Re: [MarkLogic Dev General] Range Index in Where Clause

2012-10-22 Thread David Sargeant
Thanks for the help!


On Oct 22, 2012, at 1:27 PM, Gajanan Chinchwadkar 

> If an xpath expression has a predicate with value, then element range index 
> will be used, if available.
> For example, in the following two cases a range index on xs:QName("title") 
> will be used:
> a.  /bookstore/book[title="XQuery Programming"]
> b. /bookstore/book[title="XQuery Programming"]/author
> However, if there is no value in the predicate then the range index will not 
> be used:
> c. .  /bookstore/book[title]
> The same logic applies to where clause. If there is a value in the where 
> clause and a corresponding element range index, it will be used.
> It is different in order by, where an index gets used even though there is no 
> comparison predicate and value.
> In 6.0.1-1, XPath based index can be defined. There are many situations when 
> MarkLogic server attempts to find matching path range index. Again in order 
> to use range index, there must be a comparison predicate in the query.
> Thanks,
> Gajanan
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Michael Blakeley
> Sent: Monday, October 22, 2012 9:47 AM
> To: MarkLogic Developer Discussion
> Subject: Re: [MarkLogic Dev General] Range Index in Where Clause
> I would rephrase this as "does the evaluator ever use indexes for where 
> clauses?" If indexes are used at all, I would expect ranges to work too. And 
> with 6.0-1.1 the answer seems to be "yes" - but I would still recommend doing 
> as much as possible in XPath predicates.
> Here's a contrived test. In real life it would be very odd to have a 
> dls:created element in the main document, but since the range index comes 
> preconfigured it's handy for testing.
> declare namespace dls="";;
> xdmp:document-insert(
>  'test/1',
>  element a {
>element b { 'c' },
>element dls:created { xs:dateTime(xs:date('2012-12-01')) } }), 
> xdmp:document-insert(
>  'test/2',
>  element a {
>element b { 'c' },
>element dls:created { xs:dateTime(xs:date('2012-12-12')) } }) => ()
> Now we have two documents that match the /a[b eq 'c'] portion of the 
> expression, but with different dsl:created values. Let's write a test query 
> that matches one, but not the other:
> declare namespace dls="";;
> xdmp:query-trace(true()),
> for $n in /a[ b eq 'c' ]
> where $n/dls:created < xs:dateTime(xs:date('2012-12-12'))
> return $n
> One document should match the dls:created constraint, and the other 
> shouldn't. The actual results match expectations, but that could be due to 
> filtering. Let's check the trace:
> 2012-10-22 09:06:18.661 Info: 8003-cq: at 4:11: Analyzing path for $n: 
> fn:collection()/a[b eq "c"]
> 2012-10-22 09:06:18.661 Info: 8003-cq: at 4:11: Step 1 is searchable: 
> fn:collection()
> 2012-10-22 09:06:18.661 Info: 8003-cq: at 4:11: Step 2 is searchable: a[b eq 
> "c"]
> 2012-10-22 09:06:18.661 Info: 8003-cq: at 4:11: Path is fully searchable.
> 2012-10-22 09:06:18.661 Info: 8003-cq: at 4:11: Gathering constraints.
> 2012-10-22 09:06:18.661 Info: 8003-cq: at 4:14: Comparison contributed hash 
> value constraint: b = "c"
> 2012-10-22 09:06:18.661 Info: 8003-cq: at 4:11: Step 2 predicate 1 
> contributed 1 constraint: b eq "c"
> 2012-10-22 09:06:18.661 Info: 8003-cq: at 4:14: Comparison contributed hash 
> value constraint: b = "c"
> 2012-10-22 09:06:18.661 Info: 8003-cq: at 4:11: Step 2 predicate 1 
> contributed 1 constraint: b eq "c"
> 2012-10-22 09:06:18.661 Info: 8003-cq: at 4:11: Step 2 contributed 2 
> constraints: a[b eq "c"]
> 2012-10-22 09:06:18.661 Info: 8003-cq: at 5:9: Comparison contributed 
> dateTime range value constraint: dls:created < 
> xs:dateTime("2012-12-12T00:00:00")
> 2012-10-22 09:06:18.661 Info: 8003-cq: at 4:11: Where clause contributed 1 
> constraint for $n: $n/dls:created < xs:dateTime("2012-12-12T00:00:00")
> 2012-10-22 09:06:18.661 Info: 8003-cq: at 4:11: Executing search.
> 2012-10-22 09:06:18.667 Info: 8003-cq: at 4:11: Selected 1 fragment to filter
> That looks exactly as expected (aside from the duplication of b=c, anyway). 
> If we increment the date to the 13th or the 31st, both fragments match. If we 
> try to use a QName that doesn't have a range index, we lose the "Compar

[MarkLogic Dev General] Range Index in Where Clause

2012-10-22 Thread David Sargeant
I'm wondering if ML uses a range index in the where portion of a FLOWR 
expression where applicable.  I could only find examples of 'order by'.  Thanks.

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[MarkLogic Dev General] XQuery 3.0

2012-10-22 Thread David Sargeant
I was just curious what the roadmap is for the following XQuery 3.0 features:

1. group by clause in FLWOR Expressions 

2.  allowing empty in for clause

3. Dynamic function calls

4. count clause in FLWOR Expressions


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Re: [MarkLogic Dev General] Scala and XCC

2012-10-19 Thread David Sargeant
Some great thoughts David.  XQuery certainly blurs the lines between data and 
presentation in a way that is very intriguing to me.  I look forward to 
exploring the fuzziness more in the future :)


On Oct 19, 2012, at 10:04 AM, David Lee  wrote:

>>> Thanks again to everyone for their suggestions.  Very enlightening.
> One more thing I would like to add.
> Since there are *so many ways* to do things,  it becomes important to 
> establish guidelines, or
> dare I say a "philosophy" of how to choose.
> The worse of these is "because I can" and a reasonably bad one, IMHO is 
> "because its easy" - i.e. easy "right now" but will it be best later ?  Or 
> even easier later once you are more familiar .
> Things to consider include (but by far not limited to)
> * Are you running a 2 or 3 tier architecture (and why)
> * If 3 tier what information does your third tier need to know (and why).
> E.g. does the 3rd tier need to know and query structure of results or can it 
> just spit them out exactly ... 
> * What granularity of structure does your 3rd tier need to know ? (and why)
> * If 3 tier what information does your second tier have access to (and why), 
> i.e. can your 2nd tier reasonably produce HTML ? does it have the domain 
> knowledge ? or would you rather leave that to the third tier (again a good 
> reason to consider a 2 tier architecture as an alternative).
> * What is the bandwidth between tiers ?
> * What organizations are responsible for coding each tier and how well do 
> they communicate ?
> * How important is speed vs ease of coding ?
> So many things to consider.  I suggest starting with those questions before 
> coming to the question of "how to do it".
> -
> David Lee
> Lead Engineer
> MarkLogic Corporation
> Phone: +1 812-482-5224
> Cell:  +1 812-630-7622
> ___
> General mailing list

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Re: [MarkLogic Dev General] Scala and XCC

2012-10-19 Thread David Sargeant
Thanks again to everyone for their suggestions.  Very enlightening.


On Oct 18, 2012, at 10:54 PM, Erik Hennum  wrote:

> Hi, David:
> As Damon points out, two-tier XQuery web apps are extraordinarily productive.
> If you want to do a 3-tier web app with JVM in the middle tier, you have lots 
> of choices even
> in pure Java for going from the JSON or XML model to the webapp controller.
> To summarize some of the most typical:
> *  If you don't have any pre-existing XML, you can use JAXB to roundtrip POJO 
> tree structures to
>and from XML. JAXB is simple when the data structure design is sourced in 
> Java instead of XML.
> *  If you have pre-existing XML, you can use a tree API such as JDOM or XOM 
> or a streaming
>   API such as XStream.
> *  If you have pre-existing JSON, you can use GSON or Jackson as a tree or 
> streaming API.
> As you note, some JVM languages like Groovy and Scala have special facilities 
> for structured
> markup.  If those don't meet your requirements, the JVM language can still 
> use the Java libraries
> above. 
> Erik Hennum
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Damon Feldman 
> []
> Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2012 7:08 PM
> To: MarkLogic Developer Discussion
> Subject: Re: [MarkLogic Dev General] Scala and XCC
> David,
> I think that's where you're going to develop new ideas. I would do it in a 
> view layer inside MarkLogic - renderEmployees.xqy or something like this:
> let $employees :=
>1234 Oak St.
>San Diego
>1234 Elm St.
>Los Angeles
> for $e in $employees/employee
> return xdmp:document-insert(concat("/employee/", 
> $e/name/@id/string<mailto:$e/name/@id/string>()), $e)
> ; (: transaction end. start new tx :)
>  {
>  for $e in /employee
>  return
>{concat($e/name/first, " ", 
> $e/name/last)}{$e//state/text()}
>  }
> Or you could send XML right to a smart table widget in the browser, or send 
> JSON via the json libraries. But you may find a better way to use Scala too.
> Yours,
> Damon
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of David Sargeant 
> []
> Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2012 9:40 PM
> To: MarkLogic Developer Discussion
> Subject: Re: [MarkLogic Dev General] Scala and XCC
> How would you normally process a nested xml structure after retrieving it?  
> Or would you transform in MarkLogic first?  For example, let's say I had the 
> following stored in the db and wanted to display it on a web page.  I'm using 
> an MVC architecture, so the HTML for my view is already defined, and I just 
> want to iterate over the nested structure.
>1234 Oak St.
>San Diego
>1234 Elm St.
>Los Angeles
> On Oct 18, 2012, at 7:40 PM, Damon Feldman 
>>> wrote:
> David,
> I like how you are thinking - why not have good XML support all the way 
> through the stack? You should be able to do more in Scala than in Java, since 
> Java's XML handling is so painful.
> I think your division of work between XQuery/XSLT in the MarkLogic Server and 
> Scala processing may depend on speed and data volumes. If the operation is 
> going to turn a lot of data into a little data, or do heavy processing, do it 
> in MarkLogic.
> E.g. if you want the SSNs of all the People named Bob you could have Scala 
> invoke
> /Person
> in MarkLogic and filter out everyone other than Bob, then throw away all data 
> but the SSN. Or you could invoke
> /Person[name="Bob"]
> in MarkLogic and use Scala to pull the SSN from the resulting full

Re: [MarkLogic Dev General] Scala and XCC

2012-10-18 Thread David Sargeant
How would you normally process a nested xml structure after retrieving it?  Or 
would you transform in MarkLogic first?  For example, let's say I had the 
following stored in the db and wanted to display it on a web page.  I'm using 
an MVC architecture, so the HTML for my view is already defined, and I just 
want to iterate over the nested structure.


1234 Oak St.
San Diego


1234 Elm St.
Los Angeles

On Oct 18, 2012, at 7:40 PM, Damon Feldman  wrote:

> David,
> I like how you are thinking - why not have good XML support all the way 
> through the stack? You should be able to do more in Scala than in Java, since 
> Java's XML handling is so painful.
> I think your division of work between XQuery/XSLT in the MarkLogic Server and 
> Scala processing may depend on speed and data volumes. If the operation is 
> going to turn a lot of data into a little data, or do heavy processing, do it 
> in MarkLogic.
> E.g. if you want the SSNs of all the People named Bob you could have Scala 
> invoke
> /Person
> in MarkLogic and filter out everyone other than Bob, then throw away all data 
> but the SSN. Or you could invoke
> /Person[name="Bob"]
> in MarkLogic and use Scala to pull the SSN from the resulting full XML 
> doc(s). More interesting is only moving the SSN to minimize serialization, 
> parsing, GC and network traffic. Do this in MarkLogic:
> /Person[name="Bob"]//ssn.text()
> and just use the resulting string in Scala. If you do return XML, I suspect 
> Scala's XML parsing (scala.xml.pull.Source ?) will parse it to the Scala mode 
> most efficiently.
> Damon
> --
> Damon Feldman,
> Sr. Principal Consultant, MarkLogic
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of David Lee 
> []
> Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2012 4:09 PM
> To: MarkLogic Developer Discussion
> Subject: Re: [MarkLogic Dev General] Scala and XCC
> First off, are there other things you are doing that need Scala ?
> I think you will find the XQuery support native to MarkLogic to be vastly 
> better then the XML support in Scala,
> easier to use and more efficient.
> But supposing you do need or want scala.  Our latest MarkLogic 6.0 has a new 
> Java API
> I belive Scala runs in the Java JVM and can call Java directly ?
> If so this may be what you are looking for
> Also you can call MarkLogic using a REST (plain old HTTP) request and get 
> back XML which you can then (hopefully) get Scala to parse and turn into a 
> Scala XML element.
> -
> David Lee
> Lead Engineer
> MarkLogic Corporation
> Phone: +1 812-482-5224
> Cell:  +1 812-630-7622
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of David Sargeant
> Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2012 4:04 PM
> To: MarkLogic Developer Discussion
> Subject: Re: [MarkLogic Dev General] Scala and XCC
> In Scala I can do the following (examples from a REPL session):
> scala> val david = 
> Daviddeveloper
> david: scala.xml.Elem = 
> Daviddeveloper
> scala> (david \ "name").text
> res3: String = David
> I'm wondering how to query MarkLogic using XCC and transform the results into 
> a scala.xml.Elem object so I can easily query the xml or map over it.  See 
> the following slides for some more things you can do with xml in Scala - 
> David
> On Oct 18, 2012, at 3:28 PM, David Lee  wrote:
> > To help answer you, could you provide details ?
> > What are your goals for "builtin xml processing in scala" and how does this 
> > relate to your intended use of MarkLogic ?
> >
> >
> > -----
> > David Lee
> > Lead Engineer
> > MarkLogic Corporation
> >
> > Phone: +1 812-482-5224
> > Cell:  +1 812-630-7622
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > -Original Message-

Re: [MarkLogic Dev General] Scala and XCC

2012-10-18 Thread David Sargeant
Thanks to everyone for the replies.  BTW, MarkLogic and XQuery about the 
coolest thing I have seen in a long time.  So glad to have found an elegant 
alternative to SQL and the mess that is tabular, rigid, relational data.


On Oct 18, 2012, at 4:38 PM, Clark Richey  wrote:

> If you are using MarkLogic 6 try accessing the new java client API from 
> scala. That should work fine and the new client API gives you much higher 
> level, easier to use access to MarkLogic that should easily integrate into 
> your application. 
> Clark D. Richey, Jr.
> Technical Director
> MarkLogic Corporation
> Cell:  +1 240 252 7507
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Oct 18, 2012, at 15:16, "David Sargeant"  wrote:
>> I'm farily new to the world of Java/Scala and MarkLogic, so forgive me if 
>> the question seems trivial.  I'm wondering what the best way is to use 
>> MarkLogic and Scala so that I can take advantage of the built-in xml 
>> processing capabilities of Scala?  Thanks.
>> David
>> ___
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> ___
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Re: [MarkLogic Dev General] Scala and XCC

2012-10-18 Thread David Sargeant
In Scala I can do the following (examples from a REPL session):

scala> val david = 
david: scala.xml.Elem = 

scala> (david \ "name").text
res3: String = David

I'm wondering how to query MarkLogic using XCC and transform the results into a 
scala.xml.Elem object so I can easily query the xml or map over it.  See the 
following slides for some more things you can do with xml in Scala -


On Oct 18, 2012, at 3:28 PM, David Lee  wrote:

> To help answer you, could you provide details ?
> What are your goals for "builtin xml processing in scala" and how does this 
> relate to your intended use of MarkLogic ?
> -
> David Lee
> Lead Engineer
> MarkLogic Corporation
> Phone: +1 812-482-5224
> Cell:  +1 812-630-7622
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of David Sargeant
> Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2012 3:19 PM
> To: General MarkLogic Developer Discussion
> Subject: [MarkLogic Dev General] Scala and XCC
> I'm farily new to the world of Java/Scala and MarkLogic, so forgive me if the 
> question seems trivial.  I'm wondering what the best way is to use MarkLogic 
> and Scala so that I can take advantage of the built-in xml processing 
> capabilities of Scala?  Thanks.
> David
> ___
> General mailing list
> ___
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[MarkLogic Dev General] Scala and XCC

2012-10-18 Thread David Sargeant
I'm farily new to the world of Java/Scala and MarkLogic, so forgive me if the 
question seems trivial.  I'm wondering what the best way is to use MarkLogic 
and Scala so that I can take advantage of the built-in xml processing 
capabilities of Scala?  Thanks.

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