Re: [PMC VOTE] PMC Nominations

2003-02-20 Thread scolebourne
  from:Sam Ruby [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Suggestion: let's call this round complete at this time, and start a new 
 round next month.  I'll notify the board later tonight that everyone in 
 the following list (minus Pier) is to be added to the Jakarta PMC:
 At the same time, I will also request that Stephen Colebourne be 
 dismissed without prejudice [1] from the roster of the Jakarta PMC.

Aw hell, I was about to mail in and say that the arguments had been persuasive enough 
to convince me to give the PMC a try. Oh well, never mind. I'll carry on committing 

(In case it wasn't spotted, most of my complaint was about not being notified. Finding 
out by newsletter was in my view unacceptable)


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RE: PMC Nomination

2003-02-20 Thread Danny Angus
I like to totally endorse Leo's points about the Avalon PMC, My experience with James 
PMC is very, very similar.

James PMC is by and large the whole set of commiters who were active in discussions 
about the project, rather than just the code. From that POV nothing much has changed, 
we're a bit more aware of our responsibilities, but it doesn't involve a load more 

I can see that limiting the size of Jakarta PMC would compel PMC members to take a 
more active interest in parts of the project that wouldn't normally cross their paths. 
Conversely extending the PMC to include *trusted* additional members spreads the load, 
and a wide range of interests in the PMC ensure that every aspect is covered. Then 
again widening the PMC by indiscriminately including everyone may backfire if they 
can't rely on each other, so that instead of seven people sharing the load you get 22 
people all keeping their own eye on everything.

I've been nominated for the Jakarta PMC this round, and I intend to serve if elected, 
and although I'm not a commiter on any jakarta-projects any more I believe that my 
small contribution (irrespective of its quality..) will help to ensure that jakarta is 
a focused community project, and that it has ties with other projects and the wider 
Apache community.


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Re: PMC Nomination

2003-02-20 Thread Santiago Gala
Pier Fumagalli wrote:

On 19/2/03 23:10 Leo Simons [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I don't think anyone expects that upon becoming a PMC member one would
immediately need to gain and maintain intimate knowledge of all corners
of the jakarta codebases. It is just about humanly impossible. So it is
probably a good move to ensure the PMC is of a size where there are one
or more people who do have that intimate knowledge for each particular

If I talk to someone on the HTTPd PMC, he _knows_all_. I don't see why it
should be different for Jakarta. And if the problem is size, well, break up
the bloody thing, it was never designed to be this huge.

If I understand correctly the political trends here, promoting people to 
the Jakarta PMC is trying to get people involved, and knowing each other 
and the whole of Jakarta, so that the process of promotion of more and 
more projects to top-level does not balkanize the communities any more. 
Also, to promote wider awareness of the big community as a whole. It 
does not look like bad for me.

So, the move is in the right direction, something like making jakarta 
community grow to later split (re-organize?) it with less trauma (sp?)

My 2 pennies.

When will you, half europeans ;-) enter the euro stuff so that you can 
pay me a beer in Madrid with less transaction cost? ;-)

Two euro cents in exchange.



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Would Jakarta like to adopt MaybeUpload?

2003-02-20 Thread Simon Brooke

Introduction: About MaybeUpload


I wrote MaybeUpload, a package to make it easy to write Servlets which can do 
RFC 1867 style file upload, about two years ago, and immediately announced it 
on Freshmeat as an open source project (BSD license). In March 2002 the 
Cocoon project asked me if they could include MaybeUpload in the Cocoon 2 
distribution, and of course I said I'd be delighted. As far as I'm aware it 
is still the only open source RFC 1867 compliant Servlet package available.

I now think MaybeUpload is now pretty much stable - it is after all a fairly 
simple piece of functionality. It's to everyone's benefit if it is widely 
used, because it means that other people don't have to reinvent this 
particular wheel, and more improvements will feed back into the codebase. I 
feel it would be likely to get more users if it were an official Apache 

I'm not wishing to hand over or end-of-life MaybeUpload - I'm quite happy to 
continue to be a or even the maintainer, but I'm equally happy to share 
repsonsibility with others.

Fit with the Jakarta criteria


MaybeUpload has a mailing list (which isn't very active - I hope because the 
thing just works and there isn't much to discuss) and has had bug fixes and 
feature improvements submitted by about a dozen people. I've generally 
accepted other people's fixes into the codebase provided I've been happy that 
they do something useful and don't break anything else, and have announced 
new releases both on the mailing list and on Freshmeat.

Core Developers

Frankly MaybeUpload has been primarily a one-person project. It does not have 
three core developers.

Alignment with existing Apache subprojects

MaybeUpload is already used by the Cocoon project. However, it's not XML 
related, it's Servlet related, so it doesn't belong in xml.apache, and 
Jakarta looks a more natural home. MaybeUpload is relevent to Tomcat, and 
also to things like Struts and Turbine. MaybeUpload depends on 


MaybeUpload is a server side component in the Java language.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Simon Brooke)

Iraq war: it's time for regime change...
... go now, Tony, while you can still go with dignity.

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RE: PMC Nomination

2003-02-20 Thread Danny Angus
 And if that works for Italy, I
 believe it works everywhere else...

Erm, are you really suggesting that Italian politics should be the model we emulate? 


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Re: Would Jakarta like to adopt MaybeUpload?

2003-02-20 Thread Simon Brooke
On Thursday 20 Feb 2003 1:59 pm, Patrick Ferdig wrote:
 how does it compare to

It's well established, widely used, debugged, and stable.

It's also a lot simpler to use. The example given on


public class Example extends MaybeUploadServlet
   public void doPost( MaybeUploadRequestWrapper req, 
HttpServletResponse res)
throws ServletException,
Object foo = req.get( uploadedfile);

if ( foo instanceof File)
   // do things with the file

Which, as you can see, saves 90% of the work. There's no distinction between 
the types of things which can be got from the request wrapper; simply asking 
for them by name (using the names ot the inputs in the HTML form) gets them. 
If they're strings, you'll get instances of java.lang.String; if they're 
files, you'll get instances of Technically if they are nested 
multipart-mixeds (which seems to be allowed by the RFC) you'll get a vector 
whose members are either strings or files of further nested vectos, but I 
have yet to find a client which can send such a thing.

Of course, if you specify save_uploaded as false in the Servlet config 
(web.xml) you'll get a instead of

Other things you can specify in the web.xml include:

  Boolean: whether or not to allow uploaded files to overwrite previously
  uploaded files with the same name. Default is we don't.
  Integer: maximum size in bytes of file to upload. Optional. Default is
  Boolean: whether or not to save uploaded files directly to disk. Optional.
  Default is we do. If we don't, the uploaded file will be returned as a by a call to MaybeUploadRequestWrapper.get()
  Boolean: whether or not to rename files whose names collide with existing
  files in the upload directory. Default is we do. Note that if both
  allow_overwrite and silently_rename are false and a name collision occurs,
  we will throw an (@see UploadException).
  String: A path to a directory in the server-side local file-system in which
  uploaded files can be saved. Optional. Defaults to /tmp
  String: the path to my upload directory (work directory) within the
  document root of the web server, if it is within the document root of the
  web server, else null. For example, if uploadDirPath was
  /home/httpd/htdocs/upload, and the document root of the Web server was
  /home/httpd/htdocs, then it would make sense to have uploadDirURL set to
  /upload/. Optional. No Default. 

All parameters may be supplied either as context-params or as init-params; if 
both are supplied the servlet-specific init-param will override the 



[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Simon Brooke)

Iraq war: it's time for regime change...
... go now, Tony, while you can still go with dignity.

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MS vs Open Source link

2003-02-20 Thread Vic Cekvenich
Overall a good article.

The scary thing is I have heard clients that they think that if they use 
any open source... now their software is open source or in a conflict 
with comerical software they are using.


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Re: MS vs Open Source link

2003-02-20 Thread Brian McCallister
The scary thing is I have heard clients that they think that if they 
use any open source... now their software is open source or in a 
conflict with comerical software they are using.

A good way to handle this is to take the Apache projects, name them 
something different, add a pretty UI and then sell them for lots of 
money to those same customers under a more restrictive and 
closed-source license.

Oh, wait, IBM already does this =)

(Not bashing IBM,  just making a funny - this is sorta the point of the 
Apache license)


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Re: MS vs Open Source link

2003-02-20 Thread Henri Yandell

I can understand them thinking that. I had my gut feeling on it slightly
off for a while, mainly as I was viewing one type of software.

ie) Say I grab an LGPL/GPL Java library and incorporate it into my
product, which btw I install onto client's machines via jnlp.

As I am distributing a product, I have to open source it and furthermore
GPL it.

Now, the mistake I made was to apply this example to other software which
ran only on the server, ignoring the fact that it wasn't being distributed
in this case. Still, it's a pain to have to deal with and not worth the

That's only for the viral *GPL stuff though.

As for the article itself, I think it's more the open atmosphere to
bug-reporting that means opensource is less buggy, and the frequent
releases, than the code itself being open. So there's no reason why closed
source shouldn't be the same, except that they're unable to replicate the
culture that popular open source projects have.


On Thu, 20 Feb 2003, Vic Cekvenich wrote:

 Overall a good article.

 The scary thing is I have heard clients that they think that if they use
 any open source... now their software is open source or in a conflict
 with comerical software they are using.


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Prof Eben Moglen on L/GPL and jars

2003-02-20 Thread J Aaron Farr
With all the discussion about licensing with LGPL stuff, I thought this might
be interesting to everyone.  Comes from the new Slashdot interview with Eben


 2) Clarifying the GPL
by sterno

One issue that I know has come up for me is how the GPL applies in situations
where I'm using GPL software but I'm not actually modifying it. For example, I
write a Java application, and it is reliant on a JAR that is GPL'd. Do I then
need to GPL my software? I haven't changed the JAR in anyway, I'm just
redistributing it with my software. The end user could just as easily download
the JAR themselves, it's just a convenience for me to offer it in my package.


The language or programming paradigm in use doesn't determine the rules of
compliance, nor does whether the GPL'd code has been modified. The situation is
no different than the one where your code depends on static or dynamic linking
of a GPL'd library, say GNU readline. Your code, in order to operate, must be
combined with the GPL'd code, forming a new combined work, which under GPL
section 2(b) must be distributed under the terms of the GPL and only the GPL.
If the author of the other code had chosen to release his JAR under the Lesser
GPL, your contribution to the combined work could be released under any license
of your choosing, but by releasing under GPL he or she chose to invoke the
principle of share and share alike. 



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Re: MS vs Open Source link

2003-02-20 Thread Santiago Gala
Henri Yandell wrote:


As for the article itself, I think it's more the open atmosphere to
bug-reporting that means opensource is less buggy, and the frequent
releases, than the code itself being open. So there's no reason why closed
source shouldn't be the same, except that they're unable to replicate the
culture that popular open source projects have.

Culture is already a big enough answer. Being impatient as I am, I find 
increasingly that culture in closed source groups, no matter how big, is 
 much less cosmopolitan than, say, Apache or Debian people. One of the 
reasons is because they cannot discuss freely (with lines of code) the 
technical problems except in a reduced population, and they tend to have 
narrow thinking.

Also, I think a key answer is about shame and pride. I have already felt 
ashamed committing very hacky code in public repositories due to the 
need of having it working, quick fixing, etc. In a closed source culture 
thee is no compelling reason to revisit this code, and the probability 
of somebody else fixing or refactoring it is quite small. ;-)

You have both a positive reason (being proud of your own code) and a 
negative pressure (being ashamed by other people looking at it) to 
ensure highr quality of initial Open Source contributions. On top of 
this, you have a feed back process to fix problems. So, I won't be 
marvelled if the results are (asymptotically) perfect.


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[RESULT][PMC VOTE] PMC Nominations

2003-02-20 Thread robert burrell donkin
the following committers have passed the PMC nomination vote proposed by 
sam ruby:

  - Danny Angus
  - Peter Carlson
  - Morgan Delagrange
  - Ceki Gülcü
  - Dmitri Plotnikov
  - Phillip Rhodes
  - James Strachan
  - Jason van Zyl
  - Ted Husted
  - Rod Waldhoff

i'm sending this to let you all know.

the role of jakarta PMC is changing but rather than give an opinion and 
pretend some authority i don't have, take a look at this thread:

i hope you'll accept the nomination.

- robert

On Wednesday, February 19, 2003, at 10:41 PM, Sam Ruby wrote:


Suggestion: let's call this round complete at this time, and start a new 
round next month.  I'll notify the board later tonight that everyone in 
the following list (minus Pier) is to be added to the Jakarta PMC:

At the same time, I will also request that Stephen Colebourne be 
dismissed without prejudice [1] from the roster of the Jakarta PMC.

Next month, lets start with the nominations that didn't quite make this 
round, and add to the list.

- Sam Ruby


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Re: Would Jakarta like to adopt MaybeUpload?

2003-02-20 Thread Jon Scott Stevens
on 2003/2/20 7:16 AM, Simon Brooke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It's well established, widely used, debugged, and stable.
 It's also a lot simpler to use. The example given on

I think you missed the point...we don't need yet another fileupload
package...we need you to work with the existing one to improve it and make
it better.


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