Tapestry 3.0.3 is now available. This is a maintenance release that fixes a few issues identified with 3.0.2:

* Private assets now require a valid checksum in order to be retrieved via the asset service.
* The JanitorThread now terminates gracefully when the Tapestry servlet is destroyed.
* The engine no longer bypasses proper clean up when a client aborts a request.
* The DatePicker calendar window will now close automatically if no onchange event handler is specified. If specified, that event will now only fire if the date was changed.
* A correction was made to the taiwanese and simplified chinese error messages.
* The FormConditional component will no longer ignore the element parameter, if specified.
* The Body component now emits XHTML compliant script tags.
* The build scripts have been altered to function with the Java 1.5 compiler.

BINARY: http://jakarta.apache.org/site/binindex.cgi#tapestry
SOURCE: http://jakarta.apache.org/site/sourceindex.cgi#tapestry

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