Sorry. This was entirely my fault. My emerge --sync had been failing with

svn: Failed to add directory 'dev-util/git': object of the same name already exists

which stopped the svn update. I've fixed the problem and everything is working fine now.


On Feb 5, 2008, at 1:52 PM, Fabian Groffen wrote:

Hi Aaron,

On 05-02-2008 13:30:46 -0700, Aaron Wilson wrote:
I'm attempting to compile openssh with kerberos support on a system running OS X 10.5.1. app-crypt/mit-krb5 depends on sys-libs/ss which is failing at
the install stage of the emerge. The output is below

Please sync and test for x86-macos.  I copied the darwin patch from
com_err, and it works for ppc-macos.

Fabian Groffen
Gentoo on a different level
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