Re: [MarkLogic Dev General] using xdmp:eval in REST Service

2014-10-17 Thread David Ennis
HI Pragya.

I did not supply you with the exact issue as I did not try to install and
run all 900 lines of code.  INstead, I looked at items that seemed suspect
for you to log and verify what is happening with the data between the
rewriter and the invoker.  I am still not convinced that you have the XML
you expect at the very early stages. IN fact, I'm not convinced that you
ever retrieve it from the start and even once you do, I still believe you
need to use xdmp:unquote. That's why I suggested you look in those two sets
of code (qualifying this suggestion by experience and not having actually
found your issue exactly.).

But now that there is a log related to some code, lets walk through this:
[as provided by you today]

I tried logging in invoker:
let $_populate-map := for $each-param in $urlParams
let $param-value :=
 let $_ :=

2014-10-17 11:16:29.008 Info: rest-ingestion:

2014-10-17 11:16:29.013 Info: rest-ingestion: $param-value*xml*

2014-10-17 11:16:29.013 Info: rest-ingestion: $param-valueadd-document

2014-10-17 11:16:29.013 Info: rest-ingestion: $param-valueadd

2014-10-17 11:16:29.013 Info: rest-ingestion: $param-valuev1

2014-10-17 11:16:29.013 Info: rest-ingestion:

2014-10-17 11:16:29.309 Info: rest-ingestion: Ingestion Service End
Point add-document.xqy  39932186-9cab-44e9-8f4f-7ebf45dabf8f

2014-10-17 11:16:29.309 Info: rest-ingestion:

2014-10-17 11:16:29.309 Info: rest-ingestion:

So its xml at this stage.

1) Lets look at the log:
The first thing I note is that you state that you do have XML and you made
bold a line above.  I believe you are being mislead by showing
$param-value instead of the actual name of the parameter.  From what I
see, the *XML *that you made bold is nothing more than the value of the
FORMAT parameter from your query string and not at all related to your XML
content you are looking for. You can verify this with a cleaner log line
and see what request field name is matching the value.

2) OK.. The where IS the content? Lets go back to an earlier message:
You POST the data.
So, now we have to think about how MarkLogic handles the body of a POST
(not something for you to control in your code, but by the REQUEST header:
- IF and only IF the request header*
content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded* was present in the
request, then the content of the request body is available via
xdmp:get-request field()
- Otherwise: The content is still stuck in the body and needs to be
retrieved via xdmp:get-request-body()

So, since you use POST, you also have to go back and verify if you are
forcing the content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded header.  Only
then will you know where to troubleshoot further (because then you will
know where your content is actually available)


I hope this helps.

Kind Regards,
David Ennis

Kind Regards,
David Ennis

David Ennis
*Content Engineer*

[image: HintTech]
Mastering the value of content
creative | technology | content

Delftechpark 37i
2628 XJ Delft
The Netherlands
T: +31 88 268 25 00
M: +31 63 091 72 80


On 17 October 2014 07:50, Kapoor, Pragya wrote:

  Hi David,

  I tried logging in invoker:
  let $_populate-map := for $each-param in $urlParams
 let $param-value :=
  let $_ :=

 2014-10-17 11:16:29.008 Info: rest-ingestion: 
 2014-10-17 11:16:29.013 Info: rest-ingestion: $param-value*xml*
 2014-10-17 11:16:29.013 Info: rest-ingestion: $param-valueadd-document
 2014-10-17 11:16:29.013 Info: rest-ingestion: $param-valueadd
 2014-10-17 11:16:29.013 Info: rest-ingestion: $param-valuev1
 2014-10-17 11:16:29.013 Info: rest-ingestion: 
 2014-10-17 11:16:29.309 Info: rest-ingestion: Ingestion Service End Point 
 add-document.xqy  39932186-9cab-44e9-8f4f-7ebf45dabf8f
 2014-10-17 11:16:29.309 Info: rest-ingestion: 
 2014-10-17 11:16:29.309 Info: rest-ingestion: 

 So its xml at this stage.

  At rewriter:

   case element(POST)

[MarkLogic Dev General] Element Range Query with DateTime and Durations

2014-10-17 Thread Wanczowski, Andrew
Hi All,

Is possible to do a dateTime range query based on the elements value plus or 
minus a xs:dayTimeDuration. For example I want to find all articles that are 90 
days passed the published date.

The documentation (  gives a 
few examples of date queriers but they all have a supplied dateTime.

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Re: [MarkLogic Dev General] Is there a way to extract worksheet metadata from an Excel 97/2003?

2014-10-17 Thread Ron Hitchens

   If it's feasible to do your metadata extraction upstream of MarkLogic (i.e., 
before insertion) you might take a look at Apache Tika.  It's designed for this 
sort of thing.

   You could also setup it up in a simple web service callable from MarkLogic.  
POST the spreadsheet to it and have it return the metadata in whatever form you 

Ron Hitchens {}  +44 7879 358212

On Oct 17, 2014, at 3:35 PM, Gary Russo wrote:

 Hello Dennis,
 Thanks for the info.
 Yes, I tried xdmp:excel-convert() but this does not get the worksheet 
 metadata either.
 The metadata that I need to retrieve from the older excel format is the 
 “Named Fields”.
 Users create them using the Excel “Named Box” feature as shown here. =
 It looks like my only option is to use the Apache POI Java API to extract the 
 named fields or use it to convert xls-to-xlsx on-the-fly. 
 I know there’s a hidden way to use MarkLogic’s underlying JVM.
 It would be great if I could use it to call the Apache POI code.
 But that’s a question for another day.
 Thanks again,
 Gary Russo
 Gary Russo
 Enterprise NoSQL Developer
 [] On Behalf Of David Ennis
 Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2014 5:02 PM
 To: MarkLogic Developer Discussion
 Subject: Re: [MarkLogic Dev General] Is there a way to extract worksheet 
 metadata from an Excel 97/2003?
 I believe that with the conversion licence, you can do what you want with: 
 Barring that, you could always run openoffice as a headless server for 
 conversion purposes.
 Kind Regards,
 David Ennis
 Kind Regards,
 David Ennis
 David Ennis
 Content Engineer
 Mastering the value of content
 creative | technology | content
 Delftechpark 37i
 2628 XJ Delft
 The Netherlands
 T: +31 88 268 25 00
 M: +31 63 091 72 80 

 On 16 October 2014 20:00, Gary Russo wrote:
 I need to extract worksheet metadata called “defined name” from Excel 97/2003 
 formatted spreadsheets.
 The ISYS xdmp:document-filter() API is limiting because it only extracts the 
 It does not extract any worksheet metadata.
 Does anyone know of a workaround for this?
 My only thought is to upload the “Excel 97/2003” xls file and then convert it 
 on the server to an “Excel 2010” xlsx format.
 Once it’s in an Excel 2010 format, I can easily extract the “defined name” 
 This is what it looks like in “Excel 2010” files.
 definedName name=LastYrRevenue!$B$6:$B$15/definedName
 definedName name=ThisYrRevenue!$C$6:$C$15/definedName
 definedName name=VarianceRevenue!$D$6:$D$15/definedName
 Gary Russo
 Gary Russo
 Enterprise NoSQL Developer
 Phone: 212-404-8639
 Skype: garyprusso
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Re: [MarkLogic Dev General] Element Range Query with DateTime and Durations

2014-10-17 Thread Wanczowski, Andrew
Hi John and Dave,

In testing the provided example worked well:

xquery version 1.0-ml;

declare namespace html =;;

let $results :=
cts:element-range-query(xs:QName(publishedDate), =, fn:current-date() 
- xs:dayTimeDuration(P90D))
  )[1 to 10]

let $onSaleDates := (
  xs:date(2014-07-18), (: July 18 published date :)
  xs:date(2014-07-19), (: July 19 published date :)
  xs:date(2014-07-20)  (: July 20 published date :)

let $testCases :=
  for $onSaleDate in $onSaleDates
   ($onSaleDate = fn:current-date() - xs:dayTimeDuration(P90D))

return $testCases

I am trying to solve a larger problem of filtering over larger datasets (5M+ 
documents)  where the durations are variables  that come from one set of 
documents (business rules) and filter search of other documents (articles). 
Basically it is to filter out content with various embargo durations.  The 
business rulesonly  state duration after published date not the actual  dates 
the embargo ends.

Would you say there is anything to watch out with from a performance 
standpoint? I have range indexes set up on all the fields that require 


From: Dave Cassel
Date: Friday, October 17, 2014 12:09 PM
To: Andrew Wanczowski
Subject: Re: [MarkLogic Dev General] Element Range Query with DateTime and 

Drew, I wasn't sure how familiar you are with durations, so in case John's 
answer didn't give you what you need --

  fn:current-date() - xs:dayTimeDuration(P90D)

Dave Cassel
Developer Community Manager
MarkLogic Corporation
Cell:  +1-484-798-8720

From: Wanczowski, Andrew
Reply-To: MarkLogic Developer Discussion
Date: Friday, October 17, 2014 at 6:42 AM
Subject: Re: [MarkLogic Dev General] Element Range Query with DateTime and 

Thanks John. I'll give that a shot.

On 10/17/14 9:35 AM, John Snelson wrote:

Work out a dateTime 90 days before the current dateTime, and query for
articles with a published dateTime before that dateTime.


On 17/10/14 14:26, Wanczowski, Andrew wrote:
Hi All,

Is possible to do a dateTime range query based on the elements value
plus or minus a xs:dayTimeDuration. For example I want to find all
articles that are 90 days passed the published date.

The documentation
(  gives a few
examples of date queriers but they all have a supplied dateTime.


John Snelson, Lead Engineer
MarkLogic Corporation
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Re: [MarkLogic Dev General] word query

2014-10-17 Thread Girish Kulkarni
The word Query problem was on the Marklogic version 7.0-2.1. It works fine
on 7.0-3.


On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 9:45 AM, Danny Sokolsky wrote:

  Have you tried this on 7.0-4?  There are some bugs fixed in this area
 there—it is worth a try.

 What I recommend you do is create a simple test case using a simple
 cts:search with a cts:query that shows the issue, then post that here with
 the exact config info for it.  Otherwise we are just guessing.  The details
 are very important to understanding what is going on.


 *From:* [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *Girish Kulkarni
 *Sent:* Thursday, October 16, 2014 9:39 AM

 *To:* MarkLogic Developer Discussion
 *Subject:* Re: [MarkLogic Dev General] word query

 i am using word-constraint-query in my structured query and i see that
 when i exclude the enrichedDateTime , it does work in the sense i dont
 see any results when i search for the timestamp search i was seeing
 earlier. Now my only problem is i don't see other fields being searched.
 Well to be more specific i see that the results returned show total = 20
 but i don't see anything being returned . As soon as i add the top level
 field fix in the inclusion list i start seeing the 20 results.


 On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 4:09 PM, Danny Sokolsky wrote:

 Depending on what those structured queries are, they might not be word
 queries.  Excluding an element in the word query field does not mean you
 cannot query it, it just means that a cts:word-query will not see it.  For
 example, you can still see it in an element-word-query.

 You say your reindexing started; did it complete?


 *From:* [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *Girish Kulkarni
 *Sent:* Wednesday, October 15, 2014 3:59 PM
 *To:* MarkLogic Developer Discussion
 *Subject:* Re: [MarkLogic Dev General] word query

 As soon as i make changes to the word query , my database starts

 We use marklogic 7.0-3 and we are using REST based structured queries. The
 query passes in a bunch of constraints and options , however i am just
 testing before and after scenario's based upon changes to the word query.


 On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 3:55 PM, Danny Sokolsky wrote:

 Did you reindex your database after changing the word query field?

 Exactly what query are you running?

 What version of MarkLogic are you using (xdmp:version() ).


 *From:* [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *Girish Kulkarni
 *Sent:* Wednesday, October 15, 2014 3:48 PM
 *To:* MarkLogic Developer Discussion
 *Subject:* [MarkLogic Dev General] word query

 I had some fileds in my xml document like enrichedDateTime which i didnt
 want to index and search upon. When i added this in the word query
 exclusion list for some reason my search result isn't returning back this
 document at all even when i searched for other field like content.
 However when i added the  root field name fix to my inclusion list i do
 see the document back again. I had already set the include root flag to
 true but seems like for some reason i am un-able to search for other fields
 in the document. Any ideas why this could be happening ?

 content some content goes here /content

 Girish Kulkarni

 General mailing list

 Girish Kulkarni

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 Girish Kulkarni

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Girish Kulkarni
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