Hi All,

We are planing a community event the night before the Hadoop Summit.
This "BarCamp" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BarCamp) event will be held at the same venue as the Summit (Santa Clara Marriott).
Refreshments will be served to encourage socializing.

To initialize conversations for the social part of the evening we are offering people the opportunity to present an experience report of their project (within a 15 min presentation). We have 12 slots in 3 parallel tracks max. The focus should be on projects leveraging technologies from the Hadoop eco-system.

Please join us and mingle with the rest of the Hadoop community.

To find out more about this event and signup please visit :

Please submit your presentation here:

P.S. Please spread the word!
P.P.S Apologies for the cross posting.

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