny them access to resources or personal connections
which might be of interest to them, if resources were assigned to one group
and not another in a way that suggested gender-based favoritism, etc.

In the situation that you described, setting up one event out of four to be
gender-specific sounds reasonable to me.

You might consider talking to organizers of previous WikiWomen's lunches
and/or the Wikimedia Mexico women's editathons to see if they have comments.

Writing as a male member of this list,


On Thu, Apr 13, 2017 at 10:48 AM, Natacha Rault  wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I would like to starts a discussion on women only events. How are they
> perceived and do they generate antagonism? I have always organized mixed
> events, until the first of march 2017, where an Art+feminism editathon was
> hosted by an LGBT lesbian association in Geneva, and I announced it on the 
> French
> Bistrot here
>  (among
> other Art+Feminism events that were all inclusive)
> I did not want to impose other rules than theirs on their surroundings,so
> I announced a woman only event for one of the 4 events organized. Some
> members of the community disagreed and reacted strongly (although I can’t
> say all were extremely respectful this is just normal bread when dealing
> with the gender gap) but one  was so stunning and persistant  (he was
> blocked in the end and now has a topic ban) that this generated the thought
> that we might need to reflect more on safe spaces and organize such events
> more systematically, in each conference and each Wikimania,  until this is
> no issue any more. I remember attending the women only picnic at Wikimania
> in Esino Lario and being confronted with a different attitude: there it
> only seemed normal.
> What do you think and what is your experience on this issue? I am
> interested to know all points of vue provided they are formulated with
> respect.
> Nattes à chat (mostly active on les sans pages
>  on the French wiki)
> ___
> Gendergap mailing list
> Gendergap@lists.wikimedia.org
> To manage your subscription preferences, including unsubscribing, please
> visit:
> https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/gendergap
Gendergap mailing list
To manage your subscription preferences, including unsubscribing, please visit:

[Gendergap] Fwd: [Wikimedia-l] Invitation to WMF May 2017 Metrics & Activities Meeting: Thursday, May 25, 18:00 UTC

2017-05-18 Thread Pine W
Forwarding for folks on the GG list who aren't subscribed to
and Wikimedia-l, and may want to watch the video (live or afterward) for
the section on the Keilana Effect.


-- Forwarded message --
From: Lena Traer 
Date: Thu, May 18, 2017 at 4:11 PM
Subject: [Wikimedia-l] Invitation to WMF May 2017 Metrics & Activities
Meeting: Thursday, May 25, 18:00 UTC
To: wikimediaannounc...@lists.wikimedia.org, wikimedi...@lists.wikimedia.org

Hello everyone,

The next Wikimedia Foundation metrics and activities meeting will take
place on Thursday, May 25, 2017 at 6:00 PM UTC (11 AM PDT). The IRC channel
is #wikimedia-office on irc.freenode.net, and the meeting will be broadcast
as a live YouTube stream.[1]

During the May metrics meeting, we'll hear research and stories about
developing an inclusive Wikimedia movement. We'll explore some of our
challenges to becoming an inclusive movement, and what people around the
movement are doing to create a more inclusive, welcoming space where
everyone can participate.

Meeting agenda:

* Welcomes, theme introduction
* Movement update
* New filters for edit review
* The Keilana effect
* Executive update
* Questions and discussion
* Wikilove

Please review
for further information about the meeting and how to participate.

We’ll post the video recording publicly after the meeting.

Thank you,

[1] https://youtu.be/rAGwQdLyFb4

Lena Traer
Project Assistant // Communications // Advancement
Wikimedia Foundation
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wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines and https://meta.wikimedia.org/
New messages to: wikimedi...@lists.wikimedia.org
Unsubscribe: https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimedia-l,

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To manage your subscription preferences, including unsubscribing, please visit:

Re: [Gendergap] "A Call to Men UK " manhood workshops

2017-04-13 Thread Pine W
I'm unfamiliar with this situation, but if there's a functionary whose
off-wiki behavior calls into question of the appropriateness of his/her
to have access to PII, please do forward that information to SuSa, the
Ombudsman Committee, and/or (as applicable) the local arbitration committee
that would have the ability to investigate the situation.


On Thu, Apr 13, 2017 at 8:29 PM, J Hayes  wrote:

> yes, that functionary and his behavior on meta has chilled the
> participation of some librarian editors
> they are highly skeptical of wiki harrassment efforts as long as he is in
> a position to see personal identifying information.
> they do not trust check user to be done responsibly as well
> this is impacting our efforts to engage a GLAM institution.
> On Thu, Apr 13, 2017 at 1:23 PM, Neotarf  wrote:
>> Speaking of dox and in-person events, a few months ago one of the
>> WP:BADSITES known for dox had a thread about attending a WMF
>> harassment workshop. So anyone who is not comfortable with a paper
>> trail, and would prefer face-to-face conversations with allies, could
>> actually find themselves face to face with their harassers instead.
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[Gendergap] Fwd: [Wikitech-l] The Revision Scoring weekly update

2017-03-16 Thread Pine W
Sharing some good news, both about the progress of ORES and (my primary
inspiration for sharing this email) significant improvements in article
quality thanks to WikiProject Women scientists. The latter has been
designated as the Keilana Effect.


-- Forwarded message --
From: Aaron Halfaker 
Date: Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 2:14 PM
Subject: Re: [Wikitech-l] The Revision Scoring weekly update
To: Application of Artificial Intelligence and other advanced computing
strategies to Wikimedia Projects 
Cc: wikitech-l 

Hey folks!

I should really stop calling this a weekly update because it's getting a
bit silly at this point.  :)   But if it were a weekly update, it would
cover the weeks of 42 - 46.


   - 3 new models: Finnish Wikipedia (reverted) and Estonian Wikipedia
   (damaging & goodfaith)

   - We estimated and agreed on funding for ORES servers in the next year
   with Operations

   - We published a paper about vandalism detection in Wikidata and a blog
   post about the massive effect of some initiatives on coverage of Women
   Scientists in Wikipedia.

*New development:*

   - We added recall-based threshold metrics to the new draftquality model
   which should help tool devs know what which new page creations to
   for review[1]

   - We added optional notices for ORES pages which will help us visually
   distinguish our experimental install in WMFlabs from the Prod install (

   - We added basic language support for Finish (Thanks 4shadoww)[3] and
   deployed a 'reverted' model[4]

   - We lead a discussion in Wikidata about "item quality" that resulted in
   a Wikipedia 1.0 like scale for Wikidata quality[5,6] and designed a
   Wikilabels form to capture the gist of it[7]

   - We enabled the ORES Review Tool on Czech Wikipedia[8]

   - We configured ChangeProp to use our new minified JSON output to save

   - We extended the Estonian language assets (Thanks Cumbril)[10] and
   deployed the 'damaging' and 'goodfaith' models[11,12]

   - We enabled a testing model for 'goodfaith' on the Beta Cluster to make
   it easier for the Collaboration team to run tests with their new filter

   - We created a new "precache" endpoint that will allow us to
   de-duplicate configuration with ChangeProp and handle all routing in ORES


   - We completed a 2 year estimate of ORES resource needs and discussed
   funding (capital expendature) for ORES in the coming fiscal year[15].
   will allow us to continue to grow ORES both in number of models and in
   scoring capacity.


   - Amir improved the KDD paper based on review feedback[16] and got it

   - We published a blob post about our measurements of WikiProject Women
   Scientists[18,19] -- "The Keilana Effect"

   - Thanks to Cumbril's work, the Estonian labeling campaing was


   - In early February, we deployed a new set of translations to Wikilabels
   (specifcally targeting Romanian Wikipedia)[21]

   - In mid-February, we deployed some fixes to ORES documentation and
   response formatting[22]

   - In mid-March, we deployed 3 new scoring models and ORES notices[23]

*Maintenance and robustness:*

   - We fixed a serious issue in the "mwoauth" library that Wikilabels
   depends on[24]

   - We reduced the number of revisions per request that we could receive
   via api.php[25]

   - We investigated a scap issue that broke ORES deployment[26]

   - We fixed a minor issue with JSON minification behavior[27] and
   hard-coding of the location of ORES in the documentation[28]

   - We improved performance of ORES filters on MediaWiki[29]

   - We improved the language describing ORES behavior on

   - We added a notice to the Wikipages that Dexbot maintains about its

   - We added notices to ores.wmflabs.org about it's experimental nature[32]

   - We fixed some issues with testing Finnish language assets[33]

   - We fixed some styling issues that resulted from an upgrade of OOJS

1. https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T157454 -- Add recall based thresholds
to draftquality model
2. https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T150962 -- Add an optional notice to
ORES main and ui pages
3. https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T158587 -- Add language support for
4. https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T160228 -- Train/test reverted model
for fiwiki
5. https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T157489 -- [Discuss] item quality in
6. https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Item_quality
7. https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T155828 -- Design item_quality form
for Wikidata
8. https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T151611 -- Enable ORES Review Tool on
Czech Wikipedia
9. https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T157693 -- 

Re: [Gendergap] Introducing the Wikimedia Resource Center

2017-02-21 Thread Pine W
Hi Maria,

Sounds good. Just to clarify: if someone in the community wants to start a
big Meta main page redesign initiative of their own without waiting for me,
I don't mean to stop anyone from proceeding. (: And I'm not sure to what
extent I'll be working on this project during the summer, as I have other
tasks that need to happen before I get deeply involved with a new

I think it would be fine if you wanted to link the Resource Center from the
Meta main page or sidebar, without waiting for a major redesign of the Meta
main page. My hunch is that adding it to the sidebar would be preferable,
but I'll defer to the opinions of others on placement. If and when the main
page gets redesigned, then the link may move to a different, and possibly
more prominent, location.

Gendergap mailing list
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Re: [Gendergap] "A Call to Men UK " manhood workshops

2017-02-20 Thread Pine W
Hi Neotarf,

Sounds like an interesting program. There are similar programs in the US to
encourage males in their younger years (under 18) to treat other people
respectfully and to try to inspire them with visions of hopeful futures
(e.g. high-quality jobs instead of membership in gangs). I'm not sure how
applicable this kind of training would be in the Wikiverse, but I'm glad to
see the progress happening on anti-harrassment initiatives and I hope that
those will yield benefits. In general I'd like to see high-quality, modular
training available for administrators on a variety of topics. Individual
Wikimedia projects could have the option to encourage or require admin
candidates to complete portions of the training, as well as require
"re-certification" on a periodic basis to retain certain permissions.

I'm not aware of studies of the age range of Wikimedia admins, but I'd
venture that most are 18+. There are a few younger than that, but my
impression is that they're a minority.

How much and what kind of supervision Wikimedia admins and functionaries
have depends on the project. ENWP Arbcom has desysopped admins including
functionaries. But I imagine that on smaller projects, demoting a
problematic administrator could be next to impossible.

Gendergap mailing list
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Re: [Gendergap] Craigslist founder donates $500K to curb Wikipedia trolls - Email filters?

2017-02-12 Thread Pine W
I agree with Risker here.


On Sun, Feb 12, 2017 at 3:38 PM, Risker  wrote:

> On 12 February 2017 at 17:22, Jonathan Cardy 
> wrote:
>> Thanks Risker,
>> Clearly not everyone would opt into it if there was an option to do so.
>> Do you object to the idea of developing an option to opt in to email
>> filtering?
>> Regards
>> Jonathan/WereSpielChequers
> Yes, I do, to be honest.  The other proposals included in this discussion
> would be far, far more effective in limiting unwanted or inappropriate
> emails, without requiring the need to recruit and screen a large number of
> volunteers to "screen out" inappropriate emails. Honestly, the idea that
> we'd want people to turn their volunteer time over to screening emails
> rather than doing everything else that needs to be done is kind of
> worrisome; current volunteers already have a plethora of activities to
> participate in, many of which can also assist in harassment reduction, and
> I'm not sure I'd like to know the psychological profile of people who would
> volunteer specifically to screen emails.  Hiring staff to do this would be
> outrageous, both from the optics perspective, and more importantly from the
> cost perspective; the $500,000 grant would probably not even cover a year's
> worth of salaries.
> There are some truly excellent ideas on how to manage email harassment
> already in this thread, most particularly those that center on the
> individual users selecting with whom they wish to correspond off-wiki.  I
> think these have a lot of potential to provide support to our volunteers.
> Do keep in mind, though, that a disproportionate number of users who have
> been on the receiving end of email harassment are those who are expected to
> be available via email, and for whom much email would include confidential
> or private information relating to their volunteer tasks: oversighters,
> checkusers, Arbcom members, and in some cases administrators.  It would be
> inappropriate for them to use moderated email.
> Risker/Anne
> ___
> Gendergap mailing list
> Gendergap@lists.wikimedia.org
> To manage your subscription preferences, including unsubscribing, please
> visit:
> https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/gendergap
Gendergap mailing list
To manage your subscription preferences, including unsubscribing, please visit:

Re: [Gendergap] In memory of User:Danveg

2017-01-02 Thread Pine W
Hi Michal and Tsipi,

Thank you for sharing this news, sad as it is. Would you be OK with my
sharing your email broadly, to remind people of the value of being
observant for people who are experiencing personal difficulties and
offering them assistance, including professional resources, in situations
where that might be helpful?



On Mon, Jan 2, 2017 at 12:15 AM, Michal Lester 

> Dear friends,
> We're sorry to inform you that user:DanVag chose to end her life last
> week. User:Danveg was an active editor in HEWK and contributed mostly in
> the subject of gender and transgender issues. She was also an active
> volunteer in TLV Wikiwomen group. She guided newbies at Wikiwomen meetups
> with a lot of patience and kindness.
> As she was part of the transgender community, we urge you to consider
> editing articles about transgender issues in her memory. Please add  the
> articles you edited to this page
> .
> Thank you,
> Tsipi Erann, Wikiwomen group
> Michal Lester, WMIL
> *Regards,*
> *Michal Lester,*
> *Executive DirectorWikimedia Israel*
> *http://www.wikimedia.org.il   *
> *972-50-8996046 ; 972-77-751-6032  *
> ___
> Gendergap mailing list
> Gendergap@lists.wikimedia.org
> To manage your subscription preferences, including unsubscribing, please
> visit:
> https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/gendergap
Gendergap mailing list
To manage your subscription preferences, including unsubscribing, please visit:

[Gendergap] Fwd: [Wikimedia-l] Statement by Wikimedia Board on Healthy Community Culture, Inclusivity, and Safe Spaces

2016-12-08 Thread Pine W
This email might interest others who would like to know what next steps WMF
is considering address this set of issues, in terms of policies, practices,
and technical developments.


-- Forwarded message --
From: Patrick Earley 
Date: Thu, Dec 8, 2016 at 12:30 PM
Subject: Re: [Wikimedia-l] Statement by Wikimedia Board on Healthy
Community Culture, Inclusivity, and Safe Spaces
To: Wikimedia Mailing List 

I want to thank the Board for this letter, and for their focus on this

What specific work should we be doing to make progress around this issue?
Harassment is a complex problem, and there are no easy solutions.  Nor is
there likely to be a single solution; improvement will have to be made
through a number of initiatives and coordinated approaches.

Wikimedia volunteers have offered many different approaches to the problem,
through consultations, workshops, the Inspire campaign, conference
sessions, and discussion. The Support and Safety team has been collating
these ideas, exploring the issue in the broader context of online
communities, and delving into academic research on the topic.

>From these conversations and research, we have identified some
categories/areas for improvement:

   - Better blocking tools and detection - the Wikimedia community works
   hard on the front lines keeping our users safe from harassment, through
   monitoring noticeboards and recent changes for problems, investigating
   “sock” accounts used to abuse contributors, and placing blocks on
   problematic users. Improvements to blocking tools, and the ability to
   detect harassing comments sooner can empower contributors to be more
   effective at these tasks.

   - Reporting and evaluation tools - The current systems for reporting
   harassment are overburdened and can be unclear to users, and there are
   limited tools that admins and stewards can use to evaluate the cases and
   make good decisions. New tools, developed in collaboration with
   functionaries and communities, can improve the experience of reporting,
   investigating and managing harassment cases.

   - Training for better handling of both in-person and online harassment -
   Better training can give contributors the tools and skills to handle
   harassment situations quickly and empathetically, document cases, and
   provide good advice to targets of harassment.

   - Policy and enforcement - Wikimedia communities have developed a
   variety of processes, policies, and approaches to dealing with
   problems.  As a movement, we need to identify which are working well, and
   share those successes. We also need to identify where our approaches are
   not working well, identify the problems, and try new solutions based on
   research and data.

   - Coordination with other platforms on harassment approaches and tools,
   and keeping up with current academic research - Our communities are not
   only ones struggling with the problem of online harassment.  We need to
   work more closely with other platforms, researchers, online communities,
   and experts to make sure we are aware of successful techniques, new
   research, and useful tools.

The above areas are not the only areas where improvement can be made -
right now, contributors are brainstorming other approaches through the
Community Wishlist process.[1]  We also encourage contributors to reach out
to the Support and Safety team at c...@wikimedia.org with ideas, or contact
me privately at pear...@wikimedia.org.

[1] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/2016_Community_Wishlist_Survey

On Thu, Dec 8, 2016 at 12:26 PM, Sydney Poore 

> Thank you Christophe and the rest of the Wikimedia Foundation trustees
> for dedicating time and thought to this important topic.
> I'm optimistic that if we collaborate together as a community we can
> make a difference in the level of harassment on Wikimedia projects and
> maybe even other parts of the internet.
> Sydney
> Sydney Poore
> User:FloNight
> On Thu, Dec 8, 2016 at 3:18 PM, Christophe Henner 
> wrote:
> > Hello everyone,
> >
> > As many of you know, over the past couple of years the Wikimedia
> Foundation
> > has taken a focused look at community health—particularly in regards to
> > harassment. The Foundation's Board has been monitoring and discussing
> this
> > issue over the past year with great interest. We have prepared a
> statement
> > offering our thoughts on this topic, and providing a clear mandate for
> the
> > Foundation’s leadership to fully engage on this issue.
> >
> > Our statement is below and has been posted on Meta-Wiki, where it is set
> up
> > for translation:
> > https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Foundation_
> Board_noticeboard/November_2016_-_Statement_on_Healthy_Community_Culture,_
> Inclusivity,_and_Safe_Spaces
> >
> > Since the Foundation was established, we 

[Gendergap] Job posting: program coordinator for Art+Feminism; 1 year part-time contract; $35/hour

2016-11-29 Thread Pine W
Job posting for those who may be interested:

Gendergap mailing list
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Re: [Gendergap] Katherine Maher speech at MozFest 2016

2016-11-17 Thread Pine W
After listening and reading some comments at the WMF Metrics Meeting today,
I have a few other thoughts. These aren't directed at anyone in particular,
and I hope other people will comment in this discussion.

* With regard to adding, clarifying, or changing rules: the situation may
be different in different wikis. For example, ENWP has a very large and
complicated set of community policies; smaller wikis may have few or no
written policies. I'm reluctant to add to the cobweb of policies on English
Wikipedia, but perhaps for some wikis it would be helpful to set up new
rules that go into greater detail than "be civil".

* At community meetings and conferences I attend, the attendees are almost
unanimously polite and considerate. How can we take that same atmosphere
onto online spaces?

* Would it help to increase the number of administrators on some wikis? If
so, how do we do this in a thoughtful way? There are tradeoffs to be

* How can we help good-faith and competent administrators to feel good
about what they do, and help to motivate them to keep doing it?

* To borrow a comment from Sumana: how do we balance freedom of expression
with hospitality? We tend to be strong proponents of freedom of expression;
can we simultaneously be strong proponents of civility? ("Civility" does
not necessarily mean "free from disagreement"; rather, I'm hoping that we
can have disagreements in a civil manner.)

With those thoughts, I'm going to give myself a vacation from reading
mailing lists for the next few days before I get trouted by Marti for being
here instead of working on LearnWiki. I hope other people will share their
thoughts on this topic.
Gendergap mailing list
To manage your subscription preferences, including unsubscribing, please visit:

Re: [Gendergap] Katherine Maher speech at MozFest 2016

2016-11-17 Thread Pine W
discussion on the talk page.
>> 2. This is already being done.  For reference see Kevin Gorman's comments
>> here: (3) And I would urge anyone who is thinking of responding to this
>> line of discussion to read Kevin's comments carefully first. "For
>> reference, I moderate our Gender Gap mailing list, I seriously regularly
>> receive twenty to thirty emails a week related to Wikipedia-related
>> problems from women who do not want to participate in any of our official
>> processes because of what happens to them when they do."
>> 3. If there are any laws that are not being enforced, I would be
>> interested to know what they are--failing that, what laws should be in
>> place.
>> (1) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Blocking_policy#Protection
>> (2) https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Community_Engagement/Leaders
>> hip_Development_Dialogue
>> (3) https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Danielle_Citron_speaks_at_
>> WikiConference_USA_2015#Question_.231:_Official_Wiki_process
>> _and_banning_all_the_women
>> On Sun, Nov 13, 2016 at 1:36 AM, Pine W <wiki.p...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Thanks for those notes. I'm boldly pinging Katherine here in case she'll
>>> want to respond to these comments.
>>> On the subject of harassment, I was one of the many people today, mainly
>>> administrators and WMF staff, trying to address incidents of compromised
>>> Wikimedia accounts that have happened in the recent past. One of the things
>>> I noticed was how cooperative the (mostly male) loose cohort of people was
>>> in our response to these incidents. It crossed my mind to wonder how we
>>> could take this same civil approach that many of us responding to this
>>> incident seem to share, and propagate that same civility through the
>>> Wikimedia community. I'm not sure that more rules (as Katherine seems to be
>>> implying; correct me if I'm wrong) is the way to make that happen. I don't
>>> think any of us addressing these security incidents acted as we did because
>>> someone told us we were required to do so; we were self-motivated to act as
>>> we did. Rather than setting a floor for behavior with rules and
>>> expectations (which are difficult to define; how does one define
>>> "civility", for example, especially in a multi-cultural, multi-lingual
>>> environment?), I'm wondering if we should instead set aspirational goals,
>>> and emphasize norms rather than rules.
>>> Administrators and other folks in the Wikimedia law-enforcement
>>> establishment can, and do, block people on a regular basis for problematic
>>> behavior. The behavior that Katherine described in her speech is already
>>> against countless Wikimedia rules (and probably some real-life laws), but
>>> unfortunately all of these rules and all of the enforcement from
>>> administrators (who do a lot of enforcement already) is not stopping the
>>> kind of situation that Katherine described in her speech.
>>> Instead of writing yet more expectations and rules, I'd rather see us
>>> look at:
>>> 1. Goals and norms. I think that a way to make progress in that regard
>>> is by better training and acculturation.
>>> 2. Better administrative tools, to help keep out the people that
>>> administrators and other people with enforcement authority have already
>>> decided should be excluded from Wikimedia sites.
>>> 3. Additional real-life legal enforcement in the limited circumstances
>>> where that seems likely to help a situation.
>>> Pine
>>> On Sat, Nov 12, 2016 at 5:02 PM, Neotarf <neot...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Transcript and video of Katherine Maher speaking on "Privacy and
>>>> Harassment on the Internet" at MozFest 2016 is now up on Wikisource.
>>>> https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Katherine_Maher_at_MozFest_2016
>>>> Slides from Maher's Oct 9 keynote at Wikiconference North America 2016
>>>> "Building an Inclusive Movement" are posted on Commons, but I don't believe
>>>> a video is available. https://meta.wikimedia.org/wik
>>>> i/File:WikiConference_North_America_2016_-_Katherine_Maher_k
>>>> eynote_presentation.pdf
>>>> ___
>>>> Gendergap mailing list
>>>> Gendergap@lists.wikimedia.org
>>>> To manage your subscription preferences, including

Re: [Gendergap] Katherine Maher speech at MozFest 2016

2016-11-14 Thread Pine W
Hi Neotarf,

(0) There is a policy that compromised accounts may be blocked; I was
referring to the self-motivation of the people involved in trying to
address, investigate, and mitigate the security problems which includes,
but extends well beyond, temporary blocks of affected accounts. Please keep
in mind that Wikimedia community members have no "affirmative duties" to
involve themselves in most situations; the administrators and other
community members who took action had no one telling them "do this or
else". People were self-motivated to help. Also, I generally believe that
the WMF staff who were involved took action because they wanted to do so,
not merely because it was part of their jobs.

(1) I'm aware of that dialogue. I will be interested to see what emerges.
There are some other training initiatives that have been developed, such as
The Wikipedia Adventure and Wiki Ed's training for students and
instructors; also, WMF Support and Safety is developing a few training
modules about harassment and the handling of private information.

(2) I think we may be talking about different things. I was referring to
technical administrative tools; I think you are referring to community
processes like arbitration. I follow the news about ENWP Arbcom, but try to
stay away from it most of the time. I feel that Arbcom work involves a lot
of drama, and I have a lot of appreciation for the people who volunteer to
serve on Arbcom and try to do a good job.

(3) As I understand the situation with regard to laws about harassment,
outing, and related issues, the problem has as much to do with a lack of
law-enforcement resources as it does with antiquated laws and practices.
Katherine and WMF Legal may be able to comment in more depth. I would like
to see more intervention in the limited circumstances where it might be
helpful, and I hope that there are practical ways to make progress in that

I'm hoping that Katherine will also have some comments.


On Mon, Nov 14, 2016 at 8:01 AM, Neotarf <neot...@gmail.com> wrote:

> @Pine, there are indeed rules for addressing security breeches, "A block
> for protection may be necessary in response to:...an account appearing to
> have been compromised (as an emergency measure), i.e. there is some reason
> to believe the account is being used by someone other than the person who
> registered the account."  This is a policy, not a guideline. (1)
> To address your other points:
> 1. There was just a discussion of this concluded on meta. (2)  If there is
> something else you feel should be covered, it may be worthwhile to start a
> new discussion on the talk page.
> 2. This is already being done.  For reference see Kevin Gorman's comments
> here: (3) And I would urge anyone who is thinking of responding to this
> line of discussion to read Kevin's comments carefully first. "For
> reference, I moderate our Gender Gap mailing list, I seriously regularly
> receive twenty to thirty emails a week related to Wikipedia-related
> problems from women who do not want to participate in any of our official
> processes because of what happens to them when they do."
> 3. If there are any laws that are not being enforced, I would be
> interested to know what they are--failing that, what laws should be in
> place.
> (1) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Blocking_policy#Protection
> (2) https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Community_Engagement/
> Leadership_Development_Dialogue
> (3) https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Danielle_Citron_speaks_
> at_WikiConference_USA_2015#Question_.231:_Official_Wiki_
> process_and_banning_all_the_women
> On Sun, Nov 13, 2016 at 1:36 AM, Pine W <wiki.p...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thanks for those notes. I'm boldly pinging Katherine here in case she'll
>> want to respond to these comments.
>> On the subject of harassment, I was one of the many people today, mainly
>> administrators and WMF staff, trying to address incidents of compromised
>> Wikimedia accounts that have happened in the recent past. One of the things
>> I noticed was how cooperative the (mostly male) loose cohort of people was
>> in our response to these incidents. It crossed my mind to wonder how we
>> could take this same civil approach that many of us responding to this
>> incident seem to share, and propagate that same civility through the
>> Wikimedia community. I'm not sure that more rules (as Katherine seems to be
>> implying; correct me if I'm wrong) is the way to make that happen. I don't
>> think any of us addressing these security incidents acted as we did because
>> someone told us we were required to do so; we were self-motivated to act as
>> we did. Rather than setting a floor for behavior with rules and
>> expectations (w

[Gendergap] Fwd: [Wikimedia-l] Open call for Project Grant proposals (Sep 12-October 11)

2016-09-13 Thread Pine W

-- Forwarded message --
From: Marti Johnson 
Date: Mon, Sep 12, 2016 at 4:34 PM
Subject: [Wikimedia-l] Open call for Project Grant proposals (Sep
12-October 11)
To: Wikimedia Mailing List 

Hi everyone,

The Wikimedia Foundation Project Grants program launches its second open
call today, September 12.  We will be accepting proposals through October
11 for new ideas to improve Wikimedia projects.

Funds are available to support individuals, groups and organizations to
implement new experiments and proven ideas, whether focused on building a
new tool or gadget, organizing a better process on your wiki, researching
an important issue, coordinating an editathon series or providing other
support for community-building.

Ideas from the current Inspire Campaign on addressing harassment are very

Do you have have a good idea, but would like some feedback before
applying?  Put it into the IdeaLab, where volunteers and staff can give you
advice and guidance on how to bring it to life. <
https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:IdeaLab>  Once your idea is ready,
it can be easily migrated into a grant request.

Marti Johnson and I will also be hosting weekly proposals clinics via
Hangouts for real-time discussions about the Project Grants Open Call.
We’ll answer questions and help you make your proposal better.  Dates and
times are as follows:

* Fri, Sep 16, 1400- 1500 UTC

* Tues, Sep 20, 0100 - 0200 UTC

* Wed, Sep 28, 1400 - 1500 UTC

* Tue, Oct 4, 2200 - 2300 UTC

* Tues, Oct 11, 0200 - 0300 UTC

* Tue, Oct 11, 1600 -1700 UTC

Links for Hangouts are available here: <

We are excited to see your grant ideas that will support our community and
make an impact on the future of Wikimedia projects.  Put your idea into
motion, and submit your proposal between September 12 and October 11! <

Please feel free to get in touch with me (mjohn...@wikimedia.org) or Alex
Wang (aw...@wikimedia.org) with questions about getting started with your

Warm regards,


*Marti JohnsonProgram Officer*
*Individual Grants*
*Wikimedia Foundation *
+1 415-839-6885
Skype: Mjohnson_WMF

Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share
 in the sum of all knowledge.  Help us make it
a reality!
Support Wikimedia 
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Unsubscribe: https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimedia-l,

Gendergap mailing list
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[Gendergap] Women in Red wikiproject statistic

2016-09-06 Thread Pine W
A quick note to congratulate the Women in Red wikiproject (
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WikiProject_Women_in_Red). By one
measure Women in Red is the second most active wikiproject on English

Click on https://quarry.wmflabs.org/query/12332 and sort by
"no_bots_count". (:

Gendergap mailing list
To manage your subscription preferences, including unsubscribing, please visit:

[Gendergap] Training bias in machine learning

2016-09-01 Thread Pine W
Perhaps of interest:

"“Histories of discrimination can live on in digital platforms,” Kate
Crawford, a Microsoft researcher, wrote

in The New York Times earlier this year. “And if they go unquestioned, they
become part of the logic of everyday algorithmic systems.”"
Gendergap mailing list
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[Gendergap] Fwd: [GLAM-US] Wikipedians of the Year - Emily Temple-Wood/Rosie Stephenson-Goodnight

2016-06-24 Thread Pine W

Congrats, Emily and Rosie!

-- Forwarded message --
From: "Andrew Lih" 
Date: Jun 24, 2016 06:04
Subject: [GLAM-US] Wikipedians of the Year - Emily Temple-Wood/Rosie
To: "North American Cultural Partnerships" ,
"North American Cultural Partnerships" 

Two US Wikimedians, and GLAM Boot Camp veterans, have been named
Wikipedians of the Year by Jimmy Wales at Wikimania 2016. Wikimedia DC
board member Emily Temple-Wood and Rosie Stephenson-Goodnight, founder of
Wiki Women in Red and The Teahouse.

Congrats to them, and what great year it’s been for US efforts.



GLAM-US mailing list
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[Gendergap] Fwd: [Wikimedia-l] Invitation to upcoming office hours with interim ED

2016-05-06 Thread Pine W
Forwarding two opportunities to ask the interim ED questions about
harrassment, diversity, and anything else. (:

Please note the time correction from Risker: "Just noting that 1700-1800
PDT on Wednesday May 11 is -0100 UTC on
Thursday May 12. Based on the link given, this seems to be when the meeting
will be held."

-- Forwarded message --
From: "Katherine Maher" 
Date: May 4, 2016 17:47
Subject: [Wikimedia-l] Invitation to upcoming office hours with interim ED
To: , , <

Hi everyone,

**Summary: I am delighted to invite you to join me for two upcoming office
hours, where I’ll answer community questions and share updates on the
Foundation’s work.**

It’s been a busy few weeks around the Wikimedia Foundation offices. We
shared our 2016-2017 annual plan, finished our quarterly reviews, and
attended Wikimedia Conference 2016 in Berlin with the Wikimedia affiliates.

In Berlin, I had the chance to do one of my favorite things: sit with
Wikimedians, listen, debate, and plan for the future. Of course, Berlin is
just one gathering, and there are thousands of other perspectives out
there. I want to hear more of these perspectives, and so I’m looking
forward to hosting two office hours over the coming weeks.

We plan to hold a traditional office hours on IRC, and will also experiment
with a video Q We hope these different formats will make it easier for
more people to participate using their preferred communications channels.
We’ve chosen two different time zones, with the goal of reaching as many
people as possible. They are as follows:

*Video session*
*This session will be recorded, and the video will be posted on
Commons/Meta. Due to video conferencing limitations, we encourage advance
Wednesday, 11 May 2016
00:00-1:00 UTC | 17:00-18:00 PDT [2]

*IRC session*
*This session follows the May monthly metrics meeting.[4] Like other office
hours, it will be held in #Wikimedia-office on Freenode.*
Thursday, 26 May 2016
19:00-20:00 UTC | 12:00-13:00 PDT [3]

We’re also collecting questions in advance for those who can’t make either
of those sessions. We’ve created a page on Meta where you can leave
questions or comments, check the details on the location of each session:

Please share this invitation with others you think may be interested!

I look forward to speaking soon,

Translation notice - This message is available for translation on

[1] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Conference_2016
[2] Time converter link:
[3] Time converter link:
[4] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WMF_Metrics_and_activities_meetings

Katherine Maher

Wikimedia Foundation
149 New Montgomery Street
San Francisco, CA 94105

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[Gendergap] NYTimes: "Teaching men to be emotionally honest"

2016-04-06 Thread Pine W
In the context of thinking about training male Wikipedians (particularly
male administrators) in interpersonal, teamwork and leadership skills, I
thought that this was an interesting read:

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[Gendergap] Article in The New Yorker: "A Feminist Edit-a-Thon Seeks to Reshape Wikipedia"

2016-03-11 Thread Pine W
Forwarding an article that others may find interesting:

Have a good weekend,

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Re: [Gendergap] Gendergap Digest, Vol 62, Issue 1

2016-03-03 Thread Pine W

The chapters and thematic organizations are nominating people for the
chapter-selected WMF Board seats. See

The searches for an interim WMF ED and a long-term WMF ED have had few
specifics published about them so far. I am anticipating that a current or
former WMF senior manager will get the interim ED role, and that the Board
will prioritize speed in making this selection. I anticipate little
community involvement in that selection because of the need for speed.

For the selection process of the long-term ED, I hope that there will be
meaningful opportunities for community participation.

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[Gendergap] "How Does Gender Affect One's Willingness To Compete?"

2016-03-01 Thread Pine W
I heard this clip on NPR today and think that others on this list might be


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[Gendergap] Fwd: Thank yous and video recordings for the Wikipedia 15 joint celebrations (SF, NYC, and Seattle)

2016-01-16 Thread Pine W
Forwarding video links (:

-- Forwarded message --
From: Pine W <wiki.p...@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Jan 16, 2016 at 6:43 PM
Subject: Thank yous and video recordings for the Wikipedia 15 joint
celebrations (SF, NYC, and Seattle)

Video links to Youtube (Commons uploads will happen in the near future, I

* Welcome and lightning talks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGhxEpowM6A
* "Wikipedia's content gender gap":
* "Stories from the weird old days":
* Panel discussion "The impact of 15 years of Wikipedia":

Here's to the next 15 years!

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Re: [Gendergap] Fwd: [libraries] Why GLAM Wiki:

2015-12-18 Thread Pine W
Thanks Jane. Forwarding to the GLAM lists.


On Fri, Dec 18, 2015 at 5:40 AM, Jane Darnell  wrote:

> forwarding to this list
> -- Forwarded message --
> From: Bob Kosovsky 
> Date: Fri, Dec 18, 2015 at 2:00 PM
> Subject: [libraries] Why GLAM Wiki:
> To: Wikimedia & Libraries 
> Nice post on ACRL's blog about one person's change in perspective by
> participation in the Art+Feminism edit-a-thon:
> http://acrlog.org/2015/12/15/why-glam-wiki-wikipedia-and-galleries-libraries-archives-and-museums/
> --
> Bob Kosovsky, Ph.D. -- Curator, Rare Books and Manuscripts,
> Music Division, The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts
> blog:  http://www.nypl.org/blog/author/44   Twitter: @kos2
>  Listowner: OPERA-L ; SMT-ANNOUNCE ; SoundForge-users
> - My opinions do not necessarily represent those of my institutions -
> ___
> Libraries mailing list
> librar...@lists.wikimedia.org
> https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/libraries
> ___
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> Gendergap@lists.wikimedia.org
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[Gendergap] "The Pie is Rotten: Re-Evaluating Tech Feminism in 2016"

2015-12-17 Thread Pine W
I think this might interest some members on this list:
It would be interesting to hear responses to the article.

One of my personal hopes is that technologies and tech organizations
promote meritocracy and enhance well-being of their employees and society.
One harsh alternative is that they create crushing technological
bureaucracies and consolidate opportunities inside of a relatively small
number of people and organizations, while those less fortunate are left out
in the cold.

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Re: [Gendergap] [Gender Gap] Call for Participation in Study on Wiki Women

2015-11-17 Thread Pine W
Hi Danielle,
Has this research project been reviewed by the Wikimedia Foundation's
Research Committee? If not, I suggest that you contact them. More than one
research project on Wikipedia has run into problems, so I think that
consulting with RCom would be wise. You can find some info about RCom at


On Mon, Nov 16, 2015 at 12:38 PM, Danielle J McDonald 

> Hi all,
> I'm currently conducting some research on self-identified women editors
> and their experiences on Wikipedia. I know that there have been a few
> studies on Wiki/GG swirling around lately, but there's still so much more
> that needs to be known about the experiences of Wiki women. This
> information is vital to making Wikipedia a more inclusive place!
> If you are an editor who 1) self-identifies as a woman in Wikipedia, 2)
> has been actively editing for 3+ years, and 3) would be willing to be
> interviewed about your experiences, please consider participating. The
> interview would take place over Skype, phone, or email, and your
> involvement would be voluntary, confidential, and much appreciated! For
> more information or to participate in the study, please email Danielle at
> mcdon...@purdue.edu.
> Warm regards,
> Danielle Corple
> Research Assistant, Susan Bulkeley Butler Center for Leadership Excellence
> Graduate Teaching Assistant, Brian Lamb School of Communication
> Purdue University
> Office: Beering 2167
> ___
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> Gendergap@lists.wikimedia.org
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[Gendergap] Evaluation report: under what conditions are US university students likely to edit Wikipedia?

2015-11-15 Thread Pine W
Recent info thanks to Wiki Ed and WMF Eval that will inform future
endeavors at Cascadia Wikimedians:


Comments welcome!

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Re: [Gendergap] [Wiki-research-l] abuse and online game communities

2015-11-13 Thread Pine W
Very interesting article, thanks Toby. Forwarding this on.

I particularly like this paragraph: "As a result of these governance
systems changing online cultural norms, incidences of homophobia, sexism
and racism in League of Legends have fallen to a combined 2 percent of all
games. Verbal abuse has dropped by more than 40 percent, and 91.6 percent
of negative players change their act and never commit another offense after
just one reported penalty."


On Fri, Nov 13, 2015 at 1:06 PM, Toby Negrin  wrote:

> Although this is probably less research-y than usual posts to this list
> but I thought the use of ML to analyze a community curated corpus of
> positive and negative online behavior was interesting:
> http://recode.net/2015/07/07/doing-something-about-the-impossible-problem-of-abuse-in-online-games/
> -Toby
> ___
> Wiki-research-l mailing list
> wiki-researc...@lists.wikimedia.org
> https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wiki-research-l
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Re: [Gendergap] Request for advice about editathons

2015-11-08 Thread Pine W
Hi Keilana, Lennart and J,

Thanks for the feedback. Based on your suggestions, if we try this again,
we might try moving to weekend dates and slowing our cadence to alternate

We're hoping that the University of Washington Libraries will identify
someone on their staff who they're already funding and would be interested
in accepting a Wikimedian-in-Residence role. If this happens then perhaps
one of the WiR's roles can be to lead these events. Alternatively, with
Cascadia Wikimeidans slowly but surely growing our number of regular
Wikimedians, perhaps one of our members will want to take on UW editathons
as his or her main project.

Another question that I have is about scaling. We're scaling quite slowly
and incrementally overall, but have had zero growth in the past 12 months
with our number of regular female attendees. I'm told that very slow growth
is normal for affiliates. I'd like to see us grow our numbers, which in
turn would enable us to do more outreach events and generate a positive
feedback loop. Any suggestions about how to make that happen, particularly
with potential female contributors who are very underrepresented among our
population of regular attendees?

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[Gendergap] Request for advice about editathons

2015-11-06 Thread Pine W
Hi GG mailing list and Maria from WMF Eval,

Cascadia Wikimedians ran a series of editathons at the University of
Washington with themes like "Women and astronomy" and "Women and Health
Sciences". We did some communications through the University's Facebook
pages and mailing lists. While we had regular attendance from veteran
Wikipedians and from university librarians, we had very little attendance
from current students on campus who we had hoped would attend.

I heard from a female undergraduate that there was buzz and interest on
campus in what we were doing, but few people took the next step of coming
to one of our events.

Another comment I heard at Wikiconference USA is that university editathons
are most successful if there's a current undergraduate on campus who is
interested and recruits their friends. In the absence of that, the
university editathon model tends to have mediocre outcomes.

Any suggestions about how to increase attendance if we decide to try this
again in the future?

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[Gendergap] Some comments on recent civility and diversity discussion trends

2015-10-25 Thread Pine W
I'm glad to see the uptick in the number of high profile gender gap
discussions in the past few months. I hope that this will give the theme
some momentum that leads to meaningful improvements in the civility on
Wikimedia and a variety of our community health statistics.

There's a piece in the NYTimes about Ruth Ginsburg, a jurist on the US
Supreme Court, that may be of some interest to members of this mailing
list. While I have varying views of her court decisions, I think the
overview of her leadership methodology is relevant to our discussions here.

See also the editorial in today's Signpost. Gamaliel goes a little further
in some of his statements than I would have, but I'm glad to see this
editorial appear shortly after Frank Schulenburg's editorial about civility.

I'm also hoping that the WMF maneuvering to address the harassment issue
will start to show results soon.

So, I'd say the trend in the public dialogue gives cause for hope.

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Re: [Gendergap] Eligibility to vote in arbcom elections - and encouragement to do if you have not yet

2015-10-20 Thread Pine W
I agree with Kevin on most points. However I would point out that WMF has
overruled community decisions on multiple occasions, and Jimbo also can
theoretically override Arbcom, so for better and for worse, Arbcom is not
always ENWP's binding authority. I am hopeful that, with the new
composition of the WMF board this year, we will continue to see an
improving relationship between WMF and the community.

Please do participate and vote in the elections.

On Oct 20, 2015 5:19 PM, "Kevin Gorman"  wrote:

> Hi all -
> I'll be circulating this to multiple lists, in part to ensure that
> everyone is aware of both the importance and ability of ENWP's
> arbitration committee, and in part to ensure that everyone who is
> eligible to vote is aware that they are eligible to vote, and aware
> that their votes are anonymous - and aware of how significantly they
> can count.  Although oppose votes do carry more weight than neutral
> votes or support votes, in our last tranche of elections (which had a
> steep decline in voters from previous elections,) an arbitrator was
> elected with only 227 support votes, and a total of only 593 votes
> cast in relation to that arb in general.
> The arbitration committee has, for all practical purposes, binding
> decision making ability on all matter that come before the English
> Wikipedia.  For members of that committee to have been elected on the
> basis of only 227 support votes seems (sorry to the arb in question
> for using him as an example) absolutely bizarre to me.  The
> arbitration committee is the body ultimately responsible for ensuring
> the health of ENWP's community, including on issues of gender,
> harrassment, and everything else.  I'm not going to suggest who you
> vote for (especially because another three weeks of nominations are
> coming in,) but if you are concerned about the state of ENWP's
> community, please take the minimal time necessary to scrutinize
> candidate statements and cast your anonymous votes according to those
> candidates who you believe are most likely to represent your
> interests.
> In comparison with the 227 positive votes and the 593 total votes that
> an arbitrator was actually elected with last year, this list alone has
> over 400 members, most of whom are eligible to vote in arbcom
> elections.  Again, I'll be circulating this (or a very similar
> message) around to multiple other lists, and won't be making direct
> suggestions or endorsements of candidates on-list, although I may
> compile a voter candidate guide on-wiki when all nominations are in.
> If you meet the fairly minimal requirements to ote, please take the
> fairly minimal time out of your day once elections start to cast your
> anonymous votes in favor of the candidates who best supports your
> interests and the interests of the community - and I know that even on
> this list, there are certainly people who will disagree with me about
> what candidates will be represent the interests of the community, and
> am totally fine with that - vote how you want to vote.  But vote!
> ENWP's final ruling body shouldn't be determined by a small fraction
> of eligible voters who will all be effected by the decisions our next
> arbcom makes:
> These are literally the only requirements to vote in the English
> Arbcom's upcoming elections:
> "(i) has registered an account before 28 October 2015
> (ii) has made at least 150 mainspace edits before 1 November 2015
> and,(iii) is not blocked from the English Wikipedia at the time of
> their vote.
> (iii) is not blocked from the English Wikipedia at the time of their vote."
> If you meet those requirements, please consider the candidates and
> their position statements and their answers to questions, and vote for
> whatever candidates best think represent how you would like the future
> of ENWP's community to be.
> Best,
> Kevin Gorman
> ___
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> Gendergap@lists.wikimedia.org
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Re: [Gendergap] Linux's culture problem

2015-10-10 Thread Pine W
Update: remote participation appears to be unlikely at this point. We would
need a room like a WMF video conference room or the great room used for the
monthly metrics meetings.

On Oct 8, 2015 7:41 PM, "Pine W" <wiki.p...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Maybe! Those of us who are planning to help with recording sessions cam
> discuss that with the organizing team once we are all in the same building.
> Pine
> On Oct 8, 2015 1:11 PM, "Moriel Schottlender" <mor...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Is there going to be a way to join remotely? I'd love to do that if
>> possible.
>> On Oct 8, 2015 12:39 PM, "Pine W" <wiki.p...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> FWIW, some of us attending WCONUSA are hoping to have an unconference
>>> session about incentivizing desirable user behaviors on ENWP, and I imagine
>>> that some portions of that discussion will be extensible to other habitats
>>> in the Wikimedia ecosystem. If anyone in this conversation online would
>>> like to join us at the unconference, please do.
>>> Pine
>>> ___
>>> Gendergap mailing list
>>> Gendergap@lists.wikimedia.org
>>> To manage your subscription preferences, including unsubscribing, please
>>> visit:
>>> https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/gendergap
>> ___
>> Gendergap mailing list
>> Gendergap@lists.wikimedia.org
>> To manage your subscription preferences, including unsubscribing, please
>> visit:
>> https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/gendergap
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Re: [Gendergap] Linux's culture problem

2015-10-08 Thread Pine W
Maybe! Those of us who are planning to help with recording sessions cam
discuss that with the organizing team once we are all in the same building.

On Oct 8, 2015 1:11 PM, "Moriel Schottlender" <mor...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Is there going to be a way to join remotely? I'd love to do that if
> possible.
> On Oct 8, 2015 12:39 PM, "Pine W" <wiki.p...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> FWIW, some of us attending WCONUSA are hoping to have an unconference
>> session about incentivizing desirable user behaviors on ENWP, and I imagine
>> that some portions of that discussion will be extensible to other habitats
>> in the Wikimedia ecosystem. If anyone in this conversation online would
>> like to join us at the unconference, please do.
>> Pine
>> ___
>> Gendergap mailing list
>> Gendergap@lists.wikimedia.org
>> To manage your subscription preferences, including unsubscribing, please
>> visit:
>> https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/gendergap
> ___
> Gendergap mailing list
> Gendergap@lists.wikimedia.org
> To manage your subscription preferences, including unsubscribing, please
> visit:
> https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/gendergap
Gendergap mailing list
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Re: [Gendergap] Linux's culture problem

2015-10-08 Thread Pine W
FWIW, some of us attending WCONUSA are hoping to have an unconference
session about incentivizing desirable user behaviors on ENWP, and I imagine
that some portions of that discussion will be extensible to other habitats
in the Wikimedia ecosystem. If anyone in this conversation online would
like to join us at the unconference, please do.

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Re: [Gendergap] Linux's culture problem

2015-10-07 Thread Pine W
I wish that we had a proven solution for that kind of issue in online
communities in general. It's quite disappointing. Thanks for forwarding
that post.

On Oct 7, 2015 6:44 AM, "Jason Radford"  wrote:

> I think folks here will understand this story.
> http://sarah.thesharps.us/2015/10/05/closing-a-door/
> ___
> Gendergap mailing list
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Re: [Gendergap] Meeting at the Wikiconference?

2015-10-05 Thread Pine W
As part of the highly unofficial video crew for the conference, please LMK
off-list if you want video coverage of the meetup or any presentations.
There will be a few of us with video equipment; our deployment to specific
conference sessions and meetups is TBD.

On Mon, Oct 5, 2015 at 11:41 AM, Katherine Casey <
fluffernutter.w...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I will be there in my WMF staff capacity and I would love for there to be
> a gendergap meetup! I'm busy from dinnertime onwards on Saturday 10/10, but
> other than that I can make time for whenever works for people. A lunchtime
> meetup sounds like a good place to start.
> -Karen/Fluffernutter
> On Sun, Oct 4, 2015 at 4:49 PM, Francesca Tripodi 
> wrote:
>> Hello list members!
>> I am not sure if any of you are planning on attending the upcoming
>> conference in DC but it would be wonderful we we could organize a meet up
>> for those who might be coming. In taking a look at the schedule it seems
>> that lunch will be served on the first day. Perhaps we could plan to meet
>> and eat together during this time (either at the conference or venturing to
>> another location)?
>> http://wikiconferenceusa.org/wiki/2015/Schedule
>> I am a graduate student working on how women and minorities are silenced
>> in participatory media spaces and I'd love the chance to speak with more of
>> you "off line" about your experiences.
>> Safe travels to those attending -
>> --
>> Francesca Tripodi, PhD Candidate (Sociology)
>> PhD Intern | Office of the Dean of Students
>> ftripodi.com
>> ___
>> Gendergap mailing list
>> Gendergap@lists.wikimedia.org
>> To manage your subscription preferences, including unsubscribing, please
>> visit:
>> https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/gendergap
> --
> Karen Brown
> user:Fluffernutter
> *Unless otherwise specified, any email sent from this address is in my
> volunteer capacity and does not represent the views or wishes of the
> Wikimedia Foundation*
> ___
> Gendergap mailing list
> Gendergap@lists.wikimedia.org
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[Gendergap] Ada Lovelace Day on October 13th

2015-09-26 Thread Pine W
Ada Lovelace Day will be on October 13th this year.

Crisco 1492  has
selected a relevant
POTD for English Wikipedia for that day:

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[Gendergap] Post in the Wikimedia Blog: women, science and Wikipedia

2015-09-25 Thread Pine W
In case others are interested:

“It’s addicting, editing Wikipedia. It’s just something I love to do”:
Paulina Sanchez.

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[Gendergap] Blog post and video related to Wikipedia coverage of women scientists

2015-09-01 Thread Pine W
FYI: https://blog.wikimedia.org/2015/08/31/funding-projects-pizza-grants/

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[Gendergap] Fwd: WikiConference USA coming in October 2015

2015-08-06 Thread Pine W

-- Forwarded message --
Hi Wikimedians,

WikiConference USA 2015 will be held *October 9–11* at the U.S. National
Archives in Washington, D.C.

Registration and scholarship applications are open. Session proposals may
be submitted.

Website: http://wikiconferenceusa.org

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Re: [Gendergap] Fwd: Announcing the shutdown of the Ada Initiative

2015-08-05 Thread Pine W
Hi Val,

Would it be possible for Ada to copy many of its materials to Wikisource,
where hopefully they can be reused indefinitely? I have some other options
in mind that could also work depending on the licensing.


On Tue, Aug 4, 2015 at 12:30 PM, Valerie Aurora vale...@adainitiative.org

 Hi all,

 Thanks for the kind words, Pine!

 When it comes to Wikimedia projects and the Ally Skills Workshops, I will
 be starting a for-profit consulting business doing the Ally Skills
 Workshops and would be quite happy to continue the Wikimedia admin training
 through that avenue if the community decides it is useful. Wikimedia
 affiliates would be very useful in supporting and hosting this training.


 On Tue, Aug 4, 2015 at 10:58 AM, Pine W wiki.p...@gmail.com wrote:

 I am sorry to hear about this news. My impression as an outsider is that
 the Ada Initiative was doing good work, and I had hoped to participate in
 an ally skills workshop someday.

 I would like to think that the Wikimedia affiliates are collectively
 supportive of women in tech, including Wikimedia technical and content
 contributors. This theme is important to our collective interest in
 disseminating human knowledge of and for everyone.

 Is there anything that the Wikimedia affiliates can do to continue the
 Ada Initiative's good work as it relates to Wikimedia and open knowledge?


 Gendergap mailing list
 To manage your subscription preferences, including unsubscribing, please

 Valerie Aurora
 Interim Executive Director

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Re: [Gendergap] Fwd: Announcing the shutdown of the Ada Initiative

2015-08-05 Thread Pine W
OK. I'm getting database errors from several web pages like

Also, is the CC BY SA license noted somewhere? I just see © 2011–2015 Ada
Initiative on the bottom of the homepage.



On Wed, Aug 5, 2015 at 4:04 PM, Valerie Aurora vale...@adainitiative.org

 They will continue to be hosted on our web site indefinitely, and the
 licenses are all CC BY-SA so you may also copy them to Wikisource if
 you would like.


 On Wed, Aug 5, 2015 at 2:48 PM, Pine W wiki.p...@gmail.com wrote:
  Hi Val,
  Would it be possible for Ada to copy many of its materials to Wikisource,
  where hopefully they can be reused indefinitely? I have some other
  in mind that could also work depending on the licensing.
  On Tue, Aug 4, 2015 at 12:30 PM, Valerie Aurora 
  Hi all,
  Thanks for the kind words, Pine!
  When it comes to Wikimedia projects and the Ally Skills Workshops, I
  be starting a for-profit consulting business doing the Ally Skills
  and would be quite happy to continue the Wikimedia admin training
  that avenue if the community decides it is useful. Wikimedia affiliates
  would be very useful in supporting and hosting this training.
  On Tue, Aug 4, 2015 at 10:58 AM, Pine W wiki.p...@gmail.com wrote:
  I am sorry to hear about this news. My impression as an outsider is
  the Ada Initiative was doing good work, and I had hoped to participate
 in an
  ally skills workshop someday.
  I would like to think that the Wikimedia affiliates are collectively
  supportive of women in tech, including Wikimedia technical and content
  contributors. This theme is important to our collective interest in
  disseminating human knowledge of and for everyone.
  Is there anything that the Wikimedia affiliates can do to continue the
  Ada Initiative's good work as it relates to Wikimedia and open
  Gendergap mailing list
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  Valerie Aurora
  Interim Executive Director
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  Gendergap mailing list
  To manage your subscription preferences, including unsubscribing, please

 Valerie Aurora
 Interim Executive Director

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 To manage your subscription preferences, including unsubscribing, please

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[Gendergap] Fwd: [Social-media] Wikipedia and the Fashion Weeks: A Look at Usage Patterns

2015-08-04 Thread Pine W
I think there was at least one fashion week Wikipedia editathon in Europe a
year or two ago. I wonder if anyone would be interested in having more of
them, in Seattle or elsewhere.

-- Forwarded message --
From: Joe Sutherland jsutherl...@wikimedia.org
Date: Aug 4, 2015 10:08 AM
Subject: [Social-media] Wikipedia and the Fashion Weeks: A Look at Usage
To: Social media discussion list for Wikimedia projects 

A cool, if a bit technical, blog post from data analyst Abraham
Mathew about Wikipedia statistics during Fashion Weeks.

The original post is on Abraham Mathew's personal blog:

It was also syndicated to popular R blog Rbloggers:

Advice on which to use would be appreciated :)

*Possible social (Twitter):*
• Data analyst @abmathewks looks at Wikipedia page view trends during
Fashion Week. [link]

*FB/G+: *
• Data analyst Abraham Mathew makes some interesting findings in Wikipedia
page view statistics during several Fashion Week events. [link]

*Joe Sutherland*
Communications Intern [remote]
m: +44 (0) 7722 916 433 | t: @jrbsu http://twitter.com/jrbsu | w:
JSutherland https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:JSutherland_(WMF)

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Re: [Gendergap] Help us fill the Ally Skills Workshop at Wikimania!

2015-07-07 Thread Pine W
I'd just thought that I would note that WMF's Community Dept said recently
that anti-harassment initatives will be a focus for them in their goals for
this quarter.

Also, I would like to ask about the reach of this initiative. If the pilot
is deemed a success, would it make sense to offer online workshops instead
of, or in addition to, more expensive and logistically complicated
in-person workshops? I do believe that there can be important benefits from
in-person workshops, but with thousands of globally distributed Wikimedians
the only practical ways to reach the majority of highly active Wikimedians
is to offer online training, perhaps supplemented by in-person workshops
that are led by Wikimedia affiliate staff or volunteers who receive the
proposed train-the-trainer instruction. The train-the-trainer instruction
could be offered online or at events like Wikimainia and the Wikimedia


On Jul 6, 2015 10:36 PM, Risker risker...@gmail.com wrote:

 Thank you, Val.  I don't know many people who are planning to attend
 Wikimania and who don't already have something scheduled at the same time
 (I will be in a different closed session at the same time), but I have
 reached out as best I can.

 It occurs to me that, although the main thrust will be supporting women
 who edit, many of the same techniques that can be used to support women can
 be used to support *all* editors. While women on the internet are known to
 be more likely to be subjected to certain types of online harassment and
 trolling, I've seen similar behaviour directed to trans editors, gay
 editors, straight male editors too.


 On 6 July 2015 at 22:23, Valerie Aurora vale...@adainitiative.org wrote:

 Hey folks,

 We really appreciate everyone's concern and help with the Ally Skills
 Workshop! Some answers to questions or concerns on this thread:

 1. We are working to get the workshop into the programme.
 2. The workshop is on the Wikimania wiki here:
 3. The workshop is about half-full, and we would appreciate you
 inviting people to apply using the above link.


 On Mon, Jul 6, 2015 at 5:54 PM, Risker risker...@gmail.com wrote:
  This is a bit of a problem, as I see it.  While it is invitation only
  at this point, there is no feedback about what percentage of the
  seats are taken), the very limited advertising is not targeting people
  are actually going to be at Wikimania.  Now, it could be that all the
  are full, in which case no further advertising is needed.  But attaching
  this to Wikimania and then not bothering to take advantage of the
  advertising power of Wikimania wiki at least does not seem terribly
  There are several sessions that will occur that are strictly
  invitation-only, but those invitations are much more narrowly focused
  the potential invitees have been communicated with much more directly.
  Perhaps Valerie or someone else directly involved in the seminar can
  if all the seats are full and, if not, how many more applicants they are
  On 6 July 2015 at 19:53, J Hayes slowki...@gmail.com wrote:
  it's not on the programme
  it's invitation only
  On Mon, Jul 6, 2015 at 4:46 AM, Chris Keating 
  Hi Valerie,
  Is the workshop listed on the Wikimania programme? I can't see it.
  (Great that this is happening, though!)
  On Wed, Jun 24, 2015 at 9:35 PM, Valerie Aurora
  vale...@adainitiative.org wrote:
  Hi long-suffering Gender Gap list members,
  I have good news! Thanks to the hard work of many of the people on
  this list, the WMF funded a grant to run a pilot Ally Skills Workshop
  at Wikimania in July:
  The Ally Skills Workshop teaches men simple, everyday ways to support
  women in their communities. This workshop will be laser-focused on
  techniques that work specifically in Wikipedia and related projects,
  including how to use existing policies and suggestions for advocating
  for new policies. It will also teach people about the mindset of
  trolls and what strategies work best for foiling them.
  If it goes well, we'll apply for another WMF grant to run a
  train-the-trainers, with the end goal of teaching the workshop to
  of the Wikipedia admins around the world. The goal is to get them
  educated and wised up to the sexist tactics often used against women
  editors, women's bios, and women's causes on Wikipedia.
  If you are going, or if you know someone who would be a good person
  attend this workshop, please sign up or encourage them to sign up!
  can also retweet the 

[Gendergap] Fwd: [Social-media] Wikimania and the differences between online and offline cultures

2015-05-14 Thread Pine W
Forwarding an interesting blog post in which the author shares thoughts
about the Wikimedia communities, including the editor engagement roles and
attributes of offline meetups for Wikimedians. Some of this blog post might
also be relevant for those who are involved in thinking about creating a
project-wide friendly space policy.


-- Forwarded message --
From: Andrew Sherman asher...@wikimedia.org
Date: Tue, May 12, 2015 at 11:18 PM
Subject: [Social-media] Wikimania and the differences between online and
offline cultures
To: lio...@scheepmans.be, Social media discussion list for Wikimedia
projects social-me...@lists.wikimedia.org

Hello Everyone,

We just published Wikimania and the differences between online and offline
cultures to the blog. URL:


Thanks to Lionel for writing and helping us edit this post.

Below are some proposed social media messages. Tweak as needed.

*Twitter (@wikimedia/@wikipedia):*

• .@Wikimania, @Wikipedia and the differences between online and offline
culture (link)

• A French anthropologist observes the differences between online and
offline participation at @Wikimania (link)


• A French anthropologist observes the differences between online and
offline participation in the Wikimedia movement, based on a visit to the
Wikimania 2014 conference in London. (link)


Andrew Sherman
Digital Communications | Wikimedia Foundation

*E:* asher...@wikimedia.org
*WMF:* ASherman (WMF) https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:ASherman_(WMF)

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[Gendergap] Fwd: [Wikimedia-l] WMF Communications is looking for interns!

2015-04-21 Thread Pine W
Forwarding internship recruiting announcement from WMF Communications.
Please forward to current students and others who would be interested in


*This is an Encyclopedia* https://www.wikipedia.org/

*One gateway to the wide garden of knowledge, where lies The deep rock of
our past, in which we must delve The well of our future,The clear water we
must leave untainted for those who come after us,The fertile earth, in
which truth may grow in bright places, tended by many hands,And the broad
fall of sunshine, warming our first steps toward knowing how much we do not

*—Catherine Munro*

-- Forwarded message --
From: Juliet Barbara jbarb...@wikimedia.org
Date: Mon, Apr 20, 2015 at 8:24 PM
Subject: [Wikimedia-l] WMF Communications is looking for interns!
To: wikimedi...@lists.wikimedia.org

Hi everyone,

The WMF Communications team is recruiting interns for summer 2015! We’re
currently evaluating candidates and welcome any qualified individuals to
apply. Strong candidates have a deep appreciation for the Wikimedia
mission, excellent communications skills, and an interest in the field of
Communications. We encourage any community members to also share their
usernames and their favorite projects.

Open positions with links to job descriptions can be found below. To apply,
click the “Apply Now” button at the top right of the job description. We
strongly encourage a cover letter in addition to a resume. Internships last
at least three months and we are open to remote interns.

Communications Intern

Multimedia Storytelling Intern

Design Intern

Social Media Intern

Research and Insights Intern

Feel free to pass this along to anyone who might be interested.



*Juliet Barbara*
Senior Communications Manager I Wikimedia Foundation
149 New Montgomery Street I San Francisco, CA 94105
jbarb...@wikimedia.org I +1 (512) 750-5677
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Re: [Gendergap] Article: Wikipedia trolls now vs. women architects

2015-04-17 Thread Pine W
Yes, ask Leigh. I heard previously that Spanish Wikipedia has some eager
deletionists, as English.Wikipedia does also.

On Apr 17, 2015 6:20 AM, J Hayes slowki...@gmail.com wrote:

 maybe a note to leigh themadattar User:Thelmadatter?

 who was mentioned in a blog

 good reason to go to wikimania

 On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 9:09 AM, Neotarf neot...@gmail.com wrote:

 Does anyone know what's going on with the Spanish Wikipedia?  The last
 two articles I created, of Laxmi_Aggarwal and Maha Al Muneef--women who
 have been awarded the International Women of Courage Award--have been
 nominated for speedy deletion as not being encyclopedic. See my talk page
 http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usuario_discusi%C3%B3n:Neotarf.  My
 article on the award itself http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mujer_coraje
 remains untouched, but you can see the only articles that remain as blue
 links are of Hispanic women.

 On Tue, Apr 14, 2015 at 4:22 AM, Jane Darnell jane...@gmail.com wrote:

 Interesting, thanks for the links! We also now have mix-n-match and
 Charles Matthews has matched the complete Oxford Dictionary of National
 Biography, With autolist I could probably look at those male-female ratios
 per occupation. Might be interesting. I don't know how to get at the
 deleted  recreated data though

 On Mon, Apr 13, 2015 at 8:01 PM, Joseph Reagle joseph.2...@reagle.org

 On 04/13/2015 01:18 PM, Jane Darnell wrote:
  Actually I think it would be useful to measure all existing female
  vs all existing male bios for the proportion of those which have been
  previously deleted and recreated. I have a theory that it is much more
  difficult to create bios of females in whatever category due to the
  systemic academic bias aginst including women's biographies in the
  of reliable sources mostly used in Wikipedia. I would be especially
  interested in comparison of male-female ration of bios in established
  dictionaries of biography and how these compare to Wikipedia, and of
  those, how many such bios were previously deleted on Wikipedia and

 Hi Jane, I've done comparative work on coverage bias in biographies
 between WP and Britannica [1]. I've also shared my data [2] with an
 author of [3] who is extending that  analysis to include structural,
 lexical, and visibility bias. I think addressing deletion and recreation
 wouldn't be too hard...

 [1]: http://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/view/777/631
 [2]: http://reagle.org/joseph/2010/06/gender/results
 [3]: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1501.06307v1.pdf

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Re: [Gendergap] Inspire Campaign Proposal: Request for Feedback

2015-04-14 Thread Pine W
Hi Hahahammond,

I like the idea of figuring out what Pinterest is doing well and attempting
to attract some of its users to Wikimedia.

Because of the visual nature of Pinterest, I wonder if VisualEditor would
be helpful in this case. I also think that you might try encouraging
uploads and categorization work on Commons.

I am less clear on the financial details of this proposal, but I'm sure the
grants committee can work that out with you.

On Apr 14, 2015 9:03 AM, bored with boards boredwithboa...@gmail.com

 Hi everyone,

 I would really love your feedback on my Inspire Grant proposal, Bored
 with Boards: Attract Pinterest Users to Wikipedia

 The project would entail initiating a match-making program between
 Wikipedia articles and women who are actively engaged in content creation
 and evaluation on female-dominated social networks, such as Pinterest.

 Thanks a lot!
 Bored with Boards
 (a.k.a. user:Hahahammond)

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[Gendergap] Some motivation (:

2015-03-25 Thread Pine W
Quoted from the publicly logged #wikimedia-office IRC channel, and emailing
with the consent of Emily:

[17:14:19] harej Finnegan: or in emily's case, there are not enough
articles on women scientists. this is an outrage to us.

[17:15:19] Finnegan i am now enjoying a mental image of her delivering a
podium-pounding speech to rouse the feminists

[17:15:52] marktraceur I want you to get up, walk to your windows, throw

[17:15:54] ragesoss DOWN WITH THE PATRIARCHY

[17:16:46] Finnegan marktraceur: i think you honestly just summarized her
operating philosophy. If only everyone could channel their anger like

I thought (and apparently other people do as well!) that Emily's approach
is quite motivational! (:


*This is an Encyclopedia* https://www.wikipedia.org/

*One gateway to the wide garden of knowledge, where lies The deep rock of
our past, in which we must delve The well of our future,The clear water we
must leave untainted for those who come after us,The fertile earth, in
which truth may grow in bright places, tended by many hands,And the broad
fall of sunshine, warming our first steps toward knowing how much we do not

*—Catherine Munro*
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Re: [Gendergap] FW: [Social-media] Blog post: Meet some of the women who contribute to Wikipedia

2015-03-06 Thread Pine W
I don't think that is Fabrice's intent. What edits would you suggest?

On Mar 6, 2015 4:46 PM, Katherine Casey fluffernutter.w...@gmail.com

 I might be a little punch-drunk from all the gender drama lately,
 but...meet some of the women who edit Wikipedia! sounds more like an
 introduction to a speed-dating event to me than what is presumably intended
 to be a demystification/de-othering blog post. Come meet some women isn't
 exactly a phrase that comes without baggage, culturally speaking, and it
 makes me wince to see female editors being announced in a tone that makes
 them sound like exotic zoo animals.

 On Fri, Mar 6, 2015 at 7:36 PM, Pine W wiki.p...@gmail.com wrote:

 Forwarding to the Gendergap list in case others are interested, and
 forwarding to Jason and Peaceray in case they want to share this blog post
 at the Art and Feminism event in Portland, Oregon (Cascadia territory!)
 this weekend.


 On Mar 6, 2015 4:24 PM, Fabrice Florin fflo...@wikimedia.org wrote:

 Looks like the link below still had the inspire story URL in the HTML.

 Here is the correct link in plain text:


 Enjoy … and have a wonderful weekend!


 On Mar 6, 2015, at 4:22 PM, Fabrice Florin fflo...@wikimedia.org

 Hello social media team,

 We just published a roundup of some of the women who contribute to
 Wikipedia on the blog:


 Many thanks to Andrew, Victor, Heather, and everyone who helped write
 and edit this post — as well as the many profiles and videos featured in
 it! :)

 Here are proposed social media messages for this story:

 Twitter (@wikimedia/@wikipedia):

 Meet some of the women who contribute to Wikipedia -- and find out why
 they do it. (link) #genderdiversity


 Meet some of the women who contribute to Wikipedia: To celebrate
 International Women’s Day, we've featured 11 different profiles and videos
 of frequent editors and community leaders. Hear their inspiring stories and
 find out why they keep editing. (link)

 Feel free to tweak as needed.

 Thanks for helping share this story with our community!



 Fabrice Florin
 Movement Communications Manager
 Wikimedia Foundation


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[Gendergap] FW: [Social-media] Blog post: Meet some of the women who contribute to Wikipedia

2015-03-06 Thread Pine W
Forwarding to the Gendergap list in case others are interested, and
forwarding to Jason and Peaceray in case they want to share this blog post
at the Art and Feminism event in Portland, Oregon (Cascadia territory!)
this weekend.


On Mar 6, 2015 4:24 PM, Fabrice Florin fflo...@wikimedia.org wrote:

 Looks like the link below still had the inspire story URL in the HTML.

 Here is the correct link in plain text:


 Enjoy … and have a wonderful weekend!


 On Mar 6, 2015, at 4:22 PM, Fabrice Florin fflo...@wikimedia.org wrote:

 Hello social media team,

 We just published a roundup of some of the women who contribute to
 Wikipedia on the blog:


 Many thanks to Andrew, Victor, Heather, and everyone who helped write and
 edit this post — as well as the many profiles and videos featured in it! :)

 Here are proposed social media messages for this story:

 Twitter (@wikimedia/@wikipedia):

 Meet some of the women who contribute to Wikipedia -- and find out why
 they do it. (link) #genderdiversity


 Meet some of the women who contribute to Wikipedia: To celebrate
 International Women’s Day, we've featured 11 different profiles and videos
 of frequent editors and community leaders. Hear their inspiring stories and
 find out why they keep editing. (link)

 Feel free to tweak as needed.

 Thanks for helping share this story with our community!



 Fabrice Florin
 Movement Communications Manager
 Wikimedia Foundation


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Re: [Gendergap] Inspire Campaign launches today!

2015-03-06 Thread Pine W
I'm impressed with some of the ideas that people are proposing for the
campaign. This is quite encouraging.

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Re: [Gendergap] Look who's in the paper!! :)

2014-11-07 Thread Pine W
Hi Christine,
OK. Can we bring this discussion over to the Cascadia mailing list? We can
discuss what a WSU event might look like and when we might schedule it.


*This is an Encyclopedia* https://www.wikipedia.org/

*One gateway to the wide garden of knowledge, where lies The deep rock of
our past, in which we must delve The well of our future,The clear water we
must leave untainted for those who come after us,The fertile earth, in
which truth may grow in bright places, tended by many hands,And the broad
fall of sunshine, warming our first steps toward knowing how much we do not

*—Catherine Munro*

On Fri, Nov 7, 2014 at 12:48 PM, Christine Meyer christinewme...@gmail.com

 Pine, I was also asked to participate by User:Another Believer, and will
 go check it out.  I've just joined the mailing list.

 I'd love to help WSU become more involved in Wikipedia.  I believe that
 the librarians would be interested, but they don't know how to go about
 such a thing, so an outreach event would be helpful.


 On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 2:42 PM, Pine W wiki.p...@gmail.com wrote:

 I am trying to catch up on email, and just now responding to this nice
 thread about work by a colleague in Cascadia Wikimedians territory at
 Washington State University. Thanks for your work Christine, and I hope
 that you will join the Cascadia Wikimedians email list:
 https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimedia-cascadia and
 watch our Meta page: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Cascadia_Wikimedians
 Let me/us know if you'd like to do outreach at WSU, our user group will be
 happy to help and we might even have Wikimedians want to visit WSU in
 person from UW and other areas if you'd like to have an outreach event.



 On 29 October 2014 22:55, Sarah Stierch sarah.stie...@gmail.com wrote:

 The super awesome WikiWoman Christine Meyer is!

 This is a most excellent article - thank you Christine for your ongoing




 Sarah Stierch


 Diverse and engaging consulting for your organization.


 Gendergap mailing list

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 Christine W. Meyer

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Re: [Gendergap] Look who's in the paper!! :)

2014-11-07 Thread Pine W
OK, here we go:


Gendergap mailing list

Re: [Gendergap] Look who's in the paper!! :)

2014-11-06 Thread Pine W
I am trying to catch up on email, and just now responding to this nice
thread about work by a colleague in Cascadia Wikimedians territory at
Washington State University. Thanks for your work Christine, and I hope
that you will join the Cascadia Wikimedians email list:
https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimedia-cascadia and watch
our Meta page: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Cascadia_Wikimedians Let
me/us know if you'd like to do outreach at WSU, our user group will be
happy to help and we might even have Wikimedians want to visit WSU in
person from UW and other areas if you'd like to have an outreach event.



On 29 October 2014 22:55, Sarah Stierch sarah.stie...@gmail.com wrote:

 The super awesome WikiWoman Christine Meyer is!

 This is a most excellent article - thank you Christine for your ongoing




 Sarah Stierch


 Diverse and engaging consulting for your organization.


 Gendergap mailing list

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Re: [Gendergap] Childcare at an edit-a-thon

2014-11-02 Thread Pine W
Just a quick note: at Wikimedia events in general, there may be dads who
appreciate the availability of childcare also. (:

Gendergap mailing list

Re: [Gendergap] Childcare at an edit-a-thon

2014-11-01 Thread Pine W
Pinging Mssemantics and Keilana in case they want to comment, and/or
contribute to this event (:

Gendergap mailing list

[Gendergap] Research discussion: Visions for Wikipedia

2014-10-23 Thread Pine W
Both of the presentations at the October Wikimedia Research Showcase were
fascinating and I encourage everyone to watch them [1]. I would like to
continue to discuss the themes from the showcase about Wikipedia's
adaptability, viability, and diversity.

Aaron's discussion about Wikipedia's ongoing internal adaptations, and
the slowing of those adaptations, reminded me of this statement from MIT
Technology Review in 2013 (and I recommend reading the whole article [2]):

The main source of those problems (with Wikipedia) is not mysterious. The
loose collective running the site today, estimated to be 90 percent male,
operates a crushing bureaucracy with an often abrasive atmosphere that
deters newcomers who might increase partipcipation in Wikipedia and broaden
its coverage.

I would like to contrast that vision of Wikipedia with the vision presented
by User:CatherineMunro (formatting tweaks by me), which I re-read when I
need encouragement:

One gateway
to the wide garden of knowledge,
where lies
The deep rock of our past,
in which we must delve
The well of our future,
The clear water
we must leave untainted
for those who come after us,
The fertile earth,
in which truth may grow
in bright places,
tended by many hands,
And the broad fall of sunshine,
warming our first steps
toward knowing
how much we do not know.

How can we align ouselves less with the former vision and more with the
latter? [3]

I hope that we can continue to discuss these themes on the Research mailing
list. Please contribute your thoughts and questions there.



[1] youtube.com/watch?v=-We4GZbH3Iw


[3] Lest this at first seem to be impossible, I will borrow and tweak a
quote from from George Bernard Shaw and later used by John F. Kennedy:
Some people see things as they are and say, 'Why?' Let us dream things
that never were and say, 'Why not?'
Gendergap mailing list

[Gendergap] Editor interaction data sets and visualizations

2014-10-17 Thread Pine W
Dear colleagues,

As you may have heard,
is an individual engagement grant proposal. I am working on this proposal
with volunteer assistance and advice from Aaron Halfaker (WMF), Haitham
Shammaa (WMF), and Fabian Flöck (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

We are still developing this proposal, and plan to have it finalized in the
next few days.

We would greatly appreciate your comments on whether you support or oppose
the general concept of this project, and any suggestions about how to
refine the proposal.

Additionally, we would like to hear from you about which sets of editor
interaction data, and what visualizations of editor interaction data, would
be most relevant to your interests. We intend to prioritize our outputs
with your comments in mind.

Please comment on the proposal talk page. Questions and feedback, both
positive and critical, are helpful to us as the proposers, and also help
the Individual Engagement Grants Committee [1] to assess the proposal.



[1] I am a member of the Individual Engagement Grants Committee. I am
recusing from reviewing proposals in this funding round.
Gendergap mailing list

[Gendergap] Happy Ada Lovelace Day

2014-10-15 Thread Pine W
Ada Lovelace Day is celebrated on October 14 this year.

Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace (born in the year 1815) was a
mathematician and computer programmer who worked on Charles Babbage's
Analytical Engine. She foresaw how computers could evolve into devices that
perform tasks more sophisticated than simple calculations. She is
controversially  credited with authoring the world's first computer
program, and certainly worked extensively with Babbage. [1]

Ada Lovelace Day celebrates women's contributions to science, technology,
engineering, and mathematics.

Wikimedia Commons, English Wikipedia, and Persian Wikipedia have designated
a watercolor portrait of Lovelace as a featured picture. [2]

Happy Ada Lovelace Day,


[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ada_Lovelace

[2] https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ada_Lovelace_portrait.jpg
Gendergap mailing list

[Gendergap] Fwd: [Wikimedia-l] Upcoming help sessions for drafting Individual Engagement Grant proposals

2014-09-19 Thread Pine W
Forwarding. Please take this opportunity to ask questions!

-- Forwarded message --
From: Siko Bouterse sboute...@wikimedia.org
Date: Sep 18, 2014 3:30 PM
Subject: [Wikimedia-l] Upcoming help sessions for drafting Individual
Engagement Grant proposals
To: wikimedi...@lists.wikimedia.org

Hi all,
As we announced earlier this month[1], September is the month to apply for
an Individual Engagement Grant[2]. The deadline to submit a proposal is
September 30.

To help you turn your ideas and projects into successful proposals, we’re
hosting a few IdeaLab Proposal Clinics in Hangouts and IRC this month.[3]
The first one took place on September 16. Newcomers had a chance to talk to
current and past grantees, as well as WMF Grantmaking staff, to workshop
ideas and strengthen their proposals.

If you have an idea you would like to submit, but feel unsure about how to
draft or finalize your proposal, join a session! There are three events
left before the deadline:

* IRC office hours in #wikimedia-office - Sept 23, 1600 UTC (Tuesday)
* Hangout - Sept 25, 1700 UTC (Thursday) [4]
* Hangout - Sept 28, 1700 UTC (Sunday) [5]

Join us next week to discuss your ideas, and bring any questions you have
about IEG!


[2] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:IEG
[3] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:IdeaLab/Events#Upcoming_events
[4]IdeaLab Clinic II. Join via Hangout:
[5] IdeaLab Clinic III. Join via Hangout:

Siko Bouterse
Head of Individual Grants
Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.


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sum of all knowledge. *
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[Gendergap] Fwd: [Wikimedia-l] FOSS OPW: looking for female technical contributors

2014-09-17 Thread Pine W
Forwarding to TA3M Seattle (please forward to the local and national TA3M
communication lists for redistribution if that seems appropriate), Cascadia
Wikimedians, WALRUS, and the Wikimedia gender gap list.

-- Forwarded message --
From: Quim Gil q...@wikimedia.org
Date: Sep 17, 2014 8:28 AM
Subject: [Wikimedia-l] FOSS OPW: looking for female technical contributors
To: Wikimedia developers wikitec...@lists.wikimedia.org, Wikimedia
Mailing List wikimedi...@lists.wikimedia.org

Dear wikimedians,

The Free and Open Source Souftware Outreach Program for Women offers paid
internships to developers and other technical profiles working on projects
together with free software organizations. Wikimedia is participating
again, and we welcome candidates.


This call is open to Wikimedia volunteers (editors, developers...) and also
to people that would contribute for the first time in our projects. In the
past editions we have seen that candidates coming through a direct
recommendation have good chances of success. It is also known that many
good potential candidates will be reluctant to step in, but they will if
someone (like you) encourages them to apply, or to contact us with any

You can make a difference. If you know women with software development or
open source background / interest and full time availability between
December and March, please forward them this invitation. Thank you!

Quim Gil
Engineering Community Manager @ Wikimedia Foundation
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Unsubscribe: https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimedia-l,
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[Gendergap] FW: Emotions under Discussion: Gender, Status and Communication in Online Collaboration

2014-09-01 Thread Pine W
Thanks Andreas. Forwarding to Research.

On Sep 1, 2014 4:09 PM, Andreas Kolbe jayen...@gmail.com wrote:

 This is a new paper, published a couple of weeks ago. (Sorry if it's been
 mentioned before, I couldn't see a related thread.)


 Principal findings:

 We find that administrators maintain a rather neutral, impersonal tone,
 while regular editors are more emotional and relationship-oriented, that
 is, they use language to form and maintain connections to other editors. *A
 persistent gender difference is that female contributors communicate in a
 manner that promotes social affiliation and emotional connection more than
 male editors, irrespective of their status in the community. Female regular
 editors are the most relationship-oriented, whereas male administrators are
 the least relationship-focused.* Finally, emotional and linguistic
 homophily is prevalent: editors tend to interact with other editors having
 similar emotional styles (e.g., editors expressing more anger connect more
 with one another).

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Re: [Gendergap] What is status of Foundation Gender Gap projects and relation to wikimedia Gender Gap project?

2014-08-30 Thread Pine W
Carol, my instinct is that this outreach program is within scope for the
outreach wiki.
On Aug 30, 2014 7:26 PM, Carol Moore dc carolmoor...@verizon.net wrote:

  People in the know can answer when it's covenient next week, but since
 it's on my mind, posting now.

 As we write on Gender Gap Task Force main page: In 2014 Wikipedia
 co-founder [[Jimmy Wales]] said the [[Wikimedia Foundation]] was doubling
 down its efforts to reach that goal and would be doing more outreach and
 software changes. Reference: http://www.bbc.com/news/business-28701772
 Wikipedia 'completely failed' to fix gender imbalance, [[BBC]] interview
 August 8, 2014.

 So info on status of interns, paid staffers working on this, volunteer
 efforts, etc. and their relation to the Wikimedia Gender Gap Task force
 would be helpful. I know Wikimedia Gender Gap project which is not very
 active, though sub-projects like
 WikiWomen's Collaborative are doing some things.

 Reminder of temporary address of en.Wikipedia Gender Gap Task force's big
 list of resources which is relevant to the above and does in fact contain
 links where we can infer answers.
 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Carolmooredc/My_Sandbox_1 is

 One reason I ask is I just put up this message at Wikimedia Gender Gap
 project but then started wondering about the issues above.

 *Should this project be listed on Outreach.wikimedia?? at 

 https://outreach.wikimedia.org/wiki/Main_Page links to GLAM (Galleries,
 Libraries, Archives  Museums) and Wikimedia Education Portal (re:
 different countries)  (as well as Best Practices and Success stories).
 Considering women are half the human race, it seems sensible to include
 this project there. It probably would bring more willing volunteers to
 outreach in general as well. I don't see any discussion of this on this
 talk page and only a link to Outreach Village Pump as a good place to
 discuss outreach to women. *

 So clarifications and updates would be great and I'm sure lots of us are



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Re: [Gendergap] [EE] [Wikitech-l] IRC web client for Wikipedia help

2014-08-13 Thread Pine W
Research about the chatroom concept, not so much about IRC alone. We can't
practically run research projects about every change. Chatrooms would be a
major change and be resource intensive to start, so research makes sense
before starting this implementation.


On Aug 13, 2014 7:15 AM, Emily Monroe emilymonro...@gmail.com wrote:

 Interesting. You were just talking about IRC and #wikipedia-en-help and
 not using research, and now you have seem to given up.


 On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 12:17 AM, Pine W wiki.p...@gmail.com wrote:

 The chat system mentioned by Quiddity may actually decrease the number of
 helpees in IRC by encouraging them to use the dedicated messaging system
 which we hope will appeal to experienced users who will choose to join the
 category-based chatrooms. Or the chatrooms may fail hard. Research data
 about the chatroom concept would be good before committing to develop it.

 On Aug 12, 2014 9:45 PM, Emily Monroe emilymonro...@gmail.com wrote:

 I don't think you realize how little helpers there actually are. A lot
 of responses, as is, go unanswered. We don't need increased participation
 in #wikipedia-en-help, unless it's increased participation from helpers and
 not helpees.


 On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 11:30 PM, Pine W wiki.p...@gmail.com wrote:

 Thanks for finding that page. I don't know how much that kind of chat
 system would help our editor numbers but it's worth discussing. Any
 comments from the Growth and EE teams?

 On Aug 12, 2014 8:10 PM, quiddity pandiculat...@gmail.com wrote:

 The pro and cons of web-chat, and some technical options are collated
 (especially the 2nd-to-last section, for Why not IRC?)
 IRC makes followup discussion, or time-delayed discussion, too
 difficult, if the user doesn't use their identical username, and state
 their home-wiki. Also, it shows IPs if users don't obtain a cloak first.

 However, just for informational purposes, here are links for easy
 ( the default client uses http://www.qwebirc.org/  )


  On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 4:45 AM, Pine W wiki.p...@gmail.com wrote:

  That proposal could be considered in the long term, but right now
 we have plenty of people who seek and get help on IRC, and we can make
 incremental improvements to their experience faster than we can build a 
 tool from scratch. Few newbies fail hard at IRC. The basics are similar 
 texting and private instant messaging software. Let's improve the newbie
 user experience.

 On Aug 11, 2014 1:48 PM, Nathan nawr...@gmail.com wrote:

 Newbies are going to fail hard at IRC. Pretty much all of the
 questions Seb
 poses for a built-in newbie chat still exist with a built-in Freenode
 interface, with the addition of a complicated and often difficult
 (not to
 mention culturally... unique) environment. Much better to think
 along the
 lines of the Teahouse, but live. You can jump into a chat queue, and
 who want to help chat with you, and you can close the chat whenever
 want, and you can't contact people outside of the queue using chat.
 Wikitech-l mailing list

 EE mailing list

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Gendergap mailing list

Re: [Gendergap] [EE] [Wikitech-l] IRC web client for Wikipedia help

2014-08-13 Thread Pine W
We might be able to create one on one chats somehow on IRC or with
chatrooms.  The concept makes sense.

On Aug 13, 2014 11:11 AM, Emily Monroe emilymonro...@gmail.com wrote:

 Sorry if my previous email seemed a little harsh or confused.

 I don't think a chatroom is non-confusing enough. One other way
 helpees often fail hard is that they confuse messages sent to other
 helpees as being directed at them. They don't realize it's a public
 chatroom. We would need a system where a helpee can contact a helper 1:1
 for this to work.


 On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 9:15 AM, Emily Monroe emilymonro...@gmail.com

 Interesting. You were just talking about IRC and #wikipedia-en-help and
 not using research, and now you have seem to given up.


 On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 12:17 AM, Pine W wiki.p...@gmail.com wrote:

 The chat system mentioned by Quiddity may actually decrease the number
 of helpees in IRC by encouraging them to use the dedicated messaging system
 which we hope will appeal to experienced users who will choose to join the
 category-based chatrooms. Or the chatrooms may fail hard. Research data
 about the chatroom concept would be good before committing to develop it.

 On Aug 12, 2014 9:45 PM, Emily Monroe emilymonro...@gmail.com wrote:

 I don't think you realize how little helpers there actually are. A lot
 of responses, as is, go unanswered. We don't need increased participation
 in #wikipedia-en-help, unless it's increased participation from helpers and
 not helpees.


 On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 11:30 PM, Pine W wiki.p...@gmail.com wrote:

 Thanks for finding that page. I don't know how much that kind of chat
 system would help our editor numbers but it's worth discussing. Any
 comments from the Growth and EE teams?

 On Aug 12, 2014 8:10 PM, quiddity pandiculat...@gmail.com wrote:

 The pro and cons of web-chat, and some technical options are collated
 (especially the 2nd-to-last section, for Why not IRC?)
 IRC makes followup discussion, or time-delayed discussion, too
 difficult, if the user doesn't use their identical username, and state
 their home-wiki. Also, it shows IPs if users don't obtain a cloak first.

 However, just for informational purposes, here are links for easy
 ( the default client uses http://www.qwebirc.org/  )


  On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 4:45 AM, Pine W wiki.p...@gmail.com wrote:

  That proposal could be considered in the long term, but right now
 we have plenty of people who seek and get help on IRC, and we can make
 incremental improvements to their experience faster than we can build a 
 tool from scratch. Few newbies fail hard at IRC. The basics are similar 
 texting and private instant messaging software. Let's improve the newbie
 user experience.

 On Aug 11, 2014 1:48 PM, Nathan nawr...@gmail.com wrote:

 Newbies are going to fail hard at IRC. Pretty much all of the
 questions Seb
 poses for a built-in newbie chat still exist with a built-in
 interface, with the addition of a complicated and often difficult
 (not to
 mention culturally... unique) environment. Much better to think
 along the
 lines of the Teahouse, but live. You can jump into a chat queue,
 and people
 who want to help chat with you, and you can close the chat whenever
 want, and you can't contact people outside of the queue using chat.
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 Gendergap mailing list

Gendergap mailing list

Re: [Gendergap] [Wikitech-l] [EE] IRC web client for Wikipedia help

2014-08-12 Thread Pine W
That proposal could be considered in the long term, but right now we have
plenty of people who seek and get help on IRC, and we can make incremental
improvements to their experience faster than we can build a new tool from
scratch. Few newbies fail hard at IRC. The basics are similar to texting
and private instant messaging software. Let's improve the newbie user

On Aug 11, 2014 1:48 PM, Nathan nawr...@gmail.com wrote:

 Newbies are going to fail hard at IRC. Pretty much all of the questions Seb
 poses for a built-in newbie chat still exist with a built-in Freenode
 interface, with the addition of a complicated and often difficult (not to
 mention culturally... unique) environment. Much better to think along the
 lines of the Teahouse, but live. You can jump into a chat queue, and people
 who want to help chat with you, and you can close the chat whenever you
 want, and you can't contact people outside of the queue using chat.
 Wikitech-l mailing list
Gendergap mailing list

Re: [Gendergap] [Wikitech-l] [EE] IRC web client for Wikipedia help

2014-08-12 Thread Pine W
I have seen that happen too, and perhaps someone should modify the IRC
client to say in large letters type here. This is technically possible.

On Aug 12, 2014 7:44 AM, Emily Monroe emilymonro...@gmail.com wrote:

 I often help out at en-help. Often, people who are new at IRC need to be
 told where to type. I would think this would qualify as failing hard.


 On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 6:45 AM, Pine W wiki.p...@gmail.com wrote:

 That proposal could be considered in the long term, but right now we have
 plenty of people who seek and get help on IRC, and we can make incremental
 improvements to their experience faster than we can build a new tool from
 scratch. Few newbies fail hard at IRC. The basics are similar to texting
 and private instant messaging software. Let's improve the newbie user

 On Aug 11, 2014 1:48 PM, Nathan nawr...@gmail.com wrote:

 Newbies are going to fail hard at IRC. Pretty much all of the questions
 poses for a built-in newbie chat still exist with a built-in Freenode
 interface, with the addition of a complicated and often difficult (not to
 mention culturally... unique) environment. Much better to think along the
 lines of the Teahouse, but live. You can jump into a chat queue, and
 who want to help chat with you, and you can close the chat whenever you
 want, and you can't contact people outside of the queue using chat.
 Wikitech-l mailing list

 Gendergap mailing list

 Gendergap mailing list

Gendergap mailing list

Re: [Gendergap] [Wikitech-l] [EE] IRC web client for Wikipedia help

2014-08-12 Thread Pine W
Sarah, the cynicism in your comment is depressing and unnecessary. I don't
think I can convince you of the value of incremental change so I'm not
going to try.

On Aug 12, 2014 7:49 AM, Sarah Stierch sarah.stie...@gmail.com wrote:

 pine when you say plenty' of people what does that constitute? Does
 anyone actually track how many needy people come into IRC - let alone those
 who can't pass the threshold of typing into the chat box?

 Data is a way to convince people of the need or demand and to spend time
 investing in IRC. One reason why the Teahouse is so success is because
 people do not have to leave the wiki to find help. That's one no no in

 I noticed that WMF staff are less interactive on this mailing list these
 days, for months actually.

 So who knows if anyone with influence is paying attention to this.

 On Aug 12, 2014 7:44 AM, Emily Monroe emilymonro...@gmail.com wrote:

 I often help out at en-help. Often, people who are new at IRC need to be
 told where to type. I would think this would qualify as failing hard.


 On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 6:45 AM, Pine W wiki.p...@gmail.com wrote:

 That proposal could be considered in the long term, but right now we
 have plenty of people who seek and get help on IRC, and we can make
 incremental improvements to their experience faster than we can build a new
 tool from scratch. Few newbies fail hard at IRC. The basics are similar to
 texting and private instant messaging software. Let's improve the newbie
 user experience.

 On Aug 11, 2014 1:48 PM, Nathan nawr...@gmail.com wrote:

 Newbies are going to fail hard at IRC. Pretty much all of the questions
 poses for a built-in newbie chat still exist with a built-in Freenode
 interface, with the addition of a complicated and often difficult (not
 mention culturally... unique) environment. Much better to think along
 lines of the Teahouse, but live. You can jump into a chat queue, and
 who want to help chat with you, and you can close the chat whenever you
 want, and you can't contact people outside of the queue using chat.
 Wikitech-l mailing list

 Gendergap mailing list

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Re: [Gendergap] [Wikitech-l] [EE] IRC web client for Wikipedia help

2014-08-12 Thread Pine W
I appreciated those Teahouse reports. You may remember that I spoke up in
support of that project.

I think the difference between the Teahouse situation and changing the IRC
client is that the Teahouse was a relatively resource intensive project and
it was a new concept, while IRC is already established and if we're lucky
Freenode will make the change so there will be no cost to WMF.

I prefer to replace cynicism with reasoned optimism when possible, and cut
losses where necessary. Better to light a candle than curse the darkness.

On Aug 12, 2014 10:39 AM, Sarah Stierch sarah.stie...@gmail.com wrote:

 Cynicism can be a powerful tool. And you aren't the first person to tell a
 shitstarter like me that ;-)

 But seriously - its challenging for all of us when I feel like our
 concerns aren't being considered. So take that as you will. We don't get
 emails from UX folks on this list anymoreI wish we did. I feel like WMF
 employees dropped off this list as contributors as staff (not volunteers
 like Kaldari and Swalling - they seem to write here more as volunteers than
 staff) after I lost my job and Sue left. I always feel like people forget
 there are a lot of changemakers and passionate people on this list.

 We had to prove the need for the Teahouse with data. The community did not
 want us to Implement it without proof of need and data on how this type of
 project was able to change things. I do this daily with my job in grant
 writing and evaluation - I have to show proof that someone needs to spend
 money on whatever my nonprofit clients want.

 So it's not cynicism in that regard - if we want to show the community
 and WMF that there is a problem and a change needs to occur and we have the
 data perhaps people will invest time and money in IRC and other things.

 We need to prove that there is a demand for IRC help and that newbies are
 failing to get oriented with it. I know there are problems with it...but
 knowing is not proving.

 Proof is in the pudding and we need some tasty pudding to get people to
 pay attention :)


 On Aug 12, 2014 10:19 AM, Pine W wiki.p...@gmail.com wrote:

 Sarah, the cynicism in your comment is depressing and unnecessary. I
 don't think I can convince you of the value of incremental change so I'm
 not going to try.

 On Aug 12, 2014 7:49 AM, Sarah Stierch sarah.stie...@gmail.com wrote:

 pine when you say plenty' of people what does that constitute? Does
 anyone actually track how many needy people come into IRC - let alone those
 who can't pass the threshold of typing into the chat box?

 Data is a way to convince people of the need or demand and to spend time
 investing in IRC. One reason why the Teahouse is so success is because
 people do not have to leave the wiki to find help. That's one no no in

 I noticed that WMF staff are less interactive on this mailing list these
 days, for months actually.

 So who knows if anyone with influence is paying attention to this.

 On Aug 12, 2014 7:44 AM, Emily Monroe emilymonro...@gmail.com wrote:

 I often help out at en-help. Often, people who are new at IRC need to
 be told where to type. I would think this would qualify as failing hard.


 On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 6:45 AM, Pine W wiki.p...@gmail.com wrote:

 That proposal could be considered in the long term, but right now we
 have plenty of people who seek and get help on IRC, and we can make
 incremental improvements to their experience faster than we can build a 
 tool from scratch. Few newbies fail hard at IRC. The basics are similar to
 texting and private instant messaging software. Let's improve the newbie
 user experience.

 On Aug 11, 2014 1:48 PM, Nathan nawr...@gmail.com wrote:

 Newbies are going to fail hard at IRC. Pretty much all of the
 questions Seb
 poses for a built-in newbie chat still exist with a built-in Freenode
 interface, with the addition of a complicated and often difficult
 (not to
 mention culturally... unique) environment. Much better to think along
 lines of the Teahouse, but live. You can jump into a chat queue, and
 who want to help chat with you, and you can close the chat whenever
 want, and you can't contact people outside of the queue using chat.
 Wikitech-l mailing list

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Re: [Gendergap] [Wikitech-l] [EE] IRC web client for Wikipedia help

2014-08-12 Thread Pine W
It's a tool in the toolbox that works, not optimally, but good enough. I do
help there sometimes, though you may have noticed I do many other
activities supporting Wikimedia as well. I am not proposing to recruit more
newbies to IRC than we already get; I want to improve the quality of their

On Aug 12, 2014 6:54 PM, Emily Monroe emilymonro...@gmail.com wrote:

 On top of that, it seems that you, Pine, are very enthusiastic about
 directing people to #wikipedia-en-help, therefore increasing the burden on
 helpers, but you are often not a helper yourself.


 On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 12:39 PM, Sarah Stierch sarah.stie...@gmail.com

 Cynicism can be a powerful tool. And you aren't the first person to tell
 a shitstarter like me that ;-)

 But seriously - its challenging for all of us when I feel like our
 concerns aren't being considered. So take that as you will. We don't get
 emails from UX folks on this list anymoreI wish we did. I feel like WMF
 employees dropped off this list as contributors as staff (not volunteers
 like Kaldari and Swalling - they seem to write here more as volunteers than
 staff) after I lost my job and Sue left. I always feel like people forget
 there are a lot of changemakers and passionate people on this list.

 We had to prove the need for the Teahouse with data. The community did
 not want us to Implement it without proof of need and data on how this type
 of project was able to change things. I do this daily with my job in grant
 writing and evaluation - I have to show proof that someone needs to spend
 money on whatever my nonprofit clients want.

 So it's not cynicism in that regard - if we want to show the community
 and WMF that there is a problem and a change needs to occur and we have the
 data perhaps people will invest time and money in IRC and other things.

 We need to prove that there is a demand for IRC help and that newbies are
 failing to get oriented with it. I know there are problems with it...but
 knowing is not proving.

 Proof is in the pudding and we need some tasty pudding to get people to
 pay attention :)


 On Aug 12, 2014 10:19 AM, Pine W wiki.p...@gmail.com wrote:

 Sarah, the cynicism in your comment is depressing and unnecessary. I
 don't think I can convince you of the value of incremental change so I'm
 not going to try.

 On Aug 12, 2014 7:49 AM, Sarah Stierch sarah.stie...@gmail.com

 pine when you say plenty' of people what does that constitute? Does
 anyone actually track how many needy people come into IRC - let alone those
 who can't pass the threshold of typing into the chat box?

 Data is a way to convince people of the need or demand and to spend
 time investing in IRC. One reason why the Teahouse is so success is because
 people do not have to leave the wiki to find help. That's one no no in

 I noticed that WMF staff are less interactive on this mailing list
 these days, for months actually.

 So who knows if anyone with influence is paying attention to this.

 On Aug 12, 2014 7:44 AM, Emily Monroe emilymonro...@gmail.com

 I often help out at en-help. Often, people who are new at IRC need to
 be told where to type. I would think this would qualify as failing hard.


 On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 6:45 AM, Pine W wiki.p...@gmail.com wrote:

 That proposal could be considered in the long term, but right now we
 have plenty of people who seek and get help on IRC, and we can make
 incremental improvements to their experience faster than we can build a 
 tool from scratch. Few newbies fail hard at IRC. The basics are similar 
 texting and private instant messaging software. Let's improve the newbie
 user experience.

 On Aug 11, 2014 1:48 PM, Nathan nawr...@gmail.com wrote:

 Newbies are going to fail hard at IRC. Pretty much all of the
 questions Seb
 poses for a built-in newbie chat still exist with a built-in Freenode
 interface, with the addition of a complicated and often difficult
 (not to
 mention culturally... unique) environment. Much better to think
 along the
 lines of the Teahouse, but live. You can jump into a chat queue, and
 who want to help chat with you, and you can close the chat whenever
 want, and you can't contact people outside of the queue using chat.
 Wikitech-l mailing list

 Gendergap mailing list

 Gendergap mailing list

 Gendergap mailing list

Re: [Gendergap] [EE] [Wikitech-l] IRC web client for Wikipedia help

2014-08-12 Thread Pine W
Thanks for finding that page. I don't know how much that kind of chat
system would help our editor numbers but it's worth discussing. Any
comments from the Growth and EE teams?

On Aug 12, 2014 8:10 PM, quiddity pandiculat...@gmail.com wrote:

 The pro and cons of web-chat, and some technical options are collated at:
 (especially the 2nd-to-last section, for Why not IRC?)
 IRC makes followup discussion, or time-delayed discussion, too difficult,
 if the user doesn't use their identical username, and state their
 home-wiki. Also, it shows IPs if users don't obtain a cloak first.

 However, just for informational purposes, here are links for easy
 ( the default client uses http://www.qwebirc.org/  )


 On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 4:45 AM, Pine W wiki.p...@gmail.com wrote:

 That proposal could be considered in the long term, but right now we have
 plenty of people who seek and get help on IRC, and we can make incremental
 improvements to their experience faster than we can build a new tool from
 scratch. Few newbies fail hard at IRC. The basics are similar to texting
 and private instant messaging software. Let's improve the newbie user

 On Aug 11, 2014 1:48 PM, Nathan nawr...@gmail.com wrote:

 Newbies are going to fail hard at IRC. Pretty much all of the questions
 poses for a built-in newbie chat still exist with a built-in Freenode
 interface, with the addition of a complicated and often difficult (not to
 mention culturally... unique) environment. Much better to think along the
 lines of the Teahouse, but live. You can jump into a chat queue, and
 who want to help chat with you, and you can close the chat whenever you
 want, and you can't contact people outside of the queue using chat.
 Wikitech-l mailing list

 EE mailing list

 EE mailing list

Gendergap mailing list

Re: [Gendergap] [EE] [Wikitech-l] IRC web client for Wikipedia help

2014-08-12 Thread Pine W
The chat system mentioned by Quiddity may actually decrease the number of
helpees in IRC by encouraging them to use the dedicated messaging system
which we hope will appeal to experienced users who will choose to join the
category-based chatrooms. Or the chatrooms may fail hard. Research data
about the chatroom concept would be good before committing to develop it.

On Aug 12, 2014 9:45 PM, Emily Monroe emilymonro...@gmail.com wrote:

 I don't think you realize how little helpers there actually are. A lot of
 responses, as is, go unanswered. We don't need increased participation in
 #wikipedia-en-help, unless it's increased participation from helpers and
 not helpees.


 On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 11:30 PM, Pine W wiki.p...@gmail.com wrote:

 Thanks for finding that page. I don't know how much that kind of chat
 system would help our editor numbers but it's worth discussing. Any
 comments from the Growth and EE teams?

 On Aug 12, 2014 8:10 PM, quiddity pandiculat...@gmail.com wrote:

 The pro and cons of web-chat, and some technical options are collated at:
 (especially the 2nd-to-last section, for Why not IRC?)
 IRC makes followup discussion, or time-delayed discussion, too
 difficult, if the user doesn't use their identical username, and state
 their home-wiki. Also, it shows IPs if users don't obtain a cloak first.

 However, just for informational purposes, here are links for easy
 ( the default client uses http://www.qwebirc.org/  )


  On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 4:45 AM, Pine W wiki.p...@gmail.com wrote:

  That proposal could be considered in the long term, but right now we
 have plenty of people who seek and get help on IRC, and we can make
 incremental improvements to their experience faster than we can build a new
 tool from scratch. Few newbies fail hard at IRC. The basics are similar to
 texting and private instant messaging software. Let's improve the newbie
 user experience.

 On Aug 11, 2014 1:48 PM, Nathan nawr...@gmail.com wrote:

 Newbies are going to fail hard at IRC. Pretty much all of the
 questions Seb
 poses for a built-in newbie chat still exist with a built-in Freenode
 interface, with the addition of a complicated and often difficult (not
 mention culturally... unique) environment. Much better to think along
 lines of the Teahouse, but live. You can jump into a chat queue, and
 who want to help chat with you, and you can close the chat whenever you
 want, and you can't contact people outside of the queue using chat.
 Wikitech-l mailing list

 EE mailing list

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Re: [Gendergap] IRC web client for Wikipedia help

2014-08-11 Thread Pine W
Hi Kerry,

I agree that this discussion is happening among a small group of
exprerienced people, and research with newbies about their preferred
communication tools would be valuable.

However, I feel that Kiwi offers a friendlier experience than we have now,
is an incremental improvement to the user experience, and poses little risk
of making the new user experience more challenging. There might be
technical challenges, and I hope we will hear about any of those from the
devs either on Freenode's side or Wikimedia's side. If anyone has
alternative suggestions to Kiwi or knows reasons to stick with the status
quo, I hope they will speak up.

I appreciate how you are thinking about this issue from the point of view
of the people we would like to help. In this case I feel the risk is low so
an extensive user study is not needed. However if you still feel
differently I would welcome hearing your views. Please let me know if I
have addressed your concerns.

On Aug 11, 2014 12:02 AM, Kerry Raymond kerry.raym...@gmail.com wrote:

  Pine, with respect, I think you are looking at this in terms of “how do
 we shoehorn these users into our way of doing things” instead of asking
 “what should the user experience be like?”.

 In the scenario we are discussing, we have a new user (or even not-so-new
 user) sitting in front of a Wikipedia edit window presumably feeling dazed
 and confused by some aspect of it (or all of it). So they click the
 friendly “get help” button (or whatever it is) and we take them to
 IRC-plus-or-minus-Kiwi with which they probably have no experience. I feel
 it will just reinforce the sensation of “I don’t understand any of this”
 and make it less likely they will seek help and more likely that they will
 cease editing. So much of Wikipedia is built for by developers for
 developers (or at least designed by experienced users for experienced
 users) and this seems to be an entirely unconscious process.

 I know WMF employs at least one user experience person. I think that
 person should be doing the user studies (or whatever it is that they do) to
 find out what might work best. Anyone taking part in this conversation in
 this mailing list is presumably an existing editor of some experience; we
 are probably not the people to decide how best to deliver help to the new
 user. If there is one thing the existing “community” should not decide, it
 is the new user experience, or else we condemn ourselves to a user
 experience that only works for the kinds of editors we currently have (a
 community that has a massive gendergap and a declining active editor base).



 *From:* gendergap-boun...@lists.wikimedia.org [mailto:
 gendergap-boun...@lists.wikimedia.org] *On Behalf Of *Pine W
 *Sent:* Monday, 11 August 2014 3:18 PM
 *To:* e...@lists.wikimedia.org; Addressing gender equity and exploring ways
 to increase theparticipation of women within Wikimedia projects.;
 *Subject:* [Gendergap] IRC web client for Wikipedia help


 Following up on a conversation on the gendergap email list, I am
 discussing with Freenode the possibility of changing the default web client
 to one that is friendlier and has a less technical feel, primarily for the
 benefit of new users who access #wikipedia-en-help by clicking on a link.
 The likely candidate for a new IRC client is Kiwi. If Freenode wants to
 maintain their current default web client we can still use Kiwi if we run
 it on Wikimedia pages. Would WMF or the volunteer dev community be willing
 to implement this? If so, is filing a Bugzilla bug the best way to get the
 wheels of progress to turn?


 Gendergap mailing list

Gendergap mailing list

[Gendergap] IRC web client for Wikipedia help

2014-08-10 Thread Pine W

Following up on a conversation on the gendergap email list, I am discussing
with Freenode the possibility of changing the default web client to one
that is friendlier and has a less technical feel, primarily for the benefit
of new users who access #wikipedia-en-help by clicking on a link. The
likely candidate for a new IRC client is Kiwi. If Freenode wants to
maintain their current default web client we can still use Kiwi if we run
it on Wikimedia pages. Would WMF or the volunteer dev community be willing
to implement this? If so, is filing a Bugzilla bug the best way to get the
wheels of progress to turn?

Gendergap mailing list

[Gendergap] Lila's keynote speech at Wikimania 2014

2014-08-09 Thread Pine W
Hi all,

I would like to encourage those of us who may have missed Lila's keynote
speech at Wikimania to listen to it. [1] In her speech, Lila takes a long
view of Wikimedia's history and future. She talks about incremental and
disruptive changes that are happening socially and technologically such as
the shift toward mobile and wearable computing, and the use of technology
in the developing world. She also talks about modes of contribution, and
changes inside the Wikimedia projects that would encourage more people to
participate actively.

Thanks very much, Lila. I look forward to seeing how the trends and
opportunities that you describe are addressed in our new strategic plan.


[1] http://new.livestream.com/wikimania/saturday2014
Gendergap mailing list

Re: [Gendergap] Sexualized environment on Commons

2014-08-09 Thread Pine W
Hi Janine,

Of the links that you mentioned I was only able to get one of them to work,
but I searched for friendlier IRC clients and I think I've found one. It's
called Kiwi IRC. I'll ask the Freenode people what they think about
changing their default web client to Kiwi. If they want to keep their
current client it may still be possible for Wikimedia to change the default
chat client used when people connect directly from English Wikipedia to


On Sat, Aug 2, 2014 at 10:27 PM, Pine W wiki.p...@gmail.com wrote:

 Janine, can you share links to the sites? I'm seriously interested in this
 idea of a friendlier interface for IRC.

 On Aug 2, 2014 8:03 PM, Janine Starykowicz jrst...@barntowire.com

 One of the sites I've found them on is more technical, but another is
 definitely not. The embedded version is very newbie friendly.


 Pine W wrote:

 That sounds workable and hopefully friendly.


 On Aug 2, 2014 7:51 PM, Janine Starykowicz jrst...@barntowire.com
 mailto:jrst...@barntowire.com wrote:

 There are plenty of people using IRC, but many of them don't know
 it. There are chatroom/IRC hybrids, generally on forum
 sites. You embed the chat window in a web page, and anyone can join
 in. Those who want can use any IRC client to get to
 the same channel, but with more features.



 Sarah Stierch wrote:

 Exactly. IRC is for the old school and ubergeek. And as Sue has
 said in the past - we're only going to retain specific
 types of people to be long term editors (ubergeeks like us) but,
 if we can figure out a solution to help out the average
 joe/sphine editor...

 Gendergap mailing list

Gendergap mailing list

Re: [Gendergap] Report “Charting Diversity - Working together towards diversity in Wikipedia” published and @Wikimania

2014-08-06 Thread Pine W
Thanks very much, Valentin. I am forwarding your email to Wiki-research-l.

I am interested in the topic of editor engagement in general, and I am very
happy that you included work done by LauraHale, Hawkeye7 and I in your
literature review. Thank you!


On Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 4:58 AM, Valentin Münscher 
valentin.muensc...@wikimedia.de wrote:

 Hello everyone,

 last year Wikimedia Deutschland cooperated with Beuth University of
 Applied Science concerning diversity in Wikipedia. Now we published the key
 conclusions and recommendation and translate the report into English, so
 that you and other interested people can also take a closer look on our
 work concerning diversity and maybe getting input for your own work.

 The English title is “Charting Diversity - Working together towards
 diversity in Wikipedia” and starts off with a review of the current
 situation in (the German) Wikipedia and then goes on to offer different
 concepts and possibilities how to improve diversity in Wikipedia.

 You find the document on Commons via this link


 Sebastian Horndasch
 and me, Valentin,
 from the education  knowledge departement of Wikimedia Deutschland will
 also bring paper copies to the Wikimania in London and we are looking
 forward to answer your questions and discuss your comments with you. Check
 our Wikimania user sides for our Wikimania timetables or write us an email,
 if you wanna get in touch with us:

 Sebastian: sebastian.hornda...@wikimedia.de

 Valentin: valentin.muensc...@wikimedia.de

 All the best,
 Valentin Münscher

 Bereich Bildung  Wissen
 Wikimedia Deutschland e.V. | Tempelhofer Ufer 23-24 | 10963 Berlin
 Tel. (030) 219 158 260

 Stellen Sie sich eine Welt vor, in der jeder Mensch freien Zugang zu
 der Gesamtheit des Wissens der Menschheit hat. Helfen Sie uns dabei!

 Unterstützen Sie Freies Wissen mit einer SMS. Senden Sie einfach
 WIKI an 81190. Mit 5 Euro sichern Sie so die Verfügbarkeit und
 Weiterentwicklung der Wikipedia.

 Gendergap mailing list

Gendergap mailing list

Re: [Gendergap] Sexualized environment on Commons

2014-08-02 Thread Pine W
I think we are talking past each other. The issue I responded to was about
live help,  which we offer, is used extensively for English Wikipedia, and
should be respected. Advertising the existing service to more editors is
surely better than not doing so. If we are talking about longer-term
alternative help systems then I agree that we should explore options like
Pintrest which seem to be popular with less technical audiences.

On Aug 2, 2014 7:06 PM, Sarah Stierch sarah.stie...@gmail.com wrote:

 Exactly. IRC is for the old school and ubergeek. And as Sue has said in
 the past - we're only going to retain specific types of people to be long
 term editors (ubergeeks like us) but, if we can figure out a solution to
 help out the average joe/sphine editor...

 then huzzah. That's what the Teahouse helped do, but what is the next step
 to supporting people who haven't quite passed the barrier to editing

 And expecting people to want to join the ranks through OTRS emails
 surely isn't the ultimate goal..


 On Sat, Aug 2, 2014 at 7:02 PM, Michael J. Lowrey orangem...@gmail.com

 That's exactly my point, Pine. This kind of inside-baseball geekery is
 so much Choctaw to the ordinary new editor we are trying to recruit
 and retain, people more likely to be using Pinterest or Skype or
 Ravelry to communicate with peers and mentors.

 On Sat, Aug 2, 2014 at 8:54 PM, Pine W wiki.p...@gmail.com wrote:
  You might be surprised how widely and how much Freenode is used for open
  source projects. The Blender main and dev channels were even more active
  than English Wikipedia's equivalents when I visited a few days ago.
  On Aug 2, 2014 6:38 PM, Michael J. Lowrey orangem...@gmail.com
  IRC is almost embarrassingly old technology; Wikimedia Foundation
  projects are the only place I've seen it mentioned in the last five
  years or more.
  On Sat, Aug 2, 2014 at 7:29 PM, Pine W wiki.p...@gmail.com wrote:
   We already have #wikipedia-en-help which is remarkably good for a
   help project. Links to join that IRC channel could be offered in
   places. Other languages may have similar channels.
   On Aug 2, 2014 8:42 AM, Jeremy Baron jer...@tuxmachine.com
   On Aug 2, 2014 11:01 AM, LtPowers ltpowers_w...@rochester.rr.com
And then there could be a little chat window allowing real-time
communication while the editor walks through her first edit.
   [originally didn't realize who you were replying to… also haven't
   whole thread yet]
   That is technically feasible. Maybe would have new implications for
   privacy (including WMF privacy policy). Unless the realtime chats
   publicly logged. (then same privacy as existing teahouse, etc)
   Essentially would be a more interactive version of teahouse? (i.e.
   wait for a reply and you're paired with someone that's known to be
   at that moment) would be a part of teahouse?
   How would you staff it? Shifts?
   Anyway, that does nothing for the case Kathleen describes. 25 people
   (20f:5m) in a class and everyone getting that introduction to all
   wiki. Then 7 stay active for a year including all the men. (and
 only 2
   the 20 women)
   I'm leaning towards thinking we as a community should (for now)
   on the retention gap than the recruitment gap. Then we're not
   people just to (mostly) lose them in a month or two. But would be
   to hear thoughts on that from someone with a more rigorous analysis.
   -Jeremy (jeremyb)
   P.S. http://www.onthemedia.org/story/31-race-swap-experiment/
   Gendergap mailing list
   Gendergap mailing list
  Michael J. Orange Mike Lowrey
  When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left, I buy food
  and clothes.
   --  Desiderius Erasmus
  Gendergap mailing list
  Gendergap mailing list

 Michael J. Orange Mike Lowrey

 When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left, I buy food
 and clothes.
  --  Desiderius Erasmus

 Gendergap mailing list


 Sarah Stierch


 Diverse and engaging consulting for your organization

[Gendergap] Invitation: Research Hackathon on August 6 and 7

2014-08-01 Thread Pine W
The Wikimedia Research Hackathon on August 6 and 7 takes place parallel to
the general Wikimania Hackathon in London.

Wikimania Hackathon information is available at

Research Hackathon information is available at

From the Research Hackathon info page: this is an opportunity for anyone
interested in research on wikis, Wikipedia, and other open collaborations
to meet, share ideas, and work together. It's being organized by
researchers in academia and the Wikimedia Foundation, but we want anyone
interested in research to participate. Whether or not you consider yourself
a researcher, or would ever want to be one, come with questions, answers,
data, code, crazy ideas... or just your insatiable curiosity.

Local participation will occur at Wikimania London and in Philadelphia, PA,
US. Remote participation is possible and will include researchers and
community members globally.

Please see the Research Hackathon information page for scheduling and
sign-up details.

Further questions may be directed to Aaron Halfaker (ahalfa...@wikimedia.org)
or Leila Zia (le...@wikimedia.org).*


*A $1 fine will be imposed by Oliver Keyes on anyone who misspells Leila's
name or misdirects emails to the WMF Executive Director.
Gendergap mailing list

Re: [Gendergap] [Spam] Re: Sexualized environment on Commons

2014-07-30 Thread Pine W

Thanks very much for this overview of your early experience as an editor.
Would you mind sending this email to the editor growth team so that they
can look at your experience for ideas about what they can improve? Their
email list is called Editor Engagement and you can find it on

I'm also pinging Mssemantics who may be interested in your experience for
her research.


On Wed, Jul 30, 2014 at 2:51 AM, Marie Earley eir...@hotmail.com wrote:

 What's interesting to me about this discussion, and Gender Gap generally,
 is the discrepancy between what is perceived as being driving women editors
 away (and if you really want to see a classic example then the 'drop the
 sticks' closed section of this discussion 
 and the things that I have actually found difficult on Wikipedia. These are
 my bullet points about my first few months of joining Wikipedia.

 1. Was reading something on WP and, out  of curiousity, clicked on the
 other tabs 'edit' 'history' and 'discussion' just to see what they were
 2. Realized they were discussions about editing WP and decided to look
 further  considered editing WP myself.
 3. One tab open with daunting looking amounts of code that I could make
 absolutely nothing of, and another tab open next to it with a thing called
 4. Almost gave up there and then due to the mistaken idea that I if I
 wanted to write an article then I would have nothing but a completely blank
 canvass and have to write all the code from scratch by myself.
 5. Came back to it the next day thinking, That can't be it., created an
 account and started making small edits, single lines with a citation,
 obvious copy edit errors and asked for help on noticeboards when I was
 6. I had some stuff seized on, deleted as 'unimportant' or tagged for 'not
 enough refs', 'orphan', as well as some curt / abrasive comments but nice
 and helpful ones too. I should say something more about this - Wikipedia
 does not exist in a vacuum, either online or in the world, if nasty
 comments are the reason that women don't edit Wikipedia then they wouldn't
 use social media either - but they do. Did I think that my edits were being
 treated disproportionately to male editors? Yes, but I am female and the
 off-line world that I inhabit is also sexist - so what else is new?.
 7. So what did have me tearing my hair out early on? I would say that it
 was what I would call 'the washing machine effect'. I would have saved
 myself a lot of time and trouble if I had had a quick-start guide that
 explained Help:, Template:, WP:. I would click 'Help' and be
 taken to the help homepage, search 'X', be taken to Help:'X', click on 'Y'
 - and here was the bit I didn't realize - when I clicked on 'Y' I was also,
 by default, leaving 'Help'. I regarded clicking the Help button as walking
 into the the lobby of Hotel Help, I would go through 2-3 links and then
 think, Wait a minute, this is just ordinary Wikipedia, and this is just a
 definition of [word]. When did I leave Help? Back button, back button,
 back button. Okay, start over... I would go around, and around like this
 for ages, either stumbling across what I was looking for, finding another
 way of doing what I wanted to do, or ask at the Teahouse (not New Users
 House? Why?).
 8. I only ever visited the Commons when I need a picture for something,
 used the search engine to see if the Commons had what I wanted and then
 went back to Wikipedia. I didn't stick around to read the conversations so
 I didn't even know much about that side of it until I joined Gender Gap.

 Things that I think might help:
 1. A culture of irresponsible behaviour stems from bad people. A culture
 of responsible behaviour stems from good people. The way to really make a
 difference is to crowd out the bad with the good so they bad get bored and
 go and find a new place to play. An increased number of sexist images will
 then be deleted by the improved culture of the community.
 2. The greatest form of outreach is Wikipedia itself. When I was a student
 what was valuable to me was a way of accessing resources on topics. I
 recently went through Amartya Sen's page and fixed the bibliography /
 referencing including author / editor links. This is what his bibliography
 looked like before:
 and this is it now: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amartya_Sen#Bibliography
 The same with the referencing section, before:
 and after: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amartya_Sen#References Similar
 clean ups / new articles on other academics from the world 

Re: [Gendergap] Gender Gap brouhaha at en.Talk WP:ANI

2014-07-27 Thread Pine W
That discussion seems to have fragmented badly away from the original topic
of a civility board, and I'm not sure that listing grievances, even
legitimate ones, is likely to produce any good outcomes in that discussion.
Might be better to start a new discussion with a narrow focus and specific
proposals for change.


On Sun, Jul 27, 2014 at 11:42 AM, Carol Moore dc carolmoor...@verizon.net

  It ranges all over the place on various issues.


 I'm now trying to use it for a definitive ruling as to whether the Gender
 Gap task force main page/subpage/essay can list particularly obnoxious
 examples of sexism, like a number that were mentioned here over the time.

 Pandora's box is being opened?

 Gendergap mailing list

Gendergap mailing list

Re: [Gendergap] WikiWomen at Wikimania

2014-07-05 Thread Pine W
Suggestions for publicity: recruit on Wikimania-l and also send individual
invites through personalized talk page invites, social networking, or
emails. Also, get Lila involved in recruiting if possible.

I've been surprised at how many more responses I get for requests for
participation in many types of wikiwork when I post requests or invites on
talk pages of contributors I know. Those same contributors are likely to be
watching noticeboards where I post general notices, but personally
requesting their participation seems to be far more effective.

I hope at least some of the WikiWomen at the lunch will take notes about
their discussions and encourage their peers to post ideas that emerge from
the discussion on public discussion boards, email lists, or IdeaLab.



On Fri, Jul 4, 2014 at 12:35 PM, Keilana keilanaw...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi everyone, the page is located here!

 Feel free to add your name to the interested participants section!


 On Thu, Jul 3, 2014 at 4:12 PM, Siko Bouterse sboute...@wikimedia.org

 Awesome! A few of us are starting to plot and will share back a link soon
 for everyone to contribute to  help promote.

 On Thu, Jul 3, 2014 at 11:58 AM, Sydney Poore sydney.po...@gmail.com

 I like that time too (lunch on Sunday) if an adequate space to
 accommodate a large group of women is available then. I expect that we will
 have a large turn out this year if we do a good job of publicizing it.

 Sydney Poore
 Wikipedian in Residence
 at Cochrane Collaboration

 On Thu, Jul 3, 2014 at 11:43 AM, Edward Saperia e...@wikimanialondon.org

 I think that'd be the easiest way to insert into the process for us.

 We can do it any time of day - just state any preferences on the meetup
 page and we'll do our best to find an appropriate space.

 *Edward Saperia*
 Conference Director Wikimania London http://www.wikimanialondon.org
 email e...@wikimanialondon.org • facebook
 http://www.facebook.com/edsaperia • twitter
 http://www.twitter.com/edsaperia • 07796955572
 133-135 Bethnal Green Road, E2 7DG

 On 3 July 2014 16:39, Siko Bouterse sboute...@wikimedia.org wrote:

 Traditionally it has been a WikiWomen's lunch, and we generally like
 to have a dedicated space at the conference for it. Ellie tells me she's
 looking into a room at the venue - I'd suggested lunchtime on Sunday 
 10th, right before the gender workshops begin.

 Is a meetup page the expected way for organizing/advertising it this

 On Thu, Jul 3, 2014 at 7:58 AM, Edward Saperia e...@wikimanialondon.org


 Would anyone coming to Wikimania like to volunteer to host a meetup
 for WikiWomen? I think this has happened at most Wikimanias, but nobody 
 set one up for the coming one yet.


 *Edward Saperia*
 Conference Director Wikimania London http://www.wikimanialondon.org
 email e...@wikimanialondon.org • facebook
 http://www.facebook.com/edsaperia • twitter
 http://www.twitter.com/edsaperia • 07796955572
 133-135 Bethnal Green Road, E2 7DG

 Gendergap mailing list

 Siko Bouterse
 Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.


 *Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in
 the sum of all knowledge. *
 *Donate https://donate.wikimedia.org or click the edit button
 today, and help us make it a reality!*

 Gendergap mailing list

 Gendergap mailing list

 Gendergap mailing list

 Siko Bouterse
 Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.


 *Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in
 the sum of all knowledge. *
 *Donate https://donate.wikimedia.org or click the edit button today,
 and help us make it a reality!*

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 Gendergap mailing list

Gendergap mailing list

Re: [Gendergap] men on lists

2014-07-03 Thread Pine W
Hi Moriel and others,

Do you have a list of realistic changes in mind for the community?

I hear almost no one say that the typical state of (in)civility on wiki or
on Wikimedia-l is good enough or that people are being hypersensitive, so I
get the sense that there's a lot of agreement that we have a cultural
problem. Ideas for solutions seem to be in short supply, so any realistic
changes that you can suggest would be good to hear, either on this list or
in IdeaLab.

If there are issues other than civility and the occasional trolling, I
think it would be good to have a list of those. Then everyone can be
looking at the same set of problems and be thinking about how to address

Our current IEG grantee for research on female editing, Mssemantics
(Amanda), may have something to say, although she may want to wait until
she feels she has adequate data from her research.

In any case, I'm going to encourage Mssemantics to participate on the
discussion on this list or at least listen to it.


On Wed, Jul 2, 2014 at 11:19 PM, Moriel Schottlender mor...@gmail.com

 I understand all the reasons, but I must disagree on a couple of points*.

 I think it might have to do with me having a different experience with
 these topics, but while I do agree that there's absolutely a great
 advantage of having a women-only space, I also think that it is

 I don't know if we can deal or attempt to fix the gendergap issues in
 Wikipedia without engaging the men. I can also see how some men really want
 to help but are unaware of the depth of the problems at hand, so I don't
 see a problem with dedicating one or two threads to talking about it.

 Then again, that's also why I prefer forums over lists; in forums, you can
 have these types of discussions and people can choose which discussion to
 go and read and which to ignore and never get into. Much harder to do in an
 email lists. But I digress.

 I think that there could be a huge benefit of a more closed or restricted
 women-only group and that group can serve as both a place to feel
 comfortable in (which is VERY important) and a place to brainstorm without
 fear of argumentative responses.

 *But* since this specific mailing list is public, I think we should
 definitely consider the fact that having men -- and, yes, sometimes
 spending the energy of explaining (or creating a boilerplate response if
 these cases start being overwhelming) might actually work for our benefit.
 I'm thinking about men who don't really get it but want to, who try to
 understand but don't notice that they're stuck in the same issues we're
 trying to improve.

 If we don't handle those situations, we will lose the allies we *have* to
 have in order to commit realistic changes in the community.


 * Oh noes, argumentativeness!

 On Thu, Jul 3, 2014 at 1:40 AM, Pine W wiki.p...@gmail.com wrote:

 Valerie's interesting comments are in line with one of the reasons I've
 stayed off of this list in the past. I am ok with women having a space
 without men around, just like I feel men should be able to have a space
 without women around. I'm familiar with a workplace where at least one
 employee lounge is female-only, and considering that many of the employees
 of both genders have union representation, I suppose that the employees as
 a whole support having that lounge be the way it is. In the Wikipedia
 context, if some women wanted to have a supportive email list or social
 network group only for women, where women could talk in relative privacy, I
 would say go for it.

 Interestingly, I was invited, completely sight unseen and with only the
 most basic of introductions from a third party, to attend an edit-a-thon at
 what I believe was a female-focused software engineering workspace. I told
 the person who invited me that I was uncomfortable with stepping into the
 women's space, and she assured me that as long as people are respectful
 that everything would be ok. I'm not the type of male who would invite
 myself to an event like that, nor do I plan on setting up workshops for the
 opposite gender. I thought it was remarkably open of the women to invite me
 into their space, especially knowing relatively little about me. I guess
 they felt safety in numbers? I'm not used to getting that kind of

 Anyway, if some of the WikiWomen want to set up a relatively private and
 supportive space just for WikiWomen, I'd say that sounds like an idea worth
 trying. If there is some need for resources, IdeaLab and the grants
 programs stand ready to hear requests. (:


 On Wed, Jul 2, 2014 at 3:49 PM, Carol Moore dc carolmoor...@verizon.net

 Thanks for excellent comments below. Let's keep them in mind. Even some
 of us tough chicks still can get sucked into the helper role even if
 it's against our own interests... sigh...

 On 7/2/2014 6:33 PM, Valerie Aurora wrote:


 Hi Phoebe,

 Thanks for your thoughtful and carefully

Re: [Gendergap] men on lists

2014-07-02 Thread Pine W
Valerie's interesting comments are in line with one of the reasons I've
stayed off of this list in the past. I am ok with women having a space
without men around, just like I feel men should be able to have a space
without women around. I'm familiar with a workplace where at least one
employee lounge is female-only, and considering that many of the employees
of both genders have union representation, I suppose that the employees as
a whole support having that lounge be the way it is. In the Wikipedia
context, if some women wanted to have a supportive email list or social
network group only for women, where women could talk in relative privacy, I
would say go for it.

Interestingly, I was invited, completely sight unseen and with only the
most basic of introductions from a third party, to attend an edit-a-thon at
what I believe was a female-focused software engineering workspace. I told
the person who invited me that I was uncomfortable with stepping into the
women's space, and she assured me that as long as people are respectful
that everything would be ok. I'm not the type of male who would invite
myself to an event like that, nor do I plan on setting up workshops for the
opposite gender. I thought it was remarkably open of the women to invite me
into their space, especially knowing relatively little about me. I guess
they felt safety in numbers? I'm not used to getting that kind of

Anyway, if some of the WikiWomen want to set up a relatively private and
supportive space just for WikiWomen, I'd say that sounds like an idea worth
trying. If there is some need for resources, IdeaLab and the grants
programs stand ready to hear requests. (:


On Wed, Jul 2, 2014 at 3:49 PM, Carol Moore dc carolmoor...@verizon.net

 Thanks for excellent comments below. Let's keep them in mind. Even some of
 us tough chicks still can get sucked into the helper role even if it's
 against our own interests... sigh...

 On 7/2/2014 6:33 PM, Valerie Aurora wrote:


 Hi Phoebe,

 Thanks for your thoughtful and carefully explained comment! The
 perspective I am coming from here is over 13 years of experience with
 spaces for supporting women in open tech/culture, starting with
 LinuxChix in 2002.

 A pattern that groups like this have found over and over again is that
 a spaces designed to support women in these areas inevitably attract
 men with poor social skills, who then ask the group for (unpaid) help
 improving their social skills. In most open tech/culture groups, such
 requests would be unthinkable, but we are often socialized to expect
 women to provide emotional support and help to others (especially men
 and children) on request, without consideration for the value of their
 time and energy.

 The result is that, without a strong awareness and guarding of the
 original purpose of the group, the group dedicates an ever-larger
 portion of its time to teaching men social skills. Many of the people
 who are interested in the original purpose of the group tend to lose
 interest and depart. This is exactly what happened to LinuxChix - our
 IRC channel became primarily about counseling various men who had
 found a welcoming and supportive environment, and our mailing lists
 were more enjoyable and fulfilling for men looking for emotional
 boosts than for women looking for a supportive environment where they
 could talk about Linux.

 In short, I agree with you that there is some potential benefit to
 providing free social skills counseling to men who are interested in
 supporting women in open tech/culture. In my experience, the cost is
 much greater: the time and emotional energy of many women that could
 be used much more effectively on other projects.


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[Gendergap] WMF employee editing

2014-06-29 Thread Pine W
Hi, this is a question I've been wondering about for awhile, and I am
interested in hearing comments.

My impression is that few of WMF's female employees are regular content
editors or regular Commons media contributors, although they occasionally
have office discussions about how to increase the number of female editors.
What could be done to encourage WMF's female employees to edit or
contribute media files on a regular basis, and would the necessary
encouragement for these women also apply to other working women who would
make good editors?

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