Re: [DISCUSS] NuttX Proposal

2019-11-29 Thread Gregory Nutt

... The problem maybe the stuff on BitBucket other than
code, for example, the issues and PRs? I do not think it is easy to
transfer these things... Are they important to the project Greg?

I think they are not so important.  There are only 18 (nuttx) plus 3 
(apps) on Bitbucket.  It would probably be simpler to treat these as new 
issues.   Some are very old, most are feature requests or obscure 
problems on specific hardware.  None are critical to the health of the OS.

As new issues, I think the PMC should review and dispose of each.  Those 
that are worth retaining can come into whatever bug tracking the PMC 
opts for in Apache.  I am assuming that the PMC will have some triage 
for issues(?)  But that workflow has not yet been agreed upon.

There are another set of issues that I carry in a file call TODO in the 
repository.  These should all be folded together.


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Re: [DISCUSS] NuttX Proposal

2019-11-29 Thread Gregory Nutt

I imagine that it will take a month or two to get the GitHub repositories ready 
for prime time.

The physical transfer shouldn’t take that long, fixing up all the headers and 
licenses may take longer but that’s OK when using the work in progress 
disclaimer, you can makes incubating ASF release that don’t fully comply with 
ASF policy when including that disclaimer.
Yes, releasing with a disclaimer should work and cut the transition 
period down to a few weeks.  For that transition time, I am not thinking 
about physically moving the repositories.  That should be quick.  But 
getting the organization and workflow in place to manage commits will 
take a little time.  Everyone is new at this except me and I am the bad 

with changes pulled into the Apache Github until such time that support can 
transition seamlessly to GitHub.

Im not sure how easy that’s going to be, generally infra have made a single 
transfer and I’m not aware of any projects that tried this approach. It would 
require some discussion with infra to see what’s possible here.

If it is not possible to automate this, then changes originated from old 
retiring Bitbucket could be handled as normal PRs.  That is not unusual.


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