Re: [PROPOSAL] Nuvem Project

2010-06-11 Thread Selvaratnam Uthaiyashankar
+1. Would like to contribute to the project.


On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 12:36 AM, Luciano Resende  wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to propose the Nuvem project for addition to the Apache 
> incubator.
> The initial proposal is available at the the Wiki[1], and it is also
> included below for convenience.
> We are looking forward to any and all feedback and/or questions on the
> proposal. We are also looking for a Champion and mentors, and would
> very much welcome additional volunteers to help steer Nuvem through
> the incubation process.
> [1]
> Apache Nuvem, a cross-cloud application programming interface
> =
> Abstract
> ---
> Nuvem will define an open application programming interface for common
> cloud application services, allowing applications to be easily ported
> across the most popular cloud platforms.
> Proposal
> ---
>  * Define an open API that abstracts common cloud platform services to
> help decouple the application logic from the particulars of a specific
> proprietary cloud.
>  * Implement the Nuvem API for popular clouds such as Google
> AppEngine, Amazon EC2 and Microsoft Azure.
>  * Initially focus on User Authentication and Authorization,
> Distributed Cache, Data Store, Queuing; then extend to other services
> such as Chat, Logging, and Debugging.
> Background
> An important issue for application developers is to avoid lock-in to a
> specific cloud application platform. By providing a cross-cloud
> application programming interface that abstracts common cloud platform
> services, Nuvem addresses this concern and strives to help make
> applications easily portable across multiple clouds.
> In mixed cloud deployments, applications need to access platform
> services across cloud boundaries. Nuvem will make this possible by
> providing a remote API for these cloud application platform services.
> Rationale
> -
> There are currently no efforts to define a truly open-source API to
> abstract common cloud platform services. Nuvem strives to create a
> community around building an open-source cloud application programming
> interface in a manner that fully allows for tried-and-true open source
> mechanisms such as user-driven innovation.
> Initial Goals
> ---
> A Nuvem prototype is currently being developed in an Apache Tuscany
> sandbox, providing initial support for some cloud platform services
> from Google AppEngine and Amazon EC2. We look at moving this prototype
> to the Apache Incubator as the next step to broaden the community,
> expand the API to support more services and cloud platforms.
> Current Status
> ---
> The initial code has been developed under the Apache Software License
> 2.0 by current Apache committers.
> Meritocracy
> ---
> We recognize the importance of running the project as a meritocracy.
> We are eager to engage other members of the community and operate to
> the standard of meritocracy that Apache emphasizes; we believe this is
> the most effective method of growing our community and enabling
> widespread adoption.
> Community
> ---
> The initial committer list consists of a couple of independent
> developers. We expect that the project will greatly increase in
> contribution base, and this is one aspect the project will monitor in
> becoming ready for graduation.
> Alignment
> -
> Currently, there are no other Apache projects concerned with building
> a cross-cloud API for application platform services. We feel that it
> would be a good complement to the set of Apache projects and could
> provide them with an API for interacting with cloud application
> platforms.
> Nuvem complements Apache libCloud and Deltacloud projects (which both
> cover provisioning and elasticity in the cloud), providing portability
> of applications and application services   across heterogeneous cloud
> environments.
> Orphaned Products
> --
> The Nuvem developers have a long-term interest in use and maintenance
> of the code and there is also hope that different cloud providers will
> be interested in providing support for the Nuvem API and will join the
> project. We feel that it is important to put formal governance in
> place both for the project and the contributors as the project
> expands. We feel the ASF is the best location for this.
> Inexperience with Open Source
> ---
> Luciano Resende have been involved with Open Source Software for
> several years; he has actively contributed to Apache Tuscany, Apache
> PhotArk and contributed to and/or mentored other Apache podlings. He
> is also part of the Apache Community Development PMC and
> Admin/co-Admin for the Google Summer of Code mentoring project.
> Raymond Fend, is also a long time committer and PM

Re: [PROPOSAL] Deltacloud Project

2010-05-10 Thread Selvaratnam Uthaiyashankar
I would like to contribute. Please add me as an initial committer.
(shankar AT apache DOT org) .


On Fri, May 7, 2010 at 1:11 AM, David Lutterkort  wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to propose the Deltacloud API[1] for addition to the Apache
> incubator.
> I have added the initial proposal to the Wiki[2]; it is also included
> below for convenience.
> There are a few additional people that have expressed interest in
> becoming initial committers; I am waiting for their express consent to
> list them as committers, and will add them to the Wiki as I get that.
> We are looking forward to any and all feedback and/or questions on the
> proposal. We already have two mentors, but would very much welcome
> additional volunteers to help steer Deltacloud through the incubation
> process.
> David
> [1]
> [2]
> Deltacloud, a cross-cloud web service API
> =
> Abstract
> Deltacloud defines a web service API for interacting with cloud service
> providers and resources in those clouds in a unified manner. In addition,
> it consists of a number of implementations of this API for the most popular
> clouds.
> Proposal
>  * Define a REST-based API for managing and manipulating cloud resources
>    in a manner that isolates the API client as much as possible from the
>    particulars of specific cloud API's
>  * Provide an open API definition for cloud providers for their IaaS
>    clouds and a basis on which PaaS providers can layer their offering
>  * Provide image management and directory capabilities as part of the API
>  * The current implementation allows instance lifecycle management
>    (create, start, stop, destroy, reboot), and querying of related
>    resources like available images, instance sizes, and allowed instance
>    actions for a number of public and private clouds
>  * Currently supported are Amazon EC2, Eucalyptus, Rackspace, RimuHosting,
>    GoGrid, OpenNebula, and RHEV-M
>  * Future enhancements should broaden the scope of the API to include
>    networking, firewalling, authentication, accounting, and image
>    management
> Background
> --
> An important issue for cloud users is that of avoiding lock-in to a
> specific cloud. By providing a cross-cloud API for
> infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) clouds, Deltacloud addresses this
> concern and strives to provide the best possible API for writing
> cloud-management applications that can target multiple clouds.
> There are also no efforts currently to define a truly open-source cloud
> API, one for which there is a proper upstream, independent of any specific
> cloud provider. Deltacloud API strives to create a community around
> building an open-source cloud API in a manner that fully allows for
> tried-and-true open source mechanisms such as user-driven innovation.
> By providing a web-service API, Deltacloud is language agnostic, and one of
> its subordinated goals is to provide a practical vocabulary for talking
> about IaaS cloud resources and operations on them.
> Rationale
> -
> IaaS clouds provide numerous advantages to their users, for example,
> making provisioning new servers more agile. If users directly use the
> 'native' cloud API's, they risk locking themselves in to the API of a
> specific cloud provider.
> There is therefore a strong need for an API that can be used across a wide
> range of public and private clouds, and that can serve as the basis for
> developing cloud management applications; in contrast to several existing
> language-specific efforts in this direction, Deltacloud is conceived as a
> web service.
> This will allow the project to attract a broad community of users of the
> API and cloud providers interested in offering a truly open-source API,
> with a proper upstream community.
> We strongly believe that the best way to drive such an API effort is by
> developing the API and open-source implementations of the API side-by-side.
> Initial Goals
> -
> Deltacloud is an existing open source project; initially started by Red
> Hat, it has attracted a number of outside contributors. We look at moving
> this project to the ASF as the next step to broaden the community, and put
> the project on solid footing since the ASF governance model is well suited
> for the Deltacloud project goals. The ASF is a great location for
> Deltacloud to build a community and will benefit from ASL licensing.
> Current Status
> --
> Deltacloud API is licensed under the LGPL:
>  * Deltacloud Website ( There are two projects hosted 
> there: the API under consideration here and the Aggregator (not part of this 
> proposal, though also open source)
>  * Deltacloud git repository 
> (;a=summary)
>  * Deltacloud mailing lists
>    - use

[VOTE][RESULT] Release Apache Stonehenge M1

2009-06-04 Thread Selvaratnam Uthaiyashankar

The vote was open for more than 72 hours and I am closing it now. The
vote to release Apache Stonehenge M1 is successful.

There are four +1 binding  and one non-binding  +0 votes, no -0 or -1.

+1 Votes
* Paul Fremantle (binding)
* Jim Jagielski (binding)
* Deepal Jayasinghe (binding)
* Daniel Kulp (binding)

+0 Votes
*Sebastian Bazley (non-binding)

I will add distribution artifacts to the  incubator "dist/"  place.

Thank you for helping to release Apache Stonehenge.


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[VOTE] Approve the M1 release of Apache Stonehenge (third try)

2009-05-31 Thread Selvaratnam Uthaiyashankar

The Apache Stonehenge community has voted for the M1 release of Apache
Stonehenge. We are now asking the approval from the Incubator PMC to
publish the release.

Stonehenge is a set of example applications for Service Oriented
Architecture that spans languages and platforms and demonstrates best
practise and interoperability.

I have uploaded the Apache Stonehenge M1 release artifacts here:

The key is here:

RAT reports are here:

This release is tagged at:

The release vote on the stonehenge-dev mailing list resulted in
*nine* +1 votes and no 0 or -1 votes.
+1 votes are from
*Drew Baird
*Chintana Wilamuna
*Paul Fremantle
*Ben Dewey
*Kent Brown
*Abu Obeida Bakhach
*Nandana Mihindukulasooriya
*Kamaljit Bath
*Selvaratnam Uthaiyashankar

This includes one IPMC vote from:
*Paul Fremantle

Vote Mail Thread is here:

Previous attempts on gene...@incubator list is here:

More information about the project can be found here:
[Incubation Status Page]
[Project Page]

Please vote to approve this release.
[] +1 Publish
[] +0
[] -0
[] -1 Don't publish


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Re: [VOTE] Approve the M1 release of Apache Stonehenge (Second try)

2009-05-23 Thread Selvaratnam Uthaiyashankar
Hi Sebb,

Thank you very much for the clarifications.


On Sat, May 23, 2009 at 4:28 PM, sebb  wrote:
> On 23/05/2009, Selvaratnam Uthaiyashankar  wrote:
>> Hi Sebb,
>>  >>
>>  >>  the source archive does not have the
>>  >>  > documentation source files. The generated site files are included
>>  >>  > instead. [The binary archive correctly contains the generate site
>>  >>  > files.]
>>  >>
>>  >>
>>  >> I fixed it and uploaded to
>>  >>
>>  >>
>>  >>  (Only modification is in the src packs, including documentation source
>>  >>  files and removing generated site files).
>>  >>
>>  >>  Is it ok, or do we have to go for a re-vote?
>>  >
>>  > The source archive does not seem to contain the .css files - how do
>>  > these end up in the generated site?
>> We don't have any custom css yet. css files are generated by "mvn
>>  site" command and site documents are using them.
> OK, I see.
>>  >
>>  > It looks like the xdocs/resources directory is missing from SVN and
>>  > the source archive.
>> Do we need this, if we are using generated css files?
> No.
>>  >>  >
>>  >>  > The build file for the .NET code assumes that the code is being built
>>  >>  > from SVN, and tries to update the current directory. This is not
>>  >>  > appropriate for a source code archive,
>>  >>
>>  >>
>>  >>
>>  >> Current build file will check for svn working copy and if it is not an
>>  >>  svn working copy, it will omit it and continue to build. So, it will
>>  >>  work in the source release as well. But, you are correct, we have to
>>  >>  remove it. Do we have to remove it for this release or can we do it
>>  >>  for next release (since it works)?
>>  >>
>>  >>
>>  >>
>>  >>   which should be self-contained
>>  >>  > (apart from any 3rd party dependencies, which should be documented.).
>>  >>  > The build file should check that any required environment variables
>>  >>  > are set up and exit with an error if not. Also any required settings
>>  >>  > should be documented somewhere, preferably in the script as well as in
>>  >>  > the top-level README or BUILDING file.
>>  >>  >
>>  >>
>>  >>
>>  >> Installation guide WIKI shows all the dependencies and the settings 
>> needed.
>>  >
>>  > As mentioned above, this information needs to be included in the source 
>> archive.
>>  >
>> I am bit unclear here. We are including this information in the source
>>  archive as the pdf documents (generated from wiki). Do we need to
>>  extract the dependencies and put it in BUILDING file?
> How does one build the binary archive from the source archive?
> And what dependencies need to be available?
> This needs to be documented in the source archive in the README or a
> BUILDING file.
> If the process is already described fully elsewhere within the source
> archive, then the README can point to that documentation, e.g.
> "To build the binary archive, see section 10.3 in the file xyz.pdf."
> But if the instructions are simple and short, it might be helpful to
> extract them to a BUILDING file. That should probably mention where to
> find the installation instructions.
>>  Regards,
>>  Shankar
>>  -
>>  To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>>  For additional commands, e-mail:
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

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Re: [VOTE] Approve the M1 release of Apache Stonehenge (Second try)

2009-05-22 Thread Selvaratnam Uthaiyashankar
Hi Sebb,

>>  the source archive does not have the
>>  > documentation source files. The generated site files are included
>>  > instead. [The binary archive correctly contains the generate site
>>  > files.]
>> I fixed it and uploaded to
>>  (Only modification is in the src packs, including documentation source
>>  files and removing generated site files).
>>  Is it ok, or do we have to go for a re-vote?
> The source archive does not seem to contain the .css files - how do
> these end up in the generated site?

We don't have any custom css yet. css files are generated by "mvn
site" command and site documents are using them.

> It looks like the xdocs/resources directory is missing from SVN and
> the source archive.

Do we need this, if we are using generated css files?

>>  >
>>  > The build file for the .NET code assumes that the code is being built
>>  > from SVN, and tries to update the current directory. This is not
>>  > appropriate for a source code archive,
>> Current build file will check for svn working copy and if it is not an
>>  svn working copy, it will omit it and continue to build. So, it will
>>  work in the source release as well. But, you are correct, we have to
>>  remove it. Do we have to remove it for this release or can we do it
>>  for next release (since it works)?
>>   which should be self-contained
>>  > (apart from any 3rd party dependencies, which should be documented.).
>>  > The build file should check that any required environment variables
>>  > are set up and exit with an error if not. Also any required settings
>>  > should be documented somewhere, preferably in the script as well as in
>>  > the top-level README or BUILDING file.
>>  >
>> Installation guide WIKI shows all the dependencies and the settings needed.
> As mentioned above, this information needs to be included in the source 
> archive.

I am bit unclear here. We are including this information in the source
archive as the pdf documents (generated from wiki). Do we need to
extract the dependencies and put it in BUILDING file?


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Re: [VOTE] Approve the M1 release of Apache Stonehenge (Second try)

2009-05-21 Thread Selvaratnam Uthaiyashankar
On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 10:04 AM, Selvaratnam Uthaiyashankar
> Hi Sebb,
>>>  I have uploaded the Apache Stonehenge M1 release artifacts here:
>> Sigs and hashes OK.
>> Binary tgz and zip archives agree with each other.
>> Source tgz and zip archives agree with each other.
>> N&L files appear to be in place.
>> However, the source archives don't agree with SVN.
>> Apart from the missing Ruby files (I think this is because they are
>> not ready for release?),
> Yes, you are correct.
> the source archive does not have the
>> documentation source files. The generated site files are included
>> instead. [The binary archive correctly contains the generate site
>> files.]
> I fixed it and uploaded to
> (Only modification is in the src packs, including documentation source
> files and removing generated site files).
> Is it ok, or do we have to go for a re-vote?
>> There does not appear to be any documentation on how to build the
>> binary release from the source.
> This information is given in the installation instructions on the Wiki.

Here, I mean the individual wikis show how to get build each component.


>> The README refers to installation instructions on the Wiki, which is fine.
>> However it should mention that the archives contain PDFs of the Wiki pages.
> README file mentions "Copy of above wiki pages are included in docs/".
>> The build file for the .NET code assumes that the code is being built
>> from SVN, and tries to update the current directory. This is not
>> appropriate for a source code archive,
> Current build file will check for svn working copy and if it is not an
> svn working copy, it will omit it and continue to build. So, it will
> work in the source release as well. But, you are correct, we have to
> remove it. Do we have to remove it for this release or can we do it
> for next release (since it works)?
>  which should be self-contained
>> (apart from any 3rd party dependencies, which should be documented.).
>> The build file should check that any required environment variables
>> are set up and exit with an error if not. Also any required settings
>> should be documented somewhere, preferably in the script as well as in
>> the top-level README or BUILDING file.
> Installation guide WIKI shows all the dependencies and the settings needed.

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Re: [VOTE] Approve the M1 release of Apache Stonehenge (Second try)

2009-05-21 Thread Selvaratnam Uthaiyashankar
Hi Sebb,

>>  I have uploaded the Apache Stonehenge M1 release artifacts here:
> Sigs and hashes OK.
> Binary tgz and zip archives agree with each other.
> Source tgz and zip archives agree with each other.
> N&L files appear to be in place.
> However, the source archives don't agree with SVN.
> Apart from the missing Ruby files (I think this is because they are
> not ready for release?),

Yes, you are correct.

the source archive does not have the
> documentation source files. The generated site files are included
> instead. [The binary archive correctly contains the generate site
> files.]

I fixed it and uploaded to

(Only modification is in the src packs, including documentation source
files and removing generated site files).

Is it ok, or do we have to go for a re-vote?

> There does not appear to be any documentation on how to build the
> binary release from the source.

This information is given in the installation instructions on the Wiki.

> The README refers to installation instructions on the Wiki, which is fine.
> However it should mention that the archives contain PDFs of the Wiki pages.

README file mentions "Copy of above wiki pages are included in docs/".

> The build file for the .NET code assumes that the code is being built
> from SVN, and tries to update the current directory. This is not
> appropriate for a source code archive,

Current build file will check for svn working copy and if it is not an
svn working copy, it will omit it and continue to build. So, it will
work in the source release as well. But, you are correct, we have to
remove it. Do we have to remove it for this release or can we do it
for next release (since it works)?

 which should be self-contained
> (apart from any 3rd party dependencies, which should be documented.).
> The build file should check that any required environment variables
> are set up and exit with an error if not. Also any required settings
> should be documented somewhere, preferably in the script as well as in
> the top-level README or BUILDING file.

Installation guide WIKI shows all the dependencies and the settings needed.

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[VOTE] Approve the M1 release of Apache Stonehenge (Second try)

2009-05-21 Thread Selvaratnam Uthaiyashankar

The Apache Stonehenge community has voted for the M1 release of Apache
Stonehenge. We are now asking the approval from the Incubator PMC to
publish the release.

Stonehenge is a set of example applications for Service Oriented
Architecture that spans languages and platforms and demonstrates best
practise and interoperability.

I have uploaded the Apache Stonehenge M1 release artifacts here:

The key is here:

RAT reports are here:

This release is tagged at:

The release vote on the stonehenge-dev mailing list resulted in
*eight* +1 votes and no 0 or -1 votes.
+1 votes are from
*Kent Brown
*Ben Dewey
*Kamaljit Bath
*Nandana Mihindukulasooriya
*Abu Obeida Bakhach
*Chintana Wilamuna
*Paul Fremantle
*Selvaratnam Uthaiyashankar

This includes one IPMC vote from:
*Paul Fremantle

Vote Mail Thread is here:

Previous attempt on gene...@incubator list is here:

More information about the project can be found here:
[Incubation Status Page]
[Project Page]

Please vote to approve this release.
[] +1 Publish
[] +0
[] -0
[] -1 Don't publish


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Re: [VOTE] Approve the M1 release of Apache Stonehenge

2009-05-14 Thread Selvaratnam Uthaiyashankar
Hi Sebb,

Thank you very much your reply. I'll fix them..


On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 10:11 PM, sebb  wrote:

>  On 14/05/2009, Selvaratnam Uthaiyashankar 
> wrote:
> > Hi Sebb,
> >
> >  Thank you very much for the quick review.
> >
> >  See my comments inline.
> >
> >
> >  On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 8:47 PM, sebb  wrote:
> >
> >  > On 14/05/2009, Selvaratnam Uthaiyashankar 
> >  > wrote:
> >  > > Hi,
> >  > >
> >  > >  The Apache Stonehenge community has voted for the M1 release of
> Apache
> >  > >  Stonehenge. We are now asking the approval from the Incubator PMC
> to
> >  > publish
> >  > >  the release.
> >  > >
> >  > >  Stonehenge is a set of example applications for Service Oriented
> >  > >  Architecture that spans languages and platforms and demonstrates
> best
> >  > >  practise and interoperability.
> >  > >
> >  > >  I have uploaded the Apache Stonehenge M1 release artifacts here:
> >  > ><
> >
> >  > 
> > <<>
> >
> >  >
> >  > MD5 hashes and sigs OK, key is published to keyserver.
> >  > Might be worth adding SHA1 hashes, but not essential.
> >  >
> >  > The contents of the binary zip and tar.gz files do not agree - the
> >  > tar.gz archive does not include any of the dotnet files. Agreed it's
> >  > more likely that .NET users will be using Zip, but the tgz archive
> >  > should still contain the same contents.
> >  >
> >  > If you want to release a version without .NET, then IMO the archive
> >  > should have a different name, and should be made available in all
> >  > archive formats.
> >  >
> >  > IMO this needs to be fixed before a release.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > We were thinking tgz will be only for *nix platform, so we didn't include
> >  .NET binary. I'll include them in tgz as well.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >  >
> >  >
> >  > The source and binary files contain several PDF files, but these are
> >  > not present in SVN.
> >
> > These pdfs are generated from the wiki page (
> > These
> pdfs are
> >  included so that users can easily check the documents.. This detail is
> given
> >  in the README file. If it is incorrect, we can remove it from the pack.
> I suggest you ask on legal-discuss, as it would be good to include
> them if you can.
> >
> >
> >  >
> >  >
> >  > There should be nothing in a source archive that does not come from
> >  > SVN, and the contents of the source archive should contain "... the
> >  > source materials needed to make changes to the software being
> >  > released" - see
> >  >
> >  > I'm not sure how this need to be handled, but I don't think it can be
> >  > left as is.
> >  > Perhaps check on legal-discuss?
> >  >
> >  > >  The key is here:
> >  > ><
> >
> >  > 
> > <<>
> >
> >  > >
> >  > >  RAT reports are here:
> >  > >
> >
> >  > <
> >
> >  >
> >  > Where are the RAT reports for documentation
> >
> >
> >
> > What do you mean by documentation?
> I meant the xml files under the documentation/ directory in SVN.
> > The site documents? They are generated
> >

Re: [VOTE] Approve the M1 release of Apache Stonehenge

2009-05-14 Thread Selvaratnam Uthaiyashankar
Hi Sebb,

Thank you very much for the quick review.

See my comments inline.

On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 8:47 PM, sebb  wrote:

> On 14/05/2009, Selvaratnam Uthaiyashankar 
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> >  The Apache Stonehenge community has voted for the M1 release of Apache
> >  Stonehenge. We are now asking the approval from the Incubator PMC to
> publish
> >  the release.
> >
> >  Stonehenge is a set of example applications for Service Oriented
> >  Architecture that spans languages and platforms and demonstrates best
> >  practise and interoperability.
> >
> >  I have uploaded the Apache Stonehenge M1 release artifacts here:
> >  
> ><>
> <>
> MD5 hashes and sigs OK, key is published to keyserver.
> Might be worth adding SHA1 hashes, but not essential.
> The contents of the binary zip and tar.gz files do not agree - the
> tar.gz archive does not include any of the dotnet files. Agreed it's
> more likely that .NET users will be using Zip, but the tgz archive
> should still contain the same contents.
> If you want to release a version without .NET, then IMO the archive
> should have a different name, and should be made available in all
> archive formats.
> IMO this needs to be fixed before a release.

We were thinking tgz will be only for *nix platform, so we didn't include
.NET binary. I'll include them in tgz as well.

> The source and binary files contain several PDF files, but these are
> not present in SVN.

These pdfs are generated from the wiki page ( These pdfs are
included so that users can easily check the documents.. This detail is given
in the README file. If it is incorrect, we can remove it from the pack.

> There should be nothing in a source archive that does not come from
> SVN, and the contents of the source archive should contain "... the
> source materials needed to make changes to the software being
> released" - see
> I'm not sure how this need to be handled, but I don't think it can be
> left as is.
> Perhaps check on legal-discuss?
> >  The key is here:
> >  
> ><>
> <>
> >
> >  RAT reports are here:
> >  
> ><>
> <>
> Where are the RAT reports for documentation

What do you mean by documentation? The site documents? They are generated
documents. Do we need RAT reports for them?

> and ruby?

Since Ruby is not ready and we are not releasing it with M1, we haven't
included RAT report for it.

> Most of the documentation files are missing AL headers.
> IMO this needs to be fixed before a release.

Is it site documents? If so, they are generated documents.

> >  This release is tagged at:
> >
> >  (revision 772495)
> There need to be NOTICE and LICENSE files at the top-level of the tag.
> That will also make up for the missing N & L files in the
> documentation sub-tree.
> IMO this needs to be fixed before a release.

Sure, I'll fix them.

> Otherwise the N&L files seem OK.
> ==
> There does not seem to be any mention of the runtime system
> requirements on the web-site - the dependencies page says that there
> are no dependencies.
> This is not a release-blocker.

Different components have different dependency requirements, and that detail
is included in the installation guide (wiki page).

> ==
> There are a lot of .java, .xml  and .xsd files in SVN which don't have
> eol-style=native.
> This does not affect the release process in any way, but it should
> make cross-platform development easier if the properties were added.

Sure, I'll fix them in trunk.

Waiting for your reply..


[VOTE] Approve the M1 release of Apache Stonehenge

2009-05-14 Thread Selvaratnam Uthaiyashankar

The Apache Stonehenge community has voted for the M1 release of Apache
Stonehenge. We are now asking the approval from the Incubator PMC to publish
the release.

Stonehenge is a set of example applications for Service Oriented
Architecture that spans languages and platforms and demonstrates best
practise and interoperability.

I have uploaded the Apache Stonehenge M1 release artifacts here:<>

The key is here:<>

RAT reports are here:<>

This release is tagged at:
(revision 772495)

The release vote on the stonehenge-dev mailing list resulted in *nine* +1
votes and no 0 or -1 votes.
+1 votes are from
*Paul Fremantle
*Chintana Wilamuna
*Ben Dewey
*Drew Baird
*Nandana Mihindukulasooriya
*Kent Brown
*Kamaljit Bath
*Scott Golightly
*Selvaratnam Uthaiyashankar

This includes one IPMC vote from:
*Paul Fremantle

Vote Mail is here:

Vote Thread is here:

More information about the project can be found here:
[Incubation Status Page]
[Project Page]

Please vote to approve this release.
[] +1 Publish
[] +0
[] -0
[] -1 Don't publish
