Forwarded as per Peter Donald's suggestion ..

see attachment. (Changed to plain text)

Paul Ilechko
Principal Architect
Torry Harris Business Solutions

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Peter Donald [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 10:18 AM
> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Paul Ilechko
> Subject: Re: FW: FW: [Fwd: Tomcat extensions for ASPs]
> On Thu, 11 Oct 2001 23:13, Paul Ilechko wrote:
> > Please find attached a proposal to Open Source a product that we have
> > developed, called ASPizer.
> >
> Proposals are done on general@jakarta list now.  You should also 
> send it in 
> plain text (or at worst HTML) because there are those who can't read this.
> >     Paul.

> >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: Apache Software Foundation [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > Sent: Friday, September 28, 2001 8:37 AM
> > > To: Paul Ilechko
> > > Subject: Re: FW: [Fwd: Tomcat extensions for ASPs]
> > >
> > >
> > > * On 2001-09-27 at 09:48,
> > >
> > >   Paul Ilechko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> excited the electrons to say:
> > > > Please let me know how we should proceed on this,
> > >
> > > The best path would be to send a proposal to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > Cc me, and let me know if no-one gets back to you within a week.
> > > --
> > > #ken      P-)}
> > >
> > > Ken Coar, Sanagendamgagwedweinini  http://Golux.Com/coar/
> > > Author, developer, opinionist      http://Apache-Server.Com/
> > >
> > > "All right everyone!  Step away from the glowing hamburger!"
> -- 
> Cheers,
> Pete
> ----------------------------------
>    "Don't play dumb with me. 
> I happen to be an expert at that" 
>            - Maxwell Smart
> ----------------------------------
Torry Harris Business Solutions is interested in making our ASPizer product available 
to the open source community. This is a product that was originally developed as a 
base platform for developing applications to run in an ASP (Application Service 
Provider) model. It was designed to include features that provided support for all the 
different players that make up this marketplace. These included Independent Software 
Vendors, Aggregators and Hosting Providers. We later came to the realization that a 
similar model actually exists within many large companies, where different groups are 
responsible for developing, integrating and hosting applications, and where there may 
well be internal charge back mechanisms in place that mirror the licensing and billing 
mechanisms that are needed for the ASP world. 

Value of ASPizer
ASPizer is designed to run on top of a J2EE application server. An application server 
provides a low level platform on which to develop custom applications, and frameworks 
such as Struts can help with the ability to develop applications based on good design 
practices. However, most applications can benefit greatly from an additional set of 
common services that are not currently available in application servers. ASPizer is 
designed to provide this set of common services in a highly flexible and customizable 

ASPizer has been written completely in Java and has been tested on Windows, Linux, AIX 
and Solaris. It supports IBM WebSphere, BEA Weblogic and Jakarta Tomcat and connects 
to IBM DB2, Oracle and Sybase.

Services Provided
ASPizer services can be divided into two sets - Front End and Back End services. Front 
End services are typically transparent to the developer, and are based around adding 
quality of service to the application. Back End services are typically accessible by 
the developer using the provided API. Most services can be configured using the 
supplied administration tool. 

Front End Services
Routing - The router service dynamically locates an application instance for a user 
based on a number of criteria including the specific request, the applicable security 
constraints, the Service Level Agreement (SLA) applicable for the user, the existence 
of failures in application instances, etc. A variety of SLA configurations can be 
defined to address different levels of reliability and availability, potentially at 
different cost structures. 

Security - This service deals with securing access to applications and application 
sub-functions. It provides a single-sign on to the ASPizer site. Security in ASPizer 
is role based - users are assigned roles, which are then allowed access to a set of 
resources. Security configuration is done using the ASPizer administration tool. 
Access to security configuration information is made available via a security API to 
the application programmer - this can be used to implement finer grain access controls.

Global Sessions - The global session service allows applications to share a user 
session. This is extremely useful for tight integration of applications - the shared 
session eliminates duplicate information entry and can be used to pass data between 
applications. This can be contrasted with the Java Servlet 2.2 specification, which 
isolates sessions used by different applications for the same user, making application 
integration difficult. Application developers can read and write session variables. We 
intend to add support in the future for persistent global sessions. Sessions are 
independent of the application server hosting the application - this can be extremely 
useful in a heterogeneous environment.

Back End Services
Profiling  - This service deals with maintaining information unique to users, 
companies and applications. For users and companies, such information could include 
their preferences for various applications they access, details of the method of 
payment they use, etc. All users from a particular company share information stored in 
the profile for the company. Forms for entering and updating profile information are 
automatically generated and presented to the user (company admin for company profiles) 
when necessary. The ASPizer administration tool allows the site administrator to 
review and update all available profiles if necessary. There is also a profile API 
available for use by the application programmer to provide users with a customized 
experience. Application profiles contain information necessary to create and maintain 
instances of the applications. These are created and maintained by the site 
administrator using the ASPizer administration tool.

Provisioning - This service deals with creating and maintaining all required external 
resources for an application. These resources could be per application instance or per 
new user or company assigned to an application instance. Provisioning handlers can be 
registered with the service for various provisioning events. The service will 
automatically invoke the handlers when appropriate. Handlers can be standard (provided 
with ASPizer) or custom (created by application developer). The ASPizer administration 
tool can be used to specify handlers and associate them with provisioning events. 
Application developers can write custom handlers and package them with their 

Billing - This service deals with calculating the charges incurred by users and 
companies as they access and use the applications offered at a site. There are three 
aspects to billing - models, triggers and rates. Models deal with what metric is being 
used such as frequency of access, usage time or size of transactions. Triggers deal 
with which points are used for measuring the metrics. Rates deal with how much to 
charge for a certain measure of the metrics. Models and triggers typically depend on 
the type of application being considered while rates are typically set on a per 
company or user basis. The ASPizer administration tool can be used to setup billing 
models, triggers and rates.

Licensing - This service deals with enforcing different licensing policies for 
companies renting the applications at a site. License policies can include single 
user, multi user, node locked, etc. Licensing is specified per company per application 
it accesses and uses. The ASPizer administration tool can be used to setup licensing 
policies for companies.

Administration Application - As mentioned several times above in the description of 
the various services, ASPizer ships with a comprehensive web based administration 
tool. This tool is extremely modular - new administration modules can easily be added, 
while existing modules can as easily be removed. Access to these modules can be easily 
controlled, allowing for multiple administrators with different capabilities. Among 
others, the administration tool can be used to monitor the health of the site, track 
usage, control users, configure security/billing/licensing policies, generate 
statement of accounts, etc.

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