
> Folks,
> When I configured MX4J for Gump notification I did it in a 
> way that (I now
> see) exposed a Gump bug & didn't get you notified. I'll fix 
> that bug, but here is another manual notification:
> http://brutus.apache.org/gump/public/mx4j/mx4j/index.html
> http://brutus.apache.org/gump/public/mx4j/mx4j/gump_work/build
> _mx4j_mx4j.html
> /usr/local/gump/public/workspace/mx4j/build/build.xml:240: 
> Manifest file:
> /usr/local/gump/public/workspace/mx4j/src/etc/MANIFEST.MF 
> does not exist.

Should be fixed now.

I guess if we don't hear anything from you, we can assume we did the right fix ;)

Thanks !


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