Re: Potential proposal + request volunteers for champion & mentor roles - MetaModel

2013-01-29 Thread Federico Strati

On 1/28/2013 11:07 AM, Kasper Sørensen wrote:

Dear all,

After some time spent (yeah, sorry quite a lot more time than we had hoped), we 
finally now have the green light to officially post a proposal to the Incubator 
to take on MetaModel as a project. Since it's been a while, I wish to call out 
again for sponsors. We found a few some months ago, but we where out of contact 
for so long I feel it's most fair to ask again.

Please find below the draft proposal which we would love to further work on 
together with sponsors before finally submitting it. (I tried posting it on the 
wiki but was not authorized, probably because my account is a new one).

Best regards,
Kasper Sørensen


MetaModel - uniform data access across datastores
Proposal for Apache Incubator


I made few weeks a go a proposal (in very early stages of conception)
that may marry very well with this project.

You find the infos (very short at the moment) at the
following URL:

It has to do with software redundancy on RDBMS
so I'll be pleased if you may have an opinion on it
and send me some further pointers about MetaModel.

My idea was to target the most commercial databases first
(Oracle, MS SQL Server, etc...) as the most widely used
and to use as a language C/C++ for reasons of efficiency.

Kind regards


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Re: [PROPOSAL] RDBMSSR: RDBMS Software Redundancy Proposal

2013-01-24 Thread Federico Strati

Il 24/01/2013 11:54, Bertrand Delacretaz ha scritto:

On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 11:50 AM, Greg Stein  wrote:

...While I may disagree with the concept, I have no real opposition to people
attempting to spin up projects here

Me neither, I'm not opposing, just suggesting a way that might be more


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My first steps here are to discuss the general ideas and concepts.
While I can work alone with Oracle and MS SQL Server, I've no experience 
with NOSQL

RDBMS as Cassandra.

That's why my attempt to "spin-up" the ideas on the Apache community.


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Re: [PROPOSAL] RDBMSSR: RDBMS Software Redundancy Proposal

2013-01-24 Thread Federico Strati

Hello Greg,

thanks for the reply. I just answer shortly to a couple of points you 

IMO, RDBMS independence is a useless goal.

Software deployments never wake up on a Thursday, and say, "let's change
our database."

Always, the goal is to store information, and to make the best use of the
subsystem. This means you take advantage of RDBMS specifics. So this
*really* means you're not changing the backend.

The idea is in fact to have a *redundant *system against *RDBMS 
specifics failures*.
This means that from *one unique* high level data model you derive 
"multiple paths"

*specifically *designed for each different RDBMS.

I have never seen a valid use case for a true, production system needing a
switchable backend.

*In fact, this idea for the proposal stems from the work I did in a 
large company, AMADEUS*.
They do have troubles with down time of distributed systems caused by 
failures in the RDBMS
layer. In fact, they do loose "millions" of euro's anytime they meet an 
uncovered bug

in the RDBMS layer (Oracle, in this case).
I think the same will apply to other large organizations.

Similar API? Sure. But not exactly the same. The best apps will design for
a specific backend, and will need specific API access.

Yes, the idea would have to have *different handlers / managers 
specifically *designed

for each *different *RDBMS system.

The proposed concept of query abstraction across "paths" (whatever) goes
even further away from proper app/db design.

The idea would be to have *just one mathematically defined super-model* 
from which you

may derive *specific models adapted to each different backend RDBMS*.


Thanks for your thoughts.


[PROPOSAL] RDBMSSR: RDBMS Software Redundancy Proposal

2013-01-23 Thread Federico Strati


I had no answer to the first post of this proposal, but I sent
it during xmas holidays.

So I send it again, I really would like to discuss the ideas

Maybe you may suggest me the appropriate forum as well.



-- Short Description --
RDBMSSR: RDBMS Software Redundancy Proposal.

PROBLEM / GOAL: avoid any loosing of up-time service of an application 
using either

commercial or non-commercial databases due to yet uncovered and undiscovered
bugs in database middleware.

PROPOSED SOLUTION: Do make use of a redundant approach in the use of the 
middleware by diversifying databases, schemas in the databases, 
relational or non relational

data models, or using explicitly modifiers of any kind to SQL statements.
The “Multiple Paths” model is proposed: do use multiple different paths 
and algorithms

to access the very same data beneath them all.

FILES: all the complementary files described below are available at the
following URL: .
-- Short Description --

-- A bit Longer Description --
The basic idea is to generate from an unique input DataModel of the RDBMS
hundreds of multiple paths per SQL statement.

The way we generate the multiple paths is described in the powerpoint file
"RDBMS_Software_Redundancy.pptx" (other format is 

The basic idea is to use multiple databases (commercial as well as non 
to use multiple different schemas in order to model the same data 

and non relational), to use the modifiers of any kind available for a given
RDBMS platform in order to generate different SQL statements to access 
the same

underlying data.

Then we may attach a probability and a time-out to each path
and do compute explicitly for all paths, summing up contributions.
-- A bit Longer Description --

-- Proposed Solution --
The Proposed Solution will have (minimally) the following features:

A) An abstract DataModel generator -> The input DataModel is entered and 
and from it, iteratively if needed, the whole number of different 
“paths” is generated.

B) A software interface consisting of OR the DBO (Dynamic Business 
Object) model

(presented as a very simple and short example in the "" file in C++)
to represent data-types (intrinsic architecture)
OR a pre-compiler able to adapt to existing concrete objects
and able to generate adapted concrete classes (extrinsic architecture, 
no example given).

C) A software interface consisting of the DB pool managers and handlers
specific to commercial and non-commercial databases alike (as well as 

-- Proposed Solution --

The proposed idea is in its very early stage of conception, so any 

even if completely against it (but with good reasons), will be appreciated
as well as any pointer to related on going efforts in any project.

The author of this email claim to make the Proposal to the APACHE "brand"
for an open discussion of such topic, ideas against and for, and any 
other help

that may come from experienced open source developers.

Thanks in advance


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Re: Clean up users who are members of the "incubator" group and no other?

2013-01-10 Thread Federico Strati


just speaking for myself, I recently joined the incubator group
only to discuss a proposal.

Let me know what do you consider about it.

Federico Strati

On 1/10/2013 10:17 AM, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:


Doing some cleanup/checks for the graduated Flex podling, I noticed a
number of users at who
are just members of the incubator group, and no other group (starting
from the top: acs, acymbalak, aditzel, etc.)

Is there a valid use case for this?

To me it seems more like people who were involved in podlings that
were retired, or people who left podlings before graduation - so it
doesn't make sense for them to be members of the incubator group.

I'm tempted to remove those folks from the incubator group, to better
reflect reality - WDYT?


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[PROPOSAL] RDBMSSR: RDBMS Software Redundancy Proposal

2013-01-03 Thread Federico Strati

-- Short Description --
RDBMSSR: RDBMS Software Redundancy Proposal.

PROBLEM / GOAL: avoid any loosing of up-time service of an application 
using either

commercial or non-commercial databases due to yet uncovered and undiscovered
bugs in database middleware.

PROPOSED SOLUTION: Do make use of a redundant approach in the use of the 
middleware by diversifying databases, schemas in the databases, 
relational or non relational

data models, or using explicitly modifiers of any kind to SQL statements.
The “Multiple Paths” model is proposed: do use multiple different paths 
and algorithms

to access the very same data beneath them all.

FILES: all the complementary files described below are available at the
following URL: .
-- Short Description --

-- A bit Longer Description --
The basic idea is to generate from an unique input DataModel of the RDBMS
hundreds of multiple paths per SQL statement.

The way we generate the multiple paths is described in the powerpoint file
"RDBMS_Software_Redundancy.pptx" (other format is 

The basic idea is to use multiple databases (commercial as well as non 
to use multiple different schemas in order to model the same data 

and non relational), to use the modifiers of any kind available for a given
RDBMS platform in order to generate different SQL statements to access 
the same

underlying data.

Then we may attach a probability and a time-out to each path
and do compute explicitly for all paths, summing up contributions.
-- A bit Longer Description --

-- Proposed Solution --
The Proposed Solution will have (minimally) the following features:

A) An abstract DataModel generator -> The input DataModel is entered and 
and from it, iteratively if needed, the whole number of different 
“paths” is generated.

B) A software interface consisting of OR the DBO (Dynamic Business 
Object) model

(presented as a very simple and short example in the "" file in C++)
to represent data-types (intrinsic architecture)
OR a pre-compiler able to adapt to existing concrete objects
and able to generate adapted concrete classes (extrinsic architecture, 
no example given).

C) A software interface consisting of the DB pool managers and handlers
specific to commercial and non-commercial databases alike (as well as 

-- Proposed Solution --

The proposed idea is in its very early stage of conception, so any 

even if completely against it (but with good reasons), will be appreciated
as well as any pointer to related on going efforts in any project.

The author of this email claim to make the Proposal to the APACHE "brand"
for an open discussion of such topic, ideas against and for, and any 
other help

that may come from experienced open source developers.

Thanks in advance


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Re: [PROPOSAL] Info for submitting a proposal

2013-01-03 Thread Federico Strati

say to put the documents and code on sourceforge, for instance ?



On 1/3/2013 4:57 PM, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:

On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 4:54 PM, Federico Strati  wrote:

...Thanks, I'll prepare a short email then.
(is it possible to attach examples in code, say a zip file?)...

URLs to code repositories are much better IMO.


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Re: [PROPOSAL] Info for submitting a proposal

2013-01-03 Thread Federico Strati
...I would like to know if I may explain in a short way my proposal here 
and be helped and redirected in case of overlap with existing projects...

You're welcome to describe an incubation proposal here. Being concise
often helps get people's attention.


Thanks, I'll prepare a short email then.
(is it possible to attach examples in code, say a zip file?)

I may anticipate that it has to do with software redundancy applied to 
communication with databases.

Any pointer would be useful.

Best regards


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[PROPOSAL] Info for submitting a proposal

2013-01-03 Thread Federico Strati


I did review the guide for the proposal submission and I did review also the
current projects, but, as I'm not an APACHE contributor, I may lack

Hence I would like to know if I may explain in a short way my proposal
here and be helped and redirected in case of overlap with existing projects.

Thanks in advance

Kind regards

Federico Strati

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