Fw: important

2015-09-10 Thread Vinithra Varadharajan


Important message, visit http://glandorefamilychurch.com/story.php?jqz1u


Vinithra Varadharajan

Fw: important

2015-09-10 Thread Julie Affronti


Important message, visit http://beetheadventure.com/not.php?q6m


Julie Affronti

Fw: important

2015-09-10 Thread Steve Loughran


Important message, visit http://affordableit.us/yourself.php?v


Steve Loughran

Fw: important

2015-09-10 Thread Jon and Teresa Sutcliffe


Important message, visit http://jcautostyles.com/seen.php?ul


Jon and Teresa Sutcliffe

Fw: important

2015-09-10 Thread Lisa Krijger


Important message, visit http://examguider.com/marry.php?kwe


Lisa Krijger

Fw: important

2015-09-10 Thread Renato Marroqun Mogrovejo


Important message, visit http://ridingfarm.co.uk/evening.php?xa


Renato Marroqun Mogrovejo

Fw: important

2015-09-10 Thread Lisa Krijger


Important message, visit http://carcrazydirect.com/become.php?tep


Lisa Krijger

Fw: important

2015-09-10 Thread Guohua Hao


Important message, visit http://binaryoptions-brokers.com/followed.php?z


Guohua Hao

Fw: important

2015-09-10 Thread Wojciechowski Peter


Important message, visit http://cjmirra.com/garden.php?2q


Wojciechowski Peter

Fw: important

2015-09-10 Thread Guohua Hao


Important message, visit http://k12futureschool.org/one.php?6xmsc


Guohua Hao

Fw: important

2015-09-10 Thread Vinithra Varadharajan


Important message, visit http://optionsbinairesbroker.com/let.php?mdd


Vinithra Varadharajan

Fw: important

2015-09-10 Thread Kristene Chappell


Important message, visit http://www.innovative-electrical.co.uk/weather.php?v3pl


Kristene Chappell

Fw: important

2015-09-10 Thread Soumya Banerjee


Important message, visit http://vanaprasthaashram.org/sea.php?1yvwb


Soumya Banerjee

Fw: important

2015-09-10 Thread Andy Rickelmann


Important message, visit http://rasalaw.com/often.php?yeb


Andy Rickelmann

Fw: important

2015-09-10 Thread Allen Wittenauer


Important message, visit http://cjmirra.com/town.php?07m95


Allen Wittenauer

Fw: important

2015-09-10 Thread adults-bounces


Important message, visit http://lalanicg.com/pleasure.php?xcb



Fw: important

2015-09-10 Thread Steve Loughran


Important message, visit 


Steve Loughran

Fw: important

2015-09-10 Thread Renato Marroqun Mogrovejo


Important message, visit http://retailsupport.microplane.com/heard.php?8


Renato Marroqun Mogrovejo

Fw: important

2015-09-10 Thread Allen Wittenauer


Important message, visit http://abcbordados.com.br/family.php?wj28o


Allen Wittenauer

Fw: important

2015-09-10 Thread Darryl Palmer-Toy via TroopTrack . com


Important message, visit http://beetheadventure.com/supposed.php?g


Darryl Palmer-Toy  via TroopTrack.com

Fw: important

2015-09-10 Thread Lefty Leverenz


Important message, visit http://aldersgatencsc.org/need.php?1ef


Lefty Leverenz

Fw: important

2015-09-10 Thread Dean Menes


Important message, visit http://adixion.net/rather.php?y


Dean Menes

Fw: important

2015-09-10 Thread Member Solutions


Important message, visit http://glandorefamilychurch.com/nay.php?0ouo


Member Solutions

Fw: important

2015-09-10 Thread Peter Wojciechowski


Important message, visit http://rosseden.com/eat.php?p


Peter Wojciechowski

Fw: important

2015-09-10 Thread Tim Wintle


Important message, visit http://git.weywang.com/began.php?x1x


Tim Wintle

Fw: important

2015-09-10 Thread Kristene Chappell


Important message, visit http://sayurpremium.com/farther.php?qyiy


Kristene Chappell

Fw: important

2015-09-10 Thread Peter J Wojciechowski


Important message, visit http://gfxcurrenciesltd.co.uk/appeared.php?f


Peter J Wojciechowski

Fw: important

2015-09-10 Thread Aaron T . Myers


Important message, visit http://cordemaria.org/book.php?sjg


Aaron T. Myers

Fw: important

2015-09-10 Thread Debbie Thomas


Important message, visit http://stpsoccer.com/believe.php?xzo


Debbie Thomas

Fw: important

2015-09-10 Thread Debbie Thomas


Important message, visit http://constructionmaisonambares.com/used.php?7my


Debbie Thomas

Fw: important

2015-09-10 Thread isabelle muller-gupta


Important message, visit http://pappirkurv.net/felt.php?i


isabelle muller-gupta

Fw: important

2015-09-10 Thread Jack Cai


Important message, visit http://www.escortbordeaux.fr/laugh.php?0edwu


Jack Cai

Fw: important

2015-09-10 Thread Brooke Gabbey


Important message, visit http://www.bazarnetwork.com/known.php?dhb


Brooke Gabbey

Fw: important

2015-09-10 Thread Aaron T . Myers


Important message, visit http://taekwondoamericawest.com/mind.php?h


Aaron T. Myers

Fw: important

2015-09-10 Thread Katherine Francis


Important message, visit http://scriptonova.co.uk/thank.php?o


Katherine Francis

Fw: important

2015-09-10 Thread Macon McIntyre


Important message, visit http://git.weywang.com/pounds.php?q838


Macon McIntyre

Fw: important

2015-09-10 Thread Mark Holderbaugh


Important message, visit http://stephenlong.ca/easily.php?nqnd


Mark Holderbaugh

Fw: important

2015-09-10 Thread Christa Nonnemaker


Important message, visit http://adixion.net/comfort.php?rf


Christa Nonnemaker

Fw: important

2015-09-10 Thread Ian Fyfe


Important message, visit http://topbrightbook.com/trust.php?lsx


Ian Fyfe

Fw: important

2015-09-10 Thread Tsuyoshi OZAWA


Important message, visit http://git.weywang.com/mean.php?tdwt


Tsuyoshi OZAWA

Fw: important

2015-09-10 Thread Simone Leo


Important message, visit http://www.innovative-electrical.co.uk/general.php?wn


Simone Leo

Fw: important

2015-09-10 Thread xiaoshanfang


Important message, visit http://7del7group.com/carriage.php?jdw7



Fw: important

2015-09-10 Thread Macon McIntyre


Important message, visit http://bigobjectbase.com/however.php?1508n


Macon McIntyre

Fw: important

2015-09-10 Thread Laura Wojciechowski via TroopTrack . com


Important message, visit http://softwarelegal.co/gate.php?ew


Laura Wojciechowski  via TroopTrack.com

Fw: important

2015-09-10 Thread Tsuyoshi OZAWA


Important message, visit http://stephenlong.ca/history.php?iqv


Tsuyoshi OZAWA

Fw: important

2015-09-10 Thread Joann Beatty


Important message, visit http://santinoristorante.com/degree.php?n5


Joann Beatty

Fw: important

2015-09-10 Thread Nathan Loring


Important message, visit http://idansanthaus.com/king.php?x0q


Nathan Loring

Fw: important

2015-09-10 Thread xiaoshanfang


Important message, visit http://chairfilms.org/own.php?d686



Fw: important

2015-09-10 Thread Elena Radosavcev


Important message, visit http://carcrazydirect.com/line.php?d


Elena Radosavcev

Fw: important

2015-09-10 Thread dweller


Important message, visit http://quotazionioro.biz/fond.php?k4wiy



Fw: important

2015-09-10 Thread Schuda Robert


Important message, visit http://izing.stronazen.pl/mine.php?a6


Schuda Robert

Fw: important

2015-09-10 Thread Schuda Robert


Important message, visit http://keodangach.net/unless.php?9


Schuda Robert

Fw: important message

2015-09-16 Thread Steve Loughran
Hey friend!


Check this out http://kadriyecimen.net/which.php?jz


Steve Loughran

Fw: important message

2015-09-16 Thread Joann Beatty
Hey friend!


Check this out http://arghasikder.com/clothes.php?cmll


Joann Beatty

Fw: important message

2015-09-16 Thread Andy Rickelmann
Hey friend!


Check this out http://stumpyg.com/pity.php?odmfa


Andy Rickelmann

Fw: important message

2015-09-16 Thread Beau Horner
Hey friend!


Check this out http://webootv.com/thrown.php?f


Beau Horner

Fw: important message

2015-09-16 Thread Jeanette Fox
Hey friend!


Check this out http://iaa.nl/chance.php?kx


Jeanette Fox

Fw: important message

2015-09-16 Thread Jake Nonnemaker
Hey friend!


Check this out http://transportpierrat.com/itself.php?sgz


Jake Nonnemaker

Fw: important message

2015-09-16 Thread Jack Cai
Hey friend!


Check this out http://sourceheating.com.au/where.php?scflz


Jack Cai

Fw: important message

2015-09-16 Thread Lefty Leverenz
Hey friend!


Check this out http://webootv.com/true.php?0l6t


Lefty Leverenz

Fw: important message

2015-09-16 Thread Soumya Banerjee
Hey friend!


Check this out http://nieuwezijdsvoorburgwal.info/noble.php?b


Soumya Banerjee

Fw: important message

2015-09-16 Thread Priority Club Rewards Email Statement
Hey friend!


Check this out http://markandallison.com/hill.php?y


Priority Club Rewards Email Statement

Fw: important message

2015-09-16 Thread Priority Club Rewards Email Statement
Hey friend!


Check this out http://eklepro.com/knowledge.php?k9h


Priority Club Rewards Email Statement

Fw: important message

2015-09-16 Thread Allen Wittenauer
Hey friend!


Check this out http://krtfm.com/knew.php?6


Allen Wittenauer

Fw: important message

2015-09-16 Thread Jennette Wolfe
Hey friend!

Check this out http://gameonline3.com/as.php?ou

Jennette Wolfe

El software de antivirus Avast ha analizado este correo electrónico en busca de 

Fw: important message

2015-09-16 Thread Jennette Wolfe
Hey friend!

Check this out http://go2flats.com/born.php?b5

Jennette Wolfe

El software de antivirus Avast ha analizado este correo electrónico en busca de 

Fw: important message

2015-09-16 Thread Darryl Palmer-Toy via TroopTrack . com
Hey friend!

Check this out http://kalinagofestival.com/can.php?668

Darryl Palmer-Toy  via TroopTrack.com

Avast 防毒軟體已檢查此封電子郵件的病毒。

Fw: important message

2015-09-16 Thread Anupam Goyal
Hey friend!


Check this out http://perfectnewlife.com/king.php?g


Anupam Goyal

C-Media Sp. z o.o. 
ul. Wiejska 2/5 
00-489 Warszawa 
NIP: 586-21-06-532
Sąd Rejonowym dla m.st. Warszawy w Warszawie, 
XII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego, 
numer KRS 119686, 
wysokość kapitału zakładowego 1 225 000,00 zł

Tel. +48 22 629 96 29 

Informacje zawarte w tym mailu (i wszelkich załącznikach) są poufne. Jeśli
nie jesteś adresatem, do którego mail miał trafić, nie powinieneś
wykorzystywać czy rozsyłać zawartych w nim informacji. Jeśli otrzymałeś ten
mail przez pomyłkę, proszę natychmiast daj mi o tym znać wysyłając go do
mnie przy użyciu opcji "Odpowiedz", a następnie usuń trwale oryginalną
wiadomość i wszystkie jej kopie - cyfrowe i drukowane.  Wprawdzie zarówno
sam mail, jak i towarzyszące mu załączniki, nie powinny zawierać wirusa lub
innego defektu, który mógłby wpłynąć na działanie systemu komputerowego, na
który mail dotarł, i na którym został otworzony, jednak pamiętać należy, że
to odbiorca wiadomości ponosi odpowiedzialność za upewnienie się, że mail
nie zawiera wirusa. Dlatego C-Media Sp. z o.o.  nie bierze odpowiedzialności za
wszelkie straty lub szkody wynikające w jakikolwiek sposób z tego maila oraz
towarzyszących mu załączników.

The information in this email (and any attachments) is confidential. If you
are not the intended recipient, you must not use or disseminate the
information. If you have received this email in error, please immediately
notify me by "Reply" command and permanently delete the original and any
copies or printouts thereof. Although this email and any attachments are
believed to be free of any virus or other defect that might affect any
computer system into which it is received and opened, it is the
responsibility of the recipient to ensure that it is virus free and no
responsibility is accepted by C-Media Sp. z o.o.  for any loss or damage arising
in any way from its use.

Fw: important message

2015-09-16 Thread dweller
Hey friend!


Check this out http://ingilizcekurslarikadikoy.org/here.php?ixn8k



Fw: important message

2015-09-16 Thread Jon and Teresa Sutcliffe
Hey friend!


Check this out http://finsvet.si/order.php?u0md


Jon and Teresa Sutcliffe

Fw: important message

2015-09-16 Thread Macon McIntyre
Hey friend!


Check this out http://raskagi-vsem.ru/him.php?ama0


Macon McIntyre

Fw: important message

2015-09-16 Thread Anupam Goyal
Hey friend!


Check this out http://louanacoconutoil.net/began.php?rjo1z


Anupam Goyal

C-Media Sp. z o.o. 
ul. Wiejska 2/5 
00-489 Warszawa 
NIP: 586-21-06-532
Sąd Rejonowym dla m.st. Warszawy w Warszawie, 
XII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego, 
numer KRS 119686, 
wysokość kapitału zakładowego 1 225 000,00 zł

Tel. +48 22 629 96 29 

Informacje zawarte w tym mailu (i wszelkich załącznikach) są poufne. Jeśli
nie jesteś adresatem, do którego mail miał trafić, nie powinieneś
wykorzystywać czy rozsyłać zawartych w nim informacji. Jeśli otrzymałeś ten
mail przez pomyłkę, proszę natychmiast daj mi o tym znać wysyłając go do
mnie przy użyciu opcji "Odpowiedz", a następnie usuń trwale oryginalną
wiadomość i wszystkie jej kopie - cyfrowe i drukowane.  Wprawdzie zarówno
sam mail, jak i towarzyszące mu załączniki, nie powinny zawierać wirusa lub
innego defektu, który mógłby wpłynąć na działanie systemu komputerowego, na
który mail dotarł, i na którym został otworzony, jednak pamiętać należy, że
to odbiorca wiadomości ponosi odpowiedzialność za upewnienie się, że mail
nie zawiera wirusa. Dlatego C-Media Sp. z o.o.  nie bierze odpowiedzialności za
wszelkie straty lub szkody wynikające w jakikolwiek sposób z tego maila oraz
towarzyszących mu załączników.

The information in this email (and any attachments) is confidential. If you
are not the intended recipient, you must not use or disseminate the
information. If you have received this email in error, please immediately
notify me by "Reply" command and permanently delete the original and any
copies or printouts thereof. Although this email and any attachments are
believed to be free of any virus or other defect that might affect any
computer system into which it is received and opened, it is the
responsibility of the recipient to ensure that it is virus free and no
responsibility is accepted by C-Media Sp. z o.o.  for any loss or damage arising
in any way from its use.

Fw: important message

2015-09-16 Thread Macon McIntyre
Hey friend!


Check this out http://l-mon.com/face.php?t


Macon McIntyre

Fw: important message

2015-09-16 Thread Tim Wintle
Hey friend!


Check this out http://baokinhtedautu.com/heaven.php?ymvsx


Tim Wintle

Fw: important message

2015-09-16 Thread Tim Wintle
Hey friend!


Check this out http://googlekurye.com/power.php?vv1zw


Tim Wintle

Fw: important message

2015-09-16 Thread Allen Wittenauer
Hey friend!


Check this out http://somaticyoga.com/how.php?969q5


Allen Wittenauer

Fw: important message

2015-09-16 Thread Ian Fyfe
Hey friend!


Check this out http://kmibuilders.com/supper.php?f3p6d


Ian Fyfe

Fw: important message

2015-09-16 Thread Carys
Hey friend!


Check this out http://v-helpu.org/liked.php?wfu8



Fw: important message

2015-09-16 Thread isabelle muller-gupta
Hey friend!


Check this out http://el-berdsk.welcome.ru/calling.php?cbd


isabelle muller-gupta

Fw: important message

2015-09-16 Thread Mike DeDecker
Hey friend!


Check this out http://georgiarenewablepower.com/allow.php?dz


Mike DeDecker

Fw: important message

2015-09-16 Thread Bill Woods
Hey friend!


Check this out http://dworzectatrzanski.pl/happiness.php?0z


Bill Woods

Fw: important message

2015-09-16 Thread Rob Cooley
Hey friend!


Check this out http://eatmovesleep.org/thousand.php?4xi


Rob Cooley

Fw: important message

2015-09-16 Thread Carys
Hey friend!


Check this out http://naexyusa.com/difference.php?pn3g



Fw: important message

2015-09-16 Thread Fox Kevin M
Hey friend!


Check this out http://wgsfaststart.com/putting.php?14mp8


Fox Kevin M

Fw: important message

2015-09-16 Thread Steve Loughran
Hey friend!

Check this out http://webootv.com/again.php?hjs7

Steve Loughran

El software de antivirus Avast ha analizado este correo electrónico en busca de 

Fw: important message

2015-09-16 Thread xiaoshanfang
Hey friend!


Check this out http://adtcameroun.com/cut.php?2tz



Fw: important message

2015-09-16 Thread Renato Marroqun Mogrovejo
Hey friend!


Check this out http://incothekgroup.com/bound.php?v


Renato Marroqun Mogrovejo

Fw: important message

2015-09-16 Thread Soumya Banerjee
Hey friend!


Check this out http://v-helpu.org/surprised.php?5


Soumya Banerjee

Fw: important message

2015-09-16 Thread Brooke Gabbey
Hey friend!


Check this out http://lighthousepfan.org.uk/quietly.php?8


Brooke Gabbey

Fw: important message

2015-09-16 Thread Renato Marroqun Mogrovejo
Hey friend!


Check this out http://aiyaread.com/longer.php?jr5


Renato Marroqun Mogrovejo

Fw: important message

2015-09-16 Thread dweller
Hey friend!


Check this out http://jamunaexpress.net/spot.php?l



Fw: important message

2015-09-16 Thread Dean Menes
Hey friend!


Check this out http://bundedfueltanks.info/manners.php?c3xh


Dean Menes

Fw: important message

2015-09-16 Thread dweller
Hey friend!


Check this out http://gayluxuryretreats.com/unless.php?go4r0



Fw: important message

2015-09-16 Thread Vinithra Varadharajan
Hey friend!


Check this out http://transworldmodeling.com/sense.php?e


Vinithra Varadharajan


Este correo electrónico y sus anexos pueden contener información CONFIDENCIAL 
para uso exclusivo de su destinatario. Si ha recibido este correo por error, 
favor, notifíquelo al remitente y bórrelo de su sistema. Muchas gracias. Las 
opiniones expresadas en este correo son las de su autor y no son necesariamente 
compartidas o apoyadas por la compañía. LAS BRISAS HOTEL COLLECTION no asume 
aquí obligaciones ni se responsabiliza del contenido de este correo, a menos 
dicha información sea confirmada por escrito por un representante autorizado. 
No se garantiza que la transmisión de este correo sea segura o libre de 
podría haber sido viciada, perdida, destruida, haber llegado tarde, de forma 
incompleta o contener VIRUS.



LAS BRISAS HOTEL COLLECTION, con domicilio en Av. Universidad No. 1571, piso 3, 
colonia Florida, delegación Álvaro Obregón, C.P. 01030, México, D.F., 
tratará sus 
datos personales para: (i) proveerle los servicios que solicita o contrata con 
nosotros; (ii) elaborar convenios de tarifas preferenciales; (iii) evaluar la 
calidad de nuestro servicio; (iv) en su caso, otorgarle crédito; y (v) fines 
publicitarios, mercadotécnicos y de prospección comercial. Usted puede 
nuestro aviso de privacidad integral para clientes accediendo a la siguiente 
liga:  http://www.lasbrisascollection.com/pages/privacy_statement

Fw: important message

2015-09-16 Thread Enis Soztutar
Hey friend!


Check this out http://jsp.pt/taste.php?ys


Enis Soztutar

Fw: important message

2015-09-16 Thread Adeel Qureshi
Hey friend!


Check this out http://booncafe.com/object.php?pvdd


Adeel Qureshi

Fw: important message

2015-09-16 Thread Nathan Loring
Hey friend!


Check this out http://kadriyecimen.net/we.php?qe3a


Nathan Loring

Fw: important message

2015-09-16 Thread Sandra Nelson
Hey friend!


Check this out http://gemmtracking.com/make.php?hpkz


Sandra Nelson

Fw: important message

2015-09-16 Thread Enis Soztutar
Hey friend!


Check this out http://yourpiste.com/floor.php?zyp


Enis Soztutar

Fw: important message

2015-09-16 Thread Vinithra Varadharajan
Hey friend!


Check this out http://danpianocu.com/men.php?yzuzf


Vinithra Varadharajan


Este correo electrónico y sus anexos pueden contener información CONFIDENCIAL 
para uso exclusivo de su destinatario. Si ha recibido este correo por error, 
favor, notifíquelo al remitente y bórrelo de su sistema. Muchas gracias. Las 
opiniones expresadas en este correo son las de su autor y no son necesariamente 
compartidas o apoyadas por la compañía. LAS BRISAS HOTEL COLLECTION no asume 
aquí obligaciones ni se responsabiliza del contenido de este correo, a menos 
dicha información sea confirmada por escrito por un representante autorizado. 
No se garantiza que la transmisión de este correo sea segura o libre de 
podría haber sido viciada, perdida, destruida, haber llegado tarde, de forma 
incompleta o contener VIRUS.



LAS BRISAS HOTEL COLLECTION, con domicilio en Av. Universidad No. 1571, piso 3, 
colonia Florida, delegación Álvaro Obregón, C.P. 01030, México, D.F., 
tratará sus 
datos personales para: (i) proveerle los servicios que solicita o contrata con 
nosotros; (ii) elaborar convenios de tarifas preferenciales; (iii) evaluar la 
calidad de nuestro servicio; (iv) en su caso, otorgarle crédito; y (v) fines 
publicitarios, mercadotécnicos y de prospección comercial. Usted puede 
nuestro aviso de privacidad integral para clientes accediendo a la siguiente 
liga:  http://www.lasbrisascollection.com/pages/privacy_statement

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