Re: [Proposal] HiveMind Service Framework

2003-12-02 Thread Stephen McConnell

Howard M. Lewis Ship wrote:
What I would like to do is to hear from Howard himself (or anyone 
working on the HiveMind project)!  I'm particularly interested in how 
Avalon can leverage some of the technologies in HiveMind, and I'm 
equally confident in the ability of Avalon to provide 
value-add to the HimeMind project - and I'm not talking about 
classic avalon component interfaces - I'm talking about generic
container-side facilities.
The is a potential for mutual benefit.
Isn't that worth exploring?

I aggree with Andy's comments below ... you can't incubate HiveMind 
 inside Avalon. My Blob ( discusses
this as well, with some other insights (partly into my own neuroticism).
Just a point of clarification.  Avalon is *not* going to incubate 
anything.  HiveMind *will not exist* inside Avalon.  This is simply 
because Avalon is not engaging in multi-container incubation - period. 
What Avalon is doing - and what is relevant to your initative and Avalon 
- it the work going on towards the delivery of a set of common container 
facilities.  There is potential for HimeMind to leverage this and for 
Avalon to leverage content in HiveMind with respect to this viewpoint 
and only this viewpoint.

Avalon is a community - and within that community is an effort to 
harmonize different directions in component models taking 
into account the differences across internal development, and 
external iniatives. HiveMind is another aspect in that picture.
This means more potential, leveraged code, skills, knowledge,
users, etc.  I happen to think that there is potential in getting
together and talking about things like leverage, synergy, projects,

I've considered HiveMind an experiment, and experiment that 
 concludes when the community is formed and the code is mature.
 The nature of open source and the ASL is very fluid; the best
 ideas from HiveMind can be cherry-picked from the mature
codebase. What I'm nervous about is bringing HiveMind
into Avalon and mucking up other people's code with my vision.

Let me make something real clear

A HiveMind product will not land in Avalon. Period. Full-stop. 
Will-not-happen.  Get this notion of HiveMind in Avalon of you mind 
forever.  Can HiveMind contribute to what is happening in Avalon - yes. 
Is this clear to everyone on this list?  Avalon is not a resting place 
for a particular container project.  Avalon is not about incubation. 
HiveMind will not be some subproject in Avalon. I will not happen! Take 
my word for it. And this has nothing to do with HiveMind content - its 
simply a question concerning the strategy in Avalon.  The stategy is not 
about multiple containers - its not even about a single container.  Its 
about the contract and the framework for solutions.

I hope that helps clarify things a touch.  Sorry  if I sound like I'm 
repating myself but I'm kind of anoyed with some of the miss-information 
that has been floating around here recently!


While Hivemind is a virgin idea that needs community
building, and is not ready for Jakarta -- it is surely not 
ready for Avalon either.  I would be against its entry into 
Jakarta ATM (and I doubt Howard would propose it).  However,
I think it is ripe for foundry at jakarta commons or some
place appropriate for starting a community.
Obviously it should be watched for eventual entry as a Jakarta 
 project.  Howard is obviously now qualified to sponsor it in
 the incubator himself (as I've pretty much vowed never to
 incubate anything ever again,
I'd rather focus my efforts outside of Apache than go through 
that quagmire of bureaucratic procedure again**).

Well, the incubator will be a challenge but there will be explicit rules for leaving incubation and
I won't tolerate the incubators going beyond their mandate. The mandate is to show an active
community working together and to ensure that there are no IP problems in HiveMind or its depdendant
libraries. We will ensure that the mandate and exit rules are explicit before we start. 

Those procedures have been develped with the principal of holding the 
Incubator PMC accountable step by step from the point of view of people 
aiming to exit incubation.  The procedures should help make an exit 
rapid and successful.

Howard - can you do me a favour and kick of a thread actually 
detailing what we want - and throw into it what you think or don't 
think  should be your relationship with Avalon.  Please keep in mind that 
everything I've seen so far suggests that you have a 12-18 out-of-date 
picture of what avalon is and what avalon is doing - and I want to clear 
that up. I suggested you post a message on [EMAIL PROTECTED] as part of the 
process. I still think that that the right place to discuss this.

I have a backlog of avalon-dev mail to catch up on.

No problem.
Don't hesitate to jump in with questions.

As an Avalon principal, I can assure you that Avalon is not a 
threat to the potential of an 

Re: [Proposal] HiveMind Service Framework

2003-12-01 Thread Andrew C. Oliver
 I say
 that Howard Lewis Ship is a skilled coder and community builder and if he
 wants to give it a try with HiveMind, while the topic bores me personally,
 I'll give him my support.  If he does want to collaborate with the
 Avalonites (Avaloners?) then he should be encouraged to do so; however, if
 his approach is different enough to warrant its own show then I encourage
 him to do that as well.  I trust his judgment to that effect.
 Personally - I'm interested in getting some feedback from Howard on a
 number of question I've posted to him on this list and remain hopeful
 that he or other members of the HiveMind team will leverage the pool of
 opinions and talent over on Avalon - as a mutually interesting exercise
 (just as members of that same pools are interested in leveraging the
 content and knowlege from the HiveMind team).  As far as I can se the
 question of collaboration remains completely open - after all - no
 discussion has taken place todate either here on over on avalon.
 I think  it would be good to at least do some exploration of mutual
 interests - don't you?

I feel a Jon coming on.  Your itch not mine -- However, after your private
rants to (at?) me I kind of doubt how genuine this much more eloquent email
is.  In truth, a rather virgin Hivemind would (ironically considering the
name) be consumed by Avalon rather than affecting Avalon.  You may find
emailing me personally to be rather disappointing as I say pretty much the
same things though sometimes more succinctly.  Personally, I feel your
effort is more likely intent to prevent an alternative to Avalon.

I prefer to see Hivemind established as a community (as far as I know Howard
is the only member of the community ATM) before exploring as you say.  I see
no reason to deprive Howard of the opportunity to establish Hivemind and
build a community. 

I do however apologize for attributing the email containing the following
statement to you.  It was actually from Danny Angus, however the sentiment
appears to coincide with yours wouldn't you agree?

The danger of having an Avalon alternative @jakarta is that it will be seen
by people as somehow being Jakarta's favoured solution, rather than as one
of two (or more) alternatives promoted by Avalon.
If you see what I mean.

The truth is that the Avalon brand is nothing to be sought while Jakarta
is.  Being consumed by Avalon will, of course, make building a community
more difficult.  While Hivemind is a virgin idea that needs community
building, and is not ready for Jakarta -- it is surely not ready for Avalon
either.  I would be against its entry into Jakarta ATM (and I doubt Howard
would propose it).  However, I think it is ripe for foundry at jakarta
commons or some place appropriate for starting a community.  Obviously it
should be watched for eventual entry as a Jakarta project.  Howard is
obviously now qualified to sponsor it in the incubator himself (as I've
pretty much vowed never to incubate anything ever again, I'd rather focus my
efforts outside of Apache than go through that quagmire of bureaucratic
procedure again**).

I do not see a reason while my stating this creates the level of personal
angst for you that it more obviously did in your private mails to me nor do
I see the need for the duplicity of posting a more frank and angry mail to
me followed by one also on the list.  I really don't have time for two
threads and am rather conceptually against the idea.  Though I suppose I
could combine my replies on-list if you prefer.


** Although what a certain person did to avoid it was wrong although I can't
say anything about it as I don't think it was on the public list although it
damn well should have been.
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Andrew C. Oliver
Custom enhancements and Commercial Implementation for Jakarta POI
For Java and Excel, Got POI?

The views expressed in this email are those of the author and are almost
definitely not shared by the Apache Software Foundation, its board or its
general membership.  In fact they probably most definitively disagree with
everything espoused in the above email.

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Re: [Proposal] HiveMind Service Framework

2003-12-01 Thread Stephen McConnell

Andrew C. Oliver wrote in haste:
I say
that Howard Lewis Ship is a skilled coder and community builder and if he
wants to give it a try with HiveMind, while the topic bores me personally,
I'll give him my support.  If he does want to collaborate with the
Avalonites (Avaloners?) then he should be encouraged to do so; however, if
his approach is different enough to warrant its own show then I encourage
him to do that as well.  I trust his judgment to that effect.

Personally - I'm interested in getting some feedback from Howard on a
number of question I've posted to him on this list and remain hopeful
that he or other members of the HiveMind team will leverage the pool of
opinions and talent over on Avalon - as a mutually interesting exercise
(just as members of that same pools are interested in leveraging the
content and knowlege from the HiveMind team).  As far as I can se the
question of collaboration remains completely open - after all - no
discussion has taken place todate either here on over on avalon.
I think  it would be good to at least do some exploration of mutual
interests - don't you?

I feel a Jon coming on.  Your itch not mine -- However, after your private
rants to (at?) me I kind of doubt how genuine this much more eloquent email

Andrew, you stooping at little low even by your standards.


Don't worry, you'll get a chance to express your yourself!

But let's not miss the the question I think it would be good to at 
least do some exploration of mutual interests - don't you?.  You claim 
is that this is my itch - not yours.  My claim is that this is a 
community itch - not something personal.

There is a potential benefit here!
Isn't this worth exploring?

In truth, a rather virgin Hivemind would (ironically considering the
name) be consumed by Avalon rather than affecting Avalon.

Maybe you may have a disconnected idea of what Avalon is and what it is 
doing.  If you take a look at the archives you will see some posts 
addressing the HimeMind project both before and after this thread was 
initiated.  What you will see is technical and community issues being 
raised and discussed.  One thing is clear - avalon is not a candidate 
incubator for HiveMind - avalon is about a single product.  Does that 
imply consumption?  Yes - if consumption were appropriate - the majority 
of opinion over at avalon is that it is not.

You may find
emailing me personally to be rather disappointing as I say pretty much the
same things though sometimes more succinctly.  Personally, I feel your
effort is more likely intent to prevent an alternative to Avalon.

You sinking down low again!

You made some assertions implying that Avalon considered itself as an 
only solution (you opinion). You went on presented a (weak) 
justification for that position.  My personal email to you expressed my 
personal opinion concerning, you inaccuracy of the assertions, my 
confusion pertaining to you justification, and my request for an 

Instead of attempting to sidetrack the discussion around Andrew and his 
personal in-tray - lets focus on the HiveMind community and its 
role/relevance/synergy within the Apache community.  I figure that there 
is value to be gained - but value requires dialogue and interaction.

So far there has not been no dialogue nor interaction.
That's the issue to address today.

I prefer to see Hivemind established as a community (as far as I know Howard
is the only member of the community ATM) before exploring as you say.  I see
no reason to deprive Howard of the opportunity to establish Hivemind and
build a community.  

What I would like to do is to hear from Howard himself (or anyone 
working on the HiveMind project)!  I'm particularly interested in how 
Avalon can leverage some of the technologies in HiveMind, and I'm 
equally confident in the ability of Avalon to provide value-add to the 
HimeMind project - and I'm not talking about classic avalon component 
interfaces - I'm talking about generic container-side facilities.

The is a potential for mutual benefit.
Isn't that worth exploring?

I do however apologize for attributing the email containing the following
statement to you.  It was actually from Danny Angus, however the sentiment
appears to coincide with yours wouldn't you agree?
The danger of having an Avalon alternative @jakarta is that it will be seen
by people as somehow being Jakarta's favoured solution, rather than as one
of two (or more) alternatives promoted by Avalon.
If you see what I mean.


I personally don't look at Avalon as the end game.  Avalon is a 
community of people who happen to be focussed on this subject area. 
There is a lot of stuff happening in this domain.  Avalon is rapidly 
evolving and incorporating new ideas and solutions from users such as 
Dany (and hundreds of others) combined with multiple external projects 
in the same area.

Avalon is a community - and within that community is an effort to 
harmonize different 

Re: [Proposal] HiveMind Service Framework

2003-12-01 Thread Stephen McConnell

Andrew C. Oliver wrote:

Perhaps you missed that part of my message.  
No - I didn't miss anything.

What you could do is try to add some rationalization around your
arguments instead of making negative assertions about a project
you are not involved with and are not interested in.
The rest of your email is snipped because it is simply diverging
from the real question concerning potential.  It seems to me your
trying to derail that potential.  Well, sorry, I'm not going to be
derailed.  I have genuine interests in what happens here and I would
like to hear from Howard about what he wants and what he thinks the 
potential synergy could play out with mutual benefit.


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RE: [Proposal] HiveMind Service Framework

2003-12-01 Thread Howard M. Lewis Ship
  I prefer to see Hivemind established as a community (as far 
 as I know Howard
  is the only member of the community ATM) before exploring 
 as you say.  I see
  no reason to deprive Howard of the opportunity to establish 
 Hivemind and
  build a community.  

That's what is, in fact, surprising to me ... a small community for HiveMind formed 
pretty much
spontaneously. Like Tapestry, the bulk of the code is from me, but some very 
significant design
ideas, naming conventions and techniques have come form the community and/or been 
voted on by the
nascent community.

 What I would like to do is to hear from Howard himself (or anyone 
 working on the HiveMind project)!  I'm particularly interested in how 
 Avalon can leverage some of the technologies in HiveMind, and I'm 
 equally confident in the ability of Avalon to provide 
 value-add to the 
 HimeMind project - and I'm not talking about classic avalon component 
 interfaces - I'm talking about generic container-side facilities.
 The is a potential for mutual benefit.
 Isn't that worth exploring?

I aggree with Andy's comments below ... you can't incubate HiveMind inside Avalon. 
My Blob
( discusses this as well, with some other insights 
(partly into my
own neuroticism).

 Avalon is a community - and within that community is an effort to 
 harmonize different directions in component models taking 
 into account 
 the differences across internal development, and external iniatives. 
 HiveMind is another aspect in that picture.  This means more 
 leveraged code, skills, knowledge, users, etc.  I happen to 
 think that 
 there is potential in getting together and talking about things like 
 leverage, synergy, projects, etc.

I've considered HiveMind an experiment, and experiment that concludes when the 
community is formed
and the code is mature. The nature of open source and the ASL is very fluid; the best 
ideas from
HiveMind can be cherry-picked from the mature codebase. What I'm nervous about is 
bringing HiveMind
into Avalon and mucking up other people's code with my vision.

  While Hivemind is a virgin idea that needs community
  building, and is not ready for Jakarta -- it is surely not 
 ready for Avalon
  either.  I would be against its entry into Jakarta ATM (and 
 I doubt Howard
  would propose it).  However, I think it is ripe for foundry 
 at jakarta
  commons or some place appropriate for starting a community. 
  Obviously it
  should be watched for eventual entry as a Jakarta project.  
 Howard is
  obviously now qualified to sponsor it in the incubator 
 himself (as I've
  pretty much vowed never to incubate anything ever again, 
 I'd rather focus my
  efforts outside of Apache than go through that quagmire of 
  procedure again**).

Well, the incubator will be a challenge but there will be explicit rules for leaving 
incubation and
I won't tolerate the incubators going beyond their mandate. The mandate is to show an 
community working together and to ensure that there are no IP problems in HiveMind or 
its depdendant
libraries. We will ensure that the mandate and exit rules are explicit before we 

 Howard - can you do me a favour and kick of a thread actually 
 what we want - and throw into it what you think or don't 
 think  should 
 be your relationship with Avalon.  Please keep in mind that 
 I've seen so far suggests that you have a 12-18 out-of-date 
 picture of 
 what avalon is and what avalon is doing - and I want to clear 
 that up. 
 I suggested you post a message on [EMAIL PROTECTED] as part of the 
 process. I 
 still think that that the right place to discuss this.

I have a backlog of avalon-dev mail to catch up on.

 As an Avalon principal, I can assure you that Avalon is not a 
 threat to 
 the potential of an independent HiveMind project (irrespective of 
 Andrew's ideas of reality).  Start talking with us (here or 
 there) and 
 you may find an ally.

Of course, while the HiveMind IP fiasco resolves itself, I have some spare time to 
catch up. To be
honest, one of the things that has been an issue for me is the Avalon documentation; 
many of my
questions aren't resolved by the docs I could find, and I have been short on time for 
wading into
the code.


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Re: [Proposal] HiveMind Service Framework

2003-12-01 Thread Andrew C. Oliver
On 12/1/03 2:02 AM, Stephen McConnell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 End of discussion.


Andrew C. Oliver
Custom enhancements and Commercial Implementation for Jakarta POI
For Java and Excel, Got POI?

The views expressed in this email are those of the author and are almost
definitely not shared by the Apache Software Foundation, its board or its
general membership.  In fact they probably most definitively disagree with
everything espoused in the above email.

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Re: [Proposal] HiveMind Service Framework

2003-12-01 Thread Andrew C. Oliver
On 12/1/03 2:47 AM, Stephen McConnell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I thought you ended our discussion?  Okay I guess not.  My point continues
to be that I don't think Howard should be forced and that if HiveMind builds
a community, it is perfectly welcome here regardless of cooperation with
Avalon.  Avalon has no stranglehold on frameworks.

If you agree with me then why is this so emotional to you?  Nevermind, lets
end this, you get the last word.  ;-)


 Andrew C. Oliver wrote:
 Perhaps you missed that part of my message.
 No - I didn't miss anything.
 What you could do is try to add some rationalization around your
 arguments instead of making negative assertions about a project
 you are not involved with and are not interested in.
 The rest of your email is snipped because it is simply diverging
 from the real question concerning potential.  It seems to me your
 trying to derail that potential.  Well, sorry, I'm not going to be
 derailed.  I have genuine interests in what happens here and I would
 like to hear from Howard about what he wants and what he thinks the
 potential synergy could play out with mutual benefit.
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Andrew C. Oliver
Custom enhancements and Commercial Implementation for Jakarta POI
For Java and Excel, Got POI?

The views expressed in this email are those of the author and are almost
definitely not shared by the Apache Software Foundation, its board or its
general membership.  In fact they probably most definitively disagree with
everything espoused in the above email.

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Re: [Proposal] HiveMind Service Framework

2003-11-30 Thread Stephen McConnell

Andrew C. Oliver wrote:

I don't think that Avalon has any right to have a stranglehold on all
service frameworks.  

The Avalon community very aware of the the different approaches that 
exist.  If your following the Avalon dev list you would be aware of 
ongoing discussions concerning different approaches in the 
container/component space - the benefits and disadvantages, emergent 
opportunities, brick-walls, etc.

I also must say that I hate the come discuss this in
'our' house approach to collaboration.
I'm surprised that you feel this way.  If you were subscribed to Avalon 
dev you would have been aware of discussions concerning HiveMind before 
the subject came up here.  Several members were discussing this subject 
at a technical level that would not make sense on this list.  My 
invitation to Howard (that seems to have offended you for reasons that I 
don't understand) was based on the interests in getting some thoughts 
from the Howard and other members of the HiveMind community on aspect 
relating to collaboration with Avalon.  Perhaps we have different ideas 
on what that means - for me at least is about sharing ideas and talking 
- its not (as you suggest) a notion of territory to be protected.

I hope that Howard or other members of the HiveMind team take up that 
invitation because there is potential synergy.

One size does not fit all and
Avalon has shown over the years that this is especially true for it.  

Interestingly, the activities over on avalon over the past year have 
been addressing many of the deeper issues implied by you conclusion. 
What does one size mean?  Is size adaptive?  How does one deliver the 
the parametrized solution that best fits the size that is needed?  All 
of these question are being addressed within Avalon today. I also happen 
to to think that Howard and the HiveMind team could contribute to that 
and I also think that the more recent work in Avalon could contribute to 

I say
that Howard Lewis Ship is a skilled coder and community builder and if he
wants to give it a try with HiveMind, while the topic bores me personally,
I'll give him my support.  If he does want to collaborate with the
Avalonites (Avaloners?) then he should be encouraged to do so; however, if
his approach is different enough to warrant its own show then I encourage
him to do that as well.  I trust his judgment to that effect.

Personally - I'm interested in getting some feedback from Howard on a 
number of question I've posted to him on this list and remain hopeful 
that he or other members of the HiveMind team will leverage the pool of 
opinions and talent over on Avalon - as a mutually interesting exercise 
(just as members of that same pools are interested in leveraging the 
content and knowlege from the HiveMind team).  As far as I can se the 
question of collaboration remains completely open - after all - no 
discussion has taken place todate either here on over on avalon.

I think  it would be good to at least do some exploration of mutual 
interests - don't you?


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Re: [Proposal] HiveMind Service Framework / status

2003-11-26 Thread Andrew C. Oliver
Ear is better, mostly itches now.  Don't think I blew the drum as I can hear
fine.  However I now have a cold too. :-(


On 11/26/03 8:03 AM, Howard M. Lewis Ship [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm trying to track down that myself. I need to give my friends at WebCT a
 call, to see where they
 are with the software grant. Between that, ApacheCon, a bad cold (how's that
 ear, Andy?) and the
 9-to-5 (oh, and painters in my house) I'm falling a little behind.
 Howard M. Lewis Ship
 Creator, Tapestry: Java Web Components
 -Original Message-
 From: Tim O'Brien [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2003 10:29 PM
 To: Jakarta General List
 Subject: Re: [Proposal] HiveMind Service Framework
 +1 - there is room enough.
 On a related note, what is the current status of HiveMind?
 the site is 
 still blanked out in Commons.  Could someone please update
 general as to 
 the current situation re: HiveMind?
 Andrew C. Oliver wrote:
 I don't think that Avalon has any right to have a stranglehold on all
 service frameworks.  I also must say that I hate the come
 discuss this in
 'our' house approach to collaboration.   One size does not
 fit all and
 Avalon has shown over the years that this is especially true
 for it.  I say
 that Howard Lewis Ship is a skilled coder and community
 builder and if he
 wants to give it a try with HiveMind, while the topic bores
 me personally,
 I'll give him my support.  If he does want to collaborate with the
 Avalonites (Avaloners?) then he should be encouraged to do
 so; however, if
 his approach is different enough to warrant its own show
 then I encourage
 him to do that as well.  I trust his judgment to that effect.
 We have Struts, Turbine, and Avalon.  We have Velocity, JSP,
 XSLT, etc.  We
 have commons digester and XMLBeans...  None are preferred
 and BTW Avalon
 isn't even preferred as Tomcat, for instance, doesn't use it.
 To suggest that there can be only one true service
 framework is misguided,
 On 11/18/03 12:49 AM, Stephen McConnell
 Howard M. Lewis Ship wrote:

 I'm moniroting the avalon dev list.
 As mentioned earlier there are some things that would be
 interesting to
 discuss over on the avalon dev list.  Perhaps you could put
 forward you
 thoughts about the potential or lack thereoff on
 collaboration.  I think
 some good points have already been put on the table for
 working together
 and for working apart - but just at the moment these
 thoughts are only
 on the table and no real discussion is happening as a
 result.  I think
 that could change if we were to go beyond mutual monotoring.
 Cheers, Steve.

 Howard M. Lewis Ship
 Creator, Tapestry: Java Web Components
 -Original Message-
 From: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
 Stephen McConnell
 Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2003 10:10 PM
 Subject: Re: [Proposal] HiveMind Service Framework

 I've put up a limited copy of the HiveMind documentation on
 my personal home page:
 Are you open to the idea of discussing some mutual areas
 of interest?
 There are a number of aspects of the work you are doing that are
 complimentary with the work on-going in Avalon, and
 several areas in
 Avalon which after review your material are complimentary
 with your own
 efforts.  Can I get you to sign up to the avalon dev list
 bacause I
 would very much like to discuss this further together with
 other members
 of the Avalon crew.
 Details for the Avalon dev list are available at the
 following URL:
 I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
 Cheers, Stephen.
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Andrew C. Oliver
Custom enhancements and Commercial Implementation for Jakarta POI
For Java and Excel, Got POI?

The views

RE: [Proposal] HiveMind Service Framework

2003-11-14 Thread Howard M. Lewis Ship
I'm moniroting the avalon dev list.

Howard M. Lewis Ship
Creator, Tapestry: Java Web Components

 -Original Message-
 From: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Stephen McConnell
 Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2003 10:10 PM
 Subject: Re: [Proposal] HiveMind Service Framework
  I've put up a limited copy of the HiveMind documentation on 
 my personal home page:
 Are you open to the idea of discussing some mutual areas of interest?
 There are a number of aspects of the work you are doing that are 
 complimentary with the work on-going in Avalon, and several areas in 
 Avalon which after review your material are complimentary 
 with your own 
 efforts.  Can I get you to sign up to the avalon dev list bacause I 
 would very much like to discuss this further together with 
 other members 
 of the Avalon crew.
 Details for the Avalon dev list are available at the following URL:

I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

Cheers, Stephen.

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Re: [Proposal] HiveMind Service Framework

2003-11-13 Thread Stephen McConnell

I've put up a limited copy of the HiveMind documentation on my personal home page:

Are you open to the idea of discussing some mutual areas of interest?

There are a number of aspects of the work you are doing that are 
complimentary with the work on-going in Avalon, and several areas in 
Avalon which after review your material are complimentary with your own 
efforts.  Can I get you to sign up to the avalon dev list bacause I 
would very much like to discuss this further together with other members 
of the Avalon crew.

Details for the Avalon dev list are available at the following URL:

I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

Cheers, Stephen.

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Re: [Proposal] HiveMind Service Framework

2003-11-12 Thread Henning Schmiedehausen
I still ask myself why we can't put HiveMind as its own project under
the Jakarta umbrella.

We have projects with a much smaller scope as normal jakarta projects
and we have and had framework projects such as Cocoon, Avalon or Turbine
outside of the commons.

IMHO the scope of HiveMind is already to big for the commons which I see
as software snacks: Small, easy to swallow and a side order for larger


On Tue, 2003-11-11 at 20:23, Martin Cooper wrote:
 Accepting this proposal as currently written would also involve the
 acceptance of five new individuals as Apache committers. Based on where
 the HiveMind repo currently is/was, that implies giving five unknowns (to
 me, anyway) access to Jakarta Commons as a whole. I'm not so sure I'd be
 willing to sign up for that.
 Martin Cooper
  On Tue, 11 Nov 2003, Nayak, Prashant wrote:
  Proposal for the HiveMind Project
  (0) Rationale
  HiveMind is a simple framework for creating pluggable, configurable,
  reusable services.
  Simple: HiveMind is a way to create a network of services in terms of
  Java interfaces and classes; it cherry picks the most useful ideas from
  Service Oriented Architectures such as J2EE, JMX and SOAP, but removes
  the aspects that are typically overkill for most applications, such as
  service remoteability and language neutrality. HiveMind creates a
  natural network of related services and configuration data, all
  operating within a single JVM.
  Pluggable: HiveMind enforces a complete separation of service definition
  and implementation. This is manifested by a division of services into an
  interface definition and a service implementation as well as a split
  between defining a service (as part of a HiveMind module) and providing
  the implementation of that service (potentially, in a different module).
  Configurable: HiveMind integrates a service oriented architecture to a
  sophisticated configuration architecture; the configuration architecture
  is adapted from the Eclipse plug-in model, wherein modules may define
  configuration extension points and multiple modules may provide
  contributions to those extension points.
  Reusable: HiveMind is a framework and container, but not an application.
  The HiveMind framework and the services it provides may be easily
  combined with application-specific services and configurations for use
  in disparate applications.
  The API for HiveMind allows thread-safe, easy access to services and
  configurations with a minimal amount of code. The value-add for HiveMind
  is not just runtime flexibility: it is overall developer productivity.
  HiveMind systems will entail less code; key functionality that is
  frequently an after-thought, such as parsing of XML configuration files,
  logging of method invocations, and lazy creation of services, is handled
  by the HiveMind framework in a consistent, robust, and well-documented
  HiveMind fits into an area that partially overlaps the Apache Avalon
  project, with significant differences. HiveMind's concept of a
  distributed configuration is unique among the available service
  microkernel's (Avalon, Keel, Spring, Picocontainer, etc.). Avalon is
  firmly rooted in a type-1 inversion of control pattern (whereby services
  must explicitly, in code, resolve dependencies between each other using
  a lookup pattern similar to JNDI). HiveMind uses a mix of type-2 and
  type-3 IoC, whereby the framework (acting as container) creates
  connections between services by setting properties of the services
  (type-2) or making use of particular constructors for the services
  HiveMind represents a generous donation of code to the ASF by WebCT
  ( HiveMind originated from internal requirements
  for a flexible, loosely-coupled configuration management and services
  framework for WebCT's industry-leading flagship enterprise e-learning
  product, Vista. Several individuals in WebCT's research and development
  team in addition to Mr. Howard Lewis Ship contributed to the
  requirements and concepts behind HiveMind's current set of functionality
  including Martin Bayly, Diane Bennett, Bill Bilic, Michael Kerr,
  Prashant Nayak, Bill Richard and Ajay Sharda. HiveMind is already in use
  as a significant part of Vista.
  (1) Scope of the package
  The package shall entail a core framework JAR (containing essential
  classes and services), a standard library JAR (containing generically
  useful services), along with ancillary artifacts such as Maven plug-ins
  and, of course, documentation, all distributed under the Apache Software
  (1.1) Interaction with other packages
  HiveMind has dependencies on several standard commons packages,
  including: commons-lang, commons-beanutils, commons-collections and
  HiveMind makes use of the Javassist bytecode generation library, which
  is available 

Re: [Proposal] HiveMind Service Framework

2003-11-12 Thread Danny Angus

 I still ask myself why we can't put HiveMind as its own project under
 the Jakarta umbrella.

It doesn't seem unreasonable to me, if the criteria are met and the
political implications of creating a new sub-project are acceptable.
Otherwise a spell in commons will help to cement the community and do no

I would like to know if this has been proposed to Avalon, if not why not,
if so what has been their reaction.

I'm not suggesting that it should be, just that it might be a better fit
with their charter.


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Re: [Proposal] HiveMind Service Framework

2003-11-12 Thread hlship
 On Wed, 12 Nov 2003, Henning Schmiedehausen wrote:
  I still ask myself why we can't put HiveMind as its own project under
  the Jakarta umbrella.
 Isn't that what this proposal is proposing?  If it isn't, then
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] is the wrong list to propose it to.
  We have projects with a much smaller scope as normal jakarta projects
  and we have and had framework projects such as Cocoon, Avalon or Turbine
  outside of the commons.
  IMHO the scope of HiveMind is already to big for the commons which I see
  as software snacks: Small, easy to swallow and a side order for larger

Yes, this proposal is that HiveMind be a top-level Jakarta project; a peer to (say) 
Log4J and Tapestry.

The commons is largely supposed to be for toolboxes; libraries that contain individual 
utility classes (commons-lang) or frameworks with a very precise, very focused use 

Although you could scavenge a lot of useful stuff out of HiveMind, it is intended for 
use as a cohesive unit.

In terms of homes, I can see a number of possible options:

1) Reject HiveMind outright --- and make Howard very sad.

In this case, I would reorganize the Tapestry build to accomidate having HiveMind as a 
sub-project (once the grants from WebCT come through). I feel that is less than ideal; 
despite the overlap, and evolution of ideas from Tapestry into HiveMind, I'd prefer to 
keep them seperate, with seperate teams.

2) Keep it in the commons

I have no real objection to this personally, but HiveMind doesn't quite fit with the 
commons charter, for the reasons discussed above (and in the commons charter).

3) Chuck it over to Avalon

I've looked to see how we could graft HiveMind into Avalon and vice-versa, but they 
are really quite different beasts.  The type-1 vs. type-2/type-3 split is intrinsic 
and difficult to reconcile.  HiveMind's concept of a module doesn't map so easily into 
the Avalon space, and HiveMind's free-for-all approach doesn't jive with Avalon's 
dogmatic security model (including its explicit application construction descriptor).

4) New TLD

I think HiveMind is a totally useful swiss-army knife that opens up the doors for a 
lot of really terrific approaches to solving common development problems. However, 
it's still a bit light to be a TLD ... something like 6600 NCLOC if memory serves 
(don't bet on it!).  Certainly if boil-the-ocean frameworks like Struts, Tapestry and 
Turbine aren't TLDs then HiveMind isn't either.

5) New Jakarta Project

As stated in the proposal; this is my preference.


Creator, Tapestry: Java Web 

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Re: [Proposal] HiveMind Service Framework

2003-11-12 Thread Danny Angus

Howard wrote:

 3) Chuck it over to Avalon

 I've looked to see how we could graft HiveMind into Avalon and
 but they are really quite different beasts.  The type-1  vs.
 split is intrinsic and difficult to reconcile.  HiveMind's concept of a
 doesn't map so easily into the  Avalon space, and HiveMind's free-for-all
 approach doesn't jive with Avalon's dogmatic security model
 (including its explicit application construction descriptor).

I didn't mean to suggest that you should try to move avalon architecture
towards hivemind or vice versa,
but I did wonder if there would be support @avalon for an alternative
approach as an avalon sub-project.

The danger of having an Avalon alternative @jakarta is that it will be seen
by people as somehow being Jakarta's favoured solution, rather than as one
of two (or more) alternatives promoted by Avalon.
If you see what I mean.

Of course you went through this whole debate when we discussed whether we
needed Tapestry as an alternative to Struts, as equal members of Jakarta
neither approach can be seen to be in any way an endorsed or
favourite. The same (IMO) would not be true for service frameworks if
Hivemind was a Jakarta project not an Avalon one. Hivemind would be seen by
some to be Jakarta's favoured solution.

FWIW I'm certainly not going to oppose this, Hivemind seems to be a well
thought out proposal, but I don't want Jakarta to be accused of trying to
replace Avalon, and I guess that will mean involving Avalon folks in the

Imagine the reaction there would be if I proposed a make utility as a
Jakarta sub-project, and perhaps you'll get the thrust of my concern.


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Re: [Proposal] HiveMind Service Framework

2003-11-12 Thread J Aaron Farr

   I think someone wanted this to get forwarded to the Avalon 'general' mailing
list, but since that doesn't exist, I thought I'd send it to our dev list. 

For the Avaloners:

There's been a bit of discussion lately on [EMAIL PROTECTED] about what to do with
Hivemind seeing that it has started to outgrow its current location in
commons-sandbox.  Some have suggested that it fits better over here in Avalon
(as a sub-project) than in Jakarta.  In some respects, I agree.  I think its a
little light to be its own top-level project ( and if you
look at the jakarta charters vs avalon charters, Hivemind falls more on the
Avalon side of things.  Not sure what Howards thoughts are on that.

--- Danny Angus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Howard wrote:
  3) Chuck it over to Avalon
  I've looked to see how we could graft HiveMind into Avalon and vice-versa,
  but they are really quite different beasts.  The type-1  vs. type-2/type-3
  split is intrinsic and difficult to reconcile.  HiveMind's concept of a
  module doesn't map so easily into the  Avalon space, and HiveMind's
  free-for-all approach doesn't jive with Avalon's dogmatic security model
  (including its explicit application construction descriptor).
 I didn't mean to suggest that you should try to move avalon architecture
 towards hivemind or vice versa,
 but I did wonder if there would be support @avalon for an alternative
 approach as an avalon sub-project.
 The danger of having an Avalon alternative @jakarta is that it will be seen
 by people as somehow being Jakarta's favoured solution, rather than as one
 of two (or more) alternatives promoted by Avalon.
 If you see what I mean.
 Of course you went through this whole debate when we discussed whether we
 needed Tapestry as an alternative to Struts, as equal members of Jakarta
 neither approach can be seen to be in any way an endorsed or
 favourite. The same (IMO) would not be true for service frameworks if
 Hivemind was a Jakarta project not an Avalon one. Hivemind would be seen by
 some to be Jakarta's favoured solution.
 FWIW I'm certainly not going to oppose this, Hivemind seems to be a well
 thought out proposal, but I don't want Jakarta to be accused of trying to
 replace Avalon, and I guess that will mean involving Avalon folks in the
 Imagine the reaction there would be if I proposed a make utility as a
 Jakarta sub-project, and perhaps you'll get the thrust of my concern.

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[Proposal] HiveMind Service Framework

2003-11-11 Thread Nayak, Prashant

Proposal for the HiveMind Project

(0) Rationale

HiveMind is a simple framework for creating pluggable, configurable,
reusable services. 

Simple: HiveMind is a way to create a network of services in terms of
Java interfaces and classes; it cherry picks the most useful ideas from
Service Oriented Architectures such as J2EE, JMX and SOAP, but removes
the aspects that are typically overkill for most applications, such as
service remoteability and language neutrality. HiveMind creates a
natural network of related services and configuration data, all
operating within a single JVM.

Pluggable: HiveMind enforces a complete separation of service definition
and implementation. This is manifested by a division of services into an
interface definition and a service implementation as well as a split
between defining a service (as part of a HiveMind module) and providing
the implementation of that service (potentially, in a different module).

Configurable: HiveMind integrates a service oriented architecture to a
sophisticated configuration architecture; the configuration architecture
is adapted from the Eclipse plug-in model, wherein modules may define
configuration extension points and multiple modules may provide
contributions to those extension points.

Reusable: HiveMind is a framework and container, but not an application.
The HiveMind framework and the services it provides may be easily
combined with application-specific services and configurations for use
in disparate applications.

The API for HiveMind allows thread-safe, easy access to services and
configurations with a minimal amount of code. The value-add for HiveMind
is not just runtime flexibility: it is overall developer productivity.
HiveMind systems will entail less code; key functionality that is
frequently an after-thought, such as parsing of XML configuration files,
logging of method invocations, and lazy creation of services, is handled
by the HiveMind framework in a consistent, robust, and well-documented

HiveMind fits into an area that partially overlaps the Apache Avalon
project, with significant differences. HiveMind's concept of a
distributed configuration is unique among the available service
microkernel's (Avalon, Keel, Spring, Picocontainer, etc.). Avalon is
firmly rooted in a type-1 inversion of control pattern (whereby services
must explicitly, in code, resolve dependencies between each other using
a lookup pattern similar to JNDI). HiveMind uses a mix of type-2 and
type-3 IoC, whereby the framework (acting as container) creates
connections between services by setting properties of the services
(type-2) or making use of particular constructors for the services

HiveMind represents a generous donation of code to the ASF by WebCT
( HiveMind originated from internal requirements
for a flexible, loosely-coupled configuration management and services
framework for WebCT's industry-leading flagship enterprise e-learning
product, Vista. Several individuals in WebCT's research and development
team in addition to Mr. Howard Lewis Ship contributed to the
requirements and concepts behind HiveMind's current set of functionality
including Martin Bayly, Diane Bennett, Bill Bilic, Michael Kerr,
Prashant Nayak, Bill Richard and Ajay Sharda. HiveMind is already in use
as a significant part of Vista.

(1) Scope of the package

The package shall entail a core framework JAR (containing essential
classes and services), a standard library JAR (containing generically
useful services), along with ancillary artifacts such as Maven plug-ins
and, of course, documentation, all distributed under the Apache Software

(1.1) Interaction with other packages

HiveMind has dependencies on several standard commons packages,
including: commons-lang, commons-beanutils, commons-collections and

HiveMind makes use of the Javassist bytecode generation library, which
is available under the MPL (Mozilla public license).

(2) Identify the initial source for the package

The initial code base has been developed by Howard M. Lewis Ship within
the Jakarta Commons incubator.

(2.1) Identify the base name for the package


Note: the current code base reflects an alternate package name,
org.apache.commons.hivemind.  Subsequent research has shown that
HiveMind is not a suitable candidate for the Jakarta Commons. The
existing code base will be migrated to the new package during the
transition out of the sandbox.

(2.2) Identify the coding conventions for this package

The code follows a modified version of Sun's standard coding
conventions, with the following stylistic changes:
- instance variables are prefixed with an underscore
- a newline is inserted before all braces

(3) Identify any Jakarta resources to be created

(3.1) mailing lists

[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- User discussions
[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- Developer discussions and CVS update

RE: [Proposal] HiveMind Service Framework

2003-11-11 Thread Mike
Please turn off your receipt request when posting.

::-Original Message-
::From: Nayak, Prashant [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
::Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2003 12:35 PM
::To: Jakarta General List
::Subject: [Proposal] HiveMind Service Framework
::Proposal for the HiveMind Project
::(0) Rationale
::HiveMind is a simple framework for creating pluggable, configurable,
::reusable services. 
::Simple: HiveMind is a way to create a network of services in terms of
::Java interfaces and classes; it cherry picks the most useful ideas from
::Service Oriented Architectures such as J2EE, JMX and SOAP, but removes
::the aspects that are typically overkill for most applications, such as
::service remoteability and language neutrality. HiveMind creates a
::natural network of related services and configuration data, all
::operating within a single JVM.
::Pluggable: HiveMind enforces a complete separation of service definition
::and implementation. This is manifested by a division of services into an
::interface definition and a service implementation as well as a split
::between defining a service (as part of a HiveMind module) and providing
::the implementation of that service (potentially, in a different module).
::Configurable: HiveMind integrates a service oriented architecture to a
::sophisticated configuration architecture; the configuration architecture
::is adapted from the Eclipse plug-in model, wherein modules may define
::configuration extension points and multiple modules may provide
::contributions to those extension points.
::Reusable: HiveMind is a framework and container, but not an application.
::The HiveMind framework and the services it provides may be easily
::combined with application-specific services and configurations for use
::in disparate applications.
::The API for HiveMind allows thread-safe, easy access to services and
::configurations with a minimal amount of code. The value-add for HiveMind
::is not just runtime flexibility: it is overall developer productivity.
::HiveMind systems will entail less code; key functionality that is
::frequently an after-thought, such as parsing of XML configuration files,
::logging of method invocations, and lazy creation of services, is handled
::by the HiveMind framework in a consistent, robust, and well-documented
::HiveMind fits into an area that partially overlaps the Apache Avalon
::project, with significant differences. HiveMind's concept of a
::distributed configuration is unique among the available service
::microkernel's (Avalon, Keel, Spring, Picocontainer, etc.). Avalon is
::firmly rooted in a type-1 inversion of control pattern (whereby services
::must explicitly, in code, resolve dependencies between each other using
::a lookup pattern similar to JNDI). HiveMind uses a mix of type-2 and
::type-3 IoC, whereby the framework (acting as container) creates
::connections between services by setting properties of the services
::(type-2) or making use of particular constructors for the services
::HiveMind represents a generous donation of code to the ASF by WebCT
::( HiveMind originated from internal requirements
::for a flexible, loosely-coupled configuration management and services
::framework for WebCT's industry-leading flagship enterprise e-learning
::product, Vista. Several individuals in WebCT's research and development
::team in addition to Mr. Howard Lewis Ship contributed to the
::requirements and concepts behind HiveMind's current set of functionality
::including Martin Bayly, Diane Bennett, Bill Bilic, Michael Kerr,
::Prashant Nayak, Bill Richard and Ajay Sharda. HiveMind is already in use
::as a significant part of Vista.
::(1) Scope of the package
::The package shall entail a core framework JAR (containing essential
::classes and services), a standard library JAR (containing generically
::useful services), along with ancillary artifacts such as Maven plug-ins
::and, of course, documentation, all distributed under the Apache Software
::(1.1) Interaction with other packages
::HiveMind has dependencies on several standard commons packages,
::including: commons-lang, commons-beanutils, commons-collections and
::HiveMind makes use of the Javassist bytecode generation library, which
::is available under the MPL (Mozilla public license).
::(2) Identify the initial source for the package
::The initial code base has been developed by Howard M. Lewis Ship within
::the Jakarta Commons incubator.
::(2.1) Identify the base name for the package
::Note: the current code base reflects an alternate package name,
::org.apache.commons.hivemind.  Subsequent research has shown that
::HiveMind is not a suitable candidate for the Jakarta Commons. The
::existing code base will be migrated to the new package during the
::transition out

[Proposal] HiveMind Service Framework

2003-11-11 Thread Michael Fraenkel

Return Receipt
Your  [Proposal] HiveMind Service Framework
was   Michael Fraenkel/Raleigh/IBM 
at:   11/11/2003 13:14:05 EST  

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For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Proposal] HiveMind Service Framework

2003-11-11 Thread Henri Yandell

Daft question, possibly, but could someone summarise the IP issue that was
happening over HiveMind and how it is currently resolved.

I've not been following the thread, but I've seen the noise. Is everything
squared away and happy?


On Tue, 11 Nov 2003, Nayak, Prashant wrote:

 Proposal for the HiveMind Project

 (0) Rationale

 HiveMind is a simple framework for creating pluggable, configurable,
 reusable services.

 Simple: HiveMind is a way to create a network of services in terms of
 Java interfaces and classes; it cherry picks the most useful ideas from
 Service Oriented Architectures such as J2EE, JMX and SOAP, but removes
 the aspects that are typically overkill for most applications, such as
 service remoteability and language neutrality. HiveMind creates a
 natural network of related services and configuration data, all
 operating within a single JVM.

 Pluggable: HiveMind enforces a complete separation of service definition
 and implementation. This is manifested by a division of services into an
 interface definition and a service implementation as well as a split
 between defining a service (as part of a HiveMind module) and providing
 the implementation of that service (potentially, in a different module).

 Configurable: HiveMind integrates a service oriented architecture to a
 sophisticated configuration architecture; the configuration architecture
 is adapted from the Eclipse plug-in model, wherein modules may define
 configuration extension points and multiple modules may provide
 contributions to those extension points.

 Reusable: HiveMind is a framework and container, but not an application.
 The HiveMind framework and the services it provides may be easily
 combined with application-specific services and configurations for use
 in disparate applications.

 The API for HiveMind allows thread-safe, easy access to services and
 configurations with a minimal amount of code. The value-add for HiveMind
 is not just runtime flexibility: it is overall developer productivity.
 HiveMind systems will entail less code; key functionality that is
 frequently an after-thought, such as parsing of XML configuration files,
 logging of method invocations, and lazy creation of services, is handled
 by the HiveMind framework in a consistent, robust, and well-documented

 HiveMind fits into an area that partially overlaps the Apache Avalon
 project, with significant differences. HiveMind's concept of a
 distributed configuration is unique among the available service
 microkernel's (Avalon, Keel, Spring, Picocontainer, etc.). Avalon is
 firmly rooted in a type-1 inversion of control pattern (whereby services
 must explicitly, in code, resolve dependencies between each other using
 a lookup pattern similar to JNDI). HiveMind uses a mix of type-2 and
 type-3 IoC, whereby the framework (acting as container) creates
 connections between services by setting properties of the services
 (type-2) or making use of particular constructors for the services

 HiveMind represents a generous donation of code to the ASF by WebCT
 ( HiveMind originated from internal requirements
 for a flexible, loosely-coupled configuration management and services
 framework for WebCT's industry-leading flagship enterprise e-learning
 product, Vista. Several individuals in WebCT's research and development
 team in addition to Mr. Howard Lewis Ship contributed to the
 requirements and concepts behind HiveMind's current set of functionality
 including Martin Bayly, Diane Bennett, Bill Bilic, Michael Kerr,
 Prashant Nayak, Bill Richard and Ajay Sharda. HiveMind is already in use
 as a significant part of Vista.

 (1) Scope of the package

 The package shall entail a core framework JAR (containing essential
 classes and services), a standard library JAR (containing generically
 useful services), along with ancillary artifacts such as Maven plug-ins
 and, of course, documentation, all distributed under the Apache Software

 (1.1) Interaction with other packages

 HiveMind has dependencies on several standard commons packages,
 including: commons-lang, commons-beanutils, commons-collections and

 HiveMind makes use of the Javassist bytecode generation library, which
 is available under the MPL (Mozilla public license).

 (2) Identify the initial source for the package

 The initial code base has been developed by Howard M. Lewis Ship within
 the Jakarta Commons incubator.

 (2.1) Identify the base name for the package


 Note: the current code base reflects an alternate package name,
 org.apache.commons.hivemind.  Subsequent research has shown that
 HiveMind is not a suitable candidate for the Jakarta Commons. The
 existing code base will be migrated to the new package during the
 transition out of the sandbox.

 (2.2) Identify the coding conventions for this package

 The code follows a 

Re: [Proposal] HiveMind Service Framework

2003-11-11 Thread Henri Yandell

So this proposal is dependent on the grant?

Any time line on that?

[not trying to get in the way, jsut to do the pmc-thing]

On Tue, 11 Nov 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The offending IP has been taken off-line: this includes the HiveMind CVS
 repository, the temporary downloads directory and (most regrettably) the
 HiveMind home page.

 This proposal is half of the resolution to the IP issue. The other (and
 possibly more important part) is the software grant that is being
 processed inside WebCT.


 Creator, Tapestry: Java Web
  Daft question, possibly, but could someone summarise the IP issue that was
  happening over HiveMind and how it is currently resolved.
  I've not been following the thread, but I've seen the noise. Is everything
  squared away and happy?
  On Tue, 11 Nov 2003, Nayak, Prashant wrote:
   Proposal for the HiveMind Project
   (0) Rationale
   HiveMind is a simple framework for creating pluggable, configurable,
   reusable services.
   Simple: HiveMind is a way to create a network of services in terms of
   Java interfaces and classes; it cherry picks the most useful ideas from
   Service Oriented Architectures such as J2EE, JMX and SOAP, but removes
   the aspects that are typically overkill for most applications, such as
   service remoteability and language neutrality. HiveMind creates a
   natural network of related services and configuration data, all
   operating within a single JVM.
   Pluggable: HiveMind enforces a complete separation of service definition
   and implementation. This is manifested by a division of services into an
   interface definition and a service implementation as well as a split
   between defining a service (as part of a HiveMind module) and providing
   the implementation of that service (potentially, in a different module).
   Configurable: HiveMind integrates a service oriented architecture to a
   sophisticated configuration architecture; the configuration architecture
   is adapted from the Eclipse plug-in model, wherein modules may define
   configuration extension points and multiple modules may provide
   contributions to those extension points.
   Reusable: HiveMind is a framework and container, but not an application.
   The HiveMind framework and the services it provides may be easily
   combined with application-specific services and configurations for use
   in disparate applications.
   The API for HiveMind allows thread-safe, easy access to services and
   configurations with a minimal amount of code. The value-add for HiveMind
   is not just runtime flexibility: it is overall developer productivity.
   HiveMind systems will entail less code; key functionality that is
   frequently an after-thought, such as parsing of XML configuration files,
   logging of method invocations, and lazy creation of services, is handled
   by the HiveMind framework in a consistent, robust, and well-documented
   HiveMind fits into an area that partially overlaps the Apache Avalon
   project, with significant differences. HiveMind's concept of a
   distributed configuration is unique among the available service
   microkernel's (Avalon, Keel, Spring, Picocontainer, etc.). Avalon is
   firmly rooted in a type-1 inversion of control pattern (whereby services
   must explicitly, in code, resolve dependencies between each other using
   a lookup pattern similar to JNDI). HiveMind uses a mix of type-2 and
   type-3 IoC, whereby the framework (acting as container) creates
   connections between services by setting properties of the services
   (type-2) or making use of particular constructors for the services
   HiveMind represents a generous donation of code to the ASF by WebCT
   ( HiveMind originated from internal requirements
   for a flexible, loosely-coupled configuration management and services
   framework for WebCT's industry-leading flagship enterprise e-learning
   product, Vista. Several individuals in WebCT's research and development
   team in addition to Mr. Howard Lewis Ship contributed to the
   requirements and concepts behind HiveMind's current set of functionality
   including Martin Bayly, Diane Bennett, Bill Bilic, Michael Kerr,
   Prashant Nayak, Bill Richard and Ajay Sharda. HiveMind is already in use
   as a significant part of Vista.
   (1) Scope of the package
   The package shall entail a core framework JAR (containing essential
   classes and services), a standard library JAR (containing generically
   useful services), along with ancillary artifacts such as Maven plug-ins
   and, of course, documentation, all distributed under the Apache Software
   (1.1) Interaction with other packages
   HiveMind has dependencies on several standard commons packages,
   including: commons-lang, commons-beanutils, commons-collections and

Re: [Proposal] HiveMind Service Framework

2003-11-11 Thread hlship
From talking with Prashant, the grant is in-progress. Given that these discussions 
tend to ramble on for a couple of weeks, I think the grant will be ready long before 
any real action is necessitated.


Creator, Tapestry: Java Web 
 So this proposal is dependent on the grant?
 Any time line on that?
 [not trying to get in the way, jsut to do the pmc-thing]
 On Tue, 11 Nov 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The offending IP has been taken off-line: this includes the HiveMind CVS
  repository, the temporary downloads directory and (most regrettably) the
  HiveMind home page.
  This proposal is half of the resolution to the IP issue. The other (and
  possibly more important part) is the software grant that is being
  processed inside WebCT.
  Creator, Tapestry: Java Web
   Daft question, possibly, but could someone summarise the IP issue that was
   happening over HiveMind and how it is currently resolved.
   I've not been following the thread, but I've seen the noise. Is everything
   squared away and happy?
   On Tue, 11 Nov 2003, Nayak, Prashant wrote:

Proposal for the HiveMind Project
(0) Rationale
HiveMind is a simple framework for creating pluggable, configurable,
reusable services.
Simple: HiveMind is a way to create a network of services in terms of
Java interfaces and classes; it cherry picks the most useful ideas from
Service Oriented Architectures such as J2EE, JMX and SOAP, but removes
the aspects that are typically overkill for most applications, such as
service remoteability and language neutrality. HiveMind creates a
natural network of related services and configuration data, all
operating within a single JVM.
Pluggable: HiveMind enforces a complete separation of service definition
and implementation. This is manifested by a division of services into an
interface definition and a service implementation as well as a split
between defining a service (as part of a HiveMind module) and providing

the implementation of that service (potentially, in a different module).
Configurable: HiveMind integrates a service oriented architecture to a
sophisticated configuration architecture; the configuration architecture
is adapted from the Eclipse plug-in model, wherein modules may define
configuration extension points and multiple modules may provide
contributions to those extension points.
Reusable: HiveMind is a framework and container, but not an application.
The HiveMind framework and the services it provides may be easily
combined with application-specific services and configurations for use
in disparate applications.
The API for HiveMind allows thread-safe, easy access to services and
configurations with a minimal amount of code. The value-add for HiveMind
is not just runtime flexibility: it is overall developer productivity.

HiveMind systems will entail less code; key functionality that is
frequently an after-thought, such as parsing of XML configuration files,
logging of method invocations, and lazy creation of services, is handled
by the HiveMind framework in a consistent, robust, and well-documented
HiveMind fits into an area that partially overlaps the Apache Avalon
project, with significant differences. HiveMind's concept of a
distributed configuration is unique among the available service
microkernel's (Avalon, Keel, Spring, Picocontainer, etc.). Avalon is
firmly rooted in a type-1 inversion of control pattern (whereby services
must explicitly, in code, resolve dependencies between each other using
a lookup pattern similar to JNDI). HiveMind uses a mix of type-2 and
type-3 IoC, whereby the framework (acting as container) creates
connections between services by setting properties of the services

(type-2) or making use of particular constructors for the services
HiveMind represents a generous donation of code to the ASF by WebCT
( HiveMind originated from internal requirements
for a flexible, loosely-coupled configuration management and services
framework for WebCT's industry-leading flagship enterprise e-learning
product, Vista. Several individuals in WebCT's research and development
team in addition to Mr. Howard Lewis Ship contributed to the
requirements and concepts behind HiveMind's current set of functionality
including Martin Bayly, Diane Bennett, Bill Bilic, Michael Kerr,
Prashant Nayak, Bill Richard and Ajay Sharda. HiveMind is already in use
as a significant part of Vista.
(1) Scope of the package
The package shall entail a core framework JAR (containing essential
classes and services), a 

Re: [Proposal] HiveMind Service Framework

2003-11-11 Thread Henri Yandell

Cool. Could this be added as a note to the proposal? As a dependency or


On Tue, 11 Nov 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From talking with Prashant, the grant is in-progress. Given that these discussions 
 tend to ramble on for a couple of weeks, I think the grant will be ready long 
 before any real action is necessitated.


 Creator, Tapestry: Java Web
  So this proposal is dependent on the grant?
  Any time line on that?
  [not trying to get in the way, jsut to do the pmc-thing]
  On Tue, 11 Nov 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   The offending IP has been taken off-line: this includes the HiveMind CVS
   repository, the temporary downloads directory and (most regrettably) the
   HiveMind home page.
   This proposal is half of the resolution to the IP issue. The other (and
   possibly more important part) is the software grant that is being
   processed inside WebCT.
   Creator, Tapestry: Java Web
Daft question, possibly, but could someone summarise the IP issue that was
happening over HiveMind and how it is currently resolved.
I've not been following the thread, but I've seen the noise. Is everything
squared away and happy?
On Tue, 11 Nov 2003, Nayak, Prashant wrote:

 Proposal for the HiveMind Project

 (0) Rationale

 HiveMind is a simple framework for creating pluggable, configurable,
 reusable services.

 Simple: HiveMind is a way to create a network of services in terms of
 Java interfaces and classes; it cherry picks the most useful ideas from
 Service Oriented Architectures such as J2EE, JMX and SOAP, but removes
 the aspects that are typically overkill for most applications, such as
 service remoteability and language neutrality. HiveMind creates a
 natural network of related services and configuration data, all
 operating within a single JVM.

 Pluggable: HiveMind enforces a complete separation of service definition
 and implementation. This is manifested by a division of services into an
 interface definition and a service implementation as well as a split
 between defining a service (as part of a HiveMind module) and providing

 the implementation of that service (potentially, in a different module).

 Configurable: HiveMind integrates a service oriented architecture to a
 sophisticated configuration architecture; the configuration architecture
 is adapted from the Eclipse plug-in model, wherein modules may define
 configuration extension points and multiple modules may provide
 contributions to those extension points.

 Reusable: HiveMind is a framework and container, but not an application.
 The HiveMind framework and the services it provides may be easily
 combined with application-specific services and configurations for use
 in disparate applications.

 The API for HiveMind allows thread-safe, easy access to services and
 configurations with a minimal amount of code. The value-add for HiveMind
 is not just runtime flexibility: it is overall developer productivity.

 HiveMind systems will entail less code; key functionality that is
 frequently an after-thought, such as parsing of XML configuration files,
 logging of method invocations, and lazy creation of services, is handled
 by the HiveMind framework in a consistent, robust, and well-documented

 HiveMind fits into an area that partially overlaps the Apache Avalon
 project, with significant differences. HiveMind's concept of a
 distributed configuration is unique among the available service
 microkernel's (Avalon, Keel, Spring, Picocontainer, etc.). Avalon is
 firmly rooted in a type-1 inversion of control pattern (whereby services
 must explicitly, in code, resolve dependencies between each other using
 a lookup pattern similar to JNDI). HiveMind uses a mix of type-2 and
 type-3 IoC, whereby the framework (acting as container) creates
 connections between services by setting properties of the services

 (type-2) or making use of particular constructors for the services

 HiveMind represents a generous donation of code to the ASF by WebCT
 ( HiveMind originated from internal requirements
 for a flexible, loosely-coupled configuration management and services
 framework for WebCT's industry-leading flagship enterprise e-learning
 product, Vista. Several individuals in WebCT's research and development
 team in addition to Mr. Howard Lewis Ship contributed to the
 requirements and concepts behind HiveMind's current set of functionality
 including Martin Bayly, Diane Bennett, Bill Bilic, Michael Kerr,
 Prashant Nayak, 

RE: [Proposal] HiveMind Service Framework

2003-11-11 Thread Nayak, Prashant

Just wanted to confirm that the software grant agreement is being
processed by WebCT and should hopefully be ready soon.


-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2003 1:46 PM
To: Jakarta General List
Subject: Re: [Proposal] HiveMind Service Framework

From talking with Prashant, the grant is in-progress. Given that these
discussions tend to ramble on for a couple of weeks, I think the grant
will be ready long before any real action is necessitated.


Creator, Tapestry: Java Web 
 So this proposal is dependent on the grant?
 Any time line on that?
 [not trying to get in the way, jsut to do the pmc-thing]
 On Tue, 11 Nov 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The offending IP has been taken off-line: this includes the HiveMind

  CVS repository, the temporary downloads directory and (most 
  regrettably) the HiveMind home page.
  This proposal is half of the resolution to the IP issue. The other 
  (and possibly more important part) is the software grant that is 
  being processed inside WebCT.
  Creator, Tapestry: Java Web
   Daft question, possibly, but could someone summarise the IP issue 
   that was happening over HiveMind and how it is currently resolved.
   I've not been following the thread, but I've seen the noise. Is 
   everything squared away and happy?
   On Tue, 11 Nov 2003, Nayak, Prashant wrote:

Proposal for the HiveMind Project
(0) Rationale
HiveMind is a simple framework for creating pluggable, 
configurable, reusable services.
Simple: HiveMind is a way to create a network of services in 
terms of Java interfaces and classes; it cherry picks the most 
useful ideas from Service Oriented Architectures such as J2EE, 
JMX and SOAP, but removes the aspects that are typically 
overkill for most applications, such as service remoteability 
and language neutrality. HiveMind creates a natural network of 
related services and configuration data, all operating within a 
single JVM.
Pluggable: HiveMind enforces a complete separation of service 
definition and implementation. This is manifested by a division 
of services into an interface definition and a service 
implementation as well as a split between defining a service (as

part of a HiveMind module) and providing

the implementation of that service (potentially, in a different 
Configurable: HiveMind integrates a service oriented 
architecture to a sophisticated configuration architecture; the 
configuration architecture is adapted from the Eclipse plug-in 
model, wherein modules may define configuration extension points

and multiple modules may provide contributions to those 
extension points.
Reusable: HiveMind is a framework and container, but not an 
application. The HiveMind framework and the services it provides

may be easily combined with application-specific services and 
configurations for use in disparate applications.
The API for HiveMind allows thread-safe, easy access to services

and configurations with a minimal amount of code. The value-add 
for HiveMind is not just runtime flexibility: it is overall 
developer productivity.

HiveMind systems will entail less code; key functionality that 
is frequently an after-thought, such as parsing of XML 
configuration files, logging of method invocations, and lazy 
creation of services, is handled by the HiveMind framework in a 
consistent, robust, and well-documented manner.
HiveMind fits into an area that partially overlaps the Apache 
Avalon project, with significant differences. HiveMind's concept

of a distributed configuration is unique among the available 
service microkernel's (Avalon, Keel, Spring, Picocontainer, 
etc.). Avalon is firmly rooted in a type-1 inversion of control 
pattern (whereby services must explicitly, in code, resolve 
dependencies between each other using a lookup pattern similar 
to JNDI). HiveMind uses a mix of type-2 and type-3 IoC, whereby 
the framework (acting as container) creates connections between 
services by setting properties of the services

(type-2) or making use of particular constructors for the 
services (type-3).
HiveMind represents a generous donation of code to the ASF by 
WebCT ( HiveMind originated from internal 
requirements for a flexible, loosely-coupled configuration 
management and services framework for WebCT's industry-leading 
flagship enterprise e-learning product, Vista. Several 
individuals in WebCT's research and development team in addition

to Mr. Howard Lewis Ship contributed

Re: [Proposal] HiveMind Service Framework

2003-11-11 Thread Jim Jagielski
Once rec'd by myself, I will make note of it.

Nayak, Prashant wrote:
 Just wanted to confirm that the software grant agreement is being
 processed by WebCT and should hopefully be ready soon.
 -Original Message-
 Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2003 1:46 PM
 To: Jakarta General List
 Subject: Re: [Proposal] HiveMind Service Framework
 From talking with Prashant, the grant is in-progress. Given that these
 discussions tend to ramble on for a couple of weeks, I think the grant
 will be ready long before any real action is necessitated.
 Creator, Tapestry: Java Web=20
  So this proposal is dependent on the grant?
  Any time line on that?
  [not trying to get in the way, jsut to do the pmc-thing]
  On Tue, 11 Nov 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   The offending IP has been taken off-line: this includes the HiveMind
   CVS repository, the temporary downloads directory and (most=20
   regrettably) the HiveMind home page.
   This proposal is half of the resolution to the IP issue. The other=20
   (and possibly more important part) is the software grant that is=20
   being processed inside WebCT.
   Creator, Tapestry: Java Web
Daft question, possibly, but could someone summarise the IP issue=20
that was happening over HiveMind and how it is currently resolved.
I've not been following the thread, but I've seen the noise. Is=20
everything squared away and happy?
On Tue, 11 Nov 2003, Nayak, Prashant wrote:

 Proposal for the HiveMind Project

 (0) Rationale

 HiveMind is a simple framework for creating pluggable,=20
 configurable, reusable services.

 Simple: HiveMind is a way to create a network of services in=20
 terms of Java interfaces and classes; it cherry picks the most=20
 useful ideas from Service Oriented Architectures such as J2EE,=20
 JMX and SOAP, but removes the aspects that are typically=20
 overkill for most applications, such as service remoteability=20
 and language neutrality. HiveMind creates a natural network of=20
 related services and configuration data, all operating within a=20
 single JVM.

 Pluggable: HiveMind enforces a complete separation of service=20
 definition and implementation. This is manifested by a division=20
 of services into an interface definition and a service=20
 implementation as well as a split between defining a service (as
 part of a HiveMind module) and providing
 the implementation of that service (potentially, in a different=20

 Configurable: HiveMind integrates a service oriented=20
 architecture to a sophisticated configuration architecture; the=20
 configuration architecture is adapted from the Eclipse plug-in=20
 model, wherein modules may define configuration extension points
 and multiple modules may provide contributions to those=20
 extension points.

 Reusable: HiveMind is a framework and container, but not an=20
 application. The HiveMind framework and the services it provides
 may be easily combined with application-specific services and=20
 configurations for use in disparate applications.

 The API for HiveMind allows thread-safe, easy access to services
 and configurations with a minimal amount of code. The value-add=20
 for HiveMind is not just runtime flexibility: it is overall=20
 developer productivity.
 HiveMind systems will entail less code; key functionality that=20
 is frequently an after-thought, such as parsing of XML=20
 configuration files, logging of method invocations, and lazy=20
 creation of services, is handled by the HiveMind framework in a=20
 consistent, robust, and well-documented manner.

 HiveMind fits into an area that partially overlaps the Apache=20
 Avalon project, with significant differences. HiveMind's concept
 of a distributed configuration is unique among the available=20
 service microkernel's (Avalon, Keel, Spring, Picocontainer,=20
 etc.). Avalon is firmly rooted in a type-1 inversion of control=20
 pattern (whereby services must explicitly, in code, resolve=20
 dependencies between each other using a lookup pattern similar=20
 to JNDI). HiveMind uses a mix of type-2 and type-3 IoC, whereby=20
 the framework (acting as container) creates connections between=20
 services by setting properties of the services
 (type-2) or making use of particular constructors for the=20
 services (type-3).

 HiveMind represents a generous donation of code to the ASF by=20
 WebCT ( HiveMind originated from internal=20

Re: [Proposal] HiveMind Service Framework

2003-11-11 Thread Martin Cooper
Accepting this proposal as currently written would also involve the
acceptance of five new individuals as Apache committers. Based on where
the HiveMind repo currently is/was, that implies giving five unknowns (to
me, anyway) access to Jakarta Commons as a whole. I'm not so sure I'd be
willing to sign up for that.

Martin Cooper

 On Tue, 11 Nov 2003, Nayak, Prashant wrote:

 Proposal for the HiveMind Project

 (0) Rationale

 HiveMind is a simple framework for creating pluggable, configurable,
 reusable services.

 Simple: HiveMind is a way to create a network of services in terms of
 Java interfaces and classes; it cherry picks the most useful ideas from
 Service Oriented Architectures such as J2EE, JMX and SOAP, but removes
 the aspects that are typically overkill for most applications, such as
 service remoteability and language neutrality. HiveMind creates a
 natural network of related services and configuration data, all
 operating within a single JVM.

 Pluggable: HiveMind enforces a complete separation of service definition
 and implementation. This is manifested by a division of services into an
 interface definition and a service implementation as well as a split
 between defining a service (as part of a HiveMind module) and providing
 the implementation of that service (potentially, in a different module).

 Configurable: HiveMind integrates a service oriented architecture to a
 sophisticated configuration architecture; the configuration architecture
 is adapted from the Eclipse plug-in model, wherein modules may define
 configuration extension points and multiple modules may provide
 contributions to those extension points.

 Reusable: HiveMind is a framework and container, but not an application.
 The HiveMind framework and the services it provides may be easily
 combined with application-specific services and configurations for use
 in disparate applications.

 The API for HiveMind allows thread-safe, easy access to services and
 configurations with a minimal amount of code. The value-add for HiveMind
 is not just runtime flexibility: it is overall developer productivity.
 HiveMind systems will entail less code; key functionality that is
 frequently an after-thought, such as parsing of XML configuration files,
 logging of method invocations, and lazy creation of services, is handled
 by the HiveMind framework in a consistent, robust, and well-documented

 HiveMind fits into an area that partially overlaps the Apache Avalon
 project, with significant differences. HiveMind's concept of a
 distributed configuration is unique among the available service
 microkernel's (Avalon, Keel, Spring, Picocontainer, etc.). Avalon is
 firmly rooted in a type-1 inversion of control pattern (whereby services
 must explicitly, in code, resolve dependencies between each other using
 a lookup pattern similar to JNDI). HiveMind uses a mix of type-2 and
 type-3 IoC, whereby the framework (acting as container) creates
 connections between services by setting properties of the services
 (type-2) or making use of particular constructors for the services

 HiveMind represents a generous donation of code to the ASF by WebCT
 ( HiveMind originated from internal requirements
 for a flexible, loosely-coupled configuration management and services
 framework for WebCT's industry-leading flagship enterprise e-learning
 product, Vista. Several individuals in WebCT's research and development
 team in addition to Mr. Howard Lewis Ship contributed to the
 requirements and concepts behind HiveMind's current set of functionality
 including Martin Bayly, Diane Bennett, Bill Bilic, Michael Kerr,
 Prashant Nayak, Bill Richard and Ajay Sharda. HiveMind is already in use
 as a significant part of Vista.

 (1) Scope of the package

 The package shall entail a core framework JAR (containing essential
 classes and services), a standard library JAR (containing generically
 useful services), along with ancillary artifacts such as Maven plug-ins
 and, of course, documentation, all distributed under the Apache Software

 (1.1) Interaction with other packages

 HiveMind has dependencies on several standard commons packages,
 including: commons-lang, commons-beanutils, commons-collections and

 HiveMind makes use of the Javassist bytecode generation library, which
 is available under the MPL (Mozilla public license).

 (2) Identify the initial source for the package

 The initial code base has been developed by Howard M. Lewis Ship within
 the Jakarta Commons incubator.

 (2.1) Identify the base name for the package


 Note: the current code base reflects an alternate package name,
 org.apache.commons.hivemind.  Subsequent research has shown that
 HiveMind is not a suitable candidate for the Jakarta Commons. The
 existing code base will be migrated to the new package during the
 transition out of 

Re: [Proposal] HiveMind Service Framework

2003-11-11 Thread hlship
Part of the proposal indicates the jakarta-commons is not the right home for HiveMind, 
as it does not fit in with the charter of the commons (too many dependencies, etc.).


Creator, Tapestry: Java Web 
 Accepting this proposal as currently written would also involve the
 acceptance of five new individuals as Apache committers. Based on where
 the HiveMind repo currently is/was, that implies giving five unknowns (to
 me, anyway) access to Jakarta Commons as a whole. I'm not so sure I'd be
 willing to sign up for that.
 Martin Cooper
  On Tue, 11 Nov 2003, Nayak, Prashant wrote:
  Proposal for the HiveMind Project
  (0) Rationale
  HiveMind is a simple framework for creating pluggable, configurable,
  reusable services.
  Simple: HiveMind is a way to create a network of services in terms of
  Java interfaces and classes; it cherry picks the most useful ideas from
  Service Oriented Architectures such as J2EE, JMX and SOAP, but removes
  the aspects that are typically overkill for most applications, such as
  service remoteability and language neutrality. HiveMind creates a
  natural network of related services and configuration data, all
  operating within a single JVM.

  Pluggable: HiveMind enforces a complete separation of service definition
  and implementation. This is manifested by a division of services into an
  interface definition and a service implementation as well as a split
  between defining a service (as part of a HiveMind module) and providing
  the implementation of that service (potentially, in a different module).
  Configurable: HiveMind integrates a service oriented architecture to a
  sophisticated configuration architecture; the configuration architecture
  is adapted from the Eclipse plug-in model, wherein modules may define
  configuration extension points and multiple modules may provide
  contributions to those extension points.
  Reusable: HiveMind is a framework and container, but not an application.
  The HiveMind framework and the services it provides may be easily
  combined with application-specific services and configurations for use
  in disparate applications.

  The API for HiveMind allows thread-safe, easy access to services and
  configurations with a minimal amount of code. The value-add for HiveMind
  is not just runtime flexibility: it is overall developer productivity.
  HiveMind systems will entail less code; key functionality that is
  frequently an after-thought, such as parsing of XML configuration files,
  logging of method invocations, and lazy creation of services, is handled
  by the HiveMind framework in a consistent, robust, and well-documented
  HiveMind fits into an area that partially overlaps the Apache Avalon
  project, with significant differences. HiveMind's concept of a
  distributed configuration is unique among the available service
  microkernel's (Avalon, Keel, Spring, Picocontainer, etc.). Avalon is
  firmly rooted in a type-1 inversion of control pattern (whereby services
  must explicitly, in code, resolve dependencies between each other using

  a lookup pattern similar to JNDI). HiveMind uses a mix of type-2 and
  type-3 IoC, whereby the framework (acting as container) creates
  connections between services by setting properties of the services
  (type-2) or making use of particular constructors for the services
  HiveMind represents a generous donation of code to the ASF by WebCT
  ( HiveMind originated from internal requirements
  for a flexible, loosely-coupled configuration management and services
  framework for WebCT's industry-leading flagship enterprise e-learning
  product, Vista. Several individuals in WebCT's research and development
  team in addition to Mr. Howard Lewis Ship contributed to the
  requirements and concepts behind HiveMind's current set of functionality
  including Martin Bayly, Diane Bennett, Bill Bilic, Michael Kerr,
  Prashant Nayak, Bill Richard and Ajay Sharda. HiveMind is already in use
  as a significant part of Vista.
  (1) Scope of the package

  The package shall entail a core framework JAR (containing essential
  classes and services), a standard library JAR (containing generically
  useful services), along with ancillary artifacts such as Maven plug-ins
  and, of course, documentation, all distributed under the Apache Software
  (1.1) Interaction with other packages
  HiveMind has dependencies on several standard commons packages,
  including: commons-lang, commons-beanutils, commons-collections and
  HiveMind makes use of the Javassist bytecode generation library, which
  is available under the MPL (Mozilla public license).
  (2) Identify the initial source for the package
  The initial code base has been developed by Howard M. Lewis Ship within
  the Jakarta Commons incubator.

Re: [Proposal] HiveMind Service Framework

2003-11-11 Thread Henri Yandell


Note: the current code base reflects an alternate package name,
org.apache.commons.hivemind.  Subsequent research has shown that
HiveMind is not a suitable candidate for the Jakarta Commons. The
existing code base will be migrated to the new package during the
transition out of the sandbox.

Although Commons-Sandbox access is open to all of Jakarta [or even
Apache], I think we can be pretty limited on the Commons access as
Hivemind is proposing being a new Jakarta sub-project.


On Tue, 11 Nov 2003, Martin Cooper wrote:

 Accepting this proposal as currently written would also involve the
 acceptance of five new individuals as Apache committers. Based on where
 the HiveMind repo currently is/was, that implies giving five unknowns (to
 me, anyway) access to Jakarta Commons as a whole. I'm not so sure I'd be
 willing to sign up for that.

 Martin Cooper

  On Tue, 11 Nov 2003, Nayak, Prashant wrote:

  Proposal for the HiveMind Project
  (0) Rationale
  HiveMind is a simple framework for creating pluggable, configurable,
  reusable services.
  Simple: HiveMind is a way to create a network of services in terms of
  Java interfaces and classes; it cherry picks the most useful ideas from
  Service Oriented Architectures such as J2EE, JMX and SOAP, but removes
  the aspects that are typically overkill for most applications, such as
  service remoteability and language neutrality. HiveMind creates a
  natural network of related services and configuration data, all
  operating within a single JVM.
  Pluggable: HiveMind enforces a complete separation of service definition
  and implementation. This is manifested by a division of services into an
  interface definition and a service implementation as well as a split
  between defining a service (as part of a HiveMind module) and providing
  the implementation of that service (potentially, in a different module).
  Configurable: HiveMind integrates a service oriented architecture to a
  sophisticated configuration architecture; the configuration architecture
  is adapted from the Eclipse plug-in model, wherein modules may define
  configuration extension points and multiple modules may provide
  contributions to those extension points.
  Reusable: HiveMind is a framework and container, but not an application.
  The HiveMind framework and the services it provides may be easily
  combined with application-specific services and configurations for use
  in disparate applications.
  The API for HiveMind allows thread-safe, easy access to services and
  configurations with a minimal amount of code. The value-add for HiveMind
  is not just runtime flexibility: it is overall developer productivity.
  HiveMind systems will entail less code; key functionality that is
  frequently an after-thought, such as parsing of XML configuration files,
  logging of method invocations, and lazy creation of services, is handled
  by the HiveMind framework in a consistent, robust, and well-documented
  HiveMind fits into an area that partially overlaps the Apache Avalon
  project, with significant differences. HiveMind's concept of a
  distributed configuration is unique among the available service
  microkernel's (Avalon, Keel, Spring, Picocontainer, etc.). Avalon is
  firmly rooted in a type-1 inversion of control pattern (whereby services
  must explicitly, in code, resolve dependencies between each other using
  a lookup pattern similar to JNDI). HiveMind uses a mix of type-2 and
  type-3 IoC, whereby the framework (acting as container) creates
  connections between services by setting properties of the services
  (type-2) or making use of particular constructors for the services
  HiveMind represents a generous donation of code to the ASF by WebCT
  ( HiveMind originated from internal requirements
  for a flexible, loosely-coupled configuration management and services
  framework for WebCT's industry-leading flagship enterprise e-learning
  product, Vista. Several individuals in WebCT's research and development
  team in addition to Mr. Howard Lewis Ship contributed to the
  requirements and concepts behind HiveMind's current set of functionality
  including Martin Bayly, Diane Bennett, Bill Bilic, Michael Kerr,
  Prashant Nayak, Bill Richard and Ajay Sharda. HiveMind is already in use
  as a significant part of Vista.
  (1) Scope of the package
  The package shall entail a core framework JAR (containing essential
  classes and services), a standard library JAR (containing generically
  useful services), along with ancillary artifacts such as Maven plug-ins
  and, of course, documentation, all distributed under the Apache Software
  (1.1) Interaction with other packages
  HiveMind has dependencies on several standard commons packages,
  including: commons-lang, commons-beanutils, commons-collections and
  HiveMind makes use of the Javassist bytecode generation 

[Proposal] HiveMind Service Framework

2003-11-11 Thread Christopher C Mitchell

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Your  [Proposal] HiveMind Service Framework
was   Christopher C Mitchell/Raleigh/IBM   
at:   11/11/2003 15:09:06 EST  

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Re: [Proposal] HiveMind Service Framework

2003-11-11 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

 Part of the proposal indicates the jakarta-commons is not the right home for
 HiveMind, as it does not fit in with the charter of the commons (too many
 dependencies, etc.).

Even if it were proposed that Hivemind stay in jakarta-commons, I do not share
Martin's concern.  There have been several cases where a number of
new-to-Jakarta committers have joined, and (because of the technical
limitations of our permissions infrastructure) have been granted
jakarta-commons karma to work on the package they are interested in.

In practice, this has not caused any problems.  If we are still concerned that
it might, we've got a jakarta-commons infrastructure issue to deal with, not a
concern about any particular package and its associated committers.



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