I think I've found a way to deal with the different ordering of tag
attributes between 1.4 and 1.5.  Instead of using

<table class="x" border="0">

one can use

<xsl:attribute name="class"><xsl:value-of select="'x'"/></xsl:attribute>
<xsl:attribute name="border"><xsl:value-of select="'0"/></xsl:attribute>

and thus force the attributes to be output in the same order by 1.5 and 1.4.

It's harder to read, but it only has to be done for tags with more
than one attribute, and hopefully only needs to be done in the

The other main difference between 1.4 and 1.5 is that 1.4 adds a space
before self-terminated tags, i.e <br /> as against <br/>.
This can easily be fixed with a replace task.

I'm happy to apply these changes, but this would involve updating all
the output files.

I assume the best would be to emulate 1.5 output in 1.4, rather than
fixing the 1.5 output by adding the extra spaces. It's a bit easier
too, as the first attribute can be left in the initial tag. Emulating
1.4 order in 1.5 means reordering them all.

As all the files would need to be updated, it seems a good time to
consider what other global changes are desirable.

For example:

Copyright symbol should be provided as &copy;, not &nnn; - this would
remove the need for the xml declaration (none of the other ASF sites I
checked use this).

Maybe use UTF-8 rather than iso-8859-1? [Not sure this would make much
difference at present, but might be better long-term?]

Any other suggestions?


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