Re: [VOTE] Graduate Apache NuttX to TLP

2022-11-07 Thread Gregory Nutt

Sorry, I need to change my vote to -1.
I just discovered a brand issue we need to address before graduation.
It looks like the trademark of Nuttx[1] is still not transferred to ASF.
We need the trademark VP approval before starting the vote.

Willem Jiang

Twitter: willemjiang
Weibo: 姜宁willem

We can do that, but I do not know the process.  Some legal help will be needed. 
 The procedure is here:

- There is a government fee of $40 
 fee code 8521).
- We need to file a new trademark ownership assignment.  I think this can be 
done electronically:

It would be good to have some assistance from a knowledgeable person in the ASF.

Gregory Nutt

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Re: [RESULT][VOTE] Accept NuttX into the Apache Incubator

2019-12-09 Thread Gregory Nutt

Congrats to Nuttx team - this is an official Apache Incubator project now.

Thank you for you help and support,


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Re: [RESULT][VOTE] Accept NuttX into the Apache Incubator

2019-12-08 Thread Gregory Nutt


And raised an infra JIRA to set up the LDAP/DNS. [1] Once that is done we can 
set up the mailing lists and other infrastructure.

Thank you for all of your help and good advice in accomplishing this.


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Re: [VOTE] Accept NuttX into the Apache Incubator

2019-12-04 Thread Gregory Nutt

+1 (non-binding)

Gregory Nutt

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Re: [DISCUSS] NuttX Proposal

2019-12-03 Thread Gregory Nutt

 Thanks for offering the help here though and I just added you as
initial committer per Greg's suggestions.

I have a request to add Abdelatif GUETTOUCHE 
 as an initial committer as well.  I 
posted the current state of the proposal in the NuttX forum and so 
there may be additional volunteers.  I appreciate that we do have to 
cut this off at some point and I also appreciate your patience with 
the volatility.

Another person has requested to be an initial committer.  If possible, 
please add him to the proposal as well:  Nathan Hartman 


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Re: [DISCUSS] NuttX Proposal

2019-12-03 Thread Gregory Nutt

Hi, Junping

 Thanks for offering the help here though and I just added you as
initial committer per Greg's suggestions.

I have a request to add Abdelatif GUETTOUCHE 
 as an initial committer as well.  I 
posted the current state of the proposal in the NuttX forum and so there 
may be additional volunteers.  I appreciate that we do have to cut this 
off at some point and I also appreciate your patience with the volatility.


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Re: [DISCUSS] NuttX Proposal

2019-12-03 Thread Gregory Nutt

Sorry Justin,

Greg explained me that only member of the IPMC can be a mentor.

But you are certainly welcome to be added as an initial committer.

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Re: [DISCUSS] NuttX Proposal

2019-12-02 Thread Gregory Nutt

This is a good discussion to have had before entering the incubator, and I'm 
satisfied that the intent is good, and the podling can demonstrate during 
incubation that the founder will in fact step back and allow the project to 
move forward without the founder's undue influence.

Note that it's fine for the founder to continue to work on the project, but in 
a different role.

I have been standing back and not getting deeply involved with this 
discussion because it pertains too closely to me.  It is my intention to 
divest myself of total authority over the project just as stated in the 
Proposal.  Further, it is my intention to stay out of the initial 
formation of the project as much as possible, in partial fulfillment of 
Ted Dunning's "thought experiment."  I intend to vote 0 on all decisions 
before the PPMC -- unless, I suppose, I had some very strong opinion 
about some topic.  I cannot imagine what topic that might be, however.

I will be available as needed for information needed by the others to 
accomplish this transition but for the most part, just consider me as on 
vacation in place.  I will help as much as needed and stay out of the 
way as much as possible.

I suppose I should say a little more about my motivations in this.  
Without some understanding, is is reasonable to be skeptical.  Yes, the 
project is very dear to me and the result of many years of blood, sweat, 
and tears and years of work mostly done alone for crazy long hours.  
Being a "benevolent dictator" does not proper describe my past role 
because I was the ONLY person on the project.  I did everything.  I 
still do.

There are two things that motivate me:  First, the workload has gotten 
to be far too much for one person.  I dispose of around 60-100 changes 
per week and really have no personal life left.  It is more than I can 
do (and much more than I can do well).  The only real way to solve that 
is to open the project up to others working as equals.  The second, and 
more important, motivation is the I am closing in on 70 years old now.  
I retired 8 retires ago and I cannot realistically control this project 
long into the future.   For my personal health and sanity, I really need 
to detach and let the project take a life of its own that does not 
depend on me in any way.

I would see the biggest risk to a new PPMC would not be me, but rather 
the sheer volume of work that the PPMC is stepping into.  I am prepared 
for some initial chaos and perhaps a missed release cycle.  But I have 
come to accept that that is a reasonable price to pay for a clean 
knife-edge hand-off.


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Re: [DISCUSS] NuttX Proposal

2019-11-29 Thread Gregory Nutt

... The problem maybe the stuff on BitBucket other than
code, for example, the issues and PRs? I do not think it is easy to
transfer these things... Are they important to the project Greg?

I think they are not so important.  There are only 18 (nuttx) plus 3 
(apps) on Bitbucket.  It would probably be simpler to treat these as new 
issues.   Some are very old, most are feature requests or obscure 
problems on specific hardware.  None are critical to the health of the OS.

As new issues, I think the PMC should review and dispose of each.  Those 
that are worth retaining can come into whatever bug tracking the PMC 
opts for in Apache.  I am assuming that the PMC will have some triage 
for issues(?)  But that workflow has not yet been agreed upon.

There are another set of issues that I carry in a file call TODO in the 
repository.  These should all be folded together.


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Re: [DISCUSS] NuttX Proposal

2019-11-29 Thread Gregory Nutt

I imagine that it will take a month or two to get the GitHub repositories ready 
for prime time.

The physical transfer shouldn’t take that long, fixing up all the headers and 
licenses may take longer but that’s OK when using the work in progress 
disclaimer, you can makes incubating ASF release that don’t fully comply with 
ASF policy when including that disclaimer.
Yes, releasing with a disclaimer should work and cut the transition 
period down to a few weeks.  For that transition time, I am not thinking 
about physically moving the repositories.  That should be quick.  But 
getting the organization and workflow in place to manage commits will 
take a little time.  Everyone is new at this except me and I am the bad 

with changes pulled into the Apache Github until such time that support can 
transition seamlessly to GitHub.

Im not sure how easy that’s going to be, generally infra have made a single 
transfer and I’m not aware of any projects that tried this approach. It would 
require some discussion with infra to see what’s possible here.

If it is not possible to automate this, then changes originated from old 
retiring Bitbucket could be handled as normal PRs.  That is not unusual.


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Re: [DISCUSS] NuttX Proposal

2019-11-28 Thread Gregory Nutt


It is our intention to use the Apache GitHub.  I have been using 
Bitbucket for a few years and have resisted moving to GitHub.  I like 
Bitbucket only because I know how to use it (My favorite tools are 
always the ones I know how to use).  But GitHub is the plan of record if 
NuttX is accepted as a podling.

I do have some question about the transition.  NuttX is a very active 
project with a large user base.  We have to both (1) modify the code 
base to conform to licensing and other requirements, but also (2) 
continue to support the community with quality releases. I imagine that 
it will take a month or two to get the GitHub repositories ready for 
prime time.  During that time, I think that the Bitbucket/BSD 
repositories should continue with business as usual with changes pulled 
into the Apache Github until such time that support can transition 
seamlessly to GitHub.

Does that seem reasonable?  We may be somewhat different from other 
podlings because of the state and maturity of the code.


On 11/28/2019 9:04 PM, Justin Mclean wrote:


Over on the google groups I saw some comments about the use of GitHub. While 
most ASF projects have moved that way it not a requirement to use. You could 
use svn [1] or git at Apache and be hosted on the ASF servers.  You can even be 
hosted at the ASF and on GitHub [1]. Committers are not forced to use GitHub if 
they don't want to. Staying at bitbucket is probably not an option, but you 
could talk to Infra to see if it was possible.


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Re: [DISCUSS] NuttX Proposal

2019-11-26 Thread Gregory Nutt

Hi, Justin, Duo

And on the initial committers, the plan is to invite more people during the
incubating time.

I’d strongly suggest you add more people to that initial list, there’s a chance 
the proposal may not be accepted by the IPMC because of that, but I’d like to 
hear what other IPMC members think about that before deciding.
That certainly will not be a problem.  There are several long time 
contributors who should be (and want to be) on the IPMC but we thought 
that three was the better, simpler starting number.
... I noticed one other thing in there that NuttX name is trademarked. 
Is the project willing too hand over that trademark to the ASF? 

I hold the trademarks and, yes, they will be granted to the ASF as per 
the Proposal.


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Re: [DISCUSS] NuttX Proposal

2019-11-26 Thread Gregory Nutt

Hi, Justin,

Where do you currently place releases? Your release process is likely to need 
to change as at the ASF releases are made by the (P)PMC voting on them, and in 
the case of incubating projects the IPMC voting on them before they can be 

Yes, I have been following for a week or so 
now so I can see there there are differences.  The releases I did were 
still a substantial amount of work. I did releases once every two 
months.  Most of the work was developing readable, functional 
descriptions of changes from GIT history. The project is very active.  
In a 2-3 month time period, there will be 1000-3000 commits so that is a 
huge effort.

The releases were less formal but still very strict.  The (old) releases 
were tags in the the repositories.  I kept the ReleaseNotes and tarballs 
on on both SourceForge (which NuttX originally started) and on Bitbucket 
at:  and  I kept only the latest 
releases online.

There are a few, very old 4-clause BSD files in the C library (leveraged from 
old, old BSD C library files).

Given the University of California, Berkeley rescinded  the 4 clause BSD 
licenses these files should be OK. [5] I’ll see if I can track down the Apache 
Mynewt discussion about that.

Then we should be in good shape.

It also occurs to me that that there are a few non-standard BSD licenses 
from silicon vendors.  They have four clauses, the standard three plus 
one that states that the code can only be used on the vendor's silicon.  
For me that is not an issue because the code is hardware specific and 
applies only to the vendor's silicon anyway.  So it states only the 
obvious.  But I should mention that too.

Given you have compatible licenses what was the issue? Just the perceived 
complexity of the ALv2 license you mentioned or another issue? Mynewt had some 
quite complex licensing issues to sort out that required a number of different 
approaches, but is a good example of what can be done.

Probably my lack of understanding of Apache license at the time.


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Re: [DISCUSS] NuttX Proposal

2019-11-26 Thread Gregory Nutt

Hi, Justin,

It is good to meet you.  Thank you for taking the time to respond.

- Apache has a no dictator rule (friendly or otherwise), given there’s a 
person who may be in that role currently in the project, are they fine 
with giving up control to the rest of the community?

Yes, I am fine with giving up control.  I have been doing this for a 
very long time (probably daily for 15 years) and I am perfectly happy 
with others taking the lead.  So far all of the people who have been 
interested are of the highest technical caliber and I have complete 
confidence that they can share the leadership roles.

- The contributors may need to sign ICLAs. Given the number of people 
involved and the age of the project, if this ia required, it might be 

Some of the files are so old that it may not be possible to even contact 
all of the authors.  I am the committer on all files and also listed as 
the author in the CM systems up to a few years ago (other people are 
given credit only in ChangeLogs and ReleaseNotes). Most have given 
copyright rights to me.  Is it the author, the committer, or the 
copyright holder that matters here?

- Given the large number of committers, I expected the initial committer 
list to be much larger, have you considered inviting all of the major 

No one but I can commit to the existing repositories so I am the 
committer of everything.  The names are not actually committers, but 
authors from the git commit --author= argument.  In the early years CVS 
and SVN were used and in the early GIT years, I did not yet know about 
the --author= option.  So you can clearly see when I discovered 
--author= in the data at:!graph=contributors&uuid=d90bf438-7869-4921-8926-fd25b0901043&type=c&group=weeks 
Maybe around 2015?

- What does the community as a whole think abut this move? I can see 
this here [1], but I was a little surprised there wasn’t more public 
discussion about this. Is there consensus that they want to join the ASF 
and understand what that means?

I have only heard positive things lately.  There was some grumbling 
about changing the licenses some time back, but I think we are past 
that. Many people had the mistaken impression that the Apache license in 
some way put more burden on the end-user.  The complexity of the 
language used in the license is a barrier to many people.

- Is the community aware of some of the issues they may encounter in 
moving to ASF infrastructure and doing things in an Apache Way? (release 
process usually being the main difference).

They are aware superficially but I don't think most appreciate the full 

If there were not a full PMC supporting the project then it would be a 
problem for me as well.  With the PMC we should be able to share the 
load.  I have done 133 releases of NuttX alone.  I am hoping to be 
replaced with a more Apache-savvy release manager.  I would prefer to be 
this assistant, advisor / helper / mentor on most of the PMC issues.

- I notice you mention BSD-4 cause in you list of licenses, this is 
actually Category X and not compatible with the ALv2 license. However 
if  it is what I think it is, it easy to work around (as we did for 

There are a few, very old 4-clause BSD files in the C library (leveraged 
from old, old BSD C library files).  Don't copyrights have a shelf life 
like patents?  I am sure that these are too old to be an issue because 
the copyrights have expired anyway.  This should be all of them:

   $ find . -name *.c | xargs grep " California, Berkeley"
   ./fs/nfs/rpc_clnt.c: * University of California, Berkeley and its
   contributors. 4. Neither the
   ./libs/libc/stdio/legacy_dtoa.c: *  California, Berkeley and its
   ./libs/libc/stdio/lib_libdtoa.c: *  California, Berkeley and its
   ./libs/libc/stdlib/lib_bsearch.c: *  California, Berkeley and
   its contributors.
   ./libs/libc/stdlib/lib_qsort.c: *    California, Berkeley and its

   $ find . -name *.h | xargs grep " California, Berkeley"
   ./fs/nfs/rpc.h: *  California, Berkeley and its contributors.

Six files.  That is basically just the RPC logic in NFS client and some 
pieces of the C library.  bsearch() and qsort() probably have 
replacements with other licenses.  dtoa() probably does not.

If the proposal does come to the Incubator, (and the project thinks I'm 
a good fit), I can help out as a mentor. I‘m mentored a number of IoT 
projects here at Apache, including Mynewt.

That is very good news!  Thank for that.

I spoke with the Mynewt folk a couple of years back about incorporating 
some their IoT components into NuttX a few years back.  Licensing was an 
obstacle then, but times are changing.
