Hi Luke,

Here’s some information to get you started. There’s a multitude of ways to link 
documents together in Marklogic, some of them are:
*using a separate rdf structure
–pros: easily extendable, can link to others resources
–cons: it’s a separate structure you will need to have your code query for 
those relations.
*using embedded rdf
–pros: more connected to the document
–cons: you have rdf in the document that your standard may or may not allow
*Using an envelope structure, enveloping your xml as part of a little bigger 
xml document in which you put all required metadata including parent child 
document relations (xlink).
-pros: metadata connected to each document
                             -cons: using the xml as a whole always involves 
grabbing the content within the document.
*Adding the link information to the document, preferably using the xlink 
namespace. Marklogic have functions for expanding xlinks ( 
https://docs.marklogic.com/xinc )
                             -pros: all links in the document itself where they 
logically links to the other resource, easy to do node expansion if you want 
the whole document with children.
                             -cons: maintainability can be harder as you can 
have links scattered around your content. You have to modify your content.
For more information on some of the different ways have a look at 

From you question it sounds like your into the xlink idea.

To insert all links during ingestion with mlcp you should be able to write a 
transform that extends mlcp (see 
https://docs.marklogic.com/guide/mlcp/import#id_82518  ) in which you can add 
the id and relations. The question is if you have that data available in that 
stage (in the document or in a separate file uploaded before the actual 

Another way is to create the xlinks before ingestion, using any method you like.

I hope this was of some use ☺

Från: general-boun...@developer.marklogic.com 
[mailto:general-boun...@developer.marklogic.com] För Lucas Davenport
Skickat: den 5 juni 2017 16:16
Till: general@developer.marklogic.com
Ämne: [MarkLogic Dev General] Cross-document links via IDs

We are exploring the options of incorporating ML as our document storage engine 
for our application. Currently our data is stored in an RDBMS, but we can 
easily export the data in XML format. One issue that we're currently having 
while developing the model is the need to keep some relational integrity 
between some documents (parent-child). I know from the limited research I've 
done that cross-document links are available with ML. However, I do not know if 
it is possible to create auto-generated ids in ML for such documents. Can ML 
create/generate id values for parent/child documents on-the-fly during 
ingestion (we'll likely use mlcp)? If so, can anyone point me in the right 
direction for more info on how these are created and/or the configuration 

Thanks in advance!

Best Regards,

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