nickchalko    2004/03/01 13:04:43

  Added:       blog/Issues TakingControlOfModule.txt
  Preparing comments about Avalon and module.xml


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  <p>Recently the Avalon build on gump has been failing because of a missconfigured 
  Avalon keeps it module.xml in it's cvs at ??
  <p>Avalon has not been responsive to making changes to this 
  file but many other project in gump relay on it so we considered taking 
  moving it's module.xml to the gump cvs.
  <p>In general gump preferrs module.xml to be kept in it's cvs where all of apache 
  keep it uptodate and running.  However we defer to what ever a project wants as 
  long as the greater community is served.   For gump that means, succesfull builds. 
  [So what did we do ?]

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